def set(self, content): self.save_targets.clear() content_atoms = {} for target, data in content.items(): if not isinstance(data, (str, ByteString, type(None))): raise TypeError('Unsupported data type:\n{}'.format( repr(data))) with ThreadingTimeout(0.05) as timeout: try: target_atom = self.display.intern_atom(target) except RuntimeError as e: ErrorReporter.print(e) raise BrokenConnection('Failed to intern atom') from e if timeout.state == timeout.TIMED_OUT: raise BrokenConnection('Interning atoms timed out') if data: self.save_targets.append(target_atom) content_atoms[target_atom] = data if self.content_set: with ThreadingTimeout(0.05) as timeout: self.window.send_event(self.selection_clear, onerror=errHandler) try: self.display.flush() except Exception as e: ErrorReporter.print(e) raise BrokenConnection('Failed to flush events') from e if errHandler.get_error(): raise BrokenConnection('Failed to send events') if timeout.state == timeout.TIMED_OUT: raise BrokenConnection('Sending event timed out') self.outbox.put_nowait(content_atoms)
def _load_image_sequence(self, segment: AbstractSegment) -> torch.Tensor: cache_directory = self.dataset_directory + "/segment_image_tensor_cache" self._create_cache_dir(cache_directory) try: with ThreadingTimeout(2.0) as timeout_ctx1: images = torch.load("{}/{}.pkl".format(cache_directory, segment.__hash__())) if not bool(timeout_ctx1): CometLogger.print('Took too long when loading a cache image. ' 'We will load the image directly form the dataset instead.') raise Exception() except: image_sequence = [] with ThreadingTimeout(3600.0) as timeout_ctx2: for img_as_img in segment.get_images(): img_as_tensor = self.transformer(img_as_img) if self.minus_point_5: img_as_tensor = img_as_tensor - 0.5 # from [0, 1] -> [-0.5, 0.5] img_as_tensor = self.normalizer(img_as_tensor) img_as_tensor = img_as_tensor.unsqueeze(0) image_sequence.append(img_as_tensor) images =, 0) if not bool(timeout_ctx2): CometLogger.fatalprint('Encountered fatal delay when reading the uncached images from the dataset') free = -1 try: with ThreadingTimeout(2.0) as timeout_ctx3: _, _, free = shutil.disk_usage(cache_directory) if not bool(timeout_ctx3): CometLogger.print('Took too long to measure disk space. Skipping caching.') except Exception as e: print("Warning: unable to cache the segment's image tensor, there was an error while getting " "disk usage: {}".format(e), file=sys.stderr) if free == -1: pass elif free // (2**30) > 1: try: with ThreadingTimeout(5.0) as timeout_ctx4:, "{}/{}.pkl".format(cache_directory, segment.__hash__())) if not bool(timeout_ctx4): CometLogger.print('Took too long when saving to cache folder. Deadlock possible. Skipping caching.') except Exception as e: print("Warning: unable to cache the segment's image tensor: {}".format(e), file=sys.stderr) else: pass if self.augment_dataset: images = self._augment_image_sequence(images) return images
def base_schedule(timeout, runners, controllers): with ThreadingTimeout(timeout) as ctx_timeout: cntrl = controllers[0] runner = runners[0] runner.push_task(cntrl.get, [None], 3) res = runner.schedule_tasks(3, timeout) return ctx_timeout, res
def __getitem__(self, item: int): with ThreadingTimeout(3600.0) as timeout_ctx1: try: segment, image_sequence = super().__getitem__(item) except Exception as e: CometLogger.print(str(e)) raise e if not bool(timeout_ctx1): CometLogger.fatalprint( 'Encountered fatal delay while getting the image sequence') with ThreadingTimeout(3600.0) as timeout_ctx2: pose = self._get_segment_pose(segment) if not bool(timeout_ctx2): CometLogger.fatalprint( 'Encountered fatal delay while getting the pose of the sequence' ) return image_sequence, pose
def _worker(self, queue): while not queue.empty(): channel, kwargs = queue.get() self._logger.debug( ('Sending notification using channel: {channel} ' 'with args:{args}').format(, args=kwargs)) try: with ThreadingTimeout(TIMEOUT): result = channel.notify(**kwargs) self._results.append({ result}) except TimeoutException: self._logger.error(('The worker reached the time limit ' '({} secs)').format(TIMEOUT)) except Exception: self._logger.exception(('Exception caught on sending on ' 'channel:{}').format( queue.task_done()
def handle_get(timeout, runners, controllers): with ThreadingTimeout(timeout) as ctx_timeout: cntrl_first = controllers[0] cntrl_subsequent = controllers[1] runner = runners[0] runner.push_task(cntrl_first.get, [None], 1) try: res = runner.schedule_tasks(1, 0.3) except TimeoutException as e: runner.push_task(cntrl_subsequent.get, [None], 2) res = runner.schedule_tasks(2, timeout) if ctx_timeout.state == ctx_timeout.TIMED_OUT: return timeout_error elif ctx_timeout.state == ctx_timeout.EXECUTED: if not res: return timeout_error return res
def get_sympathy_urls_from_post(self, blog_url): try: with ThreadingTimeout(5.0) as timeout_ctx: assert timeout_ctx.state == timeout_ctx.EXECUTING sympathy_urls = naver_crawler.get_sympathy_urls(driver=self.driver, blog_url=blog_url) # except ThreadingTimeout: # print('ThreadingTimeout') # raise ThreadingTimeout except AttributeError: print('AttributeError') raise AttributeError except NoSuchElementException: print('NoSuchElementException') raise NoSuchElementException except BaseException: print('BaseException') raise BaseException return sympathy_urls
def crawl_wrapper(self, fuzzable_request): """ Wrapper around the crawl method in order to perform some generic tasks. """ # I copy the fuzzable request, to avoid cross plugin contamination # in other words, if one plugin modified the fuzzable request object # INSIDE that plugin, I don't want the next plugin to suffer from that fuzzable_request_copy = safe_deepcopy(fuzzable_request) # Crawl with timeout try: with ThreadingTimeout(self.PLUGIN_TIMEOUT, swallow_exc=False): return self.crawl(fuzzable_request_copy) except TimeoutException: msg = '[timeout] The "%s" plugin took more than %s seconds to'\ ' complete the crawling of "%s", killing it!' om.out.debug(msg % (self.get_name(), self.PLUGIN_TIMEOUT, fuzzable_request.get_url()))
def schedule_tasks(self, task_count, timeout): with ThreadingTimeout(timeout, swallow_exc=False) as func_timeout:"Smart runner task timeout status {func_timeout.state}") futures = {} with ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: for item in itertools.islice(iter(self.tasks), task_count): futures.update( {executor.submit(item["task"]): item["task"]}) self.tasks = [] while futures: == 2) done, running = wait(futures, timeout=timeout, return_when=FIRST_COMPLETED) for fut in done: futures.pop(fut) if type(fut.result()) == dict: executor.shutdown(wait=False) return fut.result()
def crawl_wrapper(self, fuzzable_request): """ Wrapper around the crawl method in order to perform some generic tasks. """ # I copy the fuzzable request, to avoid cross plugin contamination # in other words, if one plugin modified the fuzzable request object # INSIDE that plugin, I don't want the next plugin to suffer from that fuzzable_request_copy = safe_deepcopy(fuzzable_request) # Crawl with timeout try: with ThreadingTimeout(self.PLUGIN_TIMEOUT, swallow_exc=False): return self.crawl(fuzzable_request_copy) except FourOhFourDetectionException, ffde: # We simply ignore any exceptions we find during the 404 detection # process. FYI: This doesn't break the xurllib error handling which # happens at lower layers. # # om.out.debug('%s' % ffde)
def audit_with_copy(self, fuzzable_request, orig_resp): """ :param freq: A FuzzableRequest :param orig_resp: The HTTP response we get from sending the freq Copy the FuzzableRequest before auditing. I copy the fuzzable request, to avoid cross plugin contamination. In other words, if one plugins modified the fuzzable request object INSIDE that plugin, I don't want the next plugin to suffer from that. """ fuzzable_request = copy.deepcopy(fuzzable_request) try: with ThreadingTimeout(self.PLUGIN_TIMEOUT, swallow_exc=False): return self.audit(fuzzable_request, orig_resp) except TimeoutException: msg = '[timeout] The "%s" plugin took more than %s seconds to'\ ' complete the analysis of "%s", killing it!' om.out.debug(msg % (self.get_name(), self.PLUGIN_TIMEOUT, fuzzable_request.get_url()))
def exposed_transaction_request(self, transaction): transaction = obtain(transaction) print("DB-%s: %s requested" % (str(Database().id), transaction)) if self.check_valid(transaction): r = Database().pending_transactions r[transaction] = {} else: return False threads = [] for addr, port in Database()"DB"): if port != Database().port: r[transaction][addr, port] = False threads.append( Timer(random.uniform(1., 5.), self.can_commit, args=((addr, port), transaction))) threads[-1].start() # bool(timeout_ctx) is True if execution completed normally and False if timed out with ThreadingTimeout(5.) as timeout_ctx: for t in threads: t.join() if timeout_ctx and all(r[transaction].values()): for addr, port in r[transaction]: conn = rpyc.connect(addr, port) conn.root.complete_transaction(transaction) else: self.exposed_complete_transaction(transaction) return True else: for addr, port in r[transaction]: conn = rpyc.connect(addr, port) conn.root.rollback_transaction(transaction) else: self.exposed_rollback_transaction(transaction) return False
def get_id_from_blog(self, blog_url, original_poster=True): # 네이버 모듈에서 개별 블로그에서 유저 아이디 찾기 호출 try: with ThreadingTimeout(5.0) as timeout_ctx: assert timeout_ctx.state == timeout_ctx.EXECUTING user_id = naver_crawler.get_naver_blog_id(driver=self.driver, blog_url=blog_url) # except ThreadingTimeout: # print('ThreadingTimeout') # raise ThreadingTimeout except AttributeError: print('AttributeError') raise AttributeError except NoSuchElementException: print('NoSuchElementException') raise NoSuchElementException except BaseException: print('BaseException') raise BaseException return { 'user_id': user_id, 'original_poster': original_poster }
def audit_with_copy(self, fuzzable_request, orig_resp): """ :param freq: A FuzzableRequest :param orig_resp: The HTTP response we get from sending the freq Copy the FuzzableRequest before auditing. I copy the fuzzable request, to avoid cross plugin contamination. In other words, if one plugins modified the fuzzable request object INSIDE that plugin, I don't want the next plugin to suffer from that. """ fuzzable_request = safe_deepcopy(fuzzable_request) try: with ThreadingTimeout(self.PLUGIN_TIMEOUT, swallow_exc=False): return self.audit(fuzzable_request, orig_resp) except FourOhFourDetectionException, ffde: # We simply ignore any exceptions we find during the 404 detection # process. FYI: This doesn't break the xurllib error handling which # happens at lower layers. # # om.out.debug('%s' % ffde)
def parse(self, response): # 키워드 입력 시 블로그 글 검색 결과 (목록) BLOG_ITEM_SELECTOR = '#wrap #container .pack_group #main_pack .blog ul li dl dt' self.driver.get(response.url) resp = TextResponse(url='', body=self.driver.page_source, encoding='utf-8') html = self.driver.page_source soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') next_page = soup.find('a', class_='next') print('next page: ' + next_page.text.strip() + ", link: " + next_page['href']) # 개별 블로그 글 for blog_item in resp.css(BLOG_ITEM_SELECTOR): # 목표한 아이디 개수가 채워졌으면 크롤러 종료 if self.close_down: raise CloseSpider(reason='목표 아이디 개수 달성') TITLE_SELECTOR = 'a::attr(title)' URL_SELECTOR = 'a::attr(href)' title = blog_item.css(TITLE_SELECTOR).get() blog_url = blog_item.css(URL_SELECTOR).get() print("URL: " + blog_url) # 개별 블로그에서 아이디 추출, 글 게시자=True try: with ThreadingTimeout(5.0) as timeout_ctx: assert timeout_ctx.state == timeout_ctx.EXECUTING yield self.get_id_from_blog(blog_url=blog_url, original_poster=True) # except ThreadingTimeout: # print('ThreadingTimeout') except AttributeError: print('AttributeError') except NoSuchElementException: print('NoSuchElementException') except BaseException: print('BaseException') commenter_urls = [] # 댓글 작성자 블로그 URL 추출 try: with ThreadingTimeout(5.0) as timeout_ctx: assert timeout_ctx.state == timeout_ctx.EXECUTING commenter_urls = self.get_commenter_urls_from_post(blog_url=blog_url) # except ThreadingTimeout: # print('ThreadingTimeout') except AttributeError: print('AttributeError') except NoSuchElementException: print('NoSuchElementException') except BaseException: print('BaseException') print("comment urls: " + str(commenter_urls)) sympathy_urls = [] # 공감 누른 사람 블로그 URL 추출 try: with ThreadingTimeout(5.0) as timeout_ctx: assert timeout_ctx.state == timeout_ctx.EXECUTING sympathy_urls = self.get_sympathy_urls_from_post(blog_url=blog_url) # except ThreadingTimeout: # print('ThreadingTimeout') except AttributeError: print('AttributeError') except NoSuchElementException: print('NoSuchElementException') except BaseException: print('BaseException') print("sympathy urls: " + str(sympathy_urls)) # 개별 댓글 작성자마다 블로그로 들어가서 아이디 추출 for commenter_url in commenter_urls: # 목표한 아이디 개수가 채워졌으면 크롤러 종료 if self.close_down: raise CloseSpider(reason='목표 아이디 개수 달성') # 개별 블로그에서 아이디 추출, 글 게시자=False (댓글 작성자이기 때문) try: with ThreadingTimeout(5.0) as timeout_ctx: assert timeout_ctx.state == timeout_ctx.EXECUTING yield self.get_id_from_blog(blog_url=commenter_url, original_poster=False) # except ThreadingTimeout: # print('ThreadingTimeout') # continue except AttributeError: print('AttributeError') continue except NoSuchElementException: print('NoSuchElementException') continue except BaseException: print('BaseException') continue # 개별 공감 누른 사람마다 블로그로 들어가서 아이디 추출 for sympathy_url in sympathy_urls: # 목표한 아이디 개수가 채워졌으면 크롤러 종료 if self.close_down: raise CloseSpider(reason='목표 아이디 개수 달성') # 개별 블로그에서 아이디 추출, 글 게시자=False (댓글 작성자이기 때문) try: with ThreadingTimeout(5.0) as timeout_ctx: assert timeout_ctx.state == timeout_ctx.EXECUTING yield self.get_id_from_blog(blog_url=sympathy_url, original_poster=False) # except ThreadingTimeout: # print('ThreadingTimeout') # continue except AttributeError: print('AttributeError') continue except NoSuchElementException: print('NoSuchElementException') continue except BaseException: print('BaseException') continue # 크롤링 할 블로그 검색 결과 페이지 수 # if self.page_count < 1: if True: self.page_count += 1 yield scrapy.Request( urlparse.urljoin(self.url_head, next_page['href']), callback=self.parse )
def _train(self) -> tuple: timer_start_time = time.time() self.model.train() losses_sum = 0 benchmark_losses_sum = 0 for i, (input, target) in enumerate(self.train_dataloader): CometLogger.get_experiment().log_metric("Current batch", i + 1) CometLogger.get_experiment().log_metric("Total nbr of batches", len(self.train_dataloader)) # Only log this if we are NOT in a multiprocessing session if CometLogger.gpu_id is None: print("--> processing batch {}/{} of size {}".format( i + 1, len(self.train_dataloader), len(input))) if cuda_is_available(): with ThreadingTimeout(14400.0) as timeout_ctx1: input = input.cuda( non_blocking=self.train_dataloader.pin_memory) target = target.cuda( non_blocking=self.train_dataloader.pin_memory) if not bool(timeout_ctx1): CometLogger.fatalprint( 'Encountered fatally long delay when moving tensors to GPUs' ) prediction = self.model.forward(input) with ThreadingTimeout(14400.0) as timeout_ctx3: if type(prediction) is tuple: benchmark_loss = self.benchmark_MSE_loss.compute( prediction[0], target) else: benchmark_loss = self.benchmark_MSE_loss.compute( prediction, target) if not bool(timeout_ctx3): CometLogger.fatalprint( 'Encountered fatally long delay during computation of benchmark loss' ) with ThreadingTimeout(14400.0) as timeout_ctx4: benchmark_losses_sum += float( if not bool(timeout_ctx4): CometLogger.fatalprint( 'Encountered fatally long delay during summation of benchmark losses' ) with ThreadingTimeout(14400.0) as timeout_ctx4: loss = self.custom_loss.compute(prediction, target) if not bool(timeout_ctx4): CometLogger.fatalprint( 'Encountered fatally long delay during computation of the custom loss' ) self._backpropagate(loss) with ThreadingTimeout(14400.0) as timeout_ctx6: losses_sum += float( if not bool(timeout_ctx6): CometLogger.fatalprint( 'Encountered fatally long delay during loss addition') timer_end_time = time.time() CometLogger.get_experiment().log_metric( "Epoch training time", timer_end_time - timer_start_time) return losses_sum / len( self.train_dataloader), benchmark_losses_sum / len( self.train_dataloader)
def get_logger(setting_getter, name, fail_to_local=False, filter=None): global got_logger if got_logger: # Yes, this means that if you try to change your logging within an # application, it won't work. This is intentional. You shouldn't do # that. return got_logger if filter: def log_filter(r, h): if return False return filter(r, h) else: def log_filter(r, h): return not logger_name = 'penguindome-' + name file_safe_logger_name = logger_name.replace(os.sep, '_') logger = logbook.Logger(logger_name) internal_log_dir = os.path.join(var_dir, 'log') internal_log_file = os.path.join(internal_log_dir, file_safe_logger_name + '.log') os.makedirs(internal_log_dir, 0o0700, exist_ok=True) # We always do local debug logging, regardless of whether we're also # logging elsewhere. logbook.RotatingFileHandler(internal_log_file, bubble=True, filter=log_filter).push_application() handler_name = setting_getter('logging:handler') if handler_name: handler_name = handler_name.lower() handler_name += 'handler' handler_name = next(d for d in dir(logbook) if d.lower() == handler_name) handler = logbook.__dict__[handler_name] kwargs = {'bubble': True, 'filter': log_filter} level = setting_getter('logging:level') kwargs['level'] = logbook.__dict__[level.upper()] if handler_name == 'SyslogHandler': kwargs['facility'] = setting_getter('logging:syslog:facility') hostname = setting_getter('logging:syslog:host') if hostname: port = setting_getter('logging:syslog:port') try: addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, port, socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)[0] except: if not fail_to_local: raise logger.warn( 'Failed to resolve {}:{}, falling back to ' 'local-only logging', hostname, port) handler = None else: kwargs['socktype'] = addrinfo[1] kwargs['address'] = addrinfo[4] if handler: if fail_to_local: try: with ThreadingTimeout(5, swallow_exc=False): handler = handler(**kwargs) except: logger.warn( 'Failed to create {}, falling back to ' 'local-only logging', handler_name) else: handler.push_application() else: handler(**kwargs).push_application() logbook.compat.redirect_logging() got_logger = logger return got_logger