def run_game(): # 初始化游戏并创建一个屏幕对象 pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption('Alien Invasion') ai_settings = Settings() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height)) ship = Ship(ai_settings, screen) play_button = Button(ai_settings, screen, 'Play') bullets = Group() aliens = Group() gf.create_fleet(ai_settings, screen, aliens, ship) stats = GameStats(ai_settings) sb = Scoreboard(ai_settings, screen, stats) # 开始游戏的主循环 while True: gf.check_events(ai_settings, screen, ship, bullets, stats, play_button, aliens, sb) if not stats.game_over: ship.update() gf.update_bullets(ai_settings, screen, bullets, aliens, ship, stats, sb) gf.update_aliens(ai_settings, screen, aliens, bullets, ship, stats, sb) gf.update_screen(ai_settings, screen, ship, bullets, aliens, stats, play_button, sb)
def run_game(): pygame.init() screen_settings = Settings() stats = GameStats(screen_settings) screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (screen_settings.screen_width, screen_settings.screen_height)) ship = Ship(screen) pygame.display.set_caption('Alien Inv') screen_y = 0 background = Background(screen_settings.bg_image, [0, 0]) play_button = Button(screen_settings, screen, "Play") bullets = Group() enemies = Group() while True: # Game Loop gf.check_events( screen_settings, screen, ship, bullets, stats, play_button, enemies, ) if stats.game_active: ship.update() gf.update_bullets(bullets, enemies) gf.update_enemies(enemies, ship, screen_settings, stats, screen, bullets) gf.update_screen(screen_settings, screen, ship, screen_y, background, bullets, enemies, play_button, stats) screen_y += screen_settings.bg_speed
def run_game(): # 初始化游戏并创建一个屏幕对象 pygame.init() ai_settings = Settings() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Alien Invasion") # 创建一艘飞船 ship = Ship(ai_settings, screen) # 创建一个用于存储子弹的编组 bullets = Group() aliens = Group() # 创建外星人群 gf.create_fleet(ai_settings, screen, ship, aliens) # 开始游戏的主循环 while True: # 监视键盘和鼠标事件 gf.check_events(ai_settings, screen, ship, bullets) ship.update() gf.update_bullets(ai_settings, screen, ship, aliens, bullets) gf.update_aliens(ai_settings, ship, aliens) gf.update_screen(ai_settings, screen, ship, aliens, bullets) time.sleep(0.01)
def __init__(self): self.board = Board() self.ships = dict() self.ships['carrier'] = Ship(5) self.ships['battleship'] = Ship(4) self.ships['cruiser'] = Ship(3) self.ships['submarine'] = Ship(3) self.ships['destroyer'] = Ship(2)
def spawn_ship(self): ship = Ship( weapon_locations=[(-5, 2), (5, 2)], shield=Shield(**random.choice(self.shield_selection).__dict__), reactor=Reactor(**random.choice(self.reactor_selection).__dict__)) for index, _ in enumerate(ship.weapon_locations): weapon = Weapon(**random.choice(self.weapon_selection).__dict__) ship.equip_weapon(weapon, index) return ship, self.position
def check_keydown_events(event, ai_settings: Settings, screen, ship: Ship, bullets: Group): if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT: ship.moving_right = True elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT: ship.moving_left = True elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: fire_bullet(bullets, ai_settings, screen, ship) elif event.key == pygame.K_q: sys.exit()
def update_screen(ai_settings: Settings, screen, ship: Ship, aliens: Group, bullets: Group, stats: GameStats, play_button: Button): # Draw(update) the screen. screen.fill(ai_settings.bg_color) ship.blitme() aliens.draw(screen) for bullet in bullets: bullet.draw_bullet() if not stats.game_active: play_button.draw_botton() pygame.display.flip()
def ship_hit(ai_settings: Settings, stats: GameStats, screen, ship: Ship, aliens: Group, bullets: Group): if stats.ships_left > 0: stats.ships_left -= 1 aliens.empty() bullets.empty() create_fleet(ai_settings, screen, ship, aliens) ship.center_ship() sleep(0.5) else: stats.game_active = False
def run_game(): pygame.init() ai_settings = Settings() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Alien Invasion") ship = Ship(ai_settings, screen) bullets = Group() alien = Alien(ai_settings, screen) while True: gf.check_events(ai_settings, screen, ship, bullets) ship.update() gf.update_bullet(bullets) gf.update_screen(ai_settings, screen, ship, alien, bullets)
def placing(self, effectiveX, effectiveY, gs, player_name): """! @pre A player has selected a location on the grid to attempt to place a ship @post The message is updated. If the location is valid, the ship is placed and the game proceeds to the next ship placement (or to shooting if all ships placed). @param effectiveX int: The X-coordinate of the grid the ship will attempt to be placed (0-19) @param effectiveY int: The Y-coordinate of the grid the ship will attempt to be placed (0-9) @param gs GameState: The object representing the current state of the game. This will be modified upon successful ship placement. @param player_name string: The name of the current player to include in the message """ player_ships = gs.p1Ships if gs.is_P1_turn else gs.p2Ships if self.checkValidShip(gs.is_P1_turn, effectiveX, effectiveY, gs.lenShip, gs.shipDir): newShip = Ship() self.placeShip(newShip, effectiveX, effectiveY, gs.lenShip, gs.shipDir) player_ships.append(newShip) gs.lenShip += 1 gs.msg = player_name + " place your " + str( gs.lenShip) + " ship. Press \"R\" to rotate." # If player one finishes placing, reset things for player two's turn if gs.lenShip > gs.numShipsPerPlayer: if gs.is_P1_turn: gs.msg = "Now P2, place your 1 ship. Press \"R\" to rotate." gs.shipDir = 0 gs.is_P1_turn = False gs.lenShip = 1 else: #P2 turn gs.is_P1_turn = True gs.is_placing = False gs.is_shooting = True gs.msg = "All ships placed. P1 shoot first." else: gs.msg = player_name + " invalid ship location! Press \"R\" to rotate."
def prep_ship(self): self.ships = Group() for ship_number in range(self.stats.ships_left): ship = Ship(self.ai_settings, self.screen) ship.rect.x = 10 + ship_number * ship.rect.width ship.rect.y = 10 self.ships.add(ship)
def train(ship_name=config.SHIP_NAME, full_cycles=config.FULL_CYCLES, maroon_cycles=config.MAROON_CYCLES, max_pirates_in_ship=config.MAX_PIRATES_IN_SHIP, min_pirates_in_ship=config.MIN_PIRATES_IN_SHIP): """ Train mode: runs a local UnityEnvironment, general loop is: - Generate pirates until you have some minimum amount in the ship - Run matches to rank pirates - Cull the worse performing pirates in the ship :param ship_name: (str) name of the ship :param full_cycles: (int) number of full pirateAI cycles to run :param maroon_cycles: (int) number of maroonings to run for each hyperopt training :param max_pirates_in_ship: (int) max number of pirates in ship :param min_pirates_in_ship: (int) min number of pirates in ship """ with Ship(ship_name=ship_name) as ship: for _ in range(full_cycles): pirates_in_ship = ship.headcount() while pirates_in_ship < max_pirates_in_ship: ship.more_pirates() # Not enough hands on deck pirates_in_ship = ship.headcount() with Island(brain='PirateBrain', file_name='local/unityenv/Island') as island: for _ in range(maroon_cycles): island.maroon(ship=ship) if pirates_in_ship > min_pirates_in_ship: ship.less_pirates()
def __init__(self, screen: pygame.Surface, username: str = None, solo: bool = True, is_left: bool = True): """ Initialize the player's game. :param screen: surface to display game :param username: player's username :param solo: True if single player False if multi players :param is_left: True if solo and if multi player and player 1 """ # game settings self.end_game = False self.username = username self.screen = screen self.is_left = is_left self.solo = solo # display settings self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight = pygame.display.get_surface( ).get_size() self.game_window_width = self.screenWidth if self.solo else self.screenWidth / 2 self.game_window_height = self.screenHeight self.game_window = pygame.Surface( (self.game_window_width, self.game_window_height)) self.rect = self.screen.get_rect( left=0 if is_left else self.screenWidth / 2) # creating game objects self.ship = Ship(self.game_window, solo=solo, is_left=is_left) self.pipes = [] self.pipes_number = 2 if solo else 1 for i in range(0, self.pipes_number): self.pipes.append( Pipes(self.game_window, first=True if (i == 0) else False, single_player=solo, is_left=is_left)) = Background(self.game_window, is_left=is_left) self.hourglass = Hourglass(self.game_window) # control settings if is_left: self.jump_key = pygame.K_SPACE else: self.jump_key = pygame.K_RETURN
def spawn_enemy(): difficulty_choice = random.choice(["easy", "normal", "hard"]) enemy_surface = random.choice(enemy_ships[difficulty_choice]) enemy_ship = Ship(surface=enemy_surface) enemy = Enemy(ship=enemy_ship, difficulty=difficulty_choice) enemy.ship.pos_y = 1 - int(enemy.ship.height / 2) enemy.ship.pos_x = random.randint(30, W - enemy.ship.width) return enemy
def prep_ships(self): """Show how many ships are left""" self.ships = Group() for ship_no in range(self.stats.ships_left): ship = Ship(self.sett, self.screen) ship.rect.x = 10 + ship_no * ship.rect.width ship.rect.y = self.screen_rect.bottom - 10 self.ships.add(ship)
def run_game(): all_setting = Settings() pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((all_setting.width, all_setting.height)) ship = Ship(screen, all_setting) pygame.display.set_caption('my first bullshit') bulls = Group() monsters = Group() while (True): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: gf.check_event_keydown(ship, bulls, all_setting, screen, event) elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP: gf.check_event_keyup(ship, bulls, all_setting, screen, event) ship.move() bulls.update() gf.update_screen(screen, ship, all_setting, bulls)
def run_game(): """Initialize game, settings and create a screen object""" pygame.init() sounds = Sounds() ai_settings = Settings() screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Alien Invasion") # Make the play button. play_button = Button(ai_settings, screen, 'Play') # Make a ship, a group of aliens and a group of bullets ship = Ship(ai_settings, screen) aliens = Group() bullets = Group() # Create a fleet of aliens gf.create_fleet(ai_settings, screen, ship, aliens) # Create an instance to store the game statistics and scoreboard stats = GameStats(ai_settings) sb = Scoreboard(ai_settings, screen, stats) # Start the main loop for the game. while True: gf.check_events(ai_settings, screen, stats, sb, play_button, ship, sounds, aliens, bullets) if stats.game_active: ship.update() gf.update_bullets(ai_settings, screen, stats, sb, ship, sounds, aliens, bullets) gf.update_aliens(ai_settings, stats, sb, screen, ship, aliens, bullets) gf.update_screen(ai_settings, screen, sb, ship, aliens, bullets) else: gf.display_menu_screen(ai_settings, screen, play_button)
def setUp(self): self.ship = Ship(ship_name='TestBoat') self.test_dnas = [str(uuid4()) for _ in range(10)] # Make a blank keras model for test pirates self.model_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'local', 'models')) test_model = Sequential() test_model.add(Flatten(input_shape=(128, 128, 3))) test_model.add(Dense(1)) test_model.compile(optimizer='rmsprop', loss='mse') # Save models and create pirates self.test_pirates = [] for i, dna in enumerate(self.test_dnas): + '/' + dna + '.h5') self.test_pirates.append(Pirate(dna=dna)) if i > len(self.test_dnas) - 5: break # Leave some models un-saved # Add pirates to the ship # Add some pirates for i in range(2): self.ship._add_pirate(dna=self.test_dnas[i])
def rungame(): # Initialize game,settings and create screen object. pygame.init() sett = Settings() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((sett.screen_width, sett.screen_height)) pygame.display.set_caption("Alien Invasion") """"Instance initialization""" # Make instance of game stats. stats = GameStats(sett) # Make instance of scoreboard. sb = ScoreBoard(sett, screen, stats) # Make the play button. b_play = Button(sett, screen, "PLAY") # Make instance of ship. ship = Ship(sett, screen) # Make a group to store bullets and aliens. aliens = Group() bullets = Group() # Make instance of alien. alien = Alien(sett, screen) gf.create_fleet(sett, screen, ship, aliens) # Start the main loop for the game. while True: # Watch for keyboard and mouse events. gf.check_events(sett, screen, stats, sb, b_play, ship, aliens, bullets) if stats.game_active: ship.update() gf.update_bullets(sett, screen, stats, sb, ship, aliens, bullets) gf.update_aliens(sett, stats, sb, screen, ship, aliens, bullets) # Redraw the screen during each pass through the loop. gf.update_screen(sett, screen, stats, sb, ship, aliens, bullets, b_play)
def test(ship_name=config.SHIP_NAME, full_cycles=config.FULL_CYCLES, maroon_cycles=config.MAROON_CYCLES): """ Test Mode: runs an external UnityEnvironment, general loop is: - Run matches to rank pirates :param ship_name: (str) name of the ship :param full_cycles: (int) number of full pirateAI cycles to run :param maroon_cycles: (int) number of maroonings to run for each hyperopt training """ with Ship(ship_name=ship_name) as ship: for _ in range(full_cycles): with Island(host_ip=config.WINDOWS_IP, host_port=config.WINDOWS_PORT, brain='PirateBrain') as island: for _ in range(maroon_cycles): island.maroon(ship=ship)
def __init__(self, ship_args: {str, int}, num_rows_: int, num_cols_: int, blank_char_: str = '*') -> None: self.blank_char = blank_char_ self.ships = [] for ship_name, ship_size in ship_args.items(): self.ships.append(Ship(ship_name, ship_size)) self.players = [] for player_num in range(2): player_type = self.pick_player_type(player_num) self.players.append( player_type(player_num, self.players, self.ships, num_rows_, num_cols_, blank_char_)) self._cur_player_turn = 0
def collide_with_ship(self, ship: Ship): """ Check if ship collide with top of bottom pipe :param ship: :return: """ ship_mask = ship.get_mask() top_mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image["up"]) bottom_mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image["down"]) top_offset = round(self.x_pos - ship.x_pos), round(self.y_pos_up - round(ship.y_pos)) bottom_offset = round(self.x_pos - ship.x_pos), round(self.y_pos_down - round(ship.y_pos)) b_point = ship_mask.overlap(bottom_mask, bottom_offset) t_point = ship_mask.overlap(top_mask, top_offset) if t_point or b_point: return True return False
def eval_genome(genomes, config): global GEN, SCREEN GEN += 1 nets = [] ge = [] ships = [] for _, g in genomes: net = neat.nn.FeedForwardNetwork.create(g, config) nets.append(net) ships.append(Ship(SCREEN)) = 0 ge.append(g) bg = Background(SCREEN, is_left=True) pipes = [PipesIA(SCREEN)] score = 0 clock = pygame.time.Clock() play = True while play: clock.tick(60) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: play = False pygame.quit() quit() pipe_ind = 0 if len(ships) > 0: if len(pipes) > 1 and ships[0].x_pos > pipes[0].x_pos + pipes[ 0].width: # if we passed the pipe pipe_ind = 1 # we will look at the second pipe else: play = False break for x, ship in enumerate(ships): ship.move() ge[x].fitness += 0.1 output = nets[x].activate( (ship.y_pos, abs(ship.y_pos - pipes[pipe_ind].y_pos_up + pipes[pipe_ind].height), abs(ship.y_pos - pipes[pipe_ind].y_pos_down))) if output[0] > 0.5: ship.jump() remove = [] add_pipe = False for pipe in pipes: for x, ship in enumerate(ships): if pipe.collide_with_ship(ship): ge[x].fitness -= 1 ships.pop(x) nets.pop(x) ge.pop(x) if not pipe.passed and pipe.x_pos < ship.x_pos: pipe.passed = True add_pipe = True if pipe.x_pos + pipe.width < 0: remove.append(pipe) pipe.move() if add_pipe: score += 1 for g in ge: += 5 pipes.append(PipesIA(SCREEN)) for r in remove: pipes.remove(r) for x, ship in enumerate(ships): if ship.y_pos + ship.height >= SCREEN_HEIGHT or ship.y_pos < 0: ships.pop(x) nets.pop(x) ge.pop(x) bg.move() draw_window(SCREEN, ships, pipes, bg, score, GEN)
import pygame from src.background import Background from src.config import clock, FPS, bg_pos_y_1, bg_speed, music_1, bg_space from src.update import Update from src.player import Player from src.ship import Ship from src.util import display_ui pygame.display.set_caption("Space Shooter") player = Player("Marcelo", Ship()) background = Background(pos_y_1=bg_pos_y_1, speed=bg_speed, pos_x=0, surface=bg_space) game_exit = False update = Update() music = music_1 while not game_exit: background.display() for event in pygame.event.get(): if (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE) or event.type == pygame.QUIT: game_exit = True
def run_game(): # 初始化背景设置 pygame.init() # 创建游戏设置类的实例 ai_settings = Settings() # 创建屏幕 screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (ai_settings.screen_width, ai_settings.screen_height)) # 创建surface对象 pygame.display.set_caption("Alien Invasion") # 创建Play按钮 play_button = Button(screen, "Play") # 创建一艘飞船 ship = Ship(ai_settings, screen) # 创建一个用于存储子弹的编组 bullets = Group() # 创建一组外星人 aliens = Group() gf.create_fleet(ai_settings, screen, aliens) # 创建游戏角色 character = Character(screen) # 创建一个用于存储游戏统计信息的实例 stats = GameStats(ai_settings) # 创建记分牌 sb = Scoreboard(ai_settings, screen, stats) # 开始游戏的主循环 while True: # 监听事件 gf.check_events(ai_settings=ai_settings, screen=screen, stats=stats, play_button=play_button, sb=sb, ship=ship, aliens=aliens, bullets=bullets) if stats.game_active: # 根据标志修改飞船位置 ship.update() # 更新子弹 gf.update_bullets(ai_settings, screen, stats, sb, aliens, bullets) # 更新外星人 gf.update_aliens(ai_settings, stats, screen, sb, ship, aliens, bullets) # 更新屏幕 gf.update_screen(ai_settings=ai_settings, screen=screen, stats=stats, ship=ship, character=character, aliens=aliens, bullets=bullets, play_button=play_button, sb=sb)
def small_ship(): return Ship(length=1)
def long_ship(): return Ship(length=4)
class PlayGame: """ PlayGame class used for solo and duo mode. One user plays in one PlayGame object """ username = None def __init__(self, screen: pygame.Surface, username: str = None, solo: bool = True, is_left: bool = True): """ Initialize the player's game. :param screen: surface to display game :param username: player's username :param solo: True if single player False if multi players :param is_left: True if solo and if multi player and player 1 """ # game settings self.end_game = False self.username = username self.screen = screen self.is_left = is_left self.solo = solo # display settings self.screenWidth, self.screenHeight = pygame.display.get_surface( ).get_size() self.game_window_width = self.screenWidth if self.solo else self.screenWidth / 2 self.game_window_height = self.screenHeight self.game_window = pygame.Surface( (self.game_window_width, self.game_window_height)) self.rect = self.screen.get_rect( left=0 if is_left else self.screenWidth / 2) # creating game objects self.ship = Ship(self.game_window, solo=solo, is_left=is_left) self.pipes = [] self.pipes_number = 2 if solo else 1 for i in range(0, self.pipes_number): self.pipes.append( Pipes(self.game_window, first=True if (i == 0) else False, single_player=solo, is_left=is_left)) = Background(self.game_window, is_left=is_left) self.hourglass = Hourglass(self.game_window) # control settings if is_left: self.jump_key = pygame.K_SPACE else: self.jump_key = pygame.K_RETURN def draw(self): """ Draw all game objects on game window and display player's current score (to be called in main loop). """ self.screen.blit(self.game_window, self.rect) self.ship.draw() for pipe in self.pipes: pipe.draw() self.hourglass.draw() text_font = pygame.font.Font(font["bradbunr"], 25) string1 = "Score {0} : {1}".format(self.username, self.ship.score) textSurface, textRect = createTextObj(string1, text_font) self.game_window.blit(textSurface, textRect) if not self.solo: x_rect_split = self.game_window_width if self.is_left else 0 pygame.draw.rect(self.game_window, colors["black"], (x_rect_split, 0, 3, self.game_window_height)) def update(self): """ Update position and state of all game objects (to be called in main loop). """ if self.ship.y_pos + self.ship.height > self.game_window_height: # Ship falls self.end_game = True self.ship.move() if not self.ship.goForward: self.hourglass.move() for pipe in self.pipes: pipe.move() self.updateScore() # if self.ship.collision_pipes(self.pipes): # self.end_game = True for pipe in self.pipes: if pipe.collide_with_ship(self.ship): self.end_game = True if self.ship.collision_hourglass(self.hourglass): sounds["slow"].play() self.hourglass.updateCoordinates() for pipe in self.pipes: pipe.velocity = pipe.origin_velocity = self.hourglass.x_velocity = self.hourglass.origin_x_velocity def updateScore(self): """ Checks if ship passed current pipe without colliding it and add 1 point if it's the case. It also increase objects velocity and reduce space between top and bottom pipes. """ for pipe in self.pipes: if self.ship.x_pos > pipe.x_pos and not pipe.passed: self.ship.score += 1 sounds["score"].play() if pipe.velocity < 13: for pipe_2 in self.pipes: pipe_2.velocity += 0.5 self.hourglass.x_velocity += 0.5 if < 4: += 0.2 if > 230 and self.ship.score % 2 != 0: for pipe_2 in self.pipes: -= 5 pipe.passed = True if self.ship.score % 4 == 0 and self.ship.score != 0: self.hourglass.start() def reset(self): """ Resets all game settings to start a new game quickly. """ self.end_game = False self.ship.reset() self.hourglass.reset() for pipe in self.pipes: pipe.reset()
def __init__(self): self.screen = pg.display.get_surface() self.game_over = False self.background = pg.Surface((1440, 768)) self.background.fill((0, 60, 77)) self.ui_background_right = pg.Surface((R.UI_LEFTBAR, R.WINDOW_HEIGHT)) self.ui_background_right.fill((0, 0, 0)) self.ui_background_bottom = pg.Surface( (R.WINDOW_WIDTH, R.UI_BOTTOMBAR)) self.ui_background_bottom.fill((0, 0, 0)) self.ui_background = pg.Surface((R.WINDOW_WIDTH, R.WINDOW_HEIGHT)) self.ui_background.fill((100, 200, 100)) self.ui_background.set_colorkey((100, 200, 100)) self.ui_background.blit(self.ui_background_bottom, (0, R.UI_DOWN)) self.ui_background.blit(self.ui_background_right, (R.UI_LEFT, 0)) = Camera(simple_camera_two, R.MAP_WINDOW_WIDTH, R.MAP_WINDOW_HEIGHT) self.sprites = SortedUpdates() self.ui_overlay = RenderUpdates() self.galaxy = Galaxy() # 1024,768,R.tile_size, group=self.sprites) print "finished generating" self.layer = self.galaxy.active_sector self.zoom = "sector" # galaxy, sector, solar system, planet self.selected = None self.selector = None # Sprite((-10, -10), R.TILE_CACHE["data/selection_anim.png"]) # = (0,0), self.layer.dimensions).center # = # #test sprites. thing3 = Sprite((200, 200), R.TILE_CACHE["data/planet_1.png"], scaling=2, ticks=8, depth=2) thing4 = Sprite((500, 350), R.TILE_CACHE["data/planet_1.png"], scaling=2, ticks=8, depth=2, row=1) # thing = Sprite((100, 100), R.TILE_CACHE["data/planet_1.png"], scaling=3, ticks=4) # thing2 = ParallaxSprite((100, 100), R.TILE_CACHE["data/two.png"], sprite_pos=[1,0]) # self.sprites.add( thing2, thing3, thing4) # , # thing2 = ParallaxSprite((500, 500), R.TILE_CACHE["data/two.png"], sprite_pos=[1,0], offset=0.1) # self.sprites.add(thing2) # thing2 = ParallaxSprite((800, 200), R.TILE_CACHE["data/two.png"], sprite_pos=[1,0]) # self.sprites.add(thing2) self.ship = Ship(group=self.sprites) self.sprites.add(self.ship) # control self.pressed_key = None self.mouse_pressed = False # self.cam_pos = Rect(0,0,R.MAP_WINDOW_WIDTH, R.MAP_WINDOW_HEIGHT) self.drag = False
def test_has(self): testShip = Ship() testShip.setCoords([[0, 1], [0, 2]]) self.assertFalse(testShip.has(0, 0)) self.assertTrue(testShip.has(0, 1)) self.assertTrue(testShip.has(0, 2))