Esempio n. 1
def atomicMobility():
    multip = 1
    fnameOptions = 'options/' + systemName + '.json'
    o = options(fnameOptions)
    uo = universalOptions()
    folder = o.props['folders'][0][:-6:1]
    pdStart = parseData(folder + 'co.' + str(50000) + '.data')
    pdFinish = parseData(folder + 'co.' + str(2500000) + '.data')
    masses = pdStart.masses
    atomsFullStart = pdStart.atomsFull
    atomsFullFinish = pdFinish.atomsFull
    lx = pdStart.xhi - pdStart.xlo
    ly = pdStart.yhi - pdStart.ylo
    lz = pdStart.zhi - pdStart.zlo
    mobilityProfile = [[0, 0] for i in range(300 * multip)]
    for i in range(len(atomsFullStart)):
        if masses[atomsFullStart[i][2] - 1] < 5:
        z = int(100 + multip * atomsFullStart[i][6])
        dx = min(abs(atomsFullFinish[i][4] - atomsFullStart[i][4]),
                 lx - abs(atomsFullFinish[i][4] - atomsFullStart[i][4]))
        dy = min(abs(atomsFullFinish[i][5] - atomsFullStart[i][5]),
                 ly - abs(atomsFullFinish[i][5] - atomsFullStart[i][5]))
        dz = min(abs(atomsFullFinish[i][6] - atomsFullStart[i][6]),
                 lz - abs(atomsFullFinish[i][6] - atomsFullStart[i][6]))
        mobilityProfile[z][0] += 1
        mobilityProfile[z][1] += (dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)**0.5
    f = open('log', 'w')
    for i in range(len(mobilityProfile)):
        if mobilityProfile[i][0] != 0:
                str((i - 100) / multip) + ' ' + str(mobilityProfile[i][0]) +
                ' ' + str(mobilityProfile[i][1] / mobilityProfile[i][0]) +
Esempio n. 2
def modifierDistribution(systemName='mixed'):
    """Change systemName, ParentFolders and Folders and start and end"""
    segregatedParentFolder = (
        "/media/anton/Seagate Expansion Drive/Article-MMT/" +
        "Cluster calculations for article/1st conf/" + "segregated/500K/")
    segregatedFolders = [
        "1332494 - 2.5ns/", "1338014 - 2.5ns more/", "1343289 - 2.5ns more/",
        "1352547 - 2.5 ns more/", "1388142 - 2.5 ns more/", "1404644/"
    mixedParentFolder = ("/media/anton/Seagate Expansion Drive/Article-MMT/" +
                         "Cluster calculations for article/1st conf/" +
                         "mixed ok/500K/")
    mixedFolders = [
        "all/", "1388141/", "1393565/", "1397381/", "1400005/", "1404643/"
    fnameOptions = 'options/' + systemName + '.json'
    o = options(fnameOptions)
    uo = universalOptions()
    folder = o.props['folders'][len(o.props['folders']) - 1][:-6:1]
    [top, bottom] = returnCalyRanges(systemName)
    filenum = 0
    f = open('log', 'w')
    for j in range(len(mixedFolders)):
        end = 51
        start = 1
        if j == 0:
            end = 24
        if j == 2:
            end = 50
        for i in range(start, end):
            filenum += 1
            fname = (mixedParentFolder + mixedFolders[j] + 'co.' +
                     str(i * 50000) + '.data')
            pd = parseData(fname)
            lz = pd.zhi - pd.zlo
            atomsFull = pd.atomsFull
            distanceSum = 0
            atomsNum = 0
            for atom in atomsFull:
                if definePhase(atom[0], systemName) == 2:
                    atomsNum += 1
                    distance = min((atom[6] - top)**2,
                                   (lz + bottom - atom[6])**2)
                    distanceSum += distance

                str(filenum) + ' ' + str((distanceSum / atomsNum)**0.5) + '\n')
Esempio n. 3
def densityProfileMass(folderNum=1, systemName="mixed"):
    """Define the folder number, range for files"""
    fnameOptions = 'options/' + systemName + '.json'
    o = options(fnameOptions)
    uo = universalOptions()
    uo.multip = 10
    folder = ('/media/anton/Seagate Expansion Drive/Article-MMT/Cluster' +
              ' calculations for article/1st conf/mixed ok/300K/' +
              'npt after 6th cycle/1440224/')
    densityProfile = [[0, 0, 0, 0] for i in range(uo.multip * uo.bigNumber)]
    for i in range(1, 51):
        fname = folder + 'co.' + str(i * 50000) + '.data'
        pd = parseData(fname)
        masses = pd.masses
        atomsFull = pd.atomsFull
        lx = pd.xhi - pd.xlo
        ly = pd.yhi - pd.ylo
        for atom in atomsFull:
            atomNumber = atom[0]
            #z = int(9 + (atom[6] - int(pd.zlo)) * uo.multip)
            z = int((atom[6] + 150) * uo.multip)
            atomType = atom[2]
            mass = masses[atomType - 1]
            phase = definePhase(atomNumber, systemName)
                0] += mass * 1.66  # coefficient from units conversion
            densityProfile[z][phase] += mass * 1.66
    f = open('log', 'w')
    for i in range(len(densityProfile)):
        if (densityProfile[i][0] > 0):
                str(i / uo.multip - 150) + ' ' +
                str(densityProfile[i][0] / 50 / (lx * ly) * uo.multip) + ' ' +
                str(densityProfile[i][1] / 50 / (lx * ly) * uo.multip) + ' ' +
                str(densityProfile[i][2] / 50 / (lx * ly) * uo.multip) + ' ' +
                str(densityProfile[i][3] / 50 / (lx * ly) * uo.multip) + '\n')
Esempio n. 4
def rgyr(folderNum=6, systemName="10x20"):
    fnameOptions = 'options/' + systemName + '.json'
    o = options(fnameOptions)
    uo = universalOptions()

    r_xVSz = [[0, 0] for i in range(1500)]
    r_yVSz = [[0, 0] for i in range(1500)]
    r_zVSz = [[0, 0] for i in range(1500)]
    for i in range(len(o.props['folders'])):
        folder = o.props['folders'][i][:-6:1]
        fname = folder + 'co.' + str(1 * 50000) + '.data'
        pd = parseData(fname)
        masses = pd.masses
        atomsFull = pd.atomsFull
        lx = pd.xhi - pd.xlo
        ly = pd.yhi - pd.ylo
        lz = pd.zhi - pd.zlo
        for chainNum in range(int(o.props['polymerChainsNum'])):
             moleculeEnd) = computeChainRange(chainNum, systemName)
            groupOfAtoms = copy.deepcopy(
            groupOfAtoms = makeMolecule(groupOfAtoms, lx, ly, lz)
            (rx, ry, rz) = computeCM(groupOfAtoms)
                      'pics/' + systemName + str(chainNum) + '.xyz')
            (rGyr_x, rGyr_y, rGyr_z, ex, ey, ez) = computeRgyr(groupOfAtoms)
            z = int((550 + rz) * uo.multip)
            r_xVSz[z][0] += 1
            r_xVSz[z][1] += rGyr_x
            r_yVSz[z][0] += 1
            r_yVSz[z][1] += rGyr_y
            r_zVSz[z][0] += 1
            r_zVSz[z][1] += rGyr_z

    f = open('log', 'w')
    for i in range(len(r_zVSz)):
        if r_zVSz[i][0] != 0:
                str(i / uo.multip - 150) + ' ' +
                str(r_zVSz[i][1] / r_zVSz[i][0]) + '\n')

    r_x_mean = 0
    valuesNum = 0
    for i in range(len(r_xVSz)):
        if r_xVSz[i][0] != 0:
            r_x_mean += r_xVSz[i][1]
            valuesNum += r_xVSz[i][0]
    print(r_x_mean / valuesNum)
    r_y_mean = 0
    valuesNum = 0
    for i in range(len(r_yVSz)):
        if r_yVSz[i][0] != 0:
            r_y_mean += r_yVSz[i][1]
            valuesNum += r_yVSz[i][0]
    print(r_y_mean / valuesNum)
    r_z_mean = 0
    valuesNum = 0
    for i in range(len(r_zVSz)):
        if r_zVSz[i][0] != 0:
            r_z_mean += r_zVSz[i][1]
            valuesNum += r_zVSz[i][0]
    print(r_z_mean / valuesNum)
Esempio n. 5
def anglesOrientation(systemName="10x20"):
    multip = 1
    fnameOptions = 'options/' + systemName + '.json'
    o = options(fnameOptions)
    uo = universalOptions()
    folder = o.props['folders'][0][:-6:1]
    orientations = [[0, 0] for i in range(500)]
    end = 51
    if systemName == '5x20':
        end = 50
    if systemName == '10x20':
        end = 51
    for i in range(1, end):
        pd = parseData(folder + 'co.' + str(i * 50000) + '.data')
        lx = pd.xhi - pd.xlo
        ly = pd.yhi - pd.ylo
        lz = pd.zhi - pd.zlo
        atomsFull = pd.atomsFull
        angles = pd.angles
        for angle in angles:
            if systemName == 'mixed':
                if angle[1] not in [
                        1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29
            elif systemName == 'segregated':
                if angle[1] not in [
                        1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29
            elif systemName == 'long':
                if angle[1] not in [
                        1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26
            elif systemName == '5x20':
                if angle[1] not in [
                        1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29
            elif systemName == '10x20':
                if angle[1] not in [
                        1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29
            atomOne = atomsFull[angle[2] - 1]
            atomMid = atomsFull[angle[3] - 1]
            atomTwo = atomsFull[angle[4] - 1]
            bondx = min(abs(atomOne[4] - atomTwo[4]),
                        lx - abs(atomOne[4] - atomTwo[4]))
            bondy = min(abs(atomOne[5] - atomTwo[5]),
                        lx - abs(atomOne[5] - atomTwo[5]))
            bondz = min(abs(atomOne[6] - atomTwo[6]),
                        lx - abs(atomOne[6] - atomTwo[6]))
            cosTheta = bondz / (bondx**2 + bondy**2 + bondz**2)**0.5
            parameter = (3 * cosTheta**2 - 1) / 2
            z = int((100 + atomMid[6]) * multip)
            orientations[z][0] += 1
            orientations[z][1] += parameter
    f = open('log', 'w')
    for i in range(len(orientations)):
        if orientations[i][0] != 0:
                str(i / multip - 100) + ' ' +
                str(orientations[i][1] / orientations[i][0]) + ' ' +
                str(orientations[i][0]) + '\n')
Esempio n. 6
def bondsOrientation(systemName="mixed"):
    multip = 1
    fnameOptions = 'options/' + systemName + '.json'
    o = options(fnameOptions)
    uo = universalOptions()
    orientations = [[0, 0] for i in range(1500)]
    end = 51
    if systemName == '5x20':
        end = 50
    if systemName == '10x20':
        end = 51
    if systemName == 'long':
        folder = (
            '/media/anton/Seagate Expansion Drive/Article-MMT/Cluster' +
            ' calculations for article/BiggerSystems/Comp/1chain (long)/' +
            '1845502 - wiggle1/')
    elif systemName == 'mixed':
        folder = ('/media/anton/Seagate Expansion Drive/Article-MMT/Cluster' +
                  ' calculations for article/1st conf/mixed ok/300K/' +
                  'npt after 6th cycle/1440224/')
    for i in range(1, 51):
        pd = parseData(folder + 'co.' + str(i * 50000) + '.data')
        lx = pd.xhi - pd.xlo
        ly = pd.yhi - pd.ylo
        lz = pd.zhi - pd.zlo
        atomsFull = pd.atomsFull
        bonds = pd.bonds
        for bond in bonds:
            if systemName == 'mixed':
                if bond[1] not in [3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16]:
                    #if bond[1] not in [5, 8]:
            elif systemName == 'segregated':
                if bond[1] not in [3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16]:
            elif systemName == 'long':
                if bond[1] not in [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15]:
            elif systemName == '5x20':
                if bond[1] not in [3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16]:
            elif systemName == '10x20':
                if bond[1] not in [3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16]:
            atomOne = atomsFull[bond[2] - 1]
            atomTwo = atomsFull[bond[3] - 1]
            bondx = min(abs(atomOne[4] - atomTwo[4]),
                        abs(lx - abs(atomOne[4] - atomTwo[4])))
            bondy = min(abs(atomOne[5] - atomTwo[5]),
                        abs(ly - abs(atomOne[5] - atomTwo[5])))
            bondz = min(abs(atomOne[6] - atomTwo[6]),
                        abs(lz - abs(atomOne[6] - atomTwo[6])))
            if bondx >= 3 or bondy >= 3 or bondz >= 3:
                print("Long bond ", bondx, bondy, bondz)
            cosTheta = bondz / ((bondx**2 + bondy**2 + bondz**2)**0.5)
            parameter = (3 * cosTheta**2 - 1) / 2
            z = int((250 + atomOne[6]) * multip)
            orientations[z][0] += 1
            orientations[z][1] += parameter
    f = open('log', 'w')
    for i in range(len(orientations)):
        if orientations[i][0] != 0:
                str(i / multip - 250) + ' ' +
                str(orientations[i][1] / orientations[i][0]) + ' ' +
                str(orientations[i][0]) + '\n')
Esempio n. 7
def polymerChainsMobility():
    fnameOptions = 'options/' + systemName + '.json'
    o = options(fnameOptions)
    uo = universalOptions()
    folder = o.props['folders'][len(o.props['folders']) - 1][:-6:1]
    cms = [[] for i in range(int(o.props['polymerChainsNum']))]
    #cms[molecule][filenum] = [x, y, z]
    for i in range(1, 51):
        fname = folder + 'co.' + str(i * 50000) + '.data'
        pd = parseData(fname)
        masses = pd.masses
        atomsFull = pd.atomsFull
        lx = pd.xhi - pd.xlo
        ly = pd.yhi - pd.ylo
        lz = pd.zhi - pd.zlo
        for chainNum in range(int(o.props['polymerChainsNum'])):
             moleculeEnd) = computeChainRange(chainNum, systemName)
            groupOfAtoms = copy.deepcopy(
            groupOfAtoms = makeMolecule(groupOfAtoms, lx, ly, lz)
            (x_cm, y_cm, z_cm) = computeCM(groupOfAtoms)
            cms[chainNum].append([x_cm, y_cm, z_cm])

    for i in range(49):
        xOld = cms[1][i][0]
        yOld = cms[1][i][1]
        zOld = cms[1][i][2]
        xNew = cms[1][i + 1][0]
        yNew = cms[1][i + 1][1]
        zNew = cms[1][i + 1][2]
        xMin = 0
        yMin = 0
        zMin = 0
        rMin = 10000
        for x in [-1, 0, 1]:
            xNewTmp = xNew + x * lx
            r = xNewTmp - xOld
            if r < rMin:
                rMin = r
                xMin = x
        rMin = 10000
        for y in [-1, 0, 1]:
            yNewTmp = yNew + y * ly
            r = yNewTmp - yOld
            if r < rMin:
                rMin = r
                yMin = y
        rMin = 10000
        for z in [-1, 0, 1]:
            zNewTmp = zNew + z * lz
            r = zNewTmp - zOld
            if r < rMin:
                rMin = r
                zMin = z
        xNew += x * lx
        yNew += y * ly
        zNew += z * lz

    deltaCM = 0
    for i in range(int(o.props['polymerChainsNum'])):
        deltaCM += (cms[i][49][0] - cms[i][0][0])**2
        deltaCM += (cms[i][49][1] - cms[i][0][1])**2
        deltaCM += (cms[i][49][2] - cms[i][0][2])**2
    deltaCM = deltaCM**0.5
    deltaCM /= int(o.props['polymerChainsNum'])