Esempio n. 1
def test_cyclic_import():
    from .type_a import TypeA
    from .type_b import TypeB

    class Query:
        a: TypeA
        b: TypeB

    expected = """
    type Query {
      a: TypeA!
      b: TypeB!

    type TypeA {
      listOfB: [TypeB!]
      typeB: TypeB!

    type TypeB {
      typeA: TypeA!

    schema = strawberry.Schema(Query)

    assert print_schema(schema) == textwrap.dedent(expected).strip()
Esempio n. 2
def test_forward_reference():
    global MyType

    class Query:
        me: MyType = strawberry.field(name="myself")

    class MyType:
        id: strawberry.ID

    expected_representation = """
    type MyType {
      id: ID!

    type Query {
      myself: MyType!

    schema = strawberry.Schema(Query)

    assert print_schema(schema) == textwrap.dedent(

    del MyType
Esempio n. 3
def test_input_defaults():
    class MyInput:
        s: Optional[str] = None
        i: int = 0
        x: Optional[int] = UNSET

    class Query:
        def search(self, input: MyInput) -> int:
            return input.i

    expected_type = """
    input MyInput {
      s: String = null
      i: Int! = 0
      x: Int

    type Query {
      search(input: MyInput!): Int!

    schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)

    assert print_schema(schema) == textwrap.dedent(expected_type).strip()
Esempio n. 4
def test_interface():
    class Node:
        id: strawberry.ID

    class User(Node):
        name: str

    class Query:
        user: User

    expected_type = """
    interface Node {
      id: ID!

    type Query {
      user: User!

    type User implements Node {
      id: ID!
      name: String!

    schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)

    assert print_schema(schema) == textwrap.dedent(expected_type).strip()
Esempio n. 5
def test_input_simple_required_types():
    class MyInput:
        s: str
        i: int
        b: bool
        f: float
        id: strawberry.ID
        uid: UUID

    class Query:
        def search(self, input: MyInput) -> str:
            return input.s

    expected_type = """
    input MyInput {
      s: String!
      i: Int!
      b: Boolean!
      f: Float!
      id: ID!
      uid: ID!

    type Query {
      search(input: MyInput!): String!

    schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)

    assert print_schema(schema) == textwrap.dedent(expected_type).strip()
Esempio n. 6
def test_simple_required_types():
    class Query:
        s: str
        i: int
        b: bool
        f: float
        id: strawberry.ID
        uid: UUID

    expected_type = """
    type Query {
      s: String!
      i: Int!
      b: Boolean!
      f: Float!
      id: ID!
      uid: UUID!

    scalar UUID

    schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)

    assert print_schema(schema) == textwrap.dedent(expected_type).strip()
Esempio n. 7
def test_print_schema():
    class Product:
        upc: str
        name: typing.Optional[str]
        price: typing.Optional[int]
        weight: typing.Optional[int]

    class Query:
        def top_products(self, info, first: int) -> typing.List[Product]:
            return []

    expected_representation = """
        type Product @key(fields: "upc") {
          upc: String!
          name: String
          price: Int
          weight: Int

        extend type Query {
          topProducts(first: Int!): [Product!]!

    schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)

    assert print_schema(schema) == textwrap.dedent(
Esempio n. 8
def export_schema(schema: str):
        schema_symbol = import_module_symbol(schema,
    except (ImportError, AttributeError) as exc:
        message = str(exc)
        raise click.BadArgumentUsage(message)
    if not isinstance(schema_symbol, Schema):
        message = "The `schema` must be an instance of strawberry.Schema"
        raise click.BadArgumentUsage(message)
Esempio n. 9
def test_optional():
    class Query:
        s: Optional[str]

    expected_type = """
    type Query {
      s: String

    schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)

    assert print_schema(schema) == textwrap.dedent(expected_type).strip()
Esempio n. 10
def test_printer_with_camel_case_off():
    class Query:
        hello_world: str

    expected_type = """
    type Query {
      hello_world: String!

    schema = strawberry.Schema(
        query=Query, config=StrawberryConfig(auto_camel_case=False)

    assert print_schema(schema) == textwrap.dedent(expected_type).strip()
Esempio n. 11
def test_print_simple_directive():
    class Sensitive:
        reason: str

    class Query:
        first_name: str = strawberry.field(directives=[Sensitive(reason="GDPR")])

    expected_type = """
    type Query {
      firstName: String! @sensitive(reason: "GDPR")

    schema = strawberry.Schema(query=Query)

    assert print_schema(schema) == textwrap.dedent(expected_type).strip()
Esempio n. 12
def test_lazy_enum():
    class Query:
        a: strawberry.LazyType["LazyEnum",

    expected = """
    enum LazyEnum {

    type Query {
      a: LazyEnum!

    schema = strawberry.Schema(Query)

    assert print_schema(schema) == textwrap.dedent(expected).strip()
Esempio n. 13
def test_forward_reference():
    class MyType:
        id: strawberry.ID

    class Query:
        me: MyType

    expected_representation = """
    type MyType {
      id: ID!

    type Query {
      me: MyType!

    schema = strawberry.Schema(Query)

    assert print_schema(schema) == textwrap.dedent(expected_representation).strip()