Esempio n. 1
    def on_clicked(self, widget):
        """Callback when `Record` button is clicked.

        This will be called on whenever the Record button is clicked
        First will communicate with rpi_out to see if a clip is being record
        or not and will set the self.recording flag accordingly

        If recording still, do nothing

        If not record, send signal to record clip and set self.recording
        # Sets button to yellow while rpi_in tries communicating with rpi_out
        set_button_property(self, "yellow", "Spooling up camera...")
        # Check if not recording
        if not self.recording:
  "Sending record ON message to rpi_out...")
  ["record", True]))
            try:  # wait for rpi_out to send true msg back
                self.recording = wait_msg("record", self.logger, self.msg_q)[1]
            except IndexError:  # no message received
                self.recording = False
        if self.recording:
            # Since rpi_out sent back true it should be recording now
  "rpi_out is recording now...")
            # turn button to red if not already red
            set_button_property(self, "red", "Recording...")
            # waiting for rpi_out to send youtube playlist link
            try:  # wait for rpi_out to send msg back.
                # Set timeout longer than video length
                self.yt_playlist_link = wait_msg(
                    timeout=self.video_length + 30,
            except IndexError:  # no message received
                self.recording = False
        # Does not catch if junk str was sent back
        if type(self.yt_playlist_link) == str and self.recording:
  "rpi_out recorded a video succesfully...")
        else:  # Something wrong with mqtt or the recording failed
                f"The camera is running, Mqtt broke or the YouTube Api broke. No video was recorded! Recording status: rpi_in = {self.recording}"
            # display message box with error
            #   Missing code        #
        set_button_property(self, "blue", "Record")
        self.recording = False
Esempio n. 2
def test_wait_msg_timeout(mqtt_out, button, logger):
    """Test timeout functionality of wait_msg()."""
    out_pub, out_msg_q, out_listen_proc = mqtt_out
    empty_queues(out_msg_q, button.msg_q)
    in_received_list = wait_msg("test_2", logger, button.msg_q, timeout=1)
    assert in_received_list == []
Esempio n. 3
def test_wait_msg_normal(mqtt_out, button, logger):
    """Essentially, we are testing message sent from out to in."""
    out_pub, out_msg_q, out_listen_proc = mqtt_out
    empty_queues(out_msg_q, button.msg_q)
    out_pub.publish(json.dumps(["test_1", True]))
    in_received_list = wait_msg("test_1", logger, button.msg_q)
    assert in_received_list[0] == "test_1" and in_received_list[1]
Esempio n. 4
def test_wait_msg_wrong_id(mqtt_out, button, logger):
    Test situation where the message id sent from out is not the one
    currently being expected from in. We should not receive anything and the
    in_msg_q should still contain the unmatched message
    out_pub, out_msg_q, out_listen_proc = mqtt_out
    empty_queues(out_msg_q, button.msg_q)
    sent_list = ["foo", True]
    in_received_list = wait_msg("test_3", logger, button.msg_q, timeout=1)
    remain_list = json.loads(button.msg_q.get())
    assert in_received_list == [] and sent_list == remain_list
Esempio n. 5
    def on_clicked(self, widget):
        """Callback when `Alarm` button is clicked

        First will communicate with rpi_out to see if sound is being played and will set the self.alarm_sounding flag accordingly
        If sound alarm is active, do nothing
        If not active, send signal to sound alarm and set self.alarm_sounding accordingly
        # user wants to set off alarm on rpi_out
        if not self.alarm_sounding and not self.alarm_sounding_out:
            # turn button yellow, but with message "Acitvating"
            set_button_property(self, "yellow", "Activating...")
            # let rpi_in know intent to sound alarm on rpi_out
  "Activating alarm on rpi_out...")
            self.alarm_sounding = True
  "Sending alarm SOUND message to rpi_out...")
  ["alarm", True]))
            try:  # wait for rpi_out to send msg back
                self.alarm_sounding_out = wait_msg("alarm", self.logger,
            except IndexError:  # no message received
                # this is assuming rpi_out did not change state
                self.alarm_sounding = False

            # If message from rpi_out was recieved
            if self.alarm_sounding_out:
                # buzzer is playing on rpi_out: turn button to red
      "Alarm SOUNDING on rpi_out")
                set_button_property(self, "red", "Silence Alarm")
            else:  # A message from rpi_out was not recieved
                    f"Alarm status: rpi_in = {self.alarm_sounding}, rpi_out = {self.alarm_sounding_out}"
                # display message box with error
                message = message_box.MessageBox("title", "message")

                set_button_property(self, "blue", "Sound Alarm")
                self.alarm_sounding = False

        # Alarm is sounding. Silence Alarm.
        elif self.alarm_sounding and self.alarm_sounding_out:
            # turn button yellow, but with message "Silencing"
            set_button_property(self, "yellow", "Silencing...")
  "Silencing rpi_out alarm...")
            self.alarm_sounding = False

            # Send silence signal
  "Sending alarm SILENCE message to rpi_out...")
  ["alarm", False]))
            try:  # wait for rpi_out to send msg back
                self.alarm_sounding_out = wait_msg("alarm", self.logger,
            except IndexError:  # no message received
                # this is assuming rpi_out did not change state
                self.alarm_sounding = True

            if not self.alarm_sounding:
                # rpi_out message recieved, Alarm sound is off, turn button to blue
      "Alarm is SILENCED on rpi_out")
                set_button_property(self, "blue", "Sound Alarm")
                self.alarm_sounding = False
            else:  # A message from rpi_out was not recieved
                    f"Alarm status: rpi_in = {self.alarm_sounding}, rpi_out = {self.alarm_sounding_out}"
                # display message box with error
                message = message_box.MessageBox("title", "message")

                set_button_property(self, "red", "Silence")
                self.alarm_sounding = True
Esempio n. 6
    def on_clicked(self, widget):
        """Callback when `Arm` button is clicked.

        Inbetween changing motion detector state, the button will be yellow
        with 'Arming' and 'Disarming' messages to notify that the change has
        not taken place yet.

        If the alarm is not set, sets text to 'Disarm' and color to red along
        with sending a message to rpi_out activing armed flag.

        If the alarm is set, sets text to 'Arm' and color to blue along with
        sending a message to rpi_out disactiving armed flag.
        # user wants to turn on motion_sensor for rpi_out
        if not self.armed and not self.armed_out:
            # turn button yellow, but with message "Arming"
            set_button_property(self, "yellow", "Arming...")
            # let rpi_in know to arm motion detector
  "Arming rpi_out motion sensor...")
            self.armed = True

                "Sending motion detection ON message to rpi_out...")
  ["motion", True]))
            try:  # wait for rpi_out to send msg back
                self.armed_out = wait_msg("motion", self.logger, self.msg_q)[1]
            except IndexError:  # no message received
                # this is assuming rpi_out did not change state
                self.armed = False

            # If message from rpi_out was recieved
            if self.armed_out:
                # motion_sensor is 'armed' on rpi_out: turn button to red
      "Motion sensor ARMED on rpi_out")
                set_button_property(self, "red", "Disarm")
            else:  # A message from rpi_out was not recieved
                    f"Motion status: rpi_in = {self.armed}, rpi_out = {self.armed_out}"
                # display message box with error
                #   Missing code        #
                set_button_property(self, "blue", "Arm")
                self.armed = False

        # motion detection active. Turn off sensor.
        elif self.armed and self.armed_out:
            # turn button yellow, but with message "Disarming"
            set_button_property(self, "yellow", "Disarming...")
  "Disarming rpi_out motion sensor...")
            self.armed = False

            # Send disarm signal
  "Sending armed OFF message to rpi_out...")
  ["motion", False]))
            try:  # wait for rpi_out to send msg back
                self.armed_out = wait_msg("motion", self.logger, self.msg_q)[1]
            except IndexError:  # no message received
                # this is assuming rpi_out did not change state
                self.armed = True

            if not self.armed_out:
                # rpi_out message recieved, motion detection is off, turn button to blue
      "Motion sensor is OFF on rpi_out")
                set_button_property(self, "blue", "Arm")
                self.armed = False
            else:  # A message from rpi_out was not recieved
                    f"Motion status: rpi_in = {self.armed}, rpi_out = ?")
                # display message box with error
                #   Missing code        #
                set_button_property(self, "red", "Disarm")
                self.armed = True
Esempio n. 7
    def on_clicked(self, widget) -> None:
        """Callback when `Talk` button is clicked.

        This will be called on whenever the Talk button is clicked
        First will communicate with rpi_out to see if intercom is active on
        both parties and will set the self.intercom flag accordingly.

        If intercom is active, turn off intercom and set color to blue with
        'Talk' text for button.

        If intercom is not active, send signal to activate intercom and set
        self.intercom_active accordingly

        Intercom will reset if error message is received when trying to active

        :param widget:      Pointing to this button. Not used in the function.
        # Always turn button to yellow whenever button is clicked
        set_button_property(self, "yellow", "Configuring...")
        # user wants to turn on intercom for both rpi_in and rpi_out
        if not self.rpi_in_intercom_on and not self.rpi_out_intercom_on:
            # Turn on Mumble for rpi_in
            mumble.turn_on(self.intercom_config, "rpi_in", self.logger)
            self.rpi_in_intercom_on = mumble.is_on(self.logger)

            # Only signal to rpi_out if rpi_in's Mumble client is on
            if self.rpi_in_intercom_on:
      "Sending intercom ON message to rpi_out...")
      ["intercom", True]))
                try:  # wait for rpi_out to send msg back
                    self.rpi_out_intercom_on = wait_msg("intercom",
                except IndexError:  # no message received
                    self.rpi_out_intercom_on = False

            if self.rpi_out_intercom_on and self.rpi_in_intercom_on:
                # intercom is on for both sides, turn button to red
      "Intercom ON on both devices")
                set_button_property(self, "red", "End Talk")
            else:  # at least one of the intercom is not on
                    (f"Intercom status: rpi_in = {self.rpi_in_intercom_on},"
                     f"rpi_out = {self.rpi_out_intercom_on}"))
                # display message box with error
                #   Missing code        #
                self.rpi_in_intercom_on = not mumble.turn_off(self.logger)
                self.rpi_out_intercom_on = False
                set_button_property(self, "blue", "Talk")

        # intercom active for both devices. Turn off both
        elif self.rpi_in_intercom_on and self.rpi_out_intercom_on:
            self.rpi_in_intercom_on = not mumble.turn_off(self.logger)  # OFF
            # Only signal to rpi_out if rpi_in's Mumble client is off
            if not self.rpi_in_intercom_on:
      "Sending intercom OFF message to rpi_out...")
      ["intercom", False]))
                try:  # wait for rpi_out to send msg back
                    self.rpi_out_intercom_on = wait_msg(
                        "intercom", self.logger, self.msg_q)[1]
                except IndexError:  # no message received
                    self.rpi_out_intercom_on = False

            if not self.rpi_out_intercom_on and not self.rpi_in_intercom_on:
                # intercom is off for both sides, turn button to red
      "Intercom OFF on both devices")
            set_button_property(self, "blue", "Talk")
            self.rpi_in_intercom_on = False
            self.rpi_out_intercom_on = False
Esempio n. 8
    def on_clicked(self, widget):
        """Callback when `Live Stream` button is clicked.

        This will be called on whenever the Live Stream button is clicked
        First will communicate with rpi_out to see if a clip is being
        recorded or the livestream is already on and will set the
        self.livestream flag accordingly.

        If livestreaming still, turn off livestream and close window

        If not livestreaming, send signal to livestream, open window and set self.livestream
        if not self.camera_flags["recording_on"]:
            self.camera_flags["livestream_on"] = True
  "Sending livestream ON message to rpi_out...")
  ["livestream", True]))
            try:  # wait for rpi_out to send true msg back
                self.livestream = wait_msg("livestream", self.logger,
                # True sent back
                if self.livestream:
                    # Since rpi_out sent back true it should be livestreaming
          "rpi_out is livestreaming now...")
                    # turn button to red if not already red
                    set_button_property(self, "red", "Livestreaming...")
                        # waiting for rpi_out to send youtube playlist link
                        self.yt_livestream_link = wait_msg(
                        # Does not catch if junk str was sent back
                        if type(self.yt_livestream_link) == str:
                            # display window with livestream
                            # yt_window = embedded_yt.EmbeddedYT(
                            #     self.yt_livestream_link, "Livestream"
                            # )
                    except IndexError:  # no message received
                            f"The camera is running, Mqtt broke or the YouTube Api broke. Live Stream status: rpi_in = {self.livestream}"
                        # Change flags
                        self.camera_flags["livestream_on"] = False
                        self.livestream = False
                        # Turn livestream off
              ["livestream", True]))
                        # Reset button to blue
                        set_button_property(self, "blue", "Livestream")
                        # Log event
              "Livestream is off...")
                        # display message to try again later
                        message = message_box.MessageBox(
                            "Sorry, something broke...",
                            "Please try again later.",
                elif self.livestream is None:
                        f"The camera is running, Mqtt broke or the YouTube Api broke. Live Stream status: rpi_in = {self.livestream}"
                    # Change flag
                    self.camera_flags["livestream_on"] = False
                    self.livestream = False
                    # display message to wait for recording to be done
                    message = message_box.MessageBox(
                        "Sorry, but...",
                        "A video is being recorded, please try again later.",
                    # Change flags
                    self.camera_flags["livestream_on"] = False
                    # Log event
          "Turned off rpi_out livestream...")
                    # Reset button to blue
                    set_button_property(self, "blue", "Livestream")
                    # close livestream window
                    #   Missing code        #
            except IndexError:  # no message received
                # Log event
                    f"The camera is running, Mqtt broke or the YouTube Api broke. Live Stream status: rpi_in = {self.livestream}"
                # Change flags
                self.livestream = False
                self.camera_flags["livestream_on"] = False
                # Reset button to blue
                set_button_property(self, "blue", "Livestream")
                # Log event
      "Livestream is off...")
                # display message saying to try again later
                message = message_box.MessageBox("Sorry, something broke...",
                                                 "Please try again later.")