Esempio n. 1
def info(bot, update):"network")

    response = messages.markdown("<u><b>SmartNode Network<b><u>\n\n",

    with bot.nodeList as nodeList:

        if nodeList.synced() and nodeList.enabled():

            lastBlock = nodeList.lastBlock
            created = nodeList.count()
            enabled = nodeList.enabled()
            preEnabled = nodeList.preEnabled
            expired = nodeList.expired
            newStartRequired = nodeList.newStartRequired
            qualifiedNormal = nodeList.qualifiedNormal
            qualifiedUpgrade = nodeList.qualifiedUpgrade
            upgradeModeDuration = nodeList.remainingUpgradeModeDuration
            protocolRequirement = nodeList.protocolRequirement()
            protocolOld = nodeList.count(nodeList.oldProtocol)
            protocolNew = nodeList.count(nodeList.newProtocol)
            initialWait = nodeList.minimumUptime()
            minPosition = int(enabled * 0.1)
            aberration = bot.aberration

            # Fallback if for whatever reason the top node could not filtered which
            # should actually not happen.
            top10Seconds = (int(
                (qualifiedNormal * 55) / 0.5) * (1 + bot.aberration))

            topNode = list(
                filter(lambda x: x.position == minPosition,

            if len(topNode) and topNode[0].lastPaidTime:
                top10FromList = time.time() - topNode[0].lastPaidTime
                if top10FromList < 1.2 * top10Seconds:
                    top10Seconds = top10FromList

            top10Time = util.secondsToText(top10Seconds)

            if upgradeModeDuration:
                upgradeModeDuration = util.secondsToText(upgradeModeDuration)

            response += messages.networkState(
                bot.messenger, lastBlock, created, preEnabled, enabled,
                expired, newStartRequired, qualifiedNormal, qualifiedUpgrade,
                upgradeModeDuration, protocolRequirement, nodeList.oldProtocol,
                nodeList.newProtocol, protocolOld, protocolNew,
                util.secondsToText(initialWait), top10Time, aberration)

            response += messages.notSynced(bot.messenger)

    return response
Esempio n. 2
def position(bot):

    with bot.nodeList as nodeList:

        if not nodeList.synced() or not nodeList.enabled():
            return messages.notSynced(bot.messenger)

        nodes = nodeList.count()
        enabled = nodeList.enabled()
        qualified = nodeList.qualifiedNormal
        unqualified = nodes - qualified
        minPosition = int(enabled * 0.1)
        top10Seconds = (int((qualified * 55) / 0.5) * (1 + bot.aberration))
        topNode = list(filter(lambda x: x.position == minPosition, nodeList.nodes.values()))

        if len(topNode) and topNode[0].lastPaidTime:
            top10FromList = time.time() - topNode[0].lastPaidTime
            if top10FromList < 1.2 * top10Seconds:
                top10Seconds = top10FromList

        top10Time = util.secondsToText(top10Seconds)

        return (
        "We have currenty <b>{}<b> qualified SmartNodes. All those are in a "
        "virtual payout queue. Every other mined block (2*55seconds) one "
        "of the nodes in the top 10% of that queue gets picked perchance and"
        " receives a payout. After that it moves back to the end of the queue.\n\n"
        "The position of your node represents the position in the queue. Once "
        "your node has a position <b>less<b> than (currently) <b>{}<b>"
        " it is in the <b>random payout zone<b> (top 10%).\n\n"
        "The minimum position depends on the number of enabled nodes and will change"
        " when the number of enabled nodes changes.\n\n"
        "Right now it takes <b>{}<b> to reach the payout zone.\n\n"
        "It's normal and to be expected that your nodes moves also backwards a "
        "bit in the queue from time to time. This happens each time a node that"
        " has received its last payment longer ago as yours becomes eligible"
        " for payouts (it jumpes into the queue and receives a position)."
        " At this moment we have <b>{}<b> SmartNodes. <b>{}<b> of them are"
        " <b>not<b> qualified for payouts. Each time one of the unqualified"
        " nodes becomes eligible due to a full match of the requirements"
        " it is very likely that it will jump ahead of yours.\n\n"
        "You can send me <cb>info<ca> to see the number of qualified nodes, "
        "to check your nodes positions send me <cb>detail<ca>, <cb>nodes<ca>"
        " <cb>top<ca> or use the <cb>lookup<ca> command.\n\n"
        ).format(qualified, minPosition, top10Time, nodes, unqualified)
Esempio n. 3
def rewards(bot):

    with bot.nodeList as nodeList:

        if not nodeList.synced() or not nodeList.enabled():
            return messages.notSynced(bot.messenger)

        enabled = nodeList.enabled()
        minPosition = int(enabled * 0.1)
        qualified = nodeList.qualifiedNormal
        lastBlock = nodeList.lastBlock

        # Fallback if for whatever reason the top node could not filtered which
        # should actually not happen.
        top10Seconds = (int((qualified * 55) / 0.5) * (1 + bot.aberration))

        topNode = list(filter(lambda x: x.position == minPosition, nodeList.nodes.values()))

        if len(topNode) and topNode[0].lastPaidTime:
            top10FromList = time.time() - topNode[0].lastPaidTime
            if top10FromList < 1.2 * top10Seconds:
                top10Seconds = top10FromList

        payoutSeconds = top10Seconds + (10 * 60 * 60)
        payoutDays = payoutSeconds / 86400.0
        interval = util.secondsToText(int(payoutSeconds))
        currentReward = round(5000.0 * 143500.0 / lastBlock * 0.1,1) / 0.5
        perMonth = round((30.5 / payoutDays) * currentReward,1)

        return (
        "The SmartNode rewards are calculated by the following formula\n\n"
        "```reward = 5000 x 143500 / blockHeight * 0.1```\n\n"
        "At this moment our blockchain is at the height <b>{}<b> that means"
        "\n\n```5000 x 143500 / {} * 0.1 => {} SMART per block```\n\n"
        "Each block with an <b>even<b> blockheight one of the the nodes receive this reward for 2 blocks. With the current "
        "estimated payout interval of <b>{}<b> you can expect roughly"
        " <b>{:,} SMART<b> per month per SmartNode. This can vary a bit upwards and downwards though.\n\n"
        "Due to the constant increase of the <c>blockHeight<c> of the SmartCash blockchain"
        " the rewards will decrease a little bit every 55 seconds."
        " Also the increase of the number of qualified nodes will increase the payout interval."
        " As result your monthly payout will slightly decrease over the time.\n\n"
        "You can look at the chart in the link below to see the reward decrease "
        "for the first 4 years after the SmartNode launch.\n\n"
        ).format(lastBlock, lastBlock, currentReward, interval, perMonth)\
        +, "", "Click here to open the chart")
def initial(bot):

    with bot.nodeList as nodeList:

        if not nodeList.synced() or not nodeList.enabled():
            return messages.notSynced(bot.messenger)

        initialWait = util.secondsToText(nodeList.minimumUptime())

        return (
        "When your node shows <b>Initial wait time<b> instead of a position it's"
        " uptime does not match the minimum uptime requirement. At this time the"
        " node must have a minimum uptime of <b>{}<b>."
        " Your uptime will be set to zero when your node was down for more than"
        " <b>1 hour<b> or when you issue a <b>new start<b> of the node with your desktop wallet"
        " by running <c>Start alias<c>.\n\n"
        "You can check your node's uptime when you send me <cb>detail<ca> or by"
        " running the <cb>lookup<ca> command.\n\n"
def collateral(bot):

    with bot.nodeList as nodeList:

        if not nodeList.synced() or not nodeList.enabled():
            return messages.notSynced(bot.messenger)

        confirmations = nodeList.enabledWithMinProtocol()
        timeString = util.secondsToText(confirmations * 55)

        return (
        "A too new collateral means that your nodes collateral transaction (the 10k one) does not"
        " have the minimum required number of confirmations in the Curium blockchain."
        "This number of confirmations is currently <b>{}<b>.\nYour collateral gets 1 confirmation with each"
        " new mined block.\n\nMeans right now you need to wait {} x 55 seconds => <b>~{}<b> until"
        " your collateral transaction matches the requirement.\n\n"
        "You can check your nodes collateral confirmations"
        " by running the <cb>lookup<ca> command.\n\n"
        ).format(confirmations, confirmations, timeString)
Esempio n. 6
def lookup(bot, userId, args):

    response = messages.markdown("<u><b>Node lookup<b><u>\n\n", bot.messenger)

    with bot.nodeList as nodeList:

        if nodeList.synced() and nodeList.lastBlock:

            if not len(args):
                response += messages.lookupArgumentRequiredError(bot.messenger)

                errors = []
                lookups = []

                for arg in args:

                    ip = util.validateIp(arg)

                    if not ip:
                            messages.invalidIpError(bot.messenger, arg))

                        result = nodeList.lookup(ip)

                        if result:
                                messages.lookupResult(bot.messenger, result))
                                messages.nodeNotInListError(bot.messenger, ip))

                for e in errors:
                    response += e

                for l in lookups:
                    response += l
            response += messages.notSynced(bot.messenger)

    return response
def qualified(bot):

    with bot.nodeList as nodeList:

        if not nodeList.synced() or not nodeList.enabled():
            return messages.notSynced(bot.messenger)

        confirmations = nodeList.enabledWithMinProtocol()
        initialWait = util.secondsToText(nodeList.minimumUptime())
        protocolRequirement = nodeList.protocolRequirement()

        return (
        "Your node has to match the following requirements before it's ready to"
        " receive payouts\n\n"
        "- The node's status has to be <b>ENABLED<b>\n"
        "- The node's collateral transaction needs to have at least <b>{}<b>"
        " confirmations\n"
        "- The node must have a minimum uptime of <b>{}<b>\n"
        "- The node must run at least on the protocol <b>{}<b> number\n\n"
        "Once your node matches <b>all<b> the above requirements it will get a"
        " position in the payout queue.\n\n"
        "You can check all this requirements for your nodes when you send me"
        " <cb>detail<ca> or by running the <cb>lookup<ca> command.\n\n"
        ).format(confirmations, initialWait, protocolRequirement)