Esempio n. 1
class Window(QtGui.QMainWindow):# main window class for the CFX app GUI
	"""docstring for Window"""
	def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
		super(Window, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)# QT main window GUI inherit super class from QtGui.QDialog
		self.resize(800,600)# resize the CFX app window to default size
		self.prepWindow()# run the prepWindow fucntion to add the system tray icon object and trigger event to CFX app
		self.setWindowTitle('CFX')# change the title of the CFX app to "CFX"

	def prepWindow(self): # this fucntion preps additions to the main CFX window, 
		self.dicon = QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon()# adds system tray icon FX window docking capability
		self.dicon.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon('C:/Users/carl/Documents/GitHub/CFX/thread_test/UI/bad.svg'))# this sets icon image for system tray this shows the icon in the system tray
		self.dicon.activated.connect(self.showWindow)# this connects the signal from the system tyray icon to the CFX window, to be able to launch CFX wondow if it has been minimized to tray
		self.prepDMenu()# this prepares the actual context menu and then attaches it to the system tray context menu
		self.cfgPATH = self.cfg_check()
		print self.cfgPATH
		self.serverWidget(self.cfgPATH[0]) this shows the CFX window on application launch
		# self.hide()
	def serverWidget(self, opt):
		#self.srvFrame = QtGui.QFrame()
		self.srvW = Ui_CFX()
		# self.srvFrame = Ui_CFX()
		# self.srvWidget = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.srvFrame)
		# self.srvGoBtn = QtGui.QPushButton('GO')
		# self.srvLstCB = QtGui.QComboBox()
		# self.srvAdFld = QtGui.QLineEdit()
		# self.srvPoFld = QtGui.QLineEdit()
		# self.srvAddBtn = QtGui.QPushButton('ADD SERVER')
		# self.srvWidget.addWidget(self.srvAdFld)
		# self.srvWidget.addWidget(self.srvPoFld)
		# self.srvWidget.addWidget(self.srvAddBtn)
		# self.srvWidget.addWidget(self.srvLstCB)
		# self.srvWidget.addWidget(self.srvGoBtn)
	def closeEvent(self, event):# this is the close event for the CFX window, it alerts user with promt to choices when user licks on the close incon in CFX window
		reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, 'EXIT or HIDE',"\n'Yes'   - Shutdown.\n'No'    - Dock to tray.\n", QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | 
		QtGui.QMessageBox.No | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel, QtGui.QMessageBox.No)# this sets up the prompt with 3 choices YES, NO, CANCEL
		if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes:# if user clicks on yes(EXIT/SHUTDOW CFX APP) then the CFX app will proceed to close
			event.accept()# accept closing of the CFX app
		elif reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.No:# if user clicks on no(MINIMIZE/DOCK CFX APP TO TRAY) the the CFX app will proceed to hide, and can be shown if user double clicks on the system tray icon show the system tray icon 
			self.hide()# hide the CFX application
			event.ignore()# ignore closing of the application event
		else:# if user clicks on the CANCEL button on the prompt, then prompt goes away no further action is required
			event.ignore()# ignore closing of the application event

	def prepDMenu(self):# this creates a context window for the system tray icon triggered by right click
		self.dmenu = QtGui.QMenu()# create context menu object
		self.dmenuCFX = QtGui.QAction("&CFX", self, define Action for the context menu, show CFX application if hidden
		self.dmenu.addAction(self.dmenuCFX)# add functionality to the context menu, show CFX application if hidden
		self.dmenuLogger = QtGui.QAction("&Logger", self, define Action for the context menu, launch Logger application
		self.dmenu.addAction(self.dmenuLogger)# add functionality to the context menu, launch CFX logger app
		self.dmenu.addSeparator()# separator for the menu
		self.dmenuExit = QtGui.QAction("&Exit", self, triggered=QtGui.qApp.quit)# define Action for the context menu, quit the application
		self.dmenu.addAction(self.dmenuExit)# add functionality to the context menu, exit CFX application when clicked
		self.dicon.setContextMenu(self.dmenu)# attach the context menu object to the tray icon object

	def showWindow(self, reason):# this will show the CFX application window
		if reason== 2: show CFX app UI window

	def __icon_activated(self, reason):
		if reason == self.dicon.DoubleClick:# this sets up signal for doubleclicking on the system tray icon, thus unhiding the CFX app from tray shows the CFX app
		elif reason == self.dicon.Context:# this triggers the system tray context menu attached to the system tray icon, triggered by right-click

	def cfg_check(self):
		cfgFILENAME = ""
		cfgDIRNAME = "CFX"
		cfgDIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(tempfile.gettempdir()),cfgDIRNAME)
		cfgSTAT = 1
		if not os.path.lexists(os.path.join(cfgDIR,cfgFILENAME)):
			if not os.path.lexists(cfgDIR):
			open(os.path.join(cfgDIR, cfgFILENAME),'a').close()
			cfgSTAT = 0
			# with open(os.path.join(cfgDIR, cfgFILENAME),'w') as cfgF:
			# 	for key, value in (uNode("test").__dict__).iteritems():
			# 		cfgF.write(key+"="+value+"\n")

		cfgSTAT = [cfgSTAT,(os.path.join(cfgDIR, cfgFILENAME))]
		return cfgSTAT