Esempio n. 1
 async def get_sigs(self, innerpuz: Program, innersol: Program, coin_name) -> List[G2Element]:
     puzzle_hash = innerpuz.get_tree_hash()
     pubkey, private = await self.wallet_state_manager.get_keys(puzzle_hash)
     synthetic_secret_key = calculate_synthetic_secret_key(private, DEFAULT_HIDDEN_PUZZLE_HASH)
     sigs: List[G2Element] = []
     error, conditions, cost = conditions_dict_for_solution(innerpuz, innersol)
     if conditions is not None:
         for _, msg in pkm_pairs_for_conditions_dict(conditions, coin_name):
             signature = AugSchemeMPL.sign(synthetic_secret_key, msg)
     return sigs
Esempio n. 2
def do_test_spend(
    puzzle_reveal: Program,
    solution: Program,
    payments: Iterable[Tuple[bytes32, int]],
    key_lookup: KeyTool,
    farm_time: CoinTimestamp = T1,
    spend_time: CoinTimestamp = T2,
) -> SpendBundle:
    This method will farm a coin paid to the hash of `puzzle_reveal`, then try to spend it
    with `solution`, and verify that the created coins correspond to `payments`.

    The `key_lookup` is used to create a signed version of the `SpendBundle`, although at
    this time, signatures are not verified.

    coin_db = CoinStore()

    puzzle_hash = puzzle_reveal.get_tree_hash()

    # farm it
    coin = coin_db.farm_coin(puzzle_hash, farm_time)

    # spend it
    coin_solution = CoinSolution(coin, puzzle_reveal, solution)

    spend_bundle = SpendBundle([coin_solution], G2Element())
    coin_db.update_coin_store_for_spend_bundle(spend_bundle, spend_time)

    # ensure all outputs are there
    for puzzle_hash, amount in payments:
        for coin in coin_db.coins_for_puzzle_hash(puzzle_hash):
            if coin.amount == amount:
            assert 0

    # make sure we can actually sign the solution
    signatures = []
    for coin_solution in spend_bundle.coin_solutions:
        signature = key_lookup.signature_for_solution(coin_solution)
    return SpendBundle(spend_bundle.coin_solutions,
def puzzle_for_public_key_and_hidden_puzzle(public_key: G1Element, hidden_puzzle: Program) -> Program:
    return puzzle_for_public_key_and_hidden_puzzle_hash(public_key, hidden_puzzle.get_tree_hash())
Esempio n. 4
def puzzle_for_inner_puzzle(inner_puzzle: Program) -> Program:
    return puzzle_for_inner_puzzle_hash(inner_puzzle.get_tree_hash())