def test_pop_one_item(self): value1 = 5 my_stack = Stack() my_stack.push(value1) popped_item = my_stack.pop() self.assertEqual(5, popped_item) self.assertEqual(0, my_stack.count)
def test_peek_single_item(self): value1 = 5 my_stack = Stack() my_stack.push(value1) peeked_item = my_stack.peek() self.assertEqual(1, my_stack.count) self.assertEqual(5, peeked_item)
def build_parse_tree(p_exression): char_list = p_expression.split() s = Stack() current_node = BinaryTree('') s.push(current_node) for char in char_list: if char == '(': current_node.insert_left('') s.push(current_node) current_node = current_node.get_left_child() # for numeric values elif char not in "()+-*/%": current_node.set_root_val(int(char)) current_node = s.pop() # for operators elif char in "+-*/%": current_node.set_root_val(char) current_node.insert_right('') s.push(current_node) current_node = current_node.get_right_child() # if ')', then make the parent te current node (till there's no parent and the tree is thus complete) elif char == ')': current_node = s.pop() else: raise ValueError return current_node
def eval(list): op = Stack() val = Stack() for i in list: if type(i)== int: val.push(int(val))
def buildParseTree(math_exp): mlist = math_exp.split() pStack = Stack() aTree = BinaryTree('') pStack.push(aTree) currentTree = aTree for num in mlist: # When we see open bracket, make a left child node since number will go there if num == '(': currentTree.insertLeft('') pStack.push(currentTree) currentTree = currentTree.getLeftChild() # if it is operator, we set that parent to be the operator then make a right child elif num in ['+', '-', '*', '/']: currentTree.setRootVal(num) currentTree.insertRight('') pStack.push(currentTree) currentTree = currentTree.getRightChild() # closing the bracket so go back to the parent of the operator node elif num == ')': currentTree = pStack.pop() # this is presume to be a number, want to set the current node to that number, then go back to the parent elif num not in ['+', '-', '*', '/', ')']: try: currentTree.setRootVal(int(num)) parent = pStack.pop() currentTree = parent except ValueError: raise ValueError(num, "is not a valid integer") return aTree
def build_parse(data): data = list(data) ops = Stack() tree = BinaryTree(" ") curr = tree print curr ops.push(tree) for i in data: if i == "(": curr.insert_left(" ") ops.push(curr) curr = curr.get_left() elif i not in '+-*/)': curr.set_root(int(i)) curr = ops.pop() elif i in '+-*/': curr.set_root(i) curr.insert_right(" ") ops.push(curr) curr = curr.get_right() elif i == ')': curr = ops.pop() else: raise ValueError("unsupported operator " + i) return tree
def __init__(self, width, height): self.nodeList = [] self.width = width self.height = height self.grid = None self.nodeStack = Stack() self.fRows = 0 self.fCols = 0
def __init__(self, width, height): '''width and height are the minimum distance between nodes''' self.nodeList = [] self.width = width self.height = height self.grid = None self.nodeStack = Stack() self.fRows = 0 self.fCols = 0
def __init__(self, level): self.level = level self.nodeList = [] self.grid = None self.nodeStack = Stack() self.nodeSymbols = ["+", "n", "N", "M", "H", "F"] self.homeList = [] self.createMainList() self.createHomeList()
def __init__(self, level): self.level = level self.nodeList = [] self.grid = None self.nodeStack = Stack() #self.createNodeList(MAZEDATA[level]["file"], self.nodeList) self.homeList = [] self.nodeSymbols = ["+", "n", "N", "M", "H", "F"] self.createMainList() self.createHomeList()
def rpn_calc(postfix_expr: str): '''Evaluate a postfix expression''' operand_stack = Stack() token_list = postfix_expr.split() print(postfix_expr) print(token_list) try: for ind in range(len(token_list)): if token_list[ind] in "0123456789": # Seperates the operands in a Stack operand_stack.push(int(token_list[ind])) else: # Does calculations with the operands operand2 = operand_stack.pop() operand1 = operand_stack.pop() result = do_math(token_list[ind], operand1, operand2) # If the Stack still has elements if ind == len(token_list) - 1 and not operand_stack.is_empty(): raise StackError( "Unknown expression {}".format(postfix_expr)) else: operand_stack.push(result) return (operand_stack.pop()) except IndexError: raise StackError("Stack is empty")
def decimalToBinaryConverter(decimal_number): if not isinstance(decimal_number, int): raise Exception('Invalid object provided for conversion, valid datatype in INT') bin_stack = Stack() quotient = decimal_number remainder = None while quotient > 0: remainder = int(quotient % 2) quotient = int(quotient / 2) bin_stack.push(remainder) return str(bin_stack)
def reverse_string(string): """Return a string backwards.""" s = Stack() reverse_text = '' for char in string: s.push(char) s.container.reverse() for i in s.container: reverse_text += i print(reverse_text)
def shuffle(self, cut=26, skill=1): left = Stack(self.deck[:cut:-1]) right = Stack(self.deck[cut::-1]) shuffled = [] if not isinstance(skill, int) or skill < 0 or skill > 1: raise CardError("Invalid input: check the skill parameters!") if not isinstance(cut, int) or cut < 0 or cut > 52: raise CardError("Invalid input: check the cut parameters!") if skill == 1: constant = True if skill != 1: percentage_error = 1 - skill possible_error = int(min(left, right) * percentage_error) possibilities = range(1, possible_error + 2) while left.stack and right.stack: if not constant: try: shuffled.append(right.pop(choice(possibilities))) except: shuffled.extend(right) try: shuffled.append(left.pop(choice(possibilities))) except: shuffled.extend(left) else: shuffled.append(right.pop()) shuffled.append(left.pop()) shuffled.extend(left) shuffled.extend(right) self.deck = shuffled return self.deck
def __init__(self, screen, level): self.settings = Settings() self.screen = screen self.level = level self.type_of_node = ["+", "n", "N", "o"] self.ghost_node = ["v"] self.type_of_path = ["p", "P"] self.nodeList = [] self.ghostList = [] self.grid = None self.nodeStack = Stack() self.create_node_list()
def test_push_onto_full(): s = Stack() s.push("apple") s.push("banana") s.push("cucumber") actual = s.top_of_list.value expected = "cucumber" assert actual == expected
def depth_first_traversal(self, start): depth_list = [] new_stack = Stack([start]) while True: try: node = new_stack.pop() if node not in depth_list: depth_list.append(node) children = list(self.dict[node].keys()) for child in children: new_stack.push(child) except AttributeError: return depth_list
class QueueFromStack: def __init__(self): self.in_storage = Stack() self.out_storage = Stack() def size(self): return self.in_storage.size() + self.out_storage.size() def enqueue(self, value): self.in_storage.push(value) def dequeue(self): if self.out_storage.size() == 0: while self.in_storage.size() != 0: self.out_storage.push(self.in_storage.pop()) return self.out_storage.pop()
def test_sort_stack(): a = get_random_list(5) stack = Stack() for x in a: stack.push(x) stack.print_stack() sort_stack(stack) stack.print_stack()
def preorder(self, start): stack = Stack() current = start visited = False traversal = "" while not visited: if current is not None: traversal += str( + " " stack.push( current = current.left else: if len(stack) > 0: current = stack.pop() current = current.right else: visited = True return traversal
def __init__(self, level): self.nodelist = [] self.homelist = [] self.level = level # self.grid = None self.node_stack = Stack() self.portalSymbols = ["z"] self.pathSymbols = ["p", "P"] self.nodeSymbols = ["+", "n", "N", "H", "S", "Y", "F" ] + self.portalSymbols self.grid = self.read_maze_file(level) self.homegrid = self.get_home_array() self.create_node_list(self.grid, self.nodelist) self.create_node_list(self.homegrid, self.homelist) self.setup_portal_nodes() self.move_home_nodes() self.homelist[0].is_ghost_start = True
def test_pop_in_correct_order_from_2_item_stack(self): test_obj = Stack() test_data1 = 'data1' test_data2 = 'data2' test_obj.push(test_data1) test_obj.push(test_data2) self.assertEqual(test_data2, test_obj.pop()) self.assertEqual(False, test_obj.is_empty()) self.assertEqual(test_data1, test_obj.pop()) self.assertEqual(True, test_obj.is_empty())
def test_check_not_empty(): s = Stack() s.push("apple") s.push("banana") actual = s.is_empty() expected = False assert actual == expected
def test_peek(): s = Stack() s.push("apple") s.push("banana") actual = s.peek() expected = "banana" assert actual == expected
class MaxStack: def __init__(self): self.stack = Stack() self.largest = Stack() def push(self, item): self.stack.push(item) if item >= self.largest.peek(): self.largest.push(item) def pop(self): item = self.stack.pop() if item == self.largest.peek(): self.largest.pop() return item def get_largest(self): return self.largest.peek()
def deciToBin(num): binaryStack = Stack() binNum = "" print(f"The binary of {num} is: ", end="") while num > 0: binaryStack.push(num % 2) num = num // 2 while not (binaryStack.isEmpty()): binNum += str(binaryStack.peek()) binaryStack.pop() print(binNum)
def abs_to_relative_two(s): stack = Stack() index = 0 len_f = len(s) while index < len_f: while index< len_f and s[index] != '.': stack.push(s[index]) index += 1 point_count = 0 while index<len_f and s[index] == '.': index += 1 point_count += 1 if point_count == 2: stack.pop() while not stack.isEmpty() and stack.peer() != '/': stack.pop() index += 1 return ''.join(stack.items) # print relative path
class Deck: "A bilota deck of cards." def __init__(self): = Stack() for s in suits: for r in ranks:, s)) def shuffle(self): """Shuffles the Deck only if it has max size.""" if == 32: shuffle( raise RuntimeError('Only a full Deck can be shuffled.') def get_card(self): """Gets a card from the Deck.""" return
def searchDFSTrace(graph, start, end): stack = Stack() stack.push([start]) while not stack.isEmpty(): path = stack.pop() last = path[-1] if last == end: return path for adjacent in graph.get(last, []): new_path = list(path) new_path.append(adjacent) stack.push(new_path)
def searchDFS(graph, start): visited = [] stack = Stack() stack.push(start) while not stack.isEmpty(): vertex = stack.pop() if vertex not in visited: visited.append(vertex) print 'VERTEX', vertex for edges in graph[vertex]: stack.push(edges) return visited
def __init__(self, name, nr_containers): #print("port created") self.ship_queue = [] self.docks = [] self.ne_stacks = [] = name self.nr_docks = 7 self.nr_non_empty_stacks = 16 self.max_capacity = 3000 for i in range(self.nr_docks): self.docks.append(Dock(i)) for i in range(8): self.ne_stacks.append(Stack(str(str(i)), "non empty", i, 0)) for i in range(8, 16): self.ne_stacks.append(Stack(str(str(i)), "non empty", i - 8, 1)) self.e_stack = Stack(str("E"), "empty", 0, 0) self.nr_containers = nr_containers = 0 self.emptyC = 20
def check_balanced_brackets(bracket_str): bracket_list = list(bracket_str) bracket_stack = Stack() for symbol in bracket_list: if symbol in ['(', '{', '[']: bracket_stack.push(symbol) continue elif symbol in [')', '}', ']']: if not bracket_stack.is_empty() and pair_match( symbol, bracket_stack.peak()): bracket_stack.pop() else: return False else: raise Exception('Invalid symbol found') return bracket_stack.is_empty()
def htmlChecker(html): stk = Stack() intag = False for index in xrange(len(html)): """Loops over html doc searching for tags when an opening bracket is found the tag is pushed onto the stack""" if html[index] == '<': intag = True count = index while intag: stk.push(html[count]) if html[count] == '>': intag = False else: count = count + 1 for index in xrange(len(html)): """Loops again over html doc but when tag is found it compares to popped item""" if html[index] == '<': intag = True count = index while intag: if len(stk) <= 0: return True else: item = stk.pop() if html[count] == '>': intag = False elif html[count] == '/' or item != '/': None elif html[count] != '/' and item != '/': if html[count] == '<' and item == '>'\ or html[count] == '>' and item == '<': count = count + 1 elif html[count] == item: count = count + 1 else: print count return False
def searchDFS(graph, start): visited = [] stack = Stack() stack.push(start) while not stack.isEmpty(): vertex = stack.pop() if vertex not in visited: visited.append(vertex) print "VERTEX", vertex for edges in graph[vertex]: stack.push(edges) return visited
def dfs_stack(self, v): """ Return a DFS tree from v, using a stack. """ marked = {v:None} stack = Stack() stack.push(v) while stack.length() > 0: vertex = stack.pop() for e in self.get_edges(vertex): w = e.opposite(vertex) if w not in marked: marked[w] = e stack.push(w) return marked
def sortAscendingOrder(s1): s2 = Stack() while not s1.isEmpty(): # print 'S2:', s2.stack() # print 'S1:', s1.stack() last = s1.pop() while (not s2.isEmpty() and s2.peek() > last): s1.push(s2.pop()) s2.push(last) return s2
def find_closing_paren(string, start_paren): paren_stack = Stack() for i in range(start_paren, len(string)): ch = search_string[i] if ch == "(": paren_stack.push("(") elif ch == ")": paren_stack.pop() if paren_stack.is_empty(): return i
class minStack(Stack): def __init__(self): super(minStack,self).__init__() self.minSta = Stack() def pop(self): if self.minSta.peek() != None and self.minSta.peek() >= self.peek(): self.minSta.pop() return super(minStack, self).pop() def push(self, data): if self.minSta.peek() == None or self.minSta.peek() >= data: self.minSta.push(data) super(minStack, self).push(data) def peek(self): return super(minStack, self).peek() def min(self): return self.minSta.peek()
def matching_parens(text): open_parens = Stack() for c in text: try: if c == "(": open_parens.push(c) elif c == ")": open_parens.pop() except AttributeError: return -1 try: open_parens.pop() return 1 except AttributeError: return 0
class Queue(): def __init__(self): self.base = Stack() self.buff = Stack() #insertion in O(n) def enqueue(self, data): while(True): try: self.buff.push(self.base.pop().data) except: self.base.push(data) while(True): try: self.base.push(self.buff.pop().data) except: break break #removal in O(1) def dequeue(self): return self.base.pop()
def palindromeChecker(string): """Checks if 'string' is a palindrome""" holder = Stack() temp = Stack() isTrue = True for char in string: """Check for valid character before pushing to holder stack """ if 'a' <= char <= 'z' or 'A' <= char <= 'Z' or 0 <= char <= 9: holder.push(char) for i in xrange(len(holder)): """Pops from holder and compares value in 'string' """ if 'a' <= string[i] <= 'z' or 'A' <= string[i] <= 'Z' or '0' <= string[i] <= '9': temp.push(string[i]) item = holder.pop() if item != temp.pop(): isTrue = False return isTrue return isTrue
def __init__(self): self.base = Stack() self.buff = Stack()
def get_path(v, tree): """ Extract a path from root to v, from backwards search tree. """ s = Stack() s.push(v) _get_path(v, tree, s) return s
from signal_source import DiracSource, SineSource, CompoundSineSource import pylab from writers import WaveWriter, AiffWriter, MatWriter from pylab_tools import ProbeResultsPlotter import wave import math if __name__ == "__main__": r = AiffReader("samples/demo1_stereo.aif") # r = SineSource(channels=2, freq=100, amp=0.5, phase=math.pi / 2, length=1000) # r = DiracSource(channels = 1, length=1000) # r = SineSource(freq=1000, channels=2, length=1000) # r = CompoundSineSource([dict(freq=1000, amp=0.5), dict(freq=100, amp=2)], channels=2, length=1000) s = Stack( [ (LowPassFilter(samplerate=r.rate, channels=r.channels), "output"), (RMS(samplerate=r.rate, channels=r.channels), "rms"), ] ) out = s.process_source(r) plotter = ProbeResultsPlotter(s.probe_results, figure_name=1) plotter.plot() w = AiffWriter("out.aif", r.channels, r.depth, r.rate) w.write(out[:20000]) w.write(out[20000:]) w.close()
def __init__(self): super(minStack,self).__init__() self.minSta = Stack()
def __init__(self): self.stack = Stack() self.largest = Stack()