Esempio n. 1
def pnts_to_xA(pnts, datum='MSL'):
    samples = linestring_utils.upsample_linearring(pnts, 5, closed_ring=False)
    z = dem(samples)
    dists = utils.dist_along(samples)
    z0 = ds.z.sel(datum=datum).item()
    depths = (z0 - z).clip(0, np.inf)

    xA = np.trapz(depths, dists)
    return xA
Esempio n. 2
def test_peninsula():
    r = 100
    thetas = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 1000)
    pen = np.zeros((len(thetas), 2), np.float64)

    pen[:, 0] = r * (0.2 + np.abs(np.sin(2 * thetas))**0.2) * np.cos(thetas)
    pen[:, 1] = r * (0.2 + np.abs(np.sin(2 * thetas))**0.2) * np.sin(thetas)

    density = field.ConstantField(10.0)
    pen2 = upsample_linearring(pen, density)

    trifront_wrapper([pen2], density, label='peninsula')
Esempio n. 3
    print("Loading DEM for %s" % name)
    dem = field.GdalGrid(dem_fn)

    if gen_weirs:
        print("Generating fixed weirs")
        fixed_weir_fn = "fixed_weirs-%s.pliz" % name
        fixed_weirs = []  # suitable for write_pli
        dx = 5.0  # m. discretize lines at this resolution
        for i in range(len(lines)):
            feat = lines[i]
            if feat['type'] != 'fixed_weir': continue

            print(f"Processing levee feature {feat['name']}")
            xy = np.array(feat['geom'])
            xy = linestring_utils.upsample_linearring(xy,
            z = dem(xy)
            fixed_weirs.append((feat['name'], np.c_[xy, z, 0 * z, 0 * z]))
        dio.write_pli(fixed_weir_fn, fixed_weirs)

    if gen_grids:
        print("Setting bathymetry for %s" % name)

        if 0:  # Simplest option:
            #   Put bathy on nodes, just direct sampling.
            z_node = dem(g.nodes['x'])
        if 1:  # Bias deep
            name += "_deep"
            # Maybe a good match with bedlevtype=5.
            # BLT=5: edges get shallower node, cells get deepest edge.
Esempio n. 4
# count total features so that files can be concatenated without issue.
total_count = 0

# no longer split by class, all filtering already complete in the input
# shapefile

g = unstructured_grid.UnstructuredGrid(extra_node_fields=[('elev_m', 'f8')],
                                       extra_edge_fields=[('mean_elev_m', 'f8')

for ix, sel_i in enumerate(np.nonzero(sel)[0]):
    geom = inv['geom'][sel_i]
    coords = np.array(geom)
    # not 100% sure about whether it's necessary to test for closed_ring
    new_coords = linestring_utils.upsample_linearring(coords,

    nodes = [
        g.add_or_find_node(x=xy, tolerance=0.0, elev_m=np.nan)
        for xy in new_coords

    for a, b in zip(nodes[:-1], nodes[1:]):
        j = g.add_edge(nodes=[a, b], mean_elev_m=inv['Z_Mean'][sel_i])

# pull out point elevations at the nodes:
g.nodes['elev_m'] = dem(g.nodes['x'])

# drastic, but go ahead and delete any nodes which failed to get an elevation