def test_gkp_logical(self, eps):
        r"""Checks that logically equivalent GKP states have
        Wigner functions that agree."""
        x = np.linspace(-3 * np.sqrt(np.pi), 3 * np.sqrt(np.pi), 40)
        p = np.copy(x)

        # Prepare GKP 0 and apply Hadamard
        prog_0H = sf.Program(1)
        with prog_0H.context as q0:
            sf.ops.GKP(epsilon=eps) | q0[0]
            sf.ops.Rgate(np.pi / 2) | q0[0]

        backend_0H = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        state_0H = backend_0H.state()
        wigner_0H = state_0H.wigner(0, x, p)

        # Prepare GKP +
        prog_plus = sf.Program(1)
        with prog_plus.context as qp:
            sf.ops.GKP(state=[np.pi / 2, 0], epsilon=eps) | qp[0]

        backend_plus = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        state_plus = backend_plus.state()
        wigner_plus = state_plus.wigner(0, x, p)

        assert np.allclose(wigner_0H, wigner_plus)
    def test_cat_real_cutoff_and_D(self, alpha, phi):
        r"""Checks that for the real cat state representation a
        low cutoff and low D produce fewer weights when alpha !=0."""
        prog = sf.Program(1)
        with prog.context as q:
            sf.ops.Catstate(alpha, phi, representation="real", cutoff=1e-6, D=1) | q[0]

        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        state = backend.state()
        num_weights_low = state.num_weights

        prog = sf.Program(1)
        with prog.context as q:
            sf.ops.Catstate(alpha, phi, representation="real", cutoff=1e-6, D=10) | q[0]

        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        state = backend.state()
        num_weights_high = state.num_weights

        assert np.allclose(sum(state.weights()), 1)
        assert state.means().shape == (num_weights_high, 2)
        assert state.covs().shape == (num_weights_high, 2, 2)

        if alpha != 0:
            assert num_weights_low < num_weights_high
            assert num_weights_low == num_weights_high
    def test_complex_weight(self, alpha):
        r"""Checks that Bosonic creates a state with user-specifed weights, means
        and covariances."""
        dummy_backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        # Get weights, means and covs for a cat state
        weights, means, covs = dummy_backend.prepare_cat(alpha, 0, "complex", 0, 0)

        # Initiate the state, but use Bosonic method
        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        prog = sf.Program(1)
        with prog.context as q1:
            sf.ops.Bosonic(weights, means, covs) | q1[0]
        state = backend.state()

        # Prepare using the Catstate method
        backend2 = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        prog2 = sf.Program(1)
        with prog2.context as q2:
            sf.ops.Catstate(alpha) | q2[0]
        state2 = backend2.state()

        # Check the two states are equal
        assert state.__eq__(state2)
    def test_gkp(self, eps):
        r"""Checks the GKP state weights, means and covariances are correct."""
        prog = sf.Program(1)
        with prog.context as q:
            sf.ops.GKP(epsilon=eps) | q[0]

        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        state = backend.state()
        num_weights = state.num_weights
        assert state.weights().shape == (num_weights,)
        assert np.allclose(sum(state.weights()), 1)
        assert state.means().shape == (num_weights, 2)
        assert state.covs().shape == (num_weights, 2, 2)

        # Weights, means and covs should be real
        assert np.allclose(state.weights().real, state.weights())
        assert np.allclose(state.means().real, state.means())
        assert np.allclose(state.covs().real, state.covs())

        # Covariance should be diagonal with these entries
        cov_val = (1 - np.exp(-2 * eps)) / (1 + np.exp(-2 * eps)) * sf.hbar / 2
        covs_compare = np.tile(cov_val * np.eye(2), (num_weights, 1, 1))
        assert np.allclose(state.covs(), covs_compare)

        # Means should be integer multiples of sqrt(pi*hbar)/2 times a damping
        damping = 2 * np.exp(-eps) / (1 + np.exp(-2 * eps))
        mean_ints = state.means() / (damping * np.sqrt(np.pi * sf.hbar) / 2)

        # Round to make sure numerical errors are washed out
        mean_ints = np.round(np.real_if_close(mean_ints), 10)
        assert np.allclose(mean_ints % 1, np.zeros(mean_ints.shape))
    def test_cat_state_wigners(self, alpha, phi, representation):
        r"""Checks that the real and complex cat state representations
        have the same Wigner functions as the cat state from the Fock
        x = np.linspace(-2 * alpha, 2 * alpha, 100)
        p = np.linspace(-2 * alpha, 2 * alpha, 100)

        prog_complex_cat = sf.Program(1)
        with prog_complex_cat.context as qb:
            sf.ops.Catstate(alpha, phi, representation=representation) | qb[0]

        backend_bosonic = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        wigner_bosonic = backend_bosonic.state().wigner(0, x, p)

        prog_cat_fock = sf.Program(1)
        with prog_cat_fock.context as qf:
            if alpha != 0:
                sf.ops.Catstate(alpha, phi) | qf[0]
                sf.ops.Vacuum() | qf[0]
        eng = sf.Engine("fock", backend_options={"cutoff_dim": 20})
        results =
        wigner_fock = results.state.wigner(0, x, p)

        assert np.allclose(wigner_bosonic, wigner_fock, rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-6)
    def test_fock(self, n):
        r"""Checks fock states in the bosonic representation."""
        prog = sf.Program(1)
        with prog.context as q:
            sf.ops.Fock(n) | q[0]

        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        state = backend.state()

        # Check shapes
        assert state.num_weights == n + 1
        assert state.weights().shape == (n + 1,)
        assert np.allclose(sum(state.weights()), 1)
        assert state.means().shape == (n + 1, 2)
        assert state.covs().shape == (n + 1, 2, 2)

        # Check mean photon is close to n
        mean, var = state.mean_photon(0)
        assert np.allclose(mean, n, atol=r_fock)
        assert np.allclose(var, 0, atol=r_fock)

        # Weights, means and covs should be real
        assert np.allclose(state.weights().real, state.weights())
        assert np.allclose(state.means().real, state.means())
        assert np.allclose(state.covs().real, state.covs())

        if n == 0:
            covs_compare = np.tile(np.eye(2) * sf.hbar / 2, (1, 1, 1))
            assert np.allclose(state.covs(), covs_compare)
            assert np.allclose(state.fidelity_vacuum(), 1)
    def test_different_preparations(self, alpha, r):
        """Runs a program with non-Gaussian and Gaussian preparations."""
        prog = sf.Program(3)

        with prog.context as q:
            sf.ops.Catstate(alpha) | q[0]
            sf.ops.Squeezed(r) | q[1]

        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        state = backend.state()

        # Check output shapes
        if alpha != 0:
            assert state.weights().shape == (4,)
            assert np.allclose(sum(state.weights()), 1)
            assert state.means().shape == (4, 6)
            assert state.covs().shape == (4, 6, 6)

            assert state.weights().shape == (1,)
            assert np.allclose(sum(state.weights()), 1)
            assert state.means().shape == (1, 6)
            assert state.covs().shape == (1, 6, 6)

        # Check covariance is correct
        cov_compare = np.diag([1, 1, np.exp(-2 * r), np.exp(2 * r), 1, 1])
        covs_compare = np.tile(cov_compare * sf.hbar / 2, (4, 1, 1))
        assert np.allclose(state.covs(), covs_compare)
    def test_cat_state_parity(self, alpha):
        r"""Checks that the real and complex cat state representations
        yield the correct parity."""
        # for phi = 0, should yield parity of 1
        prog_complex_cat = sf.Program(1)
        with prog_complex_cat.context as qc:
            sf.ops.Catstate(alpha) | qc[0]

        prog_real_cat = sf.Program(1)
        with prog_real_cat.context as qr:
            sf.ops.Catstate(alpha, representation="real") | qr[0]

        backend_complex = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        state_complex = backend_complex.state()
        parity_complex = state_complex.parity_expectation([0])

        backend_real = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        state_real = backend_real.state()
        parity_real = state_real.parity_expectation([0])

        assert np.allclose(parity_complex, 1)
        assert np.allclose(parity_real, 1)

        # for phi = 1, should yield parity of -1 unless alpha == 0
        if alpha != 0:
            prog_complex_cat = sf.Program(1)
            with prog_complex_cat.context as qc:
                sf.ops.Catstate(alpha, 1) | qc[0]

            prog_real_cat = sf.Program(1)
            with prog_real_cat.context as qr:
                sf.ops.Catstate(alpha, 1, representation="real") | qr[0]

            backend_complex = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
            state_complex = backend_complex.state()
            parity_complex = state_complex.parity_expectation([0])

            backend_real = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
            state_real = backend_real.state()
            parity_real = state_real.parity_expectation([0])

            assert np.allclose(parity_complex, -1)
            assert np.allclose(parity_real, -1)
    def test_raised_errors(self):
        """Runs programs with operations that are not applicable
        or have not been implemented."""
        from strawberryfields.backends.base import NotApplicableError

        prog = sf.Program(1)
        with prog.context as q:
            sf.ops.Kgate(1) | q[0]
        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        with pytest.raises(NotApplicableError):

        prog = sf.Program(1)
        with prog.context as q:
            sf.ops.MeasureThreshold() | q[0]
        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
    def test_fock_state_parity(self, n):
        r"""Checks that fock states have the right parity."""
        prog = sf.Program(1)
        with prog.context as q:
            sf.ops.Fock(n) | q[0]

        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        state = backend.state()
        assert np.allclose(state.parity_expectation([0]), (-1.0) ** n, atol=r_fock)
 def test_non_initial_prep_error(self):
     """Tests that more than one non-Gaussian state preparations in the same mode
     raises an error."""
     prog = sf.Program(1)
     with prog.context as q:
         sf.ops.Catstate() | q[0]
         sf.ops.GKP() | q[0]
     backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
     with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
    def test_gkp_state_parity(self, eps):
        r"""Checks that GKP states yield the right parity."""
        prog = sf.Program(1)
        with prog.context as q:
            sf.ops.GKP(epsilon=eps) | q[0]

        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        state = backend.state()
        assert np.allclose(state.parity_expectation([0]), 1, atol=r_fock)
    def test_gkp_complex(self):
        r"""Checks that trying to call a complex representation
        raises an error.

        This test can be updated once the complex representation is
        prog = sf.Program(1)
        with prog.context as q:
            sf.ops.GKP(representation="complex") | q[0]

        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
    def test_g2_threshold(self):
        r"""Tests that the g^2 of a single photon is zero"""
        num_repeats = 50
        for _ in range(num_repeats):
            prog = sf.Program(2)
            with prog.context as q:
                sf.ops.Fock(1) | q[0]
                sf.ops.BSgate() | (q[0], q[1])
                sf.ops.MeasureThreshold() | (q[0], q[1])

            backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
            results = backend.run_prog(prog)
            _, results = backend.run_prog(prog)
            res0, res1 = results[0][0][0], results[1][0][0]
            assert ([res0, res1] == [0, 1]) or ([res0, res1] == [1, 0])
    def test_fock_threshold(self, n):
        r"""Tests that Fock states n > 0 always yield a click."""
        num_repeats = 50
        for _ in range(num_repeats):
            prog = sf.Program(1)
            with prog.context as q:
                sf.ops.Fock(n) | q[0]
                sf.ops.MeasureThreshold() | q[0]

            backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
            _, results = backend.run_prog(prog)
            res0 = results[0][0][0]
            if n == 0:
                assert res0 == 0
                assert res0 == 1
    def test_hong_ou_mandel_threshold(self):
        r"""Tests Hong-Ou-Mandel interference"""
        num_repeats = 50
        for _ in range(num_repeats):
            prog = sf.Program(2)
            with prog.context as q:
                sf.ops.Fock(1) | q[0]
                sf.ops.Fock(1) | q[1]
                sf.ops.BSgate() | (q[0], q[1])
                sf.ops.MeasureThreshold() | (q[0], q[1])

            backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
            results = backend.run_prog(prog)
            _, results = backend.run_prog(prog)
            res0, res1 = results[0][0][0], results[1][0][0]
            assert ([res0, res1] == [0, 1]) or ([res0, res1] == [1, 0])
    def test_measurement_many_shots(self, alpha, shots):
        """Runs a program with measurements."""
        prog = sf.Program(1)
        with prog.context as q:
            sf.ops.Catstate(alpha) | q[0]
            sf.ops.MeasureHomodyne(0) | q[0]

        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        applied, samples, all_samples = backend.run_prog(prog, shots=shots)
        state = backend.state()

        # Check output is vacuum since everything was measured
        assert np.allclose(state.fidelity_vacuum(), 1)

        # Check samples
        assert 0 in samples.keys()
        assert samples[0].shape == (int(shots),)
    def test_cat_state_parity(self, alpha, phi, representation, p,
        r"""Checks that the real and complex cat state representations
        yield the correct parity."""
        prog_cat = sf.Program(1)
        with prog_cat.context as q:
            sf.ops.Catstate(alpha, phi, p, representation) | q[0]

        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        state = backend.state()
        parity = state.parity_expectation([0])

        # for p = 0, should yield parity of 1
        # for p = 1, should yield parity of -1 unless alpha == 0
        if not (p == 1 and alpha == 0):
            assert np.allclose(parity, expected_parity)
    def test_measurement(self, alpha, r):
        """Runs a program with measurements."""
        prog = sf.Program(2)
        with prog.context as q:
            sf.ops.Catstate(alpha) | q[0]
            sf.ops.Squeezed(r) | q[1]
            sf.ops.MeasureX | q[0]
            sf.ops.MeasureHD | q[1]
        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        applied, samples, all_samples = backend.run_prog(prog)
        state = backend.state()

        # Check output is vacuum since everything was measured
        assert np.allclose(state.fidelity_vacuum(), 1)

        # Check samples
        for i in range(2):
            assert i in samples.keys()
            assert samples[i].shape == (1,)
    def test_fock_state_wigners(self, n):
        r"""Checks that fock state Wigner functions in the bosonic and Fock
        backends match."""
        x = np.linspace(-n, n, 100)
        p = np.linspace(-n, n, 100)

        prog = sf.Program(1)
        with prog as q:
            sf.ops.Fock(n) | q[0]

        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        wigner_bosonic = backend.state().wigner(0, x, p)

        eng = sf.Engine("fock", backend_options={"cutoff_dim": int(n + 1)})
        results =
        wigner_fock = results.state.wigner(0, x, p)

        assert np.allclose(wigner_fock, wigner_bosonic, atol=r_fock)
    def test_cat_real(self, alpha, phi):
        r"""Checks the real cat state representation produces real weights,
        means and covariances."""
        prog = sf.Program(1)
        with prog.context as q:
            sf.ops.Catstate(alpha, phi, representation="real", cutoff=1e-6, D=1) | q[0]

        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        state = backend.state()
        num_weights = state.num_weights

        assert np.allclose(sum(state.weights()), 1)
        assert state.means().shape == (num_weights, 2)
        assert state.covs().shape == (num_weights, 2, 2)

        # Weights, means and covs should be real
        assert np.allclose(state.weights().real, state.weights())
        assert np.allclose(state.means().real, state.means())
        assert np.allclose(state.covs().real, state.covs())
    def test_mb_gates(self, alpha, r):
        """Runs a program with measurement-based gates."""
        prog = sf.Program(2)
        with prog.context as q:
            sf.ops.MSgate(1, 0, 1, 1, avg=True) | q[0]
            sf.ops.MSgate(1, 0, 1, 1, avg=False) | q[1]
            sf.ops.MSgate(1, 0, 1, 1, avg=False) | q[1]
        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        applied, samples, all_samples = backend.run_prog(prog)

        # Check number of active modes did not change
        assert backend.get_modes() == [0, 1]

        # Check samples for the data modes are empty
        assert samples == {}

        # Check ancilla samples exist for the second mode
        ancilla_samples = backend.ancillae_samples_dict
        assert 1 in ancilla_samples.keys()
        assert len(ancilla_samples[1]) == 2
    def test_add_new_mode(self, alpha):
        """Tests adding a new mode in a program context."""
        prog = sf.Program(1)
        with prog.context as q:
            sf.ops.Vacuum() | q[0]
            q = q + (sf.ops.New(n=1),)
            sf.ops.Catstate(alpha) | q[1]
        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        state = backend.state()
        # Check output shapes
        if alpha != 0:
            assert state.weights().shape == (4,)
            assert np.allclose(sum(state.weights()), 1)
            assert state.means().shape == (4, 4)
            assert state.covs().shape == (4, 4, 4)

            assert state.weights().shape == (1,)
            assert np.allclose(sum(state.weights()), 1)
            assert state.means().shape == (1, 4)
            assert state.covs().shape == (1, 4, 4)
    def test_cat_threshold(self):
        r"""Tests threshold measurement applied to a cat Bell state."""
        # For large alpha, a beamsplitter effectively creates a cat Bell pair.
        # The Bell pair is such that when there is vacuum in one mode, there is a
        # cat state with large alpha (i.e. non-vacuum) in the other mode.
        # This means the threshold outcomes should always be anti-correlated.
        alpha = 4
        phi = 0
        num_repeats = 50
        for _ in range(num_repeats):
            prog = sf.Program(2)
            with prog.context as q:
                sf.ops.Catstate(alpha, phi) | q[0]
                sf.ops.Catstate(alpha, phi) | q[1]
                sf.ops.BSgate() | (q[0], q[1])
                sf.ops.MeasureThreshold() | q[0]
                sf.ops.MeasureThreshold() | q[1]

            backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
            _, results = backend.run_prog(prog)
            res0, res1 = results[0][0][0], results[1][0][0]
            assert ([res0, res1] == [0, 1]) or ([res0, res1] == [1, 0])
    def test_init_circuit(self, alpha, r):
        """Checks init_circuit only prepares non-Gaussian states and vacuum."""
        prog = sf.Program(3)
        with prog.context as q:
            sf.ops.Catstate(alpha) | q[0]
            # this line should have no effect since it is a Gaussian prep
            # that would be picked up in run_prog, but not init_circuit
            sf.ops.Squeezed(r) | q[1]

        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        state = backend.state()

        # Check that second and third mode are still in vacuum
        weights, means, covs = state.reduced_bosonic([1, 2])

        mean_compare = np.zeros(4)
        means_compare = np.tile(mean_compare, (4, 1))
        assert np.allclose(means, means_compare)

        cov_compare = np.diag([1, 1, 1, 1])
        covs_compare = np.tile(cov_compare * sf.hbar / 2, (4, 1, 1))
        assert np.allclose(covs, covs_compare)
    def test_cat_marginal(self, alpha):
        """Tests marginal method in BaseBosonicState."""
        prog = sf.Program(1)
        with prog.context as q:
            sf.ops.Catstate(alpha) | q

        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        state = backend.state()

        scale = np.sqrt(sf.hbar)
        x = np.linspace(-6, 6, 1000) * scale

        marginal = state.marginal(0, x)

        # Calculate the wavefunction directly
        disp = np.sqrt(2 * sf.hbar) * alpha
        norm = 1 / np.sqrt(2 + 2 * np.exp(-2 * abs(alpha)**2))
        psi = np.exp(-((x - disp)**2) / (2 * sf.hbar))
        psi += np.exp(-((x + disp)**2) / (2 * sf.hbar))
        psi *= norm / (np.pi * sf.hbar)**0.25

        assert np.allclose(marginal, abs(psi)**2)
    def test_cat_complex(self, alpha, phi):
        r"""Checks the complex cat state representation."""
        prog = sf.Program(1)
        with prog.context as q:
            sf.ops.Catstate(alpha, phi) | q[0]

        backend = bosonic.BosonicBackend()
        state = backend.state()

        if alpha != 0:
            # Check shapes
            assert state.num_weights == 4
            assert state.weights().shape == (4,)
            assert np.allclose(sum(state.weights()), 1)
            assert state.means().shape == (4, 2)
            assert state.covs().shape == (4, 2, 2)
            covs_compare = np.tile(np.eye(2) * sf.hbar / 2, (4, 1, 1))
            assert np.allclose(state.covs(), covs_compare)

            # Weights should be real if phi is an integer
            if phi % 1 == 0:
                assert np.allclose(state.weights().real, state.weights())
                assert not np.allclose(state.weights().real, state.weights())
            # Covs should be real, means complex
            assert not np.allclose(state.means().real, state.means())
            assert np.allclose(state.covs().real, state.covs())
            assert state.num_weights == 1
            assert state.weights().shape == (1,)
            assert np.allclose(sum(state.weights()), 1)
            assert state.means().shape == (1, 2)
            assert state.covs().shape == (1, 2, 2)
            covs_compare = np.tile(np.eye(2) * sf.hbar / 2, (1, 1, 1))
            assert np.allclose(state.covs(), covs_compare)