Esempio n. 1
    def _slider(
        label: str,
        key: Optional[Key] = None,
        help: Optional[str] = None,
        on_change: Optional[WidgetCallback] = None,
        args: Optional[WidgetArgs] = None,
        kwargs: Optional[WidgetKwargs] = None,
        *,  # keyword-only arguments:
        disabled: bool = False,
        ctx: Optional[ScriptRunContext] = None,
        key = to_key(key)
        check_callback_rules(self.dg, on_change)
        check_session_state_rules(default_value=value, key=key)

        # Set value default.
        if value is None:
            value = min_value if min_value is not None else 0

            int: SliderProto.INT,
            float: SliderProto.FLOAT,
            datetime: SliderProto.DATETIME,
            date: SliderProto.DATE,
            time: SliderProto.TIME,
        TIMELIKE_TYPES = (SliderProto.DATETIME, SliderProto.TIME,

        # Ensure that the value is either a single value or a range of values.
        single_value = isinstance(value, tuple(SUPPORTED_TYPES.keys()))
        range_value = isinstance(value,
                                 (list, tuple)) and len(value) in (0, 1, 2)
        if not single_value and not range_value:
            raise StreamlitAPIException(
                "Slider value should either be an int/float/datetime or a list/tuple of "
                "0 to 2 ints/floats/datetimes")

        # Simplify future logic by always making value a list
        if single_value:
            value = [value]

        def all_same_type(items):
            return len(set(map(type, items))) < 2

        if not all_same_type(value):
            raise StreamlitAPIException(
                "Slider tuple/list components must be of the same type.\n"
                f"But were: {list(map(type, value))}")

        if len(value) == 0:
            data_type = SliderProto.INT
            data_type = SUPPORTED_TYPES[type(value[0])]

        datetime_min = time.min
        datetime_max = time.max
        if data_type == SliderProto.TIME:
            datetime_min = time.min.replace(tzinfo=value[0].tzinfo)
            datetime_max = time.max.replace(tzinfo=value[0].tzinfo)
        if data_type in (SliderProto.DATETIME, SliderProto.DATE):
            datetime_min = value[0] - timedelta(days=14)
            datetime_max = value[0] + timedelta(days=14)

        DEFAULTS = {
            SliderProto.INT: {
                "min_value": 0,
                "max_value": 100,
                "step": 1,
                "format": "%d",
            SliderProto.FLOAT: {
                "min_value": 0.0,
                "max_value": 1.0,
                "step": 0.01,
                "format": "%0.2f",
            SliderProto.DATETIME: {
                "min_value": datetime_min,
                "max_value": datetime_max,
                "step": timedelta(days=1),
                "format": "YYYY-MM-DD",
            SliderProto.DATE: {
                "min_value": datetime_min,
                "max_value": datetime_max,
                "step": timedelta(days=1),
                "format": "YYYY-MM-DD",
            SliderProto.TIME: {
                "min_value": datetime_min,
                "max_value": datetime_max,
                "step": timedelta(minutes=15),
                "format": "HH:mm",

        if min_value is None:
            min_value = DEFAULTS[data_type]["min_value"]
        if max_value is None:
            max_value = DEFAULTS[data_type]["max_value"]
        if step is None:
            step = DEFAULTS[data_type]["step"]
            if (data_type in (
            ) and max_value - min_value < timedelta(days=1)):
                step = timedelta(minutes=15)
        if format is None:
            format = DEFAULTS[data_type]["format"]

        if step == 0:
            raise StreamlitAPIException(
                "Slider components cannot be passed a `step` of 0.")

        # Ensure that all arguments are of the same type.
        slider_args = [min_value, max_value, step]
        int_args = all(map(lambda a: isinstance(a, int), slider_args))
        float_args = all(map(lambda a: isinstance(a, float), slider_args))
        # When min and max_value are the same timelike, step should be a timedelta
        timelike_args = (data_type in TIMELIKE_TYPES
                         and isinstance(step, timedelta)
                         and type(min_value) == type(max_value))

        if not int_args and not float_args and not timelike_args:
            raise StreamlitAPIException(
                "Slider value arguments must be of matching types."
                "\n`min_value` has %(min_type)s type."
                "\n`max_value` has %(max_type)s type."
                "\n`step` has %(step)s type." % {
                    "min_type": type(min_value).__name__,
                    "max_type": type(max_value).__name__,
                    "step": type(step).__name__,

        # Ensure that the value matches arguments' types.
        all_ints = data_type == SliderProto.INT and int_args
        all_floats = data_type == SliderProto.FLOAT and float_args
        all_timelikes = data_type in TIMELIKE_TYPES and timelike_args

        if not all_ints and not all_floats and not all_timelikes:
            raise StreamlitAPIException(
                "Both value and arguments must be of the same type."
                "\n`value` has %(value_type)s type."
                "\n`min_value` has %(min_type)s type."
                "\n`max_value` has %(max_type)s type." % {
                    "value_type": type(value).__name__,
                    "min_type": type(min_value).__name__,
                    "max_type": type(max_value).__name__,

        # Ensure that min <= value(s) <= max, adjusting the bounds as necessary.
        min_value = min(min_value, max_value)
        max_value = max(min_value, max_value)
        if len(value) == 1:
            min_value = min(value[0], min_value)
            max_value = max(value[0], max_value)
        elif len(value) == 2:
            start, end = value
            if start > end:
                # Swap start and end, since they seem reversed
                start, end = end, start
                value = start, end
            min_value = min(start, min_value)
            max_value = max(end, max_value)
            # Empty list, so let's just use the outer bounds
            value = [min_value, max_value]

        # Bounds checks. JSNumber produces human-readable exceptions that
        # we simply re-package as StreamlitAPIExceptions.
        # (We check `min_value` and `max_value` here; `value` and `step` are
        # already known to be in the [min_value, max_value] range.)
            if all_ints:
                JSNumber.validate_int_bounds(min_value, "`min_value`")
                JSNumber.validate_int_bounds(max_value, "`max_value`")
            elif all_floats:
                JSNumber.validate_float_bounds(min_value, "`min_value`")
                JSNumber.validate_float_bounds(max_value, "`max_value`")
            elif all_timelikes:
                # No validation yet. TODO: check between 0001-01-01 to 9999-12-31
        except JSNumberBoundsException as e:
            raise StreamlitAPIException(str(e))

        # Convert dates or times into datetimes
        if data_type == SliderProto.TIME:

            def _time_to_datetime(time):
                # Note, here we pick an arbitrary date well after Unix epoch.
                # This prevents pre-epoch timezone issues (
                # We're dropping the date from datetime laters, anyways.
                return datetime.combine(date(2000, 1, 1), time)

            value = list(map(_time_to_datetime, value))
            min_value = _time_to_datetime(min_value)
            max_value = _time_to_datetime(max_value)

        if data_type == SliderProto.DATE:

            def _date_to_datetime(date):
                return datetime.combine(date, time())

            value = list(map(_date_to_datetime, value))
            min_value = _date_to_datetime(min_value)
            max_value = _date_to_datetime(max_value)

        # Now, convert to microseconds (so we can serialize datetime to a long)
        if data_type in TIMELIKE_TYPES:
            SECONDS_TO_MICROS = 1000 * 1000
            DAYS_TO_MICROS = 24 * 60 * 60 * SECONDS_TO_MICROS

            def _delta_to_micros(delta):
                return (delta.microseconds +
                        delta.seconds * SECONDS_TO_MICROS +
                        delta.days * DAYS_TO_MICROS)

            UTC_EPOCH = datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)

            def _datetime_to_micros(dt):
                # The frontend is not aware of timezones and only expects a UTC-based timestamp (in microseconds).
                # Since we want to show the date/time exactly as it is in the given datetime object,
                # we just set the tzinfo to UTC and do not do any timezone conversions.
                # Only the backend knows about original timezone and will replace the UTC timestamp in the deserialization.
                utc_dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
                return _delta_to_micros(utc_dt - UTC_EPOCH)

            # Restore times/datetimes to original timezone (dates are always naive)
            orig_tz = (value[0].tzinfo if data_type
                       in (SliderProto.TIME, SliderProto.DATETIME) else None)

            def _micros_to_datetime(micros):
                utc_dt = UTC_EPOCH + timedelta(microseconds=micros)
                # Add the original timezone. No conversion is required here,
                # since in the serialization, we also just replace the timestamp with UTC.
                return utc_dt.replace(tzinfo=orig_tz)

            value = list(map(_datetime_to_micros, value))
            min_value = _datetime_to_micros(min_value)
            max_value = _datetime_to_micros(max_value)
            step = _delta_to_micros(step)

        # It would be great if we could guess the number of decimal places from
        # the `step` argument, but this would only be meaningful if step were a
        # decimal. As a possible improvement we could make this function accept
        # decimals and/or use some heuristics for floats.

        slider_proto = SliderProto()
        slider_proto.label = label
        slider_proto.format = format
        slider_proto.default[:] = value
        slider_proto.min = min_value
        slider_proto.max = max_value
        slider_proto.step = step
        slider_proto.data_type = data_type
        slider_proto.options[:] = []
        slider_proto.form_id = current_form_id(self.dg)
        if help is not None:
   = dedent(help)

        def deserialize_slider(ui_value: Optional[List[float]], widget_id=""):
            if ui_value is not None:
                val = ui_value
                # Widget has not been used; fallback to the original value,
                val = cast(List[float], value)

            # The widget always returns a float array, so fix the return type if necessary
            if data_type == SliderProto.INT:
                val = [int(v) for v in val]
            if data_type == SliderProto.DATETIME:
                val = [_micros_to_datetime(int(v)) for v in val]
            if data_type == SliderProto.DATE:
                val = [_micros_to_datetime(int(v)).date() for v in val]
            if data_type == SliderProto.TIME:
                val = [
                    for v in val
            return val[0] if single_value else tuple(val)

        def serialize_slider(v: Any) -> List[Any]:
            range_value = isinstance(v, (list, tuple))
            value = list(v) if range_value else [v]
            if data_type == SliderProto.DATE:
                value = [
                    _datetime_to_micros(_date_to_datetime(v)) for v in value
            if data_type == SliderProto.TIME:
                value = [
                    _datetime_to_micros(_time_to_datetime(v)) for v in value
            if data_type == SliderProto.DATETIME:
                value = [_datetime_to_micros(v) for v in value]
            return value

        current_value, set_frontend_value = register_widget(

        # This needs to be done after register_widget because we don't want
        # the following proto fields to affect a widget's ID.
        slider_proto.disabled = disabled
        if set_frontend_value:
            slider_proto.value[:] = serialize_slider(current_value)
            slider_proto.set_value = True

        self.dg._enqueue("slider", slider_proto)
        return current_value
Esempio n. 2
    def _select_slider(
        label: str,
        options: OptionSequence = [],
        value: Any = None,
        format_func: Callable[[Any], Any] = str,
        key: Optional[Key] = None,
        help: Optional[str] = None,
        on_change: Optional[WidgetCallback] = None,
        args: Optional[WidgetArgs] = None,
        kwargs: Optional[WidgetKwargs] = None,
        disabled: bool = False,
        ctx: Optional[ScriptRunContext] = None,
    ) -> Any:
        key = to_key(key)
        check_callback_rules(self.dg, on_change)
        check_session_state_rules(default_value=value, key=key)

        opt = ensure_indexable(options)

        if len(opt) == 0:
            raise StreamlitAPIException(
                "The `options` argument needs to be non-empty")

        is_range_value = isinstance(value, (list, tuple))

        def as_index_list(v):
            is_range_value = isinstance(v, (list, tuple))
            if is_range_value:
                slider_value = [index_(opt, val) for val in v]
                start, end = slider_value
                if start > end:
                    slider_value = [end, start]
                return slider_value
                # Simplify future logic by always making value a list
                    return [index_(opt, v)]
                except ValueError:
                    if value is not None:

                    return [0]

        # Convert element to index of the elements
        slider_value = as_index_list(value)

        slider_proto = SliderProto()
        slider_proto.label = label
        slider_proto.format = "%s"
        slider_proto.default[:] = slider_value
        slider_proto.min = 0
        slider_proto.max = len(opt) - 1
        slider_proto.step = 1  # default for index changes
        slider_proto.data_type = SliderProto.INT
        slider_proto.options[:] = [str(format_func(option)) for option in opt]
        slider_proto.form_id = current_form_id(self.dg)
        slider_proto.disabled = disabled
        if help is not None:
   = dedent(help)

        def deserialize_select_slider(ui_value, widget_id=""):
            if not ui_value:
                # Widget has not been used; fallback to the original value,
                ui_value = slider_value

            # The widget always returns floats, so convert to ints before indexing
            return_value = list(map(lambda x: opt[int(x)],
                                    ui_value))  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

            # If the original value was a list/tuple, so will be the output (and vice versa)
            return tuple(return_value) if is_range_value else return_value[0]

        def serialize_select_slider(v):
            return as_index_list(v)

        current_value, set_frontend_value = register_widget(

        if set_frontend_value:
            slider_proto.value[:] = serialize_select_slider(current_value)
            slider_proto.set_value = True

        self.dg._enqueue("slider", slider_proto)
        return current_value
Esempio n. 3
    def select_slider(
        label: str,
        options: OptionSequence = [],
        key: Optional[Key] = None,
        help: Optional[str] = None,
        on_change: Optional[WidgetCallback] = None,
        args: Optional[WidgetArgs] = None,
        kwargs: Optional[WidgetKwargs] = None,
        Display a slider widget to select items from a list.

        This also allows you to render a range slider by passing a two-element
        tuple or list as the `value`.

        The difference between `st.select_slider` and `st.slider` is that
        `select_slider` accepts any datatype and takes an iterable set of
        options, while `slider` only accepts numerical or date/time data and
        takes a range as input.

        label : str
            A short label explaining to the user what this slider is for.
        options : Sequence, numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series, pandas.DataFrame, or pandas.Index
            Labels for the slider options. All options will be cast to str
            internally by default. For pandas.DataFrame, the first column is
        value : a supported type or a tuple/list of supported types or None
            The value of the slider when it first renders. If a tuple/list
            of two values is passed here, then a range slider with those lower
            and upper bounds is rendered. For example, if set to `(1, 10)` the
            slider will have a selectable range between 1 and 10.
            Defaults to first option.
        format_func : function
            Function to modify the display of the labels from the options.
            argument. It receives the option as an argument and its output
            will be cast to str.
        key : str or int
            An optional string or integer to use as the unique key for the widget.
            If this is omitted, a key will be generated for the widget
            based on its content. Multiple widgets of the same type may
            not share the same key.
        help : str
            An optional tooltip that gets displayed next to the select slider.
        on_change : callable
            An optional callback invoked when this select_slider's value changes.
        args : tuple
            An optional tuple of args to pass to the callback.
        kwargs : dict
            An optional dict of kwargs to pass to the callback.

        any value or tuple of any value
            The current value of the slider widget. The return type will match
            the data type of the value parameter.

        >>> color = st.select_slider(
        ...     'Select a color of the rainbow',
        ...     options=['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet'])
        >>> st.write('My favorite color is', color)

        And here's an example of a range select slider:

        >>> start_color, end_color = st.select_slider(
        ...     'Select a range of color wavelength',
        ...     options=['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet'],
        ...     value=('red', 'blue'))
        >>> st.write('You selected wavelengths between', start_color, 'and', end_color)
        key = to_key(key)
        check_callback_rules(self.dg, on_change)
        check_session_state_rules(default_value=value, key=key)

        opt = ensure_indexable(options)

        if len(opt) == 0:
            raise StreamlitAPIException("The `options` argument needs to be non-empty")

        is_range_value = isinstance(value, (list, tuple))

        def as_index_list(v):
            is_range_value = isinstance(v, (list, tuple))
            if is_range_value:
                slider_value = [index_(opt, val) for val in v]
                start, end = slider_value
                if start > end:
                    slider_value = [end, start]
                return slider_value
                # Simplify future logic by always making value a list
                    return [index_(opt, v)]
                except ValueError:
                    if value is not None:

                    return [0]

        # Convert element to index of the elements
        slider_value = as_index_list(value)

        slider_proto = SliderProto()
        slider_proto.label = label
        slider_proto.format = "%s"
        slider_proto.default[:] = slider_value
        slider_proto.min = 0
        slider_proto.max = len(opt) - 1
        slider_proto.step = 1  # default for index changes
        slider_proto.data_type = SliderProto.INT
        slider_proto.options[:] = [str(format_func(option)) for option in opt]
        slider_proto.form_id = current_form_id(self.dg)
        if help is not None:
   = dedent(help)

        def deserialize_select_slider(ui_value, widget_id=""):
            if not ui_value:
                # Widget has not been used; fallback to the original value,
                ui_value = slider_value

            # The widget always returns floats, so convert to ints before indexing
            return_value = list(map(lambda x: opt[int(x)], ui_value))  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

            # If the original value was a list/tuple, so will be the output (and vice versa)
            return tuple(return_value) if is_range_value else return_value[0]

        def serialize_select_slider(v):
            return as_index_list(v)

        current_value, set_frontend_value = register_widget(

        if set_frontend_value:
            slider_proto.value[:] = serialize_select_slider(current_value)
            slider_proto.set_value = True

        self.dg._enqueue("slider", slider_proto)
        return current_value
Esempio n. 4
    def slider(
        label: str,
        key: Optional[Key] = None,
        help: Optional[str] = None,
        on_change: Optional[WidgetCallback] = None,
        args: Optional[WidgetArgs] = None,
        kwargs: Optional[WidgetKwargs] = None,
        """Display a slider widget.

        This supports int, float, date, time, and datetime types.

        This also allows you to render a range slider by passing a two-element
        tuple or list as the `value`.

        The difference between `st.slider` and `st.select_slider` is that
        `slider` only accepts numerical or date/time data and takes a range as
        input, while `select_slider` accepts any datatype and takes an iterable
        set of options.

        label : str
            A short label explaining to the user what this slider is for.
        min_value : a supported type or None
            The minimum permitted value.
            Defaults to 0 if the value is an int, 0.0 if a float,
            value - timedelta(days=14) if a date/datetime, time.min if a time
        max_value : a supported type or None
            The maximum permitted value.
            Defaults to 100 if the value is an int, 1.0 if a float,
            value + timedelta(days=14) if a date/datetime, time.max if a time
        value : a supported type or a tuple/list of supported types or None
            The value of the slider when it first renders. If a tuple/list
            of two values is passed here, then a range slider with those lower
            and upper bounds is rendered. For example, if set to `(1, 10)` the
            slider will have a selectable range between 1 and 10.
            Defaults to min_value.
        step : int/float/timedelta or None
            The stepping interval.
            Defaults to 1 if the value is an int, 0.01 if a float,
            timedelta(days=1) if a date/datetime, timedelta(minutes=15) if a time
            (or if max_value - min_value < 1 day)
        format : str or None
            A printf-style format string controlling how the interface should
            display numbers. This does not impact the return value.
            Formatter for int/float supports: %d %e %f %g %i
            Formatter for date/time/datetime uses Moment.js notation:
        key : str or int
            An optional string or integer to use as the unique key for the widget.
            If this is omitted, a key will be generated for the widget
            based on its content. Multiple widgets of the same type may
            not share the same key.
        help : str
            An optional tooltip that gets displayed next to the slider.
        on_change : callable
            An optional callback invoked when this slider's value changes.
        args : tuple
            An optional tuple of args to pass to the callback.
        kwargs : dict
            An optional dict of kwargs to pass to the callback.

        int/float/date/time/datetime or tuple of int/float/date/time/datetime
            The current value of the slider widget. The return type will match
            the data type of the value parameter.

        >>> age = st.slider('How old are you?', 0, 130, 25)
        >>> st.write("I'm ", age, 'years old')

        And here's an example of a range slider:

        >>> values = st.slider(
        ...     'Select a range of values',
        ...     0.0, 100.0, (25.0, 75.0))
        >>> st.write('Values:', values)

        This is a range time slider:

        >>> from datetime import time
        >>> appointment = st.slider(
        ...     "Schedule your appointment:",
        ...     value=(time(11, 30), time(12, 45)))
        >>> st.write("You're scheduled for:", appointment)

        Finally, a datetime slider:

        >>> from datetime import datetime
        >>> start_time = st.slider(
        ...     "When do you start?",
        ...     value=datetime(2020, 1, 1, 9, 30),
        ...     format="MM/DD/YY - hh:mm")
        >>> st.write("Start time:", start_time)

        key = to_key(key)
        check_callback_rules(self.dg, on_change)
        check_session_state_rules(default_value=value, key=key)

        # Set value default.
        if value is None:
            value = min_value if min_value is not None else 0

            int: SliderProto.INT,
            float: SliderProto.FLOAT,
            datetime: SliderProto.DATETIME,
            date: SliderProto.DATE,
            time: SliderProto.TIME,
        TIMELIKE_TYPES = (SliderProto.DATETIME, SliderProto.TIME,

        # Ensure that the value is either a single value or a range of values.
        single_value = isinstance(value, tuple(SUPPORTED_TYPES.keys()))
        range_value = isinstance(value,
                                 (list, tuple)) and len(value) in (0, 1, 2)
        if not single_value and not range_value:
            raise StreamlitAPIException(
                "Slider value should either be an int/float/datetime or a list/tuple of "
                "0 to 2 ints/floats/datetimes")

        # Simplify future logic by always making value a list
        if single_value:
            value = [value]

        def all_same_type(items):
            return len(set(map(type, items))) < 2

        if not all_same_type(value):
            raise StreamlitAPIException(
                "Slider tuple/list components must be of the same type.\n"
                f"But were: {list(map(type, value))}")

        if len(value) == 0:
            data_type = SliderProto.INT
            data_type = SUPPORTED_TYPES[type(value[0])]

        datetime_min = time.min
        datetime_max = time.max
        if data_type == SliderProto.TIME:
            datetime_min = time.min.replace(tzinfo=value[0].tzinfo)
            datetime_max = time.max.replace(tzinfo=value[0].tzinfo)
        if data_type in (SliderProto.DATETIME, SliderProto.DATE):
            datetime_min = value[0] - timedelta(days=14)
            datetime_max = value[0] + timedelta(days=14)

        DEFAULTS = {
            SliderProto.INT: {
                "min_value": 0,
                "max_value": 100,
                "step": 1,
                "format": "%d",
            SliderProto.FLOAT: {
                "min_value": 0.0,
                "max_value": 1.0,
                "step": 0.01,
                "format": "%0.2f",
            SliderProto.DATETIME: {
                "min_value": datetime_min,
                "max_value": datetime_max,
                "step": timedelta(days=1),
                "format": "YYYY-MM-DD",
            SliderProto.DATE: {
                "min_value": datetime_min,
                "max_value": datetime_max,
                "step": timedelta(days=1),
                "format": "YYYY-MM-DD",
            SliderProto.TIME: {
                "min_value": datetime_min,
                "max_value": datetime_max,
                "step": timedelta(minutes=15),
                "format": "HH:mm",

        if min_value is None:
            min_value = DEFAULTS[data_type]["min_value"]
        if max_value is None:
            max_value = DEFAULTS[data_type]["max_value"]
        if step is None:
            step = DEFAULTS[data_type]["step"]
            if (data_type in (
            ) and max_value - min_value < timedelta(days=1)):
                step = timedelta(minutes=15)
        if format is None:
            format = DEFAULTS[data_type]["format"]

        if step == 0:
            raise StreamlitAPIException(
                "Slider components cannot be passed a `step` of 0.")

        # Ensure that all arguments are of the same type.
        slider_args = [min_value, max_value, step]
        int_args = all(map(lambda a: isinstance(a, int), slider_args))
        float_args = all(map(lambda a: isinstance(a, float), slider_args))
        # When min and max_value are the same timelike, step should be a timedelta
        timelike_args = (data_type in TIMELIKE_TYPES
                         and isinstance(step, timedelta)
                         and type(min_value) == type(max_value))

        if not int_args and not float_args and not timelike_args:
            raise StreamlitAPIException(
                "Slider value arguments must be of matching types."
                "\n`min_value` has %(min_type)s type."
                "\n`max_value` has %(max_type)s type."
                "\n`step` has %(step)s type." % {
                    "min_type": type(min_value).__name__,
                    "max_type": type(max_value).__name__,
                    "step": type(step).__name__,

        # Ensure that the value matches arguments' types.
        all_ints = data_type == SliderProto.INT and int_args
        all_floats = data_type == SliderProto.FLOAT and float_args
        all_timelikes = data_type in TIMELIKE_TYPES and timelike_args

        if not all_ints and not all_floats and not all_timelikes:
            raise StreamlitAPIException(
                "Both value and arguments must be of the same type."
                "\n`value` has %(value_type)s type."
                "\n`min_value` has %(min_type)s type."
                "\n`max_value` has %(max_type)s type." % {
                    "value_type": type(value).__name__,
                    "min_type": type(min_value).__name__,
                    "max_type": type(max_value).__name__,

        # Ensure that min <= value(s) <= max, adjusting the bounds as necessary.
        min_value = min(min_value, max_value)
        max_value = max(min_value, max_value)
        if len(value) == 1:
            min_value = min(value[0], min_value)
            max_value = max(value[0], max_value)
        elif len(value) == 2:
            start, end = value
            if start > end:
                # Swap start and end, since they seem reversed
                start, end = end, start
                value = start, end
            min_value = min(start, min_value)
            max_value = max(end, max_value)
            # Empty list, so let's just use the outer bounds
            value = [min_value, max_value]

        # Bounds checks. JSNumber produces human-readable exceptions that
        # we simply re-package as StreamlitAPIExceptions.
        # (We check `min_value` and `max_value` here; `value` and `step` are
        # already known to be in the [min_value, max_value] range.)
            if all_ints:
                JSNumber.validate_int_bounds(min_value, "`min_value`")
                JSNumber.validate_int_bounds(max_value, "`max_value`")
            elif all_floats:
                JSNumber.validate_float_bounds(min_value, "`min_value`")
                JSNumber.validate_float_bounds(max_value, "`max_value`")
            elif all_timelikes:
                # No validation yet. TODO: check between 0001-01-01 to 9999-12-31
        except JSNumberBoundsException as e:
            raise StreamlitAPIException(str(e))

        # Convert dates or times into datetimes
        if data_type == SliderProto.TIME:

            def _time_to_datetime(time):
                # Note, here we pick an arbitrary date well after Unix epoch.
                # This prevents pre-epoch timezone issues (
                # We're dropping the date from datetime laters, anyways.
                return datetime.combine(date(2000, 1, 1), time)

            value = list(map(_time_to_datetime, value))
            min_value = _time_to_datetime(min_value)
            max_value = _time_to_datetime(max_value)

        if data_type == SliderProto.DATE:

            def _date_to_datetime(date):
                return datetime.combine(date, time())

            value = list(map(_date_to_datetime, value))
            min_value = _date_to_datetime(min_value)
            max_value = _date_to_datetime(max_value)

        # Now, convert to microseconds (so we can serialize datetime to a long)
        if data_type in TIMELIKE_TYPES:
            SECONDS_TO_MICROS = 1000 * 1000
            DAYS_TO_MICROS = 24 * 60 * 60 * SECONDS_TO_MICROS

            def _delta_to_micros(delta):
                return (delta.microseconds +
                        delta.seconds * SECONDS_TO_MICROS +
                        delta.days * DAYS_TO_MICROS)

            UTC_EPOCH = datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)

            def _datetime_to_micros(dt):
                # If dt is naive, Python converts from local time
                utc_dt = dt.astimezone(timezone.utc)
                return _delta_to_micros(utc_dt - UTC_EPOCH)

            # Restore times/datetimes to original timezone (dates are always naive)
            orig_tz = (value[0].tzinfo if data_type
                       in (SliderProto.TIME, SliderProto.DATETIME) else None)

            def _micros_to_datetime(micros):
                utc_dt = UTC_EPOCH + timedelta(microseconds=micros)
                # Convert from utc back to original time (local time if naive)
                return utc_dt.astimezone(orig_tz).replace(tzinfo=orig_tz)

            value = list(map(_datetime_to_micros, value))
            min_value = _datetime_to_micros(min_value)
            max_value = _datetime_to_micros(max_value)
            step = _delta_to_micros(step)

        # It would be great if we could guess the number of decimal places from
        # the `step` argument, but this would only be meaningful if step were a
        # decimal. As a possible improvement we could make this function accept
        # decimals and/or use some heuristics for floats.

        slider_proto = SliderProto()
        slider_proto.label = label
        slider_proto.format = format
        slider_proto.default[:] = value
        slider_proto.min = min_value
        slider_proto.max = max_value
        slider_proto.step = step
        slider_proto.data_type = data_type
        slider_proto.options[:] = []
        slider_proto.form_id = current_form_id(self.dg)
        if help is not None:
   = dedent(help)

        def deserialize_slider(ui_value: Optional[List[float]], widget_id=""):
            if ui_value is not None:
                val = ui_value
                # Widget has not been used; fallback to the original value,
                val = cast(List[float], value)

            # The widget always returns a float array, so fix the return type if necessary
            if data_type == SliderProto.INT:
                val = [int(v) for v in val]
            if data_type == SliderProto.DATETIME:
                val = [_micros_to_datetime(int(v)) for v in val]
            if data_type == SliderProto.DATE:
                val = [_micros_to_datetime(int(v)).date() for v in val]
            if data_type == SliderProto.TIME:
                val = [
                    for v in val
            return val[0] if single_value else tuple(val)

        def serialize_slider(v: Any) -> List[Any]:
            value = [v] if single_value else list(v)
            if data_type == SliderProto.DATE:
                value = [
                    _datetime_to_micros(_date_to_datetime(v)) for v in value
            if data_type == SliderProto.TIME:
                value = [
                    _datetime_to_micros(_time_to_datetime(v)) for v in value
            if data_type == SliderProto.DATETIME:
                value = [_datetime_to_micros(v) for v in value]
            return value

        current_value, set_frontend_value = register_widget(

        if set_frontend_value:
            slider_proto.value[:] = serialize_slider(current_value)
            slider_proto.set_value = True

        self.dg._enqueue("slider", slider_proto)
        return current_value
Esempio n. 5
    def select_slider(
        Display a slider widget to select items from a list.

        This also allows you to render a range slider by passing a two-element
        tuple or list as the `value`.

        The difference between `st.select_slider` and `st.slider` is that
        `select_slider` accepts any datatype and takes an iterable set of
        options, while `slider` only accepts numerical or date/time data and
        takes a range as input.

        label : str
            A short label explaining to the user what this slider is for.
        options : list, tuple, numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series, or pandas.DataFrame
            Labels for the slider options. All options will be cast to str
            internally by default. For pandas.DataFrame, the first column is
        value : a supported type or a tuple/list of supported types or None
            The value of the slider when it first renders. If a tuple/list
            of two values is passed here, then a range slider with those lower
            and upper bounds is rendered. For example, if set to `(1, 10)` the
            slider will have a selectable range between 1 and 10.
            Defaults to first option.
        format_func : function
            Function to modify the display of the labels from the options.
            argument. It receives the option as an argument and its output
            will be cast to str.
        key : str
            An optional string to use as the unique key for the widget.
            If this is omitted, a key will be generated for the widget
            based on its content. Multiple widgets of the same type may
            not share the same key.
        help : str
            A tooltip that gets displayed next to the select slider.

        any value or tuple of any value
            The current value of the slider widget. The return type will match
            the data type of the value parameter.

        >>> color = st.select_slider(
        ...     'Select a color of the rainbow',
        ...     options=['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet'])
        >>> st.write('My favorite color is', color)

        And here's an example of a range select slider:

        >>> start_color, end_color = st.select_slider(
        ...     'Select a range of color wavelength',
        ...     options=['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet'],
        ...     value=('red', 'blue'))
        >>> st.write('You selected wavelengths between', start_color, 'and', end_color)

        options = ensure_iterable(options)

        if len(options) == 0:
            raise StreamlitAPIException(
                "The `options` argument needs to be non-empty")

        is_range_value = isinstance(value, (list, tuple))
        slider_value = value

        # Convert element to index of the elements
        if is_range_value:
            slider_value = list(map(lambda v: options.index(v),
                                    value))  # type: ignore[no-any-return]
            start, end = slider_value
            if start > end:
                slider_value = [end, start]
            # Simplify future logic by always making value a list
                slider_value = [options.index(value)]
            except ValueError:
                if value is not None:

                slider_value = [0]

        slider_proto = SliderProto()
        slider_proto.label = label
        slider_proto.format = "%s"
        slider_proto.default[:] = slider_value
        slider_proto.min = 0
        slider_proto.max = len(options) - 1
        slider_proto.step = 1  # default for index changes
        slider_proto.data_type = SliderProto.INT
        slider_proto.options[:] = [
            str(format_func(option)) for option in options
        slider_proto.form_id = current_form_id(self.dg)
        if help is not None:
   = help

        ui_value = register_widget("slider", slider_proto, user_key=key)
        if ui_value:
            current_value = getattr(ui_value, "data")
            # Widget has not been used; fallback to the original value,
            current_value = slider_value

        # The widget always returns floats, so convert to ints before indexing
        current_value = list(map(lambda x: options[int(x)],
                                 current_value))  # type: ignore[no-any-return]

        # If the original value was a list/tuple, so will be the output (and vice versa)
        return_value = tuple(
            current_value) if is_range_value else current_value[0]
        return self.dg._enqueue("slider", slider_proto, return_value)