Esempio n. 1
def calculate_intersection(tetragon1, tetragon2):
    """Calculate the intersection area of two tetragons

        tetragon1 -- Array of shape (4,2) defining the first polygon
        tetragon2 -- Array of shape (4,2) defining the second polygon

        float -- The intersection area in pixels
    if not no_intersection(tetragon1, tetragon2):
        pts3 = get_intersection_pts(tetragon1, tetragon2)
        pts3 = perspective.order_points(pts3)
        intersection = calculate_area(pts3)
        return intersection
    return 0
def infer_frame(frame, extraction, descriptors, histograms, hparams):
    """ Predict the room given 1 frame of the video

        frame -- The BGR video frame
        extraction {FeatureExtraction} -- an instance of the FeatureExtraction class
        descriptors {dict} -- The collection of descriptors, indexed by image path
        histograms {dict} -- The collection of histograms, indexed by image path
        hparams {dict} -- The full hyper parameters dictionary object

        (prediction, confidence, frame_annotated)
    points, frame = feature_detection.detect_perspective(
        frame, hparams['video'])

    best = None
    best_score = 0
    if len(points) == 4:
        points = perspective.order_points(points)
        painting = perspective.perspective_transform(frame, points)
        descriptor = extraction.extract_keypoints(painting, hparams)
        histogram = extraction.extract_hist(painting)

        logits_descriptor = []
        logits_histogram = []
        labels = []
        for path in descriptors:
            if descriptors[path] is not None and histograms[path] is not None:
                score_key = extraction.match_keypoints(descriptor,
                score_hist = extraction.compare_hist(histogram,

        scores_descriptor = math.softmax(logits_descriptor)
        scores_histogram = math.softmax(logits_histogram)
        scores = hparams['keypoints_weight'] * scores_descriptor + \
            hparams['histogram_weight'] * scores_histogram
        best_idx = np.argmax(scores)
        best_score = scores[best_idx]
        best = labels[best_idx]
    return best, best_score, frame
Esempio n. 3
def calculate_area(pts):
    """Calculate the inside area of a tetragon

        pts -- (4,2) array containing 4 corners in orhogonal coordinates

        float -- The area in pixels
    pts = perspective.order_points(pts)
    a = euclid_dist(pts[2], pts[3])
    b = euclid_dist(pts[3], pts[0])
    c = euclid_dist(pts[0], pts[1])
    d = euclid_dist(pts[1], pts[2])
    t = 0.5 * (a + b + c + d)
    angle1 = angle_betw_lines(
        np.array([pts[2], pts[3]]), np.array([pts[3], pts[0]]))
    angle2 = angle_betw_lines(
        np.array([pts[0], pts[1]]), np.array([pts[1], pts[2]]))
    area = math.sqrt(((t - a) * (t - b) * (t - c) * (t - d))
                     - (a * b * c * d * ((math.cos((angle1 + angle2)/2)) ** 2)))
    return area
Esempio n. 4
def get_intersection_pts(pts1, pts2):
    pts1 = perspective.order_points(pts1)
    pts2 = perspective.order_points(pts2)
    pts3 = pts1
    # first check if either corner lies completely inside of the other (that's the two first ifs
    # if not, check which lies most inside to get the inside intersection
    if not no_intersection(pts1, pts2):
        if point_inside_quad(pts1[0], pts2):
            pts3[0] = pts1[0]
        elif point_inside_quad(pts2[0], pts1):
            pts3[0] = pts2[0]
            pta = intersections(np.array([pts1[0][0], pts1[0][1], pts1[3][0], pts1[3][1]]),
                                np.array([pts2[0][0], pts2[0][1], pts2[1][0], pts2[1][1]]))
            ptb = intersections(np.array([pts1[0][0], pts1[0][1], pts1[1][0], pts1[1][1]]),
                                np.array([pts2[0][0], pts2[0][1], pts2[3][0], pts2[3][1]]))
            if pta[0] < 0 or pta[0] > 10000 or pta[1] < 0 or pta[1] > 10000:
                pts3[0] = ptb
            elif ptb[0] < 0 or ptb[0] > 10000 or ptb[1] < 0 or ptb[1] > 10000:
                pts3[0] = pta
            elif ptb[0] > pta[0]:
                pts3[0] = ptb
                pts3[0] = pta

        if point_inside_quad(pts1[1], pts2):
            pts3[1] = pts1[1]
        elif point_inside_quad(pts2[1], pts1):
            pts3[1] = pts2[1]
            pta = intersections(np.array([pts1[1][0], pts1[1][1], pts1[2][0], pts1[2][1]]),
                                np.array([pts2[0][0], pts2[0][1], pts2[1][0], pts2[1][1]]))
            ptb = intersections(np.array([pts1[0][0], pts1[0][1], pts1[1][0], pts1[1][1]]),
                                np.array([pts2[1][0], pts2[1][1], pts2[2][0], pts2[2][1]]))
            if pta[0] < 0 or pta[0] > 10000 or pta[1] < 0 or pta[1] > 10000:
                pts3[1] = ptb
            elif ptb[0] < 0 or ptb[0] > 10000 or ptb[1] < 0 or ptb[1] > 10000:
                pts3[1] = pta
            elif ptb[0] < pta[0]:
                pts3[1] = ptb
                pts3[1] = pta

        if point_inside_quad(pts1[2], pts2):
            pts3[2] = pts1[2]
        elif point_inside_quad(pts2[2], pts1):
            pts3[2] = pts2[2]
            pta = intersections(np.array([pts1[1][0], pts1[1][1], pts1[2][0], pts1[2][1]]),
                                np.array([pts2[2][0], pts2[2][1], pts2[3][0], pts2[3][1]]))
            ptb = intersections(np.array([pts1[2][0], pts1[2][1], pts1[3][0], pts1[3][1]]),
                                np.array([pts2[1][0], pts2[1][1], pts2[2][0], pts2[2][1]]))
            if pta[0] < 0 or pta[0] > 10000 or pta[1] < 0 or pta[1] > 10000:
                pts3[2] = ptb
            elif ptb[0] < 0 or ptb[0] > 10000 or ptb[1] < 0 or ptb[1] > 10000:
                pts3[2] = pta
            elif ptb[0] < pta[0]:
                pts3[2] = ptb
                pts3[2] = pta

        if point_inside_quad(pts1[3], pts2):
            pts3[3] = pts1[3]
        elif point_inside_quad(pts2[3], pts1):
            pts3[3] = pts2[3]
            pta = intersections(np.array([pts1[3][0], pts1[3][1], pts1[0][0], pts1[0][1]]),
                                np.array([pts2[2][0], pts2[2][1], pts2[3][0], pts2[3][1]]))
            ptb = intersections(np.array([pts1[2][0], pts1[2][1], pts1[3][0], pts1[3][1]]),
                                np.array([pts2[0][0], pts2[0][1], pts2[3][0], pts2[3][1]]))
            if pta[0] < 0 or pta[0] > 10000 or pta[1] < 0 or pta[1] > 10000:
                pts3[3] = ptb
            elif ptb[0] < 0 or ptb[0] > 10000 or ptb[1] < 0 or ptb[1] > 10000:
                pts3[3] = pta
            elif ptb[0] > pta[0]:
                pts3[3] = ptb
                pts3[3] = pta
        return pts3
    return np.array([(-1, -1), (-1, -1), (-1, -1), (-1, -1)])
Esempio n. 5
def bounding_rect_2(lines, hparams, shape, theta_threshold=.1):
    """ Algorithm 2
        Pick 4 lines which are most likely to be the edges of the painting,
        used for perspective correction.

        Numpy array of shape (4,2) containing 4 corners, ordered clockwise from
        the top left.
    lines_polar = [to_polar(l) for l in lines]

    buckets = [[] for _ in range(18)]
    for idx, (rho, theta) in enumerate(lines_polar):
        buckets[int(theta * 17.5 / math.pi)].append(idx)

    top = np.array([len(b) for b in buckets]).argsort()[-2:]

    first = list(sorted(buckets[top[0]], key=lambda idx: lines_polar[idx][0]))
    second = list(sorted(buckets[top[1]], key=lambda idx: lines_polar[idx][0]))

    indices = [0, 0, len(first)-1, len(second)-1]
    bad_ratio = True
    while(bad_ratio and indices[0] < indices[2] and indices[1] < indices[3]):
        line1 = first[indices[0]]
        line2 = second[indices[1]]
        line3 = first[indices[2]]
        line4 = second[indices[3]]

        width = abs(lines_polar[line1][0] - lines_polar[line3][0])
        height = abs(lines_polar[line2][0] - lines_polar[line4][0])
        if out_of_ratio(width, height, hparams['ratio']):
            if width > height:
                indices[0] += 1
                indices[1] += 1
            corners = np.int32([
                intersections(lines[line1], lines[line2]),
                intersections(lines[line2], lines[line3]),
                intersections(lines[line3], lines[line4]),
                intersections(lines[line4], lines[line1]),
            out_of_frame = False
            for idx, (x, y) in enumerate(corners):
                if not (0 <= x < shape[1] and 0 <= y < shape[0]):
                    out_of_frame = True
                    if idx <= 1:
                        indices[idx] += 1
                        indices[idx] -= 1
            bad_ratio = out_of_frame

    line1 = first[indices[0]]
    line2 = second[indices[1]]
    line3 = first[indices[2]]
    line4 = second[indices[3]]

    width = abs(lines_polar[line1][0] - lines_polar[line3][0])
    height = abs(lines_polar[line2][0] - lines_polar[line4][0])

    if out_of_ratio(width, height, hparams['ratio']):
        # Ratio is still bad, so there is no good bounding rectangle
        logging.warning('Perspective transform: Bad aspect ratio (%f) ',
                        min(width / height, height/width))
        return []
    elif width < hparams['min_rect_size'] or height < hparams['min_rect_size']:
        # Rectangle is too small
        logging.warning('Perspective transform: Detected rectangle too small (%f) ',
                        min(width, height))
        return []

    corners = np.int32([
        intersections(lines[line1], lines[line2]),
        intersections(lines[line2], lines[line3]),
        intersections(lines[line3], lines[line4]),
        intersections(lines[line4], lines[line1]),
    corners = perspective.order_points(corners)
    return corners
Esempio n. 6
def bounding_rect(lines, hparams, theta_threshold=.1):
    """ Algorithm 1
        Pick 4 lines which are most likely to be the edges of the painting,
        used for perspective correction

        Numpy array of shape (4,2) containing 4 corners, ordered clockwise from
        the top left.
    ratio = hparams['ratio']
    if len(lines) < 4:
            'Perspective transform: Not enough lines found (%d).', len(lines))
        return []

    straight = np.pi / 2
    parallel = []
    perpendicular = []
    best = 0
    # Foreach line, find +/- parallel and +/- perpendicular lines
    for i in range(len(lines)):

        r1, theta1 = to_polar(lines[i])

        for j in range(len(lines)):
            r2, theta2 = to_polar(lines[j])

            if i != j:
                angle_diff = min(abs(theta1 - theta2), abs(theta2 - theta1))
                if angle_diff < theta_threshold:
                    parallel[i].append((j, abs(r1-r2)))
                elif straight - theta_threshold < angle_diff < straight + theta_threshold:
                    perpendicular[i].append((j, r2))

        if len(perpendicular[i]) + len(parallel[i]) > len(perpendicular[best]) + len(parallel[best]) \
                and len(perpendicular[i]) >= 2 \
                and len(parallel[i]) >= 1:
            best = i

    # Sort the lines by rho-difference
    parallel[best].sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    perpendicular[best].sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

    if len(parallel[best]) < 1 or len(perpendicular[best]) < 2:
            'Perspective transform: Not enough parallel/perpendicular lines found.')
        return []

    # Initialize indices of the bounding rectangle
    par = 0     # highest Δrho
    perp1 = 0   # highest Δrho
    perp2 = -1  # lowest Δrho

    # While the ratio of the bounding rectangle is not realistic for a
    # painting, try to decrease te size and get a better ratio
    good_ratio = False
    while not good_ratio:
        # Get 3 corners of the rectangle
        p1 = intersections(
            lines[best], lines[perpendicular[best][perp1][0]])
        p2 = intersections(
            lines[best], lines[perpendicular[best][perp2][0]])
        p3 = intersections(
            lines[parallel[best][par][0]], lines[perpendicular[best][perp1][0]])

        # Not really width and height, it can be the other way around as well
        width = euclid_dist(p1, p2)
        height = euclid_dist(p1, p3)

        if out_of_ratio(width, height, ratio):
            # Bad ratio
            if width > height:
                # Look for maximum distance to remove (perp1 or perp2)
                # Calculate new intersections of best with perp1 + 1 and with perp2 -1 and the corresponding distances

                p = intersections(
                    lines[best], lines[perpendicular[best][perp1+1][0]])
                dist_perp1 = euclid_dist(p2, p)

                p = intersections(
                    lines[best], lines[perpendicular[best][perp2-1][0]])
                dist_perp2 = euclid_dist(p1, p)

                # change index with biggest distance from previous line
                if dist_perp1 > dist_perp2 and perp1 + 1 < len(perpendicular[best]) + perp2:
                    perp1 += 1
                elif len(perpendicular[best]) - 1 + perp2 > perp1 + 1:
                    perp2 -= 1
                    # It is not possible to make the bounding rectangle smaller
                    good_ratio = True
            elif par + 1 < len(parallel[best]) - 1:
                par += 1
                # It is impossible to make the bounding rectangle smaller
                good_ratio = True
            good_ratio = True

    # Calculate final intersections
    p1 = intersections(
        lines[best], lines[perpendicular[best][perp1][0]])
    p2 = intersections(
        lines[best], lines[perpendicular[best][perp2][0]])
    p3 = intersections(
        lines[parallel[best][par][0]], lines[perpendicular[best][perp1][0]])

    width = euclid_dist(p1, p2)
    height = euclid_dist(p1, p3)

    # Check if the ratio is now good
    if out_of_ratio(width, height, ratio):
        # Ratio is still bad, so there is no good bounding rectangle
        logging.warning('Perspective transform: Bad aspect ratio (%f) ',
                        min(width / height, height/width))
        return []
    elif width < hparams['min_rect_size'] or height < hparams['min_rect_size']:
        # Rectangle is too small
        logging.warning('Perspective transform: Detected rectangle too small (%f) ',
                        min(width, height))
        return []
        # The ratio is good, return the bounding rectangle
        l1 = lines[best]
        l2 = lines[perpendicular[best][perp1][0]]
        l3 = lines[parallel[best][par][0]]
        l4 = lines[perpendicular[best][perp2][0]]
        corners = np.int32([
            intersections(l1, l2),
            intersections(l2, l3),
            intersections(l3, l4),
            intersections(l4, l1),
        corners = perspective.order_points(corners)
        return corners