def create_new_distance(self, amount):
        """ Create a new distance. We must select the trained model and the unknown model. The amount is the max amount of letters to compare. """
        # Generate the new id for this distance
            new_id = self.main_dict[list(self.main_dict.keys())[-1]].get_id() + 1
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            new_id = 1
        # Create the new object
        new_distance = Detection(new_id)
        # Structures to ignore
        exceptions = ['models', 'database', 'datasets', 'notes', 'connections', 'experiments', 'template_example_module', 'labels']
        # Get the training module
        # 1- List all the structures in the db, so we can pick our type of module
        structures = __database__.get_structures()
        print_info('From which structure you want to pick up the trained model?:')
        for structure in structures:
            if structure not in exceptions:
        training_structure_name = raw_input('Name:')
        training_structure_name = training_structure_name.strip()
        # 2- Verify is there
            selected_training_structure = structures[training_structure_name]
        except KeyError:
            print_error('No such structure available.')
            return False
        # 3- Get the main dict and list the 'objects'
        print_info('Select the training module to use:')
        for object in selected_training_structure:
            print '\t',
        model_training_id = raw_input('Id:')

        # Get the testing module
        # 1- List all the structures in the db, so we can pick our type of module
        structures = __database__.get_structures()
        print_info('From which structure you want to pick up the testing model?:')
        for structure in structures:
            if structure not in exceptions:
        testing_structure_name = raw_input('Name:')
        testing_structure_name = testing_structure_name.strip()
        # 2- Verify is there
            selected_testing_structure = structures[testing_structure_name]
        except KeyError:
            print_error('No such structure available.')
            return False
        # 3- Get the main dict and list the 'objects'
        print_info('Select the testing module to use:')
        for object in selected_testing_structure:
            print '\t',
        model_testing_id = raw_input('Id:')
        # Run the distance rutine
        if new_distance.detect(training_structure_name, selected_training_structure, model_training_id, training_structure_name, selected_testing_structure, model_testing_id, amount):
            # Store on DB the new distance only if the comparison was successful.
            self.main_dict[new_id] = new_distance
            print_info('New distance created with id {}'.format(new_id))
 def compare_all(self, structure_name, amount, verbose):
     """ Compare all the models between themselves in the specified structure. Do not repeat the comparison if it already exists """
     structures = __database__.get_structures()
         structure = structures[structure_name]
     except KeyError:
         print_error('No such structure available.')
         return False
     for train_object in structure:
         train_model_id = int(structure[train_object].get_id())
         # Run this model against the rest
         for test_object in structure:
             test_model_id = int(structure[test_object].get_id())
             if not self.has_distance(train_model_id, test_model_id, structure_name, structure_name):
                 print('Training model:'),
                 print('\tTesting model: '),
                 # Generate the new id for this distance
                     new_id = self.main_dict[list(self.main_dict.keys())[-1]].get_id() + 1
                 except (KeyError, IndexError):
                     new_id = 1
                 # Create the new object
                 new_distance = Detection(new_id)
                 # Run the distance rutine
                 if new_distance.detect(structure_name, structure, train_model_id, structure_name, structure, test_model_id, amount, verbose):
                     # Store on DB the new distance only if the comparison was successful
                     self.main_dict[new_id] = new_distance
                     print_info('\tNew distance created with id {}'.format(new_id))
 def regenerate(self):
     """ Regenerate """
     print_info('Regenerating distance {}'.format(self.get_id()))
     structures = __database__.get_structures()
     structure_training = structures[self.training_structure_name]
     structure_testing = structures[self.testing_structure_name]
     self.dict_of_distances = []
     self.detect(self.training_structure_name, structure_training, self.model_training_id, self.testing_structure_name, structure_testing, self.model_testing_id, self.get_amount())
    def check_need_for_regeneration(self):
        """ Check if the training or testing of this comparison changed since we use them """
        structures = __database__.get_structures()
            current_training_model_len = len(structures[self.training_structure_name][int(self.model_training_id)].get_state())
        except KeyError:
            #print_warning('Warning! In distance id {}, the training model was deleted. However, this distance can still be used.'.format(self.get_id()))
            return False
            current_testing_model_len = len(structures[self.testing_structure_name][int(self.model_testing_id)].get_state())
        except KeyError:
            #print_warning('Warning! In distance id {}, the testing model was deleted. However, this distance can still be used.'.format(self.get_id()))
            return False

        if len(self.training_states) != current_training_model_len or len(self.testing_states) != current_testing_model_len:
            return True
            return False
 def create_new_distance(self, amount, train_id, temp_test_id, verbose):
     """ Create a new distance. We must select the trained model and the unknown model. The amount is the max amount of letters to compare. """
     train_id = train_id.split(',')
     # For each train model passed
     for train_id in train_id:
         test_id = temp_test_id.split(',')
         # For each test model passed
         distances_ids = []
         for tid in test_id:
             # Generate the new id for this distance
                 new_id = self.main_dict[list(self.main_dict.keys())[-1]].get_id() + 1
             except (KeyError, IndexError):
                 new_id = 1
             # Create the new object
             new_distance = Detection(new_id)
             # Remember the ids of the distances in this execution
             structures = __database__.get_structures()
             # Now the structures are fixed
             model_training_id = train_id
             # Suppose the markov_models_1 structure and don't ask 
             training_structure_name = "markov_models_1"
             selected_training_structure = structures[training_structure_name]
             # Suppose the markov_models_1 structure and don't ask 
             testing_structure_name = "markov_models_1"
             selected_testing_structure = structures[testing_structure_name]
             # Run the distance rutine
             if new_distance.detect(training_structure_name, selected_training_structure, model_training_id, testing_structure_name, selected_testing_structure, tid, amount, verbose):
                 # Store on DB the new distance only if the comparison was successful.
                 self.main_dict[new_id] = new_distance
                 if verbose > 1:
                     print_info('New distance created with id {}'.format(new_id))
         # Finish for
         # Compute the performance metrics based on the errors of the comparison of each training model with its testing model.
         total_errors = {}
         total_errors['TP'] = 0
         total_errors['TN'] = 0
         total_errors['FN'] = 0
         total_errors['FP'] = 0
         for did in distances_ids:
             distance = self.get_distance(did)
             test_id = distance.get_model_testing_id()
             error = distance.get_current_error_type()
             #if verbose:
             #    print_info('Test model id {}, error {}'.format(test_id, error))
             if error == 'TP':
                 total_errors['TP'] += 1
             elif error == 'TN':
                 total_errors['TN'] += 1
             elif error == 'FN':
                 total_errors['FN'] += 1
             elif error == 'FP':
                 total_errors['FP'] += 1
         error_string_1 = ""
         for error in total_errors:
             error_string_1 += '{}:{} '.format(error, total_errors[error])
         if verbose:
         # Call the performance metrics
         performance_metrics = self.compute_total_performance_metrics(total_errors)
         error_string_2 = ""
         for pmetric in performance_metrics:
             error_string_2 += '{}:{} '.format(pmetric, performance_metrics[pmetric])
         if verbose:
         # Forget the distances ids for this execution
         del distances_ids
     return error_string_1 + ',' + error_string_2