Esempio n. 1
def get_nightly_comparisons(date=None):
    '''load the latest nightly comparisons.
    :param date: if provided, will load specified date instead of latest.
    root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, 'trees', 'nightly'))
    base_name = "%s/container-tree" % (root)
    if date == None:
        date = "latest"
    base_name = "%s-%s.json" % (base_name, date)
    if os.path.exists(base_name):
        return read_json(base_name)
    return None
Esempio n. 2
def read_client_secrets():
    '''for private or protected registries, a client secrets file is required
       to be located at .sregistry. If no secrets are found, we use default
       of Singularity Hub, and return a dummy secrets.
    client_secrets = _default_client_secrets()

    # If token file not provided, check environment
    secrets = _get_secrets_file()

    if secrets is not None:
        client_secrets = read_json(secrets)
    return client_secrets
Esempio n. 3
def test_write_json(tmp_path):
    import json
    from sregistry.utils import write_json, read_json
    good_json = {"Wakkawakkawakka": [True, "2", 3]}
    tmpfile = str(tmp_path / 'good_json_file.txt')
    assert not os.path.exists(tmpfile)
    write_json(good_json, tmpfile)
    with open(tmpfile, 'r') as f:
        content = json.loads(
    assert isinstance(content, dict)
    assert "Wakkawakkawakka" in content
    content = read_json(tmpfile)
    assert "Wakkawakkawakka" in content
Esempio n. 4
def get_nightly_comparisons(date=None):
    """load the latest nightly comparisons.

       date: if provided, will load specified date instead of latest.
    root = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "trees", "nightly"))
    base_name = "%s/container-tree" % root
    if date is None:
        date = "latest"
    base_name = "%s-%s.json" % (base_name, date)
    if os.path.exists(base_name):
        return read_json(base_name)
    return None
Esempio n. 5
def get_build_template(name="singularity-cloudbuild-local.json"):
    """get default build template.

       name: singularity-cloudbuild-local.json (default) that will build a
                 container interactively, waiting for the build to finish.
             singularity-cloudbuild-git.json build a recipe from a GitHub
    base = get_installdir()
    name = "%s/main/templates/build/%s" % (base, name)

    if os.path.exists(name):
        bot.debug("Found template %s" % name)
        return read_json(name)

    bot.warning("Template %s not found." % name)
Esempio n. 6
    def _update_secrets(self):
        """update secrets will take a secrets credential file
           either located at .sregistry or the environment variable
           SREGISTRY_CLIENT_SECRETS and update the current client 
           secrets as well as the associated API base. For the case of
           using Docker Hub, if we find a .docker secrets file, we update
           from there.

        # If the user has defined secrets, use them
        credentials = self._get_setting("SREGISTRY_DOCKERHUB_SECRETS")

        # First try for SINGULARITY exported, then try sregistry
        username = self._get_setting("SINGULARITY_DOCKER_USERNAME")
        password = self._get_setting("SINGULARITY_DOCKER_PASSWORD")
        username = self._get_setting("SREGISTRY_DOCKERHUB_USERNAME", username)
        password = self._get_setting("SREGISTRY_DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD", password)

        # Option 1: the user exports username and password
        auth = None
        if username is not None and password is not None:
            auth = basic_auth_header(username, password)

        # Option 2: look in .docker config file
        if credentials is not None and auth is None:
            if os.path.exists(credentials):
                credentials = read_json(credentials)

                # Find a matching auth in .docker config
                if "auths" in credentials:
                    for auths, params in credentials["auths"].items():
                        if self._base in auths:
                            if "auth" in params:
                                auth = "Basic %s" % params["auth"]
                                self.headers["Authorization"] = auth

                # Also update headers
                if "HttpHeaders" in credentials:
                    for key, value in credentials["HttpHeaders"].items():
                        self.headers[key] = value

                bot.warning("Credentials file set to %s, but does not exist.")
Esempio n. 7
def read_client_secrets():
    '''for private or protected registries, a client secrets file is required
       to be located at .sregistry. If no secrets are found, we use default
       of Singularity Hub, and return a dummy secrets.
    client_secrets = _default_client_secrets()

    # If token file not provided, check environment
    secrets = _get_secrets_file()

    # If exists, load
    if secrets is not None:
        client_secrets = read_json(secrets)

    # Otherwise, initialize
        from sregistry.defaults import SREGISTRY_CLIENT_SECRETS
        write_json(client_secrets, SREGISTRY_CLIENT_SECRETS)

    return client_secrets
Esempio n. 8
def load_build_config(self, config=None):
    '''load a google compute config, meaning that we have the following cases:

       1. the user has not provided a config file directly, we look in env.
       2. the environment is not set, so we use a reasonable default
       3. if the final string is not found as a file, we look for it in library
       4. we load the library name, or the user file, else error

       config: the config file the user has provided, or the library URI

    # If the config is already a dictionary, it's loaded
    if isinstance(config, dict):
        bot.debug('Config is already loaded.')
        return config

    # if the config is not defined, look in environment, then choose a default
    if config is None:
        config = self._get_and_update_setting(

    # If the config is a file, we read it
    elif os.path.exists(config):
        return read_json(config)

    # otherwise, try to look it up in library
    configs = self._load_templates(config)
    if configs is None:
        bot.error('%s is not a valid config. %s' % name)
        sys.exit(1)'Found config %s in library!' % config)
    config = configs[0]

    return config
Esempio n. 9
# Global Settings

USERHOME = get_userhome()
DISABLE_CACHE = convert2boolean(getenv("SINGULARITY_DISABLE_CACHE", False))
DISABLE_DATABASE = convert2boolean(getenv("SREGISTRY_DISABLE", False))
DISABLE_SSL_CHECK = convert2boolean(getenv("SREGISTRY_HTTPS_NOVERIFY", False))

_secrets = os.path.join(USERHOME, ".sregistry")

# If the client secrets exist, use the default as first priority
_client = 'hub'
if os.path.exists(SREGISTRY_CLIENT_SECRETS):
    secrets = read_json(SREGISTRY_CLIENT_SECRETS)
    _client = secrets.get('SREGISTRY_CLIENT', 'hub')

# Fun Settings

# None defaults to robot. Path must exist, and ensure image < 2MB and min 220px

# Multiprocessing