Esempio n. 1
def wait_write(text_to_write, attempts=10, ps=None, flash='#', index=0, css_select=None, *args, **kwargs):
    writes to a text field

    text_to_write: text intended to be written to text field
    type text_to_write: string
    attempts: number of tries, seperated by a 1 second sleep to get the elements
    type attempts: int
    ps: logging message of your choosing
    type ps: string
    flash: accentuates your print statement in the console
    type flash: string
    index: will return the elment you specify by index
    type index: int
    xpath: an xpath like you would pass into get_element_by_xpath()
    type xpath: string
    css_select: a css selector like you would pass into get_element_by_css()
    type css_select: string
     *args, **kwargs: any element pair you would pass into get_element()
         e.g tag='some_tag_type', css_class='some_class_name'

    if css_select:
        wait_for_element(*args, **kwargs)
    while attempts > 0:
            if css_select:
                write_textfield(get_elements_by_css(css_select)[index], text_to_write)
                assert_text(get_elements_by_css(css_select)[index], text_to_write)
                write_textfield(get_elements(*args, **kwargs)[index], text_to_write)
                assert_text(get_elements(*args, **kwargs)[index], text_to_write)
        except Exception as e:
            attempts -= 1
        if attempts == 0:
            raise e
    if ps:
        test_print(ps, flash)
Esempio n. 2
def wait_click_url(ps=None, flash='#', attempts=10, index=0, element=None,
                   css_select=None, *args, **kwargs):
    clicks url AND waits for url to change

    ps: logging message of your choosing
    type ps: string
    flash: accentuates your print statement in the console
    type flash: string
    index: will return the elment you specify by index
    type index: int
    attempts: number of tries, seperated by a 1 second sleep to get the elements
    type attempts: int
    xpath: an xpath like you would pass into get_element_by_xpath()
    type xpath: string
    css_select: a css selector like you would pass into get_element_by_css()
    type css_select: string
     *args, **kwargs: any element pair you would pass into get_element()
         e.g tag='some_tag_type', css_class='some_class_name'

    chk_url = get_current_url()
    counter = 1
    while chk_url == get_current_url():
        if element:
            wait_for(click_element, element)
        elif css_select:
                wait_for(click_element, get_elements_by_css(css_select)[index])
            except Exception as e:
                if counter > 2:
                    test_print('ERROR: "{0}". Attempt {1} of {2}'.format(e, counter, attempts))
                wait_for(click_element, get_elements(*args, **kwargs)[index])
            except Exception as e:
                if counter > 2:
                    test_print('ERROR: "{0}". Attempt {1} of {2}'.format(e, counter, attempts))
        if counter == attempts:
            raise Exception('Error: The url did not change after {0} attempts'.format(attempts))
        counter += 1
    if ps:
        test_print(ps, flash)
Esempio n. 3
def wait_for_element(ps=None, flash='#', index=0, attempts=10, xpath=None,
                     css_select=None, *args, **kwargs):
    Waits for one specific elements. Returns an element

    ps: logging message of your choosing
    type ps: string
    flash: accentuates your print statement in the console
    type flash: string
    index: will return the elment you specify by index
    type index: int
    attempts: number of tries, seperated by a 1 second sleep to get the elements
    type attempts: int
    xpath: an xpath like you would pass into get_element_by_xpath()
    type xpath: string
    css_select: a css selector like you would pass into get_element_by_css()
    type css_select: string
     *args, **kwargs: any element pair you would pass into get_element()
         e.g tag='some_tag_type', css_class='some_class_name'

    some_element = None
    counter = 1
    while not some_element:
            if xpath:
                some_element = get_elements_by_xpath(xpath)[index]
            elif css_select:
                some_element = get_elements_by_css(css_select)[index]
                some_element = get_elements(*args, **kwargs)[index]

        except Exception as e:
            if counter > 2:
                test_print('ERROR: {0}. Attempt {1} of {2}'.format(e, counter, attempts))

        counter += 1
        if counter > attempts and not some_element:
            raise e

    if some_element and ps:
        test_print(ps, flash)
    return some_element
def get_elements_multiple(args_kwargs):
    Call multiple get_elements calls, returning a list of all results.

    Useful when waiting for different possible elements to appear.
    ret = []

    for args, kwargs in args_kwargs:
        l = []
            l = a.get_elements(*args, **kwargs)
        except AssertionError:

    if not ret:
        raise AssertionError('Could not identify elements: 0 elements found')

    return ret
Esempio n. 5
def click_delete_button():
    """Remove the first device in the list by clicking the delete button."""
    # Clicks the first Delete button it finds
    # this button is actually a link
    click_link(get_elements(tag='a', text_regex='Delete')[0])
Esempio n. 6
# Create an account
email_address = helpers.register_account()

# Make sure we are not logged in

# Authenticate via the api so that an application can be created
url = ('%s/api/1.0/authentications?ws.op=authenticate&token_name=%s' %
       (get_base_url(), TOKEN_NAME))
password_mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
password_mgr.add_password(None, url, email_address, PASSWORD)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_mgr))

req = urllib2.Request(url)
f = urllib2.urlopen(req)
data =

# now test that the app is there and that  we can delete it
helpers.login(email_address, PASSWORD)
assert_text_contains('content', TOKEN_NAME)
delete_buttons = get_elements(css_class='btn-sm', name='Delete')
# delete application token
# log back in and should have no app
helpers.login(email_address, PASSWORD)
fails(assert_text_contains, 'content', TOKEN_NAME)
# -*- Mode: Python -*-
# vi:si:et:sw=4:sts=4:ts=4

from sst import actions as a

import common
import data

admin = common.Admin(data.admin)

admin.navigate('Customers', 'Manage Customers')

# for some reason there are two buttons? I can only find one in the source
buttons = a.get_elements(title='Delete Customer')
# wait=False lets us interact with the alert
a.click_button(buttons[0], wait=False)
# confirm the dialog when clicking to delete
a.accept_alert('Are you sure you want to do this?')
