Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self,ptcode,ctcode,basedir, seed_th=[600], show=True, 
                normalize=False, modelname='model'):
        import os
        import numpy as np
        import visvis as vv
        from visvis import ssdf
        from stentseg.utils import PointSet, _utils_GUI
        from stentseg.utils.datahandling import select_dir, loadvol, loadmodel
        from stentseg.stentdirect.stentgraph import create_mesh
        from stentseg.stentdirect import stentgraph, StentDirect, getDefaultParams
        from stentseg.stentdirect import AnacondaDirect, EndurantDirect, NellixDirect
        from stentseg.utils.visualization import show_ctvolume
        from stentseg.utils.picker import pick3d, label2worldcoordinates, label2volindices
        import scipy
        from scipy import ndimage
        import copy
        # Select dataset to register
        cropname = 'prox'
        # phase = 10
        #dataset = 'avgreg'
        #what = str(phase) + dataset # avgreg
        what = 'avgreg'
        # Load volumes
        s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what)
        # sampling was not properly stored after registration for all cases: reset sampling
        vol_org = copy.deepcopy(s.vol)
        s.vol.sampling = [vol_org.sampling[1], vol_org.sampling[1], vol_org.sampling[2]] # z,y,x
        s.sampling = s.vol.sampling
        vol = s.vol
        ## Initialize segmentation parameters
        stentType = 'nellix'  # 'zenith';'nellix' runs modified pruning algorithm in Step3
        p = getDefaultParams(stentType)
        p.seed_threshold = seed_th     # step 1 [lower th] or [lower th, higher th]
        # p.seedSampleRate = 7                  # step 1, nellix
        p.whatphase = what                
        ## Perform segmentation
        # Instantiate stentdirect segmenter object
        if stentType == 'anacondaRing':
                sd = AnacondaDirect(vol, p) # inherit _Step3_iter from AnacondaDirect class
                #runtime warning using anacondadirect due to mesh creation, ignore
        elif stentType == 'endurant':
                sd = EndurantDirect(vol, p)
        elif stentType == 'nellix':
                sd = NellixDirect(vol, p)
                sd = StentDirect(vol, p) 

        ## show histogram and normalize
        # f = vv.figure(3)
        # a = vv.gca()
        # vv.hist(vol, drange=(300,vol.max()))
        # normalize vol to certain limit
        if normalize:
                vol = sd._vol
                # b= vv.hist(vol, drange=(300,3071))
                # b.color = (1,0,0)
        ## Perform step 1 for seeds
        ## Visualize
        if show:
                fig = vv.figure(2); vv.clf()
                fig.position = 0.00, 22.00,  1920.00, 1018.00
                clim = (0,2000)
                # Show volume and model as graph
                a1 = vv.subplot(121)
                a1.daspect = 1,1,-1
                # t = vv.volshow(vol, clim=clim)
                t = show_ctvolume(vol, axis=a1, showVol='MIP', clim =clim, isoTh=250, 
                                removeStent=False, climEditor=True)
                label = pick3d(vv.gca(), vol)
                sd._nodes1.Draw(mc='b', mw = 2)       # draw seeded nodes
                #sd._nodes2.Draw(mc='b', lc = 'g')    # draw seeded and MCP connected nodes
                vv.xlabel('x (mm)');vv.ylabel('y (mm)');vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
                # Show volume and cleaned up graph
                a2 = vv.subplot(122)
                a2.daspect = 1,1,-1
                sd._nodes1.Draw(mc='b', mw = 2)       # draw seeded nodes
                # t = vv.volshow(vol, clim=clim)
                # label = pick3d(vv.gca(), vol)
                # sd._nodes2.Draw(mc='b', lc='g')
                # sd._nodes3.Draw(mc='b', lc='g')
                vv.xlabel('x (mm)');vv.ylabel('y (mm)');vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
                # # Show the mesh
                # a3 = vv.subplot(133)
                # a3.daspect = 1,1,-1
                # t = vv.volshow(vol, clim=clim)
                # pick3d(vv.gca(), vol)
                # #sd._nodes3.Draw(mc='b', lc='g')
                # m = vv.mesh(bm)
                # m.faceColor = 'g'
                # # _utils_GUI.vis_spared_edges(sd._nodes3)
                # vv.xlabel('x (mm)');vv.ylabel('y (mm)');vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
                # Use same camera
       = #=
                switch = True
                a1.axis.visible = switch
                a2.axis.visible = switch
                #a3.axis.visible = switch

        ## Store segmentation to disk
        # Get graph model
        model = sd._nodes1
        # Build struct
        s2 =
        s2.sampling = s.sampling
        s2.origin = s.origin
        s2.stenttype = s.stenttype
        s2.croprange = s.croprange
        for key in dir(s):
                if key.startswith('meta'):
                    suffix = key[4:]
                    s2['meta'+suffix] = s['meta'+suffix]
        s2.what = what
        s2.params = p
        s2.stentType = stentType
        # Store model (not also volume)
        s2.model = model.pack()
        # Save
        filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname, modelname+ what), ptcode, filename), s2)
        print('saved to disk as {}.'.format(filename) )

        ## Make model dynamic (and store/overwrite to disk)
        # import pirt
        # from stentsegf.motion.dynamic import incorporate_motion_nodes, incorporate_motion_edges  
        # # Load deforms
        # s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, '10deforms')
        # deformkeys = []
        # for key in dir(s):
        #     if key.startswith('deform'):
        #         deformkeys.append(key)
        # deforms = [s[key] for key in deformkeys]
        # deforms = [pirt.DeformationFieldBackward(*fields) for fields in deforms]
        # paramsreg = s.params
        # # Load model
        # s = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'model'+what)
        # model = s.model
        # # Combine ...
        # incorporate_motion_nodes(model, deforms, s.origin)
        # incorporate_motion_edges(model, deforms, s.origin)
        # # Save back
        # filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'model'+what)
        # s.model = model.pack()
        # s.paramsreg = paramsreg
        #, ptcode, filename), s)
        # print('saved to disk as {}.'.format(filename) )
Esempio n. 2
from visvis import ssdf

from stentseg.stentdirect import StentDirect, StentDirect_old, getDefaultParams, stentgraph
from stentseg.stentdirect.stentgraph import create_mesh

# Load volume data, use Aarray class for anisotropic volumes
vol = vv.volread('stent')
vol = vv.Aarray(vol,(1,1,1))
#stentvol = vv.ssdf.load(r'C:\Users\Maaike\Dropbox\UT MA3\Research Aortic Stent Grafts\Data_nonECG-gated\lspeas\lspeas_003.ssdf')
#vol = vv.Aarray(stentvol.vol,stentvol.sampling)
#stentvol = vv.ssdf.load('/home/almar/data/lspeas/LSPEAS_002/LSPEAS_002_1month_ring_avg3090.ssdf')
#vol = vv.Aarray(stentvol.vol,stentvol.sampling)

# Get parameters. Different scanners/protocols/stent material might need
# different parameters. 
p = getDefaultParams()
p.graph_weakThreshold = 10              # step 3, stentgraph.prune_very_weak:
p.mcp_maxCoverageFronts = 0.03         # step 2, create MCP object
p.graph_expectedNumberOfEdges = 2 # 2 for zig-zag, 4 for diamond shaped
#                                       # step 3, in stentgraph.prune_weak
#p.graph_trimLength =                   # step 3, stentgraph.prune_tails
#p.graph_strongThreshold                # step 3, stentgraph.prune_weak and stentgraph.prune_redundant
p.seed_threshold = 800                  # step 1
#p.graph_minimumClusterSize             # step 3, stentgraph.prune_clusters
#p.mcp_speedFactor                      # step 2, speed image

# Instantiate stentdirect segmenter object
#sd = StentDirect_old(vol, p)
sd = StentDirect(vol, p)
Esempio n. 3
    ry = int(vol_crop.origin[1] / vol_crop.sampling[1] + 0.5)
    ry = ry, ry + vol_crop.shape[1]
    rx = int(vol_crop.origin[2] / vol_crop.sampling[2] + 0.5)
    rx = rx, rx + vol_crop.shape[2]
    s.croprange = rz, ry, rx  # in world coordinates 
    vol2 = vol_crop 
    vol2 = vol

## Initialize segmentation parameters
stentType = 'anacondaRing'
# 'anacondaRing' runs AnacondaDirect with modified Step3 and _Step3_iter
# 'branch' or 'nellix' runs Nellixdirect with modified seeding

p = getDefaultParams(stentType)
p.seed_threshold = [700]        # step 1 [lower th] or [lower th, higher th]
p.mcp_speedFactor = 750                 # step 2, costToCtValue; 
                                        # lower-> longer paths (costs low) -- higher-> short paths (costs high)
p.mcp_maxCoverageFronts = 0.008         # step 2,; replaces mcp_evolutionThreshold
p.graph_weakThreshold = 700             # step 3, stentgraph.prune_very_weak
p.graph_expectedNumberOfEdges = 3       # step 3, stentgraph.prune_weak
p.graph_trimLength =  0                 # step 3, stentgraph.prune_tails
p.graph_minimumClusterSize = 10         # step 3, stentgraph.prune_clusters
p.graph_strongThreshold = 1300          # step 3, stentgraph.prune_weak and stentgraph.prune_redundant
p.graph_min_strutlength = 5             # step 3, stent_anaconda prune_redundant
p.graph_max_strutlength = 13            # step 3, stent_anaconda prune_redundant
# p.graph_angleVector = 5                 # step 3, corner detect
# p.graph_angleTh = 180                    # step 3, corner detect

## Perform segmentation