Esempio n. 1
    def test_jenkins_ext_setup_server(self):
            OutputPrint=__name__ == "__main__")

        github = ""

        modules = [  # update anaconda
            ("standalone [conda_update] [Anaconda3]", "H H(8-9) * * 0"),
            "standalone [conda_update] [Anaconda2]",
            "standalone [local_pypi]",
            "standalone [update] [Anaconda3]",
            "standalone [update] [WinPython]",
            "standalone [update]",
            "standalone [install] [Anaconda2]",
            # pyquickhelper,
            ("pyquickhelper", "H H(10-11) * * 0"),
            ("pymyinstall <-- pyquickhelper", None, dict(success_only=True)),
            ["pyquickhelper [Anaconda3]",
             "pyquickhelper [WinPython]",
             "pyquickhelper [27] [Anaconda2]",
             "pyquickhelper [py35]"],
            ["pyensae <-- pyquickhelper <---- qgrid"],
            ["pymmails <-- pyquickhelper",
             "pysqllike <-- pyquickhelper",
             "pyrsslocal <-- pyquickhelper, pyensae",
             "pymyinstall [27] [Anaconda2] <-- pyquickhelper <---- qgrid",
             "python3_module_template <-- pyquickhelper",
             "pyensae [Anaconda3] <-- pyquickhelper",
             "pyensae [WinPython] <-- pyquickhelper"],
            ["pymmails [Anaconda3] <-- pyquickhelper",
             "pysqllike [Anaconda3] <-- pyquickhelper",
             "pyrsslocal [Anaconda3] <-- pyquickhelper, pensae",
             "python3_module_template [Anaconda3] <-- pyquickhelper",
             "python3_module_template [27] [Anaconda2] <-- pyquickhelper",
             "pymyinstall [LONG] <-- pyquickhelper"],
            # update
            ("pymyinstall [update_modules] <-- pyquickhelper",
             "H H(10-11) * * 5"),
            # actuariat
            [("actuariat_python <-- pyquickhelper, pyensae, pymmails, pyrsslocal, pymyinstall", "H H(12-13) * * 0")],
            ["actuariat_python [WinPython] <-- pyquickhelper, pyensae, pymmails, pyrsslocal, pymyinstall",
             "actuariat_python [Anaconda3] <-- pyquickhelper, pyensae, pymmails, pyrsslocal, pymyinstall"],
            # code_beatrix
            ("code_beatrix <-- pyquickhelper, pyensae, pymmails, pyrsslocal, pymyinstall",
             "H H(14-15) * * 0"),
            "code_beatrix [WinPython] <-- pyquickhelper, pyensae, pymmails, pyrsslocal, pymyinstall",
            "code_beatrix [Anaconda3] <-- pyquickhelper, pyensae, pymmails, pyrsslocal, pymyinstall",
            # teachings
            ("ensae_teaching_cs <-- pyquickhelper, pyensae, pymmails, pyrsslocal, pymyinstall",
             "H H(15-16) * * 0", dict(timeout=4799)),
            [("ensae_teaching_cs [WinPython] <-- pyquickhelper, pyensae, pymmails, pyrsslocal, pymyinstall", None, dict(timeout=4800)),
             ("ensae_teaching_cs [Anaconda3] <-- pyquickhelper, pyensae, pymmails, pyrsslocal, pymyinstall", None, dict(timeout=4801))],
            ("ensae_teaching_cs [custom_left] <-- pyquickhelper, pyensae, pymmails, pyrsslocal, pymyinstall",
             None, dict(timeout=4802)),
            ("ensae_teaching_cs [WinPython] [custom_left] <-- pyquickhelper, pyensae, pymmails, pyrsslocal, pymyinstall",
             None, dict(timeout=4803)),
            ("ensae_teaching_cs [Anaconda3] [custom_left] <-- pyquickhelper, pyensae, pymmails, pyrsslocal, pymyinstall",
             None, dict(timeout=4804)),
            # documentation
            ("pyquickhelper [doc] <-- pyquickhelper", "H H(3-4) * * 1"),
            ["pymyinstall [doc] <-- pyquickhelper",
             "pysqllike [doc] <-- pyquickhelper",
             "pymmails [doc] <-- pyquickhelper",
             "pyrsslocal [doc] <-- pyquickhelper",
             "pyensae [doc] <-- pyquickhelper"],
            ["actuariat_python [doc] <-- pyquickhelper, pyensae, pymmails, pyrsslocal, pymyinstall",
             "code_beatrix [doc] <-- pyquickhelper, pyensae, pymmails, pyrsslocal, pymyinstall"],
            ("ensae_teachings_cs [doc] <-- pyquickhelper, pyensae, pymmails, pyrsslocal, pymyinstall",
             None, dict(pre="rem pre", post="rem post", timeout=4805)),
            ("custom [any_name]", "H H(3-4) * * 1",
            ["pyensae [UT] {-d_10} <-- pyquickhelper <---- qgrid"],

        engines = dict(Anaconda2="C:\\Anaconda2",

        srv = JenkinsExt(
            "http://localhost:8080/", "user", "password", mock=True,
            platform="win", engines=engines, fLOG=fLOG)

        res = srv.setup_jenkins_server(github=github, modules=modules,
        reg = re.compile("<description>(.*)</description>")
        for i, r in enumerate(res):
            conf = r[-1]

            if not conf.startswith("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"):
                raise Exception(conf)

            search =
            if not search:
                raise Exception(conf)

            job = r[0]
            fLOG(search.groups()[0], "--", job, "--", r[1])

            if "PYQUICKHELPER27" in conf:
                raise Exception(conf)

            if "notebook" in conf:
                raise Exception(conf)

            if "pymyinstall" in r[0].split("<--")[0] and "[" not in r[0]:
                if "FAILURE" in conf:
                    raise Exception("{0}\n----\n{1}".format(r[0], conf))
                if "SUCCESS" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

            if "[UT]" in job:
                if "-d 10" not in conf:
                    raise Exception("{0}\n-----------\n{1}".format(job, conf))
                if "%1" in conf:
                    raise Exception("{0}\n-----------\n{1}".format(job, conf))
                if " -d 10" not in conf:
                    raise Exception("{0}\n-----------\n{1}".format(job, conf))

            if i == 0:
                if "conda update" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "H H(8-9) * * 0" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "A0101" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "github" in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

            if i == 7:
                if "pyquickhelper" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "H H(10-11) * * 0" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "B0101" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "github" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

            if "python3_module_template [27]" in r[0]:
                if "PYQUICKHELPER27=" in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "PYQUICKHELPER=" in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "PYQUICKHELPER27=a" in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "dist_module27" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "Anaconda3" in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

            if "[27]" not in r[0] and "update" not in conf:
                if "PYQUICKHELPER27=a" in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "dist_module27" in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

            if "_LONG" in conf and "build_script" not in conf:
                raise Exception(conf)

            if "custom_left" in conf:
                if "auto_cmd_any_setup_command.bat %jenkinspythonexe% default_87E5_87E5 custom_left" not in conf and \
                        "auto_cmd_any_setup_command.bat %jenkinspythonexe% WinPython_0640_0640 custom_left" not in conf and \
                        "auto_cmd_any_setup_command.bat %jenkinspythonexe% Anaconda3_3279_3279 custom_left" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

            if ">G0" in conf:
                exp = re.compile(
                    "auto_cmd_any_setup_command.bat %jenkinspythonexe% default_([A-Z0-9_]+) build_sphinx")
                ser =
                if not ser:
                    raise Exception(conf)

            if "ensae_teachings_cs [doc]" in conf:
                if "rem pre" not in conf or "rem post" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

            if "[Anaconda3]" in job:
                if "C:\\Anaconda3" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

            if "[Anaconda2]" in job:
                if "C:\\Anaconda2" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

            if "[py35]" in job:
                if "c:\\Python35_x64" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

            if "pymyinstall" in job and "[27]" in job:
                if sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 5):
                    s1 = '''%jenkinspythonexe% -u -c "import pip;pip.main('install --no-cache-dir''' + \
                         ''' --index http://localhost:8067/simple/ pyquickhelper'.split())"'''
                    s2 = '''%jenkinspythonexe% -u -c "import pip;pip.main('install qgrid'.split())"'''
                    if s1 not in conf:
                        raise Exception(conf)
                    if s2 not in conf:
                        raise Exception(conf)
                    if "%jenkinspythonpip% install --no-cache-dir --index http://localhost:8067/simple/ pyquickhelper" not in conf:
                        raise Exception(conf)
                    if "%jenkinspythonpip% install qgrid" not in conf:
                        raise Exception(conf)

            if "ensae_teaching" in job:
                if "<timeoutSecondsString>4799" not in conf and "<timeoutSecondsString>480" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

            if "[doc]" in job:
                if "%jenkinspythonexe% -u build_script" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

        assert i > 0
Esempio n. 2
    def test_jenkins_ext_setup_server(self):
            OutputPrint=__name__ == "__main__")

        srv = JenkinsExt(
            "http://localhost:8080/", "user", "password", mock=True)

        github = ""

        if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
            modules = [  # update anaconda
                ("standalone [conda_update]", "H H(8-9) * * 0"),
                "standalone [conda_update27]",
                "standalone [local_pypi]",
                # pyquickhelper,
                ("pyquickhelper", "H H(10-11) * * 0"),
                ("pymyinstall", None, dict(success_only=True)),
                ["pyquickhelper [anaconda]", "pyquickhelper [winpython]",
                 "pyquickhelper [27] [anaconda2]"],
                ["pyensae", ],
                ["pymmails", "pysqllike", "pyrsslocal", "pymyinstall [27] [anaconda2]",
                 "python3_module_template", "pyensae [anaconda]", "pyensae [winpython]"],
                ["pymmails [anaconda]", "pysqllike [anaconda]", "pyrsslocal [anaconda]",
                 "python3_module_template [anaconda]",
                 "python3_module_template [27] [anaconda2]",
                 "pymyinstall [LONG]"],
                # actuariat
                [("actuariat_python", "H H(12-13) * * 0")],
                ["actuariat_python [winpython]",
                 "actuariat_python [anaconda]"],
                # code_beatrix
                ("code_beatrix", "H H(14-15) * * 0"),
                "code_beatrix [winpython]",
                "code_beatrix [anaconda]",
                # teachings
                ("ensae_teaching_cs", "H H(15-16) * * 0"),
                ["ensae_teaching_cs [winpython]",
                 "ensae_teaching_cs [anaconda]"],
                "ensae_teaching_cs [custom_left]",
                "ensae_teaching_cs [winpython] [custom_left]",
                "ensae_teaching_cs [anaconda] [custom_left]",
                # documentation
                ("pyquickhelper [doc]", "H H(3-4) * * 1"),
                ["pymyinstall [doc]", "pysqllike [doc]", "pymmails [doc]",
                 "pyrsslocal [doc]", "pyensae [doc]"],
                ["actuariat_python [doc]", "code_beatrix [doc]"],
                ("ensae_teachings_cs [doc]", None,
                 dict(pre="rem pre", post="rem post")),
                ("custom [any_name]", "H H(3-4) * * 1",
            modules = [  # update anaconda
                ("standalone [conda_update]", "H H(8-9) * * 0"),
                "standalone [conda_update27]",
                "standalone [local_pypi]",
                # pyquickhelper,
                ("pyquickhelper", "H H(10-11) * * 0"),
                ("pymyinstall", None, dict(success_only=True)),
                ["pyquickhelper [anaconda]", "pyquickhelper [winpython]",
                 "pyquickhelper [27] [anaconda2]"],
                ["pyensae", ],
                ["pymmails", "pysqllike", "pyrsslocal", "pymyinstall [27] [anaconda2]",
                 "python3_module_template", "pyensae [anaconda]"],
                ["pymmails [anaconda]", "pysqllike [anaconda]", "pyrsslocal [anaconda]",
                 "python3_module_template [anaconda]",
                 "python3_module_template [27] [anaconda2]",
                 "pymyinstall [LONG]"],
                # actuariat
                [("actuariat_python", "H H(12-13) * * 0")],
                ["actuariat_python [anaconda]"],
                # code_beatrix
                ("code_beatrix", "H H(14-15) * * 0"),
                ["code_beatrix [anaconda]"],
                # teachings
                ("ensae_teaching_cs", "H H(15-16) * * 0"),
                ["ensae_teaching_cs [anaconda]"],
                "ensae_teaching_cs [custom_left]",
                ["ensae_teaching_cs [anaconda] [custom_left]", ],
                # documentation
                ("pyquickhelper [doc]", "H H(3-4) * * 1"),
                ["pymyinstall [doc]", "pysqllike [doc]", "pymmails [doc]",
                 "pyrsslocal [doc]", "pyensae [doc]"],
                ["actuariat_python [doc]", "code_beatrix [doc]"],
                "ensae_teachings_cs [doc]",

        pythonexe = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
        location = None
        dependencies = {'pymyinstall': ['pyquickhelper'],
                        'pyensae': ['pyquickhelper'],
                        'python3_module_template': ['pyquickhelper'],
                        'ensae_teaching_cs': ['pyquickhelper', 'pyensae', 'pyrsslocal', 'pymmails'],
                        'actuariat_python': ['pyquickhelper', 'pyensae', 'pyrsslocal', 'pymmails'],
                        'code_beatrix': ['pyquickhelper', 'pyensae', 'pyrsslocal', 'pymmails'],

        if not sys.platform.startswith("win"):
            # not yet implemented

        res = srv.setup_jenkins_server(github=github, modules=modules, pythonexe=pythonexe,
                                       fLOG=fLOG, dependencies=dependencies,
        df_ = 0
        reg = re.compile("<description>(.*)</description>")
        for i, r in enumerate(res):
            conf = r[-1]

            if "DF_" in conf:
                df_ += 1

            if not conf.startswith("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"):
                raise Exception(conf)

            search =
            if not search:
                raise Exception(conf)

            fLOG(search.groups()[0], r[0], r[1])

            if "__" in conf and "pyquickhelper_vir" not in conf:
                raise Exception(conf)
            if "notebook" in conf:
                raise Exception(conf)

            if "pymyinstall" in r[0] and "[" not in r[0]:
                if "FAILURE" in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "SUCCESS" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

            if i == 0:
                if "conda update" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "H H(8-9) * * 0" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "A0101" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "github" in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

            if i == 3:
                if "pyquickhelper" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "H H(10-11) * * 0" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "B0101" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "github" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

            if "python3_module_template [27]" in r[0]:
                if "PYQUICKHELPER27=" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "PYQUICKHELPER=" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "PYQUICKHELPER27=a" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "dist_module27" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "Anaconda3" in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

            if "[27]" not in r[0] and "update" not in conf:
                if "PYQUICKHELPER27=a" in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "dist_module27" in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

            if "_LONG" in conf and "build_script" not in conf:
                raise Exception(conf)

            if "custom_left" in conf:
                if "auto_cmd_any_setup_command.bat custom_left" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

            if ">F0" in conf:
                if "auto_cmd_any_setup_command.bat build_sphinx" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

            if "ensae_teachings_cs [doc]" in conf:
                if "rem pre" not in conf or "rem post" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)

        assert i > 0
        assert df_ > 0
Esempio n. 3
    def private_tst_jenkins_ext_setup_server_yaml(self, disable_schedule, credentials):
            OutputPrint=__name__ == "__main__")

        this = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        yml = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
            this, "..", "..", ""))
        yml_url = ""

        github = ""

        modules = [("yml", yml, "H H(10-11) * * 0"),
                   ("yml", yml_url, "H H(10-11) * * 0")]

        if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
            modules = modules[:1]
                "We don't test the url way on Python 2.7, too annoying.")

        engines = dict(Python34="c:\\Python34_x64",
                       Anaconda3="c:\\Anaconda3", Anaconda2="c:\\Anaconda2",

        srv = JenkinsExt(
            "http://localhost:8080/", "user", "password", mock=True,
            engines=engines, fLOG=fLOG, platform="win")

        if not sys.platform.startswith("win"):
            # not yet implemented

        res = srv.setup_jenkins_server(github=github, modules=modules,
                                       overwrite=True, add_environ=False,
                                       location="anything", disable_schedule=disable_schedule,
        reg = re.compile("<description>(.*)</description>")
        nb = 0
        sch = 0
        desc = 0
        to = 0
        for i, r in enumerate(res):
            conf = r[-1]

            if not conf.startswith("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"):
                raise Exception(conf)

            search =
            if not search:
                raise Exception(conf)

            job = r[0]
            fLOG(search.groups()[0], "--", job, "--", r[1])

            if "PYQUICKHELPER27" in conf:
                raise Exception(conf)

            if "SET VERSION=" not in conf:
                raise Exception(conf)
            if "SET NAME=" not in conf:
                raise Exception(conf)
            if "SET DIST=" not in conf:
                raise Exception(conf)
            if "anything\\%NAME_JENKINS%" not in conf:
                raise Exception(conf)
            if "python3_module_template_UT_35_std" in conf:
                nb += 1
            if "H H(20-21) * * 0" in conf:
                sch += 1
            if "H H(16-17) * * 0" in conf:
                sch += 1
            if "0101 - H H(20-21) * * 0" in conf:
                desc += 1
            if "0101 - H H(16-17) * * 0" in conf:
                desc += 1
            if "<timeoutSecondsString>900</timeoutSecondsString>" in conf:
                to += 1

        if sys.version_info[0] != 2:
            assert i > 0
            assert nb > 0
            assert to > 0
            if disable_schedule:
                self.assertEqual(sch, 0)
                self.assertEqual(desc, 0)
                self.assertEqual(sch, 2)
                self.assertEqual(desc, 2)
            if credentials:
                if "credentialsId" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
                if "<credentialsId>None" not in conf:
                    raise Exception(conf)
            warnings.warn("disable the test on Python 2.7")