Esempio n. 1
def message_unpin(token, message_id):
    Unpins the message with ID message_id in the channel that it is in
        valid token (str): of authorised user
        message_id (int): ID of the message to be unpinned

    Returns: empty dictionary

        InputError: if message with ID message_id is not a valid message, or
            message is currently unpinned
        AccessError: if token is invalid, or if authorised user is not a slackr
            owner nor an admin of the channel in which the message is

    # verify the user
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='Invalid token')

    # get database
    data = get_store()
    # getting id of the user
    u_id = get_tokens()[token]

    data.unpin(u_id, message_id)
    return {}
Esempio n. 2
def find_u_id(email):
    Returns the user id given the email. If the email does
    not correspond to an existing user in the database => returns None
    data = get_store()
    return data.users.email_used(email)
Esempio n. 3
def channel_details(token, channel_id):
    Given a Channel with ID channel_id that the authorised user is part of,
    provide basic details about the channel.
    Args: token (str), channel_id (int)
    InputError: channel_id is not a valid channel
    AccessError: authorised user is not part of the channel with channel_id
    Output: (channel) name, owner_members, all_members

    data = get_store()

    # verify the token is valid
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description="Invalid token")

    if not data.channels.channel_exists(channel_id):
        raise InputError(description='Channel does not exist')

    # check that the authorised user is member of said channel
    auth_u_id = get_tokens()[token]
    if not data.user_channel.is_member(auth_u_id, channel_id):
        raise AccessError(
            "The authorised user is not a member of channel with this channel ID"

    # Create two lists and append details about owner members of the channel and all its members
    # return the dictionary containing details of the channel
    return {
        "name": data.channels.channel_details(channel_id)['name'],
        "owner_members": data.channel_owners(channel_id),
        "all_members": data.channel_members(channel_id)
Esempio n. 4
def user_profile(token, u_id):
    Returns profile information about the specified user; specifically,
    u_id, email, name_first, name_last, handle_str, profile_img_url

        token (str): of the user authorising this action
        u_id (int): user ID of the user whose profile information is being sought

        AccessError: if token is invalid

        dictionary: a dictionary containing the 'user' dictionary, which contains
            u_id, email, name_first, name_last, handle_str, profile_img_url

    # check validity of user's token
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description="Invalid token")

    # check that the u_id of the user whose information the authorised user
    # wants to access is valid
    data = get_store()
    return {'user': data.users.user_details(u_id)}
Esempio n. 5
def message_unreact(token, message_id, react_id):
    Removes a certain 'react' from a specified message within a channel
        valid token (str): of authorised user
        message_id (int): ID of the message to be given a react
        react_id (int): a valid react ID to be removed from the message

        InputError: if message with ID message_id is not a valid message or does not exist, or
            if react_id is not a valid react, or message already has no current react of react_id
            from the current user
        AccessError: if token is invalid, or if the user is not part of the channel in which the
            message exists

    # verify the user
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='Invalid token')

    # get database
    data = get_store()
    # getting id of the user
    u_id = get_tokens()[token]

    if not data.messages.message_exists(message_id):
        raise InputError(description='Invalid message ID')

    channel_id = data.user_message.message_channel(message_id)
    if not data.user_channel.link_exists(u_id, channel_id):
        raise InputError(
            description='Not valid message ID within channel you have joined')

    data.user_message.unreact(u_id, message_id, react_id)
    return {}
Esempio n. 6
def auth_login(email, password):
    Given a registered users' email and password and generates
    a valid token for the user to remain authenticated.

    Args: email (str), password (str)
        InputError: email entered not valid, email does not belong to a user, password is incorrect
        Dictionary: u_id (int), token (str)
    data = get_store()

    # Ensure user's password matches otherwise raise an error
    encrypted_pass = hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest()
    u_id = data.users.validate_login(email, encrypted_pass)

    # check if the user is not already logged in
    token = get_token(u_id)
    if token is not None:
        raise InputError(description='User is already logged on')

    token = generate_token(u_id)
    get_tokens()[token] = u_id
    return {"u_id": u_id, "token": token}
Esempio n. 7
def auth_passwordreset_reset(reset_code, new_password):
    Given a valid reset code change the user's password
    to the new password given
    Args: reset_code (str), new_password (str)
    Returns: None
    if len(new_password) < 6:
        raise InputError(
            description="Password too short, must be at least 6 characters")

    data = get_store()

    # Check if reset_code exists within dictionary and return the email key
    # paired with that code
    email =

    # Retrieve user's id and set their new password
    u_id = data.users.find_u_id(email[0])
    data.users.set_password(u_id, new_password)
    # Delete reset code from the dictionary[0])

    return {}
Esempio n. 8
def user_profile_setname(token, name_first, name_last):
    Updates the authorised user's first name and last name.

        token (str): of the user authorising this action
        name_first (str): user's new first name (1-50 char)
        name_last (str): user's new last name (1-50 char)

        AccessError: if token is invalid
        InputError: if either name_first or name_last is shorter than 1 char or longer than 50 char

    # verify token is valid
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description="Invalid token")

    # verify that changes to name are allowed
    if len(name_first) < MIN_NAME_LEN or len(name_last) < MIN_NAME_LEN \
            or len(name_first) > MAX_NAME_LEN or len(name_last) > MAX_NAME_LEN:
        raise InputError(
            "Names must be between 1 and 50 characters long inclusive.")
    # another verification that names are not just spaces
    if name_first.isspace() or name_last.isspace():
        raise InputError(
            description="Names cannot exclusively contain whitespaces.")

    # modify name_first and name_last in the database as per the user's changes
    u_id = get_tokens()[token]
    data = get_store()
    data.users.set_first_name(u_id, name_first)
    data.users.set_last_name(u_id, name_last)
Esempio n. 9
def has_message_edit_permission(auth_u_id, message_id):
    A helper function  for message_edit which determines whether a user has edit permissions

        user ID (int): of the user invoking message_edit
        message_id (int): of the message to be edited

        True / False (bool): whether the user has permission to edit the message

    data = get_store()

    # check if auth user is a slackr owner
    if data.admins.is_admin(auth_u_id):
        return True

    # check if auth user wrote the message
    if data.user_message.is_sender(message_id, auth_u_id):
        return True

    # check if auth user is owner of channel which contains the message
    # find the message
    # find the channel it belongs to
    ch_id = data.user_message.message_channel(message_id)
    return data.user_channel.is_owner(auth_u_id, ch_id)
Esempio n. 10
def channel_addowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    Promotes user with 'u_id' to an owner of channel with 'channel_id'

        token (str): of the user authorising this action
        channel_id (int): of the channel to which to promote the user to owner
        u_id (int): of the user to be promoted
            if token invalid
            if token does not belong to a user with permission to promote
            if channel_id does not correspond to a valid channel
    # verify the user
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='Invalid token')

    # get database information
    data = get_store()
    # getting id of the user
    u_id_invoker = get_tokens()[token]

    # verify the channel exists
    if not data.channels.channel_exists(channel_id):
        raise InputError(description="Invalid channel id")

    # verify the invoker is either an owner of the channel or an admin
    if not data.admins.is_admin(u_id_invoker) and \
       not data.user_channel.is_owner(u_id_invoker, channel_id):
        raise AccessError(
            description="You do not have privileges to add owners")

    data.user_channel.add_owner(u_id, channel_id)
Esempio n. 11
def channel_invite(token, channel_id, u_id):
    Invites a user (with user id u_id) to join a channel with ID channel_id.
    Once invited the user is added to the channel immediately.
    Args: token (str), channel_id (int), u_id (int)
    InputError: channel ID does not correspond to a valid channel;
    user ID does not refer to a valid user.
    AccessError: authorised user is not already a member of channel with channel ID.
    # verify the validity of the authorised user's token
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description="Invalid token")

    # check that channel_id corresponds to a valid channel
    data = get_store()
    if not data.channels.channel_exists(channel_id):
        raise InputError(
            description="Channel with this channel ID does not exist")

    # check that the authorised user belongs to this valid channel
    auth_u_id = get_tokens()[token]
    if not data.user_channel.is_member(auth_u_id, channel_id):
        raise AccessError(
            description="The authorised user is not a member of this channel")

    # check that u_id corresponds to a valid user
    if not data.users.user_exists(u_id):
        raise InputError(description="User ID is not valid")

    # add the user with u_id into the channel
    # update the database by adding a link between the user and the channel
    # checks if user is already apart of the channel
    data.user_channel.join_channel(u_id, channel_id)
Esempio n. 12
def channel_leave(token, channel_id):
    Allows a user with 'token' to leave the channel with 'channel_id'

    Args: token (str), channel_id (int)
            if token invalid
            if user with u_id was not a member of the channel in the first place
            if channel_id does not correspond to a valid channel
    Return: an empty dictionary
    # verify the user
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='Invalid token')

    # get database information
    data = get_store()
    # getting id of the user
    u_id = get_tokens()[token]

    # verify the channel exists
    if not data.channels.channel_exists(channel_id):
        raise InputError(description="Invalid channel id")

    # verify the user is a member of the channel
    if not data.user_channel.is_member(u_id, channel_id):
        raise AccessError(description="Cannot leave channel: not a member")

    # deleting the user from the channel list
    data.user_channel.leave_channel(u_id, channel_id)
    return {}
Esempio n. 13
def test_reseting_password():
    data = get_store()
    reg_dict = auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password123',
                             'Max', 'Smith')
    data.users.set_password(reg_dict['u_id'], 'wubbalubba')
    auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'wubbalubba')
Esempio n. 14
def is_handle_unique(handle_str):
    Determines whether handle_str is unique in the slackr
    Args: handle_str (str)
    Return: unique (bool)
    data = get_store()
    unique = data.users.handle_unique(handle_str)
    return unique
Esempio n. 15
def message_sendlater(token, channel_id, message, time_sent):
    Sends a message into channel with ID channel_id at a specified time in the future

        valid token (str): of authorised user
        channel_id (int): the channel into which the message is to be sent
        message (str): the message to be sent by the authorised user into channel
        time_sent (float): unix timestamp of a time in the future for message to be sent

    Returns: dictionary containing:
        message_id (int): ID assigned to the new message

        InputError: if message length is greater than 1000 strings or message is empty,
            or channel_id is invalid, or time_sent is not a correctly formatted future timestamp
        AccessError: if token is invalid, or the authorised user is not part of
            the channel with ID channel_id
    # verify the user
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='Invalid token')
    # checking message string is valid
    if not isinstance(message,
                      str) or len(message) > MAX_MSG_LEN or not message:
        raise InputError(description='Invalid message')

    # get database
    data = get_store()
    # getting id of the user
    u_id = get_tokens()[token]

    # checking channel_id is valid (user is part of)
    if not data.user_channel.link_exists(u_id, channel_id):
        raise AccessError(
            description='You do not have access to send message in this channel'
    # checking time_sent is valid (it is a time in the future)
    if time_sent < time():
        raise InputError(description='Scheduled send time is invalid')

    # assigning new ID for the message
    new_id = data.messages.next_id()

    # the action to be completed at time time_sent
    sched_thread = Thread(target=run_scheduler,
                          args=(message_send, time_sent, (
    # run the schedular (target=message_send, time_sent=time_sent, )

    return {'message_id': new_id}
Esempio n. 16
def message_send(token, channel_id, message):
    Sends a message into channel with ID channel_id

        valid token (str): of authorised user
        channel_id (int): the channel into which the message is to be sent
        message (str): the message to be sent by the authorised user into channel

    Returns: dictionary containing:
        message_id (int): ID assigned to the new message

        InputError: if message length is greater than 1000 strings or message is empty,
            or channel_id is invalid
        AccessError: if token is invalid, or the authorised user is not part of
            the channel with ID channel_id

    # verify the user
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='Invalid token')

    # checking message string is valid
    if not isinstance(message,
                      str) or len(message) > MAX_MSG_LEN or not message:
        raise InputError(description='Invalid message')

    # get database
    data = get_store()
    # getting id of the user
    u_id = get_tokens()[token]

    # checking channel_id is valid (user is part of)
    if not data.user_channel.link_exists(u_id, channel_id):
        raise AccessError(
            'You do not have access to send messages in this channel')

    # send the message
    details = message, time()
    new_id = data.add_message(u_id, channel_id, details)

    # Facilitation of Hangman Game
    hbot_output = hangman(message, channel_id, u_id)
    if hbot_output is not None:
        # obtain the token of the hangman bot for the channel we are currently
        # in
        hbot_token = data.channels.get_hbot_details(channel_id)[1]
        message_send(hbot_token, channel_id, hbot_output)

    return {'message_id': new_id}
Esempio n. 17
def userpermission_change(token, u_id, permission_id):
    Sets the user's permission to either owner/admin (1) or normal member (2).

        token (str): of the user authorising this action
        u_id (int): of the user whose permission is being changed
        permission_id (int): 1 for owner, 2 for member

            if token is invalid
            if the user invoking this action is not an owner/admin of the slackr
            if the owner/admin attempts to demote themselves to a normal member
            if u_id does not correspond to an existent user
            if permission_id does not correspond to a valid permission
    # verify the user
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='Invalid token')
    # get database information
    data = get_store()
    # getting id of the user
    u_id_invoker = get_tokens()[token]

    # verify that u_id is a valid user
    if not data.users.user_exists(u_id):
        raise InputError(description="User does not exist")

    # verify permission_id is valid (1 or 2)
    if not data.admins.is_valid_permission(permission_id):
        raise InputError(description="Invalid permission id")

    # verify the invoker is an admin
    if not data.admins.is_admin(u_id_invoker):
        raise AccessError(
            description="You do not have permission to change permissions")

    # the admin cannot demote himself
    if u_id_invoker == u_id and permission_id == SLACKR_MEMBER:
        raise InputError(description='Cannot demote current user')

    # set new permissions
    if permission_id == SLACKR_OWNER:
Esempio n. 18
def standup_start(token, channel_id, length):
    Input: channel_id: int, length: int
    Returns: a dictionary containing the finish time of the standup
    Raises: InputError, AccessError
    Start a standup in a given channel
    # verify the user
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='Invalid token')

    # get database information
    data = get_store()
    # getting id of the user
    u_id = get_tokens()[token]

    # verify the channel exists
    if not data.channels.channel_exists(channel_id):
        raise InputError(description="Invalid channel id")

    # getting all the standups
    standups_info = get_standup()
    # verify there are currently no standups in the channel
    for standup in standups_info:
        if standup['channel_id'] == channel_id:
            raise InputError(description="Active standup already in channel")

    # verifying length is a float or an integer
    if not isinstance(length, int) and not isinstance(length, float):
        raise InputError(description="Invalid length type")
    # creating a new standup
    time_finish = time.time() + length
    with STANDUP_LOCK:
            'channel_id': channel_id,
            'u_id': u_id,
            'time_start': time.time(),
            'time_finish': time_finish,
            'messages': [],
    # schedule flushing the standup
    running_time = time.time() + length
    sched_thread = Thread(target=run_scheduler,
                          args=(flush_standup, running_time, (channel_id, )))
    #run_scheduler(target=flush_standup, running_time=time.time() + length, args=(channel_id,))
    return {'time_finish': time_finish}
Esempio n. 19
def workspace_reset():
    Resets the workspace state. Assumes that the base state of database.p has a Database() instance.
    # clear the tokens dictionary

    # clear database.p
    data = get_store()
    # clear standups
    with get_lock():
        standups = get_standup()

    with open("database.p", "wb") as database_file:
        pickle.dump(data, database_file)
Esempio n. 20
def auth_passwordreset_request(email):
    Sends a reset code to a user's email and adds
    the reset code to a dictionary

    Args: email (str)
    data = get_store()

    if not data.users.email_used(email):
        return {}

    # Generates reset code for user and sends it to their email
    # add reset code to dictionary for user

    return {}
Esempio n. 21
def users_all(token):
    Lists all users on the slackr
    Args: token (str)
    Raises: AccessError if token is invalid
    Returns: a dictionary containing a list of all users and their associated details -
        u_id, email, name_first, name_last, handle_str

    # verify the token is valid
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description="invalid token")

    # return a dictionary which contains one key, "users", which is itself a list of dictionaries
    # containing types u_id, email, name_first, name_last, handle_str
    data = get_store()

    return {"users": data.users.all()}
Esempio n. 22
def channels_listall(token):
    Provides users with details of all channels existing in Slackr
    Parameter: token
    Returns: list of ALL channels in Slackr
    # verify the user
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='Invalid token')

    # get database
    data = get_store()

    # return all existing channels
    all_channels = data.channels.all()
    return {
        'channels': all_channels
Esempio n. 23
def channel_removeowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    Demote user with 'u_id' from an owner to normal member of channel with 'channel_id'

        token (str): of the user authorising this action
        channel_id (int): of the channel to which to demote the user to normal member
        u_id (int): of the user to be demoted
            if token invalid
            if token does not belong to a user with permission to demote
            if attempting to demote an admin of the slackr
            if channel_id does not correspond to a valid channel
    # verify the user
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='Invalid token')

    # get database information
    data = get_store()
    # getting id of the user
    u_id_invoker = get_tokens()[token]

    # verify the channel exists
    if not data.channels.channel_exists(channel_id):
        raise InputError(description="Invalid channel id")

    # verify the user to remove is not a Slackr owner
    # and the remover has valid privileges
    if not data.admins.is_admin(u_id_invoker) and data.admins.is_admin(u_id):
        raise AccessError(
            description="You do not have permission to remove the current user"

    # verify the invoker is either an owner of the channel or slackr
    if not data.user_channel.is_owner(u_id_invoker, channel_id):
        raise AccessError(
            description="You do not have premission to remove the current user"

    # remove the ownership
    data.user_channel.remove_owner(u_id, channel_id)
Esempio n. 24
def user_profile_sethandle(token, handle_str):
    Updates the authorised user's handle.

        token (str): of the user authorising this action
        handle_str (str): user's new handle

        AccessError: if token not valid
            if handle_str not between 2 and 20 characters inclusive
            if handle_str not unique to user

    # verify the token is valid
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description="Invalid token")

    # verify the new handle_str is of the correct length
    if len(handle_str) < MIN_HANDLE_LEN:
        raise InputError(
            "handle_str too short - it must be between 2 and 20 characters inclusive"
    if len(handle_str) > MAX_HANDLE_LEN:
        raise InputError(
            "handle_str too long - - it must be between 2 and 20 characters inclusive"

    u_id = get_tokens()[token]
    data = get_store()

    # verify the new handle_str is unique
    # allow the "change" if the authorised user's new handle_str is identical
    # to their old one.
    if data.users.get_handle(
            u_id) != handle_str and not data.users.handle_unique(handle_str):
        raise InputError(description="new handle_str not unique to this user")

    # change the handle_str in the database
    data.users.set_handle(u_id, handle_str)
Esempio n. 25
def test_reseting_multiple_passwords():
    data = get_store()
    reg_dict = auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password123',
                             'Max', 'Smith')
    reg_dict2 = auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password123',
                              'Max', 'Smith')
    reg_dict3 = auth_register('*****@*****.**', 'password123',
                              'Bob', 'Smith')
    data.users.set_password(reg_dict['u_id'], 'wubbalubba')
    data.users.set_password(reg_dict2['u_id'], 'poorpassword')
    data.users.set_password(reg_dict3['u_id'], 'great_password')

    auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'wubbalubba')
    auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'poorpassword')
    auth_login('*****@*****.**', 'great_password')
Esempio n. 26
def user_remove(token, u_id):
    Removes a user from slackr
    Arguments: token and u_id of user to be removed
    Returns: empty dictionary, but the user is entirely removed.
    Exceptions: InputError: u_id is not a valid user
                AccessError: remover is not an admin
    Assumptions: removing the user means removing all traces of him including his messages
    # verify the user
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='Invalid token')

    data = get_store()
    # getting id of the user
    u_id_invoker = get_tokens()[token]

    # verify the invoker is an admin
    if not data.admins.is_admin(u_id_invoker):
        raise AccessError(
            description="You do not have permission to change permissions")

    if not data.users.user_exists(u_id):
        raise InputError(description="Invalid user id")

    # verify the admin is not removing himself
    if u_id == u_id_invoker:
        raise InputError(description='Cannot remove current user')

    # cannot remove the hangman bot
    if user_profile(token, u_id)['user']['name_first'] == 'Hangman':
        raise InputError(description='Cannot remove Hangman B0T')

    # removing his user details
    # removing all his subscriptions to channels
    # removing all the messages sent by that user
    # remove the user the token store if he is logged on
    token = get_token(u_id)
    if token is not None:
Esempio n. 27
def channel_join(token, channel_id):
    Allows a user with a valid 'token' to join a public channel with 'channel_id'

    Args: token (str), channel_id (int)
            if token invalid
            if the channel is private
            if channel_id does not correspond to an existing channel
            if user with u_id is already a member of the channel
    Return: an empty dictionary
    # verify the user
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='Invalid token')

    # get database information
    data = get_store()
    # getting id of the user
    u_id = get_tokens()[token]

    # verify the channel exists
    if not data.channels.channel_exists(channel_id):
        raise InputError(description="Invalid channel id")

    # verify user is not already a member
    if data.user_channel.is_member(u_id, channel_id):
        raise InputError(description="Already a member")

    # verify the channel is public unless user is a slackr owner
    if not data.admins.is_admin(u_id) and data.channels.is_private(channel_id):
        raise AccessError(
            description="Cannot join channel: channel is private")

    # ... joining channel: if admin
    if data.admins.is_admin(u_id):
        data.user_channel.add_owner(u_id, channel_id)
        data.user_channel.join_channel(u_id, channel_id)
Esempio n. 28
def profile_uploadphoto(token, url, box):
    Crops a given image from a url and stores it in the database
    Arguments: token, image url, coordinates to be cropped
    Returns: nothing, but with url for the cropped image stored in the users details
    # # verify that the token is valid
    # if verify_token(token) is False:
    #     raise AccessError(description="Invalid token")

    # preparing the coordinates
    x_start, y_start, x_end, y_end = box

    # getting the image
    response = requests.get(url)
    # checking the image url given is valid
    if response.status_code != OK_STATUS:
        raise InputError(description='Cannot open image')

    # getting the image
    image =

    # making sure the image type is JPG
    if image.format != 'JPEG':
        raise InputError('Invalid image format')

    # checking the supplied coordinates are valid
    img_width, img_height = image.size
    if x_start < 0 or y_start < 0 or \
       x_end > img_width or y_end > img_height:
        raise InputError('Invalid crop coordinates')

    # crop the image
    cropped_img = image.crop(box)
    # get the database
    data = get_store()
    # saving the image into the database
    u_id = get_tokens()[token]
    # pylint: disable=global-statement"{image_config()['path']}/{u_id}.jpg")
Esempio n. 29
def channels_list(token):
    Provides users with details of all channels the requesting user is part of
    Parameter: authorised token
    Returns: list of channels (and associated details) that the authorised user is part of
    # verify the user
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='Invalid token')

    # get database
    data = get_store()
    # getting id of the user
    # get_tokens() should return a dictionary where token key corresponds to
    # that user's id
    u_id = get_tokens()[token]

    # return details about all channels the user is part of
    return {
        'channels': data.user_channels(u_id)
Esempio n. 30
def channel_messages(token, channel_id, start):
    Lists up to 50 messages within 'channel_id', beginning from the message indexed 'start'.
        token (str): of the user authorising this action
        channel_id (int): of the channel whose messages require displaying
        start (int): index of the first message to display
            if token invalid
            if authorised user does not hav permission to view the channel's messages
            if channel_id does not correspond to a valid channel
    Return: List of 50 messages from channel with channel_id
        starting from index 'start', if we reached the end of the list we set the 'end' index to -1
    # verify the user
    if verify_token(token) is False:
        raise AccessError(description='Invalid token')
    # get database information
    data = get_store()
    # getting id of the user
    u_id = get_tokens()[token]
    # verify the channel exists
    if not data.channels.channel_exists(channel_id):
        raise InputError(description='Channel does not exist')

    # verify the user is a member of the channel
    if not data.user_channel.is_member(u_id, channel_id):
        raise AccessError(
            "You do not have permission to view this channel's messages")
    # getting the messages of the channel
    details = channel_id, start
    messages, more = data.channel_messages(u_id, details)
    return {
        "messages": messages,
        "start": start,
        "end": -1 if not more else start + MESSAGE_BLOCK