Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self): 
     # Types of AST-ID-Nodes: Node->type.
     # This map is used by the enumeration
     # and was created and filled by typeit of the module typing.
     self.node_to_type_map = {} 
     self.state_space = StateSpace()   # statespace     = {}               # written by a solution-file
     # constants from 
     # for possible modification after module import time (e.g. via tests)
     self._min_int = MIN_INT
     self._max_int = MAX_INT
     self._bmachine_search_dir = BMACHINE_SEARCH_DIR
     self.solution_root = None         # predicateparse unit of solution-ast(prob file)
     self.root_mch = None
     self.current_mch = None           # current Working B-Machine
     self.all_strings = [""]           # remember all strings seen (in this or other bmachines). used to enumerate 'STRING'
     # This is a caching-list which contains all operations of all machines
     # It should prevent from intensive lookup while animation and op_call substitutions
     self.visible_operations = frozenset([]) # rettype, opname, paratype, backlink:owner_bmch, bool:is_query_op
     self.operations = {}   
     self._all_operation_asts = []      # cache for get_all_visible_op_asts() method
     self.parsed_bmachines = {}
     self.init_sets_bmachnes_names = [] # names of all bmachines with set-init done
     self.set_up_bmachines_names   = [] # set up constants done
     self.init_bmachines_names     = [] # init done
     # animation parameters
     self.set_up_state_on_stack  = False #MOVE to status object or something like that
     self.init_state_on_stack    = False
     self.set_up_done            = False
     self.init_done              = False
 def __init__(self, num_states):
     StateSpace.__init__(self, num_states)
     self._num_states = num_states
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, envir=hfo.HFOEnvironment(), action_set="high_level",seed=123):
     Agent.__init__(self,env=envir, agent_type="high_level_agent", action_set=HighLevelActionSpace(), 
     state_space=StateSpace(500), feature_set=hfo.HIGH_LEVEL_FEATURE_SET, port=6000,base="base_right", goalie=True)
     self.seed = seed        
Esempio n. 4
class Environment():
    def __init__(self): 
        # Types of AST-ID-Nodes: Node->type.
        # This map is used by the enumeration
        # and was created and filled by typeit of the module typing.
        self.node_to_type_map = {} 
        self.state_space = StateSpace()   # statespace        = {}               # written by a solution-file
        # constants from 
        # for possible modification after module import time (e.g. via tests)
        self._min_int = MIN_INT
        self._max_int = MAX_INT
        self._bmachine_search_dir = BMACHINE_SEARCH_DIR
        self.solution_root = None         # predicateparse unit of solution-ast(prob file)
        self.root_mch = None
        self.current_mch = None           # current Working B-Machine
        self.all_strings = [""]           # remember all strings seen (in this or other bmachines). used to enumerate 'STRING'
        # This is a caching-list which contains all operations of all machines
        # It should prevent from intensive lookup while animation and op_call substitutions
        self.visible_operations = frozenset([]) # rettype, opname, paratype, backlink:owner_bmch, bool:is_query_op
        self.operations = {}   
        self._all_operation_asts = []      # cache for get_all_visible_op_asts() method
        self.parsed_bmachines = {}
        self.init_sets_bmachnes_names = [] # names of all bmachines with set-init done
        self.set_up_bmachines_names   = [] # set up constants done
        self.init_bmachines_names     = [] # init done
        # animation parameters
        self.set_up_state_on_stack  = False #MOVE to status object or something like that
        self.init_state_on_stack    = False
        self.set_up_done            = False
        self.init_done              = False
        #self.op_substitution_value = None # Sores the last value of an op-substitution

    def parse_config_parameter(self, argv):
        for i in range(len(argv)):          
            if argv[i]=="-p":
                if string[i+1]=="MAXINT":
                    self._max_int = int(string[i+2])
                elif string[i+1]=="MININT":
                    self._min_int = int(string[i+2])
                    print "Unknown or missing flag/value pair"
                    print "pyB File.mch Solution.txt (-p FLAG VALUE)*"
                    print "Flags: MAXINT, MININT"
    # This method is a dirty solution to enumerate the set of all strings.
    # It collects all string expressions inside the machine
    def get_all_strings(self, node):
        if isinstance(node, AStringExpression):
            for child in node.children:
        except AttributeError:

    # A KeyError or a false assert is a typechecking bug
    # Used by the eumerator: all_values
    def get_type_by_node(self, node):
        assert isinstance(node, AIdentifierExpression)
        if not node in self.node_to_type_map:
            print "\033[1m\033[91mPYB-FAIL\033[00m: unable to compute type of %s" % node.idName
            raise Exception()
        atype = self.node_to_type_map[node]
        assert isinstance(atype, BType)
        return atype

    # type of lambda image (domain type inside args)
    def get_lambda_type_by_node(self, node):
        assert isinstance(node, ALambdaExpression)
        assert node in self.node_to_type_map
        atype = self.node_to_type_map[node]
        assert isinstance(atype, BType)
        return atype

    # reference to the owner-mch of this state/env
    def set_mch(self, mch):
        self.mch = mch

    def get_state(self):
        return self.state_space.get_state()

    def lookup_bmachine(self, idName, mch):
        for m in mch.included_mch + mch.seen_mch + mch.used_mch + mch.extended_mch:
            # FIXME:(#ISSUE 24) What if param. or return ids have the same name? add them here?
            names = m.const_names + m.var_names + m.dset_names + m.eset_names + m.eset_elem_names + [n.idName for n in m.scalar_params + m.set_params]
            if idName in names:
                return m
                bmachine = self.lookup_bmachine(idName, m)
                if bmachine is not None:
                    return bmachine
        return None

    # encapsule kind of parse-unit and statespace
    def set_value(self, id_Name, value):   
        bstate = self.get_state()
        bmachine = self.root_mch 
            bstate.set_value(id_Name, value, bmachine)
        except ValueNotInBStateException:
            assert bmachine is not None
            assert id_Name not in bmachine.const_names + bmachine.var_names + bmachine.dset_names 
        # lookup-fail in root. check child-bmachine
        bmachine = self.lookup_bmachine(id_Name, self.root_mch)
        # TODO: replace bmachine==None with Predicate or Expression
        bstate.set_value(id_Name, value, bmachine)

    def get_value(self, id_Name):
        bstate = self.get_state()
        bmachine = self.root_mch 
            return bstate.get_value(id_Name, bmachine)
        except ValueNotInBStateException:
            assert bmachine is not None
            assert id_Name not in bmachine.const_names + bmachine.var_names + bmachine.dset_names 
        # lookup-fail in root. check child-bmachine
        bmachine = self.lookup_bmachine(id_Name, self.root_mch)
        # TODO: replace bmachine==None with Predicate or Expression
        return bstate.get_value(id_Name, bmachine)
    def add_ids_to_frame(self, ids):
        bstate = self.get_state()
        bmachine = self.current_mch
        bstate.add_ids_to_frame(ids, bmachine)   

    def push_new_frame(self, nodes):
        bstate = self.get_state()
        bmachine = self.root_mch # optimization to avoid lookup ( in get_value or set_value )
        bstate.push_new_frame(nodes, bmachine) 

    def pop_frame(self):
        bstate = self.get_state()
        bmachine = self.root_mch # optimization to avoid lookup ( in get_value or set_value )
    # This is called by a op-substitution only ( and
    # TODO: cache operations
    def lookup_operation(self, idName):
        # (1) operations of included or extended machines are under full control
        # and can be executed via op-call-substitutions
        # This is not transitive!
        mchs = self.current_mch.included_mch + self.current_mch.extended_mch
        for m in mchs:
            for op in m.operations:
                name = op.op_name
                if idName == name:
                    return op
        # (2) call the query-op of a seen or used mch
        mchs = self.current_mch.used_mch + self.current_mch.seen_mch
        for m in mchs:
            for op in m.operations:
                name = op.op_name
                if idName == name:
                    assert op.is_query_op 
                    return op    
        # (3) fail
        raise Exception("lookup operation inside op-substitution failed! unknown op: ",idName)

    # This method is only called by the type checker inside a operation node.
    # It is used to get the operation object previously added by the parser. 
    # So it should never create a KeyError/LookupError. And it doesn't need any lookup
    # code, because it will be called from the correct operation node IF (mch_name, op_name)
    # is unambiguous/unique key.
    def get_operation_by_name(self, mch_name, op_name):
        return self.operations[(mch_name, op_name)]

    def set_operation_by_name(self, mch_name, op_name, operation_obj):
        self.operations[(mch_name, op_name)] = operation_obj
    def set_search_dir(self, file_name_str):
        import os
            sep = '/'
            sep = '\\'
            print "WARNING: OS Type not testet. Search dir unknown"
        if not sep in file_name_str:
        # rpartition is not RPython
        if USE_RPYTHON_CODE:
            for i in range(len(file_name_str)):
                c = file_name_str[-i]
                if c ==sep:
                    self._bmachine_search_dir = file_name_str[:-i+1]
            self._bmachine_search_dir = file_name_str.rpartition("/")[0] + '/'

    # assumes that every Variable/Constant/Set appears once 
    # TODO: Add typeinfo too
    # This function only maps the solution-expression-node to the id-name.
    # It does not change the env. or execute something. 
    # This will happen in the set_up_constants or exec_init methods
    def write_solution_nodes_to_env(self, root):
        for node in root.children:
            if isinstance(node, AConjunctPredicate): #loop
            elif isinstance(node, AEqualPredicate):
                    #TODO: utlb_srv_mrtk__var_e32 --> utlb_srv_mrtk.var_e32 (underscore bug)
                    if isinstance(node.children[0], AIdentifierExpression):
              [node.children[0].idName] = node.children[1]
                        #print "DEBUG: used:",node.children[0].idName ,"=" + pretty_print(node)
                except Exception:
                    if VERBOSE:
                        print "WARNING: PyB failed to use solution: " + pretty_print(node)
    def get_all_visible_op_asts(self):
        # caching to avoid this calculation
        if self._all_operation_asts == []:
            self._all_operation_asts = [op.ast for op in self.visible_operations]
        return self._all_operation_asts
Esempio n. 5
 def __init__(self):