Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, context, config, print_output):
        """RuleProcessorTester initializer

            print_output (bool): Whether this processor test
                should print results to stdout. This is set to false when the
                alert processor is explicitly being testing alone, and set to
                true for rule processor tests and end-to-end tests.
                Warnings and errors captrued during rule processor testing
                will still be written to stdout regardless of this setting.
        # Create the RuleProcessor. Passing a mocked context object with fake
        # values and False for suppressing sending of alerts to alert processor
        self.processor = StreamAlert(context)
        self.cli_config = config
        # Use a list of status_messages to store pass/fail/warning info
        self.status_messages = []
        self.total_tests = 0
        self.all_tests_passed = True
        self.print_output = print_output
        # Configure mocks for Firehose and DDB
        # Create a cache map of parsers to parser classes
        self.parsers = {}

        # Patch the tmp shredding as to not slow down testing

        # Patch random_bool to always return true
        patch('helpers.base.random_bool', return_value=True).start()
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, config, context):
        """AlertProcessorTester initializer

            context (namedtuple): Constructed aws context object. The
                namedtuple contains an attribute of `mocked` that indicates
                if all dispatch calls should be mocked out instead of actually
                performed. If not mocked, the tests will attempt to actually
                send alerts to outputs.
        self.all_tests_passed = True
        self.context = context
        self.kms_alias = 'alias/stream_alert_secrets_test'
        self.secrets_bucket = 'test.streamalert.secrets'
        self.outputs_config = load_outputs_config()
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, config, context):
        """AlertProcessorTester initializer

            context (namedtuple): Constructed aws context object. The
                namedtuple contains an attribute of `mocked` that indicates
                if all dispatch calls should be mocked out instead of actually
                performed. If not mocked, the tests will attempt to actually
                send alerts to outputs.
        self.all_tests_passed = True
        self.context = context
        self.kms_alias = 'alias/stream_alert_secrets_test'
        self.secrets_bucket = 'test.streamalert.secrets'
        self.outputs_config = resources.merge_required_outputs(
            config['outputs'], 'test-prefix')
        self.region = config['global']['account']['region']
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, context, print_output):
        """RuleProcessorTester initializer

            print_output (bool): Whether this processor test
                should print results to stdout. This is set to false when the
                alert processor is explicitly being testing alone, and set to
                true for rule processor tests and end-to-end tests.
                Warnings and errors captrued during rule processor testing
                will still be written to stdout regardless of this setting.
        # Create the RuleProcessor. Passing a mocked context object with fake
        # values and False for suppressing sending of alerts to alert processor
        self.processor = StreamAlert(context, False)
        # Use a list of status_messages to store pass/fail/warning info
        self.status_messages = []
        self.total_tests = 0
        self.all_tests_passed = True
        self.print_output = print_output