Esempio n. 1
def download_task(url, headers, download_to, download_type='layer'):
    '''download an image layer (.tar.gz) to a specified download folder.
       This task is done by using local versions of the same download functions
       that are used for the client.
       core stream/download functions of the parent client.

       image_id: the shasum id of the layer, already determined to not exist
       repo_name: the image name (library/ubuntu) to retrieve
       download_to: download to this folder. If not set, uses temp.

    # Update the user what we are doing
    bot.verbose("Downloading %s from %s" % (download_type, url))

    # Step 1: Download the layer atomically
    file_name = "%s.%s" % (download_to,

    tar_download = download(url, file_name, headers=headers)

        shutil.move(tar_download, download_to)
    except Exception:
        msg = "Cannot untar layer %s," % tar_download
        msg += " was there a problem with download?"

    return download_to
Esempio n. 2
def get_manifest(self, repo_name, digest=None, version="v1"):
       get_manifest should return an image manifest
       for a particular repo and tag.  The image details
       are extracted when the client is generated.

       repo_name: reference to the <username>/<repository>:<tag> to obtain
       digest: a tag or shasum version
       version: one of v1, v2, and config (for image config)


    accepts = {'config': "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json",
               'v1': "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v1+json",
               'v2': "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" }

    url = self._get_manifest_selfLink(repo_name, digest)

    bot.verbose("Obtaining manifest: %s %s" % (url, version))
    headers = {'Accept': accepts[version] }

        manifest = self._get(url, headers=headers, quiet=True)
        manifest['selfLink'] = url
        manifest = None

    return manifest
Esempio n. 3
def get_layer(self, image_id, repo_name, download_folder=None):
    '''download an image layer (.tar.gz) to a specified download folder.

       download_folder: download to this folder. If not set, uses temp.
       repo_name: the image name (library/ubuntu) to retrieve

    url = self._get_layerLink(repo_name, image_id)

    bot.verbose("Downloading layers from %s" % url)

    download_folder = get_tmpdir(download_folder)
    download_folder = "%s/%s.tar.gz" % (download_folder, image_id)

    # Update user what we are doing
    bot.debug("Downloading layer %s" % image_id)

    # Step 1: Download the layer atomically
    file_name = "%s.%s" % (download_folder,

    tar_download =, file_name)

        shutil.move(tar_download, download_folder)
    except Exception:
        msg = "Cannot untar layer %s," % tar_download
        msg += " was there a problem with download?"
    return download_folder
Esempio n. 4
def getenv(variable_key, default=None, required=False, silent=True):
    getenv will attempt to get an environment variable. If the variable
    is not found, None is returned.

    :param variable_key: the variable name
    :param required: exit with error if not found
    :param silent: Do not print debugging information for variable
    variable = os.environ.get(variable_key, default)
    if variable is None and required:
        bot.error("Cannot find environment variable %s, exiting." %variable_key)

    if not silent and variable is not None:
            bot.verbose("%s found as %s" %(variable_key,variable))

    return variable
Esempio n. 5
def get_config(self, key="Entrypoint", delim=None):
    '''get_config returns a particular key (default is Entrypoint)
        from a VERSION 1 manifest obtained with get_manifest.

        key: the key to return from the manifest config
        delim: Given a list, the delim to use to join the entries.
        Default is newline

    if not hasattr(self,'manifests'):
        bot.error('Please retrieve manifests for an image first.')

    cmd = None

    # If we didn't find the config value in version 2
    for version in ['config', 'v1']:
        if cmd is None and 'config' in self.manifests:
            # First try, version 2.0 manifest config has upper level config
            manifest = self.manifests['config']
            if "config" in manifest:
                if key in manifest['config']:
                    cmd = manifest['config'][key]

            # Second try, config manifest (not from verison 2.0 schema blob)

            if cmd is None and "history" in manifest:
                for entry in manifest['history']:
                    if 'v1Compatibility' in entry:
                        entry = json.loads(entry['v1Compatibility'])
                        if "config" in entry:
                            if key in entry["config"]:
                                cmd = entry["config"][key]

    # Standard is to include commands like ['/bin/sh']
    if isinstance(cmd, list):
        if delim is not None:
            cmd = delim.join(cmd)
    bot.verbose("Found Docker config (%s) %s" % (key, cmd))
    return cmd