Esempio n. 1
def main(argv):
	Print dimensions of HDF5 file
    # Get the parameters:

    infile = argv[0]

    f = getHDF5(infile, 'r')

    if "/tomo" in f:
        dset = f['tomo']
        dset = f['exchange/data']

    print("Projections: " + tdf.get_nr_projs(dset))
    print("Slices: " + tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset))
    print("DetectorSize: " + tdf.get_det_size(dset))
def main(argv):          
	"""To do...



	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	sino_idx = int(argv[0])
	# Get paths:
	infile = argv[1]
	outfile = argv[2]

	# Essential reconstruction parameters:
	angles = float(argv[3])	
	offset = float(argv[4])
	recpar = argv[5]	
	scale = int(float(argv[6]))
	overpad = True if argv[7] == "True" else False
	logtrsf = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
	circle = True if argv[9] == "True" else False
	# Parameters for on-the-fly pre-processing:
	preprocessing_required = True if argv[10] == "True" else False		
	flat_end = True if argv[11] == "True" else False		
	half_half = True if argv[12] == "True" else False
	half_half_line = int(argv[13])
	ext_fov = True if argv[14] == "True" else False
	norm_sx = int(argv[19])
	norm_dx = int(argv[20])	
	ext_fov_rot_right = argv[15]
	if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
		ext_fov_rot_right = True
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_sx = 0
		ext_fov_rot_right = False
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_dx = 0
	ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[16])
	ext_fov_normalize = True if argv[17] == "True" else False
	ext_fov_average = True if argv[18] == "True" else False
	skip_ringrem = True if argv[21] == "True" else False
	ringrem = argv[22]
	# Extra reconstruction parameters:
	zerone_mode = True if argv[23] == "True" else False		
	corr_offset = float(argv[24])
	reconmethod = argv[25]	
	# Force overpadding in case of GRIDREC for unknown reasons:
	if reconmethod == "GRIDREC":
		overpad = True
	decim_factor = int(argv[26])
	downsc_factor = int(argv[27])
	# Parameters for postprocessing:
	postprocess_required = True if argv[28] == "True" else False
	polarfilt_opt = argv[29]
	convert_opt = argv[30]
	crop_opt = argv[31]

	# Parameters for on-the-fly phase retrieval:
	phaseretrieval_required = True if argv[32] == "True" else False		
	phrtmethod = int(argv[33])
	phrt_param1 = double(argv[34])   # param1( e.g.  regParam, or beta)
	phrt_param2 = double(argv[35])   # param2( e.g.  thresh or delta)
	energy = double(argv[36])
	distance = double(argv[37])    
	pixsize = double(argv[38]) / 1000.0 # pixsixe from micron to mm:
	phrtpad = True if argv[39] == "True" else False
	approx_win = int(argv[40])	

	angles_projfrom = int(argv[41])	
	angles_projto = int(argv[42])	

	rolling = True if argv[43] == "True" else False
	roll_shift = int(int(argv[44]) / decim_factor)

	preprocessingplan_fromcache = True if argv[45] == "True" else False
	dynamic_ff = True if argv[46] == "True" else False

	nr_threads = int(argv[47])	
	tmppath = argv[48]	
	if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep
	logfilename = argv[49]		
	# Open the HDF5 file:
	f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
	if "/tomo" in f_in:
		dset = f_in['tomo']	
		dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in:
			prov_dset = f_in['provenance/detector_output']				
	dset_min = -1
	dset_max = -1
	if (zerone_mode):
		if ('min' in dset.attrs):
			dset_min = float(dset.attrs['min'])								
			zerone_mode = False
		if ('max' in dset.attrs):
			dset_max = float(dset.attrs['max'])				
			zerone_mode = False	
	num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset) # Pay attention to the downscale factor
	if (num_sinos == 0):	

	# Check extrema:
	if (sino_idx >= num_sinos / downsc_factor):
		sino_idx = num_sinos / downsc_factor - 1
	# Get correction plan and phase retrieval plan (if required):
	skipflat = False
	corrplan = 0	
	im_dark = 0
	EFF = 0
	filtEFF = 0
	if (preprocessing_required):
		if not dynamic_ff:
			# Load flat fielding plan either from cache (if required) or from TDF file
			# and cache it for faster re-use:
			if (preprocessingplan_fromcache):
					corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
				except Exception as e:
					#print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
					corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
					if (isscalar(corrplan['im_flat']) and isscalar(corrplan['im_flat_after'])):
						skipflat = True
						plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)		
				corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)		
				if (isscalar(corrplan['im_flat']) and isscalar(corrplan['im_flat_after'])):
					skipflat = True
					plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)	

			# Dowscale flat and dark images if necessary:
			if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray):
				corrplan['im_flat'] = corrplan['im_flat'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]		
			if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray):
				corrplan['im_dark'] = corrplan['im_dark'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]	
			if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray):
				corrplan['im_flat_after'] = corrplan['im_flat_after'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]	
			if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray):
				corrplan['im_dark_after'] = corrplan['im_dark_after'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]			

			# Dynamic flat fielding:
			if "/tomo" in f_in:				
				if "/flat" in f_in:
					flat_dset = f_in['flat']
					if "/dark" in f_in:
						im_dark = _medianize(f_in['dark'])
						skipdark = True
					skipflat = True # Nothing to do in this case
				if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
					flat_dset = f_in['/exchange/data_white']
					if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in:
						im_dark = _medianize(f_in['/exchange/data_dark'])	
						skipdark = True
					skipflat = True # Nothing to do in this case
			# Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
			if not skipflat:
				EFF, filtEFF = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset, 16, im_dark)

				# Downscale images if necessary:
				im_dark = im_dark[::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]
				EFF = EFF[::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor,:]	
				filtEFF = filtEFF[::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor,:]	

	# Run computation:
	process(sino_idx, num_sinos, infile, outfile, preprocessing_required, corrplan, skipflat, norm_sx, 
				norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, 
				ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average, ringrem, phaseretrieval_required, phrtmethod, phrt_param1, 
				phrt_param2, energy, distance, pixsize, phrtpad, approx_win, angles, angles_projfrom, 
				angles_projto, offset, logtrsf, recpar, circle, scale, overpad, reconmethod, rolling, 
				roll_shift, zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset, 
				postprocess_required, polarfilt_opt, convert_opt, crop_opt, dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, 
                im_dark, nr_threads, logfilename, tmppath)		
Esempio n. 3
def dff_prepare_plan(white_dset, repetitions, dark):
    """ Prepare the Eigen Flat Fields (EFFs) and the filtered EFFs to
	be used for dynamic flat fielding.

	(Function to be called once before the actual filtering of each projection).
	white_dset : array_like
		3D matrix where each flat field image is stacked along the 3rd dimension.

	repetitions: int
		Number of iterations to consider during parallel analysis.

	dark : array_like
		Single dark image (perhaps the average of a series) to be subtracted from
		each flat field image. If the images are already dark corrected or dark
		correction is not required (e.g. due to a photon counting detector) a matrix
		of the proper shape with zeros has to be passed.

	Return value
	EFF : array_like
		Eigen flat fields stacked along the 3rd dimension.

	filtEFF : array_like
		Filtered eigen flat fields stacked along the 3rd dimension.

	In this implementation all the collected white field images have to be loaded into
	memory and an internal 32-bit copy of the white fields is created. Considering also
	that the method better performs with several (i.e. hundreds) flat field images, this 
	function might raise memory errors.

	V. Van Nieuwenhove, J. De Beenhouwer, F. De Carlo, L. Mancini, F. Marone, 
	and J. Sijbers, "Dynamic intensity normalization using eigen flat fields 
	in X-ray imaging", Optics Express, 23(11), 27975-27989, 2015.

    # Get dimensions of flat-field (or white-field) images:
    num_flats = get_nr_projs(white_dset) / 4
    num_rows = get_nr_sinos(white_dset)
    num_cols = get_det_size(white_dset)

    # Create local copy of white-field dataset:
    tmp_dset = zeros((num_rows * num_cols, num_flats), dtype=float32)
    avg = zeros((num_rows * num_cols), dtype=float32)

    # For all the flat images:
    for i in range(0, tmp_dset.shape[1]):

        # Read i-th flat image and dark-correct:
        tmp_dset[:, i] = read_tomo(
            i).astype(float32).flatten() - dark.astype(float32).flatten()

        # Sum the image:
        avg = avg + tmp_dset[:, i]

    # Compute the mean:
    avg = avg / num_flats

    # Subtract mean white-field:
    for i in range(0, tmp_dset.shape[1]):
        tmp_dset[:, i] = tmp_dset[:, i] - avg

    # Calculate the number of Eigen Flat Fields (EFF) to use:
    V, nrEFF = _parallelAnalysis(tmp_dset, repetitions)

    # Compute the EFFs (0-th image is the average "conventional" flat field):
    EFF = zeros((num_rows, num_cols, nrEFF + 1), dtype=float32)
    EFF[:, :, 0] = avg.reshape((num_rows, num_cols))
    for i in range(0, nrEFF):
        EFF[:, :, i + 1] = dot(tmp_dset, V[:, num_flats - (i + 1)]).reshape(
            (num_rows, num_cols))

    # Filter the EFFs:
    filtEFF = zeros((num_rows, num_cols, 1 + nrEFF), dtype=float32)
    for i in range(1, 1 + nrEFF):
        filtEFF[:, :, i] = median_filter(EFF[:, :, i], 3)

    return EFF, filtEFF
def main(argv):          
	"""Try to guess the center of rotation of the input CT dataset.

    infile  : array_like
        HDF5 input dataset

    outfile : string
        Full path where the identified center of rotation will be written as output

	scale   : int
        If sub-pixel precision is interesting, use e.g. 2.0 to get a center of rotation 
		of .5 value. Use 1.0 if sub-pixel precision is not required

	angles  : int
        Total number of angles of the input dataset	

	proj_from : int
        Initial projections to consider for the assumed angles

	proj_to : int
        Final projections to consider for the assumed angles

	method : string
		(not implemented yet)

	tmppath : string
        Temporary path where look for cached flat/dark files
	# Get path:
	infile  = argv[0]          # The HDF5 file on the
	outfile = argv[1]          # The txt file with the proposed center
	scale   = float(argv[2])
	angles  = float(argv[3])
	proj_from  = int(argv[4])
	proj_to  = int(argv[5])
	method  = argv[6]
	tmppath = argv[7]	
	if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep	


	# Create a silly temporary log:
	tmplog  = tmppath + basename(infile) + str(time.time())
	# Open the HDF5 file (take into account also older TDF versions):
	f_in = getHDF5( infile, 'r' )
	if "/tomo" in f_in:
		dset = f_in['tomo']
		dset = f_in['exchange/data']
	num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)	
	num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)	

	# Get flats and darks from cache or from file:
		corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
	except Exception as e:
		#print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
		corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, True, tmplog)
		plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)

	# Get first and the 180 deg projections: 	
	im1 = tdf.read_tomo(dset,proj_from).astype(float32)	

	idx = int(round( (proj_to - proj_from)/angles * pi)) + proj_from
	im2 = tdf.read_tomo(dset,idx).astype(float32)		

	# Apply simple flat fielding (if applicable):
	if (isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray) and isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray) and
		isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray) and isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray)) :		
		im1 = ((abs(im1 - corrplan['im_dark'])) / (abs(corrplan['im_flat'] - corrplan['im_dark']) 
			+ finfo(float32).eps)).astype(float32)	
		im2 = ((abs(im2 - corrplan['im_dark_after'])) / (abs(corrplan['im_flat_after'] - corrplan['im_dark_after']) 
			+ finfo(float32).eps)).astype(float32)	

	# Scale projections (if required) to get subpixel estimation:
	if ( abs(scale - 1.0) > finfo(float32).eps ):	
		im1 = imresize(im1, (int(round(scale*im1.shape[0])), int(round(scale*im1.shape[1]))), interp='bicubic', mode='F');	
		im2 = imresize(im2, (int(round(scale*im2.shape[0])), int(round(scale*im2.shape[1]))), interp='bicubic', mode='F');	

	# Find the center (flipping left-right im2):
	cen = findcenter.usecorrelation(im1, im2[ :,::-1])
	cen = cen / scale
	# Print center to output file:
	text_file = open(outfile, "w")
	# Close input HDF5:
def main(argv):          
	"""To do...

	lock = Lock()
	skip_flat = False
	skip_flat_after = True	

	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	sino_idx = int(argv[0])
	# Get paths:
	infile  = argv[1]
	outpath = argv[2]

	# Essential reconstruction parameters::
	angles   = float(argv[3])
	offset   = float(argv[4])
	param1   = argv[5]	
	scale    = int(float(argv[6]))
	overpad  = True if argv[7] == "True" else False
	logtrsf  = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
	circle   = True if argv[9] == "True" else False
	# Parameters for on-the-fly pre-processing:
	preprocessing_required = True if argv[10] == "True" else False		
	flat_end = True if argv[11] == "True" else False		
	half_half = True if argv[12] == "True" else False
	half_half_line = int(argv[13])
	ext_fov = True if argv[14] == "True" else False
	norm_sx = int(argv[19])
	norm_dx = int(argv[20])	
	ext_fov_rot_right = argv[15]
	if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
		ext_fov_rot_right = True
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_sx = 0
		ext_fov_rot_right = False
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_dx = 0
	ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[16])

	ext_fov_normalize = True if argv[17] == "True" else False
	ext_fov_average = True if argv[18] == "True" else False
	skip_ringrem = True if argv[21] == "True" else False
	ringrem = argv[22]
	# Extra reconstruction parameters:
	zerone_mode = True if argv[23] == "True" else False		
	corr_offset = float(argv[24])
	reconmethod = argv[25]	
	decim_factor = int(argv[26])
	downsc_factor = int(argv[27])
	# Parameters for postprocessing:
	postprocess_required = True if argv[28] == "True" else False
	convert_opt = argv[29]
	crop_opt = argv[30]

	# Parameters for on-the-fly phase retrieval:
	phaseretrieval_required = True if argv[31] == "True" else False		
	phrtmethod = int(argv[32])
	phrt_param1 = double(argv[33])   # param1( e.g. regParam, or beta)
	phrt_param2 = double(argv[34])   # param2( e.g. thresh or delta)
	energy = double(argv[35])
	distance = double(argv[36])    
	pixsize = double(argv[37]) / 1000.0 # pixsixe from micron to mm:	
	phrtpad = True if argv[38] == "True" else False
	approx_win = int(argv[39])	

	preprocessingplan_fromcache = True if argv[40] == "True" else False
	tmppath    = argv[41]	
	if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep

	nr_threads = int(argv[42])	
	angles_from = float(argv[43])
	angles_to   = float(argv[44])

	slice_prefix = argv[45]
	logfilename = argv[46]	

	if not exists(outpath):
	if not outpath.endswith(sep): outpath += sep	

	# Log info:
	log = open(logfilename,"w")
	log.write(linesep + "\tInput dataset: %s" % (infile))	
	log.write(linesep + "\tOutput path: %s" % (outpath))		
	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")		
	log.write(linesep + "\tLoading flat and dark images...")	
	# Open the HDF5 file:
	f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
	if "/tomo" in f_in:
		dset = f_in['tomo']	
		dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in:
			prov_dset = f_in['provenance/detector_output']				
	dset_min = -1
	dset_max = -1
	if (zerone_mode):
		if ('min' in dset.attrs):
			dset_min = float(dset.attrs['min'])								
			zerone_mode = False
		if ('max' in dset.attrs):
			dset_max = float(dset.attrs['max'])				
			zerone_mode = False	
	num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset) # Pay attention to the downscale factor
	if (num_sinos == 0):	

	# Check extrema:
	if (sino_idx >= num_sinos / downsc_factor):
		sino_idx = num_sinos / downsc_factor - 1
	# Get correction plan and phase retrieval plan (if required):
	corrplan = 0	
	if (preprocessing_required):		
		# Load flat fielding plan either from cache (if required) or from TDF file and cache it for faster re-use:
		if (preprocessingplan_fromcache):
				corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
			except Exception as e:
				#print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
				corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
				plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)
			corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)		
			plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)	

		# Dowscale flat and dark images if necessary:
		if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray):
			corrplan['im_flat'] = corrplan['im_flat'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]		
		if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray):
			corrplan['im_dark'] = corrplan['im_dark'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]	
		if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray):
			corrplan['im_flat_after'] = corrplan['im_flat_after'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]	
		if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray):
			corrplan['im_dark_after'] = corrplan['im_dark_after'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]			


	# Log infos:
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(linesep + "\tPerforming preprocessing...")			

	# Run computation:	
	process( sino_idx, num_sinos, infile, outpath, preprocessing_required, corrplan, norm_sx, 
			norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, 
			ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average, ringrem, 
			phaseretrieval_required, phrtmethod, phrt_param1, phrt_param2, energy, distance, pixsize, phrtpad, 
			approx_win, angles, offset, logtrsf, param1, circle, scale, overpad, reconmethod, zerone_mode, 
			dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset, postprocess_required, convert_opt, 
			crop_opt, nr_threads, angles_from, angles_to, logfilename, lock, slice_prefix )		
def main(argv):
	"""To do...

	lock = Lock()

	skip_flat = True
	first_done = False	

	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	idx = int(argv[0])
	# Get full paths of input TDF and output TDF:
	infile = argv[1]
	outfile = argv[2]
	# Get the phase retrieval parameters:
	method = int(argv[3])
	param1 = double(argv[4])   # param1( e.g. regParam, or beta)
	param2 = double(argv[5])   # param2( e.g. thresh or delta)
	energy = double(argv[6])
	distance = double(argv[7])    
	pixsize = double(argv[8]) / 1000.0 # pixsixe from micron to mm:	
	pad = True if argv[9] == "True" else False
	# Tmp path and log file:
	tmppath = argv[10]	
	if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep		
	logfilename = argv[11]		

	# Open the HDF5 file and check it contains flat files:
	skipflat = False
	f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
	if "/tomo" in f_in:
		dset = f_in['tomo']
		if not "/flat" in f_in:
			skipflat = True
		dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		if not "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
			skipflat = True
	num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
	num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)
	# Check if the HDF5 makes sense:
	if (num_proj == 0):
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")	


	# Get flats and darks from cache or from file:
	if not skipflat:
			corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
		except Exception as e:
			#print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
			corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, True, logfilename)
			plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)

	# Read projection:
	im = tdf.read_tomo(dset,idx).astype(float32)		

	# Apply simple flat fielding (if applicable):
	if not skipflat:
		if (isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray) and isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray) and
			isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray) and isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray)) :	
			if (idx < num_proj/2):
				im = (im - corrplan['im_dark']) / (abs(corrplan['im_flat'] - corrplan['im_dark']) + finfo(float32).eps)
				im = (im - corrplan['im_dark_after']) / (abs(corrplan['im_flat_after'] - corrplan['im_dark_after']) 
					+ finfo(float32).eps)	
	# Prepare plan:
	im = im.astype(float32)
	if (method == 0):
		# Paganin's:
		plan = tiehom_plan (im, param1, param2, energy, distance, pixsize, pad)		
		im = tiehom(im, plan).astype(float32)	
		plan = phrt_plan (im, energy, distance, pixsize, param2, param1, method, pad)
		im = phrt(im, plan, method).astype(float32)				
	# Write down reconstructed preview file (file name modified with metadata):		
	im = im.astype(float32)
	outfile = outfile + '_' + str(im.shape[1]) + 'x' + str(im.shape[0]) + '_' + str( nanmin(im)) + '$' + str( nanmax(im) )	
def main(argv):          
	"""To do...


	The following line processes the first ten TIFF files of input path 
	"/home/in" and saves the processed files to "/home/out" with the 
	application of the Boin and Haibel filter with smoothing via a Butterworth
	filter of order 4 and cutoff frequency 0.01:

	destripe /home/in /home/out 1 10 1 0.01 4    

	lock = Lock()
	rescale_factor = 10000.0 # For 16-bit floating point

	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	int_from = int(argv[0])
	int_to = int(argv[1])
	# Get paths:
	infile = argv[2]
	outfile = argv[3]	
	# Params for flat fielding with post flats/darks:
	flat_end = True if argv[4] == "True" else False
	half_half = True if argv[5] == "True" else False
	half_half_line = int(argv[6])

	# Flat fielding method (conventional or dynamic):
	dynamic_ff = True if argv[7] == "True" else False

	# Parameters for rotation:
	rotation = float(argv[8])
	interp = argv[9]
	border = argv[10]
	# Nr of threads and log file:
	nr_threads = int(argv[11])
	logfilename = argv[12]		

	# Log input parameters:
	log = open(logfilename,"w")
	log.write(linesep + "\tInput TDF file: %s" % (infile))	
	log.write(linesep + "\tOutput TDF file: %s" % (outfile))		
	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")	
	log.write(linesep + "\tOpening input dataset...")	
	# Remove a previous copy of output:
	if exists(outfile):
	# Open the HDF5 file:
	f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')

	if "/tomo" in f_in:
		dset = f_in['tomo']

		tomoprefix = 'tomo'
		flatprefix = 'flat'
		darkprefix = 'dark'
		dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in:
			prov_dset = f_in['provenance/detector_output']		
			tomoprefix = prov_dset.attrs['tomo_prefix']
			flatprefix = prov_dset.attrs['flat_prefix']
			darkprefix = prov_dset.attrs['dark_prefix']
	num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
	num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)
	if (num_sinos == 0):
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")	

	# Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
	if ((int_to >= num_proj) or (int_to == -1)):
		int_to = num_proj - 1

	# Prepare the work plan for flat and dark images:
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
	log.write(linesep + "\tPreparing the work plan...")				

	# Extract flat and darks:
	skipflat = False
	skipdark = False

	# Following variables make sense only for dynamic flat fielding:
	EFF = -1
	filtEFF = -1
	im_dark = -1
	# Following variable makes sense only for conventional flat fielding:
	plan = -1

	if not dynamic_ff:
		plan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
		if (isscalar(plan['im_flat']) and isscalar(plan['im_flat_after'])):
			skipflat = True
			skipflat = False		
		# Dynamic flat fielding:
		if "/tomo" in f_in:				
			if "/flat" in f_in:
				flat_dset = f_in['flat']
				if "/dark" in f_in:
					im_dark = _medianize(f_in['dark'])
					skipdark = True
				skipflat = True # Nothing to do in this case
			if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
				flat_dset = f_in['/exchange/data_white']
				if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in:
					im_dark = _medianize(f_in['/exchange/data_dark'])
					skipdark = True
				skipflat = True # Nothing to do in this case
		# Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
		if not skipflat:	
			EFF, filtEFF = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset, 16, im_dark)
	# Get the corrected outshape (in this case it's easy):
	im = tdf.read_tomo(dset,0).astype(float32)	
	outshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_proj)			
	# Create the output HDF5 file:
	f_out = getHDF5(outfile, 'w')
	#f_out_dset = f_out.create_dataset('exchange/data', outshape, im.dtype)
	f_out_dset = f_out.create_dataset('exchange/data', outshape, float16) 
	f_out_dset.attrs['min'] = str(amin(im[:]))
	f_out_dset.attrs['max'] = str(amax(im[:]))
	f_out_dset.attrs['version'] = '1.0'
	f_out_dset.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"
	f_out_dset.attrs['rescale_factor'] = str(rescale_factor)

	# Log infos:
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(linesep + "\tWork plan prepared correctly.")	
	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
	log.write(linesep + "\tPerforming pre processing...")			

	# Run several threads for independent computation without waiting for threads
	# completion:
	for num in range(nr_threads):
		start = (num_proj / nr_threads) * num
		if (num == nr_threads - 1):
			end = num_proj - 1
			end = (num_proj / nr_threads) * (num + 1) - 1
		Process(target=_process, args=(lock, start, end, infile, outfile, outshape, float16, skipflat, plan, 
				   flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, rotation, interp, border, 
				   rescale_factor, logfilename)).start()
def main(argv):
    """To do...


	The following line processes the first ten TIFF files of input path 
	"/home/in" and saves the processed files to "/home/out" with the 
	application of the Boin and Haibel filter with smoothing via a Butterworth
	filter of order 4 and cutoff frequency 0.01:

	destripe /home/in /home/out 1 10 1 0.01 4    

    lock = Lock()
    rescale_factor = 10000.0  # For 16-bit floating point

    # Get the from and to number of files to process:
    int_from = int(argv[0])
    int_to = int(argv[1])

    # Get paths:
    infile = argv[2]
    outfile = argv[3]

    # Params for flat fielding with post flats/darks:
    flat_end = True if argv[4] == "True" else False
    half_half = True if argv[5] == "True" else False
    half_half_line = int(argv[6])

    # Flat fielding method (conventional or dynamic):
    dynamic_ff = True if argv[7] == "True" else False

    # Parameters for rotation:
    rotation = float(argv[8])
    interp = argv[9]
    border = argv[10]

    # Nr of threads and log file:
    nr_threads = int(argv[11])
    logfilename = argv[12]

    # Log input parameters:
    log = open(logfilename, "w")
    log.write(linesep + "\tInput TDF file: %s" % (infile))
    log.write(linesep + "\tOutput TDF file: %s" % (outfile))
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tOpening input dataset...")

    # Remove a previous copy of output:
    if exists(outfile):

    # Open the HDF5 file:
    f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')

    if "/tomo" in f_in:
        dset = f_in['tomo']

        tomoprefix = 'tomo'
        flatprefix = 'flat'
        darkprefix = 'dark'
        dset = f_in['exchange/data']
        if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in:
            prov_dset = f_in['provenance/detector_output']

            tomoprefix = prov_dset.attrs['tomo_prefix']
            flatprefix = prov_dset.attrs['flat_prefix']
            darkprefix = prov_dset.attrs['dark_prefix']

    num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)

    if (num_sinos == 0):
        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")

    # Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
    if ((int_to >= num_proj) or (int_to == -1)):
        int_to = num_proj - 1

    # Prepare the work plan for flat and dark images:
    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tPreparing the work plan...")

    # Extract flat and darks:
    skipflat = False
    skipdark = False

    # Following variables make sense only for dynamic flat fielding:
    EFF = -1
    filtEFF = -1
    im_dark = -1

    # Following variable makes sense only for conventional flat fielding:
    plan = -1

    if not dynamic_ff:
        plan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
        if (isscalar(plan['im_flat']) and isscalar(plan['im_flat_after'])):
            skipflat = True
            skipflat = False
        # Dynamic flat fielding:
        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            if "/flat" in f_in:
                flat_dset = f_in['flat']
                if "/dark" in f_in:
                    im_dark = _medianize(f_in['dark'])
                    skipdark = True
                skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case
            if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
                flat_dset = f_in['/exchange/data_white']
                if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in:
                    im_dark = _medianize(f_in['/exchange/data_dark'])
                    skipdark = True
                skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case

        # Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
        if not skipflat:
            EFF, filtEFF = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset, 16, im_dark)

    # Get the corrected outshape (in this case it's easy):
    im = tdf.read_tomo(dset, 0).astype(float32)
    outshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_proj)

    # Create the output HDF5 file:
    f_out = getHDF5(outfile, 'w')
    #f_out_dset = f_out.create_dataset('exchange/data', outshape, im.dtype)
    f_out_dset = f_out.create_dataset('exchange/data', outshape, float16)
    f_out_dset.attrs['min'] = str(amin(im[:]))
    f_out_dset.attrs['max'] = str(amax(im[:]))
    f_out_dset.attrs['version'] = '1.0'
    f_out_dset.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"
    f_out_dset.attrs['rescale_factor'] = str(rescale_factor)


    # Log infos:
    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(linesep + "\tWork plan prepared correctly.")
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tPerforming pre processing...")

    # Run several threads for independent computation without waiting for threads
    # completion:
    for num in range(nr_threads):
        start = (num_proj / nr_threads) * num
        if (num == nr_threads - 1):
            end = num_proj - 1
            end = (num_proj / nr_threads) * (num + 1) - 1
                args=(lock, start, end, infile, outfile, outshape, float16,
                      skipflat, plan, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line,
                      dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, rotation, interp,
                      border, rescale_factor, logfilename)).start()
def dff_prepare_plan(white_dset, repetitions, dark):
	""" Prepare the Eigen Flat Fields (EFFs) and the filtered EFFs to
	be used for dynamic flat fielding.

	(Function to be called once before the actual filtering of each projection).
	white_dset : array_like
		3D matrix where each flat field image is stacked along the 3rd dimension.

	repetitions: int
		Number of iterations to consider during parallel analysis.

	dark : array_like
		Single dark image (perhaps the average of a series) to be subtracted from
		each flat field image. If the images are already dark corrected or dark
		correction is not required (e.g. due to a photon counting detector) a matrix
		of the proper shape with zeros has to be passed.

	Return value
	EFF : array_like
		Eigen flat fields stacked along the 3rd dimension.

	filtEFF : array_like
		Filtered eigen flat fields stacked along the 3rd dimension.

	In this implementation all the collected white field images have to be loaded into
	memory and an internal 32-bit copy of the white fields is created. Considering also
	that the method better performs with several (i.e. hundreds) flat field images, this 
	function might raise memory errors.

	V. Van Nieuwenhove, J. De Beenhouwer, F. De Carlo, L. Mancini, F. Marone, 
	and J. Sijbers, "Dynamic intensity normalization using eigen flat fields 
	in X-ray imaging", Optics Express, 23(11), 27975-27989, 2015.

	# Get dimensions of flat-field (or white-field) images:
	num_flats = get_nr_projs(white_dset)/4
	num_rows  = get_nr_sinos(white_dset)
	num_cols  = get_det_size(white_dset)
	# Create local copy of white-field dataset:
	tmp_dset = zeros((num_rows * num_cols, num_flats), dtype=float32)
	avg      = zeros((num_rows * num_cols), dtype=float32)
	# For all the flat images:
	for i in range(0, tmp_dset.shape[1]):                 
		# Read i-th flat image and dark-correct:
		tmp_dset[:,i] =  read_tomo(white_dset,i).astype(float32).flatten()	- dark.astype(float32).flatten()
		# Sum the image:
		avg = avg + tmp_dset[:,i]

	# Compute the mean:
	avg = avg / num_flats

	# Subtract mean white-field:
	for i in range(0, tmp_dset.shape[1]): 
		tmp_dset[:,i] = tmp_dset[:,i] - avg
	# Calculate the number of Eigen Flat Fields (EFF) to use:
	V, nrEFF = _parallelAnalysis(tmp_dset, repetitions)

	# Compute the EFFs (0-th image is the average "conventional" flat field):
	EFF  = zeros((num_rows, num_cols, nrEFF + 1), dtype=float32)
	EFF[:,:,0] = avg.reshape((num_rows, num_cols))			
	for i in range(0, nrEFF): 		
		EFF[:,:,i + 1] = dot(tmp_dset, V[:,num_flats - (i + 1)]).reshape((num_rows, num_cols))	
	# Filter the EFFs:
	filtEFF = zeros((num_rows, num_cols, 1 + nrEFF), dtype=float32)
	for i in range(1, 1 + nrEFF):		
		filtEFF[:,:,i] = median_filter(EFF[:,:,i], 3)		

	return EFF, filtEFF
Esempio n. 10
def main(argv):
    """To do...

    # Get the zero-order index of the sinogram to pre-process:
    idx = int(argv[0])

    # Get paths:
    infile = argv[1]
    outfile = argv[2]

    # Normalization parameters:
    norm_sx = int(argv[3])
    norm_dx = int(argv[4])

    # Params for flat fielding with post flats/darks:
    flat_end = True if argv[5] == "True" else False
    half_half = True if argv[6] == "True" else False
    half_half_line = int(argv[7])

    # Flat fielding method (conventional or dynamic):
    dynamic_ff = True if argv[8] == "True" else False

    # Parameters for rotation:
    rotation = float(argv[9])
    interp = argv[10]
    border = argv[11]

    # Tmp path and log file:
    tmppath = argv[12]
    if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep
    logfilename = argv[13]

    # Open the HDF5 file:
    f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')

        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            dset = f_in['tomo']
            dset = f_in['exchange/data']

        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(linesep + "\tError reading input dataset. Process will end.")

    num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)

    # Check if the HDF5 makes sense:
    if (num_sinos == 0):
        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")

    # Get flat and darks from cache or from file:
    skipflat = False
    skipdark = False
    if not dynamic_ff:
            corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
        except Exception as e:
            #print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
            corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
            if (isscalar(corrplan['im_flat'])
                    and isscalar(corrplan['im_flat_after'])):
                skipflat = True
                plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)
        # Dynamic flat fielding:
        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            if "/flat" in f_in:
                flat_dset = f_in['flat']
                if "/dark" in f_in:
                    im_dark = _medianize(f_in['dark'])
                    skipdark = True
                skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case
            if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
                flat_dset = f_in['/exchange/data_white']
                if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in:
                    im_dark = _medianize(f_in['/exchange/data_dark'])
                    skipdark = True
                skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case

        # Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
        if not skipflat:
            EFF, filtEFF = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset, 16, im_dark)

    # Read input image:
    im = tdf.read_tomo(dset, idx).astype(float32)

    # Perform pre-processing (flat fielding, extended FOV, ring removal):
    if not skipflat:
        if dynamic_ff:
            # Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
            im = dynamic_flat_fielding(im, EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark)
            im = flat_fielding(im, idx, corrplan, flat_end, half_half,
                               half_half_line, norm_sx, norm_dx)

    # Rotate:
    rows, cols = im.shape
    M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols / 2, rows / 2), rotation, 1)

    if interp == 'nearest':
        interpflag = cv2.INTER_NEAREST
    elif interp == 'cubic':
        interpflag = cv2.INTER_CUBIC
    elif interp == 'lanczos':
        interpflag = cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4
        interpflag = cv2.INTER_LINEAR

    if border == 'constant':
        borderflag = cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT
        borderflag = cv2.BORDER_REPLICATE

    im = cv2.warpAffine(im,
                        M, (cols, rows),

    # Write down reconstructed preview file (file name modified with metadata):
    im = im.astype(float32)
    outfile2 = outfile + '_' + str(im.shape[1]) + 'x' + str(
        im.shape[0]) + '_' + str(nanmin(im)) + '$' + str(
            nanmax(im)) + '_after.raw'
Esempio n. 11
def main(argv):
    """To do...



    lock = Lock()

    # Get the from and to number of files to process:
    int_from = int(argv[0])
    int_to = int(argv[1])

    # Get paths:
    infile_1 = argv[2]
    infile_2 = argv[3]
    infile_3 = argv[4]

    outfile_abs = argv[5]
    outfile_ref = argv[6]
    outfile_sca = argv[7]

    # Normalization parameters:
    norm_sx = int(argv[8])
    norm_dx = int(argv[9])

    # Params for flat fielding with post flats/darks:
    flat_end = True if argv[10] == "True" else False
    half_half = True if argv[11] == "True" else False
    half_half_line = int(argv[12])

    # Params for extended FOV:
    ext_fov = True if argv[13] == "True" else False
    ext_fov_rot_right = argv[14]
    if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
        ext_fov_rot_right = True
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_sx = 0
        ext_fov_rot_right = False
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_dx = 0
    ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[15])

    ext_fov_normalize = True if argv[16] == "True" else False
    ext_fov_average = True if argv[17] == "True" else False

    # Method and parameters coded into a string:
    ringrem = argv[18]

    # Flat fielding method (conventional or dynamic):
    dynamic_ff = True if argv[19] == "True" else False

    # Shift parameters:
    shiftVert_1 = int(argv[20])
    shiftHoriz_1 = int(argv[21])
    shiftVert_2 = int(argv[22])
    shiftHoriz_2 = int(argv[23])
    shiftVert_3 = int(argv[24])
    shiftHoriz_3 = int(argv[25])

    # DEI coefficients:
    r1 = float(argv[26])
    r2 = float(argv[27])
    r3 = float(argv[28])
    d1 = float(argv[29])
    d2 = float(argv[30])
    d3 = float(argv[31])
    dd1 = float(argv[32])
    dd2 = float(argv[33])
    dd3 = float(argv[34])

    # Nr of threads and log file:
    nr_threads = int(argv[35])
    logfilename = argv[36]

    # Log input parameters:
    log = open(logfilename, "w")
    log.write(linesep + "\tInput TDF file #1: %s" % (infile_1))
    log.write(linesep + "\tInput TDF file #2: %s" % (infile_2))
    log.write(linesep + "\tInput TDF file #3: %s" % (infile_3))
    log.write(linesep + "\tOutput TDF file for Absorption: %s" % (outfile_abs))
    log.write(linesep + "\tOutput TDF file for Refraction: %s" % (outfile_ref))
    log.write(linesep + "\tOutput TDF file for Scattering: %s" % (outfile_sca))
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tOpening input dataset...")

    # Remove a previous copy of output:
    #if exists(outfile):
    #	remove(outfile)

    # Open the HDF5 files:
    f_in_1 = getHDF5(infile_1, 'r')
    f_in_2 = getHDF5(infile_2, 'r')
    f_in_3 = getHDF5(infile_3, 'r')

    if "/tomo" in f_in_1:
        dset_1 = f_in_1['tomo']

        tomoprefix_1 = 'tomo'
        flatprefix_1 = 'flat'
        darkprefix_1 = 'dark'
        dset_1 = f_in_1['exchange/data']
        if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in_1:
            prov_dset_1 = f_in_1['provenance/detector_output']

            tomoprefix_1 = prov_dset_1.attrs['tomo_prefix']
            flatprefix_1 = prov_dset_1.attrs['flat_prefix']
            darkprefix_1 = prov_dset_1.attrs['dark_prefix']

    if "/tomo" in f_in_2:
        dset_2 = f_in_2['tomo']

        tomoprefix_2 = 'tomo'
        flatprefix_2 = 'flat'
        darkprefix_2 = 'dark'
        dset_2 = f_in_2['exchange/data']
        if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in_2:
            prov_dset_2 = f_in_2['provenance/detector_output']

            tomoprefix_2 = prov_dset_2.attrs['tomo_prefix']
            flatprefix_2 = prov_dset_2.attrs['flat_prefix']
            darkprefix_2 = prov_dset_2.attrs['dark_prefix']

    if "/tomo" in f_in_3:
        dset_3 = f_in_3['tomo']

        tomoprefix_3 = 'tomo'
        flatprefix_3 = 'flat'
        darkprefix_3 = 'dark'
        dset_3 = f_in_3['exchange/data']
        if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in_3:
            prov_dset_3 = f_in_1['provenance/detector_output']

            tomoprefix_3 = prov_dset_3.attrs['tomo_prefix']
            flatprefix_3 = prov_dset_3.attrs['flat_prefix']
            darkprefix_3 = prov_dset_3.attrs['dark_prefix']

    # Assuming that what works for the dataset #1 works for the other two:
    num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset_1)
    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset_1)

    if (num_sinos == 0):
        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")

    # Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
    if ((int_to >= num_sinos) or (int_to == -1)):
        int_to = num_sinos - 1

    # Prepare the work plan for flat and dark images:
    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tPreparing the work plan...")

    # Extract flat and darks:
    skipflat_1 = False
    skipdark_1 = False
    skipflat_2 = False
    skipdark_2 = False
    skipflat_3 = False
    skipdark_3 = False

    # Following variables make sense only for dynamic flat fielding:
    EFF_1 = -1
    filtEFF_1 = -1
    im_dark_1 = -1

    EFF_2 = -1
    filtEFF_2 = -1
    im_dark_2 = -1

    EFF_3 = -1
    filtEFF_3 = -1
    im_dark_3 = -1

    # Following variable makes sense only for conventional flat fielding:
    plan_1 = -1
    plan_2 = -1
    plan_3 = -1

    if not dynamic_ff:
        plan_1 = extract_flatdark(f_in_1, flat_end, logfilename)
        if (isscalar(plan_1['im_flat']) and isscalar(plan_1['im_flat_after'])):
            skipflat_1 = True
            skipflat_1 = False

        plan_2 = extract_flatdark(f_in_2, flat_end, logfilename)
        if (isscalar(plan_2['im_flat']) and isscalar(plan_2['im_flat_after'])):
            skipflat_2 = True
            skipflat_2 = False

        plan_3 = extract_flatdark(f_in_3, flat_end, logfilename)
        if (isscalar(plan_3['im_flat']) and isscalar(plan_3['im_flat_after'])):
            skipflat_3 = True
            skipflat_3 = False

        # Dynamic flat fielding:
        if "/tomo" in f_in_1:
            if "/flat" in f_in_1:
                flat_dset_1 = f_in_1['flat']
                if "/dark" in f_in_1:
                    im_dark_1 = _medianize(f_in_1['dark'])
                    skipdark_1 = True
                skipflat_1 = True  # Nothing to do in this case
            if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in_1:
                flat_dset_1 = f_in_1['/exchange/data_white']
                if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in_1:
                    im_dark_1 = _medianize(f_in_1['/exchange/data_dark'])
                    skipdark_1 = True
                skipflat_1 = True  # Nothing to do in this case

        # Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
        if not skipflat_1:
            EFF_1, filtEFF_1 = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset_1, 16, im_dark_1)

        # Dynamic flat fielding:
        if "/tomo" in f_in_2:
            if "/flat" in f_in_2:
                flat_dset_2 = f_in_2['flat']
                if "/dark" in f_in_2:
                    im_dark_2 = _medianize(f_in_2['dark'])
                    skipdark_2 = True
                skipflat_2 = True  # Nothing to do in this case
            if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in_2:
                flat_dset_2 = f_in_2['/exchange/data_white']
                if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in_2:
                    im_dark_2 = _medianize(f_in_2['/exchange/data_dark'])
                    skipdark_2 = True
                skipflat_2 = True  # Nothing to do in this case

        # Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
        if not skipflat_2:
            EFF_2, filtEFF_2 = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset_2, 16, im_dark_2)

        # Dynamic flat fielding:
        if "/tomo" in f_in_3:
            if "/flat" in f_in_3:
                flat_dset_3 = f_in_3['flat']
                if "/dark" in f_in_3:
                    im_dark_3 = _medianize(f_in_3['dark'])
                    skipdark_3 = True
                skipflat_3 = True  # Nothing to do in this case
            if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in_3:
                flat_dset_3 = f_in_3['/exchange/data_white']
                if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in_3:
                    im_dark_3 = _medianize(f_in_3['/exchange/data_dark'])
                    skipdark_3 = True
                skipflat_3 = True  # Nothing to do in this case

        # Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
        if not skipflat_3:
            EFF_3, filtEFF_3 = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset_3, 16, im_dark_3)

    # Outfile shape can be determined only after first processing in ext FOV mode:
    if (ext_fov):

        # Read input sino:
        idx = num_sinos / 2
        im = tdf.read_sino(dset_1, idx).astype(float32)
        im = extfov_correction(im, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap,
                               ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average)

        # Get the corrected outshape:
        outshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], num_sinos, im.shape[0])

        # Get the corrected outshape (in this case it's easy):
        im = tdf.read_tomo(dset_1, 0).astype(float32)
        outshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_proj)


    # Create the output HDF5 files:
    f_out_abs = getHDF5(outfile_abs, 'w')
    f_out_dset_abs = f_out_abs.create_dataset('exchange/data', outshape,
    f_out_dset_abs.attrs['min'] = str(finfo(float32).max)
    f_out_dset_abs.attrs['max'] = str(finfo(float32).min)
    f_out_dset_abs.attrs['version'] = '1.0'
    f_out_dset_abs.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"

    f_out_ref = getHDF5(outfile_ref, 'w')
    f_out_dset_ref = f_out_ref.create_dataset('exchange/data', outshape,
    f_out_dset_ref.attrs['min'] = str(finfo(float32).max)
    f_out_dset_ref.attrs['max'] = str(finfo(float32).min)
    f_out_dset_ref.attrs['version'] = '1.0'
    f_out_dset_ref.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"

    f_out_sca = getHDF5(outfile_sca, 'w')
    f_out_dset_sca = f_out_sca.create_dataset('exchange/data', outshape,
    f_out_dset_sca.attrs['min'] = str(finfo(float32).max)
    f_out_dset_sca.attrs['max'] = str(finfo(float32).min)
    f_out_dset_sca.attrs['version'] = '1.0'
    f_out_dset_sca.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"

    # Log infos:
    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(linesep + "\tWork plan prepared correctly.")
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tPerforming GDEI...")

    # Run several threads for independent computation without waiting for threads
    # completion:
    for num in range(nr_threads):
        start = (num_sinos / nr_threads) * num
        if (num == nr_threads - 1):
            end = num_sinos - 1
            end = (num_sinos / nr_threads) * (num + 1) - 1
            args=(lock, start, end, num_sinos, infile_1, infile_2, infile_3,
                  outfile_abs, outfile_ref, outfile_sca, r1, r2, r3, d1, d2,
                  d3, dd1, dd2, dd3, shiftVert_1, shiftHoriz_1, shiftVert_2,
                  shiftHoriz_2, shiftVert_3, shiftHoriz_3, outshape, float32,
                  skipflat_1, skipflat_2, skipflat_3, plan_1, plan_2, plan_3,
                  norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line,
                  ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap,
                  ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average, ringrem, dynamic_ff,
                  EFF_1, EFF_2, EFF_3, filtEFF_1, filtEFF_2, filtEFF_3,
                  im_dark_1, im_dark_2, im_dark_3, logfilename)).start()
Esempio n. 12
def main(argv):          
	Converts a TDF file (HDF5 Tomo Data Format) into a sequence of TIFF (uncompressed) files.
	from : scalar, integer
		among all the projections (or sinogram) data, a subset of the volume can 
		be specified, ranging from the parameter "from" to the parameter "to" 
		(see next). In most cases, this parameter is 0.
	to : scalar, integer
		among all the projections (or sinogram) data, a subset of the volume can 
		be specified, ranging from the parameter "from" (see previous parameter) to 
		the parameter "to". If the value -1 is specified, all the projection (or sinogram)
		data will be considered.
	in_file : string
		path with filename of the TDF to read from (e.g. "Z:\\sample1.tdf").
	out_path : string
		path that will contain the sequence of TIFF files (e.g. "Z:\\sample1\\tomo\\"). WARNING: 
		the program does NOT automatically create non-existing folders and subfolders specified 
		in the path. Moreover, if files with the same name already exist they will be automatically 
	file_prefix : string
		string to be assumed as the filename prefix of the TIFF files to create for the projection (or 
		sinogram) data. E.g. "tomo" will create files having name "tomo_0001.tif", "tomo_0002.tif".
	flat_prefix : string
		string to be assumed as the filename prefix of the TIFF files to create for the flat (white field)
		data. E.g. "flat" will create files having name "flat_1.tif", "flat_2.tif". If dark or flat data have
		to be skipped the string "-" can be specified.
	dark_prefix : string
		string to be assumed as the filename prefix of the TIFF files to create for the dark (dark field)
		data. E.g. "dark" will create files having name "dark_1.tif", "dark_2.tif". If dark or flat data have
		to be skipped the string "-" can be specified.
	projection_order : boolean string
		specify the string "True" to create TIFF files for projections (the most common case), "False" 
		for sinograms.		

	TIFF_format : boolean string
		specify the string "True" to create TIFF files, "False" for RAW files.	

	nr_threads : int
		number of multiple threads (actually processes) to consider to speed up the whole conversion process.
	log_file : string
		path with filename of a log file (e.g. "R:\\log.txt") where info about the conversion is reported.

	no return value
	Example call to convert all the projections data to a sequence of tomo*.tif files:
		python 0 -1 "C:\Temp\wet12T4part2.tdf" "C:\Temp\tomo" tomo flat dark True True 3 "C:\Temp\log.txt"
	- Python 2.7 with the latest NumPy, SciPy, H5Py.
	- TIFFFile from C. Gohlke
	Tested with WinPython-64bit- (Windows) and Anaconda 2.1.0 (Linux 64-bit).		


	lock = Lock()

	# To be used without flat fielding (just conversion):
	first_done = False	

	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	int_from = int(argv[0])
	int_to = int(argv[1]) # -1 means "all files"
	# Get paths:
	infile = argv[2]
	outpath = argv[3]
	fileprefix = argv[4]
	flatprefix = argv[5]
	darkprefix = argv[6]
	if (flatprefix == "-"):
		skipflat = True
		skipflat = False

	if (darkprefix == "-"):
		skipdark = True
		skipdark = False

	if (fileprefix == "-"):
		skiptomo = True
		skiptomo = False
	projorder = argv[7]
	if projorder == "True":
		projorder = True
		projorder = False	
	TIFFFormat = argv[8]
	if TIFFFormat == "True":
		TIFFFormat = True
		TIFFFormat = False	
	nr_threads = int(argv[9])
	logfilename = argv[10]
	# Check prefixes and path:
	if not outpath.endswith(os.path.sep): outpath += os.path.sep
	# Init variables:
	num_files = 0
	num_flats = 0
	num_darks = 0

	# Get the files in infile:
	log = open(logfilename,"w")
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tInput TDF: %s" % (infile))
	if (TIFFFormat):
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tOutput path where TIFF files will be created: %s" % (outpath))		
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tOutput path where RAW files will be created: %s" % (outpath))		
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")			
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tFile output prefix: %s" % (fileprefix))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tFlat images output prefix: %s" % (flatprefix))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\tDark images output prefix: %s" % (darkprefix))
	log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")	
	if (not (skiptomo)):
		if (int_to != -1):
			log.write(os.linesep + "\tThe subset [%d,%d] of the data will be considered." % (int_from, int_to))
		if (projorder):
			log.write(os.linesep + "\tProjection order assumed.")
			log.write(os.linesep + "\tSinogram order assumed.")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")	

	if not os.path.exists(infile):		
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tError: input TDF file not found. Process will end.")				

	# Open the HDF5 file:
	f = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
	oldTDF = False
		dset = f['tomo']			
		oldTDF = True
	except Exception:
	if not oldTDF:
			dset = f['exchange/data']
		#except Exception:
		#	log = open(logfilename,"a")
		#	log.write(os.linesep + "\tError: invalid TDF format.  Process will end.")
		#	log.close()
		#	exit()
	if projorder:
		num_files = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)	
		num_files = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)			

	# Get attributes:
		f = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if ('version' in f.attrs) and (f.attrs['version'] == 'TDF 1.0'):	
			log = open(logfilename,"a")
			log.write(os.linesep + "\tTDF version 1.0 found.")
			log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(os.linesep + "\tWarning: TDF version unknown. Some features will not be available.")				
		log.write(os.linesep + "\t--------------")

	# Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
	if ((int_to >= num_files) or (int_to == -1)):
		int_to = num_files - 1

	# Spawn the process for the conversion of flat images:
	if not skipflat:

		f = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if oldTDF:
			dset_str = 'flat'
			dset_str = 'exchange/data_white'
		num_flats = tdf.get_nr_projs(f[dset_str])

		if (num_flats > 0):
			Process(target=_process, args=(lock, 0, num_flats - 1, infile, dset_str, TIFFFormat, 
											True, outpath, flatprefix, logfilename)).start()
			#_process(lock, 0, num_flats - 1, infile, dset_str, TIFFFormat, projorder,
			#outpath, flatprefix, logfilename)

	# Spawn the process for the conversion of dark images:
	if not skipdark:

		f = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if oldTDF:
			dset_str = 'dark'
			dset_str = 'exchange/data_dark'
		num_darks = tdf.get_nr_projs(f[dset_str])

		if (num_darks > 0):
			Process(target=_process, args=(lock, 0, num_darks - 1, infile, dset_str, TIFFFormat, 
											True, outpath, darkprefix, logfilename)).start()
			#_process(lock, 0, num_darks - 1, infile, dset_str, TIFFFormat, projorder,
			#outpath, darkprefix, logfilename)

	# Spawn the processes for the conversion of projection or sinogram images:
	if not skiptomo:

		if oldTDF:
			dset_str = 'tomo'
			dset_str = 'exchange/data'
		# Start the process for the conversion of the projections (or sinograms) in a
		# multi-threaded way:
		for num in range(nr_threads):
			start = ((int_to - int_from + 1) / nr_threads) * num + int_from
			if (num == nr_threads - 1):
				end = int_to
				end = ((int_to - int_from + 1) / nr_threads) * (num + 1) + int_from - 1

			Process(target=_process, args=(lock, start, end, infile, dset_str, TIFFFormat, 
											projorder, outpath, fileprefix, logfilename)).start()
Esempio n. 13
def main(argv):
    """To do...

    # Get the zero-order index of the sinogram to pre-process:
    idx = int(argv[0])

    # Get paths:
    infile = argv[1]
    outfile = argv[2]

    # Normalization parameters:
    norm_sx = int(argv[3])
    norm_dx = int(argv[4])

    # Params for flat fielding with post flats/darks:
    flat_end = True if argv[5] == "True" else False
    half_half = True if argv[6] == "True" else False
    half_half_line = int(argv[7])

    # Params for extended FOV:
    ext_fov = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
    ext_fov_rot_right = argv[9]
    if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
        ext_fov_rot_right = True
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_sx = 0
        ext_fov_rot_right = False
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_dx = 0
    ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[10])

    ext_fov_normalize = True if argv[11] == "True" else False
    ext_fov_average = True if argv[12] == "True" else False

    # Method and parameters coded into a string:
    ringrem = argv[13]

    # Flat fielding method (conventional or dynamic):
    dynamic_ff = True if argv[14] == "True" else False

    # Tmp path and log file:
    tmppath = argv[15]
    if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep
    logfilename = argv[16]

    # Open the HDF5 file:
    f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')

        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            dset = f_in['tomo']
            dset = f_in['exchange/data']

        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(linesep + "\tError reading input dataset. Process will end.")

    num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)

    # Check if the HDF5 makes sense:
    if (num_sinos == 0):
        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")

    # Get flat and darks from cache or from file:
    skipflat = False
    skipdark = False
    if not dynamic_ff:
            corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
        except Exception as e:
            #print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
            corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
            if (isscalar(corrplan['im_flat'])
                    and isscalar(corrplan['im_flat_after'])):
                skipflat = True
                plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)
        # Dynamic flat fielding:
        if "/tomo" in f_in:
            if "/flat" in f_in:
                flat_dset = f_in['flat']
                if "/dark" in f_in:
                    im_dark = _medianize(f_in['dark'])
                    skipdark = True
                skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case
            if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
                flat_dset = f_in['/exchange/data_white']
                if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in:
                    im_dark = _medianize(f_in['/exchange/data_dark'])
                    skipdark = True
                skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case

        # Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
        if not skipflat:
            EFF, filtEFF = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset, 16, im_dark)

    # Read input image:
    im = tdf.read_sino(dset, idx).astype(float32)

    # Perform pre-processing (flat fielding, extended FOV, ring removal):
    if not skipflat:
        if dynamic_ff:
            # Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
            im = dynamic_flat_fielding(im, idx, EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark,
                                       norm_sx, norm_dx)
            im = flat_fielding(im, idx, corrplan, flat_end, half_half,
                               half_half_line, norm_sx, norm_dx)
    if ext_fov:
        im = extfov_correction(im, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap,
                               ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average)
    if not skipflat and not dynamic_ff:
        im = ring_correction(im, ringrem, flat_end,
                             corrplan['skip_flat_after'], half_half,
                             half_half_line, ext_fov)
        im = ring_correction(im, ringrem, False, False, half_half,
                             half_half_line, ext_fov)

    # Write down reconstructed preview file (file name modified with metadata):
    im = im.astype(float32)
    outfile = outfile + '_' + str(im.shape[1]) + 'x' + str(
        im.shape[0]) + '_' + str(nanmin(im)) + '$' + str(nanmax(im))
Esempio n. 14
def main(argv):
    """To do...



    # Get the from and to number of files to process:
    sino_idx = int(argv[0])

    # Get paths:
    infile = argv[1]
    outfile = argv[2]

    # Essential reconstruction parameters:
    angles = float(argv[3])
    offset = float(argv[4])
    recpar = argv[5]
    scale = int(float(argv[6]))

    overpad = True if argv[7] == "True" else False
    logtrsf = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
    circle = True if argv[9] == "True" else False

    # Parameters for on-the-fly pre-processing:
    preprocessing_required = True if argv[10] == "True" else False
    flat_end = True if argv[11] == "True" else False
    half_half = True if argv[12] == "True" else False

    half_half_line = int(argv[13])

    ext_fov = True if argv[14] == "True" else False

    norm_sx = int(argv[19])
    norm_dx = int(argv[20])

    ext_fov_rot_right = argv[15]
    if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
        ext_fov_rot_right = True
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_sx = 0
        ext_fov_rot_right = False
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_dx = 0

    ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[16])

    ext_fov_normalize = True if argv[17] == "True" else False
    ext_fov_average = True if argv[18] == "True" else False

    skip_ringrem = True if argv[21] == "True" else False
    ringrem = argv[22]

    # Extra reconstruction parameters:
    zerone_mode = True if argv[23] == "True" else False
    corr_offset = float(argv[24])

    reconmethod = argv[25]
    # Force overpadding in case of GRIDREC for unknown reasons:
    if reconmethod == "GRIDREC":
        overpad = True

    decim_factor = int(argv[26])
    downsc_factor = int(argv[27])

    # Parameters for postprocessing:
    postprocess_required = True if argv[28] == "True" else False
    polarfilt_opt = argv[29]
    convert_opt = argv[30]
    crop_opt = argv[31]

    # Parameters for on-the-fly phase retrieval:
    phaseretrieval_required = True if argv[32] == "True" else False
    phrtmethod = int(argv[33])
    phrt_param1 = double(argv[34])  # param1( e.g.  regParam, or beta)
    phrt_param2 = double(argv[35])  # param2( e.g.  thresh or delta)
    energy = double(argv[36])
    distance = double(argv[37])
    pixsize = double(argv[38]) / 1000.0  # pixsixe from micron to mm:
    phrtpad = True if argv[39] == "True" else False
    approx_win = int(argv[40])

    angles_projfrom = int(argv[41])
    angles_projto = int(argv[42])

    rolling = True if argv[43] == "True" else False
    roll_shift = int(int(argv[44]) / decim_factor)

    preprocessingplan_fromcache = True if argv[45] == "True" else False
    dynamic_ff = True if argv[46] == "True" else False

    nr_threads = int(argv[47])
    tmppath = argv[48]
    if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep

    logfilename = argv[49]

    # Open the HDF5 file:
    f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
    if "/tomo" in f_in:
        dset = f_in['tomo']
        dset = f_in['exchange/data']
        if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in:
            prov_dset = f_in['provenance/detector_output']

    dset_min = -1
    dset_max = -1
    if (zerone_mode):
        if ('min' in dset.attrs):
            dset_min = float(dset.attrs['min'])
            zerone_mode = False

        if ('max' in dset.attrs):
            dset_max = float(dset.attrs['max'])
            zerone_mode = False

    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)  # Pay attention to the downscale factor

    if (num_sinos == 0):

    # Check extrema:
    if (sino_idx >= num_sinos / downsc_factor):
        sino_idx = num_sinos / downsc_factor - 1

    # Get correction plan and phase retrieval plan (if required):
    skipflat = False

    corrplan = 0
    im_dark = 0
    EFF = 0
    filtEFF = 0
    if (preprocessing_required):
        if not dynamic_ff:
            # Load flat fielding plan either from cache (if required) or from TDF file
            # and cache it for faster re-use:
            if (preprocessingplan_fromcache):
                    corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
                except Exception as e:
                    #print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
                    corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
                    if (isscalar(corrplan['im_flat'])
                            and isscalar(corrplan['im_flat_after'])):
                        skipflat = True
                        plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)
                corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
                if (isscalar(corrplan['im_flat'])
                        and isscalar(corrplan['im_flat_after'])):
                    skipflat = True
                    plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)

            # Dowscale flat and dark images if necessary:
            if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray):
                corrplan['im_flat'] = corrplan[
                    'im_flat'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
            if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray):
                corrplan['im_dark'] = corrplan[
                    'im_dark'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
            if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray):
                corrplan['im_flat_after'] = corrplan[
                    'im_flat_after'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
            if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray):
                corrplan['im_dark_after'] = corrplan[
                    'im_dark_after'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]

            # Dynamic flat fielding:
            if "/tomo" in f_in:
                if "/flat" in f_in:
                    flat_dset = f_in['flat']
                    if "/dark" in f_in:
                        im_dark = _medianize(f_in['dark'])
                        skipdark = True
                    skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case
                if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
                    flat_dset = f_in['/exchange/data_white']
                    if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in:
                        im_dark = _medianize(f_in['/exchange/data_dark'])
                        skipdark = True
                    skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case

            # Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
            if not skipflat:
                EFF, filtEFF = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset, 16, im_dark)

                # Downscale images if necessary:
                im_dark = im_dark[::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
                EFF = EFF[::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor, :]
                filtEFF = filtEFF[::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor, :]


    # Run computation:
    process(sino_idx, num_sinos, infile, outfile, preprocessing_required,
            corrplan, skipflat, norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, half_half,
            half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap,
            ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average, ringrem,
            phaseretrieval_required, phrtmethod, phrt_param1, phrt_param2,
            energy, distance, pixsize, phrtpad, approx_win, angles,
            angles_projfrom, angles_projto, offset, logtrsf, recpar, circle,
            scale, overpad, reconmethod, rolling, roll_shift, zerone_mode,
            dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset,
            postprocess_required, polarfilt_opt, convert_opt, crop_opt,
            dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, nr_threads, logfilename,
Esempio n. 15
def main(argv):          
	"""To do...


	The following line processes the first ten TIFF files of input path 
	"/home/in" and saves the processed files to "/home/out" with the 
	application of the Boin and Haibel filter with smoothing via a Butterworth
	filter of order 4 and cutoff frequency 0.01:

	reconstruct 0 4 C:\Temp\Dullin_Aug_2012\sino_noflat C:\Temp\Dullin_Aug_2012\sino_noflat\output 
	9.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 true sino slice C:\Temp\Dullin_Aug_2012\sino_noflat\tomo_conv flat dark

	lock = Lock()
	skip_flat = False
	skip_flat_after = True	

	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	int_from = int(argv[0])
	int_to = int(argv[1])
	# Get paths:
	infile = argv[2]
	outpath = argv[3]

	# Essential reconstruction parameters:
	angles = float(argv[4])
	offset = float(argv[5])
	param1 = argv[6]	
	scale  = int(float(argv[7]))
	overpad = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
	logtrsf = True if argv[9] == "True" else False
	circle = True if argv[10] == "True" else False

	outprefix = argv[11]	
	# Parameters for on-the-fly pre-processing:
	preprocessing_required = True if argv[12] == "True" else False		
	flat_end = True if argv[13] == "True" else False		
	half_half = True if argv[14] == "True" else False
	half_half_line = int(argv[15])
	ext_fov = True if argv[16] == "True" else False
	norm_sx = int(argv[21])
	norm_dx = int(argv[22])	
	ext_fov_rot_right = argv[17]
	if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
		ext_fov_rot_right = True
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_sx = 0
		ext_fov_rot_right = False
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_dx = 0
	ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[18])

	ext_fov_normalize = True if argv[19] == "True" else False
	ext_fov_average = True if argv[20] == "True" else False
	skip_ringrem = True if argv[23] == "True" else False
	ringrem = argv[24]
	# Extra reconstruction parameters:
	zerone_mode = True if argv[25] == "True" else False		
	corr_offset = float(argv[26])
	reconmethod = argv[27]	
	# Force overpadding in case of GRIDREC for unknown reasons:
	if reconmethod == "GRIDREC":
		overpad = True	
	decim_factor = int(argv[28])
	downsc_factor = int(argv[29])
	# Parameters for postprocessing:
	postprocess_required = True if argv[30] == "True" else False
	polarfilt_opt = argv[31]
	convert_opt = argv[32]
	crop_opt = argv[33]

	angles_projfrom = int(argv[34])	
	angles_projto = int(argv[35])

	rolling = True if argv[36] == "True" else False
	roll_shift = int(int(argv[37]) / decim_factor)

	dynamic_ff 	= True if argv[38] == "True" else False
	nr_threads = int(argv[39])	
	logfilename = argv[40]	
	process_id = int(logfilename[-6:-4])
	# Check prefixes and path:
	#if not infile.endswith(sep): infile += sep
	if not exists(outpath):
	if not outpath.endswith(sep): outpath += sep
	# Open the HDF5 file:
	f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
	if "/tomo" in f_in:
		dset = f_in['tomo']
		tomoprefix = 'tomo'
		flatprefix = 'flat'
		darkprefix = 'dark'
		dset = f_in['exchange/data']
		if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in:
			prov_dset = f_in['provenance/detector_output']		
			tomoprefix = prov_dset.attrs['tomo_prefix']
			flatprefix = prov_dset.attrs['flat_prefix']
			darkprefix = prov_dset.attrs['dark_prefix']
	dset_min = -1
	dset_max = -1
	if (zerone_mode):
		if ('min' in dset.attrs):
			dset_min = float(dset.attrs['min'])								
			zerone_mode = False
		if ('max' in dset.attrs):
			dset_max = float(dset.attrs['max'])				
			zerone_mode = False	
	num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset) # Pay attention to the downscale factor
	if (num_sinos == 0):
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")	

	# Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
	if ((int_to >= num_sinos / downsc_factor) or (int_to == -1)):
		int_to = num_sinos / downsc_factor - 1
	# Log info:
	log = open(logfilename,"w")
	log.write(linesep + "\tInput file: %s" % (infile))	
	log.write(linesep + "\tOutput path: %s" % (outpath))		
	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")		
	log.write(linesep + "\tPreparing the work plan...")	
	# Get correction plan and phase retrieval plan (if required):
	corrplan = -1
	phrtplan = -1
	skipflat = False	

	im_dark = -1
	EFF = -1
	filtEFF = -1
	if (preprocessing_required):
		if not dynamic_ff:
			# Load flat fielding plan either from cache (if required) or from TDF file and cache it for faster re-use:			
			corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
			if (isscalar(corrplan['im_flat']) and isscalar(corrplan['im_flat_after']) ):
				skipflat = True
			# Dowscale flat and dark images if necessary:
			if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray):
				corrplan['im_flat'] = corrplan['im_flat'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]		
			if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray):
				corrplan['im_dark'] = corrplan['im_dark'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]	
			if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray):
				corrplan['im_flat_after'] = corrplan['im_flat_after'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]	
			if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray):
				corrplan['im_dark_after'] = corrplan['im_dark_after'][::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]			

			# Dynamic flat fielding:
			if "/tomo" in f_in:				
				if "/flat" in f_in:
					flat_dset = f_in['flat']
					if "/dark" in f_in:
						im_dark = _medianize(f_in['dark'])
						skipdark = True
					skipflat = True # Nothing to do in this case			
				if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
					flat_dset = f_in['/exchange/data_white']
					if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in:
						im_dark = _medianize(f_in['/exchange/data_dark'])	
						skipdark = True
					skipflat = True # Nothing to do in this case
			# Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:		
			if not skipflat:
				EFF, filtEFF = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset, 16, im_dark)

				# Downscale images if necessary:
				im_dark = im_dark[::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor]
				EFF = EFF[::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor,:]	
				filtEFF = filtEFF[::downsc_factor,::downsc_factor,:]	
	# Log infos:
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(linesep + "\tWork plan prepared correctly.")	
	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
	log.write(linesep + "\tPerforming reconstruction...")			

	# Run several threads for independent computation without waiting for threads completion:
	for num in range(nr_threads):
		start = ( (int_to - int_from + 1) / nr_threads)*num + int_from
		if (num == nr_threads - 1):
			end = int_to
			end = ( (int_to - int_from + 1) / nr_threads)*(num + 1) + int_from - 1
		if (reconmethod == 'GRIDREC'):
			Process(target=process_gridrec, args=(lock, start, end, num_sinos, infile, outpath, preprocessing_required, skipflat, 
						corrplan, norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, 
						ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average, ringrem, angles, angles_projfrom, angles_projto, 
						offset, logtrsf, param1, circle, scale, overpad, rolling, roll_shift,
						zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset, 
						postprocess_required, polarfilt_opt, convert_opt, crop_opt, dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, outprefix, 
						logfilename )).start()
			Process(target=process, args=(lock, start, end, num_sinos, infile, outpath, preprocessing_required, skipflat, 
						corrplan, norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, 
						ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average, ringrem, angles, angles_projfrom, angles_projto, 
						offset, logtrsf, param1, circle, scale, overpad, reconmethod, rolling, roll_shift,
						zerone_mode, dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset, 
						postprocess_required, polarfilt_opt, convert_opt, crop_opt, dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, outprefix, 
						logfilename )).start()
def main(argv):
	"""To do...

	lock = Lock()

	skip_flat = True
	first_done = False	

	# Get the from and to number of files to process:
	int_from = int(argv[0])
	int_to = int(argv[1])
	# Get full paths of input TDF and output TDF:
	infile = argv[2]
	outfile = argv[3]
	# Get the phase retrieval parameters:
	method = int(argv[4])
	param1 = double(argv[5])   # e.g. regParam, or beta
	param2 = double(argv[6])   # e.g. thresh or delta
	energy = double(argv[7])
	distance = double(argv[8])    
	pixsize = double(argv[9]) / 1000.0 # pixsixe from micron to mm:	
	pad = True if argv[10] == "True" else False
	# Number of threads (actually processes) to use and logfile:
	nr_threads = int(argv[11])
	logfilename = argv[12]		

	# Log infos:
	log = open(logfilename,"w")
	log.write(linesep + "\tInput TDF file: %s" % (infile))	
	log.write(linesep + "\tOutput TDF file: %s" % (outfile))		
	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
	if (method == 0):
		log.write(linesep + "\tMethod: TIE-Hom (Paganin et al., 2002)")		
		log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")	
		log.write(linesep + "\tDelta/Beta: %0.1f" % ((param2/param1))	)
	#	log.write(linesep + "\tMethod: Projected CTF (Moosmann et al., 2011)")		
	#	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")	
	#	log.write(linesep + "\tDelta/Beta: %0.1f" % ((param2/param1))	)
	log.write(linesep + "\tEnergy: %0.1f keV" % (energy))
	log.write(linesep + "\tDistance: %0.1f mm" % (distance))
	log.write(linesep + "\tPixel size: %0.3f micron" % (pixsize*1000))
	log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")	
	log.write(linesep + "\tBrowsing input files...")	
	# Remove a previous copy of output:
	if exists(outfile):
	# Open the HDF5 file:
	f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
	if "/tomo" in f_in:
		dset = f_in['tomo']
		dset = f_in['exchange/data']
	num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
	num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)
	if (num_proj == 0):
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")	
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(linesep + "\tInput files browsed correctly.")	

	# Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
	if ( (int_to >= num_proj) or (int_to == -1) ):
		int_to = num_proj - 1

	if ( (int_from < 0) ):
		int_from = 0

	# Prepare the plan:
	log = open(logfilename,"a")
	log.write(linesep + "\tPreparing the work plan...")	

	im = tdf.read_tomo(dset,0).astype(float32)	

	outshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_proj)			
	f_out = getHDF5(outfile, 'w')
	f_out_dset = f_out.create_dataset('exchange/data', outshape, float32) 
	f_out_dset.attrs['min'] = str(amin(im[:]))
	f_out_dset.attrs['max'] = str(amax(im[:]))
	f_out_dset.attrs['version'] = '1.0'
	f_out_dset.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"

	if (method == 0):
		# Paganin's:
		plan = tiehom_plan (im, param1, param2, energy, distance, pixsize, pad)
		plan = phrt_plan (im, energy, distance, pixsize, param2, param1, method, pad)

	# Run several threads for independent computation without waiting for threads completion:
	for num in range(nr_threads):
		start = (num_proj / nr_threads)*num
		if (num == nr_threads - 1):
			end = num_proj - 1
			end = (num_proj / nr_threads)*(num + 1) - 1
		Process(target=_process, args=(lock, start, end, infile, outfile, outshape, float32, method, plan, logfilename)).start()
Esempio n. 17
def main(argv):
    """To do...

    lock = Lock()

    skip_flat = True
    first_done = False

    # Get the from and to number of files to process:
    int_from = int(argv[0])
    int_to = int(argv[1])

    # Get full paths of input TDF and output TDF:
    infile = argv[2]
    outfile = argv[3]

    # Get the phase retrieval parameters:
    method = int(argv[4])
    param1 = double(argv[5])  # e.g. regParam, or beta
    param2 = double(argv[6])  # e.g. thresh or delta
    energy = double(argv[7])
    distance = double(argv[8])
    pixsize = double(argv[9]) / 1000.0  # pixsixe from micron to mm:
    pad = True if argv[10] == "True" else False

    # Number of threads (actually processes) to use and logfile:
    nr_threads = int(argv[11])
    logfilename = argv[12]

    # Log infos:
    log = open(logfilename, "w")
    log.write(linesep + "\tInput TDF file: %s" % (infile))
    log.write(linesep + "\tOutput TDF file: %s" % (outfile))
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    if (method == 0):
        log.write(linesep + "\tMethod: TIE-Hom (Paganin et al., 2002)")
        log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
        log.write(linesep + "\tDelta/Beta: %0.1f" % ((param2 / param1)))
    elif (method == 1):
        log.write(linesep +
                  "\tMethod: Generalized TIE-Hom (Paganin et al., 2020)")
        log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
        log.write(linesep + "\tDelta/Beta: %0.1f" % ((param2 / param1)))
        log.write(linesep + "\tMethod: Projected CTF (Moosmann et al., 2011)")
        log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
        log.write(linesep + "\tRegularization: %0.3f" % (param2))
        log.write(linesep + "\tThreshold: %0.3f" % (param1))
    log.write(linesep + "\tEnergy: %0.1f keV" % (energy))
    log.write(linesep + "\tDistance: %0.1f mm" % (distance))
    log.write(linesep + "\tPixel size: %0.3f micron" % (pixsize * 1000))
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tBrowsing input files...")

    # Remove a previous copy of output:
    if exists(outfile):

    # Open the HDF5 file:
    f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
    if "/tomo" in f_in:
        dset = f_in['tomo']
        dset = f_in['exchange/data']
    num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)

    if (num_proj == 0):
        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")

    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(linesep + "\tInput files browsed correctly.")

    # Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
    if ((int_to >= num_proj) or (int_to == -1)):
        int_to = num_proj - 1

    if ((int_from < 0)):
        int_from = 0

    # Prepare the plan:
    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(linesep + "\tPreparing the work plan...")

    im = tdf.read_tomo(dset, 0).astype(float32)

    outshape = tdf.get_dset_shape(im.shape[1], im.shape[0], num_proj)
    f_out = getHDF5(outfile, 'w')
    f_out_dset = f_out.create_dataset('exchange/data', outshape, float32)
    f_out_dset.attrs['min'] = str(amin(im[:]))
    f_out_dset.attrs['max'] = str(amax(im[:]))

    f_out_dset.attrs['version'] = '1.0'
    f_out_dset.attrs['axes'] = "y:theta:x"


    if (method == 0):
        # Paganin 2020:
        plan = tiehom_plan(im, param1, param2, energy, distance, pixsize, pad)
    elif (method == 1):
        # Paganin 2020:
        plan = tiehom_plan2020(im, param1, param2, energy, distance, pixsize,
        plan = phrt_plan(im, energy, distance, pixsize, param2, param1, method,

    # Run several threads for independent computation without waiting for threads completion:
    for num in range(nr_threads):
        start = (num_proj / nr_threads) * num
        if (num == nr_threads - 1):
            end = num_proj - 1
            end = (num_proj / nr_threads) * (num + 1) - 1
                args=(lock, start, end, infile, outfile, outshape, float32,
                      method, plan, logfilename)).start()
def main(argv):          
	"""To do...

	# Get the zero-order index of the sinogram to pre-process:
	idx = int(argv[0])
	# Get paths:
	infile = argv[1]
	outfile = argv[2]
	# Normalization parameters:
	norm_sx = int(argv[3])
	norm_dx = int(argv[4])
	# Params for flat fielding with post flats/darks:
	flat_end = True if argv[5] == "True" else False
	half_half = True if argv[6] == "True" else False
	half_half_line = int(argv[7])
	# Params for extended FOV:
	ext_fov = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
	ext_fov_rot_right = argv[9]
	if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
		ext_fov_rot_right = True
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_sx = 0
		ext_fov_rot_right = False
		if (ext_fov):
			norm_dx = 0		
	ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[10])

	ext_fov_normalize = True if argv[11] == "True" else False
	ext_fov_average = True if argv[12] == "True" else False
	# Method and parameters coded into a string:
	ringrem = argv[13]	
	# Flat fielding method (conventional or dynamic):
	dynamic_ff = True if argv[14] == "True" else False
	# Tmp path and log file:
	tmppath = argv[15]	
	if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep		
	logfilename = argv[16]		

	# Open the HDF5 file:	
	f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
		if "/tomo" in f_in:
			dset = f_in['tomo']		
			dset = f_in['exchange/data']		
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(linesep + "\tError reading input dataset. Process will end.")		
	num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
	num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)
	# Check if the HDF5 makes sense:
	if (num_sinos == 0):
		log = open(logfilename,"a")
		log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")	

	# Get flat and darks from cache or from file:
	skipflat = False
	skipdark = False
	if not dynamic_ff:
			corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
		except Exception as e:
			#print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
			corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
			if (isscalar(corrplan['im_flat']) and isscalar(corrplan['im_flat_after']) ):
				skipflat = True
				plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)					
		# Dynamic flat fielding:
		if "/tomo" in f_in:				
			if "/flat" in f_in:
				flat_dset = f_in['flat']
				if "/dark" in f_in:
					im_dark = _medianize(f_in['dark'])
					skipdark = True
				skipflat = True # Nothing to do in this case			
			if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
				flat_dset = f_in['/exchange/data_white']
				if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in:
					im_dark = _medianize(f_in['/exchange/data_dark'])
					skipdark = True
				skipflat = True # Nothing to do in this case
		# Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
		if not skipflat:	
			EFF, filtEFF = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset, 16, im_dark)

	# Read input image:
	im = tdf.read_sino(dset,idx).astype(float32)	

	# Perform pre-processing (flat fielding, extended FOV, ring removal):	
	if not skipflat:
		if dynamic_ff:
			# Dynamic flat fielding with downsampling = 2:
			im = dynamic_flat_fielding(im, idx, EFF, filtEFF, 2, im_dark, norm_sx, norm_dx)
			im = flat_fielding(im, idx, corrplan, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, norm_sx, norm_dx)	
	if ext_fov:			
		im = extfov_correction(im, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize, ext_fov_average)
	if not skipflat and not dynamic_ff:
		im = ring_correction (im, ringrem, flat_end, corrplan['skip_flat_after'], half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov)		
		im = ring_correction (im, ringrem, False, False, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov)						

	# Write down reconstructed preview file (file name modified with metadata):		
	im = im.astype(float32)
	outfile = outfile + '_' + str(im.shape[1]) + 'x' + str(im.shape[0]) + '_' + str( nanmin(im)) + '$' + str( nanmax(im) )	
Esempio n. 19
def main(argv):
    """To do...


	The following line processes the first ten TIFF files of input path 
	"/home/in" and saves the processed files to "/home/out" with the 
	application of the Boin and Haibel filter with smoothing via a Butterworth
	filter of order 4 and cutoff frequency 0.01:

	reconstruct 0 4 C:\Temp\Dullin_Aug_2012\sino_noflat C:\Temp\Dullin_Aug_2012\sino_noflat\output 
	9.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 true sino slice C:\Temp\Dullin_Aug_2012\sino_noflat\tomo_conv flat dark

    lock = Lock()
    skip_flat = False
    skip_flat_after = True

    # Get the from and to number of files to process:
    int_from = int(argv[0])
    int_to = int(argv[1])

    # Get paths:
    infile = argv[2]
    outpath = argv[3]

    # Essential reconstruction parameters:
    angles = float(argv[4])
    offset = float(argv[5])
    param1 = argv[6]
    scale = int(float(argv[7]))

    overpad = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
    logtrsf = True if argv[9] == "True" else False
    circle = True if argv[10] == "True" else False

    outprefix = argv[11]

    # Parameters for on-the-fly pre-processing:
    preprocessing_required = True if argv[12] == "True" else False
    flat_end = True if argv[13] == "True" else False
    half_half = True if argv[14] == "True" else False

    half_half_line = int(argv[15])

    ext_fov = True if argv[16] == "True" else False

    norm_sx = int(argv[21])
    norm_dx = int(argv[22])

    ext_fov_rot_right = argv[17]
    if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
        ext_fov_rot_right = True
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_sx = 0
        ext_fov_rot_right = False
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_dx = 0

    ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[18])

    ext_fov_normalize = True if argv[19] == "True" else False
    ext_fov_average = True if argv[20] == "True" else False

    skip_ringrem = True if argv[23] == "True" else False
    ringrem = argv[24]

    # Extra reconstruction parameters:
    zerone_mode = True if argv[25] == "True" else False
    corr_offset = float(argv[26])

    reconmethod = argv[27]
    # Force overpadding in case of GRIDREC for unknown reasons:
    if reconmethod == "GRIDREC":
        overpad = True

    decim_factor = int(argv[28])
    downsc_factor = int(argv[29])

    # Parameters for postprocessing:
    postprocess_required = True if argv[30] == "True" else False
    polarfilt_opt = argv[31]
    convert_opt = argv[32]
    crop_opt = argv[33]

    angles_projfrom = int(argv[34])
    angles_projto = int(argv[35])

    rolling = True if argv[36] == "True" else False
    roll_shift = int(int(argv[37]) / decim_factor)

    dynamic_ff = True if argv[38] == "True" else False

    nr_threads = int(argv[39])
    logfilename = argv[40]
    process_id = int(logfilename[-6:-4])

    # Check prefixes and path:
    #if not infile.endswith(sep): infile += sep
    if not exists(outpath):

    if not outpath.endswith(sep): outpath += sep

    # Open the HDF5 file:
    f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
    if "/tomo" in f_in:
        dset = f_in['tomo']

        tomoprefix = 'tomo'
        flatprefix = 'flat'
        darkprefix = 'dark'
        dset = f_in['exchange/data']
        if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in:
            prov_dset = f_in['provenance/detector_output']

            tomoprefix = prov_dset.attrs['tomo_prefix']
            flatprefix = prov_dset.attrs['flat_prefix']
            darkprefix = prov_dset.attrs['dark_prefix']

    dset_min = -1
    dset_max = -1
    if (zerone_mode):
        if ('min' in dset.attrs):
            dset_min = float(dset.attrs['min'])
            zerone_mode = False

        if ('max' in dset.attrs):
            dset_max = float(dset.attrs['max'])
            zerone_mode = False

    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)  # Pay attention to the downscale factor

    if (num_sinos == 0):
        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")

    # Check extrema (int_to == -1 means all files):
    if ((int_to >= num_sinos / downsc_factor) or (int_to == -1)):
        int_to = num_sinos / downsc_factor - 1

    # Log info:
    log = open(logfilename, "w")
    log.write(linesep + "\tInput file: %s" % (infile))
    log.write(linesep + "\tOutput path: %s" % (outpath))
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tPreparing the work plan...")

    # Get correction plan and phase retrieval plan (if required):
    corrplan = -1
    phrtplan = -1

    skipflat = False

    im_dark = -1
    EFF = -1
    filtEFF = -1
    if (preprocessing_required):
        if not dynamic_ff:
            # Load flat fielding plan either from cache (if required) or from TDF file
            # and cache it for faster re-use:
            corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
            if (isscalar(corrplan['im_flat'])
                    and isscalar(corrplan['im_flat_after'])):
                skipflat = True

            # Dowscale flat and dark images if necessary:
            if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray):
                corrplan['im_flat'] = corrplan[
                    'im_flat'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
            if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray):
                corrplan['im_dark'] = corrplan[
                    'im_dark'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
            if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray):
                corrplan['im_flat_after'] = corrplan[
                    'im_flat_after'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
            if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray):
                corrplan['im_dark_after'] = corrplan[
                    'im_dark_after'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]

            # Dynamic flat fielding:
            if "/tomo" in f_in:
                if "/flat" in f_in:
                    flat_dset = f_in['flat']
                    if "/dark" in f_in:
                        im_dark = _medianize(f_in['dark'])
                        skipdark = True
                    skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case
                if "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
                    flat_dset = f_in['/exchange/data_white']
                    if "/exchange/data_dark" in f_in:
                        im_dark = _medianize(f_in['/exchange/data_dark'])
                        skipdark = True
                    skipflat = True  # Nothing to do in this case

            # Prepare plan for dynamic flat fielding with 16 repetitions:
            if not skipflat:
                EFF, filtEFF = dff_prepare_plan(flat_dset, 16, im_dark)

                # Downscale images if necessary:
                im_dark = im_dark[::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
                EFF = EFF[::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor, :]
                filtEFF = filtEFF[::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor, :]


    # Log infos:
    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(linesep + "\tWork plan prepared correctly.")
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tPerforming reconstruction...")

    # Run several threads for independent computation without waiting for threads
    # completion:
    for num in range(nr_threads):
        start = ((int_to - int_from + 1) / nr_threads) * num + int_from
        if (num == nr_threads - 1):
            end = int_to
            end = ((int_to - int_from + 1) / nr_threads) * (num +
                                                            1) + int_from - 1
        if (reconmethod == 'GRIDREC'):
                args=(lock, start, end, num_sinos, infile, outpath,
                      preprocessing_required, skipflat, corrplan, norm_sx,
                      norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov,
                      ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize,
                      ext_fov_average, ringrem, angles, angles_projfrom,
                      angles_projto, offset, logtrsf, param1, circle, scale,
                      overpad, rolling, roll_shift, zerone_mode, dset_min,
                      dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset,
                      postprocess_required, polarfilt_opt, convert_opt,
                      crop_opt, dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark, outprefix,
                args=(lock, start, end, num_sinos, infile, outpath,
                      preprocessing_required, skipflat, corrplan, norm_sx,
                      norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line, ext_fov,
                      ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize,
                      ext_fov_average, ringrem, angles, angles_projfrom,
                      angles_projto, offset, logtrsf, param1, circle, scale,
                      overpad, reconmethod, rolling, roll_shift, zerone_mode,
                      dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor,
                      corr_offset, postprocess_required, polarfilt_opt,
                      convert_opt, crop_opt, dynamic_ff, EFF, filtEFF, im_dark,
                      outprefix, logfilename)).start()
def main(argv):
    """To do...

    lock = Lock()

    skip_flat = True
    first_done = False

    # Get the from and to number of files to process:
    idx = int(argv[0])

    # Get full paths of input TDF and output TDF:
    infile = argv[1]
    outfile = argv[2]

    # Get the phase retrieval parameters:
    method = int(argv[3])
    param1 = double(argv[4])  # param1( e.g. regParam, or beta)
    param2 = double(argv[5])  # param2( e.g. thresh or delta)
    energy = double(argv[6])
    distance = double(argv[7])
    pixsize = double(argv[8]) / 1000.0  # pixsixe from micron to mm:
    pad = True if argv[9] == "True" else False

    # Tmp path and log file:
    tmppath = argv[10]
    if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep
    logfilename = argv[11]

    # Open the HDF5 file and check it contains flat files:
    skipflat = False
    f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
    if "/tomo" in f_in:
        dset = f_in['tomo']
        if not "/flat" in f_in:
            skipflat = True
        dset = f_in['exchange/data']
        if not "/exchange/data_white" in f_in:
            skipflat = True
    num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)

    # Check if the HDF5 makes sense:
    if (num_proj == 0):
        log = open(logfilename, "a")
        log.write(linesep + "\tNo projections found. Process will end.")

    # Get flats and darks from cache or from file:
    if not skipflat:
            corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
        except Exception as e:
            #print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
            corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, True, logfilename)
            plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)

    # Read projection:
    im = tdf.read_tomo(dset, idx).astype(float32)

    # Apply simple flat fielding (if applicable):
    if not skipflat:
        if (isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray)
                and isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray)
                and isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray)
                and isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray)):
            if (idx < num_proj / 2):
                im = (im - corrplan['im_dark']) / (
                    abs(corrplan['im_flat'] - corrplan['im_dark']) +
                im = (im - corrplan['im_dark_after']) / (
                    abs(corrplan['im_flat_after'] - corrplan['im_dark_after'])
                    + finfo(float32).eps)

    # Prepare plan:
    im = im.astype(float32)
    if (method == 0):
        # Paganin 2002:
        plan = tiehom_plan(im, param1, param2, energy, distance, pixsize, pad)
        im = tiehom(im, plan).astype(float32)
    elif (method == 1):
        # Paganin 2020:
        plan = tiehom_plan2020(im, param1, param2, energy, distance, pixsize,
        im = tiehom2020(im, plan).astype(float32)
        plan = phrt_plan(im, energy, distance, pixsize, param2, param1, method,
        im = phrt(im, plan, method).astype(float32)

    # Write down reconstructed preview file (file name modified with metadata):
    im = im.astype(float32)
    outfile = outfile + '_' + str(im.shape[1]) + 'x' + str(
        im.shape[0]) + '_' + str(nanmin(im)) + '$' + str(nanmax(im))
Esempio n. 21
def main(argv):
    """To do...

    lock = Lock()
    skip_flat = False
    skip_flat_after = True

    # Get the from and to number of files to process:
    sino_idx = int(argv[0])

    # Get paths:
    infile = argv[1]
    outpath = argv[2]

    # Essential reconstruction parameters::
    angles = float(argv[3])
    off_step = float(argv[4])
    param1 = argv[5]
    scale = int(float(argv[6]))

    overpad = True if argv[7] == "True" else False
    logtrsf = True if argv[8] == "True" else False
    circle = True if argv[9] == "True" else False

    # Parameters for on-the-fly pre-processing:
    preprocessing_required = True if argv[10] == "True" else False
    flat_end = True if argv[11] == "True" else False
    half_half = True if argv[12] == "True" else False

    half_half_line = int(argv[13])

    ext_fov = True if argv[14] == "True" else False

    norm_sx = int(argv[19])
    norm_dx = int(argv[20])

    ext_fov_rot_right = argv[15]
    if ext_fov_rot_right == "True":
        ext_fov_rot_right = True
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_sx = 0
        ext_fov_rot_right = False
        if (ext_fov):
            norm_dx = 0

    ext_fov_overlap = int(argv[16])

    ext_fov_normalize = True if argv[17] == "True" else False
    ext_fov_average = True if argv[18] == "True" else False

    skip_ringrem = True if argv[21] == "True" else False
    ringrem = argv[22]

    # Extra reconstruction parameters:
    zerone_mode = True if argv[23] == "True" else False
    corr_offset = float(argv[24])

    reconmethod = argv[25]

    decim_factor = int(argv[26])
    downsc_factor = int(argv[27])

    # Parameters for postprocessing:
    postprocess_required = True if argv[28] == "True" else False
    convert_opt = argv[29]
    crop_opt = argv[30]

    # Parameters for on-the-fly phase retrieval:
    phaseretrieval_required = True if argv[31] == "True" else False
    phrtmethod = int(argv[32])
    phrt_param1 = double(argv[33])  # param1( e.g. regParam, or beta)
    phrt_param2 = double(argv[34])  # param2( e.g. thresh or delta)
    energy = double(argv[35])
    distance = double(argv[36])
    pixsize = double(argv[37]) / 1000.0  # pixsixe from micron to mm:
    phrtpad = True if argv[38] == "True" else False
    approx_win = int(argv[39])

    angles_projfrom = int(argv[40])
    angles_projto = int(argv[41])

    preprocessingplan_fromcache = True if argv[42] == "True" else False
    tmppath = argv[43]
    if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep

    nr_threads = int(argv[44])
    off_from = float(argv[45])
    off_to = float(argv[46])

    slice_prefix = argv[47]

    logfilename = argv[48]

    if not exists(outpath):

    if not outpath.endswith(sep): outpath += sep

    # Log info:
    log = open(logfilename, "w")
    log.write(linesep + "\tInput dataset: %s" % (infile))
    log.write(linesep + "\tOutput path: %s" % (outpath))
    log.write(linesep + "\t--------------")
    log.write(linesep + "\tLoading flat and dark images...")

    # Open the HDF5 file:
    f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
    if "/tomo" in f_in:
        dset = f_in['tomo']
        dset = f_in['exchange/data']
        if "/provenance/detector_output" in f_in:
            prov_dset = f_in['provenance/detector_output']

    dset_min = -1
    dset_max = -1
    if (zerone_mode):
        if ('min' in dset.attrs):
            dset_min = float(dset.attrs['min'])
            zerone_mode = False

        if ('max' in dset.attrs):
            dset_max = float(dset.attrs['max'])
            zerone_mode = False

    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)  # Pay attention to the downscale factor

    if (num_sinos == 0):

    # Check extrema:
    if (sino_idx >= num_sinos / downsc_factor):
        sino_idx = num_sinos / downsc_factor - 1

    # Get correction plan and phase retrieval plan (if required):
    corrplan = 0
    if (preprocessing_required):
        # Load flat fielding plan either from cache (if required) or from TDF file and cache it for faster re-use:
        if (preprocessingplan_fromcache):
                corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
            except Exception as e:
                #print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
                corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
                plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)
            corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, flat_end, logfilename)
            plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)

        # Dowscale flat and dark images if necessary:
        if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray):
            corrplan['im_flat'] = corrplan[
                'im_flat'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
        if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray):
            corrplan['im_dark'] = corrplan[
                'im_dark'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
        if isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray):
            corrplan['im_flat_after'] = corrplan[
                'im_flat_after'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]
        if isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray):
            corrplan['im_dark_after'] = corrplan[
                'im_dark_after'][::downsc_factor, ::downsc_factor]


    # Log infos:
    log = open(logfilename, "a")
    log.write(linesep + "\tPerforming preprocessing...")

    # Run computation:
    process(sino_idx, num_sinos, infile, outpath, preprocessing_required,
            corrplan, norm_sx, norm_dx, flat_end, half_half, half_half_line,
            ext_fov, ext_fov_rot_right, ext_fov_overlap, ext_fov_normalize,
            ext_fov_average, ringrem, phaseretrieval_required, phrtmethod,
            phrt_param1, phrt_param2, energy, distance, pixsize, phrtpad,
            approx_win, angles, angles_projfrom, angles_projto, off_step,
            logtrsf, param1, circle, scale, overpad, reconmethod, zerone_mode,
            dset_min, dset_max, decim_factor, downsc_factor, corr_offset,
            postprocess_required, convert_opt, crop_opt, nr_threads, off_from,
            off_to, logfilename, lock, slice_prefix)
Esempio n. 22
def main(argv):
    """Try to guess the center of rotation of the input CT dataset.

    infile  : array_like
        HDF5 input dataset

    outfile : string
        Full path where the identified center of rotation will be written as output

	scale   : int
        If sub-pixel precision is interesting, use e.g. 2.0 to get a center of rotation 
		of .5 value. Use 1.0 if sub-pixel precision is not required

	angles  : int
        Total number of angles of the input dataset	

	proj_from : int
        Initial projections to consider for the assumed angles

	proj_to : int
        Final projections to consider for the assumed angles

	method : string
		(not implemented yet)

	tmppath : string
        Temporary path where look for cached flat/dark files
    # Get path:
    infile = argv[0]  # The HDF5 file on the
    outfile = argv[1]  # The txt file with the proposed center
    scale = float(argv[2])
    angles = float(argv[3])
    proj_from = int(argv[4])
    proj_to = int(argv[5])
    method = argv[6]
    tmppath = argv[7]
    if not tmppath.endswith(sep): tmppath += sep


    # Create a silly temporary log:
    tmplog = tmppath + basename(infile) + str(time.time())

    # Open the HDF5 file (take into account also older TDF versions):
    f_in = getHDF5(infile, 'r')
    if "/tomo" in f_in:
        dset = f_in['tomo']
        dset = f_in['exchange/data']
    num_proj = tdf.get_nr_projs(dset)
    num_sinos = tdf.get_nr_sinos(dset)

    # Get flats and darks from cache or from file:
        corrplan = cache2plan(infile, tmppath)
    except Exception as e:
        #print "Error(s) when reading from cache"
        corrplan = extract_flatdark(f_in, True, tmplog)
        plan2cache(corrplan, infile, tmppath)

    # Get first and the 180 deg projections:
    im1 = tdf.read_tomo(dset, proj_from).astype(float32)

    idx = int(round((proj_to - proj_from) / angles * pi)) + proj_from
    im2 = tdf.read_tomo(dset, idx).astype(float32)

    # Apply simple flat fielding (if applicable):
    if (isinstance(corrplan['im_flat_after'], ndarray)
            and isinstance(corrplan['im_flat'], ndarray)
            and isinstance(corrplan['im_dark'], ndarray)
            and isinstance(corrplan['im_dark_after'], ndarray)):
        im1 = ((abs(im1 - corrplan['im_dark'])) /
               (abs(corrplan['im_flat'] - corrplan['im_dark']) +
        im2 = ((abs(im2 - corrplan['im_dark_after'])) /
               (abs(corrplan['im_flat_after'] - corrplan['im_dark_after']) +

    # Scale projections (if required) to get subpixel estimation:
    if (abs(scale - 1.0) > finfo(float32).eps):
        im1 = imresize(im1, (int(round(
            scale * im1.shape[0])), int(round(scale * im1.shape[1]))),
        im2 = imresize(im2, (int(round(
            scale * im2.shape[0])), int(round(scale * im2.shape[1]))),

    # Find the center (flipping left-right im2):
    cen = findcenter.usecorrelation(im1, im2[:, ::-1])
    cen = cen / scale

    # Print center to output file:
    text_file = open(outfile, "w")

    # Close input HDF5: