Esempio n. 1
def echo_summary_table_row(model, epoch, hidden):
    translate = {
        'inference-features': 'W',
        'forward-selection': 'F'
    data = get_data(model, epoch, hidden)
    auc = np.array(data['auc'])
    low, high, _ = ci(auc)
    print r'& %s %s hidden %s iter & \T\B %.04f & %.06f & [%.04f,%.04f]\\\cline{2-5}' % (translate[model], hidden, epoch, auc.mean(), auc.std(ddof=1), low, high)
Esempio n. 2
def echo_result(model, epoch, num_hidden):
    data = get_data(model, epoch, num_hidden)
    auc = np.array(data['auc'])
    low, high, _ = ci(auc)
    title = get_title(model, epoch, num_hidden)
    print r'\subsection{%s}' % (title,)
    echo_auc_table(auc, title)
    print ''
    print ''
Esempio n. 3
def echo_logreg_rows():
    datafiles = [
        ('W', 'sessions/17-recreating-winning-entry/data/inference-features-for-report.json'),
        ('F top 3', 'sessions/18-forward-selection/data/top-3-features-for-report.json'),
        ('F all feat', 'sessions/18-forward-selection/data/all-features-for-report.json')
    for title, path in datafiles:
        data = json.load(open(path))
        auc = np.array(data['auc'])
        low, high, _ = ci(auc)
        print r'& %s & \T\B %.04f & %.06f & [%.04f,%.04f]\\\cline{2-5}' % (title, auc.mean(), auc.std(ddof=1), low, high)
Esempio n. 4
def echo_statistics(auc):
    m = auc.mean()
    std = auc.std(ddof=1)
    low, high, _ = ci(auc)
    print r'''\subsubsection{Statistics on the AUC-score}
First the sample mean and sample standard deviation are calculated
    m = %.04f \quad\quad\text{and}\quad\quad s = %.06f
which gives the 95\%% confidence interval
\]''' % (m, std, low, high)