Esempio n. 1
    def run(self):
        """ Performs physics simulation in the scene. """
        # locations of all soon to be active objects before we shift their origin points
        locations_before_origin_shift = {}
        for obj in get_all_blender_mesh_objects():
            if obj["physics"]:
                locations_before_origin_shift.update({ obj.location.copy()})
        # enable rigid body and shift origin point for active objects
        locations_after_origin_shift = self._add_rigidbody()
        # compute origin point shift for all active objects
        origin_shift = {}
        for obj in locations_after_origin_shift:
            shift = locations_before_origin_shift[obj] - locations_after_origin_shift[obj]
            origin_shift.update({obj: shift})

        bpy.context.scene.rigidbody_world.substeps_per_frame = self.substeps_per_frame
        bpy.context.scene.rigidbody_world.solver_iterations = self.solver_iters

        obj_poses_before_sim = self._get_pose()
        # perform simulation
        obj_poses_after_sim = self._do_simulation()
        # reset origin point of all active objects to the total shift location of the 3D cursor
        for obj in get_all_blender_mesh_objects():
            if obj.rigid_body.type == "ACTIVE":
       = obj
                # compute relative object rotation before and after simulation
                R_obj_before_sim = mathutils.Euler(obj_poses_before_sim[]['rotation']).to_matrix()
                R_obj_after = mathutils.Euler(obj_poses_after_sim[]['rotation']).to_matrix()
                R_obj_rel = R_obj_before_sim @ R_obj_after.transposed()
                # compute origin shift in object coordinates
                origin_shift[] = R_obj_rel.transposed() @ origin_shift[]
                # set 3d cursor location to the total shift of the object
                bpy.context.scene.cursor.location = origin_shift[] + obj_poses_after_sim[]['location']
                bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_CURSOR', center='MEDIAN')

        # reset 3D cursor location
        bpy.context.scene.cursor.location = mathutils.Vector([0, 0, 0])

        # get current poses
        curr_pose = self._get_pose()
        # displace for the origin shift
        final_poses = {}
        for obj in curr_pose:
            final_poses.update({obj: {'location': curr_pose[obj]['location'] + origin_shift[obj], 'rotation': curr_pose[obj]['rotation']}})

Esempio n. 2
    def run(self):
        """ Stores frames and annotations for objects from the specified dataset.

        all_mesh_objects = get_all_blender_mesh_objects()

        # Select objects from the specified dataset.
        if self.dataset:
            self.dataset_objects = []
            for obj in all_mesh_objects:
                if "bop_dataset_name" in obj:
                    if obj["bop_dataset_name"] == self.dataset:
            self.dataset_objects = all_mesh_objects

        # Check if there is any object from the specified dataset.
        if not self.dataset_objects:
            raise Exception(
                "The scene does not contain any object from the "
                "specified dataset: {}. Either remove the dataset parameter "
                "or assign custom property 'bop_dataset_name' to selected objects"

        # Get the camera.
        cam_ob = =
        self.cam_pose = (, cam_ob)

        # Save the data.
Esempio n. 3
    def _add_rigidbody(self):
        """ Adds a rigidbody element to all mesh objects and sets their type depending on the custom property "physics".

        :return: Object locations after origin point shift. Type: dict.
        locations_after_origin_shift = {}
        for obj in get_all_blender_mesh_objects():
   = obj
            if "physics" not in obj:
                raise Exception("The obj: '{}' has no physics attribute, each object needs one.".format(
            obj.rigid_body.type = "ACTIVE" if obj["physics"] else "PASSIVE"
            if obj in self.config.get_list("objs_with_box_collision_shape", []):
                obj.rigid_body.collision_shape = "BOX"
                obj.rigid_body.collision_shape = self.collision_shape
            obj.rigid_body.collision_margin = self.collision_margin
            obj.rigid_body.use_margin = True
            obj.rigid_body.mesh_source = self.collision_mesh_source
            obj.rigid_body.friction = self.friction
            obj.rigid_body.angular_damping = self.angular_damping
            obj.rigid_body.linear_damping = self.linear_damping
            if obj.rigid_body.type == "ACTIVE":
                bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_CENTER_OF_VOLUME', center='MEDIAN')
                bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=False, rotation=False, scale=True)
                locations_after_origin_shift.update({ obj.location.copy()})

            if self.mass_scaling:
                obj.rigid_body.mass = get_bound_volume(obj) * self.mass_factor


        return locations_after_origin_shift
Esempio n. 4
    def run(self):
        """ Collect all mesh objects and writes their id, name and pose."""
        objects = []
        for object in get_all_blender_mesh_objects():

        self.write_attributes_to_file(self.object_writer, objects, "object_states_", "object_states",
                                      ["id", "name", "location", "rotation_euler", "matrix_world"])
Esempio n. 5
    def sample(objects_to_sample: [MeshObject], sample_pose_func: Callable[[MeshObject], None], objects_to_check_collisions: [MeshObject] = None, max_tries: int = 1000):
        """ Samples positions and rotations of selected object inside the sampling volume while performing mesh and bounding box collision checks.

        :param objects_to_sample: A list of mesh objects whose poses are sampled based on the given function.
        :param sample_pose_func: The function to use for sampling the pose of a given object.
        :param objects_to_check_collisions: A list of mesh objects who should not be considered when checking for collisions.
        :param max_tries: Amount of tries before giving up on an object and moving to the next one.
        # After this many tries we give up on current object and continue with the rest
        if objects_to_check_collisions is None:
            objects_to_check_collisions = MeshObject.convert_to_meshes(get_all_blender_mesh_objects())

        # Among objects_to_sample only check collisions against already placed objects
        cur_objects_to_check_collisions = list(set(objects_to_check_collisions) - set(objects_to_sample))

        if max_tries <= 0:
            raise ValueError("The value of max_tries must be greater than zero: {}".format(max_tries))

        if not objects_to_sample:
            raise Exception("The list of objects_to_sample can not be empty!")

        # cache to fasten collision detection
        bvh_cache = {}

        # for every selected object
        for obj in objects_to_sample:
            no_collision = True

            amount_of_tries_done = -1

            # Try max_iter amount of times
            for i in range(max_tries):

                # Put the top object in queue at the sampled point in space
                # Remove bvh cache, as object has changed
                if obj.get_name() in bvh_cache:
                    del bvh_cache[obj.get_name()]

                no_collision = CollisionUtility.check_intersections(obj, bvh_cache, cur_objects_to_check_collisions, [])

                # If no collision then keep the position
                if no_collision:
                    amount_of_tries_done = i

            # After placing an object, we will check collisions with it

            if amount_of_tries_done == -1:
                amount_of_tries_done = max_tries

            if not no_collision:
                print("Could not place " + obj.get_name() + " without a collision.")
                print("It took " + str(amount_of_tries_done + 1) + " tries to place " + obj.get_name())
Esempio n. 6
    def run(self):
        Samples positions and rotations of selected object inside the sampling volume while performing mesh and
        bounding box collision checks in the following steps:
        1. While we have objects remaining and have not run out of tries - sample a point. 
        2. If no collisions are found keep the point.
        # While we have objects remaining and have not run out of tries - sample a point
        # List of successfully placed objects
        placed = []
        # After this many tries we give up on current object and continue with the rest
        max_tries = self.config.get_int("max_iterations", 1000)
        objects = self.config.get_list("objects_to_sample",

        if max_tries <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "The value of max_tries must be greater than zero: {}".format(

        if not objects:
            raise Exception("The list of objects can not be empty!")

        # cache to fasten collision detection
        bvh_cache = {}

        # for every selected object
        for obj in objects:
            if obj.type == "MESH":
                no_collision = True

                amount_of_tries_done = -1
                # Try max_iter amount of times
                for i in range(max_tries):

                    # Put the top object in queue at the sampled point in space
                    position = self.config.get_vector3d("pos_sampler")
                    rotation = self.config.get_vector3d("rot_sampler")
                    no_collision = ObjectPoseSampler.check_pose_for_object(
                        obj, position, rotation, bvh_cache, placed, [])

                    # If no collision then keep the position
                    if no_collision:
                        amount_of_tries_done = i

                if amount_of_tries_done == -1:
                    amount_of_tries_done = max_tries


                if not no_collision:
                    print("Could not place " + +
                          " without a collision.")
                    print("It took " + str(amount_of_tries_done + 1) +
                          " tries to place " +
    def simulate(min_simulation_time: float = 4.0,
                 max_simulation_time: float = 40.0,
                 check_object_interval: float = 2.0,
                 object_stopped_location_threshold: float = 0.01,
                 object_stopped_rotation_threshold: float = 0.1,
                 substeps_per_frame: int = 10,
                 solver_iters: int = 10) -> dict:
        """ Simulates the current scene.

        The simulation is run for at least `min_simulation_time` seconds and at a maximum `max_simulation_time` seconds.
        Every `check_object_interval` seconds, it is checked if the maximum object movement in the last second is below a given threshold.
        If that is the case, the simulation is stopped.

        The origin of all objects is set to their center of mass in this function which is necessary to achieve a realistic simulation in blender (see
        Also the scale of each participating object is persisted as scale != 1 can make the simulation unstable.

        :param min_simulation_time: The minimum number of seconds to simulate.
        :param max_simulation_time: The maximum number of seconds to simulate.
        :param check_object_interval: The interval in seconds at which all objects should be checked if they are still moving. If all objects
                                      have stopped moving, than the simulation will be stopped.
        :param object_stopped_location_threshold: The maximum difference per second and per coordinate in the rotation Euler vector that is allowed. such
                                                  that an object is still recognized as 'stopped moving'.
        :param object_stopped_rotation_threshold: The maximum difference per second and per coordinate in the rotation Euler vector that is allowed. such
                                                  that an object is still recognized as 'stopped moving'.
        :param substeps_per_frame: Number of simulation steps taken per frame.
        :param solver_iters: Number of constraint solver iterations made per simulation step.
        :return: A dict containing for every active object the shift that was added to their origins.
        # Shift the origin of all objects to their center of mass to make the simulation more realistic
        origin_shift = {}
        objects_with_physics = [
            MeshObject(obj) for obj in get_all_blender_mesh_objects()
            if obj.rigid_body is not None
        for obj in objects_with_physics:
            prev_origin = obj.get_origin()
            new_origin = obj.set_origin(mode="CENTER_OF_VOLUME")
            origin_shift[obj.get_name()] = new_origin - prev_origin

            # Persist mesh scaling as having a scale != 1 can make the simulation unstable

        # Configure simulator
        bpy.context.scene.rigidbody_world.substeps_per_frame = substeps_per_frame
        bpy.context.scene.rigidbody_world.solver_iterations = solver_iters

        # Perform simulation

        return origin_shift
Esempio n. 8
    def run(self):
        :return: Point of interest in the scene. Type: mathutils.Vector.
        # For every selected object in the scene
        selected_objects = MeshObject.convert_to_meshes(
            self.config.get_list("selector", get_all_blender_mesh_objects()))
        if len(selected_objects) == 0:
            raise Exception("No objects were selected!")

        return MeshObject.compute_poi(selected_objects)
Esempio n. 9
    def run(self):
        """ Collect ShapeNet attributes and write them to a file."""

        shapenet_objects = [
            obj for obj in get_all_blender_mesh_objects()
            if "used_synset_id" in obj

        self.write_attributes_to_file(self.object_writer, shapenet_objects,
                                      "shapenet_", "shapenet",
                                      ["used_synset_id", "used_source_id"])
Esempio n. 10
    def _get_pose(self):
        """Returns position and rotation values of all objects in the scene with ACTIVE rigid_body type.

        :return: Dict of form {obj_name:{'location':[x, y, z], 'rotation':[x_rot, y_rot, z_rot]}}.
        objects_poses = {}
        for obj in get_all_blender_mesh_objects():
            if obj.rigid_body.type == 'ACTIVE':
                location = bpy.context.scene.objects[].matrix_world.translation.copy()
                rotation = mathutils.Vector(bpy.context.scene.objects[].matrix_world.to_euler())
                objects_poses.update({ {'location': location, 'rotation': rotation}})

        return objects_poses
Esempio n. 11
    def run(self):
        Samples positions and rotations of selected object inside the sampling volume while performing mesh and
        bounding box collision checks in the following steps:
        1. While we have objects remaining and have not run out of tries - sample a point. 
        2. If no collisions are found keep the point.
        objects_to_sample = self.config.get_list(
            "objects_to_sample", get_all_blender_mesh_objects())
        objects_to_check_collisions = self.config.get_list(
            "objects_to_check_collisions", get_all_blender_mesh_objects())
        max_tries = self.config.get_int("max_iterations", 1000)

        def sample_pose(obj: MeshObject):

Esempio n. 12
    def run(self):
        total_noof_cams = self.config.get_int("total_noof_cams", 10)
        noof_cams_per_scene = self.config.get_int("noof_cams_per_scene", 5)

        for i in range(total_noof_cams):
            if i % noof_cams_per_scene == 0:
                # sample new object poses

            # get current keyframe id
            frame_id = bpy.context.scene.frame_end

            # TODO: Use Getter for selecting objects
            for obj in get_all_blender_mesh_objects():
                # insert keyframes for current object poses
                self.insert_key_frames(obj, frame_id)

            # sample new camera poses
Esempio n. 13
    def _add_rigidbody(self):
        """ Adds a rigidbody element to all mesh objects and sets their physics attributes depending on their custom properties """

        # Temporary function which returns either the value set in the custom properties (if set) or the fallback value.
        def get_physics_attribute(obj, cp_name, default_value):
            if cp_name in obj:
                return obj[cp_name]
                return default_value

        # Go over all mesh objects and set their physics attributes based on the custom properties or (if not set) based on the module config
        for obj in get_all_blender_mesh_objects():
            mesh_obj = MeshObject(obj)
            # Skip if the object has already an active rigid body component
            if mesh_obj.get_rigidbody() is None:
                if "physics" not in obj:
                    raise Exception("The obj: '{}' has no physics attribute, each object needs one.".format(

                # Collect physics attributes
                collision_shape = get_physics_attribute(obj, "physics_collision_shape", self.collision_shape)
                collision_margin = get_physics_attribute(obj, "physics_collision_margin", self.collision_margin)
                mass = get_physics_attribute(obj, "physics_mass", None if self.mass_scaling else 1)
                collision_mesh_source = get_physics_attribute(obj, "physics_collision_mesh_source", self.collision_mesh_source)
                friction = get_physics_attribute(obj, "physics_friction", self.friction)
                angular_damping = get_physics_attribute(obj, "physics_angular_damping", self.angular_damping)
                linear_damping = get_physics_attribute(obj, "physics_linear_damping", self.linear_damping)

                # Set physics attributes
                    collision_shape="COMPOUND" if collision_shape == "CONVEX_DECOMPOSITION" else collision_shape,

                # Check if object needs decomposition
                if collision_shape == "CONVEX_DECOMPOSITION":
                    mesh_obj.build_convex_decomposition_collision_shape(self._temp_dir, self.convex_decomposition_cache_path)
Esempio n. 14
    def run(self):
        """ Collect all mesh objects and writes their id, name and pose."""

        if ('selector' in
            sel_objs = {}

            sel_objs['selector'] =['selector']
            # create Config objects
            sel_conf = Config(sel_objs)
            # invoke a Getter, get a list of entities to manipulate
            objects = sel_conf.get_list("selector")
            objects = []
            for object in get_all_blender_mesh_objects():

            self.object_writer, objects, "object_states_", "object_states",
            ["name", "location", "rotation_euler", "matrix_world"])
Esempio n. 15
    def render(output_dir: Union[str, None] = None, file_prefix: str = "rgb_", output_key: str = "colors",
               load_keys: Set = None, return_data: bool = True) -> Dict[str, List[np.ndarray]]:
        """ Render all frames.

        This will go through all frames from scene.frame_start to scene.frame_end and render each of them.

        :param output_dir: The directory to write files to, if this is None the temporary directory is used. \
                           The temporary directory is usually in the shared memory (only true for linux).
        :param file_prefix: The prefix to use for writing the images.
        :param output_key: The key to use for registering the output.
        :param load_keys: Set of output keys to load when available
        :param return_data: Whether to load and return generated data. Backwards compatibility to config-based pipeline.
        :return: dict of lists of raw renderer output. Keys can be 'distance', 'colors', 'normals'
        if output_dir is None:
            output_dir = Utility.get_temporary_directory()
        if load_keys is None:
            load_keys = {'colors', 'distance', 'normals'}

        if output_key is not None:
                "key": output_key,
                "path": os.path.join(output_dir, file_prefix) + "%04d" +
                "version": "2.0.0"

        bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, file_prefix)

        # Skip if there is nothing to render
        if bpy.context.scene.frame_end != bpy.context.scene.frame_start:
            if len(get_all_blender_mesh_objects()) == 0:
                raise Exception("There are no mesh-objects to render, "
                                "please load an object before invoking the renderer.")
            # As frame_end is pointing to the next free frame, decrease it by one, as
            # blender will render all frames in [frame_start, frame_ned]
            bpy.context.scene.frame_end -= 1
            bpy.ops.render.render(animation=True, write_still=True)
            # Revert changes
            bpy.context.scene.frame_end += 1
        return WriterUtility.load_registered_outputs(load_keys) if return_data else {}
Esempio n. 16
    def run(self):
        all_objects = get_all_blender_mesh_objects()
        front_3D_objs = [obj for obj in all_objects if "is_3D_future" in obj and obj["is_3D_future"]]

        floor_objs = [obj for obj in front_3D_objs if"floor")]

        # count objects per floor -> room
        floor_obj_counters = { 0 for obj in floor_objs}
        counter = 0
        for obj in front_3D_objs:
            name =
            if "wall" in name or "ceiling" in name:
            counter += 1
            location = obj.location
            for floor_obj in floor_objs:
                is_above = self._position_is_above_object(location, floor_obj)
                if is_above:
                    floor_obj_counters[] += 1
        amount_of_objects_needed_per_room = self.config.get_int("amount_of_objects_needed_per_room", 2)
        self.used_floors = [obj for obj in floor_objs if floor_obj_counters[] > amount_of_objects_needed_per_room]

Esempio n. 17
    def _init_bvh_tree(self):
        """ Creates a bvh tree which contains all mesh objects in the scene.

        Such a tree is later used for fast raycasting.
        # Create bmesh which will contain the meshes of all objects
        bm =
        # Go through all mesh objects
        for obj in get_all_blender_mesh_objects():
            if obj in self.excluded_objects_in_proximity_check:
            # Add object mesh to bmesh (the newly added vertices will be automatically selected)
            # Apply world matrix to all selected vertices
            bm.transform(obj.matrix_world, filter={"SELECT"})
            # Deselect all vertices
            for v in bm.verts:
       = False

        # Create tree from bmesh
        self.bvh_tree = mathutils.bvhtree.BVHTree.FromBMesh(bm)

        self._is_bvh_tree_inited = True
Esempio n. 18
    def render(output_dir, file_prefix="rgb_", output_key="colors"):
        """ Render all frames.

        This will go through all frames from scene.frame_start to scene.frame_end and render each of them.

        :param output_dir: The directory to write images to.
        :param file_prefix: The prefix to use for writing the images.
        :param output_key: The key to use for registering the output.
        if output_key is not None:
                os.path.join(output_dir, file_prefix) + "%04d" +

        bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = os.path.join(
            output_dir, file_prefix)

        # Skip if there is nothing to render
        if bpy.context.scene.frame_end != bpy.context.scene.frame_start:
            if len(get_all_blender_mesh_objects()) == 0:
                raise Exception(
                    "There are no mesh-objects to render, "
                    "please load an object before invoking the renderer.")
            # As frame_end is pointing to the next free frame, decrease it by one, as
            # blender will render all frames in [frame_start, frame_ned]
            bpy.context.scene.frame_end -= 1
            bpy.ops.render.render(animation=True, write_still=True)
            # Revert changes
            bpy.context.scene.frame_end += 1
Esempio n. 19
    def run(self):
        :return: Point of interest in the scene. Type: mathutils.Vector.
        # Init matrix for all points of all bounding boxes
        mean_bb_points = []
        # For every selected object in the scene
        selected_objects = self.config.get_list("selector",
        if len(selected_objects) == 0:
            raise Exception("No objects were selected!")

        for obj in selected_objects:
            # Get bounding box corners
            bb_points = get_bounds(obj)
            # Compute mean coords of bounding box
            mean_bb_points.append(np.mean(bb_points, axis=0))
        # Query point - mean of means
        mean_bb_point = np.mean(mean_bb_points, axis=0)
        # Closest point (from means) to query point (mean of means)
        poi = mathutils.Vector(mean_bb_points[np.argmin(
            np.linalg.norm(mean_bb_points - mean_bb_point, axis=1))])

        return poi
Esempio n. 20
def get_all_meshes_with_name(name: str):
    return MeshObject.convert_to_meshes([obj for obj in get_all_blender_mesh_objects() if == name])
Esempio n. 21
 def run(self):
     self.point_sampler = Front3DPointInRoomSampler(
Esempio n. 22
def get_all_mesh_objects():
    return MeshObject.convert_to_meshes(get_all_blender_mesh_objects())
Esempio n. 23
    def _sample_cam_poses(self, config):
        """ Samples camera poses according to the given config

        :param config: The config object
        cam_ob =
        cam =

        # Set global parameters
        self.sqrt_number_of_rays = config.get_int("sqrt_number_of_rays", 10)
        self.max_tries = config.get_int("max_tries", 10000)
        self.proximity_checks = config.get_raw_dict("proximity_checks", {})
        self.excluded_objects_in_proximity_check = config.get_list(
            "excluded_objs_in_proximity_check", [])
        self.min_interest_score = config.get_float("min_interest_score", 0.0)
        self.interest_score_range = config.get_float("interest_score_range",
        self.interest_score_step = config.get_float("interest_score_step", 0.1)
        self.special_objects = config.get_list("special_objects", [])
        self.special_objects_weight = config.get_float(
            "special_objects_weight", 2)
        self._above_objects = MeshObject.convert_to_meshes(
            config.get_list("check_if_pose_above_object_list", []))
        self.check_visible_objects = MeshObject.convert_to_meshes(
            config.get_list("check_if_objects_visible", []))

        # Set camera intrinsics
            cam, Config(self.config.get_raw_dict("intrinsics", {})))

        if self.proximity_checks:
            # needs to build an bvh tree
            mesh_objects = [
                MeshObject(obj) for obj in get_all_blender_mesh_objects()
                if obj not in self.excluded_objects_in_proximity_check
            self.bvh_tree = MeshObject.create_bvh_tree_multi_objects(

        if self.interest_score_step <= 0.0:
            raise Exception(
                "Must have an interest score step size bigger than 0")

        # Determine the number of camera poses to sample
        number_of_poses = config.get_int("number_of_samples", 1)
        print("Sampling " + str(number_of_poses) + " cam poses")

        # Start with max interest score
        self.interest_score = self.interest_score_range

        # Init
        all_tries = 0
        tries = 0
        existing_poses = []

        for i in range(number_of_poses):
            # Do until a valid pose has been found or the max number of tries has been reached
            while tries < self.max_tries:
                tries += 1
                all_tries += 1
                # Sample a new cam pose and check if its valid
                if self.sample_and_validate_cam_pose(config, existing_poses):

            # If max tries has been reached
            if tries >= self.max_tries:
                # Decrease interest score and try again, if we have not yet reached minimum
                continue_trying, self.interest_score = CameraValidation.decrease_interest_score(
                    self.interest_score, self.min_interest_score,
                if continue_trying:
                    tries = 0

        print(str(all_tries) + " tries were necessary")
Esempio n. 24
    def render(output_dir,
        """ Renders segmentation maps for all frames.

        :param output_dir: The directory to write images to.
        :param temp_dir: The directory to write intermediate data to.
        :param used_attributes: The attributes to be used for color mapping.
        :param used_default_values: The default values used for the keys used in used_attributes.
        :param file_prefix: The prefix to use for writing the images.
        :param output_key: The key to use for registering the output.
        :param segcolormap_output_file_prefix: The prefix to use for writing the segmation-color map csv.
        :param segcolormap_output_key: The key to use for registering the segmation-color map output.
        :param use_alpha_channel: If true, the alpha channel stored in .png textures is used.
        :param render_colorspace_size_per_dimension: As we use float16 for storing the rendering, the interval of integers which can be precisely stored is [-2048, 2048]. As blender does not allow negative values for colors, we use [0, 2048] ** 3 as our color space which allows ~8 billion different colors/objects. This should be enough.
        with Utility.UndoAfterExecution():
            RendererUtility.set_light_bounces(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 8, 0)

            # Get objects with meshes (i.e. not lights or cameras)
            objs_with_mats = get_all_blender_mesh_objects()

            colors, num_splits_per_dimension, used_objects = SegMapRendererUtility._colorize_objects_for_instance_segmentation(
                objs_with_mats, use_alpha_channel,

            bpy.context.scene.cycles.filter_width = 0.0

            if use_alpha_channel:

            # Determine path for temporary and for final output
            temporary_segmentation_file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "seg_")
            final_segmentation_file_path = os.path.join(
                output_dir, file_prefix)

            RendererUtility.set_output_format("OPEN_EXR", 16)
            RendererUtility.render(temp_dir, "seg_", None)

            # Find optimal dtype of output based on max index
            for dtype in [np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32]:
                optimal_dtype = dtype
                if np.iinfo(optimal_dtype).max >= len(colors) - 1:

            if 'class' in used_default_values:
                used_default_values['cp_category_id'] = used_default_values[

            if isinstance(used_attributes, str):
                # only one result is requested
                result_channels = 1
                used_attributes = [used_attributes]
            elif isinstance(used_attributes, list):
                result_channels = len(used_attributes)
                raise Exception(
                    "The type of this is not supported here: {}".format(

            save_in_csv_attributes = {}
            # define them for the avoid rendering case
            there_was_an_instance_rendering = False
            list_of_used_attributes = []

            # Check if stereo is enabled
            if bpy.context.scene.render.use_multiview:
                suffixes = ["_L", "_R"]
                suffixes = [""]

            # After rendering
            for frame in range(
                    bpy.context.scene.frame_end):  # for each rendered frame
                for suffix in suffixes:
                    file_path = temporary_segmentation_file_path + (
                        "%04d" % frame) + suffix + ".exr"
                    segmentation = load_image(file_path)
                    print(file_path, segmentation.shape)

                    segmap = Utility.map_back_from_equally_spaced_equidistant_values(
                        segmentation, num_splits_per_dimension,
                    segmap = segmap.astype(optimal_dtype)

                    used_object_ids = np.unique(segmap)
                    max_id = np.max(used_object_ids)
                    if max_id >= len(used_objects):
                        raise Exception(
                            "There are more object colors than there are objects"
                    combined_result_map = []
                    there_was_an_instance_rendering = False
                    list_of_used_attributes = []
                    used_channels = []
                    for channel_id in range(result_channels):
                        resulting_map = np.empty(
                            (segmap.shape[0], segmap.shape[1]))
                        was_used = False
                        current_attribute = used_attributes[channel_id]
                        org_attribute = current_attribute

                        # if the class is used the category_id attribute is evaluated
                        if current_attribute == "class":
                            current_attribute = "cp_category_id"
                        # in the instance case the resulting ids are directly used
                        if current_attribute == "instance":
                            there_was_an_instance_rendering = True
                            resulting_map = segmap
                            was_used = True
                            # a non default value was also used
                            non_default_value_was_used = True
                            if current_attribute != "cp_category_id":
                            # for the current attribute remove cp_ and _csv, if present
                            used_attribute = current_attribute
                            if used_attribute.startswith("cp_"):
                                used_attribute = used_attribute[len("cp_"):]
                            # check if a default value was specified
                            default_value_set = False
                            if current_attribute in used_default_values or used_attribute in used_default_values:
                                default_value_set = True
                                if current_attribute in used_default_values:
                                    default_value = used_default_values[
                                elif used_attribute in used_default_values:
                                    default_value = used_default_values[
                            last_state_save_in_csv = None
                            # this avoids that for certain attributes only the default value is written
                            non_default_value_was_used = False
                            # iterate over all object ids
                            for object_id in used_object_ids:
                                is_default_value = False
                                # get the corresponding object via the id
                                current_obj = used_objects[object_id]
                                # if the current obj has a attribute with that name -> get it
                                if hasattr(current_obj, used_attribute):
                                    used_value = getattr(
                                        current_obj, used_attribute)
                                # if the current object has a custom property with that name -> get it
                                elif current_attribute.startswith(
                                ) and used_attribute in current_obj:
                                    used_value = current_obj[used_attribute]
                                elif current_attribute.startswith("cf_"):
                                    if current_attribute == "cf_basename":
                                        used_value =
                                        if "." in used_value:
                                            used_value = used_value[:used_value
                                elif default_value_set:
                                    # if none of the above applies use the default value
                                    used_value = default_value
                                    is_default_value = True
                                    # if the requested current_attribute is not a custom property or a attribute
                                    # or there is a default value stored
                                    # it throws an exception
                                    raise Exception(
                                        "The obj: {} does not have the "
                                        "attribute: {}, striped: {}. Maybe try a default "
                                            current_attribute, used_attribute))

                                # check if the value should be saved as an image or in the csv file
                                save_in_csv = False
                                    resulting_map[segmap ==
                                                  object_id] = used_value
                                    was_used = True
                                    if not is_default_value:
                                        non_default_value_was_used = True
                                    # save everything which is not instance also in the .csv
                                    if current_attribute != "instance":
                                        save_in_csv = True
                                except ValueError:
                                    save_in_csv = True

                                if last_state_save_in_csv is not None and last_state_save_in_csv != save_in_csv:
                                    raise Exception(
                                        "During creating the mapping, the saving to an image or a csv file "
                                        "switched, this might indicated that the used default value, does "
                                        "not have the same type as the returned value, "
                                        "for: {}".format(current_attribute))
                                last_state_save_in_csv = save_in_csv
                                if save_in_csv:
                                    if object_id in save_in_csv_attributes:
                                            used_attribute] = used_value
                                        save_in_csv_attributes[object_id] = {
                                            used_attribute: used_value
                        if was_used and non_default_value_was_used:

                    fname = final_segmentation_file_path + ("%04d" %
                                                            frame) + suffix
                    # combine all resulting images to one image
                    resulting_map = np.stack(combined_result_map, axis=2)
                    # remove the unneeded third dimension
                    if resulting_map.shape[2] == 1:
                        resulting_map = resulting_map[:, :, 0]
          , resulting_map)

            if not there_was_an_instance_rendering:
                if len(list_of_used_attributes) > 0:
                    raise Exception(
                        "There were attributes specified in the may_by, which could not be saved as "
                        "there was no \"instance\" may_by key used. This is true for this/these "
                        "keys: {}".format(", ".join(list_of_used_attributes)))
                # if there was no instance rendering no .csv file is generated!
                # delete all saved infos about .csv
                save_in_csv_attributes = {}

            # write color mappings to file
            if save_in_csv_attributes:
                csv_file_path = os.path.join(
                    output_dir, segcolormap_output_file_prefix + ".csv")
                with open(csv_file_path, 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
                    # get from the first element the used field names
                    fieldnames = ["idx"]
                    # get all used object element keys
                    for object_element in save_in_csv_attributes.values():
                    for channel_name in used_channels:
                    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
                    # save for each object all values in one row
                    for obj_idx, object_element in save_in_csv_attributes.items(
                        object_element["idx"] = obj_idx
                        for i, channel_name in enumerate(used_channels):
                                channel_name)] = i

        Utility.register_output(output_dir, file_prefix, output_key, ".npy",
        if save_in_csv_attributes:
Esempio n. 25
    def simulate_and_fix_final_poses(
            min_simulation_time: float = 4.0,
            max_simulation_time: float = 40.0,
            check_object_interval: float = 2.0,
            object_stopped_location_threshold: float = 0.01,
            object_stopped_rotation_threshold: float = 0.1,
            substeps_per_frame: int = 10,
            solver_iters: int = 10):
        """ Simulates the current scene and in the end fixes the final poses of all active objects.

        The simulation is run for at least `min_simulation_time` seconds and at a maximum `max_simulation_time` seconds.
        Every `check_object_interval` seconds, it is checked if the maximum object movement in the last second is below a given threshold.
        If that is the case, the simulation is stopped.

        After performing the simulation, the simulation cache is removed, the rigid body components are disabled and the pose of the active objects is set to their final pose in the simulation.

        :param min_simulation_time: The minimum number of seconds to simulate.
        :param max_simulation_time: The maximum number of seconds to simulate.
        :param check_object_interval: The interval in seconds at which all objects should be checked if they are still moving. If all objects
                                      have stopped moving, than the simulation will be stopped.
        :param object_stopped_location_threshold: The maximum difference per second and per coordinate in the rotation Euler vector that is allowed. such
                                                  that an object is still recognized as 'stopped moving'.
        :param object_stopped_rotation_threshold: The maximum difference per second and per coordinate in the rotation Euler vector that is allowed. such
                                                  that an object is still recognized as 'stopped moving'.
        :param substeps_per_frame: Number of simulation steps taken per frame.
        :param solver_iters: Number of constraint solver iterations made per simulation step.
        # Undo changes made in the simulation like origin adjustment and persisting the object's scale
        with Utility.UndoAfterExecution():
            # Run simulation and remember poses before and after
            obj_poses_before_sim = PhysicsSimulation._get_pose()
            origin_shifts = PhysicsSimulation.simulate(
                min_simulation_time, max_simulation_time,
                check_object_interval, object_stopped_location_threshold,
                object_stopped_rotation_threshold, substeps_per_frame,
            obj_poses_after_sim = PhysicsSimulation._get_pose()

            # Make sure to remove the simulation cache as we are only interested in the final poses
                {"point_cache": bpy.context.scene.rigidbody_world.point_cache})

        # Fix the pose of all objects to their pose at the and of the simulation (also revert origin shift)
        objects_with_physics = [
            MeshObject(obj) for obj in get_all_blender_mesh_objects()
            if obj.rigid_body is not None
        for obj in objects_with_physics:
            # Skip objects that have parents with compound rigid body component
            has_compound_parent = obj.get_parent(
            ) is not None and obj.get_parent().get_rigidbody(
            ) is not None and obj.get_parent().get_rigidbody(
            ).collision_shape == "COMPOUND"
            if obj.get_rigidbody(
            ).type == "ACTIVE" and not has_compound_parent:
                # compute relative object rotation before and after simulation
                R_obj_before_sim = mathutils.Euler(obj_poses_before_sim[
                R_obj_after = mathutils.Euler(obj_poses_after_sim[
                R_obj_rel = R_obj_before_sim @ R_obj_after.transposed()
                # Apply relative rotation to origin shift
                origin_shift = R_obj_rel.transposed() @ mathutils.Vector(

                # Fix pose of object to the one it had at the end of the simulation
                    obj_poses_after_sim[obj.get_name()]['location'] -

        for obj in objects_with_physics:
            # Disable the rigidbody element of the object
Esempio n. 26
    def write(output_dir: str,
              dataset: str = "",
              append_to_existing_output: bool = False,
              depth_scale: float = 1.0,
              save_world2cam: bool = True,
              ignore_dist_thres: float = 100.,
              m2mm: bool = True,
              frames_per_chunk: int = 1000):
        """Write the BOP data

        :param output_dir: Path to the output directory.
        :param dataset: Only save annotations for objects of the specified bop dataset. Saves all object poses if undefined.
        :param append_to_existing_output: If true, the new frames will be appended to the existing ones.
        :param depth_scale: Multiply the uint16 output depth image with this factor to get depth in mm. Used to trade-off between depth accuracy 
            and maximum depth value. Default corresponds to 65.54m maximum depth and 1mm accuracy.
        :param save_world2cam: If true, camera to world transformations "cam_R_w2c", "cam_t_w2c" are saved in scene_camera.json
        :param ignore_dist_thres: Distance between camera and object after which object is ignored. Mostly due to failed physics.
        :param m2mm: Original bop annotations and models are in mm. If true, we convert the gt annotations to mm here. This
            is needed if BopLoader option mm2m is used.
        :param frames_per_chunk: Number of frames saved in each chunk (called scene in BOP) 

        # Output paths.
        dataset_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'bop_data', dataset)
        chunks_dir = os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'train_pbr')
        camera_path = os.path.join(dataset_dir, 'camera.json')

        # Create the output directory structure.
        if not os.path.exists(dataset_dir):
        elif not append_to_existing_output:
            raise Exception(
                "The output folder already exists: {}.".format(dataset_dir))

        all_mesh_objects = get_all_blender_mesh_objects()

        # Select objects from the specified dataset.
        if dataset:
            dataset_objects = []
            for obj in all_mesh_objects:
                if "bop_dataset_name" in obj:
                    if obj["bop_dataset_name"] == dataset:
            dataset_objects = all_mesh_objects

        # Check if there is any object from the specified dataset.
        if not dataset_objects:
            raise Exception(
                "The scene does not contain any object from the "
                "specified dataset: {}. Either remove the dataset parameter "
                "or assign custom property 'bop_dataset_name' to selected objects"

        # Save the data.
        BopWriterUtility._write_camera(camera_path, depth_scale=depth_scale)
Esempio n. 27
 def _remove_rigidbody(self):
     """ Removes the rigidbody element from all mesh objects. """
     for obj in get_all_blender_mesh_objects(): = obj