Esempio n. 1
    def add_transaction(self, type_, asset, from_id, to_id, amount, interest, maturity, time_of_default):
        from src.transaction import Transaction

        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction(type_, asset, from_id, to_id, amount, interest, maturity, time_of_default)
        del transaction  # append() above does make a copy so we may delete for garbage collection
Esempio n. 2
 def add_transaction(self, type_, asset, from_id, to_id, amount, interest,
                     maturity, time_of_default, environment):
     from src.transaction import Transaction
     transaction = Transaction()
     transaction.this_transaction(type_, asset, from_id, to_id, amount,
                                  interest, maturity, time_of_default)
Esempio n. 3
 def make_deposits(self,  environment, time):
     for household in environment.households:
         cash = 0.0  # total of cash available for the household
         control_deposits = 0  # checking if the household already has deposits
         # We calculate the available cash
         for tranx in household.accounts:
             if tranx.type_ == "cash":
                 cash = cash + tranx.amount
                 tranx.amount = 0
         # And the number of existing deposits
             if tranx.type_ == "deposits":
                 control_deposits = control_deposits + 1
         # And move all available cash to deposits at the end of the step
         # If there are no deposits we create one in a bank
         # The bank is chosen randomly
         if control_deposits == 0:
             # We choose a bank randomly
             random_bank = random.choice(environment.banks)
             # Create a transaction
             transaction = Transaction()
             # Add the appropriate values to the transaction
             transaction.this_transaction("deposits", "",  household.identifier, random_bank,
                                          amount, random_bank.interest_rate_deposits,  0, -1)
             # And add the transaction to the books (do it through function/not manually)
         # If there are previous deposits we expand them linearly
             for tranx in household.accounts:
                 if tranx.type_ == "deposits":
                     # We add the remaining cash to the existing deposits
                     # in equal proportions
                     # Perhaps this can be done proportionate with regards
                     # to the value of these deposits, but it's minor at this point
                     tranx.amount = tranx.amount + (cash/control_deposits)"  deposits made on step: %s",  time)
Esempio n. 4
 def endow_labour(self, environment, time):
     # We make sure household get their labour endowment per step
     for household in environment.households:
         # First, we set a control variable that makes sure we have exactly
         # one transaction with "manhours", though this should in general
         # be the case, this should always run through the second if
         check = 0
         for tranx in household.accounts:
             if tranx.type_ == "manhours":
                 check = check + 1  # We check how many transactions with manhours are there for the household
         # If there are no "manhours" transactions then we create one and add it to the household's accounts
         if check == 0:
             # The amount is equal to the parameter read from the config of the household
             amount = household.labour
             # We create the transaction
             transaction = Transaction()
             # We add the appropriate values to the transaction
             transaction.this_transaction("manhours", "",
                                          household.identifier, amount, 0,
                                          0, -1)
             # It's important to add the transaction using the method
             # from Transaction class and not manually
             # If we have more than one "mahhours" transaction we raise an error
             raise LookupError(
                 "Labour transactions for a household haven't been properly removed."
             )"  labour endowed on step: %s", time)
Esempio n. 5
 def endow_labour(self,  environment, time):
     # We make sure household get their labour endowment per step
     for household in environment.households:
         # First, we set a control variable that makes sure we have exactly
         # one transaction with "manhours", though this should in general
         # be the case, this should always run through the second if
         check = 0
         for tranx in household.accounts:
             if tranx.type_ == "manhours":
                 check = check + 1  # We check how many transactions with manhours are there for the household
         # If there are no "manhours" transactions then we create one and add it to the household's accounts
         if check == 0:
             # The amount is equal to the parameter read from the config of the household
             amount = household.labour
             # We create the transaction
             transaction = Transaction()
             # We add the appropriate values to the transaction
             transaction.this_transaction("manhours", "", household.identifier, household.identifier, amount, 0,  0, -1)
             # It's important to add the transaction using the method
             # from Transaction class and not manually
             # If we have more than one "mahhours" transaction we raise an error
             raise LookupError("Labour transactions for a household haven't been properly removed.")"  labour endowed on step: %s",  time)
Esempio n. 6
 def new_transaction(self, type_, asset, from_, to, amount, interest,
                     maturity, time_of_default):
     from src.transaction import Transaction
     transaction = Transaction()
     transaction.this_transaction(type_, asset, from_, to, amount, interest,
                                  maturity, time_of_default)
Esempio n. 7
    def transfer_required_deposits(self):

        transaction = Transaction()
        value = round(float(self.r * self.get_account("D")), 4)
        transaction.this_transaction("rD", self.identifier, -3, value, self.rb, 0, -1)

        return -1.0 * value
Esempio n. 8
 def add_transaction(self, type_, asset, from_id, to_id, amount, interest,
                     maturity, time_of_default):
     from src.transaction import Transaction
     transaction = Transaction()
     transaction.this_transaction(type_, asset, from_id, to_id, amount,
                                  interest, maturity, time_of_default)
     del transaction  # append() above does make a copy so we may delete for garbage collection
Esempio n. 9
    def transaction__add_transaction(self, args):
        import os
        from import Bank
        from src.household import Household
        from src.firm import Firm
        from src.environment import Environment
        from src.transaction import Transaction

        text = "This test checks transaction.add_transaction \n"
        environment_directory = str(args[0])
        identifier = str(args[1])
        log_directory = str(args[2])

        # Configure logging parameters so we get output while the program runs
        logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S',
                            filename=log_directory + identifier + ".log", level=logging.INFO)'START logging for test transaction__add_transaction in run: %s',
                     environment_directory + identifier + ".xml")

        # Construct household filename
        environment = Environment(environment_directory,  identifier)

        # generate a bank
        bank = Bank()
        bank.identifier = "test_bank"

        # generate a firm
        firm = Firm()
        firm.identifier = "test_firm"

        # generate a household
        household = Household()
        household.identifier = "test_household"

        # TESTING

        print("Creating a transaction")
        transaction = Transaction()
        print("Assigning values")
        transaction.this_transaction("type", "asset", "test_household", "test_firm", 1,  2,  3, 4)
        print("Adding the transaction to the books")
        print("The transaction:")
        print("The firm:")
        print("The household:")
Esempio n. 10
    def transfer_required_deposits(self):
        from src.transaction import Transaction

        transaction = Transaction()
        value = round(float(self.parameters["r"]*self.get_account("D")), 4)
        transaction.this_transaction("rD",  self.identifier,  -3,  value,  self.parameters["rb"],  0,  -1)

        return -1.0*value
Esempio n. 11
 def transfer_excess_reserves(self):
     availableVolume = self.Q
     plannedVolume = self.gamma * (1.0 - self.lamb) * self.V
     transactionVolume = round(min(plannedVolume, availableVolume), 4)
     self.Q = round(self.Q - transactionVolume, 4)
     if self.Q < 0.0:"ERROR: Q negative in transfer_excess_reserves")
     transaction = Transaction()
     transaction.this_transaction("E", self.identifier, -3, transactionVolume, self.rb, 0, -1)
     del transaction
Esempio n. 12
 def transfer_excess_reserves(self):
     from src.transaction import Transaction
     availableVolume = self.parameters["Q"]
     plannedVolume = self.parameters["gamma"]*(1.0-self.parameters["lamb"])*self.parameters["V"]
     transactionVolume = round(min(plannedVolume,  availableVolume), 4)
     self.parameters["Q"] = round(self.parameters["Q"] - transactionVolume, 4)
     if (self.parameters["Q"] < 0.0):"ERROR: Q negative in transfer_excess_reserves")
     transaction = Transaction()
     transaction.this_transaction("E",  self.identifier, -3,  transactionVolume,  self.parameters["rb"],  0,  -1)
     del transaction
Esempio n. 13
    def initialize_standard_bank(self, bank, environment):
        from src.transaction import Transaction

        bank.identifier = "standard_bank_id"

        # deposits - we get the first household from the list of households
        # if there are no households it will be a blank which is fine for testing
        amount = 250.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("deposits", "", environment.households[0].identifier, bank.identifier,
                                     amount,  bank.interest_rate_deposits,  0, -1)
        # environment.households[0] is only for testing purposes DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION

        # money - cash and equivalents
        amount = 100.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("cash", "", bank.identifier, bank.identifier,
                                     amount,  0,  0, -1)

        # loans - we get the first firm from the list of firms
        # if there are no firms it will be a blank which is fine for testing
        amount = 150.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("loans", "", bank.identifier, environment.firms[0].identifier,
                                     amount,  bank.interest_rate_loans,  0, -1)
        # environment.firms[0] is only for testing purposes DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION
Esempio n. 14
    def initialize_standard_household(self, household, environment):
        from src.transaction import Transaction

        household.identifier = "standard_household_id"  # identifier
        household.parameters["labour"] = 24.00  # labour to sell per step
        household.parameters["propensity_to_save"] = 0.40  # propensity to save
        # percentage of income household wants to save as deposits

        # deposits - we get the first bank from the list of banks
        # if there are no banks it will be a blank which is fine for testing
        amount = 200.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("deposits", "",  household.identifier, environment.banks[0].identifier,
                                     amount, environment.banks[0].interest_rate_deposits,  0, -1)
        # environment.banks[0] is only for testing purposes DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION

        # money - cash and equivalents
        amount = 50.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("cash", "", household.identifier, household.identifier, amount, 0,  0, -1)

        # manhours - labour to sell
        amount = 250.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("manhours", "", household.identifier, household.identifier, amount, 0,  0, -1)
Esempio n. 15
    def initialize_standard_bank(self, bank, environment):
        from src.transaction import Transaction

        bank.identifier = "standard_bank_id"

        # deposits - we get the first household from the list of households
        # if there are no households it will be a blank which is fine for testing
        amount = 250.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("deposits", "", environment.households[0:1][0], bank.identifier,
                                     amount,  bank.interest_rate_deposits,  0, -1)
        # environment.households[0:1][0] is only for testing purposes DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION
        # what it does is is takes the first household in environment, but if there are no
        # households (which happens in testing) it doesn't break down

        # money - cash and equivalents
        amount = 100.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("cash", "", bank.identifier, bank.identifier,
                                     amount,  0,  0, -1)

        # loans - we get the first firm from the list of firms
        # if there are no firms it will be a blank which is fine for testing
        amount = 150.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("loans", "", bank.identifier, environment.firms[0:1][0],
                                     amount,  bank.interest_rate_loans,  0, -1)
        # environment.firms[0:1][0] is only for testing purposes DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION
        # what it does is is takes the first firm in environment, but if there are no
        # firms (which happens in testing) it doesn't break down
Esempio n. 16
    def initialize_standard_bank(self, bank, environment):
        from src.transaction import Transaction

        bank.identifier = "standard_bank_id"

        # deposits - we get the first household from the list of households
        # if there are no households it will be a blank which is fine for testing
        amount = 250.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("deposits", "",
                                     bank.identifier, amount,
                                     bank.interest_rate_deposits, 0, -1)
        # environment.households[0] is only for testing purposes DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION

        # money - cash and equivalents
        amount = 100.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("cash", "", bank.identifier,
                                     bank.identifier, amount, 0, 0, -1)

        # loans - we get the first firm from the list of firms
        # if there are no firms it will be a blank which is fine for testing
        amount = 150.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("loans", "", bank.identifier,
                                     environment.firms[0].identifier, amount,
                                     bank.interest_rate_loans, 0, -1)
        # environment.firms[0] is only for testing purposes DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION
Esempio n. 17
    def initialize_standard_firm(self, firm, environment):
        from src.transaction import Transaction

        firm.identifier = "standard_firm_id"  # identifier
        firm.parameters["productivity"] = 1.20  # how much goods do we get from 1 unit of labour

        # loans - we get the first bank from the list of banks
        # if there are no banks it will be a blank which is fine for testing
        amount = 250.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        # environment.banks[0] is only for testing purposes DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION

        # money - cash and equivalents
        amount = 200.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("cash", "", firm.identifier, firm.identifier, amount, 0, 0, -1)

        # goods - unique production
        amount = 50.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("goods", "", firm.identifier, firm.identifier, amount, 0, 0, -1)
Esempio n. 18
    def initialize_standard_household(self, household, environment):
        from src.transaction import Transaction

        household.identifier = "standard_household_id"  # identifier
        household.parameters["labour"] = 24.00  # labour to sell per step
        household.parameters["propensity_to_save"] = 0.40  # propensity to save
        # percentage of income household wants to save as deposits

        # deposits - we get the first bank from the list of banks
        # if there are no banks it will be a blank which is fine for testing
        amount = 200.0
        transaction = Transaction()
            "deposits", "", household.identifier, environment.banks[0:1][0],
            amount, environment.banks[0:1][0].interest_rate_deposits, 0, -1)
        # environment.banks[0:1][0] is only for testing purposes DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION
        # what it does is is takes the first bank in environment, but if there are no
        # banks (which happens in testing) it doesn't break down

        # money - cash and equivalents
        amount = 50.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("cash", "", household.identifier,
                                     household.identifier, amount, 0, 0, -1)

        # manhours - labour to sell
        amount = 250.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("manhours", "", household.identifier,
                                     household.identifier, amount, 0, 0, -1)
Esempio n. 19
    def initialize_standard_firm(self, firm, environment):
        from src.transaction import Transaction

        firm.identifier = "standard_firm_id"  # identifier
            "productivity"] = 1.20  # how much goods do we get from 1 unit of labour

        # loans - we get the first bank from the list of banks
        # if there are no banks it will be a blank which is fine for testing
        amount = 250.0
        transaction = Transaction()
            "loans", "", environment.banks[0:1][0], firm.identifier, amount,
            environment.banks[0:1][0].interest_rate_loans, 0, -1)
        # environment.banks[0:1][0] is only for testing purposes DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION
        # what it does is is takes the first bank in environment, but if there are no
        # banks (which happens in testing) it doesn't break down

        # money - cash and equivalents
        amount = 200.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("cash", "", firm.identifier,
                                     firm.identifier, amount, 0, 0, -1)

        # goods - unique production
        amount = 50.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("goods", "", firm.identifier,
                                     firm.identifier, amount, 0, 0, -1)
Esempio n. 20
 def produce(self, environment, time):
     # We take all the labour and turn it into goods
     for firm in environment.firms:  # We do it for every firm
         production_factors = 0  # Here, we count how much labour the firm has
         for tranx in firm.accounts:
             if tranx.type_ == "manhours":
                 # We move the labour to production as a production factor
                 # First, we move it to production factors used below
                 # Then we will remove it from the books
                 production_factors = production_factors + tranx.amount
         # Amount produced is labour * productivity in this simple model
         amount = production_factors * firm.productivity
         # Create a transaction
         transaction = Transaction()
         # Add the appropriate values to the transaction
         transaction.this_transaction("goods", "", firm.identifier,
                                      firm.identifier, amount, 0, 0, -1)
         # And add the transaction to the books (do it through function/not manually)
     # Finally, we remove all the labour that was used in production
     # from the books of the firms
     self.remove_labour_firms(environment, time)"  goods produced on step: %s", time)
Esempio n. 21
 def produce(self,  environment, time):
     # We take all the labour and turn it into goods
     for firm in environment.firms:  # We do it for every firm
         production_factors = 0  # Here, we count how much labour the firm has
         for tranx in firm.accounts:
             if tranx.type_ == "manhours":
                 # We move the labour to production as a production factor
                 # First, we move it to production factors used below
                 # Then we will remove it from the books
                 production_factors = production_factors + tranx.amount
         # Amount produced is labour * productivity in this simple model
         amount = production_factors * firm.productivity
         # Create a transaction
         transaction = Transaction()
         # Add the appropriate values to the transaction
         transaction.this_transaction("goods", "",  firm.identifier, firm.identifier,
                                      amount, 0,  0, -1)
         # And add the transaction to the books (do it through function/not manually)
     # Finally, we remove all the labour that was used in production
     # from the books of the firms
     self.remove_labour_firms(environment, time)"  goods produced on step: %s",  time)
Esempio n. 22
    def transaction__this_transaction(self, args):
        import os
        from import Bank
        from src.household import Household
        from src.firm import Firm
        from src.environment import Environment
        from src.transaction import Transaction

        text = "This test checks transaction.this_transaction \n"
        environment_directory = str(args[0])
        identifier = str(args[1])
        log_directory = str(args[2])

        # Configure logging parameters so we get output while the program runs
        logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S',
                            filename=log_directory + identifier + ".log", level=logging.INFO)'START logging for test transaction__this_transaction in run: %s',
                     environment_directory + identifier + ".xml")

        # Construct household filename
        environment = Environment(environment_directory,  identifier)

        # TESTING

        print("Creating a transaction")
        transaction = Transaction()
        print("Assigning values")
        transaction.this_transaction("type", "asset", "from", "to", 1,  2,  3, 4)
        print("The transaction:")
Esempio n. 23
 def make_deposits(self, environment, time):
     for household in environment.households:
         cash = 0.0  # total of cash available for the household
         control_deposits = 0  # checking if the household already has deposits
         # We calculate the available cash
         for tranx in household.accounts:
             if tranx.type_ == "cash":
                 cash = cash + tranx.amount
                 tranx.amount = 0
         # And the number of existing deposits
             if tranx.type_ == "deposits":
                 control_deposits = control_deposits + 1
         # And move all available cash to deposits at the end of the step
         # If there are no deposits we create one in a bank
         # The bank is chosen randomly
         if control_deposits == 0:
             # We choose a bank randomly
             random_bank = random.choice(environment.banks)
             # Create a transaction
             transaction = Transaction()
             # Add the appropriate values to the transaction
                 "deposits", "", household.identifier, random_bank, amount,
                 random_bank.interest_rate_deposits, 0, -1)
             # And add the transaction to the books (do it through function/not manually)
         # If there are previous deposits we expand them linearly
             for tranx in household.accounts:
                 if tranx.type_ == "deposits":
                     # We add the remaining cash to the existing deposits
                     # in equal proportions
                     # Perhaps this can be done proportionate with regards
                     # to the value of these deposits, but it's minor at this point
                     tranx.amount = tranx.amount + (cash / control_deposits)"  deposits made on step: %s", time)
Esempio n. 24
    def initialize_standard_bank(self, bank, environment):
        from src.transaction import Transaction

        bank.identifier = "standard_bank_id"

        # deposits - we get the first household from the list of households
        # if there are no households it will be a blank which is fine for testing
        amount = 250.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("deposits", "",
                                     bank.identifier, amount,
                                     bank.interest_rate_deposits, 0, -1)
        # environment.households[0:1][0] is only for testing purposes DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION
        # what it does is is takes the first household in environment, but if there are no
        # households (which happens in testing) it doesn't break down

        # money - cash and equivalents
        amount = 100.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("cash", "", bank.identifier,
                                     bank.identifier, amount, 0, 0, -1)

        # loans - we get the first firm from the list of firms
        # if there are no firms it will be a blank which is fine for testing
        amount = 150.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("loans", "", bank.identifier,
                                     environment.firms[0:1][0], amount,
                                     bank.interest_rate_loans, 0, -1)
        # environment.firms[0:1][0] is only for testing purposes DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION
        # what it does is is takes the first firm in environment, but if there are no
        # firms (which happens in testing) it doesn't break down
Esempio n. 25
    def initialize_standard_bank(self):

        self.identifier = "0"  # identifier
        self.rb = 0.02  # refinancing costs of the bank -> tbd in environment
        self.rd = 0.01  # interest rate on deposits
        self.r = 0.05  # required reserve rate -> tbd in environment
        self.pReal = 0.9  # probability of credit success
        self.rhoReal = 0.03  # interest charged on risky investment
        self.xi = 1.0  # scaling parameter in CRRA
        self.theta = 1.5  # risk aversion parameter of bank
        self.gamma = 0.8  # fraction of interbank loans in overall volume

        assetNumber = 6.0  # number of assets available to bank
        numBanks = 3.0  # number of banks in the economy

        # first, calculate number of transactions for investments
        numTransactions = int(round(assetNumber / numBanks))

        # ASSETS

        # finally, put them on the transaction stack
        for i in range(numTransactions):
            transaction = Transaction()
            value = 100.0
            maturity = 50.0
            timeOfDefault = -1
            transaction.this_transaction("I", self.identifier, -2, value, self.rhoReal, maturity, timeOfDefault)
            del transaction

        # excess reserves
        value = 90.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("E", self.identifier, -3, value, self.rb, 0, -1)
        del transaction

        # required deposits to the central bank
        value = 10.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("rD", self.identifier, -3, value, self.rb, 0, -1)
        del transaction


        # banking capital
        value = 30.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("BC", self.identifier, self.identifier, value, 0.0, 0, -1)
        del transaction

        # deposits
        value = 260.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("D", -1, self.identifier, value, self.rd, 0, -1)
        del transaction

        # central bank loans
        value = 10.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("LC", -3, self.identifier, value, self.rb, 0, -1)
        del transaction
Esempio n. 26
 def consume(self, environment, time):
     # We want the consumption to be done in random pairs
     # So we need to randomise the households and the firms
     # We start with the households and create a list of order integers
     # the size of the number of households
     itrange_hh = list(range(0, int(environment.num_households)))
     # Then we shuffle the list
     # And use it to loop over the households randomly
     for h in itrange_hh:
         # Since we don't loop directly over households
         # We assign the correct household in this run over the loop
         household = environment.households[h]
         wealth = 0.0  # total of deposits and cash available for the household
         cash = 0.0  # total of cash available for the household
         # We calculate the above two values
         for tranx in household.accounts:
             # We add all deposits and all cash to the wealth
             if tranx.type_ == "deposits" or tranx.type_ == "cash":
                 wealth = wealth + tranx.amount
             # But only cash to the available cash
             if tranx.type_ == "cash":
                 cash = cash + tranx.amount
         # We consume the percentage of wealth determined by
         # the propensity to save, cash first
         to_consume = wealth * (1 - household.propensity_to_save)
         # Now we randomise firms and create a list of order integers
         # the size of the number of households
         itrange = list(range(0, int(environment.num_firms)))
         # Then we shuffle the list
         # For each firm in random order
         for i in itrange:
             # For every transaction on that firm's books
             # We make a proxy for the cash that firm should obtain
             # for whatever good they've sold to the household
             firm = environment.firms[i]
             firm_cash = 0.0
             for tranx in firm.accounts:
                 # If the transaction contains goods
                 if tranx.type_ == "goods":
                     # We go through the household's accounts
                     for tranx_h in household.accounts:
                         # And look for cash
                         if tranx_h.type_ == "cash":
                             # We can buy for minimum of the cash and goods
                             # in question
                             amount_proxy = min(tranx.amount,
                                                tranx_h.amount, to_consume)
                             # And remove the appropriate amount of cash
                             tranx_h.amount = tranx_h.amount - amount_proxy
                             # Lower the amount household wants to consume
                             to_consume = to_consume - amount_proxy
                             # And remove the goods from firm's account
                             tranx.amount = tranx.amount - amount_proxy
                             # And we note the cash to be added to the firm
                             firm_cash = firm_cash + amount_proxy
                     for tranx_h in household.accounts:
                         # And look for deposits
                         if tranx_h.type_ == "deposits":
                             # We can buy for minimum of the deposits and goods
                             # in question
                             amount_proxy = min(tranx.amount,
                                                tranx_h.amount, to_consume)
                             # And remove the appropriate amount of deposits
                             tranx_h.amount = tranx_h.amount - amount_proxy
                             # Lower the amount household wants to consume
                             to_consume = to_consume - amount_proxy
                             # And remove the goods from firm's account
                             tranx.amount = tranx.amount - amount_proxy
                             # And we note the cash to be added to the firm
                             firm_cash = firm_cash + amount_proxy
             # Add cash for sold items to the firm
             cash_number = 0
             # We calculate how many cash account the firm has
             for tranx in firm.accounts:
                 if tranx.type_ == "cash":
                     cash_number = cash_number + 1
             # If the firm doesn't have any cash accounts we create a new one
             if cash_number == 0:
                 # Create a transaction
                 transaction = Transaction()
                 # Add the appropriate values to the transaction
                 transaction.this_transaction("cash", "", firm.identifier,
                                              firm.identifier, firm_cash, 0,
                                              0, -1)
                 # And add the transaction to the books (do it through function/not manually)
             # If the firm has previous cash transactions we add the cash from sales proportionately
                 # We find all cash transactions
                 for tranx in firm.accounts:
                     if tranx.type_ == "cash":
                         # And add the sales proceeds proportionately
                         tranx.amount = tranx.amount + (firm_cash /
     # The sales above may have rendered some transactions worthless
     # So we need to purge all accounts to make sure everything is in order
     transaction = Transaction()
     # Finally, we remove the goods which weren't sold from firms' accounts
     # As they are perishable
     self.remove_goods_firms(environment, time)"  goods consumed on step: %s", time)
Esempio n. 27
    def transfer_investments(self,  environment):
        from random import Random
        from src.transaction import Transaction

        random = Random()

        currentVolume = 0.0
        optimalVolume = 0.0
        plannedVolume = 0.0
        availableVolume = 0.0
        transactionVolume = 0.0
        transaction = Transaction()

        # calculate the optimal investment volume and compare to current volume
        optimalVolume = round(float(self.parameters["gamma"]*self.parameters["lamb"]*self.parameters["V"]), 4)
        currentVolume = round(self.get_account("I"), 4)
        # add new transactions of average size
        plannedVolume = currentVolume + optimalVolume
        availableVolume = self.parameters["lamb"]*self.parameters["Q"]  # we can only spend a fraction of the available Q
        transactionVolume = min(plannedVolume,  availableVolume)

        while ((transactionVolume >= self.parameters["averageTransactionSize"]) and (self.parameters["averageTransactionSize"] > 0.0)):

            transactionVolume = round(transactionVolume - self.parameters["averageTransactionSize"], 5)  # reduce remaining transactionVolume
            self.parameters["Q"] = self.parameters["Q"] - self.parameters["averageTransactionSize"]  # reduce available liquidity

            # account for different maturities of investments
            maturity = int(round(random.random()*environment.static_parameters["firmLoanMaturity"], 1))  # this is done very roughly and implies loans are up to 3 years

            # and determine whether the loan will default
            if (random.random() >= environment.static_parameters["successProbabilityFirms"]):
                # the loan defaults: determine timeOfDefault
                timeOfDefault = int(round(random.random()*maturity))
                timeOfDefault = -1

            # and add transaction to the stack
            transaction = Transaction()
            transaction.this_transaction("I",  self.identifier, -2,  self.parameters["averageTransactionSize"],  self.parameters["rhoReal"],  maturity,  timeOfDefault)
            del transaction

        transactionVolume = round(transactionVolume, 5)
        # finally, add the remaining transaction to the stack if the transactionVolume was positive in the first place
        if (transactionVolume > 0.0):
            self.parameters["Q"] = round(self.parameters["Q"] - transactionVolume, 4)

            # account for different maturities of investments
            maturity = int(round(random.random()*environment.static_parameters["firmLoanMaturity"], 1))  # this is done very roughly and implies loans are up to 3 years

            # and determine whether the loan will default
            if (random.random() >= environment.static_parameters["successProbabilityFirms"]):
                # the loan defaults: determine timeOfDefault
                timeOfDefault = int(round(random.random()*maturity))
                timeOfDefault = -1

            transaction = Transaction()
            transaction.this_transaction("I",  self.identifier, -2,  transactionVolume,  self.parameters["rhoReal"],  maturity,  timeOfDefault)
            del transaction
Esempio n. 28
 def sell_labour(self, environment, time):
     # We want the sell to be done in random pairs
     # So we need to randomise the households and the firms
     # We start with the firms and create a list of order integers
     # the size of the number of firms
     itrange = list(range(0, int(environment.num_firms)))
     # Then we shuffle the list
     # And use it to loop over the firms randomly
     for i in itrange:
         # Since we don't loop directly over firms
         # We assign the correct firm in this run over the loop
         firm = environment.firms[i]
         # We calculate the amount of cash firm has to buy labour
         to_buy = 0.0
         # We go through the firm's transactions
         for tranx in firm.accounts:
             # If we find cash transaction
             if tranx.type_ == "cash":
                 # We add the cash to the amount of labour the firm
                 # wants to buy, we assume 1 unit of labour costs 1 unit of cash
                 to_buy = to_buy + tranx.amount
         # Now we randomise households and create a list of order integers
         # the size of the number of households
         itrange_hh = list(range(0, int(environment.num_households)))
         # Then we shuffle the list
         # For each household in random order
         for h in itrange_hh:
             # Since we don't loop directly over households
             # We assign the correct household in this run over the loop
             household = environment.households[h]
             household_cash = 0.0
             # We go through household's accounts
             for tranx in household.accounts:
                 # And find transactions with labour
                 if tranx.type_ == "manhours":
                     # We will sell them for cash
                     # So we look through firm's accounts
                     for tranx_f in firm.accounts:
                         # And find cash transactions
                         if tranx_f.type_ == "cash":
                             # We can only buy the lowest amount from the cash the firm
                             # has, the labour the household has, and however many units
                             # they want to buy
                             amount_proxy = min(tranx.amount,
                                                tranx_f.amount, to_buy)
                             # Then we remove the appropriate amount of cash from the firm
                             tranx_f.amount = tranx_f.amount - amount_proxy
                             # Lower the amount firm wants to buy
                             to_buy = to_buy - amount_proxy
                             # And remove the goods from household's account
                             tranx.amount = tranx.amount - amount_proxy
                             # And we note the cash to be added to the household
                             household_cash = household_cash + amount_proxy
                             # Create a transaction
                             transaction = Transaction()
                             # Add the appropriate values to the transaction
                                 "manhours", "", firm.identifier,
                                 firm.identifier, amount_proxy, 0, 0, -1)
                             # And add the transaction to the books (do it through function/not manually)
             # Add cash for sold items to the household
             cash_number = 0
             # We calculate how many cash account the household has
             for tranx in household.accounts:
                 if tranx.type_ == "cash":
                     cash_number = cash_number + 1
             # If there are no cash transactions on the household's books
             # We create a new one and put the proceeds there
             if cash_number == 0:
                 # Create a transaction
                 transaction = Transaction()
                 # Add the appropriate values to the transaction
                 transaction.this_transaction("cash", "",
                                              household_cash, 0, 0, -1)
                 # And add the transaction to the books (do it through function/not manually)
             # If the household has previous cash transactions we add the cash from sales proportionately
                 # We find all cash transactions
                 for tranx in household.accounts:
                     if tranx.type_ == "cash":
                         # And add the sales proceeds proportionately
                         tranx.amount = tranx.amount + (household_cash /
     # The sales above may have rendered some transactions worthless
     # So we need to purge all accounts to make sure everything is in order
     transaction = Transaction()
     transaction.purge_accounts(environment)"  labour sold to firms on step: %s", time)
Esempio n. 29
    def initialize_transactions(self, environment):
        from src.transaction import Transaction
        from random import Random
        random = Random()

        value = 0.0

        # first, calculate number of transactions for investments
        numTransactions = int(round(self.parameters["assetNumber"] / self.parameters["numBanks"]))
        if (numTransactions == 0):  # we want some error message if there are two few assets in the economy
  "  ERROR: number of  assets in the economy has to be at least half the number of banks")
        # now, calculate value of each transaction and note that the *product* of all individual transactions
        # is supposed to have precision 4. Hence, each individual transaction should have precision 5

        value = round(float(self.parameters["gamma"]*self.parameters["lamb"]*self.parameters["V"] / numTransactions), 5)
        # finally, put them on the transaction stack
        for i in range(numTransactions):
            transaction = Transaction()
            # account for different maturities
            maturity = int(round(random.random()*environment.static_parameters["firmLoanMaturity"], 1))  # maturity is between 0 and firmLoanMaturity
            # and determine whether the loan will default
            if (random.random() >= environment.static_parameters["successProbabilityFirms"]):  # TODO this is superfluous, we could get rid of this doubling
                # the loan defaults: determine timeOfDefault
                timeOfDefault = int(round(random.random()*maturity))
                timeOfDefault = -1
            # then, generate the transaction, append it to the accounts, and delete it from memory
            transaction.this_transaction("I",  self.identifier, -2,  value,  self.parameters["rhoReal"],  maturity, timeOfDefault)
            del transaction
        # store averageTransactionSize
        self.parameters["averageTransactionSize"] = value

        # then, calculate excess reserves
        value = round(float(self.parameters["gamma"]*(1.0-self.parameters["lamb"])*self.parameters["V"]),  4)
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("E",  self.identifier,  -3,  value,  self.parameters["rb"],  0, -1)
        del transaction

        # on the liabilities side, banks are endowed with banking capital
        # (see comments in get_initial_banking_capital() for further details)
        value = round(float(self.get_initial_banking_capital(environment.static_parameters["requiredCapitalRatio"])), 4)
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("BC",  self.identifier,  self.identifier, value,  0.0,  0, -1)
        del transaction

        # now, transfer deposits from households to banks
        value = round(float(self.parameters["gamma"]*self.parameters["V"]-self.get_account("BC")), 4)
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("D",  -1,  self.identifier,  value,  self.parameters["rd"],  0, -1)
        del transaction

        # as well as required deposits to the central bank
        value = round(float(self.parameters["r"]*self.get_account("D")), 4)
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("rD",  self.identifier,  -3,  value,  self.parameters["rb"],  0, -1)
        del transaction

        # finally, determine central bank loans
        value = round(float(self.get_account("I") + self.get_account("E") + self.get_account("rD") - self.get_account("D") - self.get_account("BC")), 4)
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("LC",  self.identifier,  -3,  value,  self.parameters["rb"],  0, -1)
        del transaction
Esempio n. 30
 def add_transaction(self,  type,  fromID,  toID,  value,  interest,  maturity, timeOfDefault):
     from src.transaction import Transaction
     transaction = Transaction()
     transaction.this_transaction(type,  fromID,  toID,  value,  interest,  maturity,  timeOfDefault)
     del transaction
Esempio n. 31
    def initialize_standard_bank(self):
        from src.transaction import Transaction

        self.parameters["identifier"] = "0"  # identifier
        self.parameters["V"] = 250.0  # planned optimal portfolio volume of the bank
        self.parameters["lamb"] = 0.5  # planned optimal portfolio structure of the bank
        self.parameters["rb"] = 0.02  # refinancing costs of the bank -> tbd in environment
        self.parameters["rd"] = 0.01  # interest rate on deposits
        self.parameters["r"] = 0.05  # required reserve rate -> tbd in environment
        self.parameters["pReal"] = 0.9  # probability of credit success
        self.parameters["rhoReal"] = 0.03  # interest charged on risky investment
        self.parameters["xi"] = 1.0  # scaling parameter in CRRA
        self.parameters["theta"] = 1.5  # risk aversion parameter of bank
        self.parameters["gamma"] = 0.8  # fraction of interbank loans in overall volume

        self.parameters["Q"] = 0.0  # the current liquidity position of the bank
        # set 0.0 as standard, but after calculate_liquidity_demand we will return the indicated values
        self.parameters["Ip"] = 0.0  # the planned optimal investment; (gamma * lamb * V) = (0.8 * 0.5 * 250.0) = 100.0
        self.parameters["Ep"] = 0.0  # the planned excess reserves; (gamma * (1-lamb) * V) = (0.8 * 0.5 * 250.0) = 100.0
        self.parameters["Lp"] = 0.0  # the planned interbank loans; Q - ((Ip-I) + (Ep-E)) = 90.0

        self.parameters["assetNumber"] = 6.0  # number of assets available to bank
        self.parameters["numBanks"] = 3.0  # number of banks in the economy

        # first, calculate number of transactions for investments
        numTransactions = int(round(self.parameters["assetNumber"] / self.parameters["numBanks"]))

        # ASSETS

        # finally, put them on the transaction stack
        for i in range(numTransactions):
            transaction = Transaction()
            value = 100.0
            maturity = 50.0
            timeOfDefault = -1
            transaction.this_transaction("I",  self.identifier, -2,  value,  self.parameters["rhoReal"],  maturity, timeOfDefault)
            del transaction

        # excess reserves
        value = 90.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("E",  self.identifier,  -3,  value,  self.parameters["rb"],  0, -1)
        del transaction

        # required deposits to the central bank
        value = 10.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("rD",  self.identifier,  -3,  value,  self.parameters["rb"],  0, -1)
        del transaction


        # banking capital
        value = 40.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("BC",  self.identifier,  self.identifier, value,  0.0,  0, -1)
        del transaction

        # deposits
        value = 250.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("D",  -1,  self.identifier,  value,  self.parameters["rd"],  0, -1)
        del transaction

        # central bank loans
        value = 10.0
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("LC",  -3,  self.identifier,  value,  self.parameters["rb"],  0, -1)
        del transaction
Esempio n. 32
 def consume(self,  environment, time):
     # We want the consumption to be done in random pairs
     # So we need to randomise the households and the firms
     # We start with the households and create a list of order integers
     # the size of the number of households
     itrange_hh = list(range(0, int(environment.num_households)))
     # Then we shuffle the list
     # And use it to loop over the households randomly
     for h in itrange_hh:
         # Since we don't loop directly over households
         # We assign the correct household in this run over the loop
         household = environment.households[h]
         wealth = 0.0  # total of deposits and cash available for the household
         cash = 0.0  # total of cash available for the household
         # We calculate the above two values
         for tranx in household.accounts:
             # We add all deposits and all cash to the wealth
             if tranx.type_ == "deposits" or tranx.type_ == "cash":
                 wealth = wealth + tranx.amount
             # But only cash to the available cash
             if tranx.type_ == "cash":
                 cash = cash + tranx.amount
         # We consume the percentage of wealth determined by
         # the propensity to save, cash first
         to_consume = wealth * (1 - household.propensity_to_save)
         # Now we randomise firms and create a list of order integers
         # the size of the number of households
         itrange = list(range(0, int(environment.num_firms)))
         # Then we shuffle the list
         # For each firm in random order
         for i in itrange:
             # For every transaction on that firm's books
             # We make a proxy for the cash that firm should obtain
             # for whatever good they've sold to the household
             firm = environment.firms[i]
             firm_cash = 0.0
             for tranx in firm.accounts:
                 # If the transaction contains goods
                 if tranx.type_ == "goods":
                     # We go through the household's accounts
                     for tranx_h in household.accounts:
                         # And look for cash
                         if tranx_h.type_ == "cash":
                             # We can buy for minimum of the cash and goods
                             # in question
                             amount_proxy = min(tranx.amount, tranx_h.amount, to_consume)
                             # And remove the appropriate amount of cash
                             tranx_h.amount = tranx_h.amount - amount_proxy
                             # Lower the amount household wants to consume
                             to_consume = to_consume - amount_proxy
                             # And remove the goods from firm's account
                             tranx.amount = tranx.amount - amount_proxy
                             # And we note the cash to be added to the firm
                             firm_cash = firm_cash + amount_proxy
                     for tranx_h in household.accounts:
                         # And look for deposits
                         if tranx_h.type_ == "deposits":
                             # We can buy for minimum of the deposits and goods
                             # in question
                             amount_proxy = min(tranx.amount, tranx_h.amount, to_consume)
                             # And remove the appropriate amount of deposits
                             tranx_h.amount = tranx_h.amount - amount_proxy
                             # Lower the amount household wants to consume
                             to_consume = to_consume - amount_proxy
                             # And remove the goods from firm's account
                             tranx.amount = tranx.amount - amount_proxy
                             # And we note the cash to be added to the firm
                             firm_cash = firm_cash + amount_proxy
             # Add cash for sold items to the firm
             cash_number = 0
             # We calculate how many cash account the firm has
             for tranx in firm.accounts:
                 if tranx.type_ == "cash":
                     cash_number = cash_number + 1
             # If the firm doesn't have any cash accounts we create a new one
             if cash_number == 0:
                 # Create a transaction
                 transaction = Transaction()
                 # Add the appropriate values to the transaction
                 transaction.this_transaction("cash", "",  firm.identifier, firm.identifier,
                                              firm_cash, 0,  0, -1)
                 # And add the transaction to the books (do it through function/not manually)
             # If the firm has previous cash transactions we add the cash from sales proportionately
                 # We find all cash transactions
                 for tranx in firm.accounts:
                     if tranx.type_ == "cash":
                         # And add the sales proceeds proportionately
                         tranx.amount = tranx.amount + (firm_cash / cash_number)
     # The sales above may have rendered some transactions worthless
     # So we need to purge all accounts to make sure everything is in order
     transaction = Transaction()
     # Finally, we remove the goods which weren't sold from firms' accounts
     # As they are perishable
     self.remove_goods_firms(environment, time)"  goods consumed on step: %s",  time)
Esempio n. 33
 def new_transaction(self, type_, asset, from_, to, amount,  interest,  maturity, time_of_default):
     from src.transaction import Transaction
     transaction = Transaction()
     transaction.this_transaction(type_, asset, from_, to, amount,  interest,  maturity, time_of_default)
Esempio n. 34
 def sell_labour(self,  environment, time):
     # We want the sell to be done in random pairs
     # So we need to randomise the households and the firms
     # We start with the firms and create a list of order integers
     # the size of the number of firms
     itrange = list(range(0, int(environment.num_firms)))
     # Then we shuffle the list
     # And use it to loop over the firms randomly
     for i in itrange:
         # Since we don't loop directly over firms
         # We assign the correct firm in this run over the loop
         firm = environment.firms[i]
         # We calculate the amount of cash firm has to buy labour
         to_buy = 0.0
         # We go through the firm's transactions
         for tranx in firm.accounts:
             # If we find cash transaction
             if tranx.type_ == "cash":
                 # We add the cash to the amount of labour the firm
                 # wants to buy, we assume 1 unit of labour costs 1 unit of cash
                 to_buy = to_buy + tranx.amount
         # Now we randomise households and create a list of order integers
         # the size of the number of households
         itrange_hh = list(range(0, int(environment.num_households)))
         # Then we shuffle the list
         # For each household in random order
         for h in itrange_hh:
             # Since we don't loop directly over households
             # We assign the correct household in this run over the loop
             household = environment.households[h]
             household_cash = 0.0
             # We go through household's accounts
             for tranx in household.accounts:
                 # And find transactions with labour
                 if tranx.type_ == "manhours":
                     # We will sell them for cash
                     # So we look through firm's accounts
                     for tranx_f in firm.accounts:
                         # And find cash transactions
                         if tranx_f.type_ == "cash":
                             # We can only buy the lowest amount from the cash the firm
                             # has, the labour the household has, and however many units
                             # they want to buy
                             amount_proxy = min(tranx.amount, tranx_f.amount, to_buy)
                             # Then we remove the appropriate amount of cash from the firm
                             tranx_f.amount = tranx_f.amount - amount_proxy
                             # Lower the amount firm wants to buy
                             to_buy = to_buy - amount_proxy
                             # And remove the goods from household's account
                             tranx.amount = tranx.amount - amount_proxy
                             # And we note the cash to be added to the household
                             household_cash = household_cash + amount_proxy
                             # Create a transaction
                             transaction = Transaction()
                             # Add the appropriate values to the transaction
                             transaction.this_transaction("manhours", "",  firm.identifier, firm.identifier,
                                                          amount_proxy, 0,  0, -1)
                             # And add the transaction to the books (do it through function/not manually)
             # Add cash for sold items to the household
             cash_number = 0
             # We calculate how many cash account the household has
             for tranx in household.accounts:
                 if tranx.type_ == "cash":
                     cash_number = cash_number + 1
             # If there are no cash transactions on the household's books
             # We create a new one and put the proceeds there
             if cash_number == 0:
                 # Create a transaction
                 transaction = Transaction()
                 # Add the appropriate values to the transaction
                 transaction.this_transaction("cash", "",  household.identifier, household.identifier,
                                              household_cash, 0,  0, -1)
                 # And add the transaction to the books (do it through function/not manually)
             # If the household has previous cash transactions we add the cash from sales proportionately
                 # We find all cash transactions
                 for tranx in household.accounts:
                     if tranx.type_ == "cash":
                         # And add the sales proceeds proportionately
                         tranx.amount = tranx.amount + (household_cash / cash_number)
     # The sales above may have rendered some transactions worthless
     # So we need to purge all accounts to make sure everything is in order
     transaction = Transaction()
     transaction.purge_accounts(environment)"  labour sold to firms on step: %s",  time)
Esempio n. 35
    def transfer_investments(self, state):

        currentVolume = 0.0
        optimalVolume = 0.0
        plannedVolume = 0.0
        availableVolume = 0.0
        transactionVolume = 0.0

        transaction = Transaction()

        # calculate the optimal investment volume and compare to current volume
        optimalVolume = round(float(self.gamma * self.lamb * self.V), 4)
        currentVolume = round(self.get_account("I"), 4)
        # add new transactions of average size
        plannedVolume = optimalVolume - currentVolume
        availableVolume = self.lamb * self.Q  # we can only spend a fraction of the available Q
        transactionVolume = min(plannedVolume, availableVolume)

        while (transactionVolume >= self.averageTransactionSize) and (self.averageTransactionSize > 0.0):

            transactionVolume = round(transactionVolume - self.averageTransactionSize,
                                      5)  # reduce remaining transactionVolume
            self.Q = self.Q - self.averageTransactionSize  # reduce available liquidity

            # account for different maturities of investments
            maturity = int(round(random.random() * state.firmLoanMaturity,
                                 1))  # this is done very roughly and implies loans are up to 3 years

            # and determine whether the loan will default
            if random.random() >= state.successProbabilityFirms:
                # the loan defaults: determine timeOfDefault
                timeOfDefault = int(round(random.random() * maturity))
                timeOfDefault = -1

            # and add transaction to the stack
            transaction = Transaction()
            transaction.this_transaction("I", self.identifier, -2, self.averageTransactionSize, self.rhoReal, maturity,
            del transaction

        transactionVolume = round(transactionVolume, 5)
        # finally, add the remaining transaction to the stack if the transactionVolume was positive in the first place
        if transactionVolume > 0.0:
            self.Q = round(self.Q - transactionVolume, 4)

            # account for different maturities of investments
            maturity = int(round(random.random() * state.firmLoanMaturity,
                                 1))  # this is done very roughly and implies loans are up to 3 years

            # and determine whether the loan will default
            if random.random() >= state.successProbabilityFirms:
                # the loan defaults: determine timeOfDefault
                timeOfDefault = int(round(random.random() * maturity))
                timeOfDefault = -1

            transaction = Transaction()
            transaction.this_transaction("I", self.identifier, -2, transactionVolume, self.rhoReal, maturity, timeOfDefault)
            del transaction
Esempio n. 36
 def add_transaction(self,  type_, asset, from_id,  to_id,  amount,  interest,  maturity, time_of_default, environment):
     from src.transaction import Transaction
     transaction = Transaction()
     transaction.this_transaction(type_, asset, from_id, to_id, amount, interest, maturity, time_of_default)
Esempio n. 37
    def initialize_transactions(self, state):

        value = 0.0

        # first, calculate number of transactions for investments
        numTransactions = int(round(self.assetNumber / self.numBanks))
        # print(numTransactions)
        if numTransactions == 0:  # we want some error message if there are two few assets in the economy
  "  ERROR: number of  assets in the economy has to be at least half the number of banks")
        # now, calculate value of each transaction and note that the *product* of all individual transactions
        # is supposed to have precision 4. Hence, each individual transaction should have precision 5
        value = round(float(self.gamma * self.lamb * self.V / numTransactions), 5)

        # finally, put them on the transaction stack
        for i in range(numTransactions):

            transaction = Transaction()
            # account for different maturities
            maturity = int(
                round(random.random() * state.firmLoanMaturity, 1))  # maturity is between 0 and firmLoanMaturity
            # and determine whether the loan will default
            if (
                    random.random() >= state.successProbabilityFirms):  # TODO this is superfluous, we could get rid of this doubling
                # the loan defaults: determine timeOfDefault
                timeOfDefault = int(round(random.random() * maturity))
                timeOfDefault = -1
            # then, generate the transaction, append it to the accounts, and delete it from memory
            transaction.this_transaction("I", self.identifier, -2, value, self.rhoReal, maturity, timeOfDefault)
            del transaction
        # store averageTransactionSize
        self.averageTransactionSize = value

        # then, calculate excess reserves
        value = round(float(self.gamma * (1.0 - self.lamb) * self.V), 4)
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("E", self.identifier, -3, value, self.rb, 0, -1)
        del transaction

        # on the liabilities side, banks are endowed with banking capital
        # (see comments in get_initial_banking_capital() for further details)
        value = round(float(self.get_initial_banking_capital(state.requiredCapitalRatio)), 4)
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("BC", self.identifier, self.identifier, value, 0.0, 0, -1)
        del transaction

        # now, transfer deposits from households to banks
        value = round(float(self.gamma * self.V - self.get_account("BC")), 4)
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("D", -1, self.identifier, value, self.rd, 0, -1)
        del transaction

        # as well as required deposits to the central bank
        value = round(float(self.r * self.get_account("D")), 4)
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("rD", self.identifier, -3, value, self.rb, 0, -1)
        del transaction

        # finally, determine central bank loans
        value = round(float(self.get_account("I") + self.get_account("E") + self.get_account("rD") - self.get_account(
            "D") - self.get_account("BC")), 4)
        transaction = Transaction()
        transaction.this_transaction("LC", self.identifier, -3, value, self.rb, 0, -1)
        del transaction
Esempio n. 38
 def add_transaction(self, type_, fromID, toID, value, interest, maturity, timeOfDefault):
     transaction = Transaction()
     transaction.this_transaction(type_, fromID, toID, value, interest, maturity, timeOfDefault)
     del transaction