def __init__(self, fields): if len(fields) != 6: raise "Netstat Parse Error", "tcp class requires 6 fields, not %d" % (len(fields)) # local address dot = string.rfind(fields[3], '.') if dot == -1: raise "Netstat Parse Error", "tcp, expected '<ip>.<port>', found '%s'" % (fields[3]) self.local_addr_ip = fields[3][:dot] self.local_addr_port = fields[3][dot+1:] # remote address dot = string.rfind(fields[4], '.') if dot == -1: raise "Netstat Parse Error", "tcp, expected '<ip>.<port>', found '%s'" % (fields[4]) self.remote_addr_ip = fields[4][:dot] self.remote_addr_port = fields[4][dot+1:] # send queue size self.send_queue = int(fields[2]) # receive queue size self.receive_queue = int(fields[1]) # state self.state = fields[5]
def process_contents(contents): global includePaths; includeFind = re.compile(r"^\s*#\s*include\s*\"([\w./\\]+)\"\s*$", re.MULTILINE) matchCount = 0 pos = 0 while (True): match =, pos) if match == None: break; # print, value =; valueStart = match.start(1) valueEnd = match.end(1) slash = string.rfind(value, "/"); if slash != -1: value = value[slash + 1:] slash = string.rfind(value, "\\"); if slash != -1: value = value[slash + 1:] if value in includePaths: contents = contents[:match.start(1)] + includePaths[value] + contents[match.end(1):]; pos = match.start(1) + len(includePaths[value]) + 1; matchCount = matchCount + 1 else: pos = match.end(0) # print contents; return (contents, matchCount);
def check_name(name, is_name_ok): """ entfernt Umlaute etc. aus Dateinamen """ try: name = unicode(name, 'utf-8') except: pass name = name[max(string.rfind(name,'/'), string.rfind(name,'\\'), string.rfind(name,':') )+1:] name = string.replace(name, u"'", u'_') name = string.replace(name, u'ä', u'ae') name = string.replace(name, u'ö', u'oe') name = string.replace(name, u'ü', u'ue') name = string.replace(name, u'Ä', u'Ae') name = string.replace(name, u'Ö', u'Oe') name = string.replace(name, u'Ü', u'Ue') name = string.replace(name, u'ß', u'ss') bad_chars = ' ,;()[]{}*"#%+~!' good_chars = '________________' TRANSMAP = string.maketrans(bad_chars, good_chars) name = name.encode('iso-8859-1') name = string.translate(name, TRANSMAP) if is_name_ok: return name html = '.html' if name[-5:] != html : name += html return name
def time_string_to_core(time): try: time=float(time) return time except: time=str(time) if(string.lower(time[-1])=='s'): return float(time[:-1]) if(string.lower(time[-1])=='m'): return float(time[:-1])*60 if(string.lower(time[-1])=='h'): return float(time[:-1])*60*60 ftime=0.0 multiple=1.0 l=string.rfind(time, ':') while (l!=-1): n=float(time[l+1:]) ftime=ftime+(n*multiple) time=time[:l] multiple=multiple*60.0 if (multiple>3600): return None l=string.rfind(time, ':') if (len(time)): ftime=ftime+(float(time)*multiple) return ftime
def callback(match): if not any(['/%s' % s) for s in self.start_markers]): return start, end = match.start(), match.end() start_line = string.count(text, '\n', 0, start) start_col = start - string.rfind(text, '\n', 0, start) - 1 if start_col < 0: start_col = 0 end_line = string.count(text, '\n', 0, end) end_col = end - string.rfind(text, '\n', 0, end) - 1 offset_line = start_line + 1 raw_text = # Compute offset column. idx = raw_text.find('\n') + 1 for offset_col in xrange(idx, len(raw_text)): if raw_text[offset_col] not in [' ', '\t']: break if raw_text[offset_col] == '*': offset_col += 1 if raw_text[offset_col] in [' ', '\t']: offset_col += 1 offset_col -= idx proc_text = self._stripText(raw_text, offset_col) comments.append(Comment(start_line, start_col, start, end_line, end_col, end, offset_line, offset_col, proc_text, raw_text)) return
def get_extension (path): dirsep = string.rfind (path, '/') dotsep = string.rfind (path, '.') if dotsep > dirsep: return path[dotsep+1:] else: return ''
def load_directory(self, path): resource.path.append(path) print resource.path osPath = '' for _ in resource.path: osPath += _ osPath += os.sep osPath = osPath[:-1] print osPath dirList = os.listdir(osPath) print "Entering directory %s.\n" % path resource.reindex() for fname in dirList: ext = '' print fname if string.rfind(fname,".") != -1: name = fname[:string.rfind(fname,".")] ext = fname[string.rfind(fname,"."):] else: name = fname print "name = %s" % name print "ext = %s" % ext if ( ext ) and (ext in self.filetypes): self.load_file(name, ext, osPath) if not ext: self.load_directory(name) print "Leaving directory %s.\n" % resource.path.pop()
def get_actions(request, user_perms, item_container): from django.template.loader import get_template from django.template import Context t = get_template('app/file/manage_options.html') nPos = max ( string.rfind ( request.path, '/add/' ), string.rfind ( request.path, '/edit/' ), ) if nPos > -1 : path = request.path[:nPos] show_mode = True else : path = request.path show_mode = False if ( string.find(request.path, '/add/') >= 0 ) : edit_mode = False elif ( string.find(request.path, '/edit/') >= 0 ) : edit_mode = False else : edit_mode = request.user.is_authenticated() c = Context ( { 'authenticated' : request.user.is_authenticated(), 'show_mode' : show_mode, 'edit_mode' : edit_mode, 'user_perms' : user_perms, 'user_name' : request.user, 'path' : get_site_url(item_container,, } ) return t.render ( c)
def get_docs(code): # Get list of links that match # <a href="(/people/.*?\.(pdf|doc|jpg|docx|zip)?)" if code: docs = re.findall(LOCAL_DOC_TAG_PATTERN, code) for doc in docs: # Clean up URL doc_path = doc[0].replace(' ', '%20') doc_url = '' + doc_path output_dir = fix_name(doc_path[1:string.rfind(doc_path, '/')]) # Change file name back to match link file_name = doc_path[string.rfind(doc_path, '/') + 1:].replace('%20', ' ')"reading file: " + file_name) #"urlencoded name: " + urllib.quote_plus(file_name)) # print "encoded name: " + file_name.encode('utf-8') # Create directory if necessary if not os.path.exists(output_dir): "Creating dir " + output_dir) os.makedirs(output_dir) try: remote = urllib2.urlopen(doc_url) # output_path = output_dir + '/' + file_name) output_path = output_dir + '/' + urllib.quote_plus(file_name) output_path = output_path.replace('+', ' ') "Writing " + output_path ) local_doc = open(output_path, 'w+') local_doc.write( local_doc.close() except Exception as err: error_message = str(err.args) logging.error( "Error: " + error_message + ' in ' + file_name ) else: print "code is empty"
def main(argv): handle = ilu.LookupObject("relocate-server", "dummy", relocate.Foo) handle_sbh = handle.IluSBH() print 'sbh of handle is', handle_sbh cinfo = string.rfind(handle_sbh, ';') if cinfo < 0: print "can't find cinfo of dummy object in sbh <" + handle_sbh + "!" sys.exit(1) handle_cinfo = handle_sbh[cinfo+1:] if not handle: print "Can't find dummy" sys.exit(2) newobj = handle.dummy() newobj_sbh = newobj.IluSBH() print 'sbh of new obj is', newobj_sbh cinfo = string.rfind(newobj_sbh, ';') if cinfo < 0: print "can't find cinfo of dummy object in sbh <" + newobj_sbh + "!" sys.exit(1) newobj_cinfo = newobj_sbh[cinfo+1:] if (newobj_cinfo != handle_cinfo): print 'different cinfos!' sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0)
def nmapScanUpload(): print 'Nmap Scan & Upload' ipToScan = getPrivateIP() #Generates the ip address that can be fed into the nmap command. This simple replaces the 4th octet with a 0 and appends a /24 to scan the class C subnet. ipToScan = ipToScan[:string.rfind(ipToScan, '.') + 1] + '0/24' index = string.rfind(ipToScan, '.') print index print ipToScan #Starts the bridge interface and sets the display. nmapScan = subprocess.Popen('nmap ' + ipToScan + ' -oN nmapoutput.txt', shell=True, stderr=PIPE) lcd.backlight(lcd.GREEN) lcd.clear() lcd.message("Running\nNmap Scan") error = nmapScan.communicate() errorCheck(error, 'NMAP\nFailed', 'Scan\nComplete') lcd.clear() lcd.message("Scan\nComplete") sleep(1) lcd.clear() lcd.message("Uploading\nFile") #Starts FTP session ftpSession = ftplib.FTP(ftp_server, ftp_username, ftp_password) ftpSession.cwd('nmap') #Opens file to be uploaded file = open('nmapoutput.txt', 'rb') #Uploads the File ftpSession.storbinary('STOR nmapoutput.txt', file) file.close() ftpSession.quit() lcd.clear() lcd.message("Upload\nSuccessful") sleep(3) funtionBreak()
def __init__(self,similarity_table,unordered_filelist, list_of_files): self._list_of_files = list_of_files #given as parameter, this is result of document representation self.table=similarity_table #the clusters are represented as regular expressions #final regular expression is the string representation of cluster_list self.cluster_list = list() #a cluster is represented as [[1,2],3] #all the hierarchy that group at a certain level is maintained in this cluster_dict #this keeps height as key and cluster formed at that hieght as its value self.cluster_dict = dict() #contains the indexed filenames #each filename is given a particular id self.unordered_filelist = unordered_filelist #contains the classes we have in our dataset self.classes = list() for name in self.unordered_filelist: cls = name[:rfind(name, "/")] cls = cls[rfind(cls, "/")+1:] if cls not in self.classes: self.classes.append(cls) self.class_count = len(self.classes)
def __parseCTypedefMemberdef(self, node): name = node.find('./name').text definition = node.find('./definition').text if string.find(definition, 'typedef ') == 0: definition = definition[8 :] if string.rfind(name, 'Cb') == len(name) - 2: pos = string.find(definition, "(*") if pos == -1: return None returntype = definition[0:pos].strip() if returntype != "void": return None returnarg = CArgument(returntype, enums = self.enums, structs = self.__structs) definition = definition[pos + 2 :] pos = string.find(definition, "(") definition = definition[pos + 1 : -1] argslist = CArgumentsList() for argdef in definition.split(', '): argType = '' starPos = string.rfind(argdef, '*') spacePos = string.rfind(argdef, ' ') if starPos != -1: argType = argdef[0 : starPos + 1] argName = argdef[starPos + 1 :] elif spacePos != -1: argType = argdef[0 : spacePos] argName = argdef[spacePos + 1 :] argslist.addArgument(CArgument(argType, argName, self.enums, self.__structs)) if len(argslist) > 0: paramdescs = node.findall("detaileddescription/para/parameterlist[@kind='param']/parameteritem") if paramdescs: for arg in argslist.arguments: for paramdesc in paramdescs: if == paramdesc.find('./parameternamelist').find('./parametername').text: arg.description = self.__cleanDescription(paramdesc.find('./parameterdescription')) missingDocWarning = '' for arg in argslist.arguments: if arg.description == None: missingDocWarning += "\t'" + + "' parameter not documented\n"; if missingDocWarning != '': print(name + ":\n" + missingDocWarning) f = CEvent(name, returnarg, argslist) deprecatedNode = node.find(".//xrefsect[xreftitle='Deprecated']") if deprecatedNode is not None: f.deprecated = True f.briefDescription = ''.join(node.find('./briefdescription').itertext()).strip() f.detailedDescription = self.__cleanDescription(node.find('./detaileddescription')) return f else: pos = string.rfind(definition, " " + name) if pos != -1: definition = definition[0 : pos] td = CTypedef(name, definition) deprecatedNode = node.find(".//xrefsect[xreftitle='Deprecated']") if deprecatedNode is not None: td.deprecated = True td.briefDescription = ''.join(node.find('./briefdescription').itertext()).strip() td.detailedDescription = self.__cleanDescription(node.find('./detaileddescription')) return td return None
def __init__(self, fields): if len(fields) != 6: raise "Netstat Parse Error", "tcp class requires 6 fields, not %d" % (len(fields)) # protcol self.protocol = fields[0] # receive queue size self.receive_queue = int(fields[1]) # send queue size self.send_queue = int(fields[2]) # local address dot = string.rfind(fields[3], '.') if dot == -1: raise "Netstat Parse Error", "tcp, expected '<ip>.<port>', found '%s'" % (fields[0]) self.local_addr_ip = fields[3][:dot] self.local_addr_port = fields[3][dot+1:] # CM 2004-05-16: convert '*' to standard wildcard address '' if self.local_addr_ip == '*': self.local_addr_ip = '' # remote address dot = string.rfind(fields[4], '.') if dot == -1: raise "Netstat Parse Error", "tcp, expected '<ip>.<port>', found '%s'" % (fields[1]) self.remote_addr_ip = fields[4][:dot] self.remote_addr_port = fields[4][dot+1:] # state self.state = fields[5]
def addEvent(self, event): title = try: content = getDescription( except Exception: pass where = + ", Windsor, Ontario" start_time = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1] start_time[0] = int([string.rfind(,'/')+1:]) start_time[1] = int([:string.find(,'/')]) start_time[2] = int([string.find(,'/')+1:string.rfind(,'/')]) start_time[3] = int(event.time[:string.find(event.time,':')]) if (event.time[-2:] == "PM"): start_time[3] += 12 start_time[4] = int(event.time[string.find(event.time,':')+1:-3]) end_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z', time.localtime(time.mktime(tuple(start_time)) + 7200 + DEFAULT_TIME_OFFSET * 3600)) start_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z', time.localtime(time.mktime(tuple(start_time)) + DEFAULT_TIME_OFFSET * 3600)) cevent = gdata.calendar.CalendarEventEntry() cevent.title = atom.Title(text=title) cevent.content = atom.Content(text=content) cevent.where.append(gdata.calendar.Where(value_string=where)) cevent.when.append(gdata.calendar.When(start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time)) feed = self.chrysler_cal.GetAlternateLink().href[21:] new_event = self.cal_client.InsertEvent(cevent, feed) print "Added event" , title , "at" , event.time ,
def item_rename(request, op): """ Namen des Objektes aendern """ item_container = get_my_item_container(request, op) if item_container.is_changeable: if request.GET.has_key('new_name') : is_folderish = app_name = # --- muss eventuell .html ergaenzt werden? check_this_name = is_folderish or is_file_type(app_name) new_name = check_name(request.GET['new_name'], check_this_name) # --- Gibt es schon in Objekt mit dem gewuenschten Namen? parent = item_container.get_parent() if parent != None and exist_item(parent, new_name): transaction.commit() return show_error_object_exist(request, item_container, new_name) if is_file_type(app_name): old_path = get_file_path(item_container) new_path = old_path[:string.rfind(old_path,'/')+1] + new_name os.rename(old_path, new_path) # --- Aenderungen vornehmen if is_folderish: n_pos = 1 + string.rfind(item_container.container.path[:-1], '/') new_path = item_container.container.path[:n_pos] + new_name +'/' old_path = item_container.container.path change_container_path(old_path, new_path) = new_name transaction.commit() parent = item_container.get_parent() path = get_site_url(parent, 'index.html/manage/') return HttpResponseRedirect(path)
def __init__(self, file, timestamp=None, size=None, ext=1): File.__init__(self, file, timestamp, size) self.list = [] # Remove ext count extensions, the default is 1, but for # rolls we remove two (.diskN.iso) s = self.filename # name-ver-rpmver.arch.rpm for x in range(0, ext): i = string.rfind(s, ".") s = self.filename[:i] i = string.rfind(s, ".") self.list.append(s[i+1:]) # get architecture string s = self.filename[:i] i = string.rfind(s, "-") # get RPM version string self.release = s[i+1:] self.list.append(self.versionList(s[i+1:])) s = self.filename[:i] i = string.rfind(s, "-") # get software version string self.version = s[i+1:] self.list.append(self.versionList(s[i+1:])) self.list.append(self.filename[:i]) # get package name self.list.reverse() # we built the list backwards
def garbicat(item0): p1 = string.find(item0, 'href="') p2 = string.find(item0, '">') p3 = string.find(item0, '</a>') p4 = string.rfind(item0, '">') p5 = string.rfind(item0, '</a>') return item0[p1+21:p2], item0[p2+2:p3], item0[p4+2:p5]
def manage_addExtImage( self, id="", title="", descr="", file="", preview="", content_type="", create_prev=NO_PREVIEW, maxx="", maxy="", ratio=0, permission_check=0, redirect_default_view=0, REQUEST=None, ): """ Add an ExtImage to a folder. """ if not id and getattr(file, "filename", None) is not None: # generate id from filename and make sure, it has no 'bad' chars id = file.filename id = id[max(string.rfind(id, "/"), string.rfind(id, "\\"), string.rfind(id, ":")) + 1 :] title = title or id id = normalize_id(id) tempExtImage = ExtImage(id, title, descr, permission_check, redirect_default_view) self._setObject(id, tempExtImage) if file != "": self._getOb(id).manage_file_upload(file, content_type, 0, create_prev, maxx, maxy, ratio) if preview != "" and (create_prev == UPLOAD_NORESIZE or create_prev == UPLOAD_RESIZE): self._getOb(id).manage_file_upload(preview, "", 1, create_prev, maxx, maxy, ratio) if REQUEST is not None: return self.manage_main(self, REQUEST, update_menu=0) return id
def rename(source, dest): """ Renames files specified by UNIX inpattern to those specified by UNIX outpattern. Can only handle a single '*' in the two patterns!!! Usage: rename (source, dest) e.g., rename('*.txt', '*.c') """ infiles = glob.glob(source) outfiles = [] incutindex = string.index(source, "*") outcutindex = string.index(source, "*") findpattern1 = source[0:incutindex] findpattern2 = source[incutindex + 1 :] replpattern1 = dest[0:incutindex] replpattern2 = dest[incutindex + 1 :] for fname in infiles: if incutindex > 0: newname = re.sub(findpattern1, replpattern1, fname, 1) if outcutindex < len(dest) - 1: if incutindex > 0: lastone = string.rfind(newname, replpattern2) newname = newname[0:lastone] + re.sub(findpattern2, replpattern2, fname[lastone:], 1) else: lastone = string.rfind(fname, findpattern2) if lastone <> -1: newname = fname[0:lastone] newname = newname + re.sub(findpattern2, replpattern2, fname[lastone:], 1) print fname, newname os.rename(fname, newname) return
def __init__(self, *args): c = len(args) if c == 1: name, val = None, args[0] elif c == 2: name, val = args[0], args[1] else: raise ValueError, "Invalid arguments" h = {"Content-Type": {"_v": ""}, "Content-Transfer-Encoding": {"_v": ""}, "Content-Disposition": {"_v": ""}} dt = type(val) b = t = None if dt == DictType: t = 1 b = self.boundary() d = [] h["Content-Type"]["_v"] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=%s" % b for n, v in val.items(): d.append(MultiPart(n, v)) elif (dt == ListType) or (dt == TupleType): raise ValueError, "Sorry, nested multipart is not done yet!" elif dt == FileType or hasattr(val, "read"): if hasattr(val, "name"): fn = gsub("\\\\", "/", fn = fn[(rfind(fn, "/") + 1) :] ex = fn[(rfind(fn, ".") + 1) :] if self._extmap.has_key(ex): ct = self._extmap[ex] else: ct = self._extmap[""] else: fn = "" ct = self._extmap[None] if self._encmap.has_key(ct): ce = self._encmap[ct] else: ce = "" h["Content-Disposition"]["_v"] = "form-data" h["Content-Disposition"]["name"] = '"%s"' % name h["Content-Disposition"]["filename"] = '"%s"' % fn h["Content-Transfer-Encoding"]["_v"] = ce h["Content-Type"]["_v"] = ct d = [] l = while l: d.append(l) l = else: h["Content-Disposition"]["_v"] = "form-data" h["Content-Disposition"]["name"] = '"%s"' % name d = [str(val)] self._headers = h self._data = d self._boundary = b self._top = t
def renamePicInPage(fname, order=1): parser = pageParser() f = open(fname, 'r') parser.reset() parser.feed( parser.close() f.close() n = order for l in parser.links: if string.find(l, 'http://') >= 0: l = l[string.rfind(l, '/') : ] name = fname[ : string.rfind(fname, '.')] l = name + '_files' + l if os.access(l, os.F_OK): pos = string.rfind(l, '/') path = l[:pos] pos = string.rfind(l, '.') ext = l[pos:] name = '%s/p%03d%s' % (path, n, ext) n += 1 print l, '-->', name os.rename(l, name)
def uploadZip(self, file='', REQUEST=None, **kwargs): """ Expand a zipfile into a number of Photos. Go through the zipfile and for each file create a I{Naaya Photo} object. """ if REQUEST is not None: schema_raw_data = dict(REQUEST.form) else: schema_raw_data = kwargs err = '' title = None if 'title' in schema_raw_data.keys(): title = schema_raw_data.get('title') del schema_raw_data['title'] try: if type(file) is not type('') and hasattr(file,'filename'): # According to the ZipFile just needs a file-like object zf = ZZipFile(file) for name in zf.namelist(): zf.setcurrentfile(name) content = if self.isValidImage(content): id = name[max(rfind(name,'/'), rfind(name,'\\'), rfind(name,':'))+1:] if title: photo_title = title else: photo_title = name self._add_photo(id=id, title=photo_title, file=content, lang=self.gl_get_selected_language(), **schema_raw_data) else: err = 'Invalid zip file.' except Exception, error: err = str(error)
def extract_filename(path_filename): """extract filename right from slash""" if ac.app_windows == "no": filename = path_filename[string.rfind(path_filename, "/") + 1:] else: filename = path_filename[string.rfind(path_filename, "\\") + 1:] return filename
def print_error(input, err, scanner): """This is a really dumb long function to print error messages nicely.""" p = err.pos # Figure out the line number line = count(input[:p], '\n') print err.msg+" on line "+repr(line+1)+":" # Now try printing part of the line text = input[max(p-80, 0):p+80] p = p - max(p-80, 0) # Strip to the left i = rfind(text[:p], '\n') j = rfind(text[:p], '\r') if i < 0 or (0 <= j < i): i = j if 0 <= i < p: p = p - i - 1 text = text[i+1:] # Strip to the right i = find(text,'\n', p) j = find(text,'\r', p) if i < 0 or (0 <= j < i): i = j if i >= 0: text = text[:i] # Now shorten the text while len(text) > 70 and p > 60: # Cut off 10 chars text = "..." + text[10:] p = p - 7 # Now print the string, along with an indicator print '> ',text print '> ',' '*p + '^' print 'List of nearby tokens:', scanner
def fetch(file): global download_url print 'file: '+file if base_url in file: dir = file[len(base_url) - 1:rfind(file, '/') + 1] file = file[rfind(file, '/') + 1:] download_url = base_url elif 'http' in file: dir = file[len(base_url2) - 1:rfind(file, '/') + 1] file = file[rfind(file, '/') + 1:] download_url = base_url2 else: dir = '/' download_url = base_url print 'dir: '+dir print 'file: '+file print 'download_url: '+download_url process(dir + file) base_dir = path.dirname(dir + file) if base_dir != '/': base_dir += '/' tree = ElementTree.parse(out_dir + dir + file) for element in tree.getiterator(): if element.tag.split('}')[1] == 'url': if element.text[-4:] != '.xml': if not 'http' in element.text: process(base_dir + element.text) else: fetch(element.text)
def rfind_count(s, sub, count = 1, start = None, end = None): """Generalizes string.rfind to find the count-th non-overlapping occurrence of sub from the end of s[start:end] **INPUTS** *STR* s -- string to search *STR* sub -- look for sub *INT* count -- ignore the first count-1 occurences *INT* start, end -- look in s[start:end] **OUTPUTS** *INT* -- index of count-th occurence, or -1 if there are fewer than count occureneces """ first, last = start, end if first == None: first = 0 if last == None: last = len(s) for i in range(count - 1): found = string.rfind(s, sub, first, last) if found == -1: return found last = found return string.rfind(s, sub, first, last)
def process(filename, size): if filename[rfind(filename, '/') + 1:] == 'update.ver': return dir = filename[:find(filename, '/')] if dir[rfind(dir, '-') + 1:] != 'sta': return try: handle = urlopen(base_url + filename) headers = content_length = int(headers.getheader('Content-Length')) last_modified = mktime(strptime(headers.getheader('Last-Modified'), '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z')) except IOError: print 'Retrying: ' + filename process(filename, size) return if size != content_length: print 'Retrying: ' + filename process(filename, size) return file = out_dir + filename if path.isfile(file): file_stat = stat(file) if (size == -1 or file_stat.st_size == size) and file_stat.st_mtime == last_modified: return dir = out_dir + filename[:rfind(filename, '/')] if not path.isdir(dir): makedirs(dir) download(filename, last_modified) process(filename, size)
def process(filename, size=-1): file = out_dir + filename if path.isfile(file) and stat(file).st_size == size: print 'Skipping: ' + filename return print 'Processing: ' + filename handle = urlopen(base_url + filename) headers = content_length = int(headers.getheader('Content-Length')) last_modified = mktime(strptime(headers.getheader('Last-Modified'), '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z')) if rfind(filename, '/') > 0: dir = out_dir + filename[:rfind(filename, '/')] else: dir = out_dir if not path.isdir(dir): print 'Creating ' + dir makedirs(dir) if not path.isfile(file): download(filename, last_modified) else: file_stat = stat(file) if file_stat.st_mtime != last_modified or file_stat.st_size != content_length: download(filename, last_modified) else: print 'Skipping: ' + filename
def getFileUrl(self): satellitePos = find(self.html, ">%s</TD>"%SatelliteId) if satellitePos == -1: return "" headerEndPos = rfind(self.html, "</TH>", 0, satellitePos) firstPos = rfind(self.html, "A HREF=\"", 0, headerEndPos) + len("A HREF=\"") lastPos = find(self.html, "\"", firstPos) return self.html[firstPos:lastPos]
import sys from string import rfind if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1: s = sys.argv[1] s = s.strip(' ') if len(s) == 0: print 'no word in string' elif rfind(s, ' ') == -1: print 'length of last word: ', len(s) else: print 'length of last word: ', len(s) - rfind(s, ' ') - 1 else: print 'input a word' print 'run the program as:' print 'python " xyz abcdefg "'
def do_plot(plotfile1, plotfile2, plotfile3, component, outFile, log, minval, maxval, ncontours, eps, dpi, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, label1, label2, label3): #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # construct the output file name #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (outFile == ""): outFile = "compare_" + component if (not eps): outFile += ".png" else: outFile += ".eps" else: # make sure the proper extension is used if (not eps): if (not string.rfind(outFile, ".png") > 0): outFile = outFile + ".png" else: if (not string.rfind(outFile, ".eps") > 0): outFile = outFile + ".eps" #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # read in the data from plotfile1 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- (nx, ny, nz) = fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_size(plotfile1) time = fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_time(plotfile1) (xmin1, xmax1, ymin1, ymax1, zmin1, zmax1) = \ fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_limits(plotfile1) x1 = xmin1 + numpy.arange( (nx), dtype=numpy.float64 )*(xmax1 - xmin1)/nx y1 = ymin1 + numpy.arange( (ny), dtype=numpy.float64 )*(ymax1 - ymin1)/ny if (not nz == -1): print "ERROR: 2-d support only" sys.exit(2) # read in the main component data1 = numpy.zeros( (nx, ny), dtype=numpy.float64) (data1, err) = fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_data_2d(plotfile1, component, data1) if (not err == 0): sys.exit(2) data1 = numpy.transpose(data1) if log: data1 = numpy.log10(data1) extent1 = [xmin1, xmax1, ymin1, ymax1] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # read in the data from plotfile2 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- (nx, ny, nz) = fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_size(plotfile2) time = fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_time(plotfile2) (xmin2, xmax2, ymin2, ymax2, zmin2, zmax2) = \ fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_limits(plotfile2) x2 = xmin2 + numpy.arange( (nx), dtype=numpy.float64 )*(xmax2 - xmin2)/nx y2 = ymin2 + numpy.arange( (ny), dtype=numpy.float64 )*(ymax2 - ymin2)/ny if (not nz == -1): print "ERROR: 2-d support only" sys.exit(2) # read in the main component data2 = numpy.zeros( (nx, ny), dtype=numpy.float64) (data2, err) = fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_data_2d(plotfile2, component, data2) if (not err == 0): sys.exit(2) data2 = numpy.transpose(data2) if log: data2 = numpy.log10(data2) extent2 = [xmin2, xmax2, ymin2, ymax2] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # read in the data from plotfile3 -- if present #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (not plotfile3 == ""): (nx, ny, nz) = fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_size(plotfile3) time = fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_time(plotfile3) (xmin3, xmax3, ymin3, ymax3, zmin3, zmax3) = \ fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_limits(plotfile3) x3 = xmin3 + numpy.arange( (nx), dtype=numpy.float64 )*(xmax3 - xmin3)/nx y3 = ymin3 + numpy.arange( (ny), dtype=numpy.float64 )*(ymax3 - ymin3)/ny if (not nz == -1): print "ERROR: 2-d support only" sys.exit(2) # read in the main component data3 = numpy.zeros( (nx, ny), dtype=numpy.float64) (data3, err) = fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_data_2d(plotfile3, component, data3) if (not err == 0): sys.exit(2) data3 = numpy.transpose(data3) if log: data3 = numpy.log10(data3) extent3 = [xmin3, xmax3, ymin3, ymax3] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # find data limits, etc. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (not extent1 == extent2): print "ERROR: extent of domains do not agree" sys.exit(2) if (not plotfile3 == ""): if (not extent1 == extent3): print "ERROR: extent of domains do not agree" sys.exit(2) extent = extent1 if (not xmin == None): extent[0] = xmin if (not xmax == None): extent[1] = xmax if (not ymin == None): extent[2] = ymin if (not ymax == None): extent[3] = ymax if (minval == None): minval = min(numpy.min(data1), numpy.min(data2)) if (not plotfile3 == ""): minval = min(minval, numpy.min(data3)) if (maxval == None): maxval = max(numpy.max(data1), numpy.max(data2)) if (not plotfile3 == ""): maxval = max(maxval, numpy.max(data3)) levels = numpy.linspace(minval, maxval, ncontours, endpoint=True) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # make the figure #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- cs1 = pylab.contour(x1, y1, data1, ncontours, colors='k', levels=levels) cs2 = pylab.contour(x2, y2, data2, ncontours, colors='r', levels=levels) if (not plotfile3 == ""): cs3 = pylab.contour(x3, y3, data3, ncontours, colors='g', levels=levels) # make the labels -- see # for this technique lines = [] labels = [] if (not label1 == None): line1 = matplotlib.lines.Line2D(range(10), range(10), linestyle='-', color='k') lines.append(line1) labels.append(label1) if (not label2 == None): line2 = matplotlib.lines.Line2D(range(10), range(10), linestyle='-', color='r') lines.append(line2) labels.append(label2) if (not label3 == None): line3 = matplotlib.lines.Line2D(range(10), range(10), linestyle='-', color='g') lines.append(line3) labels.append(label3) pylab.legend(lines, labels, fontsize="small", frameon=False) formatter = matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) #pylab.clabel(cs, fontsize=9, inline=1)#, fmt=formatter) pylab.axis(extent) ax = pylab.gca() ax.set_aspect("equal") fig1 = ax.get_figure() ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True)) pylab.xlabel("x") pylab.ylabel("y") if (not eps): pylab.savefig(outFile, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=dpi, pad_inches=0.5) else: pylab.savefig(outFile, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.5)
def addRelations(rootElement, allRelationChildren, mamIdToAttributesMap): removeAtts = ['family', 'class'] iter = allRelationChildren.iterator() while iter.hasNext(): relElement = Element('relation') linkElement = linkType = linkElement.getAttribute( 'targetRelationshipClass').getValue() targetParent = linkElement.getAttribute('targetParent').getValue() splitIdx_targetParent = string.rfind(targetParent, '.') targetParentFamilyName = targetParent[0:splitIdx_targetParent] targetParentClassName = targetParent[splitIdx_targetParent + 1:len(targetParent)] targetChild = linkElement.getAttribute('targetChild').getValue() splitIdx_targetChild = string.rfind(targetChild, '.') targetChildFamilyName = targetChild[0:splitIdx_targetChild] targetChildClassName = targetChild[splitIdx_targetChild + 1:len(targetChild)] id1base = '' id2base = '' if linkType != None and targetParent != None and targetChild != None: fieldChildren = linkElement.getChildren('field') if fieldChildren is not None: iter2 = fieldChildren.iterator() while iter2.hasNext(): fieldElement = fieldName = fieldElement.getAttributeValue('name') if fieldName == 'DiscoveryID1': id1base = fieldElement.getText() if fieldName == 'DiscoveryID2': id2base = fieldElement.getText() # set type typeElement = Element('type') typeElement.setText(linkType) relElement.addContent(typeElement) # set provider providerElement = Element('provider') if mamIdToAttributesMap.containsKey(id1base): otherProviderAttributes = mamIdToAttributesMap.get(id1base) iter3 = otherProviderAttributes.entrySet().iterator() while iter3.hasNext(): entry = name = entry.getKey() if name in removeAtts: continue value = entry.getValue() otherElement = Element(name) otherElement.setText(value) providerElement.addContent(otherElement) relElement.addContent(providerElement) # set dependent dependentElement = Element('dependent') if mamIdToAttributesMap.containsKey(id2base): otherdependentAttributes = mamIdToAttributesMap.get( id2base) iter3 = otherdependentAttributes.entrySet().iterator() while iter3.hasNext(): entry = name = entry.getKey() if name in removeAtts: continue value = entry.getValue() otherElement = Element(name) otherElement.setText(value) dependentElement.addContent(otherElement) relElement.addContent(dependentElement) rootElement.addContent(relElement) return rootElement
if debuglevel >= DEBUG_VERBOSE: print "Adding rpath " + string.join(rpath_val, ":") + " for " + obj lib_rpath.extend(rpath_val) else: print "warning: " + obj + " may need rpath, but --root not specified" lib_path.extend(lib_rpath) passnr = 1 previous_pass_unresolved = Set() while 1: debug(DEBUG_NORMAL, "I: library reduction pass", `passnr`) if debuglevel >= DEBUG_VERBOSE: print "Objects:", for obj in objects.values(): print obj[string.rfind(obj, '/') + 1:], print passnr = passnr + 1 # Gather all already reduced libraries and treat them as objects as well small_libs = [] for lib in regexpfilter(os.listdir(dest_path), "(.*-so-stripped)$").elems(): obj = dest_path + "/" + lib small_libs.append(obj) inode = os.stat(obj)[ST_INO] if objects.has_key(inode): debug(DEBUG_SPAM, obj, "is hardlink to", objects[inode]) else: objects[inode] = obj # DEBUG
def AddHeader(platform, project, header_name, component, add_options): specfile_path = os.path.join(project.src_root_path, component[2]) verfile_path = os.path.join(project.src_root_path, component[1]) if platform.type == 'unix': verfile_path = string.translate(verfile_path, unix_path_translation_table) specfile_path = string.translate(specfile_path, unix_path_translation_table) if (platform.type == 'unix'): index = string.rfind(specfile_path, '/') else: index = string.rfind(specfile_path, '\\') specfile_name = specfile_path[index + 1:] if sysinfo.host_type == 'mac': verfile_path = string.translate(verfile_path, mac_path_translation_table) specfile_path = string.translate(specfile_path, mac_path_translation_table) out_file = open(header_name + '.hdr', add_options) in_file = open(verfile_path, 'r') try: lines = in_file.readlines() except: raise VersionError, 'Error opening ' + verfile_path for line in lines: if string.find(line, '#define TARVER_STRING_VERSION') == 0: index = string.find(line, '"') line = line[index + 1:] index = string.find(line, '"') line = line[:index] out_file.write('COMPONENT ' + component[0] + '|' + line + '|' + specfile_name + '\n') out_file.close() in_file.close() if project.target_name != project.module_dir: specfile_name = specfile_name + '_' + project.target_name out_file = open(specfile_name, 'w') in_file = open(specfile_path, 'r') try: lines = in_file.readlines() except: raise VersionError, 'Error opening ' + specfile_path for line in lines: ## Exclude other platform's commands include_line = 1 if (string.find(line, '#') == 0): include_line = 0 ## determine whether this line should be included for the current platform line = line[1:] index = string.find(line, '#') platforms_string = line[0:index] platforms_string = string.split(platforms_string) for platform_name in platforms_string: if platform_name == or platform_name == platform.type: include_line = 1 break ## strip the platform info from line line = line[index + 1:] line = string.lstrip(line) if (include_line == 1): output_line = '' ## Insert platform specific dll names index = string.find(line, 'dll_name(') while index != -1: output_line = output_line + line[:index] line = line[index + 9:] index = string.find(line, ')') platform.versioning.version = '' output_line = output_line + platform.versioning.create_dll_name( line[:index], line[:index]) platform.versioning.version = '' line = line[index + 1:] index = string.find(line, 'dll_name(') output_line = output_line + line out_file.write(output_line) out_file.close() in_file.close()
def prepareContents(self, registry, register_subdirs=0): # Creates objects for each file. fp = expandpath(self.filepath) data = {} objects = [] types = self._readTypesFile() for entry in _filtered_listdir(fp): if not self._isAllowableFilename(entry): continue e_filepath = path.join(self.filepath, entry) e_fp = expandpath(e_filepath) if path.isdir(e_fp): # Add a subdirectory only if it was previously registered, # unless register_subdirs is set. info = registry.getDirectoryInfo(e_filepath) if info is None and register_subdirs: # Register unknown subdirs registry.registerDirectoryByPath(e_fp) info = registry.getDirectoryInfo(e_filepath) if info is not None: mt = types.get(entry) t = None if mt is not None: t = registry.getTypeByMetaType(mt) if t is None: t = DirectoryView ob = t(entry, e_filepath) ob_id = ob.getId() data[ob_id] = ob objects.append({'id': ob_id, 'meta_type': ob.meta_type}) else: pos = rfind(entry, '.') if pos >= 0: name = entry[:pos] ext = path.normcase(entry[pos + 1:]) else: name = entry ext = '' if not name or name == 'REQUEST': # Not an allowable id. continue mo = bad_id(name) if mo is not None and mo != -1: # Both re and regex formats # Not an allowable id. continue t = None mt = types.get(entry, None) if mt is None: mt = types.get(name, None) if mt is not None: t = registry.getTypeByMetaType(mt) if t is None: t = registry.getTypeByExtension(ext) if t is not None: metadata = FSMetadata(e_fp) try: ob = t(name, e_filepath, fullname=entry, properties=metadata.getProperties()) except: import traceback typ, val, tb = exc_info() try: exc_lines = traceback.format_exception( typ, val, tb) LOG('DirectoryView', ERROR, join(exc_lines, '\n')) ob = BadFile(name, e_filepath, exc_str=join(exc_lines, '\r\n'), fullname=entry) finally: tb = None # Avoid leaking frame! # FS-based security try: permissions = metadata.getSecurity() if permissions is not None: for name in permissions.keys(): acquire, roles = permissions[name] ob.manage_permission(name, roles, acquire) except: LOG('DirectoryView', ERROR, 'Error setting permissions', error=exc_info()) # only DTML Methods can have proxy roles if hasattr(ob, '_proxy_roles'): try: ob._proxy_roles = tuple(metadata.getProxyRoles()) except: LOG('DirectoryView', ERROR, 'Error setting proxy role', error=exc_info()) ob_id = ob.getId() data[ob_id] = ob objects.append({'id': ob_id, 'meta_type': ob.meta_type}) return data, tuple(objects)
def test_suite(argv): """ the main test suite driver """ # parse the commandline arguments args = test_util.get_args(arg_string=argv) # read in the test information suite, test_list = params.load_params(args) active_test_list = [ for t in test_list] test_list = suite.get_tests_to_run(test_list) suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("running tests: ") suite.log.indent() for obj in test_list: suite.log.log( suite.log.outdent() if not args.complete_report_from_crash == "": # make sure the web directory from the crash run exists suite.full_web_dir = "{}/{}/".format(suite.webTopDir, args.complete_report_from_crash) if not os.path.isdir(suite.full_web_dir):"Crash directory does not exist") suite.test_dir = args.complete_report_from_crash # find all the tests that completed in that web directory tests = [] test_file = "" was_benchmark_run = 0 for sfile in os.listdir(suite.full_web_dir): if os.path.isfile(sfile) and sfile.endswith(".status"): index = string.rfind(sfile, ".status") tests.append(sfile[:index]) with open(suite.full_web_dir + sfile, "r") as f: for line in f: if line.find("benchmarks updated") > 0: was_benchmark_run = 1 if os.path.isfile(sfile) and sfile.endswith(".ini"): test_file = sfile # create the report for this test run num_failed = report.report_this_test_run( suite, was_benchmark_run, "recreated report after crash of suite", "", tests, test_file) # create the suite report suite.log.bold("creating suite report...") report.report_all_runs(suite, active_test_list) suite.log.close_log() sys.exit("done") #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check bench dir and create output directories #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- all_compile = all([t.compileTest == 1 for t in test_list]) if not all_compile: bench_dir = suite.get_bench_dir() if not args.copy_benchmarks is None: last_run = suite.get_last_run() suite.make_test_dirs() if suite.slack_post: msg = "> {} ({}) test suite started, id: {}\n> {}".format( suite.suiteName, suite.sub_title, suite.test_dir, args.note) suite.slack_post_it(msg) if not args.copy_benchmarks is None: old_full_test_dir = suite.testTopDir + suite.suiteName + "-tests/" + last_run copy_benchmarks(old_full_test_dir, suite.full_web_dir, test_list, bench_dir, suite.log) # here, args.copy_benchmarks plays the role of make_benchmarks num_failed = report.report_this_test_run( suite, args.copy_benchmarks, "copy_benchmarks used -- no new tests run", "", test_list, args.input_file[0]) report.report_all_runs(suite, active_test_list) if suite.slack_post: msg = "> copied benchmarks\n> {}".format(args.copy_benchmarks) suite.slack_post_it(msg) sys.exit("done") #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # figure out what needs updating and do the git updates, save the # current hash / HEAD, and make a ChangeLog # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- now = time.localtime(time.time()) update_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", now) no_update = args.no_update.lower() if not args.copy_benchmarks is None: no_update = "all" # the default is to update everything, unless we specified a hash # when constructing the Repo object if no_update == "none": pass elif no_update == "all": for k in suite.repos: suite.repos[k].update = False else: nouplist = [k.strip() for k in no_update.split(",")] for repo in suite.repos.keys(): if repo.lower() in nouplist: suite.repos[repo].update = False os.chdir(suite.testTopDir) for k in suite.repos: suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("repo: {}".format(suite.repos[k].name)) suite.log.indent() if suite.repos[k].update or suite.repos[k].hash_wanted: suite.repos[k].git_update() suite.repos[k].save_head() if suite.repos[k].update: suite.repos[k].make_changelog() suite.log.outdent() # keep track if we are running on any branch that is not the suite # default branches = [suite.repos[r].branch_wanted for r in suite.repos] if not all(suite.default_branch == b for b in branches): suite.log.warn("some git repos are not on the default branch") bf = open("{}/branch.status".format(suite.full_web_dir), "w") bf.write("branch different than suite default") bf.close() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # build the tools and do a make clean, only once per build directory #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- suite.build_tools(test_list) all_build_dirs = find_build_dirs(test_list) suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("make clean in...") for d, source_tree in all_build_dirs: if not source_tree == "": suite.log.log("{} in {}".format(d, source_tree)) os.chdir(suite.repos[source_tree].dir + d) suite.make_realclean(repo=source_tree) else: suite.log.log("{}".format(d)) os.chdir(suite.source_dir + d) if suite.sourceTree in ["AMReX", "amrex"]: suite.make_realclean(repo="AMReX") else: suite.make_realclean() os.chdir(suite.testTopDir) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setup Cmake if needed #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (suite.useCmake): cmake_setup(suite) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # main loop over tests #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- for test in test_list: suite.log.outdent() # just to make sure we have no indentation suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("working on test: {}".format( suite.log.indent() if not args.make_benchmarks is None and (test.restartTest or test.compileTest or test.selfTest): suite.log.warn("benchmarks not needed for test {}".format( continue output_dir = suite.full_test_dir + + '/' os.mkdir(output_dir) test.output_dir = output_dir #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # compile the code #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if not test.extra_build_dir == "": bdir = suite.repos[test.extra_build_dir].dir + test.buildDir else: bdir = suite.source_dir + test.buildDir # # For cmake builds, there is only one build dir # if ( suite.useCmake ): bdir = suite.source_build_dir os.chdir(bdir) if test.reClean == 1: # for one reason or another, multiple tests use different # build options, make clean again to be safe suite.log.log("re-making clean...") if not test.extra_build_dir == "": suite.make_realclean(repo=test.extra_build_dir) else: suite.make_realclean() suite.log.log("building...") coutfile = "{}/{}.make.out".format(output_dir, if suite.sourceTree == "C_Src" or test.testSrcTree == "C_Src": if (suite.useCmake): comp_string, rc = suite.build_test_cmake(test=test, outfile=coutfile) else: comp_string, rc = suite.build_c(test=test, outfile=coutfile) executable = test_util.get_recent_filename(bdir, "", ".ex") elif suite.sourceTree == "F_Src" or test.testSrcTree == "F_Src": comp_string, rc = suite.build_f(test=test, outfile=coutfile) executable = test_util.get_recent_filename(bdir, "main", ".exe") test.comp_string = comp_string # make return code is 0 if build was successful if rc == 0: test.compile_successful = True # copy the make.out into the web directory shutil.copy("{}/{}.make.out".format(output_dir,, suite.full_web_dir) if not test.compile_successful: error_msg = "ERROR: compilation failed" report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list, failure_msg=error_msg) continue if test.compileTest: suite.log.log("creating problem test report ...") report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list) continue #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # copy the necessary files over to the run directory #---------------------------------------------------------------------- suite.log.log("copying files to run directory...") needed_files = [] if executable is not None: needed_files.append((executable, "move")) needed_files.append((test.inputFile, "copy")) # strip out any sub-directory from the build dir test.inputFile = os.path.basename(test.inputFile) if test.probinFile != "": needed_files.append((test.probinFile, "copy")) # strip out any sub-directory from the build dir test.probinFile = os.path.basename(test.probinFile) for auxf in test.auxFiles: needed_files.append((auxf, "copy")) # if any copy/move fail, we move onto the next test skip_to_next_test = 0 for nfile, action in needed_files: if action == "copy": act = shutil.copy elif action == "move": act = shutil.move else:"invalid action") try: act(nfile, output_dir) except IOError: error_msg = "ERROR: unable to {} file {}".format(action, nfile) report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list, failure_msg=error_msg) skip_to_next_test = 1 break if skip_to_next_test: continue skip_to_next_test = 0 for lfile in test.linkFiles: if not os.path.exists(lfile): error_msg = "ERROR: link file {} does not exist".format(lfile) report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list, failure_msg=error_msg) skip_to_next_test = 1 break else: link_source = os.path.abspath(lfile) link_name = os.path.join(output_dir, os.path.basename(lfile)) try: os.symlink(link_source, link_name) except IOError: error_msg = "ERROR: unable to symlink link file: {}".format( lfile) report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list, failure_msg=error_msg) skip_to_next_test = 1 break if skip_to_next_test: continue #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # run the test #---------------------------------------------------------------------- suite.log.log("running the test...") os.chdir(output_dir) test.wall_time = time.time() if suite.sourceTree == "C_Src" or test.testSrcTree == "C_Src": base_cmd = "./{} {} amr.plot_file={}_plt amr.check_file={}_chk".format( executable, test.inputFile,, # keep around the checkpoint files only for the restart runs if test.restartTest: base_cmd += " amr.checkpoint_files_output=1 amr.check_int=%d" % \ (test.restartFileNum) else: base_cmd += " amr.checkpoint_files_output=0" base_cmd += " {} {}".format(suite.globalAddToExecString, test.runtime_params) elif suite.sourceTree == "F_Src" or test.testSrcTree == "F_Src": base_cmd = "./{} {} --plot_base_name {}_plt --check_base_name {}_chk ".format( executable, test.inputFile,, # keep around the checkpoint files only for the restart runs if not test.restartTest: base_cmd += " --chk_int 0 " base_cmd += "{} {}".format(suite.globalAddToExecString, test.runtime_params) if args.with_valgrind: base_cmd = "valgrind " + args.valgrind_options + " " + base_cmd if test.customRunCmd is not None: base_cmd = test.customRunCmd suite.run_test(test, base_cmd) # if it is a restart test, then rename the final output file and # restart the test if test.restartTest: skip_restart = False last_file = test.get_last_plotfile(output_dir=output_dir) if last_file == "": error_msg = "ERROR: test did not produce output. Restart test not possible" skip_restart = True if len(test.find_backtrace()) > 0: error_msg = "ERROR: test produced backtraces. Restart test not possible" skip_restart = True if skip_restart: # copy what we can test.wall_time = time.time() - test.wall_time shutil.copy("{}.run.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) if os.path.isfile("{}.err.out".format( shutil.copy("{}.err.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) test.has_stderr = True suite.copy_backtrace(test) report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list, failure_msg=error_msg) continue orig_last_file = "orig_{}".format(last_file) shutil.move(last_file, orig_last_file) if test.diffDir: orig_diff_dir = "orig_{}".format(test.diffDir) shutil.move(test.diffDir, orig_diff_dir) # get the file number to restart from restart_file = "%s_chk%5.5d" % (, test.restartFileNum) suite.log.log("restarting from {} ... ".format(restart_file)) if suite.sourceTree == "C_Src" or test.testSrcTree == "C_Src": base_cmd = "./{} {} amr.plot_file={}_plt amr.check_file={}_chk amr.checkpoint_files_output=0 amr.restart={}".format( executable, test.inputFile,,, restart_file) elif suite.sourceTree == "F_Src" or test.testSrcTree == "F_Src": base_cmd = "./{} {} --plot_base_name {}_plt --check_base_name {}_chk --chk_int 0 --restart {} {}".format( executable, test.inputFile,,, test.restartFileNum, suite.globalAddToExecString) suite.run_test(test, base_cmd) test.wall_time = time.time() - test.wall_time #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # do the comparison #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if not test.selfTest: if test.outputFile == "": if test.compareFile == "": compare_file = test.get_last_plotfile( output_dir=output_dir) else: # we specified the name of the file we want to # compare to -- make sure it exists compare_file = test.compareFile if not os.path.isdir(compare_file): compare_file = "" output_file = compare_file else: output_file = test.outputFile compare_file = + '_' + output_file # get the number of levels for reporting prog = "{} -l {}".format(["fboxinfo"], output_file) stdout0, stderr0, rc = test.nlevels = stdout0.rstrip('\n') if not type(params.convert_type(test.nlevels)) is int: test.nlevels = "" if args.make_benchmarks is None: suite.log.log("doing the comparison...") suite.log.indent() suite.log.log("comparison file: {}".format(output_file)) test.compare_file_used = output_file if not test.restartTest: bench_file = bench_dir + compare_file else: bench_file = orig_last_file # see if it exists # note, with AMReX, the plotfiles are actually directories if not os.path.isdir(bench_file): suite.log.warn("no corresponding benchmark found") bench_file = "" with open("{}.compare.out".format(, 'w') as cf: cf.write("WARNING: no corresponding benchmark found\n") cf.write(" unable to do a comparison\n") else: if not compare_file == "": suite.log.log("benchmark file: {}".format(bench_file)) command = "{} -n 0 {} {}".format(["fcompare"], bench_file, output_file) sout, serr, ierr = command, outfile="{}.compare.out".format(, store_command=True) if ierr == 0: test.compare_successful = True if test.compareParticles: for ptype in test.particleTypes.strip().split(): command = "{} {} {} {}".format(["particle_compare"], bench_file, output_file, ptype) sout, serr, ierr = command, outfile="{}.compare.out".format(, store_command=True) test.compare_successful = test.compare_successful and not ierr else: suite.log.warn("unable to do a comparison") with open("{}.compare.out".format(, 'w') as cf: cf.write( "WARNING: run did not produce any output\n") cf.write(" unable to do a comparison\n") suite.log.outdent() if not test.diffDir == "": if not test.restartTest: diff_dir_bench = bench_dir + '/' + + '_' + test.diffDir else: diff_dir_bench = orig_diff_dir suite.log.log("doing the diff...") suite.log.log("diff dir: {}".format(test.diffDir)) command = "diff {} -r {} {}".format( test.diffOpts, diff_dir_bench, test.diffDir) outfile = "{}.compare.out".format( sout, serr, diff_status =, outfile=outfile, store_command=True) if diff_status == 0: diff_successful = True with open("{}.compare.out".format(, 'a') as cf: cf.write("\ndiff was SUCCESSFUL\n") else: diff_successful = False test.compare_successful = test.compare_successful and diff_successful else: # make_benchmarks suite.log.log( "storing output of {} as the new benchmark...".format( suite.log.indent() suite.log.warn("new benchmark file: {}".format(compare_file)) suite.log.outdent() if not compare_file == "": if not output_file == compare_file: source_file = output_file else: source_file = compare_file try: shutil.rmtree("{}/{}".format(bench_dir, compare_file)) except: pass shutil.copytree(source_file, "{}/{}".format(bench_dir, compare_file)) with open("{}.status".format(, 'w') as cf: cf.write("benchmarks updated. New file: {}\n".format( compare_file)) else: with open("{}.status".format(, 'w') as cf: cf.write("benchmarks failed") # copy what we can shutil.copy("{}.run.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) if os.path.isfile("{}.err.out".format( shutil.copy("{}.err.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) test.has_stderr = True suite.copy_backtrace(test) error_msg = "ERROR: runtime failure during benchmark creation" report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list, failure_msg=error_msg) if not test.diffDir == "": diff_dir_bench = "{}/{}_{}".format(bench_dir,, test.diffDir) if os.path.isdir(diff_dir_bench): shutil.rmtree(diff_dir_bench) shutil.copytree(test.diffDir, diff_dir_bench) else: shutil.copy(test.diffDir, diff_dir_bench) suite.log.log("new diffDir: {}_{}".format(, test.diffDir)) else: # selfTest if args.make_benchmarks is None: suite.log.log( "looking for selfTest success string: {} ...".format( test.stSuccessString)) try: of = open("{}.run.out".format(, 'r') except IOError: suite.log.warn("no output file found") out_lines = [''] else: out_lines = of.readlines() # successful comparison is indicated by presence # of success string for line in out_lines: if line.find(test.stSuccessString) >= 0: test.compare_successful = True break of.close() with open("{}.compare.out".format(, 'w') as cf: if test.compare_successful: cf.write("SELF TEST SUCCESSFUL\n") else: cf.write("SELF TEST FAILED\n") #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # do any requested visualization (2- and 3-d only) and analysis #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if not test.selfTest: if output_file != "": if args.make_benchmarks is None: # get any parameters for the summary table job_info_file = "{}/job_info".format(output_file) if os.path.isfile(job_info_file): test.has_jobinfo = 1 try: jif = open(job_info_file, "r") except: suite.log.warn("unable to open the job_info file") else: job_file_lines = jif.readlines() jif.close() if suite.summary_job_info_field1 is not "": for l in job_file_lines: if l.startswith(suite.summary_job_info_field1. strip()) and l.find(":") >= 0: _tmp = l.split(":")[1] idx = _tmp.rfind("/") + 1 test.job_info_field1 = _tmp[idx:] break if suite.summary_job_info_field2 is not "": for l in job_file_lines: if l.startswith(suite.summary_job_info_field2. strip()) and l.find(":") >= 0: _tmp = l.split(":")[1] idx = _tmp.rfind("/") + 1 test.job_info_field2 = _tmp[idx:] break if suite.summary_job_info_field3 is not "": for l in job_file_lines: if l.startswith(suite.summary_job_info_field3. strip()) and l.find(":") >= 0: _tmp = l.split(":")[1] idx = _tmp.rfind("/") + 1 test.job_info_field3 = _tmp[idx:] break # visualization if test.doVis: if test.dim == 1: suite.log.log( "Visualization not supported for dim = {}". format(test.dim)) else: suite.log.log("doing the visualization...") tool =["fsnapshot{}d".format(test.dim)] '{} --palette {}/Palette -cname "{}" -p "{}"'. format(tool, suite.f_compare_tool_dir, test.visVar, output_file)) # convert the .ppm files into .png files ppm_file = test_util.get_recent_filename( output_dir, "", ".ppm") if not ppm_file is None: png_file = ppm_file.replace(".ppm", ".png")"convert {} {}".format( ppm_file, png_file)) test.png_file = png_file # analysis if not test.analysisRoutine == "": suite.log.log("doing the analysis...") if not test.extra_build_dir == "": tool = "{}/{}".format( suite.repos[test.extra_build_dir].dir, test.analysisRoutine) else: tool = "{}/{}".format(suite.source_dir, test.analysisRoutine) shutil.copy(tool, os.getcwd()) if test.analysisMainArgs == "": option = "" else: option = eval("suite.{}".format( test.analysisMainArgs)) cmd_name = os.path.basename(test.analysisRoutine) cmd_string = "./{} {} {}".format( cmd_name, option, output_file) outfile = "{}.analysis.out".format( _, _, rc =, outfile=outfile, store_command=True) if rc == 0: analysis_successful = True else: analysis_successful = False suite.log.warn("analysis failed...") test.compare_successful = test.compare_successful and analysis_successful else: if test.doVis or test.analysisRoutine != "": suite.log.warn("no output file. Skipping visualization") #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # move the output files into the web directory #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if args.make_benchmarks is None: shutil.copy("{}.run.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) if os.path.isfile("{}.err.out".format( shutil.copy("{}.err.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) test.has_stderr = True shutil.copy("{}.compare.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) try: shutil.copy("{}.analysis.out".format(, suite.full_web_dir) except: pass shutil.copy( test.inputFile, "{}/{}.{}".format(suite.full_web_dir,, test.inputFile)) if test.has_jobinfo: shutil.copy( job_info_file, "{}/{}.job_info".format(suite.full_web_dir, if suite.sourceTree == "C_Src" and test.probinFile != "": shutil.copy( test.probinFile, "{}/{}.{}".format(suite.full_web_dir,, test.probinFile)) for af in test.auxFiles: # strip out any sub-directory under build dir for the aux file # when copying shutil.copy( os.path.basename(af), "{}/{}.{}".format(suite.full_web_dir,, os.path.basename(af))) if not test.png_file is None: try: shutil.copy(test.png_file, suite.full_web_dir) except IOError: # visualization was not successful. Reset image test.png_file = None if not test.analysisRoutine == "": try: shutil.copy(test.analysisOutputImage, suite.full_web_dir) except IOError: # analysis was not successful. Reset the output image test.analysisOutputImage = "" # were any Backtrace files output (indicating a crash) suite.copy_backtrace(test) else: shutil.copy("{}.status".format(, suite.full_web_dir) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # archive (or delete) the output #---------------------------------------------------------------------- suite.log.log("archiving the output...") for pfile in os.listdir(output_dir): if (os.path.isdir(pfile) and (pfile.startswith("{}_plt".format( or pfile.startswith("{}_chk".format( if suite.purge_output == 1 and not pfile == output_file: # delete the plt/chk file if os.path.isdir(pfile): try: shutil.rmtree(pfile) except: suite.log.warn("unable to remove {}".format(pfile)) else: # tar it up try: tar ="{}.tgz".format(pfile), "w:gz") tar.add("{}".format(pfile)) tar.close() except: suite.log.warn( "unable to tar output file {}".format(pfile)) else: try: shutil.rmtree(pfile) except OSError: suite.log.warn("unable to remove {}".format(pfile)) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # write the report for this test #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if args.make_benchmarks is None: suite.log.log("creating problem test report ...") report.report_single_test(suite, test, test_list) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clean Cmake build and install directories if needed #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (suite.useCmake): suite.cmake_clean("AMReX", suite.amrex_dir) suite.cmake_clean(suite.suiteName, suite.source_dir) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # write the report for this instance of the test suite #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- suite.log.outdent() suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("creating new test report...") num_failed = report.report_this_test_run(suite, args.make_benchmarks, args.note, update_time, test_list, args.input_file[0]) # make sure that all of the files in the web directory are world readable for file in os.listdir(suite.full_web_dir): current_file = suite.full_web_dir + file if os.path.isfile(current_file): os.chmod(current_file, 0o644) # reset the branch to what it was originally suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("reverting git branches/hashes") suite.log.indent() for k in suite.repos: if suite.repos[k].update or suite.repos[k].hash_wanted: suite.repos[k].git_back() suite.log.outdent() # For temporary run, return now without creating suote report. if args.do_temp_run: return num_failed # store an output file in the web directory that can be parsed easily by # external program name = "source" if suite.sourceTree in ["AMReX", "amrex"]: name = "AMReX" branch = '' if suite.repos[name].branch_wanted: branch = suite.repos[name].branch_wanted.strip("\"") with open("{}/suite.{}.status".format(suite.webTopDir, branch), "w") as f: f.write("{}; num failed: {}; source hash: {}".format( suite.repos[name].name, num_failed, suite.repos[name].hash_current)) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # generate the master report for all test instances #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("creating suite report...") report.report_all_runs(suite, active_test_list) def email_developers(): msg = email.message_from_string(suite.emailBody) msg['From'] = suite.emailFrom msg['To'] = ",".join(suite.emailTo) msg['Subject'] = suite.emailSubject server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') server.sendmail(suite.emailFrom, suite.emailTo, msg.as_string()) server.quit() if num_failed > 0 and suite.sendEmailWhenFail and not args.send_no_email: suite.log.skip() suite.log.bold("sending email...") email_developers() if suite.slack_post: suite.slack_post_it("> test complete, num failed = {}\n{}".format( num_failed, suite.emailBody)) return num_failed
def Get(self, collection, uri_at, sort, view, page, partial_match, flatList, logging_me=true, debugging_me=false): """ Get a list of maps that contain host metadata or a list of maps that contain files and directory metdata from the urltracker. The last map in the list has the number of list chunks that match the given uri_at, and view. collection - collection to get results from. Collections are restricts using good and bad URL patterns. uri_at - URI that is the parent of files and directories in the returned list. Leave blank to get a list of hosts. sort - *_ASC or *_DESC view - ALL, SUCCESSFUL, ERRORS, or EXCLUDED. If not ALL, restrict files to this status and directories to having at least one descendant file with this status. page - which chunk of results to return. urltracker returns at most 100 hosts or 100 files and 100 directories at a time. page starts at 1. The term is page and not chunk because the end user sees the results on a web page with a Google navigational bar if there is more than one page. partial_match - whether to allow partial match when urltracker_server searches for files or directories flatList - whether the result should be a flat list of complete URLs, else a hierarchical list of directory/file names (the default). """ if logging_me:"[urltracker_client:Get] Sitemap flatList = " + str(flatList) + " [" + str(flatList == 0) + "]") this_many_results = 100 command = self.BuildBrowseCommand(collection, uri_at, sort, view, page, partial_match, this_many_results, flatList) response = self.SendCommand(command) if response == None: return None # davidw TODO: why not just return response? contents = [] uri_path = response.searchedpath( ) # Don't clobber formal params, please. path_len = len(uri_path) # `path_len' = current node's URI len. first_slash_index = string.find(uri_path, '/') # if this is a partial search and # the search prefix is not a hostname, nor a directory search, # then the file name is just everything after the last slash (`/') char. if partial_match == 1 and first_slash_index != -1 and \ uri_path[-1] != '/': head_index = string.rfind(uri_path, '/') + 1 # 1st after last `/'. # else it's an exhaustive search, or slashless, or a directory/folder URI, else: head_index = path_len # elide the entire node's URI. for dir in response.dirs_list(): content = { 'numCrawledURLs': 0, 'numRetrievalErrors': 0, 'numExcludedURLs': 0 } if first_slash_index == -1: # If no `/'s, must've been a host name. content['type'] = 'HostContentData' path = dir.path() if path[-1] == '/': path = path[:-1] content['name'] = path content['uri'] = path else: content['type'] = 'DirectoryContentData' content['name'] = dir.path()[head_index:] if content['name'] == '': continue content['uri'] = dir.path() if flatList: # For flatList mode perusal, content['name'] = content['uri'] # ...we want complete URIs. for count in if count.state() in self.CrawledURLStates: content['numCrawledURLs'] += int(count.count()) elif count.state() in self.RetrievalErrorStates: content['numRetrievalErrors'] += int(count.count()) elif count.state() in self.ExcludedURLStates: content['numExcludedURLs'] += int(count.count()) if debugging_me: if flatList == 0: content['name'] = '[Tree=' + str( flatList) + '] ' + content['name'] #content['uri' ] = '[Tree=' + str(flatList) + '] ' + content['uri' ] else: content['name'] = '[Flat=' + str( flatList) + '] ' + content['name'] #content['uri' ] = '[Flat=' + str(flatList) + '] ' + content['uri' ] contents.append(content) for url in response.urls_list(): content = { 'name': url.path()[head_index:], 'uri': url.path(), 'state':[-1].state(), 'timestamp':[-1].timestamp(), 'isCookieServerError':[-1].iscookieservererror(), 'type': 'FileContentData' } if content['name'] == '': content['name'] = '/' # This really should be `.', yes? Grr. if flatList: # For flatList mode perusal, content['name'] = content['uri'] # ...we want complete URIs. if debugging_me: if flatList == 0: content['name'] = '[Tree=' + str( flatList) + '] ' + content['name'] #content['uri' ] = '[Tree=' + str(flatList) + '] ' + content['uri' ] else: content['name'] = '[Flat=' + str( flatList) + '] ' + content['name'] #content['uri' ] = '[Flat=' + str(flatList) + '] ' + content['uri' ] contents.append(content) contents.append({ 'uriAt': uri_path, # _Not_ necessarily == `uri_at' (?) 'numPages': UrlTrackerServerResponseNumPages(response), }) return contents
def get_safe_logs(self, get): pythonV = sys.version_info[0] if 'drop_ip' in get: path = '/www/server/btwaf/drop_ip.log' num = 14 else: path = '/www/wwwlogs/btwaf/' + get.siteName + '_' + get.toDate + '.log' num = 10 if not os.path.exists(path): return [] p = 1 if 'p' in get: p = int(get.p) import cgi start_line = (p - 1) * num count = start_line + num fp = open(path, 'rb') buf = "" try:, 2) except: return [] if == "\n":, 2) data = [] b = True n = 0 for i in range(count): while True: newline_pos = string.rfind(buf, "\n") pos = fp.tell() if newline_pos != -1: if n >= start_line: line = buf[newline_pos + 1:] try: data.append(json.loads(cgi.escape(line))) except: pass buf = buf[:newline_pos] n += 1 break else: if pos == 0: b = False break to_read = min(4096, pos), 1) t_buf = if pythonV == 3: t_buf = t_buf.decode('utf-8') buf = t_buf + buf, 1) if pos - to_read == 0: buf = "\n" + buf if not b: break fp.close() if 'drop_ip' in get: stime = time.time() for i in range(len(data)): if (stime - data[i][0]) < data[i][4]: get.ip = data[i][1] data[i].append(self.get_waf_drop_ip(get)) else: data[i].append(False) return data
# now go thru the urls # for url in urls: # pause before starting song to give # a chance at authorizing the url before we access it time.sleep(1) # strip leading and trailing whitespace url = string.lstrip(url) url = string.rstrip(url) # if the url consists only of a host treat it like # a playlist (ie. icecast m3u playlists) p1 = string.rfind(url, "/") if p1 == -1 or p1 > len(url) - 5 or opt_plsfile == 1: opt_plsfile = 1 if url[-1] == "/": url = url[:-1] logline = "Trying stream " + url logger.logit(logline) else: logline = "Getting file " + url[p1+1:] logger.logit(logline) # # Open the URL using urllib for m3u and icy for pls # bytesread = 0
cprnc_out = cprnc_out_file.close() else: # Set the arguments to CPRNC, run, and catch output cprnc_args[2:] = [old_results_path, new_results_path] cprnc_proc = Popen(cprnc_args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) cprnc_out = cprnc_proc.communicate()[0] # Write the output file cprnc_out_file = open(cprnc_out_path, 'w') cprnc_out_file.write(cprnc_out) cprnc_out_file.close() # Add to the list of log file output log_result = ' GOOD: ' if (string.rfind(cprnc_out, ident_str) < 0): num_failures[full_test_name] += 1 log_result = '* BAD: ' log_str = log_result + file_name + os.linesep log_output[full_test_name].append(log_str) print ' ', log_result + file_name # Now wait for all files to be processed if (not options.serial): MPI.COMM_WORLD.Barrier() # Gather all of the statitics and log files from all processors all_log_output = log_output all_num_failures = num_failures if (not options.serial):
def do_plot(plotfile, component, component2, outFile, log, minval, maxval, minval2, maxval2, eps, dpi, origin, annotation, xmin_pass, ymin_pass, zmin_pass, xmax_pass, ymax_pass, zmax_pass): pylab.rc("font", size=9) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # construct the output file name #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (outFile == ""): outFile = os.path.normpath(plotfile) + "_" + component if (not component2 == ""): outFile += "_" + component2 if (not eps): outFile += ".png" else: outFile += ".eps" else: # make sure the proper extension is used if (not eps): if (not string.rfind(outFile, ".png") > 0): outFile = outFile + ".png" else: if (not string.rfind(outFile, ".eps") > 0): outFile = outFile + ".eps" #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # read in the meta-data from the plotfile #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- (nx, ny, nz) = fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_size(plotfile) time = fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_time(plotfile) (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax) = \ fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_limits(plotfile) dx = (xmax - xmin)/nx x = xmin + numpy.arange( (nx), dtype=numpy.float64 )*dx dy = (ymax - ymin)/ny y = ymin + numpy.arange( (ny), dtype=numpy.float64 )*dy if (nz > 0): dz = (zmax - zmin)/nz z = zmin + numpy.arange( (nz), dtype=numpy.float64 )*dz if (nz == -1): #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2-d plots #---------------------------------------------------------------------- extent = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] ix0 = 0 ix = nx iy0 = 0 iy = ny if (not xmin_pass == None): extent[0] = xmin_pass ix0 = int((xmin_pass - xmin)/dx) if (not ymin_pass == None): extent[2] = ymin_pass iy0 = int((ymin_pass - ymin)/dy) if (not xmax_pass == None): extent[1] = xmax_pass ix = int((xmax_pass - xmin)/dx) if (not ymax_pass == None): extent[3] = ymax_pass iy = int((ymax_pass - ymin)/dy) sparseX = 0 if (ny >= 3*nx): sparseX = 1 # read in the main component data = numpy.zeros( (nx, ny), dtype=numpy.float64) (data, err) = fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_data_2d(plotfile, component, data) if (not err == 0): sys.exit(2) data = numpy.transpose(data) # read in the component #2, if present if (not component2 == ""): data2 = numpy.zeros( (nx, ny), dtype=numpy.float64) (data2, err) = fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_data_2d(plotfile, component2, data2) if (not err == 0): sys.exit(2) data2 = numpy.transpose(data2) # log? if log: if (numpy.min(data) < 0): data = numpy.log10(numpy.abs(data)) else: data = numpy.log10(data) if (not component2 == ""): if (numpy.min(data2) < 0.0): data2 = numpy.log10(numpy.abs(data2)) else: data2 = numpy.log10(data2) if (not minval == None): minval = math.log10(minval) if (not maxval == None): maxval = math.log10(maxval) if (not minval2 == None): minval2 = math.log10(minval2) if (not maxval2 == None): maxval2 = math.log10(maxval2) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # plot main component #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (not component2 == ""): ax = pylab.subplot(1,2,1) pylab.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.5) else: ax = pylab.subplot(1,1,1) divider = mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.make_axes_locatable(ax) im=pylab.imshow(data[iy0:iy,ix0:ix],origin='lower', extent=extent, vmin=minval, vmax=maxval) pylab.title(component) pylab.xlabel("x") pylab.ylabel("y") # axis labels in scientific notation with LaTeX ax = pylab.gca() ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True)) if (sparseX): ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.MaxNLocator(3)) # make space for a colorbar -- getting it the same size as the # vertical extent of the plot is surprisingly tricky. See # ax_cb = divider.new_horizontal(size="10%", pad=0.1) fig1 = ax.get_figure() fig1.add_axes(ax_cb) formatter = matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) cb = pylab.colorbar(im, format=formatter, cax=ax_cb) # make the font size for the colorbar axis labels small. Note # the offsetText is the 10^N that appears at the top of the # y-axis. cl = pylab.getp(, 'ymajorticklabels') pylab.setp(cl, fontsize=10)"small") # do a fixed offset in pixels from the (xmin,ymin) data point trans=matplotlib.transforms.offset_copy(ax.transData, x=0, y=-0.5, fig=fig1, units='inches') pylab.text(xmin, ymin, "time = %7.3g s" % (time), verticalalignment="bottom", transform = trans, clip_on=False, fontsize=10) if (not annotation == ""): trans=matplotlib.transforms.offset_copy(ax.transData, x=0, y=-0.65, fig=fig1, units='inches') pylab.text(xmin, ymin, "%s" % (annotation), verticalalignment="bottom", transform = trans, clip_on=False, fontsize=10) #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # plot component #2 #---------------------------------------------------------------------- if (not component2 == ""): ax = pylab.subplot(1,2,2) divider = mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.make_axes_locatable(ax) im = pylab.imshow(data2[iy0:iy,ix0:ix], origin='lower', extent=extent, vmin=minval2, vmax=maxval2) pylab.title(component2) pylab.xlabel("x") pylab.ylabel("y") # axis labels in scientific notation with LaTeX ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True)) if (sparseX): ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(pylab.MaxNLocator(3)) # make space for a colorbar -- getting it the same size as # the vertical extent of the plot is surprisingly tricky. # See # ax_cb = divider.new_horizontal(size="10%", pad=0.1) fig1 = ax.get_figure() fig1.add_axes(ax_cb) formatter = matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) cb = pylab.colorbar(im, format=formatter, cax=ax_cb) # make the font size for the colorbar axis labels small. Note the # offsetText is the 10^N that appears at the top of the y-axis. cl = pylab.getp(, 'ymajorticklabels') pylab.setp(cl, fontsize=10)"small") #ax_cb.yaxis.tick_right() else: #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # 3-d plot #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # starting points for the figure positions # assume that the width of the plotting area is 0.05 to 0.95, # leaving 0.9 to be split amongst the 3 plots. So each has a # width of 0.3 # for the height, we will assume that the colorbar at the # bottom gets 0.15, and that we go until 0.95, leaving 0.8 of # height for the plots. pos1 = [0.05, 0.15, 0.3, 0.8] pos2 = [0.35, 0.15, 0.3, 0.8] pos3 = [0.65, 0.15, 0.3, 0.8] fig = pylab.figure() # read in the slices # x-y data_xy = numpy.zeros( (nx, ny), dtype=numpy.float64) indir = 3 (data_xy, err) = \ fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_data_3d(plotfile, component, indir, origin, data_xy) if (not err == 0): sys.exit(2) data_xy = numpy.transpose(data_xy) if log: if (numpy.min(data_xy) < 0): data_xy = numpy.log10(numpy.abs(data_xy)) else: data_xy = numpy.log10(data_xy) # x-z data_xz = numpy.zeros( (nx, nz), dtype=numpy.float64) (data_xz, err) = \ fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_data_3d(plotfile, component, 2, origin, data_xz) if (not err == 0): sys.exit(2) data_xz = numpy.transpose(data_xz) if log: if (numpy.min(data_xz) < 0): data_xz = numpy.log10(numpy.abs(data_xz)) else: data_xz = numpy.log10(data_xz) # y-z data_yz = numpy.zeros( (ny, nz), dtype=numpy.float64) (data_yz, err) = \ fsnapshot.fplotfile_get_data_3d(plotfile, component, 1, origin, data_yz) if (not err == 0): sys.exit(2) data_yz = numpy.transpose(data_yz) if log: if (numpy.min(data_yz) < 0): data_yz = numpy.log10(numpy.abs(data_yz)) else: data_yz = numpy.log10(data_yz) if (not minval == None): if (log): minval = math.log10(minval) else: minval = numpy.min(data_xy) minval = min(minval,numpy.min(data_xz)) minval = min(minval,numpy.min(data_yz)) if (not maxval == None): if (log): maxval = math.log10(maxval) else: maxval = numpy.max(data_xy) maxval = max(maxval,numpy.max(data_xz)) maxval = max(maxval,numpy.max(data_yz)) # x-y extent = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] ix0 = 0 ix = nx iy0 = 0 iy = ny if (not xmin_pass == None): extent[0] = xmin_pass ix0 = int((xmin_pass - xmin)/dx) if (not ymin_pass == None): extent[2] = ymin_pass iy0 = int((ymin_pass - ymin)/dy) if (not xmax_pass == None): extent[1] = xmax_pass ix = int((xmax_pass - xmin)/dx) if (not ymax_pass == None): extent[3] = ymax_pass iy = int((ymax_pass - ymin)/dy) ax = pylab.subplot(1,3,1) pylab.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4) #fig.add_axes(pos1) im=pylab.imshow(data_xy[iy0:iy,ix0:ix],origin='lower', extent=extent, vmin=minval, vmax=maxval, axes=pos1) pylab.xlabel("x") pylab.ylabel("y") # axis labels in scientific notation with LaTeX ax = pylab.gca() ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True)) ax.xaxis.offsetText.set_fontsize("small") ax.yaxis.offsetText.set_fontsize("small") cl = pylab.getp(ax, 'ymajorticklabels') pylab.setp(cl, fontsize=10) cl = pylab.getp(ax, 'xmajorticklabels') pylab.setp(cl, fontsize=10) # do a fixed offset in pixels from the (xmin,ymin) data point fig1 = ax.get_figure() trans=matplotlib.transforms.offset_copy(ax.transData, x=0, y=-0.5, fig=fig1, units='inches') # pylab.text(xmin_pass, ymin_pass, "time = %7.3g s" % (time), # verticalalignment="bottom", transform = trans, # clip_on=False, fontsize=10) # x-z extent = [xmin, xmax, zmin, zmax] ix0 = 0 ix = nx iz0 = 0 iz = nz if (not xmin_pass == None): extent[0] = xmin_pass ix0 = int((xmin_pass - xmin)/dx) if (not zmin_pass == None): extent[2] = zmin_pass iz0 = int((zmin_pass - zmin)/dz) if (not xmax_pass == None): extent[1] = xmax_pass ix = int((xmax_pass - xmin)/dx) if (not zmax_pass == None): extent[3] = zmax_pass iz = int((zmax_pass - zmin)/dz) ax = pylab.subplot(1,3,2) #fig.add_axes(pos2) im=pylab.imshow(data_xz[iz0:iz,ix0:ix],origin='lower', extent=extent, vmin=minval, vmax=maxval, axes=pos2) pylab.xlabel("x") pylab.ylabel("z") # axis labels in scientific notation with LaTeX ax = pylab.gca() ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True)) ax.xaxis.offsetText.set_fontsize("small") ax.yaxis.offsetText.set_fontsize("small") cl = pylab.getp(ax, 'ymajorticklabels') pylab.setp(cl, fontsize=10) cl = pylab.getp(ax, 'xmajorticklabels') pylab.setp(cl, fontsize=10) # y-z extent = [ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax] iy0 = 0 iy = ny iz0 = 0 iz = nz if (not ymin_pass == None): extent[0] = ymin_pass iy0 = int((ymin_pass - ymin)/dy) if (not zmin_pass == None): extent[2] = zmin_pass iz0 = int((zmin_pass - zmin)/dz) if (not ymax_pass == None): extent[1] = ymax_pass iy = int((ymax_pass - ymin)/dy) if (not zmax_pass == None): extent[3] = zmax_pass iz = int((zmax_pass - zmin)/dz) ax = pylab.subplot(1,3,3) #fig.add_axes(pos3) im=pylab.imshow(data_yz[iz0:iz,iy0:iy],origin='lower', extent=extent, vmin=minval, vmax=maxval, axes=pos3) pylab.xlabel("y") pylab.ylabel("z") # axis labels in scientific notation with LaTeX ax = pylab.gca() ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True)) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(pylab.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True)) ax.xaxis.offsetText.set_fontsize("small") ax.yaxis.offsetText.set_fontsize("small") cl = pylab.getp(ax, 'ymajorticklabels') pylab.setp(cl, fontsize=10) cl = pylab.getp(ax, 'xmajorticklabels') pylab.setp(cl, fontsize=10) # colorbar pylab.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, left=0.05, right=0.95) formatter = matplotlib.ticker.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) cax = pylab.axes([0.05, 0.06, 0.9, 0.04]) pylab.colorbar(orientation="horizontal", cax=cax, format=formatter) pylab.title(component) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # save the figure #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # try: pylab.tight_layout() # requires matplotlib >= 1.1 # except: # pass if (not eps): pylab.savefig(outFile, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=dpi, pad_inches=0.33) else: pylab.savefig(outFile)#, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.33)
def rfindFirstJSChars(string): b = [string.rfind(k) for k in jsChars] return max(b)
def __parseCTypedefMemberdef(self, node): name = node.find('./name').text definition = node.find('./definition').text if string.find(definition, 'typedef ') == 0: definition = definition[8:] if string.rfind(name, 'Cb') == len(name) - 2: pos = string.find(definition, "(*") if pos == -1: return None returntype = definition[0:pos].strip() if returntype != "void": return None returnarg = CArgument(returntype, enums=self.enums, structs=self.__structs) definition = definition[pos + 2:] pos = string.find(definition, "(") definition = definition[pos + 1:-1] argslist = CArgumentsList() for argdef in definition.split(', '): argType = '' starPos = string.rfind(argdef, '*') spacePos = string.rfind(argdef, ' ') if starPos != -1: argType = argdef[0:starPos + 1] argName = argdef[starPos + 1:] elif spacePos != -1: argType = argdef[0:spacePos] argName = argdef[spacePos + 1:] argslist.addArgument( CArgument(argType, argName, self.enums, self.__structs)) if len(argslist) > 0: paramdescs = node.findall( "detaileddescription/para/parameterlist[@kind='param']/parameteritem" ) if paramdescs: for arg in argslist.arguments: for paramdesc in paramdescs: if == paramdesc.find( './parameternamelist').find( './parametername').text: arg.description = self.__cleanDescription( paramdesc.find('./parameterdescription')) missingDocWarning = '' for arg in argslist.arguments: if arg.description == None: missingDocWarning += "\t'" + + "' parameter not documented\n" if missingDocWarning != '': print(name + ":\n" + missingDocWarning) f = CEvent(name, returnarg, argslist) deprecatedNode = node.find(".//xrefsect[xreftitle='Deprecated']") if deprecatedNode is not None: f.deprecated = True f.briefDescription = ''.join( node.find('./briefdescription').itertext()).strip() f.detailedDescription = self.__cleanDescription( node.find('./detaileddescription')) return f else: pos = string.rfind(definition, " " + name) if pos != -1: definition = definition[0:pos] td = CTypedef(name, definition) deprecatedNode = node.find(".//xrefsect[xreftitle='Deprecated']") if deprecatedNode is not None: td.deprecated = True td.briefDescription = ''.join( node.find('./briefdescription').itertext()).strip() td.detailedDescription = self.__cleanDescription( node.find('./detaileddescription')) return td return None
import string import math import time path = sys.argv[1] t1 = float(sys.argv[2]) t2 = float(sys.argv[3]) heightcount = 1 valuecount = 1 pointcount = 0 linecount = 0 layercount = 0 pointmesh = open(path[0:string.rfind(path, "\\")] + '', 'w') for imageslice in os.listdir(path): if math.sqrt(heightcount) >= valuecount: RGBslice = cv2.imread(path + imageslice) grayslice = cv2.cvtColor(RGBslice, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) edgeslice = cv2.Canny(grayslice, t1, t2, apertureSize=5) baseslice = RGBslice.copy() baseslice = np.uint8(baseslice / 2.) baseslice[edgeslice != 0] = (0, 255, 0) for line in edgeslice: for point in line:
def parse(tokens, customize): # # Special handling for opcodes that take a variable number # of arguments -- we add a new rule for each: # # expr ::= {expr}^n BUILD_LIST_n # expr ::= {expr}^n BUILD_TUPLE_n # unpack_list ::= UNPACK_LIST {expr}^n # unpack ::= UNPACK_TUPLE {expr}^n # unpack ::= UNPACK_SEQEUENE {expr}^n # mkfunc ::= {expr}^n LOAD_CONST MAKE_FUNCTION_n # mkfunc ::= {expr}^n load_closure LOAD_CONST MAKE_FUNCTION_n # expr ::= expr {expr}^n CALL_FUNCTION_n # expr ::= expr {expr}^n CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_n POP_TOP # expr ::= expr {expr}^n CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW_n POP_TOP # expr ::= expr {expr}^n CALL_FUNCTION_KW_n POP_TOP # global p for k, v in customize.items(): # avoid adding the same rule twice to this parser if p.customized.has_key(k): continue p.customized[k] = None #nop = lambda self, args: None op = k[:string.rfind(k, '_')] if op in ('BUILD_LIST', 'BUILD_TUPLE', 'BUILD_SET'): rule = 'build_list ::= ' + 'expr ' * v + k elif op in ('UNPACK_TUPLE', 'UNPACK_SEQUENCE'): rule = 'unpack ::= ' + k + ' designator' * v elif op == 'UNPACK_LIST': rule = 'unpack_list ::= ' + k + ' designator' * v elif op == 'DUP_TOPX': # no need to add a rule continue #rule = 'dup_topx ::= ' + 'expr '*v + k elif op == 'MAKE_FUNCTION': p.addRule('mklambda ::= %s LOAD_LAMBDA %s' % ('expr ' * v, k), nop) rule = 'mkfunc ::= %s LOAD_CONST %s' % ('expr ' * v, k) elif op == 'MAKE_CLOSURE': p.addRule( 'mklambda ::= %s load_closure LOAD_LAMBDA %s' % ('expr ' * v, k), nop) p.addRule( 'genexpr ::= %s load_closure LOAD_GENEXPR %s expr GET_ITER CALL_FUNCTION_1' % ('expr ' * v, k), nop) p.addRule( 'setcomp ::= %s load_closure LOAD_SETCOMP %s expr GET_ITER CALL_FUNCTION_1' % ('expr ' * v, k), nop) p.addRule( 'dictcomp ::= %s load_closure LOAD_DICTCOMP %s expr GET_ITER CALL_FUNCTION_1' % ('expr ' * v, k), nop) rule = 'mkfunc ::= %s load_closure LOAD_CONST %s' % ('expr ' * v, k) # rule = 'mkfunc ::= %s closure_list LOAD_CONST %s' % ('expr '*v, k) elif op in ('CALL_FUNCTION', 'CALL_FUNCTION_VAR', 'CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW', 'CALL_FUNCTION_KW'): na = (v & 0xff) # positional parameters nk = (v >> 8) & 0xff # keyword parameters # number of apply equiv arguments: nak = (len(op) - len('CALL_FUNCTION')) / 3 rule = 'call_function ::= expr ' + 'expr '*na + 'kwarg '*nk \ + 'expr ' * nak + k else: raise Exception('unknown customize token %s' % k) p.addRule(rule, nop) ast = p.parse(tokens) # p.cleanup() return ast
def runPDB2PQR(pdblist, ff, options): """ Run the PDB2PQR Suite Parameters pdblist: The list of objects that was read from the PDB file given as input (list) ff: The name of the forcefield (string) options: A dictionary of PDB2PQR options, including: verbose: When 1, script will print information to stdout When 0, no detailed information will be printed (int) debump: When 1, debump heavy atoms (int) opt: When 1, run hydrogen optimization (int) ph: The desired ph of the system (float) outname: The name of the desired output file Returns header: The PQR file header (string) lines: The PQR file atoms (list) missedligandresidues: A list of ligand residue names whose charges could not be assigned (ligand) """ ph = None pkaname = "" outname = "" outroot = "" typemapname = "" neutraln = None neutralc = None lines = [] Lig = None atomcount = 0 # Count the number of ATOM records in pdb # userff is CGI-based User Forcefield file object if "userff" in options: userff = options["userff"] else: userff = None if "usernames" in options: usernames = options["usernames"] else: usernames = None if "verbose" in options: verbose = 1 else: verbose = 0 if "opt" in options: optflag = 1 else: optflag = 0 if "typemap" in options: typemapflag = 1 else: typemapflag = 0 if "chain" in options: chainflag = 1 else: chainflag = 0 if "outname" not in options or options["outname"] == None: text = "Error: Output name not set!" raise ValueError, text else: outname = options["outname"] period = string.rfind(outname, ".") if period > 0: outroot = outname[0:period] else: outroot = outname if "ph" in options: pka = 1 ph = options["ph"] pkaname = outroot + ".propka" if os.path.isfile(pkaname): os.remove(pkaname) else: pka = 0 typemapname = "%s-typemap.html" % outroot extmap = options["extensions"] start = time.time() if verbose: print "Beginning PDB2PQR...\n" myDefinition = Definition() if verbose: print "Parsed Amino Acid definition file." # Check for the presence of a ligand! This code is taken from pdb2pka/ if "ligand" in options: from pdb2pka.ligandclean import ligff myProtein, myDefinition, Lig = ligff.initialize( myDefinition, options["ligand"], pdblist, verbose) for atom in myProtein.getAtoms(): if atom.type == "ATOM": atomcount += 1 else: myProtein = Protein(pdblist, myDefinition) if verbose: print "Created protein object -" print "\tNumber of residues in protein: %s" % myProtein.numResidues() print "\tNumber of atoms in protein : %s" % myProtein.numAtoms() myRoutines = Routines(myProtein, verbose) for residue in myProtein.getResidues(): multoccupancy = 0 for atom in residue.getAtoms(): if atom.altLoc != "": multoccupancy = 1 txt = "Warning: multiple occupancies found: %s in %s\n" % (, residue) sys.stderr.write(txt) if multoccupancy == 1: myRoutines.warnings.append( "WARNING: multiple occupancies found in %s,\n" % (residue)) myRoutines.warnings.append( " at least one of the instances is being ignored.\n") if "neutraln" in options: neutraln = 1 if "neutralc" in options: neutralc = 1 myRoutines.setTermini(neutraln, neutralc) myRoutines.updateBonds() if "clean" in options: header = "" lines = myProtein.printAtoms(myProtein.getAtoms(), chainflag) # Process the extensions for ext in extmap: module = extmap[ext] call = "module.%s(myRoutines, outroot)" % ext eval(call) if verbose: print "Total time taken: %.2f seconds\n" % (time.time() - start) return header, lines if not "assign-only" in options: # It is OK to process ligands with no ATOM records in the pdb if atomcount == 0 and Lig != None: pass else: myRoutines.findMissingHeavy() myRoutines.updateSSbridges() if "debump" in options: myRoutines.debumpProtein() if pka: myRoutines.runPROPKA(ph, ff, pkaname) myRoutines.addHydrogens() myhydRoutines = hydrogenRoutines(myRoutines) if "debump" in options: myRoutines.debumpProtein() if optflag: myhydRoutines.setOptimizeableHydrogens() myhydRoutines.initializeFullOptimization() myhydRoutines.optimizeHydrogens() else: myhydRoutines = hydrogenRoutines(myRoutines) myhydRoutines.initializeWaterOptimization() myhydRoutines.optimizeHydrogens() # Special for GLH/ASH, since both conformations were added myhydRoutines.cleanup() else: # Special case for HIS if using assign-only for residue in myProtein.getResidues(): if isinstance(residue, HIS): myRoutines.applyPatch("HIP", residue) myRoutines.setStates() myForcefield = Forcefield(ff, myDefinition, userff, usernames) hitlist, misslist = myRoutines.applyForcefield(myForcefield) ligsuccess = 0 if "ligand" in options: # If this is independent, we can assign charges and radii here for residue in myProtein.getResidues(): if isinstance(residue, LIG): templist = [] Lig.make_up2date(residue) for atom in residue.getAtoms(): atom.ffcharge = Lig.ligand_props[]["charge"] atom.radius = Lig.ligand_props[]["radius"] if atom in misslist: misslist.pop(misslist.index(atom)) templist.append(atom) charge = residue.getCharge() if abs(charge - int(charge)) > 0.001: # Ligand parameterization failed myRoutines.warnings.append( "WARNING: PDB2PQR could not successfully parameterize\n" ) myRoutines.warnings.append( " the desired ligand; it has been left out of\n" ) myRoutines.warnings.append(" the PQR file.\n") myRoutines.warnings.append("\n") # remove the ligand myProtein.residues.remove(residue) for chain in myProtein.chains: if residue in chain.residues: chain.residues.remove(residue) else: ligsuccess = 1 # Mark these atoms as hits hitlist = hitlist + templist # Temporary fix; if ligand was successful, pull all ligands from misslist if ligsuccess: templist = misslist[:] for atom in templist: if isinstance(atom.residue, Amino) or isinstance( atom.residue, Nucleic): continue misslist.remove(atom) # Creat the Typemap if typemapflag: myProtein.createHTMLTypeMap(myDefinition, typemapname) # Grab the protein charge reslist, charge = myProtein.getCharge() # If we want a different naming scheme, use that if "ffout" in options: scheme = options["ffout"] userff = None # Currently not supported if scheme != ff: myNameScheme = Forcefield(scheme, myDefinition, userff) else: myNameScheme = myForcefield myRoutines.applyNameScheme(myNameScheme) header = printPQRHeader(misslist, reslist, charge, ff, myRoutines.getWarnings(), options) lines = myProtein.printAtoms(hitlist, chainflag) # Determine if any of the atoms in misslist were ligands missedligandresidues = [] for atom in misslist: if isinstance(atom.residue, Amino) or isinstance( atom.residue, Nucleic): continue if atom.resName not in missedligandresidues: missedligandresidues.append(atom.resName) # Process the extensions for ext in extmap: module = extmap[ext] call = "module.%s(myRoutines, outroot)" % ext eval(call) if verbose: print "Total time taken: %.2f seconds\n" % (time.time() - start) return header, lines, missedligandresidues
def load(fname, lines_to_ignore=4, type='i'): """ Load in huge, flat, 2D text files. Can handle differing line-lengths AND can strip #/% on UNIX (or with a better NT grep). Requires wc, grep, and mmapfile.lib/.pyd. Type can be 'i', 'f' or 'd', for ints, floats or doubles, respectively. Lines_to_ignore determines how many lines at the start of the file to ignore (required for non-working grep). Usage: load(fname,lines_to_ignore=4,type='i') Returns: numpy array of specified type """ start = time.time() ## START TIMER if type == 'i': intype = int elif type in ['f', 'd']: intype = float else: raise ValueError, "type can be 'i', 'f' or 'd' in load()" ## STRIP OUT % AND # LINES tmpname = tempfile.mktemp() if sys.platform == 'win32': # NT VERSION OF GREP DOESN'T DO THE STRIPPING ... SIGH cmd = "grep.exe -v \'%\' " + fname + " > " + tmpname print cmd os.system(cmd) else: # UNIX SIDE SHOULD WORK cmd = "cat " + fname + " | grep -v \'%\' |grep -v \'#\' > " + tmpname print cmd os.system(cmd) ## GET NUMBER OF ROWS, COLUMNS AND LINE-LENGTH, USING WC wc = string.split(os.popen("wc " + tmpname).read()) numlines = int(wc[0]) - lines_to_ignore tfp = open(tmpname) if lines_to_ignore <> 0: for i in range(lines_to_ignore): junk = tfp.readline() numcols = len(string.split(tfp.readline())) #int(float(wc[1])/numlines) tfp.close() ## PREPARE INPUT SPACE a = np.zeros((numlines * numcols), type) block = 65536 # chunk to read, in bytes data = mmapfile.mmapfile(tmpname, '', 0) if lines_to_ignore <> 0 and sys.platform == 'win32': for i in range(lines_to_ignore): junk = data.readline() i = 0 d = ' ' carryover = '' while len(d) <> 0: d = carryover + cutindex = string.rfind(d, '\n') carryover = d[cutindex + 1:] d = d[:cutindex + 1] d = map(intype, string.split(d)) a[i:i + len(d)] = d i = i + len(d) end = time.time() print "%d sec" % round(end - start, 2) data.close() os.remove(tmpname) return np.reshape(a, [numlines, numcols])
def rewrap_line(longline): """ Break a given long line "longline" up into 72 character long chunks that conform the Fortran77 standard. The chunks are written to standard output. In addition we do not want to break the line in the middle of numbers. """ pattern = re.compile("\S") i = ( indent = longline[:i] indent = indent[:5] + "+" + indent[7:] + " " while len(longline) > 72: i = -1 # wrap before * / ( ) + or - i = max(i, string.rfind(longline, ",", 0, 70) + 1) i = max(i, string.rfind(longline, "*", 0, 71)) i = max(i, string.rfind(longline, "/", 0, 71)) i = max(i, string.rfind(longline, "(", 0, 71)) i = max(i, string.rfind(longline, ")", 0, 71)) # wrap before + but not in the middle of a numerical constant... j = string.rfind(longline, "+", 0, 71) k = string.rfind(longline, "d+", 0, 71) if j - 1 == k: j = string.rfind(longline, "+", 0, k) i = max(i, j) # wrap before - but not in the middle of a numerical constant... j = string.rfind(longline, "-", 0, 71) k = string.rfind(longline, "d-", 0, 71) if j - 1 == k: j = string.rfind(longline, "-", 0, k) i = max(i, j) if i == -1: sys.stderr.write("No sensible break point found in:\n") sys.stderr.write(longline) sys.exit(1) elif i == 6: sys.stderr.write("Same break point found repeatedly in:\n") sys.stderr.write(longline) sys.exit(1) sys.stdout.write(longline[:i] + "\n") longline = indent + longline[i:] sys.stdout.write(longline + "\n")
def main(): print "cominciamo!!" outdir = ciop.tmp_dir #input = sys.stdin.readlines() #input_file = input[0][string.find(input[0], "'")+1:string.rfind(input[0],"'")] #print input_file #print "sys.stdin ", input date_list = [] image_list = {} for input in sys.stdin: #print "sys.stdin ", input print "input: ", input input_file = input[string.find(input, "'") + 1:string.rfind(input, "'")].strip() print "input_file: ", input_file #image_list.append(input_file) #input_file = input[string.find(input, "'")+1:string.rfind(input,"'")] #print input_file #print 'sto facendo un test' #print input_file[-38:-34], input_file[-34:-32], input_file[-32:-30] #input_file_basename = os.path.basename(input_file) print "vai con la data!" print input_file[-38:-34], input_file[-34:-32], input_file[-32:-30] date_img =[-38:-34]), int(input_file[-34:-32]), int(input_file[-32:-30])) print "date_img: ", date_img image_list[date_img] = input_file date_list.append(date_img) print "il file di input e': ", input_file date_list.sort() ##Creo le coppie gap = datetime.timedelta( days=int(ciop.getparam('long_coherence_interval'))) print "gap: ", gap cohe_list = [] for date1 in date_list: for date2 in date_list: print date2 - date1 if (date2 - date1) == gap: cohe_list.append((date1, date2)) print cohe_list master_coreg_date = date_list[len(date_list) / 2] # ADESSO DEVO PUBBLICARE IL RISULTATO # RICOSTRUIRE LA COPPIA DELLE IMMAGINI image_pairs = [] for i in cohe_list: image_pairs.append( str((image_list[i[0]], image_list[i[1]], 'coherence'))) print "image_pairs: ", image_pairs print "master_coreg_date: ", master_coreg_date print "master_coreg: ", image_list[master_coreg_date] #adesso devo creare le coppie su cui coregistrare for i in date_list: #image_pairs.append(str((image_list[master_coreg_date],image_list[i], 'coregistration'))) image_pairs.append( str((image_list[i], image_list[i], 'coregistration'))) print image_pairs res = ciop.publish(image_pairs, mode='silent', metalink=True) print 'result from publish string: ', res
appname = None try: appname = subprocess.check_output([BIN_GETPACKNAME, fnapk]) except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, "error occurred when executing " + fnapk ret = string.split(appname.lstrip().rstrip(), '\t') if len(ret) < 2: print >> sys.stderr, "error in getting package name of %s: %s" % ( fnapk, appname) sys.exit(-1) if not prefix: return ret[1] napk = fnapk ri = string.rfind(fnapk, '/') if ri != -1: napk = fnapk[ri + 1:] #napk = napk[0: string.rfind(napk, ".apk")] return napk + '.' + ret[1] def getsha256(fnapk): try: sha = subprocess.check_output(['sha256sum', fnapk]) except Exception, e: print >> sys.stderr, "error occurred when executing sha256sum " + fnapk ret = string.split(sha.lstrip().rstrip()) if len(ret) < 2: print >> sys.stderr, "error in sha256sum of %s: %s" % (fnapk, sha) sys.exit(-1)
def SetLogDirectory(self, newDirectory): "Sets the list of directories to a single entry for the currently selected sampler." #self.directories = [ newDirectory ] self.logName = newDirectory[string.rfind(newDirectory, "/")+1:] self.FindDirectories(self.logName)
def AddComponent(platform, project, component, dirs, files, dlls): temp_dir = os.path.join(project.src_root_path, project.module_dir) copydir = temp_dir temp_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, temp_dir_name) ## Create directories for files to copy if sysinfo.host_type == 'mac': global g_rzt_apple_script g_rzt_apple_script.Append('verifypath("%s")' % (temp_dir)) else: project.writeln('\t' + platform.mkdir.execute(temp_dir_name)) for dir in dirs: if sysinfo.host_type == 'mac': global g_rzt_apple_script g_rzt_apple_script.Append('verifypath("%s")' % (os.path.join(temp_dir, dir))) else: project.writeln( '\t' + platform.mkdir.execute(os.path.join(temp_dir_name, dir))) AddRebaseDirectory(dir) str_copycommand = '\t' + platform.copy.cmd + ' ' if ( == 'win16'): str_copycommand = '\tdrpog /noerr_copy ' project.writeln('\tdel CopyLogFile.txt') specfile_path = os.path.join(project.src_root_path, component[2]) if platform.type == 'unix': specfile_path = string.translate(specfile_path, unix_path_translation_table) index = string.rfind(specfile_path, '/') else: index = string.rfind(specfile_path, '\\') specfile_name = specfile_path[index + 1:] specfile_out_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, specfile_name) if project.target_name != project.module_dir: specfile_name = specfile_name + '_' + project.target_name ## Copy spec file of a component if sysinfo.host_type == 'mac': spec_path = os.path.join(project.src_root_path, component[2]) index = string.rfind(temp_dir, ':') spec_path = temp_dir[:index] spec_path = os.path.join(spec_path, specfile_name) corrected_file = string.translate(spec_path, mac_path_translation_table) global g_rzt_apple_script g_rzt_apple_script.Append( '-- Copy Files and Folders into Temporary Directory', 'tell application "Finder"', 'with timeout of 99999 seconds', 'Duplicate file "%s" to folder "%s" with replacing' % (corrected_file, temp_dir)) else: project.writeln(str_copycommand + specfile_name + ' ' + specfile_out_path) for dll in dlls: platform.versioning.version = '' dll_name = platform.versioning.create_dll_name(dll[0], dll[2]) dll_location = os.path.join(dll[2], project.output_dir) dll_location = os.path.join(dll_location, dll_name) if dll[1] == '': dest = temp_dir else: dest = os.path.join(temp_dir, dll[1]) if sysinfo.host_type == 'mac': global g_rzt_apple_script g_rzt_apple_script.Append( 'Duplicate file "%s" to folder "%s" with replacing' % (os.path.join(project.src_root_path, dll_location), dest)) else: project.writeln(str_copycommand + os.path.join(project.src_root_path, dll_location) + ' ' + dest) for file in files: if file[1] == '': dest = temp_dir else: dest = os.path.join(temp_dir, file[1]) if sysinfo.host_type == 'mac': srcfile = string.translate(file[0], mac_path_translation_table) srcfile = project.src_root_path + ':' + srcfile corrected_dest = string.translate(dest, mac_path_translation_table) if os.path.isdir(srcfile): # copy entire folder global g_rzt_apple_script g_rzt_apple_script.Append('Copy folder "%s" to folder "%s"' % (srcfile, corrected_dest)) else: global g_rzt_apple_script g_rzt_apple_script.Append( 'Duplicate file "%s" to folder "%s" with replacing' % (srcfile, corrected_dest)) else: if platform.type == 'unix': srcfile = string.translate(file[0], unix_path_translation_table) temp = str_copycommand + '"' + os.path.join( project.src_root_path, srcfile) + '" "' + dest + '"' project.writeln(string.replace(temp, '*', '"*"')) else: project.writeln(str_copycommand + '"' + os.path.join(project.src_root_path, file[0]) + '" "' + dest + '"') if sysinfo.host_type == 'mac': global g_rzt_apple_script g_rzt_apple_script.Append('end timeout', 'end tell')
def GetLogFileName(self, logFilePath): "Given a full path to a log file, returns the name to the log file." return logFilePath[string.rfind(logFilePath, "/")+1:]
default_supports = ['0.0025', '0.003', '0.0035', '0.0045', '0.0075'] datadir = '../data/' f = open(datadir + 'datafiles', 'r') datafiles = f.readlines() d ='space.dbm') sum = 0 n = 0 for x in datafiles: xl = string.split(x) datafile = xl[0] numtxn = int(xl[1]) path = string.split(datafile, '/') filename = path[len(path) - 1] dataname = filename[0:string.rfind(filename, '.')] if len(xl) > 2: supports = xl[2:] else: supports = default_supports for epsilon in supports: (d0, space1, d1) = d['fpgrowth-tiny:' + datafile + ':' + epsilon] (d0, space2, d2) = d['fpgrowth:' + datafile + ':' + epsilon] use = (float(space1) / float(space2)) * 100.0 print 'memory use ', datafile, epsilon, 'is', use, '%' sum = sum + use n = n + 1 d.close() print 'average memory use = ', sum / n # print 'memory saving for ', datafile, epsilon, 'is', (float(space2)/float(space1)-1) * 100.0 , '%'
def api(path_info, repo_name, version, start_response, environ): slash = path_info.find('/') if (slash == -1): return cvmfs_api.bad_request(start_response, 'no slash in geo path') caching_string = path_info[0:slash] servers = string.split(path_info[slash + 1:], ",") # TODO(jblomer): Can this be switched to monotonic time? now = int(time.time()) gir_rem = None if caching_string.find('.'): # might be a FQDN, use it if it resolves to a geo record gir_rem = name_geoinfo(now, caching_string) if gir_rem is None: if 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' in environ: forwarded_for = environ['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] start = string.rfind(forwarded_for, ' ') + 1 if (start == 0): start = string.rfind(forwarded_for, ',') + 1 gir_rem = addr_geoinfo(forwarded_for[start:]) if gir_rem is None and 'REMOTE_ADDR' in environ: gir_rem = addr_geoinfo(environ['REMOTE_ADDR']) if gir_rem is None: return cvmfs_api.bad_request(start_response, 'remote addr not found in database') if '+PXYSEP+' in servers: # first geosort the proxies after the separator and if at least one # is good, sort the hosts before the separator relative to that # proxy rather than the client pxysep = servers.index('+PXYSEP+') onegood, pxyindexes = geosort_servers(now, gir_rem, servers[pxysep + 1:]) if onegood: gir_pxy = name_geoinfo(now, servers[pxysep + 1 + pxyindexes[0]]) if not gir_pxy is None: gir_rem = gir_pxy onegood, hostindexes = geosort_servers(now, gir_rem, servers[0:pxysep]) indexes = hostindexes + list(pxysep + 1 + i for i in pxyindexes) # Append the index of the separator for backward compatibility, # so the client can always expect the same number of indexes as # the number of elements in the request. indexes.append(pxysep) else: onegood, indexes = geosort_servers(now, gir_rem, servers) if not onegood: # return a bad request only if all the server names were bad return cvmfs_api.bad_request(start_response, 'no server addr found in database') response_body = string.join((str(i + 1) for i in indexes), ',') + '\n' status = '200 OK' response_headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/plain'), ('Cache-Control', 'max-age=' + str(positive_expire_secs)), ('Content-Length', str(len(response_body)))] start_response(status, response_headers) return [response_body]
def LogReader(filename,tier,outfile): file = open(filename) raw = file.readline() file.close() if raw=='"log"': # return log = json.loads(raw) #determine log type spacelog = True if 'log' in log.keys(): if log['log'][0][0:2] != '| ': spacelog = False #check for log length longEnough = False if 'log' not in log.keys(): if int(log['turns']) > 5: longEnough = True else: for line in log['log']: if (spacelog and line[2:10] == 'turn | 6') or (not spacelog and line[1:7] == 'turn|6'): longEnough = True break if not longEnough: return #get info on the trainers & pokes involved ts = [] teams = {} #get pokemon info for team in ['p1team','p2team']: if team == 'p1team': trainer = log['p1'] else: trainer = log['p2'] teams[team]=[] for i in range(len(log[team])): if 'species' in log[team][i].keys(): species = log[team][i]['species'] else: #apparently randbats usually don't contain the species field? species = log[team][i]['name'] #very odd that these == needed--I've seen ".Species", "(Species)", "species", "Species)", "SPECIES"... if species[0] not in string.lowercase + string.uppercase: species=species[1:] while species[len(species)-1] in ')". ': species=species[:len(species)-1] if species[0] in string.lowercase or species[1] in string.uppercase: species = species.title() if species in replacements.keys(): species = replacements[species] for s in aliases: #combine appearance-only variations and weird PS quirks if species in aliases[s]: species = s break ts.append([trainer,species]) if 'item' in log[team][i].keys(): item = keyify(log[team][i]['item']) if item == '': item = 'nothing' else: item = 'nothing' if 'nature' in log[team][i].keys(): nature = keyify(log[team][i]['nature']) if nature not in nmod.keys(): #zarel said this is what PS does nature = 'hardy' else: nature = 'hardy' evs = {'hp': 0, 'atk': 0, 'def': 0, 'spa': 0, 'spd': 0, 'spe': 0} if 'evs' in log[team][i].keys(): for stat in log[team][i]['evs']: evs[stat]=int(log[team][i]['evs'][stat]) ivs = {'hp': 31, 'atk': 31, 'def': 31, 'spa': 31, 'spd': 31, 'spe': 31} if 'ivs' in log[team][i].keys(): for stat in log[team][i]['ivs']: ivs[stat]=int(log[team][i]['ivs'][stat]) if 'moves' in log[team][i].keys(): moves = log[team][i]['moves'] else: moves = [] while len(moves)<4: moves.append('') for j in range(len(moves)): #make all moves lower-case and space-free moves[j] = keyify(moves[j]) #figure out Hidden Power from IVs if 'ability' in log[team][i].keys(): ability = keyify(log[team][i]['ability']) else: ability = 'unknown' if 'level' in log[team][i].keys(): level = int(log[team][i]['level']) else: level = 100 teams[team].append({ 'species': keyify(species), 'nature': nature, 'item': item, 'evs': {}, 'moves': [], 'ability': ability, 'level': level, 'ivs': {}}) for stat in evs: teams[team][len(teams[team])-1]['evs'][stat] = evs[stat] teams[team][len(teams[team])-1]['ivs'][stat] = ivs[stat] for move in moves: teams[team][len(teams[team])-1]['moves'].append(move) #write to moveset file outname = "Raw/moveset/"+tier+"/"+keyify(species)+".txt" d = os.path.dirname(outname) if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) msfile=open(outname,'a') msfile.write(str(level)+'\t'+ability+'\t'+item+'\t'+nature+'\t') for iv in ivs: msfile.write(str(iv)+'\t') for ev in evs: msfile.write(str(ev)+'\t') for move in moves: msfile.write(str(move)+'\t') msfile.write('\n') msfile.close() if len(log[team]) < 6: for i in range(6-len(log[team])): ts.append([trainer,'empty']) analysis = analyzeTeam(teams[team]) teams[team].append({'bias': analysis['bias'], 'stalliness' : analysis['stalliness'], 'tags' : analysis['tags']}) #nickanmes nicks = [] for i in range(0,6): if len(log['p1team'])>i: if 'name' in log['p1team'][i].keys(): nicks.append("p1: "+log['p1team'][i]['name']) else: nicks.append("p1: "+log['p1team'][i]['species']) else: nicks.append("p1: empty") if len(log['p2team'])>i: if 'name' in log['p2team'][i].keys(): nicks.append("p2: "+log['p2team'][i]['name']) else: nicks.append("p2: "+log['p2team'][i]['species']) else: nicks.append("p1: empty") if ts[0][0] == ts[11][0]: #trainer battling him/herself? WTF? return #metrics get declared here turnsOut = [] #turns out on the field (a measure of stall) KOs = [] #number of KOs in the battle matchups = [] #poke1, poke2, what happened for i in range(0,12): turnsOut.append(0) KOs.append(0) if 'log' in log.keys(): #determine initial pokemon active = [-1,-1] for line in log['log']: if (spacelog and line[0:14] == "| switch | p1:") or (not spacelog and line[0:11] == "|switch|p1:"): end = string.rfind(line,'|')-1*spacelog species = line[string.rfind(line,'|',12+3*spacelog,end-1)+1+1*spacelog:end] while ',' in species: species = species[0:string.rfind(species,',')] for s in aliases: #combine appearance-only variations and weird PS quirks if species in aliases[s]: species = s break active[0]=ts.index([ts[0][0],species]) if (spacelog and line[0:14] == "| switch | p2:") or (not spacelog and line[0:11] == "|switch|p2:"): end = string.rfind(line,'|')-1*spacelog species = line[string.rfind(line,'|',12+3*spacelog,end-1)+1+1*spacelog:end] while ',' in species: species = species[0:string.rfind(species,',')] for s in aliases: #combine appearance-only variations and weird PS quirks if species in aliases[s]: species = s break active[1]=ts.index([ts[11][0],species]) break start=log['log'].index(line)+1 #metrics get declared here turnsOut = [] #turns out on the field (a measure of stall) KOs = [] #number of KOs in the battle matchups = [] #poke1, poke2, what happened for i in range(0,12): turnsOut.append(0) KOs.append(0) #parse the damn log #flags roar = False uturn = False ko = [False,False] switch = [False,False] uturnko = False mtemp = [] for line in log['log'][start:]: #print line #identify what kind of message is on this line linetype = line[1+1*spacelog:string.find(line,'|',1+1*spacelog)-1*spacelog] if linetype == "turn": matchups = matchups + mtemp mtemp = [] #reset for start of turn roar = uturn = uturnko = False ko = [False,False] switch = [False,False] #Mark each poke as having been out for an additional turn turnsOut[active[0]]=turnsOut[active[0]]+1 turnsOut[active[1]]=turnsOut[active[1]]+1 elif linetype == "win": #close out last matchup if ko[0] or ko[1]: #if neither poke was KOed, match ended in forfeit, and we don't care pokes = [ts[active[0]][1],ts[active[1]][1]] pokes=sorted(pokes, key=lambda pokes:pokes) matchup=pokes[0]+' vs. '+pokes[1]+': ' if ko[0] and ko[1]: KOs[active[0]] = KOs[active[0]]+1 KOs[active[1]] = KOs[active[1]]+1 matchup = matchup + "double down" else: KOs[active[ko[0]]] = KOs[active[ko[0]]]+1 matchup = matchup + ts[active[ko[1]]][1] + " was " if uturnko: #would rather not use this flag... mtemp=mtemp[:len(mtemp)-1] matchup = matchup + "u-turn " matchup = matchup + "KOed" mtemp.append(matchup) matchups=matchups+mtemp elif linetype == "move": #check for Roar, etc.; U-Turn, etc. #identify attacker and skip its name found = False for nick in nicks: if line[6+3*spacelog:].startswith(nick): if found: #the trainer was a d-bag if len(nick) < len(found): continue found = nick tempnicks = copy.copy(nicks) while not found: #PS f****d up the names. We fix by shaving a character at a time off the nicknames foundidx=-1 for i in range(len(tempnicks)): if len(tempnicks[i])>1: tempnicks[i]=tempnicks[i][:len(tempnicks[i])-1] if line[6+3*spacelog:].startswith(tempnicks[i]): if found: if len(tempnicks[i]) < len(found): continue found = tempnicks[i] foundidx = i if found: nicks[i]=found else: tryAgain = False for i in range(len(tempnicks)): if len(tempnicks[i])>1: tryAgain = True break if not tryAgain: sys.stderr.write("Nick not found.\n") sys.stderr.write("In file: "+sys.argv[1]+"\n") sys.stderr.write(line[6+3*spacelog:]+"\n") sys.stderr.write(str(nicks)+"\n") return move = line[7+5*spacelog+len(found):string.find(line,"|",7+5*spacelog+len(found))-1*spacelog] if move in ["Roar","Whirlwind","Circle Throw","Dragon Tail"]: roar = True elif move in ["U-Turn","U-turn","Volt Switch","Baton Pass"]: uturn = True elif linetype == "-enditem": #check for Red Card, Eject Button #search for relevant items if string.rfind(line,"Red Card") > -1: roar = True elif string.rfind(line,"Eject Button") > -1: uturn = True elif linetype == "faint": #KO #who fainted? ko[int(line[8+3*spacelog])-1]=1 if uturn: uturn=False uturnko=True elif linetype in ["switch","drag"]: #switch out: new matchup! if linetype == "switch": p=9+3*spacelog else: p=7+3*spacelog switch[int(line[p])-1]=True if switch[0] and switch[1]: #need to revise previous matchup matchup=mtemp[len(mtemp)-1][:string.find(mtemp[len(mtemp)-1],':')+2] if (not ko[0]) and (not ko[1]): #double switch matchup = matchup + "double switch" elif ko[0] and ko[1]: #double down KOs[active[ko[0]]] = KOs[active[ko[0]]]+1 matchup = matchup + "double down" else: #u-turn KO (note that this includes hit-by-red-card-and-dies and roar-then-die-by-residual-dmg) KOs[active[ko[0]]] = KOs[active[ko[0]]]+1 matchup = matchup + ts[active[ko[1]]][1]+" was u-turn KOed" mtemp[len(mtemp)-1]=matchup else: #close out old matchup pokes = [ts[active[0]][1],ts[active[1]][1]] pokes=sorted(pokes, key=lambda pokes:pokes) matchup=pokes[0]+' vs. '+pokes[1]+': ' #if ko[0] and ko[1]: #double down if ko[0] or ko[1]: KOs[active[ko[0]]] = KOs[active[ko[0]]]+1 matchup = matchup + ts[active[ko[1]]][1]+" was KOed" else: matchup = matchup + ts[active[switch[1]]][1] if roar: matchup = matchup + " was forced out" else: matchup = matchup + " was switched out" mtemp.append(matchup) #new matchup! uturn = roar = False #it matters whether the poke is nicknamed or not end = string.rfind(line,'|')-1*spacelog species = line[string.rfind(line,'|',0,end-1)+1+1*spacelog:end] while ',' in species: species = species[0:string.rfind(species,',')] for s in aliases: #combine appearance-only variations and weird PS quirks if species in aliases[s]: species = s break active[int(line[p])-1]=ts.index([ts[11*(int(line[p])-1)][0],species]) #totalTurns = log['turns'] #totalKOs = sum(KOs) teamtags = teams['p1team'][len(teams['p1team'])-1] outfile.write(ts[0][0].encode('ascii','replace')) outfile.write(' (bias:'+str(teamtags['bias'])+', stalliness:'+str(teamtags['stalliness'])+', tags:'+','.join(teamtags['tags'])+')') outfile.write("\n") i=0 while (ts[i][0] == ts[0][0]): outfile.write(ts[i][1]+" ("+str(KOs[i])+","+str(turnsOut[i])+")\n") i = i + 1 if i>=len(ts): sys.stderr.write("Something's wrong here.\n") sys.stderr.write("In file: "+sys.argv[1]+"\n") sys.stderr.write(str(ts)+"\n") return outfile.write("***\n") teamtags = teams['p2team'][len(teams['p2team'])-1] outfile.write(ts[len(ts)-1][0].encode('ascii','replace')) outfile.write(' (bias:'+str(teamtags['bias'])+', stalliness:'+str(teamtags['stalliness'])+', tags:'+','.join(teamtags['tags'])+')') outfile.write("\n") for j in range(i,len(ts)): outfile.write(ts[j][1]+" ("+str(KOs[j])+","+str(turnsOut[j])+")\n") outfile.write("@@@\n") for line in matchups: outfile.write(line+"\n") outfile.write("---\n")
def removeExtension(filename): p = string.rfind(filename,'.') if p != -1: return filename[:p] else: return filename
def initialize(self): global foreigndirs os.chdir(self.makefileDir) self.printname = string.replace(self.makefile, topdir, "") self.makefile = os.path.basename(self.makefile) if not posixpath.exists(""): raise self.NoMakefileAmFound, self.makefileDir for dir in foreigndirs: if dir.match(self.makefileDir): print 'leaving ' + self.makefileDir return 0 f = open(self.makefile) self.lines = [] while 1: line = f.readline() if not line: break self.lines.append(string.rstrip(line)) f.close() # take out the self.restore() optionline = re.compile('^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*([^\n]*)$') linecontinued = re.compile('\\\s*\n') lastline = '' index = 0 while index < len(self.lines): line = self.lines[index] if self.lines[index] = linecontinued.sub( ' ', line) + self.lines[index + 1] continue else: index = index + 1 match = if match: self.options[] = if self.options.has_key('KDE_OPTIONS'): options = string.split(self.options['KDE_OPTIONS']) if 'foreign' in options: foreigndirs.append(re.compile(self.makefileDir + "/.*")) return 0 self.cxxsuffix = "" suffixes = re.compile('^\.SUFFIXES:(.*)$') for line in self.lines: match = suffixes.match(line) if match: existing_suffixes = string.split( for suffix in existing_suffixes: # leave out the . if suffix[1:] in cppsuffixes: self.cxxsuffix = suffix[1:] break if self.cxxsuffix: break search_real_programs = {} for option in self.options.keys(): if string.rfind(option, '_OBJECTS') > 0: program = option[0:string.find(option, '_OBJECTS')] objs = self.options[option] variable_in_objects = 0 objlist = string.split(objs) variable = re.compile('\$\((\w+)\)') for obj in objlist: match = variable.match(obj) if match and not == 'OBJEXT': variable_in_objects = 1 break if variable_in_objects: continue if len(program) > 3 and program[3] == 'am_': program = program[3:] if verbose: print "found program " + program self.programs.append(program) self.realobjs[program] = objs if self.options.has_key(program + "_SOURCES"): self.sources[program] = self.options[program + "_SOURCES"] else: self.sources[program] = "" sys.stderr.write("found program with no _SOURCES: " + program + '\n') # unmask to regexp realprogram = string.replace(program, '_', '.') search_real_programs[program] = re.compile( '.*(' + realprogram + ')(\$\(EXEEXT\)?)?:.*\$\(' + program + '_OBJECTS\).*') self.realname[program] = "" for line in self.lines: if string.find( line, '_OBJECTS' ) > 0: # just a random piece to not use at _every_ line for program in self.programs: match = search_real_programs[program].match(line) if match: self.realname[program] =
def webimport(url, kind='web', wantpackagename=None): print kind, 'import ', url if kind == 'web': if url[:6] == 'file:/': kind = 'fs' url = url[5:] else: if url[:7] != 'http://': sys.stderr.write('HTTP URL not recognised\n') sys.exit(1) endofhostname = 7 + string.find(url[7:], '/') hostname = url[7:7 + string.find(url[7:], '/')] path = url[endofhostname:string.rfind(url, '/')] indexname = url[string.rfind(url, '/') + 1:] print hostname, path, indexname content = webget(hostname, path + '/' + indexname) if kind == 'fs': o = open(url, 'r') content = o.close() (path, _) = os.path.split(url) spl = string.split(content, '\n') if len(spl) > 4 and len(spl[-3]) > 10 and spl[-3][:8] == 'summary ': info = eval(spl[-3][8:]) else: sys.stderr.write('Patch description page not recognised\n') sys.stderr.write(content) sys.exit(1) for line in spl: if line[:5] == '<H2> ': splitpoint = string.find(line[5:], ':') packagename = line[5:splitpoint + 5] title = line[splitpoint + 6:] + '\n' #print packagename, title desc_map[packagename] = title if line[:5] == '<H1> ': print 'Project ', line[:5] desc_map['project'] = line[5:] + '\n' if not os.path.exists(patch_tree): init() print 'Description map now ' + ` desc_map ` packagelist = read_archive() packmap = {} for (package, branchlist, firstbranch) in packagelist: packmap[package] = {} for (branch, datae, patchlevel) in branchlist: packmap[package][branch] = patchlevel print packmap for (package, branchlist, firstbranch) in info: if wantpackagename and package != wantpackagename: print 'Skipping package ', package, '; we are looking for', wantpackagename continue fromlevel = None if not packmap.has_key(package): print 'No package ', package, '; creating it' create_package(package, firstbranch) packmap[package] = {} packmap[package][firstbranch] = 0 # XXX; for the moment only handle one branch called live actions = 1 while actions: actions = 0 for (branch, setup, pl) in branchlist: if setup != None: print 'Dont know how to handle setup', setup continue if not packmap[package].has_key(branch): print 'Dont know how to create new branch', branch sys.exit(1) else: lpl = packmap[package][branch] print package, branch, 'Local patchlevel ', lpl, 'Remote patchlevel ', pl for i in range(lpl + 1, pl + 1): if kind == 'web': print 'Downloading ', package, branch, i patch = webget( hostname, path + '/pubpatch/' + package + '/' + branch + '/' + ` i `) else: o = open(path + '/pubpatch/' + package + '/' + branch + '/' + ` i `) patch = o.close() tempfilename = tempfile.mktemp() o = open(tempfilename, 'w') o.write(patch) o.close() print 'Commiting ', i commit(tempfilename, package, [(branch, None)]) print 'Done ', i os.unlink(tempfilename)