Esempio n. 1
def index(steam_id="76561197960435530"):
    if len(steam_id) > 17:
        return render_template("404.html")
    username = get_persona(steam_id)
    game_count = get_games(steam_id)["count"]
    top_game_counts = get_top_game_counts(steam_id)
    top_game_counts_chart = make_hbar_chart(top_game_counts,
                                            'Top 5 friend game counts')
    top_games = get_top_games(steam_id)
    top_games_chart = make_pie_chart(top_games,
                                     'Top 5 games by playtime (in hrs)')
    friends_count = len(get_friends(steam_id))
    avatar = get_avatar(steam_id)
    playtime = get_playtime(steam_id)
    context = {
        "username": username,
        "game_count": game_count,
        "friends_count": friends_count,
        "avatar": avatar,
        "top_game_counts": top_game_counts,
        "top_games": top_games,
        "top_games_chart": top_games_chart,
        "top_game_counts_chart": top_game_counts_chart,
        "playtime": playtime,
    return render_template("index.html", **context)
Esempio n. 2
from steam import get_games

# should mock this out but let's call feedparser for real
# for a feedparser mocking see the AttrDict (advanced) Bite 50's tests
games = get_games()

def test_assert_number_of_entries():
    assert len(games) == 30

def test_all_list_items_are_namedtuples():
    assert all(isinstance(game, tuple) for game in games)

def test_assert_all_links_contain_store():
    assert all('' in for game in games)

def test_title_and_url_first_entry():
    first_game = games[0]
    assert first_game.title == 'Midweek Madness - RiME, 33% Off'
    assert == ''

def test_title_and_url_last_entry():
    last_game = games[-1]
    assert last_game.title == 'Now Available on Steam - Loco Dojo, 35% off!'
    assert == ''
Esempio n. 3
def test_games_not_present():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        result = get_games(12345646546572145)
Esempio n. 4
def test_get_games():
    tests = zip(TEST_IDS, [493, 228, 595])
    for id, games in tests:
        assert get_games(id)["count"] == len(get_games(id)["games"])
        assert get_games(id)["count"] >= games