Esempio n. 1
def test_connect_works(upstream):
    The Wormhole.connect method should resolve if the upstream resolves.
    upstream.get_code = lambda: succeed(None)
    wormhole = Wormhole()
    res = yield wormhole.connect('code')
    assert res is None
Esempio n. 2
def test_exchange_keys_works(upstream):
    The Wormhole.exchange_keys method should resolve into a verifier coming
    from the upstream if all goes well.
    upstream.get_verifier = lambda: succeed('verifier')

    wormhole = Wormhole()
    res = yield wormhole.exchange_keys()
    assert res == 'verifier'
Esempio n. 3
def test_exchange_keys_bad_code(upstream):
    The Wormhole.exchange_keys method should be able to handle the upstream's
    upstream.get_verifier = lambda: fail(WrongPasswordError())

    wormhole = Wormhole()
    with pytest.raises(HumanError):
        yield wormhole.exchange_keys()
Esempio n. 4
def test_await_json_works(upstream):
    The Wormhole.await_json method should resolve into a dict parsed from the
    upstream's return value.
    upstream.get_message = lambda: succeed(dict_to_bytes({'answer': 42}))

    wormhole = Wormhole()
    res = yield wormhole.await_json()
    assert res == {'answer': 42}
Esempio n. 5
def test_generate_code_works(upstream):
    The Wormhole.generate_code method should resolve into a code generated by
    the upstream if all goes well.
    upstream.get_code = lambda: succeed('code')

    wormhole = Wormhole()
    res = yield wormhole.generate_code()
    assert res == 'code'
Esempio n. 6
def test_await_json_bad_message(upstream):
    The Wormhole.await_json method should not break if the upstream resolves
    into a message that does not conform to the wormhole spec.
    upstream.get_message = lambda: succeed('some string')

    wormhole = Wormhole()
    with pytest.raises(SuspiciousOperation):
        yield wormhole.await_json()
Esempio n. 7
def test_generate_code_timeout(upstream):
    The Wormhole.generate_code method should be able to handle timeouts.
    def get_code():
        deferred = Deferred()
        reactor.callLater(2, deferred.callback, 'code')
        return deferred
    upstream.get_code = get_code

    wormhole = Wormhole()
    with pytest.raises(Timeout):
        yield wormhole.generate_code(timeout=0)
Esempio n. 8
def test_await_json_timeout(upstream):
    The Wormhole.await_json method should be able to handle timeouts.
    def get_message():
        deferred = Deferred()
        reactor.callLater(2, deferred.callback, dict_to_bytes({}))
        return deferred
    upstream.get_message = get_message

    wormhole = Wormhole()
    with pytest.raises(Timeout):
        yield wormhole.await_json(timeout=0)
Esempio n. 9
def test_send_file_error(upstream, file_path):
    The Wormhole.send_file method should close the wormhole and reject with an
    appropriate error if the other side sends an error message.
    upstream.get_message = lambda: succeed(dict_to_bytes({'error': '!'}))

    wormhole = Wormhole()

    with pytest.raises(SuspiciousOperation) as exc_info:
        yield wormhole.send_file(file_path)

    assert str(exc_info.value) == '!'
    assert upstream.close.called
Esempio n. 10
def test_await_offer_error(upstream):
    The Wormhole.await_offer method should close the wormhole and reject with
    an appropriate error if the other side sends an error message.
    upstream.get_message = lambda: succeed(dict_to_bytes({'error': '!'}))
    upstream.derive_key = lambda *args: bytes('key', 'utf-8')

    wormhole = Wormhole()

    with pytest.raises(SuspiciousOperation) as exc_info:
        yield wormhole.await_offer()

    assert str(exc_info.value) == '!'
    assert upstream.close.called