class BitcasaDownload(object):
    def __init__(self, args, client, should_exit):
        log.debug("source dir: %s", args.src)
        log.debug("destination dir: %s", args.dst)
        log.debug("temp dir: %s", args.temp)
        log.debug("upload: %s", args.upload)
        if args.upload:
            log.debug("provider: %s", args.provider)
        log.debug("log dir: %s", args.logdir)
        log.debug("recursion: %s", args.rec)
        log.debug("depth: %s", args.depth)
        log.debug("max folder threads: %s", args.folderthreads)
        log.debug("max download threads: %s", args.threads)
        log.debug("progress: %s", args.progress)
        log.debug("silent queuer: %s", args.silentqueuer)
        log.debug("single: %s", args.single)

        #bittcasa base64 encdoded path
        self.basefolder = args.src
        if args.single:
            log.debug("Downloading single file. Setting max threads to 1")
            args.threads = 1
            args.folderthreads = 1

        self.args = args

        self.should_exit = should_exit
        self.client = client
        self.session = requests.Session()
        self.results = results.Results(args.logdir, should_exit, args.nofilelog)

        # Threads        
        self.download_threads = []
        self.upload_threads = []
        self.copy_threads = []
        self.folder_threads = []

        self.status = Status(should_exit)
        self.shutdown_sent = False

    def shutdown(self):
        if not self.shutdown_sent:
            self.shutdown_sent = True

    def get_status(self):
        return self.status

    def process(self, base=None):
        log.debug("Getting base folder")
        if self.args.upload and self.args.local and base is None:
            base = BitcasaFolder(None, "root", self.basefolder)
            remainingtries = 3
            apiratecount = 1
            while base is None and remainingtries > 0 and not self.should_exit.is_set():
                    base = self.client.get_folder(self.basefolder)
                except BitcasaException as e:
                    remainingtries -= 1
                    if e.code == 9006:
                        apiratecount += 1
                        remainingtries += 1
                        log.warn("API rate limit reached. Will retry")
                        log.warn("Couldn't get base folder %s. Will retry %s more times", e.code, remainingtries)

                    if remainingtries > 0:
                        time.sleep(10 * apiratecount)
                        log.error("Error could not retrieve base folder")
        if self.should_exit.is_set():
        log.debug("Queuing base folder")
        folder = {
            "folder": base,
            "path": "",
            "depth": 0

        if self.args.upload:
            folder["folder_id"] = self.args.dst
        step2_args = ( self.status, self.should_exit, self.results, self.args )
        download_args = ( self.status, self.should_exit, self.session, self.results, self.args)
        folder_args = ( self.status, self.results, self.args, self.should_exit )

        if not self.args.dryrun and not self.args.local:
            log.debug("Starting Downloaders")
            for qid in xrange(self.args.threads):
                qid += 1
                download_thread = threading.Thread(target=DownloadThread, args=download_args, name="Download %s" % qid)
                download_thread.daemon = True
        log.debug("Starting Queuers")
        for qid in xrange(self.args.folderthreads):
            qid += 1
            folder_thread = threading.Thread(target=FolderThread, args=folder_args, name="Queuer %s" % qid)
            folder_thread.daemon = True

        if not self.args.dryrun and self.args.upload:
            log.debug("Starting Uploaders")
            for qid in xrange(self.args.threads):
                qid += 1
                upload_thread = threading.Thread(target=UploadThread, args=step2_args, name="Upload %s" % qid)
                upload_thread.daemon = True
        elif not self.args.dryrun and self.args.temp:
            log.debug("Starting Movers")
            for qid in xrange(self.args.threads):
                qid += 1
                copy_thread = threading.Thread(target=CopyThread, args=step2_args, name="Move %s" % qid)
                copy_thread.daemon = True
        if self.args.progress:
            self.status_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.status.StatusThread, args=(self.args.upload, self.args.temp, self.should_exit), name="Progress")
            self.status_thread.daemon = True

    def process_single(self):
        log.debug("Getting file info")
        myfile = None
        if self.args.upload and self.args.local:
            size = 0
            name = ""
                if os.path.isdir(self.basefolder):
                    raise OSError("Incorrect file")
                size = os.path.getsize(self.basefolder)
                name = os.path.basename(self.basefolder)
            except OSError:
                log.exception("Error getting file")
            myfile = BitcasaFile(None, self.basefolder, name, None, size)
            fold = BitcasaFolder(None, "root", "", items=[myfile])
            remainingtries = 3
            apiratecount = 1
            while myfile is None and remainingtries > 0 and not self.should_exit.is_set():
                    myfile = self.client.get_file_meta(self.basefolder)
                except BitcasaException as e:
                    remainingtries -= 1
                    if e.code == 9006:
                        apiratecount += 1
                        remainingtries += 1
                        log.warn("API rate limit reached. Will retry")
                        log.warn("Couldn't get file %s. Will retry %s more times", e.code, remainingtries)

                    if remainingtries > 0:
                        time.sleep(10 * apiratecount)
                        log.error("Error could not retrieve file")
            fold = BitcasaFolder(self.client, "root", "", items=[myfile])
        log.debug("Got file info")

    def end_process(self):
        # Give the queuers time to catch up
            if not self.should_exit.is_set():
        except (KeyboardInterrupt, IOError):

        log.debug("Finished waiting")

        #Log final speed and statistics
        if not self.args.dryrun:
            self.status.final_status(self.args.upload, self.args.temp, final=True)
Esempio n. 2
class Peer( threading.Thread ):
    Peer is the iplementation the interface defined in the provided peer.h file. 
    Peers run as their own thread, working through a queue of requests (rQueue)

    # ----------------
    # ----------------

    def join( self ):
        Notifies all peers that this peer is joining in the network.
        if self.joined: 
            return 'Joining BitTorrent network' )
        self.joined = True
        self.peerTCPServer = PeerTCPServer()
        self.peerTCPServer.init(, self.port, self )
        connectSucess = False
        for p in self.peers:
            result = self.sendStatus( p , True )
            connectSucess = connectSucess or result
        if connectSucess:
            return RETURNCODES['errOk']
            return RETURNCODES['errNoPeersFound']

    def leave( self ):
        Notifies all peers that this peer no longer in the network.
        if not self.joined: 
            return 'Submitting request to leave network' )
        package = { 'packageType': 'command',
                    'command': 'leave' }
        self.rQueue.put( package )

        return RETURNCODES['errOk']

    def query( self, status ):
        Copies this peer's status into the given status.
        Returns this peer's status (for good measure).
        self.status.copyStatus( status )
        localStatus = self.status.getStatus()
        print '---PEER STATUS----'
        for f in localStatus:
            print f['filename']
            print f
        print ''
        return RETURNCODES['errOk']

    def insert( self, filename ):
        Inserts the provided filename into the bittorent network.
            filepath = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), self.filesDir, filename )
            if not os.path.isfile( filepath ):
                logging.error( 'File Invalid or does not exist: ' + filename )
                return RETURNCODES['errUnknownWarning']
       'Submitting request to insert file: ' + filename )
                filesize = os.path.getsize( filepath )
                package = { 'packageType': 'command',
                            'command': 'insert',
                            'filename': filename,
                            'filepath': filepath,
                            'filesize': filesize }
                self.rQueue.put( package )
                return RETURNCODES['errOk']
        except Exception as inst:
            logging.error ( 'Exception while inserting file: ' + str( type( inst ) ) )
    def remove( self, filename ):
        """Remove specified file from the network"""
        if not self.status.checkForFile( filename ):
            return RETURNCODES['errUnknownWarning']
        package = { 'packageType': 'command',
                    'command': 'remove',
                    'filename': filename }
        self.rQueue.put( package )
        return RETURNCODES['errOk']

    # --------------------------------
    # --------------------------------

    def run( self ):
        Run method called upon thread start
        Continuously processes requests or sends out file chunks
        i = 1
        while True :
                if not self.rQueue.empty():
                    # Process request in queue
                    package = self.rQueue.get()
                    if package == 'shutdown':
               'Shutdown token found in rQueue' )
                    self.processRequest( package )
                elif self.joined and i == 0:
                    # Periodically query peers to get up-to-date statuses
                    i = (i + 1) % QUERYRATE
                elif self.joined:    
                    # Attemp to share a chunk with all active peers
                    i = (i + 1) % QUERYRATE
                    time.sleep( 0.0005 )
            except Exception as inst:
                logging.error ( 'Exception in Peer run: ' + str( type( inst ) ) )

    def init( self, host, port, peers, dirName ): 'Initializing new peer ' + self.getPeerKey( host, port ) )
        self.filesDir = dirName = host
        self.port = port
        self.peers = peers
        self.peerKey = self.getPeerKey( host, port )
        self.activePeers = {}
        self.waitingQueries = []
        self.joined = False
        self.status = Status( self.peerKey )
        self.status.registerPeer( self.peerKey, {} )
        self.sender = Sender( self )
        self.rQueue = Queue()
        self.shutdownFlag = False

    def shutdown( self ):
        """Stop peer's thread to allow for program termination""" 'Shutting down Peer' )
        self.shutdownFlag = True
        self.rQueue.put( 'shutdown' )
        super( Peer, self ).join() # wait for thread to finish

    def processRequest( self, package ):
        """Process request from peer's request queue"""
        if package == None: 
            logging.error( 'Invalid request; ignored' )

        if package['packageType'] == 'message':
            # Handle message request
            context = package['context']
            msgType = context['type']
            source = ( context['host'], context['port'] )
            sourceKey = self.getPeerKey( source[0], source[1] )

            if 'data' in package:
                data = package['data']

            if msgType == 'status':
                # Check if peer is registered
                if sourceKey in self.activePeers:
                    self.status.updatePeer( sourceKey, data )
                    self.activePeers[ sourceKey ] = 0
                    self.status.registerPeer( sourceKey, data )

                # Reply if peer requested
                if context['reply']:
                    self.sendStatus( source, False )

                # Remove from list of outstanding queries
                if sourceKey in self.waitingQueries:
                    self.waitingQueries.remove( sourceKey )

            elif msgType == 'chunk':
                filepath = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), self.filesDir, context['filename'] )
                self.status.saveChunk( sourceKey, context['filename'], filepath,\
                    context['filesize'], context['chunkNum'], data )
            elif msgType == 'query':
                self.sendStatus( source, False )

            elif msgType == 'goodbye':
       'Processing goodbye request from: ' + sourceKey )
                del self.activePeers[ sourceKey ]
                self.status.removePeer( sourceKey )

            elif msgType == 'remove':
       'Processing remove file: ' + data + ' from: ' + sourceKey )
                # Data is the filename
                if self.status.checkForFile( data ):
                    self.status.removeFile( data )
                # Remove actual file on filesystem
                filepath = os.path.join( os.getcwd(), self.filesDir, data )
                if os.path.isfile( filepath ):
                    os.remove( filepath )

                logging.error( 'Invalid msgType: ' + msgType )

        elif package['packageType'] == 'command':
            # Handle command from user input
            command = package['command']

            if command == 'insert':
       'Processing insert file command: ' + package['filename'] )
                self.status.insertFile( package['filename'], package['filepath'],\
                    package['filesize'] )

            elif command == 'leave':
       'Processing leave request' )
                for p in self.activePeers:
                    peer = self.getPeerTuple( p )
                    result = self.sender.sendMessage( peer[0], peer[1], 'goodbye' )
                    if not result:
                        logging.error( 'Failed to send goodbye message to: ' + p )
                self.joined = False     # mark self as unjoined
                self.rQueue = Queue()   # Create new Queue to throw away pending requets
                if self.shutdownFlag:
                    self.rQueue.put( 'shutdown' )
                for p in self.activePeers:
                    # clear peer from status
                    self.status.removePeer( p )
                self.activePeers = {}           

            elif command == 'remove':
                fName = package['filename']
                context = { 'type': 'remove' }
                for p in self.activePeers:
                    peer = self.getPeerTuple( p )
                    result = self.sender.sendData( peer[0], peer[1], context, fName )
                    if not result:
                        logging.error( 'Failed to send delete message to: ' + p )
                self.status.removeFile( fName )

                logging.error( 'Invalid command: ' + command )

            logging.error( 'Invalid packageType; package ignored' )

    def shareChunks( self ):
        """Send out a chunk to each registered peer"""
        for p in self.activePeers:
            peer = self.getPeerTuple( p )
            context, data = self.status.getChunkToSend( p ) 
            if data is None:
                continue # no chunks to share with that peer

            context['type'] = 'chunk'
            if self.sender.sendData( peer[0], peer[1], context, data ):
                self.status.markChunkSent( p,context['filename'], context['chunkNum'] )
                self.activePeers[ p ] = 0
                logging.error( 'Failed to send packet to: ' + p )
                # increment number of failures
                self.activePeers[ p ] += 1
            # Remove any peers that failed too many times

    def massQuery( self ):
        """Send out query message to all peers to get updated status"""
        for p in self.activePeers:
            if p in self.waitingQueries:
                # Still waiting for reply from last query; skip

            peer = self.getPeerTuple( p )
            if self.sender.sendMessage( peer[0], peer[1], 'query' ):
                self.activePeers[ p ] = 0
                self.waitingQueries.append( p )
            else : 
                logging.error( 'Failed to send query meessage to: ' + p )
                self.activePeers[ p ] += 1

        # Remove any peers that failed too many times

    def sendStatus( self, peer, requestReply ):
        """Send out status message to given peer"""
        context = { 'type' : 'status', 'reply' : requestReply }
        data = self.status.getLocalFilesDict()
        return self.sender.sendData( peer[0], peer[1], context, data )

    def checkPeerFailures( self ):
        Check the number of consecutive failures per peer and remove 
        peers with > MAXFAILURES 
        for p in self.activePeers.keys():
            if self.activePeers[ p ] >= MAXFAILURES:
       'MAXFAILURES reached, removing peer : ' + p )
                del self.activePeers[ p ]
                self.status.removePeer( p )

    def getPeerKey( host, port ):
        Returns a string for use as a dictionary key
        They key is simply the host and port concatenated
        if not host or not port:
            logging.error('Invalid host or port provided to getPeerKey')
            raise TypeError('Invalid host or port')
        return host + ':' + str( port )

    def getPeerTuple( peerKey ):
        Returns a host, port tuple extracted from a peerKey
        if not peerKey or not len(peerKey) > 0:
            logging.error('Invalid peerKey provided to getPeerTuple')
            raise TypeError('Invalid peerKey')
        vals = peerKey.split(':')
        return ( vals[0], int( vals[1] ) )

    def getAllPeerKeys( self ):
        Returns a list of all peer keys in the form of
        a string of the format: 'peer:host'
        peerKeys = []
        for p in self.peers:
            peerKeys.append( getPeerKey( p[0], p[1] ) )
        return peerKeys