def test_fit_neuron(img_dim, n_t, n_neu, seed):
    rfs = np.repeat(np.zeros(img_dim)[np.newaxis, :], n_neu, axis=0)
    for i in range(n_neu):
        a, b = np.random.randint(0, max(img_dim)), np.random.randint(0, max(img_dim))
        r = np.random.randint(1, round(max(img_dim)))

        y, x = np.ogrid[-a:img_dim[0] - a, -b:img_dim[1] - b]
        mask = x * x + y * y <= r * r
        rfs[i, mask] = 1

    imgs = np.random.rand(n_t, *img_dim)

    X = imgs.reshape([n_t, -1])
    β = rfs.reshape([n_neu, -1])
    for i in range(n_neu):  # Prevent all 0s.
        β[i, np.random.randint(3, img_dim[0] * img_dim[1])] = 1

    spks = X @ β.T
    spks += 0.01 * np.mean(spks) * np.random.normal(size=spks.shape)

    x = ReceptiveField(img_dim)
    x.fit_neuron(X, spks)
    print(np.corrcoef(x.rf_.flatten(), β.flatten())[0, 1])
    assert np.corrcoef(x.rf_.flatten(), β.flatten())[0, 1] > 0.95
Esempio n. 2
def test_regression_canonical_ridge():
    loader = SpikeLoader.from_hdf5('tests/data/processed.hdf5')
    V1, V2 = loader.S[:,
                      loader.pos['y'] >= 210], loader.S[:,
                                                        loader.pos['y'] < 210]
    cca = CanonicalRidge().fit(V1, V2)

    V1s, V2s = cca.subtract_canon_comp(V1, V2)
    rf_v1 = ReceptiveField(loader.img_dim).fit_pc(loader.imgs_stim, V1s)
    rf_v2 = ReceptiveField(loader.img_dim).fit_pc(loader.imgs_stim, V2s)

    gnd = hdf5_load('tests/data/regression_test_data.hdf5',
                    arrs=['V1', 'V2'])
    assert np.mean((rf_v1.rf_ - gnd['V1']) / gnd['V1']) < 0.05
    assert np.mean((rf_v2.rf_ - gnd['V2']) / gnd['V2']) < 0.05
def test_fit_regression():
    loader = SpikeLoader.from_hdf5('tests/data/test_data.hdf5')
    gnd = hdf5_load('tests/data/test_data.hdf5', 'ReceptiveField', arrs=['neu', 'pc'])

    rf = ReceptiveField(loader.img_dim)
    rf.fit_neuron(loader.imgs_stim, loader.S)
    assert np.allclose(gnd['neu'], rf.rf_, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-2)

    rf.fit_pc(loader.imgs_stim, loader.S)
    assert np.allclose(gnd['pc'], rf.rf_, atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-2)
Esempio n. 4
    def animate(i):
        if i % 5 == 0:
        im.set_clim(u := -np.max(np.abs(test[i])), -u)
        ax.set_title(f'Neuron 11666. Step {i}.')
        return [im]

    # call the animator.  blit=True means only re-draw the parts that have changed.
    anim = FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=30, blit=True)'test.mp4', fps=fps, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'])

f = SpikeLoader.from_hdf5()
rf = ReceptiveField(f.img_dim)
rf.fit_neuron(f.imgs_stim, f.S)

from src.receptive_field.rf import gen_rf_rank

rf = gen_rf_rank(rf.rf_, n_pc=30)

choose = rf[11666, ...]
x = GaborFit(n_iter=500, n_pc=0, optimizer={
    'name': 'adam',
    'step_size': 2e-2
}).fit(choose[np.newaxis, ...])
y = np.array(x.params_fit).squeeze()
z = GaborFit._make_gabor((16, 9), y)
Esempio n. 5
import seaborn as sns
from IPython import get_ipython
from src.gabor_analysis.gabor_fit import GaborFit
from src.receptive_field.rf import ReceptiveField
from src.spikeloader import SpikeLoader
from src.utils.plots import gabor_interactive

get_ipython().run_line_magic("matplotlib", "inline")
get_ipython().run_line_magic("config", "InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'")

# %% tags=["parameters"]
path_loader = "data/superstim_TX60_allsort.hdf5"
path_rf = "data/superstim_TX60_allsort.hdf5"
path_gabor = "data/superstim_TX60_allsort_gabor.hdf5"

# %%
f = SpikeLoader.from_hdf5(path_loader)
rf = ReceptiveField.from_hdf5(path_rf)
g = GaborFit.from_hdf5(path_gabor)

# %%

# %% [markdown]
# ## Interactive Plot

# %%
gabor_interactive(f, g, n_samples=500)
def test_reshape_rf(img_dim, n):
    x = np.random.rand(n, *img_dim)
    coef = x.reshape([n, -1]).T
    assert np.allclose(ReceptiveField.reshape_rf(coef, img_dim, smooth=0), x)
Esempio n. 7
# %% [markdown]
# Ridge Regression for Receptive Field

$\underbrace{Y}_{t×n} = \underbrace{X}_{t×px} \underbrace{β}_{px×n}$
- $t$: number of time points
- $n$: number of neurons
- $px$: number of pixels in each image (stimulus)

Solve for $\hat{β}$ where $\hat{β} = \arg\min_β ||Y-Xβ||_2 + λ||β||_2$.

# %%
loader = SpikeLoader.from_hdf5(path_loader)
rf = ReceptiveField(loader.img_dim, lamda=1.1)
rf.fit_neuron(loader.imgs_stim, loader.S)
rf.save_append(path_loader, overwrite_group=True)

# %% [markdown]
### Denoise

We use PCA to denoise the RFs. However, the location of the RFs vary across the visual cortex and linear models are not translation and rotation-invariant. Therefore, we split the visual cortex into blocks and perform PCA separately for each block.
# %%
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np

rf_pcaed = gen_rf_rank_regional(loader, rf, xy_div=(5, 3), plot=True)