Esempio n. 1
def sample_x_using_odometry(x,
                            variances=[0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01],
    """Sample from p(x_t | u_t, x_{t-1}) where u is not a control vector, but
    a measurement of the current and previous states in local coordinates:
                    u = [\bar{x}_{t-1}, \bar{x}_t]^T
    xt = np.empty(3)  # output vector: sampled global pose
    x_prev, y_prev, theta_prev = x  # global pose at time t-1

    du = u[1] - u[0]
    if extents is not None:
        du = wrap(du, extents)

    dx, dy, d_theta = du
    a1, a2, a3, a4 = variances

    drot1 = in2pi(np.arctan2(dy, dx) - u[0][2])
    # drot1 = in2pi(np.arctan2(dy, dx) - theta_prev)
    dtran = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
    drot2 = in2pi(d_theta - drot1)

    dr1 = drot1 - np.sqrt(a1 * drot1**2 + a2 * dtran**2) * randn()
    dtr = dtran - np.sqrt(a3 * dtran**2 + a4 * (drot1**2 + drot2**2)) * randn()
    dr2 = drot2 - np.sqrt(a1 * drot2**2 + a2 * dtran**2) * randn()

    xt[0] = x_prev + dtr * np.cos(theta_prev + dr1)
    xt[1] = y_prev + dtr * np.sin(theta_prev + dr1)
    xt[2] = in2pi(theta_prev + dr1 + dr2)

    if extents is not None:
        xt = wrap(xt, extents)

    return xt
Esempio n. 2
    def state_mean(sigmas, w_m):
        x = np.empty(3)

        # This is a hack (and not a very good one) to handle periodic boundary
        # crossings. Seems to help a little.
        std = np.std(sigmas[:, :2])
        if std > (extents[1] - extents[0]) / 4:
            x[:2] = sigmas[0, :2]
            x[0] =[:, 0], w_m)
            x[1] =[:, 1], w_m)

        sum_sin =[:, 2]), w_m)
        sum_cos =[:, 2]), w_m)
        x[2] = np.arctan2(sum_sin, sum_cos)

        wrap(x, extents)
        return x
Esempio n. 3
    def move(self, u=np.zeros(2), u_noise=np.zeros(2), dt=0.1, extents=None):
        """Simulate vehicle motion from control inputs and kinematic

        u : ndarray - shape (2,)
            control input vector [speed (m/s), steering angle (rad)]
        u_noise : ndarray - shape (2,)
            Sigma parameters characterizing uncertainy on u
        dt : float (optional, default 0.1)
            Time step size (sec)
        extents : tuple(float, float) (optional, default None)
            Boundaries of the square, periodic robot world.
        self.u = u + np.random.randn() * u_noise
        self.x, self.t = rk4(self.t, dt, self.x, self.eqs_of_motion)
        if extents is not None:
            self.x = wrap(self.x, extents)
Esempio n. 4
 def residual_x(xa, xb):
     """Subtract [x, y, phi] vectors, accounting for angle"""
     dx = xa - xb
     dx[2] = mpi_to_pi(dx[2])
     wrap(dx, extents)
     return dx
Esempio n. 5
 def residual_h(z, h):
     """Subtract [range, bearing] vectors, accounting for angle"""
     y = z - h
     y[1] = mpi_to_pi(y[1])
     wrap(y, extents)
     return y