Esempio n. 1
def check_user_grant():
    "verify that user-grant and its kubeconfigs work"
    config = configuration.get_config()

    # because we don't yet have load balancing, we have to somehow get *inside the cluster* to test this.
    # that means figuring out the IP address for the user-grant service, uploading the local user cert to the master
    # node, and then authenticating to user-grant via curl on the master node. bluh.
    # TODO: once load balancing is ready, make this whole thing much simpler

    # we use a master node so we're confident we aren't connecting to the node where user-grant is hosted. there's
    # nothing about this that otherwise requires it; usually we'd choose a worker node to avoid running unnecessary code
    # on the master nodes, but this is entirely for testing in non-production clusters, so it doesn't matter.
    proxy_node = config.get_any_node("master")

    service_ip = get_service_ip("user-grant")
    user_key, user_cert = authority.get_local_grant_user_paths()
    remote_key, remote_cert = "/etc/homeworld/testing/usergrant.key", "/etc/homeworld/testing/usergrant.pem"
    ssh.check_ssh(proxy_node, "rm", "-f", remote_key, remote_cert)
    ssh.check_ssh(proxy_node, "mkdir", "-p", "/etc/homeworld/testing")
    ssh.check_scp_up(proxy_node, user_key, remote_key)
    ssh.check_scp_up(proxy_node, user_cert, remote_cert)

                               {config.user_grant_domain: service_ip})
        kubeconfig = ssh.check_ssh_output(
            proxy_node, "curl", "--key", remote_key, "--cert", remote_cert,
            "https://%s/" % config.user_grant_domain).decode()
        setup.modify_temporary_dns(proxy_node, {})

    magic_phrase = "it allows authenticating to the Hyades cluster as you"
    if magic_phrase not in kubeconfig:
            "invalid kubeconfig: did not see phrase " + repr(magic_phrase),
            "kubeconfig received read as follows: " + repr(kubeconfig))

    print("successfully retrieved kubeconfig from user-grant!")

    # at this point, we have a kubeconfig generated by user-grant, and now we want to confirm that it works.
    # we'll confirm that the kubeconfig works by checking that the auto-created rolebinding passes the sniff test.

    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as workdir:
        kubeconfig_path = os.path.join(workdir, "granted-kubeconfig")
        util.writefile(kubeconfig_path, kubeconfig.encode())

        rolebinding = json.loads(
                "hyperkube", "kubectl", "--kubeconfig", kubeconfig_path, "-o",
                "json", "get", "rolebindings",
                "auto-grant-" + authority.UPSTREAM_USER_NAME

        if rolebinding.get("roleRef", {}).get("name") != "admin":
  "rolebinding for user was not admin in %s" %

    print("autogenerated rolebinding for user",
          repr(authority.UPSTREAM_USER_NAME), "passed basic check!")
Esempio n. 2
def check_certs_on_supervisor():
    config = configuration.get_config()
    for node in config.nodes:
        if node.kind == "supervisor":
            ssh.check_ssh(node, "test", "-e",
            ssh.check_ssh(node, "test", "-e",
Esempio n. 3
def launch_spec(spec_name):
    config = configuration.get_config()
    spec = configuration.get_single_kube_spec(spec_name).encode()
    for node in config.nodes:
        if node.kind == "supervisor":
            ssh.check_ssh(node, "mkdir", "-p", DEPLOYQUEUE)
                node, spec,
                "%s/%d.%s" % (DEPLOYQUEUE, int(time.time()), spec_name))
            print("Uploaded spec to deployqueue.")
Esempio n. 4
def launch_spec(path, extra_kvs: dict = None, export=False):
    config = configuration.get_config()
    spec = configuration.get_single_kube_spec(path, extra_kvs).encode()
    assert path[:2] == '//'
    yamlname = path[2:].replace(":", "-")
    if export:
        util.writefile(yamlname, spec)
        for node in config.nodes:
            if node.kind == "supervisor":
                ssh.check_ssh(node, "mkdir", "-p", DEPLOYQUEUE)
                    node, spec,
                    "%s/%f.%s" % (DEPLOYQUEUE, time.time(), yamlname))
                print("Uploaded spec to deployqueue.")
Esempio n. 5
 def ssh_raw(self, name: str, node: configuration.Node, script: str, in_directory: str=None, redirect_to: str=None)\
         -> None:
     if redirect_to:
         script = "(%s) >%s" % (script, escape_shell(redirect_to))
     if in_directory:
         script = "cd %s && %s" % (escape_shell(in_directory), script)
     self.add_operation(name, lambda: ssh.check_ssh(node, script), node=node)
Esempio n. 6
def ssh_raw(ops, name: str, node: configuration.Node, script: str, in_directory: str=None, redirect_to: str=None)\
        -> None:
    if redirect_to:
        script = "(%s) >%s" % (script, escape_shell(redirect_to))
    if in_directory:
        script = "cd %s && %s" % (escape_shell(in_directory), script)
    ops.add_operation(name.replace('@HOST', node.hostname),
                      lambda: ssh.check_ssh(node, script))
Esempio n. 7
def check_certs_on_supervisor():
    "verify that certificates have been uploaded to the supervisor"

    config = configuration.get_config()
    for node in config.nodes:
        if node.kind == "supervisor":
            ssh.check_ssh(node, "test", "-e",
            ssh.check_ssh(node, "test", "-e",
            ssh.check_ssh(node, "test", "-e",
Esempio n. 8
def check_flannel_function():
    # checking flannel functionality
    config = configuration.get_config()

    workers = [node for node in config.nodes if node.kind == "worker"]
    if len(workers) < 2:"expected at least two worker nodes")
    worker_talker = random.choice(workers)
    worker_listener = random.choice(workers)
    assert worker_talker != worker_listener

    print("trying flannel functionality test with", worker_talker, "talking and", worker_listener, "listening")
    print("checking launch on both systems...")

    # this is here to make sure both servers have pulled the relevant containers
    server_command = ["rkt", "run", "", "", "--", "-c", "/bin/true"]
    for worker in (worker_talker, worker_listener):
        ssh.check_ssh(worker, *server_command)

    print("ready -- this may take a minute... please be patient")

    found_address = [None]
    event = threading.Event()

    def listen():
            container_command = "ip -o addr show dev eth0 to 172.18/16 primary && sleep 15"
            server_command = ["rkt", "run", "", "", "--", "-c", setup.escape_shell(container_command)]
            cmd = ssh.build_ssh(worker_listener, *server_command)
            with subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True) as process:
                stdout = process.stdout.readline()
                if "scope" not in stdout:
          "could not find scope line in ip addr output (%s)" % repr(stdout))
                parts = stdout.split(" ")
                if "inet" not in parts:
          "could not find inet address in ip addr output")
                address = parts[parts.index("inet") + 1]
                if not address.endswith("/24"):
          "expected address that ended in /24, not '%s'" % address)
                address = address[:-3]
                if address.count(".") != 3:
          "expected valid IPv4 address, not '%s'" % address)
                if not address.replace(".", "").isdigit():
          "expected valid IPv4 address, not '%s'" % address)
                found_address[0] = address
        return True

    def talk():
        if not event.wait(25):
  "timed out while waiting for IPv4 address of listener")
        address = found_address[0]
        if address is None:
  "no address was specified by listener")
        container_command = "ping -c 1 %s && echo 'PING RESULT SUCCESS' || echo 'PING RESULT FAIL'" % address
        server_command = ["rkt", "run", "", "", "--exec", "/bin/bash", "--", "-c", setup.escape_shell(container_command)]
        results = ssh.check_ssh_output(worker_talker, *server_command)
        last_line = results.replace(b"\r\n",b"\n").replace(b"\0",b'').strip().split(b"\n")[-1]
        if b"PING RESULT FAIL" in last_line:
  "was not able to ping the target container; is flannel working?")
        elif b"PING RESULT SUCCESS" not in last_line:
  "could not launch container to test flannel properly")
        return True

    passed_1, passed_2 = parallel.parallel(listen, talk)
    assert passed_1 is True and passed_2 is True, "should have been checked by parallel already!"

    print("flannel seems to work!")
Esempio n. 9
def check_supervisor_accessible(insecure: bool = False):
    "check whether the supervisor node is accessible over ssh"
    config = configuration.get_config()
    ssh.check_ssh(config.keyserver, "true", insecure=insecure)
Esempio n. 10
def modify_temporary_dns(node: configuration.Node, additional: dict) -> None:
    ssh.check_ssh(node, "grep -vF AUTO-TEMP-DNS /etc/hosts >/etc/ && mv /etc/ /etc/hosts")
    for hostname, ip in additional.items():
        new_hosts_line = "%s\t%s # AUTO-TEMP-DNS" % (ip, hostname)
        ssh.check_ssh(node, "echo %s >>/etc/hosts" % escape_shell(new_hosts_line))