def abplot_CI_bars(N, X, sig_level=0.05, dmin=None):
    """Returns a confidence interval bar plot for multivariate tests
        N (list or tuple): sample size for all groups
        X (list or tuple): number of conversions for each variant
        sig_level (float): significance level
        dmin (float): minimum desired lift; a red and green dashed lines are
            shown on the plot if dmin is provided.
        None: A plot of the confidence interval bars is returned inline.

    # initiate plot object
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 3))

    # get control group values
    N_A = N[0]
    X_A = X[0]

    # initiate containers for standard error and differences
    SE = []
    d = []
    # iterate through X and N and calculate d and SE
    for idx in range(1, len(N)):
        X_B = X[idx]
        N_B = N[idx]
        d.append(X_B / N_B - X_A / N_A)
        SE.append(pooled_SE(N_A, N_B, X_A, X_B))

    # convert to numpy arrays
    SE = np.array(SE)
    d = np.array(d)

    y = np.arange(len(N) - 1)

    # get z value
    z = z_val(sig_level)
    # confidence interval values
    ci = SE * z

    # bar to represent the confidence interval
    ax.hlines(y, d - ci, d + ci, color='blue', alpha=0.35, lw=10, zorder=1)
    # marker for the mean
    ax.scatter(d, y, s=300, marker='|', lw=10, color='magenta', zorder=2)

    # vertical line to represent 0
    ax.axvline(0, c='grey', linestyle='-')

    # plot veritcal dashed lines if dmin is provided
    if dmin is not None:
        ax.axvline(-dmin, c='red', linestyle='--', alpha=0.75)
        ax.axvline(dmin, c='green', linestyle='--', alpha=0.75)

    # invert y axis to show variant 1 at the top
    # label variants on y axis
    labels = ['variant{}'.format(idx + 1) for idx in range(len(N) - 1)]
    plt.yticks(np.arange(len(N) - 1), labels)
Esempio n. 2
def abplot(N_A, N_B, bcr, d_hat, sig_level=0.05, show_power=False,
           show_alpha=False, show_beta=False, show_p_value=False,
    """Example plot of AB test
        abplot(n=4000, bcr=0.11, d_hat=0.03)
        n (int): total sample size for both control and test groups (N_A + N_B)
        bcr (float): base conversion rate; conversion rate of control
        d_hat: difference in conversion rate between the control and test
            groups, sometimes referred to as **minimal detectable effect** when
            calculating minimum sample size or **lift** when discussing
            positive improvement desired from launching a change.
        None: the function plots an AB test as two distributions for
        visualization purposes
    # create a plot object
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))

    # define parameters to find pooled standard error
    X_A = bcr * N_A
    X_B = (bcr + d_hat) * N_B
    stderr = pooled_SE(N_A, N_B, X_A, X_B)

    # plot the distribution of the null and alternative hypothesis
    plot_null(ax, stderr)
    plot_alt(ax, stderr, d_hat)

    # set extent of plot area
    ax.set_xlim(-3 * d_hat, 3 * d_hat)

    # shade areas according to user input
    if show_power:
        show_area(ax, d_hat, stderr, sig_level, area_type='power')
    if show_alpha:
        show_area(ax, d_hat, stderr, sig_level, area_type='alpha')
    if show_beta:
        show_area(ax, d_hat, stderr, sig_level, area_type='beta')

    # show p_value based on the binomial distributions for the two groups
    if show_p_value:
        null = ab_dist(stderr, 'control')
        p_val = p_value(N_A, N_B, bcr, bcr+d_hat)
        ax.text(3 * stderr, null.pdf(0),
                'p-value = {0:.3f}'.format(p_val),
                fontsize=12, ha='left')

    # option to show legend
    if show_legend:

def funnel_CI_plot(A, B, sig_level=0.05):
    """Returns a confidence interval bar plot for multivariate tests
        A (list of tuples): (sample size, conversions) for control group funnel
        B (list of tuples): (sample size, conversions) for test group funnel
        sig_level (float): significance level
        None: A plot of the confidence interval bars is returned inline.

    # initiate plot object
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 3))

    # initiate containers for standard error and differences
    SE = []
    d = []
    # iterate through X and N and calculate d and SE
    for idx in range(len(A)):
        X_A = A[idx][1]
        N_A = A[idx][0]
        X_B = B[idx][1]
        N_B = B[idx][0]
        d.append(X_B / N_B - X_A / N_A)
        SE.append(pooled_SE(N_A, N_B, X_A, X_B))

    # convert to numpy arrays
    SE = np.array(SE)
    d = np.array(d)

    y = np.arange(len(A))

    # get z value
    z = z_val(sig_level)
    # confidence interval values
    ci = SE * z

    # bar to represent the confidence interval
    ax.hlines(y, d - ci, d + ci, color='blue', alpha=0.35, lw=10, zorder=1)
    # marker for the mean
    ax.scatter(d, y, s=300, marker='|', lw=10, color='magenta', zorder=2)

    # vertical line to represent 0
    ax.axvline(0, c='grey', linestyle='-')

    # invert y axis to show variant 1 at the top
    # label variants on y axis
    labels = ['metric{}'.format(idx + 1) for idx in range(len(A))]
    plt.yticks(np.arange(len(A)), labels)