def __init__(self, show_img=True): self.pose_estimator = PoseEstimator() self.object_detector = ObjectDetectionYolo() self.object_tracker = ObjectTracker() self.BBV = BBoxVisualizer() self.KPV = KeyPointVisualizer() self.IDV = IDVisualizer(with_bbox=False) self.img = [] self.img_black = [] self.show_img = show_img
def __init__(self, path=config.video_path, show_img=True): self.pose_estimator = PoseEstimator() self.object_detector = ObjectDetectionYolo() self.BBV = BBoxVisualizer() self.IDV = IDVisualizer() self.object_tracker = ObjectTracker() self.video_path = path self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.video_path) self.img = [] self.img_black = [] self.show_img = show_img self.locator = Locator([1, 2])
def __init__(self, show_img=True): self.object_detector = ObjectDetectionYolo(cfg=opt.yolo_cfg, weight=opt.yolo_weight) self.object_tracker = ObjectTracker() self.BBV = BBoxVisualizer() self.IDV = IDVisualizer(with_bbox=False) self.boxes = tensor([]) self.boxes_scores = tensor([]) self.img_black = np.array([]) self.frame = np.array([]) self.id2bbox = {} self.show_img = show_img self.CNN_model = CNNInference()
def __init__(self, video_path): # self.BBV = BBoxVisualizer() self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) self.height, self.width = int(self.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)), int(self.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) with open("/".join(video_path.split("/")[:-1]) + "/" + video_path.split("/")[-1][:-4] + "_box.txt", "r") as bf: self.box_txt = [line[:-1] for line in bf.readlines()] with open("/".join(video_path.split("/")[:-1]) + "/" + video_path.split("/")[-1][:-4] + "_kps.txt", "r") as kf: self.kps_txt = [line[:-1] for line in kf.readlines()] with open("/".join(video_path.split("/")[:-1]) + "/" + video_path.split("/")[-1][:-4] + "_kps_score.txt", "r") as ksf: self.kps_score_txt = [line[:-1] for line in ksf.readlines()] self.IDV = IDVisualizer(with_bbox=True) self.KPV = KeyPointVisualizer()
def __init__(self, show_img=True): self.object_detector = ObjectDetectionYolo(cfg=yolo_cfg, weight=yolo_weight) self.object_tracker = ObjectTracker() self.pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(pose_cfg=pose_cfg, pose_weight=pose_weight) self.BBV = BBoxVisualizer() self.KPV = KeyPointVisualizer() self.IDV = IDVisualizer(with_bbox=False) self.boxes = tensor([]) self.boxes_scores = tensor([]) self.img_black = np.array([]) self.frame = np.array([]) self.id2bbox = {} self.kps = {} self.kps_score = {} self.show_img = show_img
def __init__(self, resize_size, show_img=True): self.object_detector = ObjectDetectionYolo(cfg=config.yolo_cfg, weight=config.yolo_weight) self.object_tracker = ObjectTracker() self.pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(pose_cfg=config.pose_cfg, pose_weight=config.pose_weight) self.BBV = BBoxVisualizer() self.KPV = KeyPointVisualizer() self.IDV = IDVisualizer() self.boxes = tensor([]) self.boxes_scores = tensor([]) self.frame = np.array([]) self.id2bbox = {} self.CNN_model = CNNInference() self.kps = {} self.kps_score = {} self.show_img = show_img self.resize_size = resize_size
def __init__(self, model_name, video_path, label_path): model_name, video_path, label_path = model_name.replace( "\\", "/"), video_path.replace("\\", "/"), label_path.replace("\\", "/") self.tester = self.__get_tester(model_name) self.video_name = video_path.split("/")[-1] self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) self.IDV = IDVisualizer(with_bbox=True) self.KPV = KeyPointVisualizer() self.height, self.width = int(self.cap.get( cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)), int( self.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) self.kps_dict = defaultdict(list) self.KPSP = KPSProcessor(self.height, self.width) self.label, self.test_id = self.__get_label(label_path) self.coord = [] self.pred = defaultdict(str) self.pred_dict = defaultdict(list) self.res = defaultdict(bool) self.label_dict = defaultdict(bool) with open( "/".join(video_path.split("/")[:-1]) + "_txt/" + video_path.split("/")[-1][:-4] + "_box.txt", "r") as bf: self.box_txt = [line[:-1] for line in bf.readlines()] with open( "/".join(video_path.split("/")[:-1]) + "_txt/" + video_path.split("/")[-1][:-4] + "_kps.txt", "r") as kf: self.kps_txt = [line[:-1] for line in kf.readlines()] with open( "/".join(video_path.split("/")[:-1]) + "_txt/" + video_path.split("/")[-1][:-4] + "_kps_score.txt", "r") as ksf: self.kps_score_txt = [line[:-1] for line in ksf.readlines()] if write_video: res_video = "/".join( video_path.split("/")[:-1]) + "_" + model_name.split( "/")[-1][:-4] + "/" + self.video_name self.out = cv2.VideoWriter(res_video, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID'), 10, store_size)
class VideoProcessor: def __init__(self, video_path): # self.BBV = BBoxVisualizer() self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) self.height, self.width = int(self.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)), int(self.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) with open("/".join(video_path.split("/")[:-1]) + "/" + video_path.split("/")[-1][:-4] + "_box.txt", "r") as bf: self.box_txt = [line[:-1] for line in bf.readlines()] with open("/".join(video_path.split("/")[:-1]) + "/" + video_path.split("/")[-1][:-4] + "_kps.txt", "r") as kf: self.kps_txt = [line[:-1] for line in kf.readlines()] with open("/".join(video_path.split("/")[:-1]) + "/" + video_path.split("/")[-1][:-4] + "_kps_score.txt", "r") as ksf: self.kps_score_txt = [line[:-1] for line in ksf.readlines()] self.IDV = IDVisualizer(with_bbox=True) self.KPV = KeyPointVisualizer() def process_video(self): cnt = 0 while True: ret, frame = cnt += 1 if ret: frame = cv2.resize(frame, frame_size) id2bbox = str2boxdict(self.box_txt.pop(0)) id2kps = str2kpsdict(self.kps_txt.pop(0)) id2kpsScore = str2kpsScoredict(self.kps_score_txt.pop(0)) if id2bbox is not None: frame = self.IDV.plot_bbox_id(id2bbox, frame) if id2kps is not None: kps_tensor, score_tensor = self.KPV.kpsdic2tensor(id2kps, id2kpsScore) frame = self.KPV.vis_ske(frame, kps_tensor, score_tensor) black_frm = self.KPV.vis_ske_black(frame, kps_tensor, score_tensor) cv2.imshow("res", frame) cv2.waitKey(100) else: self.cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() break
class ImageProcessor(object): def __init__(self, path=config.video_path, show_img=True): self.pose_estimator = PoseEstimator() self.object_detector = ObjectDetectionYolo() self.BBV = BBoxVisualizer() self.IDV = IDVisualizer() self.object_tracker = ObjectTracker() self.video_path = path self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.video_path) self.img = [] self.img_black = [] self.show_img = show_img self.locator = Locator([1, 2]) def process(self): cnt = 0 while True: ret, frame = if ret: frame = cv2.resize(frame, config.frame_size) with torch.no_grad(): inps, orig_img, boxes, scores, pt1, pt2 = self.object_detector.process( frame) if boxes is not None: # cv2.imshow("bbox", self.BBV.visualize(boxes, copy.deepcopy(frame))) key_points, self.img, self.img_black = self.pose_estimator.process_img( inps, orig_img, boxes, scores, pt1, pt2) if len(key_points) > 0: id2ske_all, id2bbox_all = self.object_tracker.track( boxes, key_points) id2ske, id2bbox = self.locator.locate_user( id2ske_all, id2bbox_all) # process skeleton if self.show_img: cv2.imshow( "id_bbox_all", self.IDV.plot_bbox_id( id2bbox_all, copy.deepcopy(frame))) cv2.imshow( "id_ske_all", self.IDV.plot_skeleton_id( id2ske_all, copy.deepcopy(frame))) cv2.imshow( "id_bbox_located", self.IDV.plot_bbox_id( id2bbox, copy.deepcopy(frame))) cv2.imshow( "id_ske_located", self.IDV.plot_skeleton_id( id2ske, copy.deepcopy(frame))) self.__show_img() else: if self.show_img: self.__show_img() else: # cv2.imshow("bbox", frame) # cv2.imshow("id", frame) self.img, self.img_black = frame, frame if self.show_img: self.__show_img() cnt += 1 print(cnt) else: self.cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() break def __show_img(self): cv2.imshow("result", self.img) cv2.moveWindow("result", 1200, 90) cv2.imshow("result_black", self.img_black) cv2.moveWindow("result_black", 1200, 540) cv2.waitKey(1) def process_single_person(self, frame): frame = cv2.resize(frame, config.frame_size) with torch.no_grad(): inps, orig_img, boxes, scores, pt1, pt2 = self.object_detector.process( frame) key_points, img, img_black = self.pose_estimator.process_img( inps, orig_img, boxes, scores, pt1, pt2) return key_points[0], img, img_black def process_multiple_person(self, frame): frame = cv2.resize(frame, config.frame_size) with torch.no_grad(): inps, orig_img, boxes, scores, pt1, pt2 = self.object_detector.process( frame) key_points, img, img_black = self.pose_estimator.process_img( inps, orig_img, boxes, scores, pt1, pt2) if len(key_points) > 0: id2ske_all, id2bbox_all = self.object_tracker.track( boxes, key_points) id2ske, id2bbox = self.locator.locate_user( id2ske_all, id2bbox_all) return id2ske, img, img_black
class ImgProcessor: def __init__(self, show_img=True): self.pose_estimator = PoseEstimator() self.object_detector = ObjectDetectionYolo() self.object_tracker = ObjectTracker() self.BBV = BBoxVisualizer() self.KPV = KeyPointVisualizer() self.IDV = IDVisualizer(with_bbox=False) self.img = [] self.img_black = [] self.show_img = show_img def init_sort(self): self.object_tracker.init_tracker() def __process_kp(self, kps, idx): new_kp = [] for bdp in range(len(kps)): for coord in range(2): new_kp.append(kps[bdp][coord]) return {idx: new_kp} def process_img(self, frame): # frame = cv2.resize(frame, config.frame_size) img = copy.deepcopy(frame) img_black = cv2.imread('video/black.jpg') with torch.no_grad(): inps, orig_img, boxes, scores, pt1, pt2 = self.object_detector.process( frame) if boxes is not None: key_points, img, black_img = self.pose_estimator.process_img( inps, orig_img, boxes, scores, pt1, pt2) if config.plot_bbox: img = self.BBV.visualize(boxes, frame) if key_points is not []: id2ske, id2bbox = self.object_tracker.track( boxes, key_points) if config.plot_id: img = self.IDV.plot_bbox_id(id2bbox, copy.deepcopy(img)) # img = self.IDV.plot_skeleton_id(id2ske, copy.deepcopy(img)) if config.track_idx != "all": try: kps = self.__process_kp(id2ske[config.track_idx], config.track_idx) except KeyError: kps = {} else: kps = id2ske # # if config.plot_kps: # vis_kps = self.KPV.dict2ls(kps) # img = self.KPV.vis_ske(orig_img, vis_kps, kp_score) # img_black = self.KPV.vis_ske_black(orig_img, vis_kps, kp_score) return kps, img, img_black else: return {}, img, img_black else: return {}, frame, frame
class HumanDetection: def __init__(self, show_img=True): self.object_detector = ObjectDetectionYolo(cfg=opt.yolo_cfg, weight=opt.yolo_weight) self.object_tracker = ObjectTracker() self.BBV = BBoxVisualizer() self.IDV = IDVisualizer(with_bbox=False) self.boxes = tensor([]) self.boxes_scores = tensor([]) self.img_black = np.array([]) self.frame = np.array([]) self.id2bbox = {} self.show_img = show_img self.CNN_model = CNNInference() def init_sort(self): self.object_tracker.init_tracker() def clear_res(self): self.boxes = tensor([]) self.boxes_scores = tensor([]) self.img_black = np.array([]) self.frame = np.array([]) self.id2bbox = {} def visualize(self): self.img_black = cv2.imread('video/black.jpg') if config.plot_bbox and self.boxes is not None: self.frame = self.BBV.visualize(self.boxes, self.frame, self.boxes_scores) # cv2.imshow("cropped", (torch_to_im(inps[0]) * 255)) if config.plot_id and self.id2bbox is not None: self.frame = self.IDV.plot_bbox_id(self.id2bbox, self.frame) # frame = self.IDV.plot_skeleton_id(id2ske, copy.deepcopy(img)) return self.frame, self.img_black def process_img(self, frame, gray=False): self.clear_res() self.frame = frame with torch.no_grad(): if gray: gray_img = gray3D(copy.deepcopy(frame)) box_res = self.object_detector.process(gray_img) else: box_res = self.object_detector.process(frame) self.boxes, self.boxes_scores = self.object_detector.cut_box_score(box_res) if box_res is not None: self.id2bbox = self.object_tracker.track(box_res) return self.id2bbox def classify_whole(self): out = self.CNN_model.predict(self.img_black) idx = out[0].tolist().index(max(out[0].tolist())) pred = opt.CNN_class[idx] print("The prediction is {}".format(pred)) def classify(self, frame): for box in self.id2bbox.values(): x1, y1, x2, y2 = int(box[0]), int(box[1]), int(box[2]), int(box[3]) x1 = 0 if x1 < 0 else x1 y1 = 0 if y1 < 0 else y1 x2 = frame.shape[1] if x2 > frame.shape[1] else x2 y2 = frame.shape[0] if y2 > frame.shape[0] else y2 img = np.asarray(frame[y1:y2, x1:x2]) # cv2.imshow("cut", img) # cv2.imwrite("img/tmp/0.jpg", img) out = self.CNN_model.predict(img) idx = out[0].tolist().index(max(out[0].tolist())) pred = opt.CNN_class[idx] print(pred) text_location = (int((box[0]+box[2])/2)), int((box[1])+50) cv2.putText(frame, pred, text_location, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (100, 100, 255), 2)
class HumanDetection: def __init__(self, resize_size, show_img=True): self.object_detector = ObjectDetectionYolo(cfg=config.yolo_cfg, weight=config.yolo_weight) self.object_tracker = ObjectTracker() self.pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(pose_cfg=config.pose_cfg, pose_weight=config.pose_weight) self.BBV = BBoxVisualizer() self.KPV = KeyPointVisualizer() self.IDV = IDVisualizer() self.boxes = tensor([]) self.boxes_scores = tensor([]) self.frame = np.array([]) self.id2bbox = {} self.CNN_model = CNNInference() self.kps = {} self.kps_score = {} self.show_img = show_img self.resize_size = resize_size def init(self): self.object_tracker.init_tracker() def clear_res(self): self.boxes = tensor([]) self.boxes_scores = tensor([]) self.frame = np.array([]) self.id2bbox = {} self.kps = {} self.kps_score = {} def visualize(self): img_black = np.full((self.resize_size[1], self.resize_size[0], 3), 0).astype(np.uint8) if config.plot_bbox and self.boxes is not None: self.BBV.visualize(self.boxes, self.frame) if config.plot_kps and self.kps is not []: self.KPV.vis_ske(self.frame, self.kps, self.kps_score) self.KPV.vis_ske_black(img_black, self.kps, self.kps_score) if config.plot_id and self.id2bbox is not None: self.IDV.plot_bbox_id(self.id2bbox, self.frame) self.IDV.plot_skeleton_id(self.kps, self.frame) return self.frame, img_black def process_img(self, frame, gray=False): self.clear_res() self.frame = frame with torch.no_grad(): if gray: gray_img = gray3D(copy.deepcopy(frame)) box_res = self.object_detector.process(gray_img) else: box_res = self.object_detector.process(frame) self.boxes, self.boxes_scores = self.object_detector.cut_box_score(box_res) if box_res is not None: self.id2bbox = self.object_tracker.track(box_res) self.id2bbox = eliminate_nan(self.id2bbox) boxes = self.object_tracker.id_and_box(self.id2bbox) inps, pt1, pt2 = crop_bbox(frame, boxes) if inps is not None: kps, kps_score, kps_id = self.pose_estimator.process_img(inps, boxes, pt1, pt2) self.kps, self.kps_score = self.object_tracker.match_kps(kps_id, kps, kps_score) return self.kps, self.id2bbox, self.kps_score def classify_whole(self, pred_img, show_img): pred = self.CNN_model.classify_whole(pred_img, show_img) return pred def classify(self, pred_img, show_img, id2bbox): preds = self.CNN_model.classify(pred_img, id2bbox) self.CNN_model.visualize(show_img, preds) return preds
class HumanDetection: def __init__(self, show_img=True): self.object_detector = ObjectDetectionYolo(cfg=yolo_cfg, weight=yolo_weight) self.object_tracker = ObjectTracker() self.pose_estimator = PoseEstimator(pose_cfg=pose_cfg, pose_weight=pose_weight) self.BBV = BBoxVisualizer() self.KPV = KeyPointVisualizer() self.IDV = IDVisualizer(with_bbox=False) self.boxes = tensor([]) self.boxes_scores = tensor([]) self.img_black = np.array([]) self.frame = np.array([]) self.id2bbox = {} self.kps = {} self.kps_score = {} self.show_img = show_img def init_sort(self): self.object_tracker.init_tracker() def clear_res(self): self.boxes = tensor([]) self.boxes_scores = tensor([]) self.frame = np.array([]) self.id2bbox = {} self.kps = {} self.kps_score = {} def visualize(self): img_black = cv2.imread('video/black.jpg') if config.plot_bbox and self.boxes is not None: self.frame = self.BBV.visualize(self.boxes, self.frame, self.boxes_scores) # cv2.imshow("cropped", (torch_to_im(inps[0]) * 255)) if config.plot_kps and self.kps is not []: self.frame = self.KPV.vis_ske(self.frame, self.kps, self.kps_score) img_black = self.KPV.vis_ske_black(self.frame, self.kps, self.kps_score) if config.plot_id and self.id2bbox is not None: self.frame = self.IDV.plot_bbox_id(self.id2bbox, self.frame) # frame = self.IDV.plot_skeleton_id(id2ske, copy.deepcopy(img)) return self.frame, img_black def process_img(self, frame, gray=False): self.clear_res() self.frame = frame with torch.no_grad(): if gray: gray_img = gray3D(copy.deepcopy(frame)) box_res = self.object_detector.process(gray_img) else: box_res = self.object_detector.process(frame) self.boxes, self.boxes_scores = self.object_detector.cut_box_score(box_res) if box_res is not None: self.id2bbox = self.object_tracker.track(box_res) boxes = self.object_tracker.id_and_box(self.id2bbox) inps, pt1, pt2 = crop_bbox(frame, boxes) kps, kps_score, kps_id = self.pose_estimator.process_img(inps, boxes, pt1, pt2) self.kps, self.kps_score = self.object_tracker.match_kps(kps_id, kps, kps_score) return self.kps, self.id2bbox, self.kps_score
class Tester: def __init__(self, model_name, video_path, label_path): model_name, video_path, label_path = model_name.replace( "\\", "/"), video_path.replace("\\", "/"), label_path.replace("\\", "/") self.tester = self.__get_tester(model_name) self.video_name = video_path.split("/")[-1] self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path) self.IDV = IDVisualizer(with_bbox=True) self.KPV = KeyPointVisualizer() self.height, self.width = int(self.cap.get( cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)), int( self.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) self.kps_dict = defaultdict(list) self.KPSP = KPSProcessor(self.height, self.width) self.label, self.test_id = self.__get_label(label_path) self.coord = [] self.pred = defaultdict(str) self.pred_dict = defaultdict(list) self.res = defaultdict(bool) self.label_dict = defaultdict(bool) with open( "/".join(video_path.split("/")[:-1]) + "_txt/" + video_path.split("/")[-1][:-4] + "_box.txt", "r") as bf: self.box_txt = [line[:-1] for line in bf.readlines()] with open( "/".join(video_path.split("/")[:-1]) + "_txt/" + video_path.split("/")[-1][:-4] + "_kps.txt", "r") as kf: self.kps_txt = [line[:-1] for line in kf.readlines()] with open( "/".join(video_path.split("/")[:-1]) + "_txt/" + video_path.split("/")[-1][:-4] + "_kps_score.txt", "r") as ksf: self.kps_score_txt = [line[:-1] for line in ksf.readlines()] if write_video: res_video = "/".join( video_path.split("/")[:-1]) + "_" + model_name.split( "/")[-1][:-4] + "/" + self.video_name self.out = cv2.VideoWriter(res_video, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID'), 10, store_size) def __get_label(self, path): with open(path, "r") as lf: labels, ids = defaultdict(list), [] for line in lf.readlines(): [idx, label] = line[:-1].split(":") labels[idx] = [l for l in label.split(" ")] ids.append(idx) return labels, ids def __get_tester(self, model): if "ConvLSTM" in model: return ConvLSTMPredictor(model, len(cls)) if "BiLSTM" in model: return BiLSTMPredictor(model, len(cls)) if "ConvGRU" in model: return ConvGRUPredictor(model, len(cls)) if 'LSTM' in model: if lstm: return LSTMPredictor(model) else: print("lstm is not usable") if "TCN" in model: return TCNPredictor(model, len(cls)) def __detect_kps(self): refresh_idx = [] for k, v in self.kps_dict.items(): if len(v) == seq_length: pred = self.tester.predict(np.array(v).astype(np.float32)) self.pred[k] = cls[pred] self.pred_dict[str(k)].append(cls[pred]) # print("Predicting id {}".format(k)) refresh_idx.append(k) for idx in refresh_idx: self.kps_dict[idx] = [] def __put_pred(self, img): for idx, (k, v) in enumerate(self.pred.items()): cv2.putText(img, "id{}: {}".format(k, v), (30, int(40 * (idx + 1))), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), 2) return img def __put_cnt(self, img): for idx, (k, v) in enumerate(self.kps_dict.items()): cv2.putText(img, "id{} cnt: {}".format(k, len(v)), (300, int(30 * (idx + 2))), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2) return img def __get_target_pred(self): return { key: value for key, value in self.pred_dict.items() if key in self.test_id } def __compare(self): self.pred_dict = self.__get_target_pred() assert self.pred_dict.keys() == self.label.keys() for k in self.pred_dict.keys(): label, pred = self.label[k], self.pred_dict[k] assert len(label) == len(pred) for idx, (l, p) in enumerate(zip(label, pred)): if l != "pass": sample_str = self.video_name[: -4] + "_id{}_frame{}-{}".format( k, 30 * idx, 30 * (idx + 1) - 1) self.res[sample_str] = l == p self.label_dict[sample_str] = l def test(self): cnt = 0 while True: cnt += 1 ret, frame = if ret: frame = cv2.resize(frame, config.size) id2bbox = str2boxdict(self.box_txt.pop(0)) id2kps = str2kpsdict(self.kps_txt.pop(0)) id2kpsScore = str2kpsScoredict(self.kps_score_txt.pop(0)) if id2bbox is not None: frame = self.IDV.plot_bbox_id(id2bbox, frame) if id2kps is not None: kps_tensor, score_tensor = self.KPV.kpsdic2tensor( id2kps, id2kpsScore) frame = self.KPV.vis_ske(frame, kps_tensor, score_tensor) if id2kps: for key, v in id2kps.items(): # coord = self.__normalize_coordinates(kps[key]) coord = self.KPSP.process_kp(v) self.kps_dict[key].append(coord) self.__detect_kps() img = frame img = cv2.resize(img, store_size) img = self.__put_pred(img) cv2.putText(img, "Frame cnt: {}".format(cnt), (300, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 255, 255), 1) img = self.__put_cnt(img) cv2.imshow("res", img) cv2.waitKey(2) if write_video: self.out.write(img) else: self.cap.release() # IP.init_sort() self.out.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() break self.__compare() return self.res