Esempio n. 1
def _is_known_agency(agency):
    """Checks whether the specified agency is valid."""
    # look it up in the db
    from stdnum import numdb
    results = numdb.get('isil').info(agency.upper() + '$')
    # there should be only one part and it should have properties
    return len(results) == 1 and bool(results[0][1])
Esempio n. 2
def _is_known_agency(agency):
    """Checks whether the specified agency is valid."""
    # look it up in the db
    from stdnum import numdb
    results = numdb.get('isil').info(agency.upper() + '$')
    # there should be only one part and it should have properties
    return len(results) == 1 and bool(results[0][1])
Esempio n. 3
def get_campus(number):
    """Determine the Campus or other location that issued the EIN."""
    from stdnum import numdb
    number = compact(number)
    results = numdb.get('us/ein').info(number)[0][1]
    if not results:
        raise InvalidComponent()
    return results['campus']
Esempio n. 4
def split(number):
    """Split the specified IMSI into a Mobile Country Code (MCC), a Mobile
    Network Code (MNC), a Mobile Station Identification Number (MSIN)."""
    from stdnum import numdb
    # clean up number
    number = compact(number)
    # split the number
    return tuple(numdb.get('imsi').split(number))
Esempio n. 5
def get_campus(number):
    """Determine the Campus or other location that issued the EIN."""
    from stdnum import numdb
    number = compact(number)
    results = numdb.get('us/ein').info(number)[0][1]
    if not results:
        raise InvalidComponent()
    return results['campus']
Esempio n. 6
def get_birth_place(number):
    """Use the number to look up the place of birth of the person."""
    from stdnum import numdb
    number = compact(number)
    results = numdb.get('cn/loc').info(number[:6])[0][1]
    if not results:
        raise InvalidComponent()
    return results
Esempio n. 7
def get_birth_place(number):
    """Use the number to look up the place of birth of the person."""
    from stdnum import numdb
    number = compact(number)
    results = numdb.get('cn/loc').info(number[:6])[0][1]
    if not results:
        raise InvalidComponent()
    return results
Esempio n. 8
def split(number):
    """Split the specified IMSI into a Mobile Country Code (MCC), a Mobile
    Network Code (MNC), a Mobile Station Identification Number (MSIN)."""
    from stdnum import numdb
    # clean up number
    number = compact(number)
    # split the number
    return tuple(numdb.get('imsi').split(number))
Esempio n. 9
def info(number):
    """Return a dictionary of data about the supplied number. This typically
    returns the name of the bank and branch and a BIC if it is valid."""
    number = compact(number)
    from stdnum import numdb
    info = {}
    for nr, found in numdb.get('nz/banks').info(number):
    return info
Esempio n. 10
def _lookup(number):
    """Look up the manufacturer in the IEEE OUI registry."""
    number = compact(number).replace(':', '').upper()
    info = numdb.get('oui').info(number)
        return (''.join(n[0] for n in info[:-1]),
                info[-2][1]['o'].replace('%', '"'))
    except IndexError:
        raise InvalidComponent()
Esempio n. 11
def info(number):
    """Return a dictionary of data about the supplied number. This typically
    returns the name of the bank and branch and a BIC if it is valid."""
    number = compact(number)
    from stdnum import numdb
    info = {}
    for nr, found in numdb.get('nz/banks').info(number):
    return info
Esempio n. 12
def info(number):
    """Lookup information about the specified NACE. This returns a dict."""
    number = compact(number)
    from stdnum import numdb
    info = dict()
    for _n, i in numdb.get('eu/nace').info(number):
        if not i:
            raise InvalidComponent()
    return info
Esempio n. 13
def get_birth_place(number):
    """Use the number to look up the place of birth of the person. This can
    either be a state or federal territory within Malaysia or a country
    outside of Malaysia."""
    from stdnum import numdb
    number = compact(number)
    results = numdb.get('my/bp').info(number[6:8])[0][1]
    if not results:
        raise InvalidComponent()
    return results
Esempio n. 14
def _lookup(number):
    """Look up the manufacturer in the IEEE OUI registry."""
    number = compact(number).replace(':', '').upper()
    info = numdb.get('oui').info(number)
        return (
            ''.join(n[0] for n in info[:-1]),
            info[-2][1]['o'].replace('%', '"'))
    except IndexError:
        raise InvalidComponent()
Esempio n. 15
def get_birth_place(number):
    """Use the number to look up the place of birth of the person. This can
    either be a state or federal territory within Malaysia or a country
    outside of Malaysia."""
    from stdnum import numdb
    number = compact(number)
    results = numdb.get('my/bp').info(number[6:8])[0][1]
    if not results:
        raise InvalidComponent()
    return results
Esempio n. 16
def info(number):
    """Lookup information about the specified NACE. This returns a dict."""
    number = compact(number)
    from stdnum import numdb
    info = dict()
    for _n, i in numdb.get('eu/nace').info(number):
        if not i:
            raise InvalidComponent()
    return info
Esempio n. 17
    def __init__(self, plmnid):

        plmnid = clean(plmnid, ' -').strip().upper()

        if not isdigits(plmnid):
            raise ValueError("Invalid PLMNID %s" % plmnid)

        if len(plmnid) not in (4, 5):
            raise ValueError("Invalid PLMNID length %s" % plmnid)

        if len(tuple(numdb.get('imsi').split(plmnid))) < 2:
            raise ValueError("Invalid PLMNID format %s" % plmnid) = dict(plmnid=plmnid)

        mcc_info, mnc_info = numdb.get('imsi').info(plmnid)['mcc'] = mcc_info[0][1])['mnc'] = mnc_info[0][1])
Esempio n. 18
    def __init__(self, imsi):

        imsi = clean(imsi, ' -').strip().upper()

        if not isdigits(imsi):
            raise ValueError("Invalid IMSI %s" % imsi)

        if len(imsi) not in (14, 15):
            raise ValueError("Invalid IMSI length %s" % imsi)

        if len(tuple(numdb.get('imsi').split(imsi))) < 2:
            raise ValueError("Invalid IMSI length %s" % imsi) = dict(imsi=imsi)

        mcc_info, mnc_info, msin_info = numdb.get('imsi').info(imsi)['mcc'] = mcc_info[0][1])['mnc'] = mnc_info[0][1])['msin'] = msin_info[0][1])
Esempio n. 19
def info(number):
    """Return a dictionary of data about the supplied number."""
    from stdnum import numdb
    # clean up number
    number = compact(number)
    # split the number
    info = dict(number=number)
    mcc_info, mnc_info, msin_info = numdb.get('imsi').info(number)
    info['mcc'] = mcc_info[0]
    info['mnc'] = mnc_info[0]
    info['msin'] = msin_info[0]
    return info
Esempio n. 20
def info(number):
    """Return a dictionary of data about the supplied number."""
    from stdnum import numdb
    # clean up number
    number = compact(number)
    # split the number
    info = dict(number=number)
    mcc_info, mnc_info, msin_info = numdb.get('imsi').info(number)
    info['mcc'] = mcc_info[0]
    info['mnc'] = mnc_info[0]
    info['msin'] = msin_info[0]
    return info
Esempio n. 21
def split(number, convert=False):
    """Split the specified ISBN into an EAN.UCC prefix, a group prefix, a
    registrant, an item number and a check-digit. If the number is in ISBN-10
    format the returned EAN.UCC prefix is '978'. If the covert parameter is
    True the number is converted to ISBN-13 format first."""
    from stdnum import numdb
    # clean up number
    number = compact(number, convert)
    # get Bookland prefix if any
    delprefix = False
    if len(number) == 10:
        number = '978' + number
        delprefix = True
    # split the number
    result = numdb.get('isbn').split(number[:-1])
    itemnr = result.pop() if result else ''
    prefix = result.pop(0) if result else ''
    group = result.pop(0) if result else ''
    publisher = result.pop(0) if result else ''
    # return results
    return ('' if delprefix else prefix, group, publisher, itemnr, number[-1])
Esempio n. 22
def split(number, convert=False):
    """Split the specified ISBN into an EAN.UCC prefix, a group prefix, a
    registrant, an item number and a check-digit. If the number is in ISBN-10
    format the returned EAN.UCC prefix is '978'. If the covert parameter is
    True the number is converted to ISBN-13 format first."""
    from stdnum import numdb
    # clean up number
    number = compact(number, convert)
    # get Bookland prefix if any
    delprefix = False
    if len(number) == 10:
        number = '978' + number
        delprefix = True
    # split the number
    result = numdb.get('isbn').split(number[:-1])
    itemnr = result.pop() if result else ''
    prefix = result.pop(0) if result else ''
    group = result.pop(0) if result else ''
    publisher = result.pop(0) if result else ''
    # return results
    return ('' if delprefix else prefix, group, publisher, itemnr, number[-1])
Esempio n. 23
def info(number):
    """Return a dictionary of data about the supplied number. This typically
    returns the the tax office and region."""
    number = compact(number)
    from stdnum import numdb
    return numdb.get('at/fa').info(number[:2])[0][1]
Esempio n. 24
>>> format('GR1601101050000010547023795')
'GR16 0110 1050 0000 1054 7023 795'
>>> calc_check_digits('BExx435411161155')

import re

from stdnum import numdb
from stdnum.exceptions import *
from stdnum.iso7064 import mod_97_10
from stdnum.util import clean, get_cc_module

# our open copy of the IBAN database
_ibandb = numdb.get('iban')

# regular expression to check IBAN structure
_struct_re = re.compile(r'([1-9][0-9]*)!([nac])')

# cache of country codes to modules
_country_modules = {}

def compact(number):
    """Convert the iban number to the minimal representation. This strips the
    number of any valid separators and removes surrounding whitespace."""
    return clean(number, ' -.').strip().upper()

def calc_check_digits(number):
Esempio n. 25
>>> compact('GR16 0110 1050 0000 1054 7023 795')
>>> format('GR1601101050000010547023795')
'GR16 0110 1050 0000 1054 7023 795'

import re

from stdnum import numdb
from stdnum.exceptions import *
from stdnum.iso7064 import mod_97_10
from stdnum.util import clean

# our open copy of the IBAN database
_ibandb = numdb.get('iban')

# the valid characters we have

# regular expression to check IBAN structure
_struct_re = re.compile(r'([1-9][0-9]*)!([nac])')

def compact(number):
    """Convert the iban number to the minimal representation. This strips the
    number of any valid separators and removes surrounding whitespace."""
    return clean(number, ' -').strip().upper()

def _to_base10(number):
Esempio n. 26
def info(number):
    """Return a dictionary of data about the supplied number. This typically
    returns the the tax office and region."""
    number = compact(number)
    from stdnum import numdb
    return numdb.get('at/fa').info(number[:2])[0][1]
Esempio n. 27
def info(number):
    """Return a dictionary of data about the supplied number. This typically
    returns the name of the bank and a BIC if it is valid."""
    number = compact(number)
    from stdnum import numdb
    return numdb.get('be/banks').info(number[4:7])[0][1]
Esempio n. 28
def info(number):
    """Return a dictionary of data about the supplied number. This typically
    returns the location."""
    number = compact(number)
    from stdnum import numdb
    return numdb.get('at/postleitzahl').info(number)[0][1]
Esempio n. 29
>>> info('0138425876095074')
{'01': '38425876095074'}
>>> validate('(17)181119(01)38425876095074(37)1')

import datetime
import decimal
import re

from stdnum import numdb
from stdnum.exceptions import *
from stdnum.util import clean

# our open copy of the application identifier database
_gs1_aidb = numdb.get('gs1_ai')

# Extra validation modules based on the application identifier
_ai_validators = {
    '01': 'stdnum.ean',
    '02': 'stdnum.ean',
    '8007': 'stdnum.iban',

def compact(number):
    """Convert the GS1-128 to the minimal representation.

    This strips the number of any valid separators and removes surrounding
    whitespace. For a more consistent compact representation use
Esempio n. 30
  "Form": "Registered",
  "Ownership/transfer/sales restrictions": "Free",
  "Payment status": "Fully paid",
  "Voting right": "Non-voting",
  "category": "Equities",
  "group": "Limited partnership units"

from stdnum import numdb
from stdnum.exceptions import *
from stdnum.util import clean

# our open copy of the CFI database
_cfidb = numdb.get('cfi')

def compact(number):
    """Convert the number to the minimal representation. This strips the
    number of any valid separators and removes surrounding whitespace."""
    return clean(number, ' -').strip().upper()

def info(number):
    """Look up information about the number."""
    number = compact(number)
    info =
    if len(info) != 6:
        raise InvalidComponent()
    properties = {}
def info(number):
    """Return a dictionary of data about the supplied number. This typically
    returns the location."""
    number = compact(number)
    from stdnum import numdb
    return numdb.get('at/postleitzahl').info(number)[0][1]