Esempio n. 1
def test_simulate_3():
    No photo-physics, spline PSF, sCMOS camera.

    # Only test for Python3 due to pickle incompatibility issues.
    if (sys.version_info < (3, 0)):

    dax_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_sim3.dax")
    bin_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_sim.hdf5")
    cal_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/calib.npy")
    spline_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_spliner_psf.spline")

    sim = simulate.Simulate(
        background_factory=lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data: background.
        UniformBackground(settings, xs, ys, i3data, photons=20),
        camera_factory=lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data: camera.SCMOS(
            settings, xs, ys, i3data, cal_name),
        photophysics_factory=lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data: photophysics.
        AlwaysOn(settings, xs, ys, i3data, 2000.0),
        psf_factory=lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data: psf.Spline(
            settings, xs, ys, i3data, 160.0, spline_name))

    sim.simulate(dax_name, bin_name, 5)
Esempio n. 2
def test_drift_correction():

    # Calculate drift correction.
    param_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_drift.xml")
    parameters = params.ParametersAnalysis().initFromFile(param_name)

    mlist_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_drift_mlist.bin")
    drift_output = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_drift_drift.txt")


    # Verify results.
    diffs = veri.verifyDriftCorrection(
        storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_drift.txt"), drift_output)

    if (diffs[0] > 0.1):
        raise Exception("Frame numbers do not match.")

    # These thresholds are somewhat arbitrary.
    if (diffs[1] > 0.1) or (diffs[2] > 0.1):
        raise Exception("XY drift correction error.")

    if (diffs[3] > 30.0):
        raise Exception("Z drift correction error.")
Esempio n. 3
def test_homotopy_psf():

    movie = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test.dax")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_olist.bin")
    psf = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("l1h_psf.psf")

    from storm_analysis.L1H.homotopy_psf import homotopyPSF
    homotopyPSF(movie, mlist, psf)
Esempio n. 4
def test_homotopy_psf():

    movie = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test.dax")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_olist.bin")
    psf = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("l1h_psf.psf")

    from storm_analysis.L1H.homotopy_psf import homotopyPSF
    homotopyPSF(movie, mlist, psf)
Esempio n. 5
def test_3ddao_2d_fixed_non_square():

    movie_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_300x200.dax")
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_3d_2d_fixed.xml")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_3d_2d_300x200.bin")

    from storm_analysis.daostorm_3d.mufit_analysis import analyze
    analyze(movie_name, mlist, settings)
Esempio n. 6
def test_3ddao_Z():

    movie_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test.dax")
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_3d_Z.xml")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_3d_Z.bin")

    from storm_analysis.daostorm_3d.mufit_analysis import analyze
    analyze(movie_name, mlist, settings)
Esempio n. 7
def test_measure_psf_2D():

    movie = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test.dax")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_ref.hdf5")
    psf = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_spliner_psf_2d.psf")

    from storm_analysis.spliner.measure_psf import measurePSF
    measurePSF(movie, "", mlist, psf, want2d=True, aoi_size=5)
Esempio n. 8
def test_measure_psf():

    movie = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_spliner.dax")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_spliner_ref.hdf5")
    psf = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_spliner_psf.psf")

    from storm_analysis.spliner.measure_psf import measurePSF
    measurePSF(movie, "", mlist, psf)
Esempio n. 9
def test_scmos_2d_fixed():

    movie_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test.dax")
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_sc_2d_fixed.xml")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_sc_2d_fixed.bin")

    from storm_analysis.sCMOS.scmos_analysis import analyze

    analyze(movie_name, mlist, settings)
Esempio n. 10
def create2DSpline():
    movie = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test.dax")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_ref.hdf5")
    psf = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_spliner_psf_2d.psf")
    spline = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_spliner_psf_2d.spline")


    measurePSF.measurePSF(movie, "", mlist, psf, want2d=True, aoi_size=5)
    psfToSpline.psfToSpline(psf, spline, 4)
def create2DSpline():
    movie = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test.dax")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_ref.hdf5")
    psf = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_spliner_psf_2d.psf")
    spline = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_spliner_psf_2d.spline")

    measurePSF.measurePSF(movie, "", mlist, psf, want2d = True, aoi_size = 5)
    psfToSpline.psfToSpline(psf, spline, 4)
Esempio n. 12
def create3DSpline():

    movie = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_spliner.dax")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_spliner_ref.hdf5")
    psf = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_spliner_psf.psf")
    spline = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_spliner_psf.spline")


    measurePSF.measurePSF(movie, "", mlist, psf, aoi_size=6)
    psfToSpline.psfToSpline(psf, spline, 5)
def create3DSpline():

    movie = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_spliner.dax")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_spliner_ref.hdf5")
    psf = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_spliner_psf.psf")
    spline = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_spliner_psf.spline")

    measurePSF.measurePSF(movie, "", mlist, psf, aoi_size = 6)
    psfToSpline.psfToSpline(psf, spline, 5)
Esempio n. 14
def test_l1h():
    # Test L1H.
    movie_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_l1h.dax")
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_l1h.xml")
    hres = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_l1h_list.hres")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_l1h_list.bin")


    from storm_analysis.L1H.cs_analysis import analyze
    analyze(movie_name, settings, hres, mlist)
Esempio n. 15
def test_3ddao_2d():

    movie_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test.dax")
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_3d_2d.xml")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_3d_2d.hdf5")

    from storm_analysis.daostorm_3d.mufit_analysis import analyze
    analyze(movie_name, mlist, settings)

    # Verify number of localizations found.
    num_locs = veri.verifyNumberLocalizations(mlist)
    if not veri.verifyIsCloseEnough(num_locs, 1970):
        raise Exception("3D-DAOSTORM 2D did not find the expected number of localizations.")
Esempio n. 16
def test_scmos_Z():

    movie_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test.dax")
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_sc_Z.xml")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_sc_Z.hdf5")
    from storm_analysis.sCMOS.scmos_analysis import analyze
    analyze(movie_name, mlist, settings)

    # Verify number of localizations found.
    num_locs = veri.verifyNumberLocalizations(mlist)
    if not veri.verifyIsCloseEnough(num_locs, 1942):
        raise Exception("sCMOS Z did not find the expected number of localizations.")
Esempio n. 17
def test_scmos_Z():

    movie_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test.dax")
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_sc_Z.xml")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_sc_Z.bin")

    from storm_analysis.sCMOS.scmos_analysis import analyze
    analyze(movie_name, mlist, settings)

    # Verify number of localizations found.
    num_locs = veri.verifyNumberLocalizations(mlist)
    if not veri.verifyIsCloseEnough(num_locs, 1958):
        raise Exception(
            "sCMOS Z did not find the expected number of localizations.")
Esempio n. 18
def test_tracker():
    # Test tracking.
    import shutil

    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_drift.xml")
    alist_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_drift_alist.bin")

    # Copy mlist so that it is in the same directory as alist.
    mlist_data = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_drift_mlist.bin")
    mlist_output = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_drift_mlist.bin")
    shutil.copyfile(mlist_data, mlist_output)

    from storm_analysis.sa_utilities.track_average_correct import trackAverageCorrect
    trackAverageCorrect(mlist_output, alist_name, settings)
Esempio n. 19
def test_tracker():

    # Test tracking.
    import shutil

    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_drift.xml")
    alist_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_drift_alist.bin")

    # Copy mlist so that it is in the same directory as alist.
    mlist_data = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_drift_mlist.bin")
    mlist_output = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_drift_mlist.bin")
    shutil.copyfile(mlist_data, mlist_output)

    from storm_analysis.sa_utilities.track_average_correct import trackAverageCorrect
    trackAverageCorrect(mlist_output, alist_name, settings)
Esempio n. 20
def test_simulate_3():
    No photo-physics, spline PSF, sCMOS camera.
    dax_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_sim3.dax")
    bin_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_sim_olist.bin")
    cal_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/calib.npy")
    spline_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_spliner_psf.spline")

    sim = simulate.Simulate(lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data : background.UniformBackground(settings, xs, ys, i3data, photons = 20),
                            lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data : camera.SCMOS(settings, xs, ys, i3data, 100.0, cal_name),
                            lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data : photophysics.AlwaysOn(settings, xs, ys, i3data, 2000.0),
                            lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data : psf.Spline(settings, xs, ys, i3data, 160.0, spline_name))
    sim.simulate(dax_name, bin_name, 5)
Esempio n. 21
def test_3ddao_Z():

    movie_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test.dax")
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_3d_Z.xml")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_3d_Z.hdf5")

    from storm_analysis.daostorm_3d.mufit_analysis import analyze
    analyze(movie_name, mlist, settings)

    # Verify number of localizations found.
    num_locs = veri.verifyNumberLocalizations(mlist)
    if not veri.verifyIsCloseEnough(num_locs, 1955):
        raise Exception(
            "3D-DAOSTORM Z did not find the expected number of localizations.")
def test_wavelet_bgr():

    movie_in = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_bg_sub.dax")
    movie_out = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_bg_sub_wbgr.dax")

    from storm_analysis.wavelet_bgr.wavelet_bgr import waveletBGRSub
    waveletBGRSub(movie_in, movie_out, "db4", 2, 2, 10)
Esempio n. 23
def test_scmos_scmos_cal():
    Test that scmos calibration data is initialized correctly.
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_sc_2d_fixed.xml")
    parameters = params.ParametersSCMOS().initFromFile(settings)

    # Create analysis object and reach deep into it..
    find_fit = findPeaks.initFindAndFit(parameters)
    fitter = find_fit.peak_fitter
    mfitter = fitter.mfitter

    # Get sCMOS calibration value.
    scmos_cal_value = mfitter.scmos_cal[0, 0]

    # Initialize with an image.
    image = numpy.ones(mfitter.scmos_cal.shape)

    # Verify that the image has the sCMOS term added.
    resp = mfitter.getResidual()
    assert (numpy.max(resp - (1.0 + scmos_cal_value)) < 1.0e-6)

    # Cleanup.
def test_rolling_ball():

    movie_in = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_bg_sub.dax")
    movie_out = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_bg_sub_rb.dax")
    from storm_analysis.rolling_ball_bgr.rolling_ball import rollingBallSub
    rollingBallSub(movie_in, movie_out, 10, 1)
Esempio n. 25
def test_dbscan_clustering():

    # Test dbscan
    import shutil

    # Copy alist to the output directory so that the DBSCAN results end up in the right place.
    alist_data = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_clustering_list.bin")
    alist_output = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest(
    shutil.copyfile(alist_data, alist_output)

    from storm_analysis.dbscan.dbscan_analysis import dbscanAnalysis
    dbscanAnalysis(alist_output, 0)

    # Verify number of clusters found.
    stats_file = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest(
    n_clusters = len(open(stats_file).readlines())
    if (n_clusters != 99):
        raise Exception(
            "DBSCAN did not identify the expected number of clusters.")

    # Make pictures.
    clist_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest(
    image_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_clustering_db")

    from storm_analysis.dbscan.cluster_images import clusterImages
    clusterImages(clist_name, "DBSCAN Clustering", 50, 20, image_name,
                  [256, 256])
Esempio n. 26
def test_simulate_2():
    (Simple) STORM photo-physics, pure astigmatism PSF, EMCCD camera.
    dax_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_sim2.dax")
    bin_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_sim.hdf5")

    sim = simulate.Simulate(
        background_factory=lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data: background.
        UniformBackground(settings, xs, ys, i3data, photons=20),
        camera_factory=lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data: camera.EMCCD(
        photophysics_factory=lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data: photophysics.
        SimpleSTORM(settings, xs, ys, i3data, 4000.0, off_time=10.0),
        psf_factory=lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data: psf.PupilFunction(
            settings, xs, ys, i3data, 160.0, [[1.3, 2, 2]]),

    sim.simulate(dax_name, bin_name, 5)
Esempio n. 27
def test_fitz_c_5():
    Test that fitz_c.wXwYCurveDistance works correctly.
    # Load 3D parameters.
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_3d_3d.xml")
    parameters = params.ParametersDAO().initFromFile(settings)

    [wx_params, wy_params] = parameters.getWidthParams()
    [min_z, max_z] = parameters.getZRange()
    pixel_size = parameters.getAttr("pixel_size")

    # Calculate widths.
    z_vals = numpy.arange(-250.0, 251.0, 50)
    [sx, sy] = fitzC.calcSxSy(wx_params, wy_params, z_vals)

    # Distances should be very close to zero.
    dist = fitzC.wXwYCurveDistance(wx_params, wy_params, 2.0*sx, 2.0*sy, min_z, max_z, 0.001)
    assert numpy.allclose(dist, numpy.zeros(sx.size))

    # First distance should be larger.
    sx[0] += 10.0
    dist = fitzC.wXwYCurveDistance(wx_params, wy_params, 2.0*sx, 2.0*sy, min_z, max_z, 0.001)

    expected = numpy.zeros(sx.size)
    expected[0] = 0.0345862
    assert numpy.allclose(dist, expected)
Esempio n. 28
def test_fitz_c_5():
    Test that fitz_c.wXwYCurveDistance works correctly.
    # Load 3D parameters.
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_3d_3d.xml")
    parameters = params.ParametersDAO().initFromFile(settings)

    [wx_params, wy_params] = parameters.getWidthParams()
    [min_z, max_z] = parameters.getZRange()
    pixel_size = parameters.getAttr("pixel_size")

    # Calculate widths.
    z_vals = numpy.arange(-250.0, 251.0, 50)
    [sx, sy] = fitzC.calcSxSy(wx_params, wy_params, z_vals)

    # Distances should be very close to zero.
    dist = fitzC.wXwYCurveDistance(wx_params, wy_params, 2.0 * sx, 2.0 * sy,
                                   min_z, max_z, 0.001)
    assert numpy.allclose(dist, numpy.zeros(sx.size))

    # First distance should be larger.
    sx[0] += 10.0
    dist = fitzC.wXwYCurveDistance(wx_params, wy_params, 2.0 * sx, 2.0 * sy,
                                   min_z, max_z, 0.001)

    expected = numpy.zeros(sx.size)
    expected[0] = 0.0345862
    assert numpy.allclose(dist, expected)
Esempio n. 29
def test_frc():
    mlist_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_drift_mlist.bin")
    results_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_drift_frc.txt")

    from storm_analysis.frc.frc_calc2d import frcCalc2d

    frcCalc2d(mlist_name, results_name, False)
Esempio n. 30
def test_3ddao_2d_fixed_gt_text():
    Start fitting from ground truth locations (text file version).
    movie_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test.dax")
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_3d_2d_fixed_gt_text.xml")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_3d_2d_fixed_gt_text.hdf5")

    from storm_analysis.daostorm_3d.mufit_analysis import analyze
    analyze(movie_name, mlist, settings)

    # Verify number of localizations found.
    num_locs = veri.verifyNumberLocalizations(mlist)
    if not veri.verifyIsCloseEnough(num_locs, 200):
        raise Exception("3D-DAOSTORM 2D fixed ground truth did not find the expected number of localizations.")    
Esempio n. 31
def test_3ddao_2d_fixed_non_square():

    movie_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_300x200.dax")
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_3d_2d_fixed.xml")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_3d_2d_300x200.bin")

    from storm_analysis.daostorm_3d.mufit_analysis import analyze
    analyze(movie_name, mlist, settings)

    # Verify number of localizations found.
    num_locs = veri.verifyNumberLocalizations(mlist)
    if not veri.verifyIsCloseEnough(num_locs, 991):
        raise Exception(
            "3D-DAOSTORM 2D fixed non square did not find the expected number of localizations."
Esempio n. 32
def test_voronoi_clustering():

    # Test voronoi
    alist_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_clustering_list.bin")
    output_dir = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("./")

    from storm_analysis.voronoi.voronoi_analysis import voronoiAnalysis
    voronoiAnalysis(alist_name, 0.1, output_dir)

    # Verify number of clusters found.
    stats_file = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest(
    n_clusters = len(open(stats_file).readlines())
    if (n_clusters != 100):
        raise Exception(
            "Voronoi did not identify the expected number of clusters.")

    # Make pictures.
    clist_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest(
    image_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_clustering_vr")

    from storm_analysis.dbscan.cluster_images import clusterImages
    clusterImages(clist_name, "Voronoi Clustering", 50, 20, image_name,
                  [256, 256])
Esempio n. 33
def test_rcc():

    mlist_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_drift_mlist.bin")
    drift_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_drift.txt")

    from storm_analysis.rcc.rcc_drift_correction import rccDriftCorrection
    rccDriftCorrection(mlist_name, drift_name, 2000, 1, True, False)
Esempio n. 34
def test_scmos_scmos_cal():
    Test that scmos calibration data is initialized correctly.
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_sc_2d_fixed.xml")
    parameters = params.ParametersSCMOS().initFromFile(settings)

    # Create analysis object and reach deep into it..
    find_fit = findPeaks.initFindAndFit(parameters)
    fitter = find_fit.peak_fitter
    mfitter = fitter.mfitter

    # Get sCMOS calibration value.
    scmos_cal_value = mfitter.scmos_cal[0,0]
    # Initialize with an image.
    image = numpy.ones(mfitter.scmos_cal.shape)

    # Verify that the image has the sCMOS term added.
    resp = mfitter.getResidual()
    assert(numpy.max(resp - (1.0 + scmos_cal_value)) < 1.0e-6)

    # Cleanup.
Esempio n. 35
def test_rolling_ball():

    movie_in = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_bg_sub.dax")
    movie_out = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_bg_sub_rb.dax")

    from storm_analysis.rolling_ball_bgr.rolling_ball import rollingBallSub
    rollingBallSub(movie_in, movie_out, 10, 1)
Esempio n. 36
def test_scmos_3d():

    movie_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test.dax")
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_sc_3d.xml")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_sc_3d.hdf5")
    from storm_analysis.sCMOS.scmos_analysis import analyze
    analyze(movie_name, mlist, settings)

    # Verify number of localizations found.
    num_locs = veri.verifyNumberLocalizations(mlist)
    if not veri.verifyIsCloseEnough(num_locs, 1950):
        raise Exception("sCMOS 3D did not find the expected number of localizations.")

    # Verify that the Z values actually got calculated.
    if not veri.verifyZWasCalculated(mlist):
        raise Exception("Z values were not calculated for sCMOS 3D fitting.")
Esempio n. 37
def test_3ddao_2d_fixed_gt_text():
    Start fitting from ground truth locations (text file version).
    movie_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test.dax")
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_3d_2d_fixed_gt_text.xml")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_3d_2d_fixed_gt_text.hdf5")

    from storm_analysis.daostorm_3d.mufit_analysis import analyze
    analyze(movie_name, mlist, settings)

    # Verify number of localizations found.
    num_locs = veri.verifyNumberLocalizations(mlist)
    if not veri.verifyIsCloseEnough(num_locs, 200):
        raise Exception(
            "3D-DAOSTORM 2D fixed ground truth did not find the expected number of localizations."
Esempio n. 38
def test_spliner_std_2D():

    # Only test for Python3 due to pickle incompatibility issues.
    if (sys.version_info < (3, 0)):

    movie_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test.dax")
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_spliner_2D.xml")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_spliner_2D.hdf5")

    from storm_analysis.spliner.spline_analysis import analyze
    analyze(movie_name, mlist, settings)

    # Verify number of localizations found.
    num_locs = veri.verifyNumberLocalizations(mlist)
    if not veri.verifyIsCloseEnough(num_locs, 2004):
        raise Exception(
            "Spliner 2D did not find the expected number of localizations.")
Esempio n. 39
def test_get_help_1():
    Test getting help.
    # Load some parameters.
    original = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_3d_2d_fixed.xml")
    p1 = params.ParametersDAO().initFromFile(original, warnings=True)

    v1 = p1.helpAttr("max_frame")
    v1 = p1.helpAttr("convert_to")
Esempio n. 40
def test_scmos_3d():

    movie_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test.dax")
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_sc_3d.xml")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_sc_3d.hdf5")

    from storm_analysis.sCMOS.scmos_analysis import analyze
    analyze(movie_name, mlist, settings)

    # Verify number of localizations found.
    num_locs = veri.verifyNumberLocalizations(mlist)
    if not veri.verifyIsCloseEnough(num_locs, 1950):
        raise Exception(
            "sCMOS 3D did not find the expected number of localizations.")

    # Verify that the Z values actually got calculated.
    if not veri.verifyZWasCalculated(mlist):
        raise Exception("Z values were not calculated for sCMOS 3D fitting.")
Esempio n. 41
def test_l1h():

    # Test L1H.
    movie_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_l1h.dax")
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_l1h.xml")
    hres = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_l1h_list.hres")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_l1h_list.bin")


    from storm_analysis.L1H.cs_analysis import analyze
    analyze(movie_name, settings, hres, mlist)

    # Verify number of localizations found.
    num_locs = veri.verifyNumberLocalizations(mlist)
    if not veri.verifyIsCloseEnough(num_locs, 1986):
        raise Exception(
            "L1H did not find the expected number of localizations.")
Esempio n. 42
def test_get_attr_3():
    Test getting parameters.
    # Load some parameters.
    original = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_3d_2d_fixed.xml")
    p1 = params.ParametersDAO().initFromFile(original, warnings=True)

    v1 = p1.getAttr("start_frame")
    v1 = p1.getAttr("x_start", 1)
Esempio n. 43
def test_simulate_3():
    No photo-physics, spline PSF, sCMOS camera.
    # Only test for Python3 due to pickle incompatibility issues.
    if (sys.version_info < (3, 0)):
    dax_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_sim3.dax")
    bin_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_sim.hdf5")
    cal_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/calib.npy")
    spline_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_spliner_psf.spline")

    sim = simulate.Simulate(background_factory = lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data : background.UniformBackground(settings, xs, ys, i3data, photons = 20),
                            camera_factory = lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data : camera.SCMOS(settings, xs, ys, i3data, cal_name),
                            photophysics_factory = lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data : photophysics.AlwaysOn(settings, xs, ys, i3data, 2000.0),
                            psf_factory = lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data : psf.Spline(settings, xs, ys, i3data, 160.0, spline_name))
    sim.simulate(dax_name, bin_name, 5)
def test_pretty_print_1():
    # This just tests that it doesn't fail. It does not check the
    # formatting of the output file.

    original = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_3d_2d_fixed.xml")
    output = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_pp1.xml")

    # Load parameters.
    p1 = params.ParametersDAO().initFromFile(original, warnings=True)

    # Convert back to XML.
    p1.toXMLFile(output, pretty=True)
Esempio n. 45
def _test_l1h():
    # Test L1H.
    movie_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_l1h.dax")
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_l1h.xml")
    hres = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_l1h_list.hres")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_l1h_list.bin")


    from storm_analysis.L1H.cs_analysis import analyze
    analyze(movie_name, settings, hres, mlist)

    # Verify number of localizations found.
    # FIXME: Change L1H to use the HDF5 format.
    num_locs = readinsight3.loadI3File(mlist)["x"].size
    if not veri.verifyIsCloseEnough(num_locs, 1986):        
        raise Exception("L1H did not find the expected number of localizations.")
Esempio n. 46
def _test_rcc_1():
    Test RCC drift correction.
    # Calculate drift correction.
    param_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_drift.xml")    
    parameters = params.ParametersCommon().initFromFile(param_name)
    data_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_drift.hdf5")
    h5_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_rcc_hdf5.hdf5")
    # Make a copy of the original as it will get modified and then
    # git will pick this up.
    shutil.copyfile(data_name, h5_name)
    drift_output = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_drift_drift.txt")

    [min_z, max_z] = parameters.getZRange()

    # Verify results.
    diffs = veri.verifyDriftCorrection(storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_drift.txt"),
    if (diffs[0] > 0.1):
        raise Exception("Frame numbers do not match.")

    # These thresholds are somewhat arbitrary.
    if (diffs[1] > 0.1) or (diffs[2] > 0.1):
        raise Exception("XY drift correction error.")

    if (diffs[3] > 0.03):
        raise Exception("Z drift correction error.")    
Esempio n. 47
def _test_l1h():

    # Test L1H.
    movie_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_l1h.dax")
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_l1h.xml")
    hres = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_l1h_list.hres")
    mlist = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_l1h_list.bin")


    from storm_analysis.L1H.cs_analysis import analyze
    analyze(movie_name, settings, hres, mlist)

    # Verify number of localizations found.
    # FIXME: Change L1H to use the HDF5 format.
    num_locs = readinsight3.loadI3File(mlist)["x"].size
    if not veri.verifyIsCloseEnough(num_locs, 1986):
        raise Exception(
            "L1H did not find the expected number of localizations.")
Esempio n. 48
def test_rcc():

    # Calculate drift correction.
    mlist_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_drift_mlist.bin")
    drift_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_rcc_drift.txt")

    from storm_analysis.rcc.rcc_drift_correction import rccDriftCorrection
    rccDriftCorrection(mlist_name, drift_name, 1000, 1, True, False)

    # Verify results.
    diffs = veri.verifyDriftCorrection(
        storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_drift.txt"), drift_name)

    if (diffs[0] > 0.1):
        raise Exception("Frame numbers do not match.")

    # These thresholds are somewhat arbitrary.
    if (diffs[1] > 0.1) or (diffs[2] > 0.1):
        raise Exception("XY drift correction error.")

    if (diffs[3] > 30.0):
        raise Exception("Z drift correction error.")
Esempio n. 49
def test_voronoi_clustering():
    # Test voronoi
    alist_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_drift_alist.bin")
    output_dir = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("./")

    from storm_analysis.voronoi.voronoi_analysis import voronoiAnalysis
    voronoiAnalysis(alist_name, 1.25, output_dir)

    clist_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_drift_asrt_size_list.bin")
    image_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_drift_vr")

    from storm_analysis.dbscan.cluster_images import clusterImages
    clusterImages(clist_name, "Voronoi Clustering", 50, 20, image_name, [256, 256])
Esempio n. 50
def test_simulate_1():
    No photo-physics, simple PSF, ideal camera.
    dax_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_sim1.dax")
    bin_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_sim.hdf5")

    sim = simulate.Simulate(background_factory = lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data : background.UniformBackground(settings, xs, ys, i3data),
                            camera_factory = lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data : camera.Ideal(settings, xs, ys, i3data, 100.0),
                            photophysics_factory = lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data : photophysics.AlwaysOn(settings, xs, ys, i3data, 1000.0),
                            psf_factory = lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data : psf.GaussianPSF(settings, xs, ys, i3data, 160.0),
                            x_size = 100, y_size = 75)

    sim.simulate(dax_name, bin_name, 5)
Esempio n. 51
def test_simulate_2():
    (Simple) STORM photo-physics, pure astigmatism PSF, EMCCD camera.
    dax_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_sim2.dax")
    bin_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_sim.hdf5")

    sim = simulate.Simulate(background_factory = lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data : background.UniformBackground(settings, xs, ys, i3data, photons = 20),
                            camera_factory = lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data : camera.EMCCD(settings, xs, ys, i3data, 100.0, emccd_gain = 5.0, preamp_gain = 1.0, read_noise = 5),
                            photophysics_factory = lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data : photophysics.SimpleSTORM(settings, xs, ys, i3data, 4000.0, off_time = 10.0),
                            psf_factory = lambda settings, xs, ys, i3data : psf.PupilFunction(settings, xs, ys, i3data, 160.0, [[1.3, 2, 2]]),
                            x_size = 100, y_size = 75)
    sim.simulate(dax_name, bin_name, 5)
Esempio n. 52
def test_get_help_2():
    Test getting help with a parameter that does not exist.
    # Load some parameters.
    original = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_3d_2d_fixed.xml")
    p1 = params.ParametersDAO().initFromFile(original, warnings=True)

        v1 = p1.helpAttr("foo")
    except params.ParametersException:

    assert False
Esempio n. 53
def test_get_attr_2():
    Test no such parameter with default value.
    # Load some parameters.
    original = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_3d_2d_fixed.xml")
    p1 = params.ParametersDAO().initFromFile(original, warnings=True)

        v1 = p1.getAttr("foo", default="bar")
    except params.ParametersException:

    assert False
Esempio n. 54
def test_psf_spline3D_1():
    Test that spline PSF agrees with spliner (for 0.0 offset).
    # Only test for Python3 due to pickle incompatibility issues.
    if (sys.version_info < (3, 0)):
    spline_name = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_spliner_psf.spline")
    psf_sp_3d = psf.Spline3D(spline_name)
    sp_3d = splineToPSF.SplineToPSF3D(spline_name)

    psf_im = psf_sp_3d.getPSF(0.1, 0.0, 0.0)
    sp_im = sp_3d.getPSF(0.1, normalize = False)

    assert numpy.allclose(psf_im, sp_im)
Esempio n. 55
def test_dbscan_clustering():
    # Test dbscan
    import shutil

    # Copy alist to the output directory so that the DBSCAN results end up in the right place.
    alist_data = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_drift_alist.bin")
    alist_output = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_drift_alist.bin")
    shutil.copyfile(alist_data, alist_output)    
    from storm_analysis.dbscan.dbscan_analysis import dbscanAnalysis
    dbscanAnalysis(alist_output, 0)

    clist_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_drift_aclusters_size_list.bin")
    image_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_drift_db")

    from storm_analysis.dbscan.cluster_images import clusterImages
    clusterImages(clist_name, "DBSCAN Clustering", 50, 20, image_name, [256, 256])
Esempio n. 56
def test_fitz_c_4():
    Test that tracks with wx, wy values that are not near the calibration 
    curve are assigned z values less than z minimum.

    Their category remains unchanged as this is done in a separate step.
    # Load 3D parameters.
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_3d_3d.xml")
    parameters = params.ParametersDAO().initFromFile(settings)

    [wx_params, wy_params] = parameters.getWidthParams()
    [min_z, max_z] = parameters.getZRange()
    pixel_size = parameters.getAttr("pixel_size")

    # Calculate widths.
    z_vals = numpy.arange(-250.0, 251.0, 50)
    [sx, sy] = fitzC.calcSxSy(wx_params, wy_params, z_vals)

    # Create HDF5 file with these widths.
    track_length = numpy.ones(sx.size)
    track_length[:2] = 2
    tracks = {"category" : numpy.ones(sx.size, dtype = numpy.int32),
              "track_length" : track_length,
              "x" : numpy.zeros(sx.size),
              "xsigma" : track_length*(sx/pixel_size + numpy.ones(sx.size)),
              "ysigma" : track_length*(sy/pixel_size + numpy.ones(sx.size))}

    h5_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_sa_hdf5.hdf5")
    with saH5Py.SAH5Py(h5_name, is_existing = False) as h5:
        h5.setMovieInformation(256, 256, 10, "XYZZY")

    # Calculate Z values.
    fitzC.fitzTracks(h5_name, 1.5, wx_params, wy_params, min_z, max_z, 1.0e-3)

    # Check Z values.
    with saH5Py.SAH5Py(h5_name) as h5:
        for tracks in h5.tracksIterator():
            assert(numpy.allclose(tracks["z"], min_z*numpy.ones(sx.size)-1.0e-3))
            assert(numpy.allclose(tracks["category"], numpy.ones(sx.size)))
Esempio n. 57
def test_psf_2D_dy():

    # Only test for Python3 due to pickle incompatibility issues.
    if (sys.version_info < (3, 0)):
    spline_filename = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_spliner_psf_2d.spline")
    with open(spline_filename, "rb") as fp:
        spline_data = pickle.load(fp)

    py_spline = spline2D.Spline2D(spline_data["spline"], spline_data["coeff"])
    c_spline = cubicSplineC.CSpline2D(py_spline)

    size = py_spline.getSize() - 1.0e-6

    for i in range(reps):
        x = random.uniform(1.0e-6, size)
        y = random.uniform(1.0e-6, size)
        #print("{0:.3f} {1:.3f}".format(py_spline.dyf(x, y), c_spline.dyf(x, y)))
        assert (abs(py_spline.dyf(x, y) - c_spline.dyf(x, y)) < 1.0e-6)
def test_std_analysis_1():
    Test zCheck.
    # Load 3D parameters.
    settings = storm_analysis.getData("test/data/test_3d_3d.xml")
    parameters = params.ParametersDAO().initFromFile(settings)

    [min_z, max_z] = parameters.getZRange()
    assert(abs(min_z + 0.5) < 1.0e-6)
    assert(abs(max_z - 0.5) < 1.0e-6)
    # Create HDF5 file with localizations and tracks.
    zvals = numpy.arange(-1.0, 1.05, 0.2)
    peaks = {"category" : numpy.ones(zvals.size, dtype = numpy.int32),
             "x" : numpy.zeros(zvals.size),
             "z" : zvals}

    h5_name = storm_analysis.getPathOutputTest("test_sa_hdf5.hdf5")
    with saH5Py.SAH5Py(h5_name, is_existing = False) as h5:
        h5.setMovieInformation(256, 256, 10, "XYZZY")
        h5.addLocalizations(peaks, 1)

    # Run z check on the file.
    stdAnalysis.zCheck(h5_name, parameters)

    # Check track and localization categories.
    category = numpy.ones(zvals.size, dtype = numpy.int32)
    z_mask = (zvals < min_z) | (zvals > max_z)
    category[z_mask] = 9
    with saH5Py.SAH5Py(h5_name) as h5:
        for fnum, locs in h5.localizationsIterator(fields = ["category"]):
            assert(numpy.allclose(locs["category"], category))

        for tracks in h5.tracksIterator(fields = ["category"]):
            assert(numpy.allclose(tracks["category"], category))