Esempio n. 1
            # Read in latest submap
            filename = os.path.join(map_dir, map_names[-1])
            submap_surf_dict = dill.load(open(filename, "rb"))

            depth = np.log(len(submap_surf_dict)) / np.log(4)
            assert (depth >= 0) and ((depth % 1) == 0)

            root_logger.debug(f"Empty submap folder for {m} in {f}")

root_logger.debug("Updating fused submaps")
for key, submap in submaps.items():
    root_logger.debug(f"Updating submap {key}")

# 4 Save result
root_logger.debug("Saving fused submaps")
for m in submaps.keys():
    root_logger.debug(f"Saving {m}")
    submap = submaps[m]

    save_path = os.path.join(main_path, "submap", sensor_type, str(m))

    if not os.path.exists(save_path):

    filename = os.path.join(save_path, "0.p")
    dill.dump(dict(submap.surfel_dict), open(filename, "wb"))
directory /= "reobserve"
if not os.path.exists(directory):

load_iterations = True

if load_iterations == False:
    root_logger.debug("Generating new measurements and updating")
    grid = RelativeSubmap(max_depth=grid_depth, tolerance=1e-5)
    normalised_iterations = []
    iterations = []

    # NOTE This is a pseudo update. There is something weird with just the first update. It add more messages than needed I think
    C = 10000 * np.eye(3).reshape(1, 3, 3)
    grid.insert_measurements(np.zeros((1, 3, 1)), C)
    update_iter = grid.update()

    for i in range(N_updates):
        print("Update number:", i)
        # Generate Measurements
        print(i, "------- Generating Measurements -------")
        m_z_stack, C_z_stack = gen_meas_3d(func, N_z_gen, scale=1)
        b = (
            (m_z_stack[:, 0, 0] + m_z_stack[:, 1, 0] <= 1)
            & (m_z_stack[:, 0, 0] > 0)
            & (m_z_stack[:, 0, 0] < 1)
            & (m_z_stack[:, 1, 0] > 0)
            & (m_z_stack[:, 1, 0] < 1)
        m_z_stack = m_z_stack[b, :, :]
        C_z_stack = C_z_stack[b, :, :]
# plt.xlim(0, 1)
# plt.ylim(0, 1)

grid_iterations = []
grid = RelativeSubmap(max_depth=grid_depth, tolerance=1e-5, prior_corr=0.5)
# grid.plot_map_indices()
# exit()
normalised_iterations = []
iterations = []

# NOTE This is a pseudo update. There is something weird with just the first update. It add more messages than needed I think
C = 10000 * np.eye(3).reshape(1, 3, 3)
grid.insert_measurements(np.zeros((1, 3, 1)), C)
update_iter = grid.update()

# XXX Uncomment if you want update the whole map once before push-broom
# N_z_gen = 10*4**5
# m_z_stack, C_z_stack = gen_meas_3d(func, N_z_gen, scale=1)
# b = (
#     (m_z_stack[:, 0, 0] + m_z_stack[:, 1, 0] <= 1)
#     & (m_z_stack[:, 0, 0] > 0)
#     & (m_z_stack[:, 0, 0] < 1)
#     & (m_z_stack[:, 1, 0] > 0)
#     & (m_z_stack[:, 1, 0] < 1)
# )
# m_z_stack = m_z_stack[b, :, :]
# C_z_stack = C_z_stack[b, :, :]
# N_z_new = m_z_stack.shape[0]
# print("N: total =", N_z_gen, " remainder = ", N_z_new)
Esempio n. 4
seed = (int)(np.random.rand() * (2.0 ** 30))
seed = 654981589

# env_type = 'perlin'
env_type = "perlin"
env_func = gen_env_fn_3d(env_type, seed)

depth = 4
submap = RelativeSubmap(max_depth=depth, dim=3, tolerance=1e-5, max_iterations=500)

N = 500  # Number of measurements
m_z, C_z = gen_meas_3d(env_func, N, scale=0.9)
submap.insert_measurements(m_z, C_z)
msg_counter = submap.update()

# m_z, C_z = gen_meas_3d(env_func, N, scale=0.9)
# submap.insert_measurements(m_z, C_z)
# msg_counter = submap.update()
# print(msg_counter)

# XXX: Analysis
# Plot Samples
# pts = mlab.points3d(
#     *m_z[:, :, 0].T, m_z[:, 2, 0], scale_mode="none", colormap="viridis", scale_factor=0.005
# )

# Plot exact surface
step = 0.01
Esempio n. 5
        env_type = "perlin"
        env_func = gen_env_fn_3d(env_type, seed=seed)

        test_pts = np.zeros((N_test, 3, 1))
        test_pts[:, :2, 0] = xy
        test_pts[:, -1] = env_func(test_pts[:, 0], test_pts[:, 1])

        m_gen, C_gen = gen_meas_3d(env_func, N, scale=scale)
        depth = 3
        m_z = np.copy(m_gen)
        C_z = np.copy(C_gen)

        # STM Map
        stm_map = RelativeSubmap(depth, dim=3, tolerance=1e-5, max_iterations=1000)
        stm_map.insert_measurements(1 * m_z, 1 * C_z)
        log_like_stm = stm_map.loglike(1 * test_pts)
        mse_stm = stm_map.mean_squared_error(1 * test_pts)

        # GP Map
        gp_map = GPMap(dim=3)
        gp_map.update(1 * m_z, 1 * C_z)
        log_like_gp = gp_map.loglike(1 * test_pts)
        mse_gp = gp_map.mean_squared_error(1 * test_pts)

        log_like_stm_batch[batch] = log_like_stm
        log_like_gp_batch[batch] = log_like_gp
        mse_stm_batch[batch] = mse_stm
        mse_gp_batch[batch] = mse_gp
        print("MSE's (gp, stm)", mse_gp, mse_stm)
        print("LL's (gp, stm)", log_like_gp, log_like_stm)