def get_ledger_data(): # Create Horizon object ledger_data = Horizon(horizon_uri='') # Start streaming from ledgers endpoint ledger_data = ledger_data.ledgers(cursor='now', order='asc', sse=True) # Handle responses for ledger in ledger_data: data_handler(ledger)
class XlmOP: def __init__(self, rpc_uri, timeout): self.client = Horizon(horizon=rpc_uri, timeout=timeout) # 测试节点 self.rpc_uri = rpc_uri # self.client = Horizon(horizon=horizon_livenet()) # 正式链 def generate_pri_keys(self): """ 生成随机公钥私钥 """ # sm = StellarMnemonic() # secret_phrase = sm.generate() # kp = Keypair.deterministic(secret_phrase) kp = Keypair.random() publickey = kp.address().decode() seed = kp.seed().decode() return seed, publickey def create_account(self, old_account_seed, new_account_address, amount, memo): """ 用已有账户创建新账户 """ horizon = self.client account_seed = old_account_seed old_account_keypair = Keypair.from_seed(account_seed) account_addr = new_account_address start_amount = amount # Your new account minimum balance (in XLM) to transfer over # create the CreateAccount operation opts = {'destination': account_addr, 'starting_balance': start_amount} op = CreateAccount(opts) # create a memo txt_memo = TextMemo(memo) # Get the current sequence of the source account by contacting Horizon. You # should also check the response for errors! try: sequence = horizon.account( old_account_keypair.address().decode()).get('sequence') except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) # Create a transaction with our single create account operation, with the # default fee of 100 stroops as of this writing (0.00001 XLM) trans_ops = { 'sequence': sequence, 'memo': txt_memo, 'operations': [op] } tx = Transaction(source=old_account_keypair.address().decode(), opts=trans_ops) env_opts = {'network_id': 'TESTNET'} envelope = TransactionEnvelope(tx=tx, opts=env_opts) # Sign the transaction envelope with the source keypair envelope.sign(old_account_keypair) # Submit the transaction to Horizon te_xdr = envelope.xdr() response = horizon.submit(te_xdr) return response def get_balance(self, publickey): """ 获取余额 """ res_obj = self.client.account(publickey) pprint(res_obj) # res = json.dumps(res_obj) balance = res_obj.get('balances', '')[0].get('balance', '') return balance def get_account_info(self, address): """ 获取账户信息 """ account_info = self.client.account(address) res = json.dumps(account_info) return res def create_transaction(self, from_address, to_address, amount, memo): """ 创建一笔交易 :param from_address: 发起账户的私钥 :param to_address: 目的账户的公钥 :return: response """ builder = Builder(secret=from_address, horizon_uri=self.rpc_uri) builder_memo = builder.add_text_memo(memo) builder_memo.append_payment_op(destination=to_address, amount=amount, asset_code='XLM') builder.sign() response = builder.submit() return response def get_transactions(self, publickey, cursor='now'): """ 获取交易列表 """ assert publickey and isinstance(publickey, str) params = {'order': 'desc', 'limit': '200', 'cursor': cursor} trras_res = self.client.account_transactions(publickey, params=params) pprint(trras_res) return trras_res.get('_embedded').get('records') def get_trans_info(self, txid): """ 获取交易信息 """ trans_res = self.client.transaction(txid) return trans_res def get_ledgers(self, cursor='now'): """ 获取当前区块信息 """ param = {'order': 'desc', 'limit': '200', 'cursor': cursor} res = self.client.ledgers(**param) return res['_embedded']['records'] def get_account_payments(self, address, cursor='now'): param = { 'order': 'desc', 'limit': '200', 'cursor': cursor, 'address': address } res = self.client.account_payments(**param) return res def get_operations(self, address, cursor='now'): res_list = [] for i in range(50): params = { 'order': 'desc', 'limit': '200', 'cursor': cursor, } res = self.client.account_operations(address, params=params) pprint(res) if res: target = res.get('_embedded', '').get('records', '') if target: res_list.extend( [i for i in target if i.get('type', '') == 'payment']) last_elm = target[-1] cursor = last_elm['paging_token'] else: break return res_list