def handleNonOpal(weboptions, storage_host): """ Handle non opal run. """ pdblist, errlist = readPDB(weboptions.pdbfile) dummydef = Definition() dummyprot = Protein(pdblist, dummydef) """ if len(pdblist) == 0 and len(errlist) == 0: text = "Unable to find PDB file - Please make sure this is " text += "a valid PDB file ID!" #print "Content-type: text/html\n" print text sys.exit(2) elif dummyprot.numAtoms() > MAXATOMS and weboptions["opt"] == True: text = "<HTML><HEAD>" text += "<TITLE>PDB2PQR Error</title>" text += "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"%s\" type=\"text/css\">" % STYLESHEET text += "</HEAD><BODY><H2>PDB2PQR Error</H2><P>" text += "Due to server limits, we are currently unable to optimize " text += "proteins of greater than %i atoms on the server (PDB2PQR " % MAXATOMS text += "found %s atoms in the selected PDB file). If you " % dummyprot.numAtoms() text += "want to forgo optimization please try the server again.<P>" text += "Otherwise you may use the standalone version of PDB2PQR that " text += "is available from the <a href=\"\">" text += "PDB2PQR SourceForge project page</a>." text += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" text += "var gaJsHost = ((\"https:\" == document.location.protocol) ? \"https://ssl.\" : \"http://www.\");" text += "document.write(unescape(\"%3Cscript src=\'\" + gaJsHost + \"\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E\"));" text += "</script>" text += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" text += "try {" text += "var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(\"UA-11026338-3\");" for key in weboptions: text += "pageTracker._trackPageview(\"/main_cgi/has_%s_%s.html\");" % (key, weboptions[key]) text += "pageTracker._trackPageview();" text += "} catch(err) {}</script>" text += "</BODY></HTML>" #print "Content-type: text/html\n" print text sys.exit(2) """ try: starttime = time.time() name = setID(starttime) #Some job parameters logging. os.makedirs('%s%s%s' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name)) apbsInputFile = open('%s%s%s/apbs_input' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') apbsInputFile.write(str(weboptions["apbs"])) apbsInputFile.close() typemapInputFile = open('%s%s%s/typemap' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') typemapInputFile.write(str(weboptions["typemap"])) typemapInputFile.close() statusfile = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_status' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') statusfile.write('running') statusfile.close() # Recording CGI run information for PDB2PQR Opal pdb2pqrLogFile = open( '%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_log' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') pdb2pqrLogFile.write( str(weboptions.getOptions()) + '\n' + str(weboptions.ff)) # str(weboptions.ff)+'\n'+ # str(os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"])) pdb2pqrLogFile.close() pid = os.fork() if pid: from PDB2PQR_web import jobutils redirect = redirector(name, weboptions) file_list = [ 'typemap', 'pdb2pqr_status', 'pdb2pqr_start_time', ] print('===========') print(weboptions.getCommandLine()) # for i in weboptions.getRunArguments(): # print(i) print('===========') if isinstance(file_list, list): try: jobutils.send_to_storage_service( storage_host, name, file_list, os.path.join(INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR)) except Exception as err: with open('storage_err', 'a+') as fin: fin.write(err) # print redirector(name, weboptions) return redirect sys.exit() else: currentdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir("/") os.setsid() os.umask(0) os.chdir(currentdir) os.close(1) # not sure if these os.close(2) # two lines are necessary pqrpath = '%s%s%s/%s.pqr' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name, name) orig_stdout = sys.stdout orig_stderr = sys.stderr sys.stdout = open( '%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_stdout.txt' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') sys.stderr = open( '%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_stderr.txt' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') run_arguements = weboptions.getRunArguments() if weboptions.runoptions.get('ph_calc_method', '') == 'pdb2pka': run_arguements['ph_calc_options'][ 'output_dir'] = '%s%s%s/pdb2pka_output' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name) header, lines, missedligands = runPDB2PQR( pdblist, weboptions.ff, outname=pqrpath, commandLine=weboptions.getCommandLine(), **weboptions.getRunArguments()) sys.stdout.close() sys.stderr.close() sys.stdout = orig_stdout sys.stderr = orig_stderr endtimefile = open( '%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_end_time' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') endtimefile.write(str(time.time())) endtimefile.close() pqrfile = open(pqrpath, "w") pqrfile.write(header) whitespace = weboptions.otheroptions['whitespace'] for line in lines: # Adding whitespaces if --whitespace is in the weboptions if whitespace: if line[0:4] == 'ATOM': newline = line[0:6] + ' ' + line[6:16] + ' ' + line[ 16:38] + ' ' + line[38:46] + ' ' + line[46:] pqrfile.write("%s\n" % string.strip(newline)) elif line[0:6] == 'HETATM': newline = line[0:6] + ' ' + line[6:16] + ' ' + line[ 16:38] + ' ' + line[38:46] + ' ' + line[46:] pqrfile.write("%s\n" % string.strip(newline)) else: pqrfile.write("%s\n" % string.strip(line)) pqrfile.close() if weboptions.otheroptions['apbs']: from src import inputgen from src import psize method = "mg-auto" size = psize.Psize() size.parseInput(pqrpath) size.runPsize(pqrpath) async = 0 # No async files here! myinput = inputgen.Input(pqrpath, size, method, async, potdx=True) myinput.printInputFiles() myinput.dumpPickle() endtime = time.time() - starttime #createResults(header, input, name, endtime, missedligands) #logRun(weboptions, endtime, len(lines), weboptions.ff, os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"]) #printHeader("PDB2PQR Job Submission",have_opal,jobid=name) if 'ligand' in weboptions: outputligandfile = open( '%s%s%s/%s.mol2' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name, name), 'w') outputligandfile.write(weboptions.ligandfilestring) outputligandfile.close() outputpdbfile = open( '%s%s%s/%s.pdb' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name, name), 'w') outputpdbfile.write(weboptions.pdbfilestring) outputpdbfile.close() statusfile = open( '%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_status' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') statusfile.write('complete\n') filelist = glob.glob('%s%s%s/%s*' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name, name)) for filename in filelist: statusfile.write(filename + '\n') statusfile.close() '''Upload associated APBS run files to the storage service''' from PDB2PQR_web import jobutils jobDir = os.path.join(INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name) sys.stdout = open('%s/debug_forked_stdout.out' % (jobDir), 'a+') sys.stderr = open('%s/debug_forked_stderr.out' % (jobDir), 'a+') file_list = os.listdir(jobDir) if isinstance(file_list, list): try: jobutils.send_to_storage_service( storage_host, name, file_list, os.path.join(INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR)) except Exception as err: with open('storage_err', 'a+') as fin: fin.write(err) sys.stdout.close() sys.stderr.close() #TODO: Better error reporting. #Also, get forked job to properly write error status on failure. except StandardError, details: #except StandardError as details: print traceback.format_exc() print sys.exc_info()[0] #print details createError(name, details)
print "</script>" print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" print "try {" print "var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(\"UA-11026338-3\");" for key in weboptions: print "pageTracker._trackPageview(\"/main_cgi/has_%s_%s.html\");" % ( key, weboptions[key]) print "pageTracker._trackPageview();" print "} catch(err) {}</script>" print "</BODY>" print "</HTML>" sys.exit(2) try: starttime = time.time() name = setID(starttime) #Some job parameters logging. os.makedirs('%s%s%s' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name)) apbsInputFile = open('%s%s%s/apbs_input' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') apbsInputFile.write(str(weboptions["apbs"])) apbsInputFile.close() typemapInputFile = open('%s%s%s/typemap' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') typemapInputFile.write(str(weboptions["typemap"])) typemapInputFile.close() pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile = open( '%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_opal_job_id' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w')
def handleNonOpal(weboptions): """ Handle non opal run. """ pdblist, errlist = readPDB(weboptions.pdbfile) dummydef = Definition() dummyprot = Protein(pdblist, dummydef) if len(pdblist) == 0 and len(errlist) == 0: text = "Unable to find PDB file - Please make sure this is " text += "a valid PDB file ID!" #print "Content-type: text/html\n" print(text) sys.exit(2) elif dummyprot.numAtoms() > MAXATOMS and weboptions["opt"] == True: text = "<HTML><HEAD>" text += "<TITLE>PDB2PQR Error</title>" text += "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"%s\" type=\"text/css\">" % STYLESHEET text += "</HEAD><BODY><H2>PDB2PQR Error</H2><P>" text += "Due to server limits, we are currently unable to optimize " text += "proteins of greater than %i atoms on the server (PDB2PQR " % MAXATOMS text += "found %s atoms in the selected PDB file). If you " % dummyprot.numAtoms() text += "want to forgo optimization please try the server again.<P>" text += "Otherwise you may use the standalone version of PDB2PQR that " text += "is available from the <a href=\"\">" text += "PDB2PQR SourceForge project page</a>." text += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" text += "var gaJsHost = ((\"https:\" == document.location.protocol) ? \"https://ssl.\" : \"http://www.\");" text += "document.write(unescape(\"%3Cscript src=\'\" + gaJsHost + \"\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E\"));" text += "</script>" text += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" text += "try {" text += "var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(\"UA-11026338-3\");" for key in weboptions: text += "pageTracker._trackPageview(\"/main_cgi/has_%s_%s.html\");" % (key, weboptions[key]) text += "pageTracker._trackPageview();" text += "} catch(err) {}</script>" text += "</BODY></HTML>" #print "Content-type: text/html\n" print(text) sys.exit(2) try: starttime = time.time() name = setID(starttime) #Some job parameters logging. os.makedirs('%s%s%s' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name)) apbsInputFile = open('%s%s%s/apbs_input' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name),'w') apbsInputFile.write(str(weboptions["apbs"])) apbsInputFile.close() typemapInputFile = open('%s%s%s/typemap' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name),'w') typemapInputFile.write(str(weboptions["typemap"])) typemapInputFile.close() statusfile = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_status' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') statusfile.write('running') statusfile.close() # Recording CGI run information for PDB2PQR Opal pdb2pqrLogFile = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_log' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') pdb2pqrLogFile.write(str(weboptions.getOptions())+'\n'+ str(weboptions.ff)+'\n'+ str(os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"])) pdb2pqrLogFile.close() pid = os.fork() if pid: print(redirector(name, weboptions)) sys.exit() else: currentdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir("/") os.setsid() os.umask(0) os.chdir(currentdir) os.close(1) # not sure if these os.close(2) # two lines are necessary pqrpath = '%s%s%s/%s.pqr' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name, name) orig_stdout = sys.stdout orig_stderr = sys.stderr sys.stdout = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_stdout.txt' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') sys.stderr = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_stderr.txt' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') run_arguements = weboptions.getRunArguments() if weboptions.runoptions.get('ph_calc_method', '') == 'pdb2pka': run_arguements['ph_calc_options']['output_dir']='%s%s%s/pdb2pka_output' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name) header, lines, missedligands, _ = runPDB2PQR(pdblist, weboptions.ff, outname = pqrpath, commandLine = weboptions.getCommandLine(), **weboptions.getRunArguments()) sys.stdout.close() sys.stderr.close() sys.stdout = orig_stdout sys.stderr = orig_stderr endtimefile = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_end_time' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') endtimefile.write(str(time.time())) endtimefile.close() pqrfile = open(pqrpath, "w") pqrfile.write(header) whitespace = weboptions.otheroptions['whitespace'] for line in lines: # Adding whitespaces if --whitespace is in the weboptions if whitespace: if line[0:4] == 'ATOM': newline = line[0:6] + ' ' + line[6:16] + ' ' + line[16:38] + ' ' + line[38:46] + ' ' + line[46:] pqrfile.write("%s\n" % newline.strip()) elif line[0:6] == 'HETATM': newline = line[0:6] + ' ' + line[6:16] + ' ' + line[16:38] + ' ' + line[38:46] + ' ' + line[46:] pqrfile.write("%s\n" % newline.strip()) else: pqrfile.write("%s\n" % line.strip()) pqrfile.close() if weboptions.otheroptions['apbs']: from src import inputgen from src import psize method = "mg-auto" size = psize.Psize() size.parseInput(pqrpath) size.runPsize(pqrpath) async = 0 # No async files here! myinput = inputgen.Input(pqrpath, size, method, async, potdx=True) myinput.printInputFiles() myinput.dumpPickle() endtime = time.time() - starttime #createResults(header, input, name, endtime, missedligands) #logRun(weboptions, endtime, len(lines), weboptions.ff, os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"]) #printHeader("PDB2PQR Job Submission",have_opal,jobid=name) if 'ligand' in weboptions: outputligandfile = open('%s%s%s/%s.mol2' % (INSTALLDIR,TMPDIR, name, name),'w') outputligandfile.write(weboptions.ligandfilestring) outputligandfile.close() outputpdbfile = open('%s%s%s/%s.pdb' % (INSTALLDIR,TMPDIR,name,name),'w') outputpdbfile.write(weboptions.pdbfilestring) outputpdbfile.close() statusfile = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_status' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') statusfile.write('complete\n') filelist = glob.glob('%s%s%s/%s*' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name, name)) for filename in filelist: statusfile.write(filename+'\n') statusfile.close() #TODO: Better error reporting. #Also, get forked job to properly write error status on failure. except Exception as details: #except StandardError as details: print(traceback.format_exc()) print(sys.exc_info()[0]) #print details createError(name, details)
def handleOpal(weboptions): ''' Handle opal based run. ''' # Opal-specific import statements from AppService_client import AppServiceLocator, launchJobRequest from AppService_types import ns0 inputFiles = [] if 'userff' in weboptions: ffFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ffFile._name = weboptions.userfffilename ffFile._contents = weboptions.userffstring inputFiles.append(ffFile) if 'usernames' in weboptions: namesFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') namesFile._name = weboptions.usernamesfilename namesFile._contents = weboptions.usernamesstring inputFiles.append(namesFile) if 'ligand' in weboptions: ligandFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ligandFile._name = weboptions.ligandfilename ligandFile._contents = weboptions.ligandfilestring inputFiles.append(ligandFile) pdbOpalFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') pdbOpalFile._name = weboptions.pdbfilename pdbOpalFile._contents = weboptions.pdbfilestring inputFiles.append(pdbOpalFile) # launch job appLocator = AppServiceLocator() appServicePort = appLocator.getAppServicePort(PDB2PQR_OPAL_URL) req = launchJobRequest() req._argList = weboptions.getCommandLine() req._inputFile=inputFiles try: resp=appServicePort.launchJob(req) except Exception as e: printHeader("PDB2PQR Job Submission - Error") print("<BODY>\n<P>") print("There was an error with your job submission<br>") print("</P>") print("<script type=\"text/javascript\">") print("var gaJsHost = ((\"https:\" == document.location.protocol) ? \"https://ssl.\" : \"http://www.\");") print("document.write(unescape(\"%3Cscript src=\'\" + gaJsHost + \"\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E\"));") print("</script>") print("<script type=\"text/javascript\">") print("try {") print("var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(\"UA-11026338-3\");") for key in weboptions: print("pageTracker._trackPageview(\"/main_cgi/has_%s_%s.html\");" % (key, weboptions[key])) print("pageTracker._trackPageview();") print("} catch(err) {}</script>") print("</BODY>") print("</HTML>") sys.exit(2) try: starttime = time.time() name = setID(starttime) #Some job parameters logging. os.makedirs('%s%s%s' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name)) apbsInputFile = open('%s%s%s/apbs_input' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name),'w') apbsInputFile.write(str(weboptions["apbs"])) apbsInputFile.close() typemapInputFile = open('%s%s%s/typemap' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name),'w') typemapInputFile.write(str(weboptions["typemap"])) typemapInputFile.close() pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_opal_job_id' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile.write(resp._jobID) pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile.close() print(redirector(name, weboptions)) # Recording CGI run information for PDB2PQR Opal pdb2pqrOpalLogFile = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_log' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') pdb2pqrOpalLogFile.write(str(weboptions.getOptions())+'\n'+ str(os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"])) pdb2pqrOpalLogFile.close() except Exception as details: print(details) createError(name, details)
def handleOpal(weboptions): ''' Handle opal based run. ''' # Opal-specific import statements from AppService_client import AppServiceLocator, launchJobRequest from AppService_types import ns0 inputFiles = [] if 'userff' in weboptions: ffFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ffFile._name = weboptions.userfffilename ffFile._contents = weboptions.userffstring inputFiles.append(ffFile) if 'usernames' in weboptions: namesFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') namesFile._name = weboptions.usernamesfilename namesFile._contents = weboptions.usernamesstring inputFiles.append(namesFile) if 'ligand' in weboptions: ligandFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') ligandFile._name = weboptions.ligandfilename ligandFile._contents = weboptions.ligandfilestring inputFiles.append(ligandFile) pdbOpalFile = ns0.InputFileType_Def('inputFile') pdbOpalFile._name = weboptions.pdbfilename pdbOpalFile._contents = weboptions.pdbfilestring inputFiles.append(pdbOpalFile) # launch job appLocator = AppServiceLocator() appServicePort = appLocator.getAppServicePort(PDB2PQR_OPAL_URL) req = launchJobRequest() req._argList = weboptions.getCommandLine() req._inputFile = inputFiles try: resp = appServicePort.launchJob(req) except Exception as e: printHeader("PDB2PQR Job Submission - Error") print("<BODY>\n<P>") print("There was an error with your job submission<br>") print("</P>") print("<script type=\"text/javascript\">") print( "var gaJsHost = ((\"https:\" == document.location.protocol) ? \"https://ssl.\" : \"http://www.\");" ) print( "document.write(unescape(\"%3Cscript src=\'\" + gaJsHost + \"\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E\"));" ) print("</script>") print("<script type=\"text/javascript\">") print("try {") print("var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(\"UA-11026338-3\");") for key in weboptions: print("pageTracker._trackPageview(\"/main_cgi/has_%s_%s.html\");" % (key, weboptions[key])) print("pageTracker._trackPageview();") print("} catch(err) {}</script>") print("</BODY>") print("</HTML>") sys.exit(2) try: starttime = time.time() name = setID(starttime) #Some job parameters logging. os.makedirs('%s%s%s' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name)) apbsInputFile = open('%s%s%s/apbs_input' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') apbsInputFile.write(str(weboptions["apbs"])) apbsInputFile.close() typemapInputFile = open('%s%s%s/typemap' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') typemapInputFile.write(str(weboptions["typemap"])) typemapInputFile.close() pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile = open( '%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_opal_job_id' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile.write(resp._jobID) pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile.close() print(redirector(name, weboptions)) # Recording CGI run information for PDB2PQR Opal pdb2pqrOpalLogFile = open( '%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_log' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') pdb2pqrOpalLogFile.write( str(weboptions.getOptions()) + '\n' + str(os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"])) pdb2pqrOpalLogFile.close() except Exception as details: print(details) createError(name, details)
print "document.write(unescape(\"%3Cscript src=\'\" + gaJsHost + \"\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E\"));" print "</script>" print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" print "try {" print "var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(\"UA-11026338-3\");" for key in weboptions: print "pageTracker._trackPageview(\"/main_cgi/has_%s_%s.html\");" % (key, weboptions[key]) print "pageTracker._trackPageview();" print "} catch(err) {}</script>" print "</BODY>" print "</HTML>" sys.exit(2) try: starttime = time.time() name = setID(starttime) #Some job parameters logging. os.makedirs('%s%s%s' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name)) apbsInputFile = open('%s%s%s/apbs_input' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name),'w') apbsInputFile.write(str(weboptions["apbs"])) apbsInputFile.close() typemapInputFile = open('%s%s%s/typemap' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name),'w') typemapInputFile.write(str(weboptions["typemap"])) typemapInputFile.close() pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile = open('%s%s%s/pdb2pqr_opal_job_id' % (INSTALLDIR, TMPDIR, name), 'w') pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile.write(resp._jobID) pdb2pqrOpalJobIDFile.close()