Esempio n. 1
def test_freq_to_period():
    from pandas.tseries.frequencies import to_offset
    freqs = ['A', 'AS-MAR', 'Q', 'QS', 'QS-APR', 'W', 'W-MON', 'B']
    expected = [1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 52, 52, 52]
    for i, j in zip(freqs, expected):
        assert_equal(tools.freq_to_period(i), j)
        assert_equal(tools.freq_to_period(to_offset(i)), j)
Esempio n. 2
def test_freq_to_period():
    from pandas.tseries.frequencies import to_offset
    freqs = ['A', 'AS-MAR', 'Q', 'QS', 'QS-APR', 'W', 'W-MON', 'B', 'D', 'H']
    expected = [1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 52, 52, 5, 7, 24]
    for i, j in zip(freqs, expected):
        assert_equal(tools.freq_to_period(i), j)
        assert_equal(tools.freq_to_period(to_offset(i)), j)
Esempio n. 3
def test_freq_to_period():
    from pandas.tseries.frequencies import to_offset

    freqs = ["A", "AS-MAR", "Q", "QS", "QS-APR", "W", "W-MON", "B", "D", "H"]
    expected = [1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 52, 52, 5, 7, 24]
    for i, j in zip(freqs, expected):
        assert_equal(tools.freq_to_period(i), j)
        assert_equal(tools.freq_to_period(to_offset(i)), j)
Esempio n. 4
def test_freq_to_period():
    from pandas.tseries.frequencies import to_offset

    freqs = ["A", "AS-MAR", "Q", "QS", "QS-APR", "W", "W-MON", "B", "D", "H"]
    expected = [1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 52, 52, 5, 7, 24]
    for i, j in zip(freqs, expected):
        assert_equal(tools.freq_to_period(i), j)
        assert_equal(tools.freq_to_period(to_offset(i)), j)
Esempio n. 5
 def __init__(self, endog, trend=None, damped=False, seasonal=None,
              seasonal_periods=None, dates=None, freq=None, missing='none'):
     super(ExponentialSmoothing, self).__init__(endog, None, dates,
                                                freq, missing=missing)
     self.endog = self.endog.astype(np.double)
     if trend in ['additive', 'multiplicative']:
         trend = {'additive': 'add', 'multiplicative': 'mul'}[trend]
     self.trend = trend
     self.damped = damped
     if seasonal in ['additive', 'multiplicative']:
         seasonal = {'additive': 'add', 'multiplicative': 'mul'}[seasonal]
     self.seasonal = seasonal
     self.trending = trend in ['mul', 'add']
     self.seasoning = seasonal in ['mul', 'add']
     if (self.trend == 'mul' or self.seasonal == 'mul') and np.any(endog <= 0.0):
         raise ValueError('endog must be strictly positive when using multiplicative '
                          'trend or seasonal components.')
     if self.damped and not self.trending:
         raise ValueError('Can only dampen the trend component')
     if self.seasoning:
         self.seasonal_periods = seasonal_periods
         if seasonal_periods is None:
             self.seasonal_periods = freq_to_period(self._index_freq)
         if self.seasonal_periods <= 1:
             raise ValueError('seasonal_periods must be larger than 1.')
         self.seasonal_periods = 0
     self.nobs = len(self.endog)
Esempio n. 6
 def __init__(self, endog, trend=None, damped=False, seasonal=None,
              seasonal_periods=None, dates=None, freq=None, missing='none'):
     super(ExponentialSmoothing, self).__init__(
         endog, None, dates, freq, missing=missing)
     if trend in ['additive', 'multiplicative']:
         trend = {'additive': 'add', 'multiplicative': 'mul'}[trend]
     self.trend = trend
     self.damped = damped
     if seasonal in ['additive', 'multiplicative']:
         seasonal = {'additive': 'add', 'multiplicative': 'mul'}[seasonal]
     self.seasonal = seasonal
     self.trending = trend in ['mul', 'add']
     self.seasoning = seasonal in ['mul', 'add']
     if (self.trend == 'mul' or self.seasonal == 'mul') and np.any(endog <= 0.0):
         raise ValueError('endog must be strictly positive when using multiplicative '
                          'trend or seasonal components.')
     if self.damped and not self.trending:
         raise ValueError('Can only dampen the trend component')
     if self.seasoning:
         self.seasonal_periods = seasonal_periods
         if seasonal_periods is None:
             self.seasonal_periods = freq_to_period(self._index_freq)
         if self.seasonal_periods <= 1:
             raise ValueError('seasonal_periods must be larger than 1.')
         self.seasonal_periods = 0
     self.nobs = len(self.endog)
Esempio n. 7
    def from_index(
        cls, index: Union[Sequence[Hashable], pd.DatetimeIndex, pd.PeriodIndex]
    ) -> "Seasonality":
        Construct a seasonality directly from an index using its frequency.

        index : {DatetimeIndex, PeriodIndex}
            An index with its frequency (`freq`) set.

            The initialized Seasonality instance.
        index = cls._index_like(index)
        if isinstance(index, pd.PeriodIndex):
            freq = index.freq
        elif isinstance(index, pd.DatetimeIndex):
            freq = index.freq if index.freq else index.inferred_freq
            raise TypeError("index must be a DatetimeIndex or PeriodIndex")
        if freq is None:
            raise ValueError("index must have a freq or inferred_freq set")
        period = freq_to_period(freq)
        return cls(period=period)
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(
        index: Union[Sequence[Hashable], pd.Index],
        period: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None,
        constant: bool = False,
        order: int = 0,
        seasonal: bool = False,
        fourier: int = 0,
        additional_terms: Sequence[DeterministicTerm] = (),
        drop: bool = False,
        if not isinstance(index, pd.Index):
            index = pd.Index(index)
        self._index = index
        self._deterministic_terms: List[DeterministicTerm] = []
        self._extendable = False
        self._index_freq = None
        period = float_like(period, "period", optional=True)
        self._constant = constant = bool_like(constant, "constant")
        self._order = required_int_like(order, "order")
        self._seasonal = seasonal = bool_like(seasonal, "seasonal")
        self._fourier = required_int_like(fourier, "fourier")
        additional_terms = tuple(additional_terms)
        self._cached_in_sample = None
        self._drop = bool_like(drop, "drop")
        self._additional_terms = additional_terms
        if constant or order:
            self._deterministic_terms.append(TimeTrend(constant, order))
        if seasonal and fourier:
            raise ValueError(
                """seasonal and fourier can be initialized through the constructor since\
these will be necessarily perfectly collinear. Instead, you can pass \
additional components using the additional_terms input.""")
        if (seasonal or fourier) and period is None:
            if period is None:
                self._period = period = freq_to_period(self._index_freq)
        if seasonal:
            period = required_int_like(period, "period")
        elif fourier:
            period = float_like(period, "period")
            assert period is not None
            self._deterministic_terms.append(Fourier(period, order=fourier))
        for term in additional_terms:
            if not isinstance(term, DeterministicTerm):
                raise TypeError(
                    "All additional terms must be instances of subsclasses "
                    "of DeterministicTerm")
            if term not in self._deterministic_terms:
                raise ValueError(
                    "One or more terms in additional_terms has been added "
                    "through the parameters of the constructor. Terms must "
                    "be unique.")
        self._period = period
        self._retain_cols: Optional[List[Hashable]] = None
Esempio n. 9
 def _infer_period(self) -> int:
     freq = None
     if isinstance(self.endog, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
         freq = getattr(self.endog.index, "inferred_freq", None)
     if freq is None:
         raise ValueError("Unable to determine period from endog")
     period = freq_to_period(freq)
     return period
Esempio n. 10
    def new_func(X, *args, **kwargs):
        # quick pass-through for do nothing case
        if not _is_using_pandas(X, None):
            return func(X, *args, **kwargs)

        wrapper_func = _get_pandas_wrapper(X, trim_head, trim_tail, columns)
        index = X.index
        freq = index.inferred_freq
        kwargs.update({freq_kw: freq_to_period(freq)})
        ret = func(X, *args, **kwargs)
        ret = wrapper_func(ret)
        return ret
Esempio n. 11
    def new_func(X, *args, **kwargs):
        # quick pass-through for do nothing case
        if not _is_using_pandas(X, None):
            return func(X, *args, **kwargs)

        wrapper_func = _get_pandas_wrapper(X, trim_head, trim_tail, columns)
        index = X.index
        freq = index.inferred_freq
        kwargs.update({freq_kw: freq_to_period(freq)})
        ret = func(X, *args, **kwargs)
        ret = wrapper_func(ret)
        return ret
Esempio n. 12
 def __init__(self,
     super(ExponentialSmoothing, self).__init__(endog,
     self.endog = self.endog
     self._y = self._data = array_like(endog,
     options = ("add", "mul", "additive", "multiplicative")
     trend = string_like(trend, 'trend', options=options, optional=True)
     if trend in ['additive', 'multiplicative']:
         trend = {'additive': 'add', 'multiplicative': 'mul'}[trend]
     self.trend = trend
     self.damped = bool_like(damped, 'damped')
     seasonal = string_like(seasonal,
     if seasonal in ['additive', 'multiplicative']:
         seasonal = {'additive': 'add', 'multiplicative': 'mul'}[seasonal]
     self.seasonal = seasonal
     self.trending = trend in ['mul', 'add']
     self.seasoning = seasonal in ['mul', 'add']
     if (self.trend == 'mul' or self.seasonal == 'mul') and \
             not np.all(self._data > 0.0):
         raise ValueError('endog must be strictly positive when using'
                          'multiplicative trend or seasonal components.')
     if self.damped and not self.trending:
         raise ValueError('Can only dampen the trend component')
     if self.seasoning:
         self.seasonal_periods = int_like(seasonal_periods,
         if seasonal_periods is None:
             self.seasonal_periods = freq_to_period(self._index_freq)
         if self.seasonal_periods <= 1:
             raise ValueError('seasonal_periods must be larger than 1.')
         self.seasonal_periods = 0
     self.nobs = len(self.endog)
Esempio n. 13
    def __init__(
        period: Optional[int] = None,
        deseasonalize: bool = True,
        use_test: bool = True,
        method: str = "auto",
        difference: bool = False
    ) -> None:
        self._y = array_like(endog, "endog", ndim=1)
        if isinstance(endog, pd.DataFrame):
            self.endog_orig = endog.iloc[:, 0]
            self.endog_orig = endog
        self._period = int_like(period, "period", optional=True)
        self._deseasonalize = bool_like(deseasonalize, "deseasonalize")
        self._use_test = (
            bool_like(use_test, "use_test") and self._deseasonalize
        self._diff = bool_like(difference, "difference")
        self._method = string_like(
            options=("auto", "additive", "multiplicative", "mul", "add"),
        if self._period is None and self._deseasonalize:
            idx = getattr(endog, "index", None)
            pfreq = None
            if idx is not None:
                pfreq = getattr(idx, "freq", None)
                if pfreq is None:
                    pfreq = getattr(idx, "inferred_freq", None)
            if pfreq is not None:
                self._period = freq_to_period(pfreq)
                raise ValueError(
                    "You must specify a period or endog must be a "
                    "pandas object with a DatetimeIndex with "
                    "a freq not set to None"

        self._has_seasonality = self._deseasonalize
Esempio n. 14
def seasonal_decompose(x, model="additive", filt=None, period=None,
                       two_sided=True, extrapolate_trend=0):
    Seasonal decomposition using moving averages.

    x : array_like
        Time series. If 2d, individual series are in columns. x must contain 2
        complete cycles.
    model : {"additive", "multiplicative"}, optional
        Type of seasonal component. Abbreviations are accepted.
    filt : array_like, optional
        The filter coefficients for filtering out the seasonal component.
        The concrete moving average method used in filtering is determined by
    period : int, optional
        Period of the series. Must be used if x is not a pandas object or if
        the index of x does not have  a frequency. Overrides default
        periodicity of x if x is a pandas object with a timeseries index.
    two_sided : bool, optional
        The moving average method used in filtering.
        If True (default), a centered moving average is computed using the
        filt. If False, the filter coefficients are for past values only.
    extrapolate_trend : int or 'freq', optional
        If set to > 0, the trend resulting from the convolution is
        linear least-squares extrapolated on both ends (or the single one
        if two_sided is False) considering this many (+1) closest points.
        If set to 'freq', use `freq` closest points. Setting this parameter
        results in no NaN values in trend or resid components.

        A object with seasonal, trend, and resid attributes.

    See Also

    This is a naive decomposition. More sophisticated methods should
    be preferred.

    The additive model is Y[t] = T[t] + S[t] + e[t]

    The multiplicative model is Y[t] = T[t] * S[t] * e[t]

    The seasonal component is first removed by applying a convolution
    filter to the data. The average of this smoothed series for each
    period is the returned seasonal component.
    pfreq = period
    pw = PandasWrapper(x)
    if period is None:
        pfreq = getattr(getattr(x, 'index', None), 'inferred_freq', None)

    x = array_like(x, 'x', maxdim=2)
    nobs = len(x)

    if not np.all(np.isfinite(x)):
        raise ValueError("This function does not handle missing values")
    if model.startswith('m'):
        if np.any(x <= 0):
            raise ValueError("Multiplicative seasonality is not appropriate "
                             "for zero and negative values")

    if period is None:
        if pfreq is not None:
            pfreq = freq_to_period(pfreq)
            period = pfreq
            raise ValueError("You must specify a period or x must be a "
                             "pandas object with a DatetimeIndex with "
                             "a freq not set to None")
    if x.shape[0] < 2 * pfreq:
        raise ValueError('x must have 2 complete cycles requires {0} '
                         'observations. x only has {1} '
                         'observation(s)'.format(2 * pfreq, x.shape[0]))

    if filt is None:
        if period % 2 == 0:  # split weights at ends
            filt = np.array([.5] + [1] * (period - 1) + [.5]) / period
            filt = np.repeat(1. / period, period)

    nsides = int(two_sided) + 1
    trend = convolution_filter(x, filt, nsides)

    if extrapolate_trend == 'freq':
        extrapolate_trend = period - 1

    if extrapolate_trend > 0:
        trend = _extrapolate_trend(trend, extrapolate_trend + 1)

    if model.startswith('m'):
        detrended = x / trend
        detrended = x - trend

    period_averages = seasonal_mean(detrended, period)

    if model.startswith('m'):
        period_averages /= np.mean(period_averages, axis=0)
        period_averages -= np.mean(period_averages, axis=0)

    seasonal = np.tile(period_averages.T, nobs // period + 1).T[:nobs]

    if model.startswith('m'):
        resid = x / seasonal / trend
        resid = detrended - seasonal

    results = []
    for s, name in zip((seasonal, trend, resid, x),
                       ('seasonal', 'trend', 'resid', None)):
        results.append(pw.wrap(s.squeeze(), columns=name))
    return DecomposeResult(seasonal=results[0], trend=results[1],
                           resid=results[2], observed=results[3])
Esempio n. 15
def seasonal_decompose(x, model="additive", filt=None, freq=None):
    x : array-like
        Time series
    model : str {"additive", "multiplicative"}
        Type of seasonal component. Abbreviations are accepted.
    filt : array-like
        The filter coefficients for filtering out the seasonal component.
        The default is a symmetric moving average.
    freq : int, optional
        Frequency of the series. Must be used if x is not a pandas
        object with a timeseries index.

    results : obj
        A object with seasonal, trend, and resid attributes.

    This is a naive decomposition. More sophisticated methods should
    be preferred.

    The additive model is Y[t] = T[t] + S[t] + e[t]

    The multiplicative model is Y[t] = T[t] * S[t] * e[t]

    The seasonal component is first removed by applying a convolution
    filter to the data. The average of this smoothed series for each
    period is the returned seasonal component.

    See Also
    _pandas_wrapper, pfreq = _maybe_get_pandas_wrapper_freq(x)
    x = np.asanyarray(x).squeeze()
    nobs = len(x)

    if not np.all(np.isfinite(x)):
        raise ValueError("This function does not handle missing values")
    if model.startswith('m'):
        if np.any(x <= 0):
            raise ValueError("Multiplicative seasonality is not appropriate "
                             "for zero and negative values")

    if pfreq is not None:
        pfreq = freq_to_period(pfreq)
        if freq and pfreq != freq:
            raise ValueError("Inferred frequency of index and frequency "
                             "don't match. This function does not re-sample")
            freq = pfreq

    elif freq is None:
        raise ValueError("You must specify a freq or x must be a "
                         "pandas object with a timeseries index")

    if filt is None:
        if freq % 2 == 0:  # split weights at ends
            filt = np.array([.5] + [1] * (freq - 1) + [.5]) / freq
            filt = np.repeat(1./freq, freq)

    trend = convolution_filter(x, filt)

    # nan pad for conformability - convolve doesn't do it
    if model.startswith('m'):
        detrended = x / trend
        detrended = x - trend

    period_averages = seasonal_mean(detrended, freq)

    if model.startswith('m'):
        period_averages /= np.mean(period_averages)
        period_averages -= np.mean(period_averages)

    seasonal = np.tile(period_averages, nobs // freq + 1)[:nobs]

    if model.startswith('m'):
        resid = x / seasonal / trend
        resid = detrended - seasonal

    results = lmap(_pandas_wrapper, [seasonal, trend, resid, x])
    return DecomposeResult(seasonal=results[0], trend=results[1],
                           resid=results[2], observed=results[3])
Esempio n. 16
def seasonal_decompose(x, model="additive", filt=None, freq=None):
    x : array-like
        Time series
    model : str {"additive", "multiplicative"}
        Type of seasonal component. Abbreviations are accepted.
    filt : array-like
        The filter coefficients for filtering out the seasonal component.
        The default is a symmetric moving average.
    freq : int, optional
        Frequency of the series. Must be used if x is not a pandas
        object with a timeseries index.

    results : obj
        A object with seasonal, trend, and resid attributes.

    This is a naive decomposition. More sophisticated methods should
    be preferred.

    The additive model is Y[t] = T[t] + S[t] + e[t]

    The multiplicative model is Y[t] = T[t] * S[t] * e[t]

    The seasonal component is first removed by applying a convolution
    filter to the data. The average of this smoothed series for each
    period is the returned seasonal component.

    See Also
    _pandas_wrapper, pfreq = _maybe_get_pandas_wrapper_freq(x)
    x = np.asanyarray(x).squeeze()
    nobs = len(x)

    if not np.all(np.isfinite(x)):
        raise ValueError("This function does not handle missing values")
    if model.startswith('m'):
        if np.any(x <= 0):
            raise ValueError("Multiplicative seasonality is not appropriate "
                             "for zero and negative values")

    if pfreq is not None:
        pfreq = freq_to_period(pfreq)
        if freq and pfreq != freq:
            raise ValueError("Inferred frequency of index and frequency "
                             "don't match. This function does not re-sample")
            freq = pfreq

    elif freq is None:
        raise ValueError("You must specify a freq or x must be a "
                         "pandas object with a timeseries index")

    if filt is None:
        if freq % 2 == 0:  # split weights at ends
            filt = np.array([.5] + [1] * (freq - 1) + [.5]) / freq
            filt = np.repeat(1. / freq, freq)

    trend = convolution_filter(x, filt)

    # nan pad for conformability - convolve doesn't do it
    if model.startswith('m'):
        detrended = x / trend
        detrended = x - trend

    period_averages = seasonal_mean(detrended, freq)

    if model.startswith('m'):
        period_averages /= np.mean(period_averages)
        period_averages -= np.mean(period_averages)

    seasonal = np.tile(period_averages, nobs // freq + 1)[:nobs]

    if model.startswith('m'):
        resid = x / seasonal / trend
        resid = detrended - seasonal

    results = lmap(_pandas_wrapper, [seasonal, trend, resid, x])
    return DecomposeResult(seasonal=results[0],
Esempio n. 17
def seasonal_decompose(x,
    Seasonal decomposition using moving averages

    x : array-like
        Time series. If 2d, individual series are in columns.
    model : str {"additive", "multiplicative"}
        Type of seasonal component. Abbreviations are accepted.
    filt : array-like
        The filter coefficients for filtering out the seasonal component.
        The concrete moving average method used in filtering is determined by two_sided.
    freq : int, optional
        Frequency of the series. Must be used if x is not a pandas object.
        Overrides default periodicity of x if x is a pandas
        object with a timeseries index.
    two_sided : bool
        The moving average method used in filtering.
        If True (default), a centered moving average is computed using the filt.
        If False, the filter coefficients are for past values only.
    extrapolate_trend : int or 'freq', optional
        If set to > 0, the trend resulting from the convolution is
        linear least-squares extrapolated on both ends (or the single one
        if two_sided is False) considering this many (+1) closest points.
        If set to 'freq', use `freq` closest points. Setting this parameter
        results in no NaN values in trend or resid components.

    results : obj
        A object with seasonal, trend, and resid attributes.

    This is a naive decomposition. More sophisticated methods should
    be preferred.

    The additive model is Y[t] = T[t] + S[t] + e[t]

    The multiplicative model is Y[t] = T[t] * S[t] * e[t]

    The seasonal component is first removed by applying a convolution
    filter to the data. The average of this smoothed series for each
    period is the returned seasonal component.

    See Also
    if freq is None:
        _pandas_wrapper, pfreq = _maybe_get_pandas_wrapper_freq(x)
        _pandas_wrapper = _maybe_get_pandas_wrapper(x)
        pfreq = None
    x = np.asanyarray(x).squeeze()
    nobs = len(x)

    if not np.all(np.isfinite(x)):
        raise ValueError("This function does not handle missing values")
    if model.startswith('m'):
        if np.any(x <= 0):
            raise ValueError("Multiplicative seasonality is not appropriate "
                             "for zero and negative values")

    if freq is None:
        if pfreq is not None:
            pfreq = freq_to_period(pfreq)
            freq = pfreq
            raise ValueError("You must specify a freq or x must be a "
                             "pandas object with a timeseries index with "
                             "a freq not set to None")

    if filt is None:
        if freq % 2 == 0:  # split weights at ends
            filt = np.array([.5] + [1] * (freq - 1) + [.5]) / freq
            filt = np.repeat(1. / freq, freq)

    nsides = int(two_sided) + 1
    trend = convolution_filter(x, filt, nsides)

    if extrapolate_trend == 'freq':
        extrapolate_trend = freq - 1

    if extrapolate_trend > 0:
        trend = _extrapolate_trend(trend, extrapolate_trend + 1)

    if model.startswith('m'):
        detrended = x / trend
        detrended = x - trend

    period_averages = seasonal_mean(detrended, freq)

    if model.startswith('m'):
        period_averages /= np.mean(period_averages, axis=0)
        period_averages -= np.mean(period_averages, axis=0)

    seasonal = np.tile(period_averages.T, nobs // freq + 1).T[:nobs]

    if model.startswith('m'):
        resid = x / seasonal / trend
        resid = detrended - seasonal

    results = lmap(_pandas_wrapper, [seasonal, trend, resid, x])
    return DecomposeResult(seasonal=results[0],
Esempio n. 18
def seasonal_decompose(x, model="additive", filt=None, freq=None, two_sided=True,
    Seasonal decomposition using moving averages

    x : array-like
        Time series. If 2d, individual series are in columns.
    model : str {"additive", "multiplicative"}
        Type of seasonal component. Abbreviations are accepted.
    filt : array-like
        The filter coefficients for filtering out the seasonal component.
        The concrete moving average method used in filtering is determined by two_sided.
    freq : int, optional
        Frequency of the series. Must be used if x is not a pandas object.
        Overrides default periodicity of x if x is a pandas
        object with a timeseries index.
    two_sided : bool
        The moving average method used in filtering.
        If True (default), a centered moving average is computed using the filt.
        If False, the filter coefficients are for past values only.
    extrapolate_trend : int or 'freq', optional
        If set to > 0, the trend resulting from the convolution is
        linear least-squares extrapolated on both ends (or the single one
        if two_sided is False) considering this many (+1) closest points.
        If set to 'freq', use `freq` closest points. Setting this parameter
        results in no NaN values in trend or resid components.

    results : obj
        A object with seasonal, trend, and resid attributes.

    This is a naive decomposition. More sophisticated methods should
    be preferred.

    The additive model is Y[t] = T[t] + S[t] + e[t]

    The multiplicative model is Y[t] = T[t] * S[t] * e[t]

    The seasonal component is first removed by applying a convolution
    filter to the data. The average of this smoothed series for each
    period is the returned seasonal component.

    See Also
    if freq is None:
        _pandas_wrapper, pfreq = _maybe_get_pandas_wrapper_freq(x)
        _pandas_wrapper = _maybe_get_pandas_wrapper(x)
        pfreq = None
    x = np.asanyarray(x).squeeze()
    nobs = len(x)

    if not np.all(np.isfinite(x)):
        raise ValueError("This function does not handle missing values")
    if model.startswith('m'):
        if np.any(x <= 0):
            raise ValueError("Multiplicative seasonality is not appropriate "
                             "for zero and negative values")

    if freq is None:
        if pfreq is not None:
            pfreq = freq_to_period(pfreq)
            freq = pfreq
            raise ValueError("You must specify a freq or x must be a "
                             "pandas object with a timeseries index with "
                             "a freq not set to None")

    if filt is None:
        if freq % 2 == 0:  # split weights at ends
            filt = np.array([.5] + [1] * (freq - 1) + [.5]) / freq
            filt = np.repeat(1./freq, freq)

    nsides = int(two_sided) + 1
    trend = convolution_filter(x, filt, nsides)

    if extrapolate_trend == 'freq':
        extrapolate_trend = freq - 1

    if extrapolate_trend > 0:
        trend = _extrapolate_trend(trend, extrapolate_trend + 1)

    if model.startswith('m'):
        detrended = x / trend
        detrended = x - trend

    period_averages = seasonal_mean(detrended, freq)

    if model.startswith('m'):
        period_averages /= np.mean(period_averages, axis=0)
        period_averages -= np.mean(period_averages, axis=0)

    seasonal = np.tile(period_averages.T, nobs // freq + 1).T[:nobs]

    if model.startswith('m'):
        resid = x / seasonal / trend
        resid = detrended - seasonal

    results = lmap(_pandas_wrapper, [seasonal, trend, resid, x])
    return DecomposeResult(seasonal=results[0], trend=results[1],
                           resid=results[2], observed=results[3])