def process_bunq_accounts_callback(accounts): """ Process bunq accounts with the callback dataset of accounts """ global _BUNQ_ACCOUNTS_CALLBACK get_bunq_accounts_callback() for acc2 in accounts: found = False for acc in _BUNQ_ACCOUNTS_CALLBACK: if acc["iban"] == acc2["iban"]: # update account found = True acc["id"] = acc2["id"] acc["name"] = acc2["name"] acc["type"] = acc2["type"] acc["description"] = acc2["description"] acc["enableMutation"] = acc2["enableMutation"] acc["enableRequest"] = acc2["enableRequest"] acc["callbackMutation"] = acc2["callbackMutation"] acc["callbackRequest"] = acc2["callbackRequest"] acc["callbackOther"] = acc2["callbackOther"]"account_callback", acc["iban"], {"value": acc}) if not found: # new account"account_callback", acc2["iban"], {"value": acc2}) _BUNQ_ACCOUNTS_CALLBACK.append(acc2) # remove deleted newaccs = [] ibans = [x["iban"] for x in accounts] for acc in _BUNQ_ACCOUNTS_CALLBACK: if acc["iban"] in ibans: newaccs.append(acc) else: storage.remove("account_callback", acc["iban"]) _BUNQ_ACCOUNTS_CALLBACK = sorted(newaccs, key=lambda k: k["description"])
def save_app_master_url(value): """ Save the URL of the master instance """ global _APP_MASTER_URL _APP_MASTER_URL = value if value is None: storage.remove("config", "app_master_url") else:"config", "app_master_url", {"value": value})
def save_app_mode(value): """ Save the app mode """ global _APP_MODE _APP_MODE = value if value is None: storage.remove("config", "app_mode") else:"config", "app_mode", {"value": value})
def save_bunq_security_mode(value): """ Save the bunq security mode """ global _BUNQ_SECURITY_MODE _BUNQ_SECURITY_MODE = value if value is None: storage.remove("config", "bunq_security_mode") else:"config", "bunq_security_mode", {"value": value})
def trigger_request_delete(identity): """ Delete a specific trigger identity for IFTTT trigger bunq_request """ try: for index in storage.query_indexes("request_" + identity): storage.remove("request_" + identity, index) storage.remove("trigger_request", identity) return "" except Exception: traceback.print_exc() print("[trigger_request_delete] ERROR: cannot delete trigger") return json.dumps({"errors": [{"message": "Cannot delete trigger"}]}),\ 400
def process_bunq_accounts_local(accounts): """ Process retrieved bunq accounts with the local dataset of accounts """ global _BUNQ_ACCOUNTS_LOCAL get_bunq_accounts_local() default_internal = True default_draft = True for acc in _BUNQ_ACCOUNTS_LOCAL: # leave defaults True only if all existing accounts have True default_internal &= acc["enableInternal"] default_draft &= acc["enableDraft"] for acc2 in accounts: found = False for acc in _BUNQ_ACCOUNTS_LOCAL: if acc["iban"] == acc2["iban"]: # update account found = True acc["id"] = acc2["id"] acc["name"] = acc2["name"] acc["type"] = acc2["type"] acc["description"] = acc2["description"]"account_local", acc["iban"], {"value": acc}) if not found: # new account acc2["enableInternal"] = default_internal acc2["enableDraft"] = default_draft acc2["enableExternal"] = False"account_local", acc2["iban"], {"value": acc2}) _BUNQ_ACCOUNTS_LOCAL.append(acc2) # remove deleted newaccs = [] ibans = [x["iban"] for x in accounts] for acc in _BUNQ_ACCOUNTS_LOCAL: if acc["iban"] in ibans: newaccs.append(acc) else: storage.remove("account_local", acc["iban"]) _BUNQ_ACCOUNTS_LOCAL = sorted(newaccs, key=lambda k: k["description"])
def trigger_request(): """ Callback for IFTTT trigger bunq_request """ try: data = request.get_json() print("[trigger_request] input: {}".format(json.dumps(data))) if "triggerFields" not in data or \ "account" not in data["triggerFields"]: print("[trigger_request] ERROR: account field missing!") return json.dumps({"errors": [{"message": "Invalid data"}]}), 400 account = data["triggerFields"]["account"] fields = data["triggerFields"] fieldsstr = json.dumps(fields) if "trigger_identity" not in data: print("[trigger_request] ERROR: trigger_identity field missing!") return json.dumps({"errors": [{"message": "Invalid data"}]}), 400 identity = data["trigger_identity"] limit = 50 if "limit" in data: limit = data["limit"] if account == "NL42BUNQ0123456789": return trigger_request_test(limit) timezone = "UTC" if "user" in data and "timezone" in data["user"]: timezone = data["user"]["timezone"] entity = storage.retrieve("trigger_request", identity) if entity is not None: if entity["account"] != account or \ json.dumps(entity["fields"]) != fieldsstr:"trigger_request", identity, { "account": account, "identity": identity, "fields": fields }) print("[trigger_request] updating trigger {} {}".format( account, fieldsstr)) else:"trigger_request", identity, { "account": account, "identity": identity, "fields": fields }) "request_" + identity, "0", { "value": { "created_at": "2018-01-05T11:25:15+00:00", "date": "2018-01-05", "amount": "0.00", "account": account, "counterparty_account": "NL11BANK1111111111", "counterparty_name": "Dummy Transaction", "description": "This is a dummy transaction", "request_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440001", "meta": { "id": "0", "timestamp": "1515151515" } } }) print("[trigger_request] storing new trigger {} {}".format( account, fieldsstr)) transactions = [] for entity in storage.query_all("request_" + identity): entity["value"]["created_at"] = arrow.get(\ entity["value"]["created_at"]).to(timezone).isoformat() transactions.append(entity["value"]) transactions = sorted(transactions, key=lambda k: -int(k["meta"]["timestamp"])) if len(transactions) > 50: for trans in transactions[50:]: storage.remove("request_" + identity, str(trans["meta"]["id"])) print("[trigger_request] Found {} transactions".format( len(transactions))) return json.dumps({"data": transactions[:limit]}) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() print("[trigger_request] ERROR: cannot retrieve requests") return json.dumps({"errors": [{"message": \ "Cannot retrieve requests"}]}), 400
def delete_event(request): storage.remove(model.event_to_json(event)) return 200, ''
def main(): if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() exit args = parser.parse_args() if args.fib: for x in fib.generate_fib_sequence(args.fib): print x if args.sto: storage = storage.Storage() while input != "exit": input = raw_input("Enter command:") items = input.split() if len(items) == 0: print "Command required" continue command = items[0] del(items[0]) if command == "add": for x in items: storage.add(x) elif command == "remove": for x in items: storage.remove(x) elif command == "find": for x in items: storage.find(x) elif command == "list": storage.list() elif command == "save": print items[0][0]) elif command == "load": storage.load(items[0]) elif command == "grep": storage.grep(items[0]) elif command != "exit": print "Invalid command" if args.text: try: with open(args.text, "r") as file: text = except IOError: print "File {} doesn't exist".format(args.text) print "Average wordcount:{}".format(text_statistics.average_wordcount(text)) print "Median wordcount: {}".format(text_statistics.median_wordcount(text)) print "Word count: {}".format(text_statistics.count_words(text)) try: n = raw_input("Enter N:") number = raw_input("Enter K:") print "Top {0} of {1}-grams is:".format(number, n) print text_statistics.top_ngrams(text, int(n), int(number)) except ValueError: print "Invalid input. Integer required!" if args.sort: try: with open(args.sort, "r") as file: ara ="\n", "").replace(" ", "").split(",") ara = map(int, ara) except IOError: print "File {} doesn't exist".format(args.sort) print "quick sort" sort.demo(ara, sort.quick_sort) print "merge sort" sort.demo(ara, sort.merge_sort) print "radix sort" sort.demo(ara, sort.radix_sort)