async def handle(self, task: Task, args: list): """ Method for handling compilation and scheduling of the incoming task :param task: incoming task :param args: additional arguments for compilation :raises CmdHandlerError :return: nothing """ self.__set_task_log(task) task = await self.__streams_handler.recv_file(task) task.set_status(TaskStatus.COMPILING) await self.__io_handler.save_task(task) await self.__streams_handler.inform_client(task, 'Task is compiling') try: await self.__compilation_handler.handle_compilation(task, args) if self.__template_resolver.sched_uses_desc(): await self.__create_task_passport(task) await self.__run_task(task) # Update HPC info on the web application side await self.__hpc_stats_handler.handle(task, []) except Exception as e: raise CmdHandlerError(Command.RUN, e)
async def save_task(self, task: Task): target_dir = task.path_to_task_etc(self.workdir) if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir) task_info = os.path.join(target_dir, self.info_filename) await self.__async_rw.async_write_file(task_info, task.to_json(indent=4)) return
def __extract_path_files_and_zip_res(self, task: Task, zip_name: str): path = task.get_dir_name_for_task(self.workdir) if not os.path.exists(path): raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot get files for task {}. No directory is present for this task.' .format(task.get_name())) files = os.listdir(path) zip_res = os.path.join(path, zip_name) return path, files, zip_res
async def __cancel_task(self, task: Task, args: list): """ Handle 'cancel' command :param task: related task :param args: additional arguments :return: None """ cancel_command = self.__template_resolver.get_cancel_for_task(task) await self.exec_shell_command(cancel_command, args) task.set_status(TaskStatus.CANCELLED) return None
async def recv_file(self, task: Task) -> Task: """ Receive incoming file from the reader channel :param task: related task :return: task """ bufsize = task.get_filesize() in_file = await recv_name = task.get_name() await self.__io_handler.write_recvd_data(task, recv_name, in_file) return task
async def inform_client(self, task: Task, message: str, error: Exception = None) -> None: """ Send information to the server using async writer channel :param task: related task :param error: related error message :param message: message to send :return: nothing """ to_send = {'task_info': {}, 'message': '', 'error': ''} if task is not None: # Add info about the received task task_msg = { 'name': task.get_name(), 'username': task.get_user(), 'status': task.get_str_status() } to_send['task_info'] = task_msg to_send['message'] = message levelname = LogLevel.DEBUG if error is not None and error != 'None': error = '{}'.format(error) idx = error.find(self.__ERROR_DESC_START) if idx >= 0: error = error[idx + len(self.__ERROR_DESC_START):] to_send['error'] = '{}'.format(error) to_send['task_info']['status'] = 'ERROR' levelname = LogLevel.ERROR self.__log_writer.log('Request response: {}'.format( json.dumps(to_send, indent=4)), level=levelname) try: # Sending response to CKD web application self.__out_stream.write(json.dumps(to_send, indent=4).encode()) await self.__out_stream.drain() except Exception as e: self.__log_writer.log( 'Error occurred while responding to the CKD application: {}'. format(e)) self.__log_writer.log('Response sent.', level=LogLevel.DEBUG)
async def write_recvd_data(self, task: Task, recv_name: str, recvd_data: bytes): # Create directory for task files if it doesn't exist srcdir = task.path_to_task_src(self.workdir) if not os.path.exists(srcdir): os.makedirs(srcdir) # Write incoming file on disk recv_file = os.path.join(srcdir, recv_name) await self.__async_rw.async_write_file(recv_file, recvd_data) if task.is_file_archive(): await self.__executor.async_execution(self.__handle_archive, task, srcdir, recv_file) return
def create_cmake_lists(self, task: Task): """ Generates CMakeLists.txt to make an archive into the CMake project :param task: task to handle :return: None """ path = task.path_to_task_src(self.__workdir) cmake_lists_filename = os.path.join(path, self.__C_MAKE_LISTS_TXT__) main_file = self.__get_main_file_in_project(path) task_name = task.get_name() file_contents = [ 'cmake_minimum_required(VERSION {})'.format(self.__cmake_version), 'project({})'.format(task_name), 'SET(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release)', ] extension = main_file.split('.')[-1] file_contents.append('file(GLOB SOURCES "./*.{}")'.format(extension)) file_contents.append(' '.join( ['add_executable('.format(task_name), '${SOURCES})'])) dirs = self.__filter_dirs(path) include_dirs = list(filter(lambda x: 'include' in x, dirs)) include_dirs = set(include_dirs) file_contents.append('include_directories({})'.format( ', '.join(include_dirs))) dirs = set(dirs) - include_dirs for dir_name in dirs: file_contents.append('add_subdirectory({})'.format(dir_name)) file_contents = '\n'.join(file_contents) file_contents = correct_line_breaks(file_contents) with open(cmake_lists_filename, 'w') as cmake_lists_file: cmake_lists_file.write(file_contents)
def parse_net_command(json_bytes_with_sep): json_string = json_bytes_with_sep.rstrip(b'\0').decode() dct = json.loads(json_string) source = dct['source'].rstrip('/') cmd = Command(dct['cmd']) if dct['cmd'] != 'hpc_stats': return source, cmd, Task(dct['task_info']), dct['args'] else: return source, cmd, None, None
def __get_compile_cmds(self, task: Task, args: list): """ Get compilation command to compile all of the task source files. :param task: related task :param args: additional arguments :return: list of compilation commands """ compiler = task.get_compiler() if '' != compiler: bin_path = task.path_to_task_bin(self.__workdir) if not os.path.exists(bin_path): os.makedirs(bin_path) path = task.path_to_task_src(self.__workdir) if task.is_file_archive(): if self.__cmake_handler is not None and task.uses_cmake(): if not self.__cmake_handler.is_cmake_target(path): self.__cmake_handler.create_cmake_lists(task) commands = self.__cmake_handler.get_compilation_commands_using_cmake( task) else: commands = self.__no_cmake_compile_cmd( compiler, task, args) else: commands = self.__get_compile_cmd_for_single_file( compiler, task, args) self.__log_writer.log(json.dumps(commands, indent=4), level=LogLevel.DEBUG) return commands else: raise RuntimeError('No compiler is set for the task: {}'.format( task.get_name()))
async def get_sources(self, task: Task): zip_name = '' path, files, zip_res = self.__extract_path_files_and_zip_res( task, zip_name) if zip_name not in files: path = task.path_to_task_src(self.workdir) files = list(map(lambda x: os.path.join(path, x), os.listdir(path))) await self.__executor.async_execution(self.__write_zip_file, files, zip_res) return zip_res
async def write_task_passport(self, task: Task, passport: str): path_to_passport = task.path_to_task_etc(self.workdir) if not os.path.exists(path_to_passport): os.makedirs(path_to_passport) path_to_passport = os.path.join(path_to_passport, self.passport_filename) passport = correct_line_breaks(passport) await self.__async_rw.async_write_file(path_to_passport, passport) return path_to_passport
def get_compilation_commands_using_cmake(self, task: Task): """ Constructs commands to build CMake project and sets target executable name for task. For now supports only project build using Unix Makefiles. :param task: task to handle :return: command list to build CMake project """ path = task.path_to_task_src(self.__workdir) bin_path = task.path_to_task_bin(self.__workdir) if not os.path.exists(bin_path): os.makedirs(bin_path) commands = [ # invoking cmake in the 'bin' directory so that all of the generated files are inside 'bin' directory 'cmake {} --warn-uninitialized --warn-unused-vars -Wno-dev'.format( path), # invoking build through the CMake build tool using appropriate tool for the system 'cmake --build .', ] self.__log_writer.log(json.dumps(commands, indent=4), LogLevel.DEBUG) with open(os.path.join(path, self.__C_MAKE_LISTS_TXT__), 'r') as cmake_file: lines = lines = list(filter(lambda x: 'project' in x, lines)) # line = 'project(project_name)' lines = list(filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, lines)) lines = list(map(lambda x: re.split(r'[() ]', x), lines)) self.__log_writer.log('LINES: {}'.format(lines)) bin_name = os.path.join(bin_path, lines[0][1]) task.set_bin_name(bin_name) return commands
def __handle_archive(task: Task, curdir: str, recv_file: str): before = set(os.listdir(curdir)) if '.zip' in task.get_filename(): with zipfile.ZipFile(recv_file, mode='r') as zip_arc: arc_type = 'zip' zip_arc.extractall(path=curdir) else: with, mode='r:*') as tar: arc_type = 'tar' tar.extractall(path=curdir) after = set(os.listdir(curdir)) if after - (after ^ before) == set(): # No changes in the directory raise RuntimeError('No extraction for {} archive'.format(arc_type)) # There is no need for the archive to stay any longer os.remove(recv_file)
def get_passport(self, task: Task): template = self.__sched.get_passport_template() template = template.splitlines() if 'mpi' in task.get_compiler().lower(): template = self.__mpi_adapt_passport_template( template, '__NO_MPI__', '__MPI__') else: template = self.__mpi_adapt_passport_template( template, '__MPI__', '__NO_MPI__') template = '\n'.join(template) passport = self.__substitute_template_params(template, task) self.__log_writer.log('PASSPORT:\n{}'.format(passport), level=LogLevel.DEBUG) return passport
def __get_flat_archive_files(self, c_compiler, task: Task): """ Get files list relevant for compilation :param c_compiler: whether the program would be compiled using C/C++ compiler :param task: task to handle :return: source files list """ path = task.path_to_task_src(self.__workdir) dirfiles = os.listdir(path) if c_compiler: files = list( filter(lambda x: '.cxx' in x or '.cpp' in x or '.c' in x, dirfiles)) else: files = list(filter(lambda x: '.f' in x, dirfiles)) files = list(map(lambda x: os.path.join(path, x), files)) files = ' '.join(files) return files
async def handle_compilation(self, task: Task, args: list): task.set_bin_name( os.path.join(task.path_to_task_bin(self.__workdir), task.get_name() + '.out')) compilation_commands = self.__get_compile_cmds(task, args) compilation_output = await self.__executor.async_exec_cmds_with_wrapping( commands=compilation_commands, dir_to_use=task.path_to_task_bin(self.__workdir), ) compilation_log_file = os.path.join( task.get_dir_name_for_task(self.__workdir), 'compilation.log') with open(compilation_log_file, 'w') as output_file: output_file.write(compilation_output) return
async def restore_task(self, task: Task): task_info = os.path.join(task.path_to_task_etc(self.workdir), self.info_filename) task = Task.from_json(await self.__async_rw.async_read_file(task_info)) return task
def __init_templ_dct(self, templ_dct, task: Task): """ Function to initialize template dictionary with methods of the related Task object :param task: related task :return: nothing """ templ_dct['__procnum__'] = task.get_procnum() templ_dct['__walltime__'] = task.get_walltime() templ_dct['__memory__'] = task.get_memory() templ_dct['__filename__'] = task.get_filename() templ_dct['__descname__'] = task.get_passport_name() templ_dct['__jobid__'] = task.get_jobid() templ_dct['__name__'] = task.get_name() templ_dct['__user__'] = task.get_user() templ_dct['__taskdir__'] = task.get_dir_name_for_task(self.workdir) templ_dct['__binname__'] = task.get_bin_name() templ_dct['__logname__'] = task.get_log_name() templ_dct['__workdir__'] = self.__get_workdir()