Esempio n. 1
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Athlete is Craig Peters, employee at Strava

from strava import Athlete

# First, we set up a Strava Object for the Athlete that we want to query
st = Athlete(103227)

# Once we've gotten the Athlete's object, we can then look at various
# statistics - number of rides and total moving time are shown below.
# By default, we only look at the last 7 days.

print('Ridden %d rides' % st.ride_stats()['rides'])
print('Total moving time: %f minutes' %
      (float(st.ride_stats()['moving_time']) / 60.0))

# We can then iterate through the rides, and further through the segments on
# each of those rides, displaying information from each. Ride details are stored
# in metric, so, we need to convert that to get imperial measurements.

for ride in st.rides():
    print('Ride name: %s' %
    # convert from m/s to mph
    # m/s * 2.23694 = mph
    print('Average speed: %.1f mph' % (ride.detail.average_speed * 2.23694))
    print('Average watts: %d' % ride.detail.average_watts)
    for segment in ride.segments:
        print('  Segment: %s\n    Moving Time: %f minutes\n    Average '
              'Speed: %f mph' %