Esempio n. 1
    def bioitem_relation_starter():
        bud_session = bud_session_maker()
        nex_session = nex_session_maker()

        key_to_chemical = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in nex_session.query(Chemical).all()])
        key_to_source = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in nex_session.query(Source).all()])

        for bud_obj in bud_session.query(CVTermRel).options(joinedload('child'), joinedload('parent')).all():
            parent_key = (create_format_name([:95], 'CHEMICAL')
            child_key = (create_format_name([:95], 'CHEMICAL')

            if parent_key in key_to_chemical and child_key in key_to_chemical:
                yield {'source': key_to_source['SGD'],
                       'relation_type': bud_obj.relationship_type,
                       'parent_id': key_to_chemical[parent_key].id,
                       'child_id': key_to_chemical[child_key].id,
                       'date_created': bud_obj.date_created,
                       'created_by': bud_obj.created_by}

Esempio n. 2
    def experiment_relation_starter():
        bud_session = bud_session_maker()
        nex_session = nex_session_maker()

        key_to_experiment = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in nex_session.query(Experiment).all()])
        key_to_source = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in nex_session.query(Source).all()])

        for old_cv_term in bud_session.query(CVTerm).filter(CVTerm.cv_no==7).options(joinedload('parent_rels'), joinedload('parent_rels.parent')).all():
            child_key = create_format_name(
            for parent_rel in old_cv_term.parent_rels:
                parent_key = create_format_name(
                if parent_key in key_to_experiment and child_key in key_to_experiment:
                    yield {'source': key_to_source['SGD'],
                           'parent_id': key_to_experiment[parent_key].id,
                           'child_id': key_to_experiment[child_key].id,
                           'date_created': parent_rel.date_created,
                           'created_by': parent_rel.created_by}
                    print 'Experiment does not exist: ' + str(parent_key) + ' ' + str(child_key)

Esempio n. 3
    def bioitem_tag_starter():
        nex_session = nex_session_maker()

        key_to_dataset = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in nex_session.query(Dataset).all()])
        key_to_tag = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in nex_session.query(Tag).all()])

        for row in make_file_starter('src/sgd/convert/data/microarray_05_14/SPELL-tags.txt')():
            dataset_key = (row[1].strip()[:-4], 'DATASET')
            tags = row[2].strip()
            for t in [x.strip() for x in tags.split('|')]:
                if t != '':
                    yield {
                        'bioitem': key_to_dataset[dataset_key],
                        'tag': key_to_tag[create_format_name(t)]

Esempio n. 4
    def experiment_alias_starter():
        bud_session = bud_session_maker()
        nex_session = nex_session_maker()

        key_to_experiment = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in nex_session.query(Experiment).all()])
        key_to_source = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in nex_session.query(Source).all()])

        for old_cv_term in bud_session.query(CVTerm).filter(CVTerm.cv_no==7).options(joinedload('cv_dbxrefs'), joinedload('cv_dbxrefs.dbxref')).all():
            experiment_key = create_format_name(
            if experiment_key in key_to_experiment:
                for dbxref in old_cv_term.dbxrefs:
                    yield {'display_name': dbxref.dbxref_id,
                           'source': key_to_source['SGD'],
                           'category': 'APOID',
                           'experiment_id': key_to_experiment[experiment_key].id,
                           'date_created': dbxref.date_created,
                           'created_by': dbxref.created_by}
                print 'Experiment does not exist: ' + str(experiment_key)
                yield None

Esempio n. 5
    def orphan_starter():
        bud_session = bud_session_maker()
        nex_session = nex_session_maker()

        key_to_source = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in nex_session.query(Source).all()])

        for bud_obj in bud_session.query(ExperimentProperty).filter(ExperimentProperty.type == 'Reporter').all():
            if bud_obj.type == 'Reporter':
                yield {'display_name': bud_obj.value,
                       'source': key_to_source['SGD']}

        for bud_obj in bud_session.query(GorefDbxref).all():
            dbxref = bud_obj.dbxref
            dbxref_type = dbxref.dbxref_type
            if dbxref_type != 'GOID' and dbxref_type != 'EC number' and dbxref_type != 'DBID Primary' and dbxref_type != 'PANTHER' and dbxref_type != 'Prosite':
                source_key = create_format_name(dbxref.source)
                source = None if source_key not in key_to_source else key_to_source[source_key]
                if source is None:
                    print 'Source not found: ' + str(source_key)
                    yield None
                link = None
                bioitem_type = None
                if dbxref_type == 'UniProt/Swiss-Prot ID':
                    urls = dbxref.urls
                    if len(urls) == 1:
                        link = urls[0].url.replace('_SUBSTITUTE_THIS_', dbxref.dbxref_id)
                    bioitem_type = 'UniProtKB'
                elif dbxref_type == 'UniProtKB Subcellular Location':
                    link = "" + dbxref.dbxref_id
                    bioitem_type = 'UniProtKB-SubCell'
                elif dbxref_type == 'InterPro':
                    link = "" + dbxref.dbxref_id
                    bioitem_type = 'InterPro'
                elif dbxref_type == 'DNA accession ID':
                    link = None
                    bioitem_type = 'EMBL'
                elif dbxref_type == 'Gene ID':
                    link = None
                    bioitem_type = dbxref.source
                elif dbxref_type == 'HAMAP ID' or dbxref_type == 'HAMAP':
                    link = None
                    bioitem_type = 'HAMAP'
                elif dbxref_type == 'PDB identifier':
                    link = None
                    bioitem_type = 'PDB'
                elif dbxref_type == 'Protein version ID':
                    link = None
                    bioitem_type = 'protein_id'
                elif dbxref_type == 'UniPathway ID':
                    link = '' + dbxref.dbxref_id
                    bioitem_type = 'UniPathway'
                elif dbxref_type == 'UniProtKB Keyword':
                    link = '' + dbxref.dbxref_id
                    bioitem_type = 'UniProtKB-KW'
                yield {'display_name': dbxref.dbxref_id,
                       'link': link,
                       'source': source,
                       'description': dbxref.dbxref_name,
                      'bioitem_type': bioitem_type}
Esempio n. 6
    def domain_starter():
        bud_session = bud_session_maker()
        nex_session = nex_session_maker()

        key_to_source = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in nex_session.query(Source).all()])

        panther_id_to_description = {}
        for row in make_file_starter('src/sgd/convert/data/PANTHER9.0_HMM_classifications.txt')():
            panther_id_to_description[row[0]] = row[1].lower()

        for row in make_file_starter('src/sgd/convert/data/')():
            source_key = row[3].strip()
            if source_key.startswith('ProSite'):
                source_key = 'Prosite'
            if source_key.startswith('SignalP'):
                source_key = 'SignalP'
            if source_key.startswith('Hamap'):
                source_key = 'HAMAP'
            if source_key == 'Coils':
                source_key = '-'

            display_name = row[4].strip()
            description = row[5].strip()
            interpro_id = None
            interpro_description = None
            if len(row) == 13:
                interpro_id = row[11].strip()
                interpro_description = row[12].strip()

            source_key = create_format_name(source_key)
            source = None if source_key not in key_to_source else key_to_source[source_key]

            description = None if description == '' else description
            interpro_description = None if interpro_description == '' else interpro_description
            interpro_id = None if interpro_id == '' else interpro_id

            if source_key == 'PANTHER':
                if display_name in panther_id_to_description:
                    yield {'display_name': display_name,
                       'source': source,
                       'description': panther_id_to_description[display_name],
                       'bioitem_type': source_key,
                       'interpro_id': interpro_id,
                       'interpro_description': interpro_description}

            elif source_key is not None:
                yield {'display_name': display_name,
                       'source': source,
                       'description': description if description is not None else interpro_description,
                       'bioitem_type': source_key,
                       'interpro_id': interpro_id,
                       'interpro_description': interpro_description}
                print 'Source not found: ' + source_key

        for row in make_file_starter('src/sgd/convert/data/TF_family_class_accession04302013.txt')():
            description = 'Class: ' + row[4] + ', Family: ' + row[3]
            yield {'display_name': row[0],
                   'source': key_to_source['JASPAR'],
                   'description': description,
                   'bioitem_type': 'JASPAR'}

        yield {'display_name': 'predicted signal peptide',
               'source': key_to_source['SignalP'],
               'description': 'predicted signal peptide',
               'bioitem_type': 'SignalP'}
        yield {'display_name': 'predicted transmembrane domain',
               'source': key_to_source['TMHMM'],
               'description': 'predicted transmembrane domain',
               'bioitem_type': 'TMHMM'}

        for bud_obj in bud_session.query(Dbxref).filter(or_(Dbxref.dbxref_type == 'PANTHER', Dbxref.dbxref_type == 'Prosite')).all():
            dbxref_type = bud_obj.dbxref_type
            source_key = create_format_name(bud_obj.source)
            source = None if source_key not in key_to_source else key_to_source[source_key]
            if source is None:
                print source_key
                yield None
            bioitem_type = None
            if dbxref_type == 'Prosite ID':
                bioitem_type = 'Prosite'
            elif dbxref_type == 'PANTHER':
                bioitem_type = 'PANTHER'

            if bioitem_type == 'PANTHER':
                if display_name in panther_id_to_description:
                    yield {'display_name': bud_obj.dbxref_id,
                       'source': source,
                       'description': panther_id_to_description[bud_obj.dbxref_id],
                       'bioitem_type': bioitem_type}
                yield {'display_name': bud_obj.dbxref_id,
                       'source': source,
                       'description': bud_obj.dbxref_name,
                       'bioitem_type': bioitem_type}

Esempio n. 7
    def experiment_starter():
        bud_session = bud_session_maker()
        nex_session = nex_session_maker()

        key_to_source = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in nex_session.query(Source).all()])

        for bud_obj in make_obo_file_starter('src/sgd/convert/data/eco.obo')():
            description = None if 'def' not in bud_obj else bud_obj['def']
            if description is not None and description.find('[') >= 0:
                description = description[:description.find('[')-1]
            if description is not None and description.find('"') >= 0:
                description = description[1:-1]
            yield {'display_name': bud_obj['name'],
                   'source': key_to_source['ECO'],
                   'description': description,
                   'eco_id': bud_obj['id']}

        for bud_obj in bud_session.query(CVTerm).filter(CVTerm.cv_no==7).all():
            format_name = create_format_name(
            yield {'display_name':,
                   'source': key_to_source['SGD'],
                   'description': bud_obj.definition,
                   'category': 'large-scale survey' if format_name in large_scale_survey else 'classical genetics' if format_name in classical_genetics else None,
                   'date_created': bud_obj.date_created,
                   'created_by': bud_obj.created_by}

        for row in make_file_starter('src/sgd/convert/data/2014-05-15_reg_data/Venters_Macisaac_Hu05-12-2014_regulator_lines')():
            source_key = row[11].strip()
            if source_key in key_to_source:
                yield {'display_name': row[4] if row[4] != '' else row[5],
                       'source': None if source_key not in key_to_source else key_to_source[source_key],
                       'eco_id': row[5]}
                print 'Source not found: ' + str(source_key)

        for row in make_file_starter('src/sgd/convert/data/2014-05-15_reg_data/SGD_data_05_14_2014')():
            source_key = row[11].strip()
            if source_key in key_to_source:
                yield {'display_name': row[4] if row[4] != '' else row[5],
                       'source': None if source_key not in key_to_source else key_to_source[source_key],
                       'eco_id': row[5]}
                print 'Source not found: ' + str(source_key)

        for row in make_file_starter('src/sgd/convert/data/2014-05-15_reg_data/Madhani_fixed')():
            if len(row) >= 10:
                if source_key in key_to_source:
                    source_key = row[11].strip()
                    yield {'display_name': row[5] if row[5] != '' else row[4],
                           'source': None if source_key not in key_to_source else key_to_source[source_key],
                           'eco_id': row[4]}
                    print 'Source not found: ' + str(source_key)

        for row in make_file_starter('src/sgd/convert/data/2014-05-15_reg_data/Pimentel_PMID22616008.txt')():
            if len(row) >= 10:
                if source_key in key_to_source:
                    source_key = row[11].strip()
                    yield {'display_name': row[4] if row[4] != '' else row[5],
                           'source': None if source_key not in key_to_source else key_to_source[source_key],
                           'eco_id': row[5]}
                    print 'Source not found: ' + str(source_key)

        for row in make_file_starter('src/sgd/convert/data/yetfasco_data.txt', delimeter=';')():
            expert_confidence = row[8][1:-1]
            if expert_confidence == 'High':
                yield {'display_name': row[9][1:-1],
                    'source': key_to_source['YeTFaSCo']}

        yield {'display_name': 'protein abundance', 'source': key_to_source['SGD']}
        yield {'display_name': 'EXP', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'Inferred from Experiment'}
        yield {'display_name': 'IDA', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'Inferred from Direct Assay'}
        yield {'display_name': 'IPI', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'Inferred from Physical Interaction'}
        yield {'display_name': 'IMP', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'Inferred from Mutant Phenotype'}
        yield {'display_name': 'IGI', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'Inferred from Genetic Interaction'}
        yield {'display_name': 'IEP', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'Inferred from Expression Pattern'}
        yield {'display_name': 'ISS', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'Inferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity'}
        yield {'display_name': 'ISA', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'Inferred from Sequence Alignment'}
        yield {'display_name': 'ISO', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'Inferred from Sequence Orthology'}
        yield {'display_name': 'ISM', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'Inferred from Sequence Model'}
        yield {'display_name': 'IGC', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'Inferred from Genomic Context'}
        yield {'display_name': 'IBA', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor'}
        yield {'display_name': 'IBD', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'Inferred from Biological aspect of Descendent'}
        yield {'display_name': 'IKR', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'Inferred from Key Residues'}
        yield {'display_name': 'IRD', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'Inferred from Rapid Divergence'}
        yield {'display_name': 'RCA', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'inferred from Reviewed Computational Analysis'}
        yield {'display_name': 'TAS', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'Traceable Author Statement'}
        yield {'display_name': 'NAS', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'Non-traceable Author Statement'}
        yield {'display_name': 'IC', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'Inferred by Curator'}
        yield {'display_name': 'ND', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'No Biological Data Available'}
        yield {'display_name': 'IEA', 'source': key_to_source['GO'], 'link': '', 'description': 'Inferred from Electronic Annotation'}

Esempio n. 8
    def orphan_starter():
        bud_session = bud_session_maker()
        nex_session = nex_session_maker()

        key_to_source = dict([(x.unique_key(), x) for x in nex_session.query(Source).all()])

        for bud_obj in bud_session.query(ExperimentProperty).filter(ExperimentProperty.type == 'Reporter').all():
            if bud_obj.type == 'Reporter':
                yield {'display_name': bud_obj.value,
                       'source': key_to_source['SGD']}

        f = open('src/sgd/convert/data/gp_association.559292_sgd')
        soid = None
        for line in f:
            pieces = line.split('\t')
            if len(pieces) < 11:
            go_extensions = pieces[10]
            if go_extensions == '' or '(SO:' not in go_extensions:
            items = go_extensions.replace(',', '|').split('|')
            for item in items:
                if "(SO:" not in item:
                soid = item.split('(')[1][:-1]
                yield { 'display_name': soid,  
                        'source': key_to_source['SGD'],
                        'bioitem_type': 'SO' } 
        for bud_obj in bud_session.query(GorefDbxref).all():
            dbxref = bud_obj.dbxref
            dbxref_type = dbxref.dbxref_type
            if dbxref_type != 'GOID' and dbxref_type != 'EC number' and dbxref_type != 'DBID Primary' and dbxref_type != 'PANTHER' and dbxref_type != 'Prosite':
                source_key = create_format_name(dbxref.source)
                source = None if source_key not in key_to_source else key_to_source[source_key]
                if source is None:
                    print 'Source not found: ' + str(source_key)
                    yield None
                link = None
                bioitem_type = None
                if dbxref_type == 'UniProt/Swiss-Prot ID':
                    urls = dbxref.urls
                    if len(urls) == 1:
                        link = urls[0].url.replace('_SUBSTITUTE_THIS_', dbxref.dbxref_id)
                    bioitem_type = 'UniProtKB'
                elif dbxref_type == 'UniProtKB Subcellular Location':
                    link = "" + dbxref.dbxref_id
                    bioitem_type = 'UniProtKB-SubCell'
                elif dbxref_type == 'InterPro':
                    link = "" + dbxref.dbxref_id
                    bioitem_type = 'InterPro'
                elif dbxref_type == 'DNA accession ID':
                    link = None
                    bioitem_type = 'EMBL'
                elif dbxref_type == 'Gene ID':
                    link = None
                    bioitem_type = dbxref.source
                elif dbxref_type == 'HAMAP ID' or dbxref_type == 'HAMAP':
                    link = None
                    bioitem_type = 'HAMAP'
                elif dbxref_type == 'PDB identifier':
                    link = None
                    bioitem_type = 'PDB'
                elif dbxref_type == 'Protein version ID':
                    link = None
                    bioitem_type = 'protein_id'
                elif dbxref_type == 'UniPathway ID':
                    link = '' + dbxref.dbxref_id
                    bioitem_type = 'UniPathway'
                elif dbxref_type == 'UniProtKB Keyword':
                    link = '' + dbxref.dbxref_id
                    bioitem_type = 'UniProtKB-KW'
                yield {'display_name': dbxref.dbxref_id,
                       'link': link,
                       'source': source,
                       'description': dbxref.dbxref_name,
                      'bioitem_type': bioitem_type}