Esempio n. 1
def read(fn):
    d = dict()
    lines = storage.read_file(fn, True)
    for line in lines:
        edgeid = int(line.split("=")[0])
        d[edgeid] = line[:-1].split("=")[1].split(",")
    return d
Esempio n. 2
def read_volume_pubkey( volume_name, prefix=None ):
   # support prefix, since sometimes this can be called before storage is initialized
   if prefix is None:
      prefix = "/"
   pubkey_path = storage.path_join(prefix, volume_pubkey_path( volume_name ))
   return storage.read_file( pubkey_path, volume=None )
Esempio n. 3
def read_gateway_port():
   name_path = storage.local_path( GATEWAY_STORAGE_DIR, "gateway_port" )
   rc = storage.read_file( name_path, volume=None )
      rc = int(rc)
      return rc
      return None
Esempio n. 4
def load_private_key_from_path( key_path, password, local ):
   encrypted_privkey_str = None
   if local:
      encrypted_privkey_str = storage.read_file( key_path, volume=None )
      encrypted_privkey_str = storage.read_file( key_path )
   if encrypted_privkey_str is None:
      log.error("Failed to load key from %s" % key_path )
      return None
      encrypted_private_key = storage.json_to_tuple( EncryptedPrivateKey, encrypted_privkey_str )
   except Exception, e: 
      log.error("Failed to unserialize private key")
      return None
Esempio n. 5
def read_gateway_privkey( password, gateway_name ):
   path = gateway_privkey_path( gateway_name )
   encrypted_privkey_json = storage.read_file( path, volume=None )

      encrypted_privkey = storage.json_to_tuple( keys.EncryptedPrivateKey, encrypted_privkey_json )
   except Exception, e:
      log.error("Failed to unserialize encrypted private gateway key")
      return None
Esempio n. 6
def load_public_key( key_name, syndicate_user_pubkey ):
   key_path = make_key_local_path( key_name + ".pub" )
   pubkey_json = storage.read_file( key_path, volume=None )
   if pubkey_json is None:
      log.error("Failed to load public key")
      return False
      pubkey = storage.json_to_tuple( SignedPublicKey, pubkey_json )
   except Exception, e:
      log.error("Failed to unserialize signed public key")
      return False
Esempio n. 7
def load_options( argv, description, config_opts, default_config_file_path ):
   parser = conf.build_parser( argv[0], description, config_opts )
   opts = parser.parse_args( argv[1:] )
   # load everything into a dictionary and return it
   config = None 
   config_str = None
   config_file_path = None
   if hasattr( opts, "config" ) and opts.config != None:
      config_file_path = opts.config[0]
      config_file_path = default_config_file_path
   config_str = storage.read_file( config_file_path )
   if config_str == None:
      log.warning("Failed to read config file at %s" % config_file_path )
   config = conf.load_config( config_str, config_opts, opts )
   if config == None:
      raise Exception("Failed to parse configuration from %s" % config_file_path)
   return config
Esempio n. 8
def read_gateway_name():
   name_path = storage.local_path( GATEWAY_STORAGE_DIR, "gateway_name" )
   return storage.read_file( name_path, volume=None )
Esempio n. 9
    except Exception, e:
       log.error("Failed to set up Volume access")
       cleanup_syntool( [expected_gateway_pkey_path, expected_gateway_signingkey_path], tmpdir )
       return False
 cleanup_files = [expected_gateway_pkey_path, expected_gateway_signingkey_path]
 if gateway_pkey_pem is None:
    # get the private key 
    if not storage.path_exists( expected_gateway_pkey_path, volume=None ):
       log.error("Failed to create gateway %s (no key in %s), ret = %s" % (gateway_name, expected_gateway_pkey_path, gateway_info)  )
       cleanup_syntool( cleanup_files, tmpdir )
       return False
    gateway_pkey_pem = storage.read_file( expected_gateway_pkey_path, volume=None )
    if gateway_pkey_pem is None:
       log.error("Failed to load private key from %s" % expected_gateway_pkey_path )
       cleanup_syntool( cleanup_files, tmpdir )
       return None
    # store the key 
    rc = write_gateway_privkey( mail_password, gateway_name, gateway_pkey_pem )
    if not rc:
       log.error("Failed to store gateway private key")
       cleanup_syntool( cleanup_files, tmpdir )
       return False
    # everything should be in place already 
    cleanup_files = []
Esempio n. 10
def update_repo(storage, sign):
    filelists = {}
    primary = {}
    revision = "0"

    if storage.exists('repodata/repomd.xml'):
        data = storage.read_file('repodata/repomd.xml')

        filelists, primary, revision = parse_repomd(data)

        data = storage.read_file(filelists['location'])
        filelists = parse_filelists(gunzip_string(data))

        data = storage.read_file(primary['location'])
        primary = parse_primary(gunzip_string(data))

    recorded_files = set()
    for package in primary.values():
        recorded_files.add((package['location'], float(package['file_time'])))

    existing_files = set()
    expr = r'^.*\.rpm$'
    for file_path in storage.files('.'):
        match = re.match(expr, file_path)

        if not match:

        mtime = storage.mtime(file_path)

        existing_files.add((file_path, mtime))

    files_to_add = existing_files - recorded_files

    for file_to_add in files_to_add:
        file_path = file_to_add[0]
        mtime = file_to_add[1]
        print("Adding: '%s'" % file_path)

        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        storage.download_file(file_path, os.path.join(tmpdir, 'package.rpm'))

        rpminfo = rpmfile.RpmInfo()
        header = rpminfo.parse_file(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'package.rpm'))
        sha256 = file_checksum(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'package.rpm'), "sha256")

        statinfo = os.stat(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'package.rpm'))
        size = statinfo.st_size


        nerv, prim = header_to_primary(header, sha256, mtime, file_path,
                                       rpminfo.header_start, rpminfo.header_end,
        _, flist = header_to_filelists(header, sha256)

        primary[nerv] = prim
        filelists[nerv] = flist

    revision = str(int(revision) + 1)

    filelists_str = dump_filelists(filelists)
    primary_str = dump_primary(primary)

    repomd_str = generate_repomd(filelists_str, primary_str, revision)

    filelists_gz = gzip_string(filelists_str)
    primary_gz = gzip_string(primary_str)
    filelists_gz_sha256 = string_checksum(filelists_gz, 'sha256')
    primary_gz_sha256 = string_checksum(primary_gz, 'sha256')
    filelists_name = 'repodata/%s-filelists.xml.gz' % filelists_gz_sha256
    primary_name = 'repodata/%s-primary.xml.gz' % primary_gz_sha256

    storage.write_file(filelists_name, filelists_gz)
    storage.write_file(primary_name, primary_gz)
    storage.write_file('repodata/repomd.xml', repomd_str)

    if sign:
        repomd_str_signed = gpg_sign_string(repomd_str)
        storage.write_file('repodata/repomd.xml.asc', repomd_str_signed)