def __init__(self, host="localhost", user=None, passwd="", db=None, port=3306, unix_socket=None, charset='', sql_mode=None, read_default_file=None, conv=decoders, use_unicode=None, client_flag=0, cursorclass=Cursor, init_command=None, connect_timeout=None, ssl=None, read_default_group=None, compress=None, named_pipe=None): """ Establish a connection to the MySQL database. Accepts several arguments: host: Host where the database server is located user: Username to log in as passwd: Password to use. db: Database to use, None to not use a particular one. port: MySQL port to use, default is usually OK. unix_socket: Optionally, you can use a unix socket rather than TCP/IP. charset: Charset you want to use. sql_mode: Default SQL_MODE to use. read_default_file: Specifies my.cnf file to read these parameters from under the [client] section. conv: Decoders dictionary to use instead of the default one. This is used to provide custom marshalling of types. See converters. use_unicode: Whether or not to default to unicode strings. This option defaults to true for Py3k. client_flag: Custom flags to send to MySQL. Find potential values in constants.CLIENT. cursorclass: Custom cursor class to use. init_command: Initial SQL statement to run when connection is established. connect_timeout: Timeout before throwing an exception when connecting. ssl: A dict of arguments similar to mysql_ssl_set()'s parameters. For now the capath and cipher arguments are not supported. read_default_group: Group to read from in the configuration file. compress; Not supported named_pipe: Not supported """ if use_unicode is None and sys.version_info[0] > 2: use_unicode = True if compress or named_pipe: raise NotImplementedError, "compress and named_pipe arguments are not supported" if ssl and (ssl.has_key('capath') or ssl.has_key('cipher')): raise NotImplementedError, 'ssl options capath and cipher are not supported' self.ssl = False if ssl: if not SSL_ENABLED: raise NotImplementedError, "ssl module not found" self.ssl = True client_flag |= SSL for k in ('key', 'cert', 'ca'): v = None if ssl.has_key(k): v = ssl[k] setattr(self, k, v) if read_default_group and not read_default_file: if sys.platform.startswith("win"): read_default_file = "c:\\my.ini" else: read_default_file = "/etc/my.cnf" if read_default_file: if not read_default_group: read_default_group = "client" cfg = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() def _config(key, default): try: return cfg.get(read_default_group,key) except: return default user = _config("user",user) passwd = _config("password",passwd) host = _config("host", host) db = _config("db",db) unix_socket = _config("socket",unix_socket) port = _config("port", port) charset = _config("default-character-set", charset) = host self.port = port self.user = user or DEFAULT_USER self.password = passwd self.db = db self.unix_socket = unix_socket if charset: self.charset = charset self.use_unicode = True else: self.charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET self.use_unicode = False if use_unicode is not None: self.use_unicode = use_unicode client_flag |= CAPABILITIES client_flag |= MULTI_STATEMENTS if self.db: client_flag |= CONNECT_WITH_DB self.client_flag = client_flag self.cursorclass = cursorclass self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout self._connect() self.messages = [] self.set_charset(charset) self.encoders = encoders self.decoders = conv self._result = None self._affected_rows = 0 self.host_info = "Not connected" self.autocommit(False) if sql_mode is not None: c = self.cursor() c.execute("SET sql_mode=%s", (sql_mode,)) self.commit() if init_command is not None: c = self.cursor() c.execute(init_command) self.commit()
def __init__(self, host="localhost", user=None, passwd="", db=None, port=3306, unix_socket=None, charset='', sql_mode=None, read_default_file=None, conv=decoders, use_unicode=None, client_flag=0, cursorclass=Cursor, init_command=None, connect_timeout=None, ssl=None, read_default_group=None, compress=None, named_pipe=None): """ Establish a connection to the MySQL database. Accepts several arguments: host: Host where the database server is located user: Username to log in as passwd: Password to use. db: Database to use, None to not use a particular one. port: MySQL port to use, default is usually OK. unix_socket: Optionally, you can use a unix socket rather than TCP/IP. charset: Charset you want to use. sql_mode: Default SQL_MODE to use. read_default_file: Specifies my.cnf file to read these parameters from under the [client] section. conv: Decoders dictionary to use instead of the default one. This is used to provide custom marshalling of types. See converters. use_unicode: Whether or not to default to unicode strings. This option defaults to true for Py3k. client_flag: Custom flags to send to MySQL. Find potential values in constants.CLIENT. cursorclass: Custom cursor class to use. init_command: Initial SQL statement to run when connection is established. connect_timeout: Timeout before throwing an exception when connecting. ssl: A dict of arguments similar to mysql_ssl_set()'s parameters. For now the capath and cipher arguments are not supported. read_default_group: Group to read from in the configuration file. compress; Not supported named_pipe: Not supported """ if use_unicode is None and sys.version_info[0] > 2: use_unicode = True if compress or named_pipe: raise NotImplementedError, "compress and named_pipe arguments are not supported" if ssl and (ssl.has_key('capath') or ssl.has_key('cipher')): raise NotImplementedError, 'ssl options capath and cipher are not supported' self.ssl = False if ssl: if not SSL_ENABLED: raise NotImplementedError, "ssl module not found" self.ssl = True client_flag |= SSL for k in ('key', 'cert', 'ca'): v = None if ssl.has_key(k): v = ssl[k] setattr(self, k, v) if read_default_group and not read_default_file: if sys.platform.startswith("win"): read_default_file = "c:\\my.ini" else: read_default_file = "/etc/my.cnf" if read_default_file: if not read_default_group: read_default_group = "client" cfg = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() def _config(key, default): try: return cfg.get(read_default_group, key) except: return default user = _config("user", user) passwd = _config("password", passwd) host = _config("host", host) db = _config("db", db) unix_socket = _config("socket", unix_socket) port = int(_config("port", port)) charset = _config("default-character-set", charset) = host self.port = port self.user = user or DEFAULT_USER self.password = passwd self.db = db self.unix_socket = unix_socket if charset: self.charset = charset self.use_unicode = True else: self.charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET self.use_unicode = False if use_unicode is not None: self.use_unicode = use_unicode client_flag |= CAPABILITIES client_flag |= MULTI_STATEMENTS if self.db: client_flag |= CONNECT_WITH_DB self.client_flag = client_flag self.cursorclass = cursorclass self.connect_timeout = connect_timeout self._connect() self._result = None self._affected_rows = 0 self.host_info = "Not connected" self.messages = [] self.set_charset(charset) self.encoders = encoders self.decoders = conv self.autocommit(False) if sql_mode is not None: c = self.cursor() c.execute("SET sql_mode=%s", (sql_mode, )) self.commit() if init_command is not None: c = self.cursor() c.execute(init_command) self.commit()