def entry_print(ret_object): """ 打印单条记录 通过读取全局变量(来自配置文件装载) 利用apply机制,执行每个打印配置项的gain元素方法进行打印控制 具体输出时,使用"string format".format(**dict)方法 其中"string format"内容,由两部分组成,组成方式与标题打印方法中实现的一致 """ _entry = {} _full_entry = {} pf_fmt, pf_obj = apply(GainOption('patchset.files'), [ret_object]) for i in _fmt: _entry[i[0]] = apply(GainOption(i[1]), [ret_object]) for pf in pf_obj: _full_entry = dict(_entry, **pf) fmtstr = sjoin(map(lambda x: sjoin(['"{', x[0], '}"'], ''), _fmt), ',') fullfmtstr = fmtstr + ',' + sjoin( map(lambda x: sjoin(['"{', x, '}"'], ''), pf_fmt), ',') try: _f = open(OUTFILE, 'a') _f.write(fullfmtstr.format(**_full_entry)) _f.write('\r\n') _f.flush() except IOError as e: logger.error('Output Entry Error') logger.error(e) finally: _f.close()
def _reviewsMinus(ret): _res = [] if not (ret.get('currentPatchSet', None) and ret.get('currentPatchSet', None).get('approvals', None)): return None if not ret.get('comments', None): return sjoin(_res, '\n') _re = None for c in ret.get('comments', None): _re = re.compile('Code-Review\-2').search(c.get('message', None), 1) if _re: if c.get('reviewer', None).get('email', None): if c.get('reviewer', None).get('email', None) in _ciowners: continue _res.append('' + c.get('reviewer', None).get('email', None)) else: if c.get('reviewer', None).get('username', None) in map(lambda x: x.split('@')[0], _ciowners): continue _res.append('' + c.get('reviewer', None).get('username', None)) return sjoin(_res, '\n')
def title_print(title): """ 标题打印,标题由两部分组成 第一部分是配置文件装载的同时生成 第二部分是根据文件列表现实样式,动态生成 两部分合并后,生成新的标题。 """ _pft = _config['patchset']\ ['files']\ ['title']\ [_config['patchset']['files']['using']] _k_pft = _pft.keys() _k_pft.sort() fulltitle = dict(title, **_pft) fmtstr = sjoin(map(lambda x: sjoin(['"{', x[0], '}"'], ''), _fmt), ',') fullfmtstr = fmtstr + ',' + sjoin( map(lambda x: sjoin(['"{', x, '}"'], ''), _k_pft), ',') try: _f = open(OUTFILE, 'w') _f.write(fullfmtstr.format(**fulltitle)) _f.write('\r\n') _f.flush() except IOError: logger.error('Output Title Error') logger.error(e) finally: _f.close()
def dates_info(cf=CONF): ''' Configuration start_date and end_date in the form yyyymmdd ''' start_date, e = get_conf(cf, 'DATES', 'start_date', type=str) end_date, e = get_conf(cf, 'DATES', 'end_date', type=str) start_date = sjoin(start_date.split('-'), '') end_date = sjoin(end_date.split('-'), '') return dateu.parse_date(start_date), dateu.parse_date(end_date)
def dates_info(cf=CONF): ''' Configuration start_date and end_date in the form yyyymmdd ''' start_date,e = get_conf(cf,'DATES','start_date',type=str) end_date,e = get_conf(cf,'DATES','end_date',type=str) start_date = sjoin(start_date.split('-'),'') end_date = sjoin(end_date.split('-'),'') return dateu.parse_date(start_date),dateu.parse_date(end_date)
def check_line(templet, tlist, mlist, output, opts): new_opts = copy.deepcopy(opts) check_mlist_with_key = filter( lambda x: x['msg'].find(templet['keywords']) >= 0, mlist) check_mlist_real = mlist if templet.get('keywords', '') == "" else check_mlist_with_key check_mlist = filter(lambda x: x['line'] in templet['rel_scope'], check_mlist_real) new_opts.update({ "key_repeated": len(check_mlist if templet.get('keywords', '') == "" else check_mlist_with_key) }) if len(templet['rel_scope']) > 1 and len(check_mlist) == 0: elog.error( str("{msg} [{ctg}] [{confidence}]" if debug_mode else "{msg}"). format(msg="'{}' not found at context.".format( templet['keywords']), ctg="scope/notfound", confidence=7)) return False pattern_check_result = filter( lambda x: x is not None, map( lambda x: check_line_with_pattern(x, templet, mlist, output, new_opts), check_mlist)) if len(pattern_check_result) != 0: fields_output = list( set( reduce( lambda x, y: x + y, map(lambda x: x.get('field_output', ''), pattern_check_result)))) if len(fields_output) > 0: print sjoin(fields_output, ',') empty_templet = copy.deepcopy(templet) empty_templet.update({"message": {"line": -1}}) check_result_list = map( lambda x: HandlerSetUp(x, output), list([empty_templet]) if len(pattern_check_result) == 0 else pattern_check_result) # 某个模板,可能对应多行msg,所以这里要根据范围、是否强制再判断一下 max_confidence = max( map(lambda x: int(x["check_result"]["confidence"]), check_result_list)) error_result = filter( lambda x: int(x["check_result"]["confidence"]) == max_confidence, check_result_list)[0] if max_confidence <= 6: return True elog.error( str("{msg} [{ctg}] [{confidence}]" if debug_mode else "{msg}").format( **error_result["check_result"])) return False
def _sumup(ret): l = [] for i in ret.get('submitRecords', None)[0]['labels']: if i.get('status', None) == 'NEED': l.append(i.get('label', None)) if l: return 'Wait For:' + sjoin(l) d = [] if ret.get('dependsOn', None): for i in ret.get('dependsOn', None): if i.get('isCurrentPatchSet', None): d.append(i.get('number', None)) if d: return 'Wait For:' + sjoin(d) return ret.get('status', None)
def parse_locations(files): '''Reads locations file(s) locations file first line must be: #<label>, ex: #CITIES, #RIVERS Then each line should include <name>, <country>, <lon> <lat> ''' if isinstance(files,basestring): files=[files] locs=[] for c in files: f=open(c).readlines() for i in f: if i.strip().startswith('#'): continue tmp0=i.strip().split(',') name=tmp0[0].strip() tmp=tmp0[1].strip().split() country=tmp[1] for j in range(len(tmp)): if tmp[j].isdigit(): break country=sjoin(tmp[:j]) lat=float(tmp[j])+float(tmp[j+1])/60. slat=tmp[j+2] if slat=='S': lat=-lat lon=float(tmp[j+3])+float(tmp[j+4])/60. slon=tmp[j+5] if slon=='W': lon=-lon locs+=[{'name': name,'country':country,'lon':lon,'lat':lat}] return locs
def render_a2s(self, string): p = Popen(['php', '/usr/share/asciitosvg/a2s'], stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE) # , stderr=STDOUT) # r = '<svg width="237px" height="45px" version="1.1">' r = sjoin(p.communicate(input=string)[0].split('\n')[4:], '\n') return r
def gen_log(f, L): i = open(f, 'w') keys = L.keys() keys.sort() for d in keys: scontents = sjoin(L[d], ' + ') i.write('%s %s\n' % (d, scontents)) i.close()
def gen_log(f,L): i=open(f,'w') keys=L.keys() keys.sort() for d in keys: scontents=sjoin(L[d],' + ') i.write('%s %s\n' % (d,scontents)) i.close()
def query(): cmd = [] cmd.append("ssh {}".format("")) cmd.append("-p {}".format("29448")) cmd.append("-l {}".format("lutx0528")) cmd.append("gerrit query --current-patch-set") cmd.append("--format={}".format("JSON")) cmd.append('"{}"'.format('826')) print sjoin(cmd) changes = [] try: p = Popen(sjoin(cmd),shell=True,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE) _out,_err = p.communicate() _ret_objects = filter(lambda x:x.get('project',None) ,map(lambda x:encodeJson(json.loads(x,"UTF-8")),_out.splitlines())) changes = map(lambda x:changeAttribute('change',x),_ret_objects) except Exception as e: print e return changes
def do_query(querydict=None, limit=-1): _limit = limit if _limit == 0: return current_ret_len = -1 current_sortkey = None total_ret_len = 0 query_str = None try: _vcmd = ['ssh', '-p', _PORT, '-l', _USER, _HOST, 'gerrit', 'version'] p = Popen(sjoin(_vcmd), shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) _out, _err = p.communicate() _vstr = _out.replace('\n', '').split(' ')[2] if _vstr not in _version: raise Exception("version {} not have handler".format(_vstr)) except Exception as e: logger.error("do_query[0]{}".format(e)) while (current_ret_len != 0 or total_ret_len == _limit): vf = _version.get(_vstr, None) query_str = sjoin(globals()[vf](querydict, total_ret_len, current_sortkey)) try: p = Popen(query_str, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) _out, _err = p.communicate() query_ret_list = _out.splitlines() query_ret_json = map(lambda x: json.loads(x, "UTF-8"), query_ret_list) ret_stat = filter(lambda x: x.get('rowCount', None), query_ret_json) if len(ret_stat) == 0: return ret_objs = filter(lambda x: x.get('project', None), query_ret_json) map(entry_handler, ret_objs) current_ret_len = len(ret_objs) tmp_objs = ret_objs tmp_objs.reverse() tmp_obj = tmp_objs.pop(0) current_sortkey = tmp_obj.get('sortKey', None) if total_ret_len is None: total_ret_len = 0 total_ret_len = total_ret_len + current_ret_len except Exception as e: logger.error("do_query[x]{}".format(e)) break
def query(): cmd = [] cmd.append("ssh {}".format("")) cmd.append("-p {}".format("29448")) cmd.append("-l {}".format("?????")) cmd.append("gerrit query --current-patch-set") cmd.append("--format={}".format("JSON")) cmd.append('"{}"'.format('826')) print sjoin(cmd) changes = [] try: p = Popen(sjoin(cmd), shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) _out, _err = p.communicate() _ret_objects = filter( lambda x: x.get('project', None), map(lambda x: encodeJson(json.loads(x, "UTF-8")), _out.splitlines())) changes = map(lambda x: changeAttribute('change', x), _ret_objects) except Exception as e: print e return changes
def get_version_info(): row={} row['os'] = _get_os() row['nvidia'] = _get_nvrm() row['cuda_device'] = _get_cudadev() row['cuda_toolkit'] = _get_cudatoolkit() row['gcc'] = _get_gcc() row['python'] = PYVERSION.split()[0] row['numpy'] = numpy_version.version row['pycuda'] = _get_pycuda() row['pytables'] = getPyTablesVersion() row['code_git'] = sjoin( _gitVersionDetector(), ':') return row
def _test_genParams(): from string import join as sjoin print ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------' print ' | blk,thd:: | bestBlk | px_per_blk | bstThd | px_per_thd | ' print ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------' for blocks in range(1,2049): for threads in range(1,1025): try: ps = genParameters(blocks, threads, [2000,1000], silent=True, useOrigChk=False) ps = (ps[0], ps[2], ps[1], ps[3]) psOut = [ '%4d x %4d'%(arr[0], arr[1]) for arr in ps ] print ' |%4d, %4d:: | %s |'%(blocks, threads, sjoin(psOut, ' | ')) except ValueError: pass
def CheckProgram(ctxt,progname,varname,moredirs=[],critical=1): ctxt.Message("Checking for Program " + progname + "...") if ctxt.env[varname] is not None and exists(ctxt.env[varname]): ret = 1 else: paths = sjoin(moredirs,':') + ':' + ctxt.env['ENV']['PATH'] fname = ctxt.env.WhereIs(progname,paths) ret = fname != None if ret: ctxt.env[varname] = fname else: ctxt.env[varname] = None ctxt.Result(ret) if critical and not ret: print "Required Program '" + progname + "' is missing." ctxt.env.Exit(1) return ret
def __config2cp(self): config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(dict_type=OrderedDict) keys = self.config.keys() keys.sort() print keys for k in keys: if k.find('.') > 0: tmp = k.split('.') section = tmp[0] name = sjoin(tmp[1:], '') else: section = 'unknown' name = k if not config.has_section(section): config.add_section(section) print 'adding sec ', section config.set(section, name, self.config[k]) self.cp = config
def __config2cp(self): config=ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(dict_type=OrderedDict) keys=self.config.keys() keys.sort() for k in keys: if k.find('.')>0: tmp=k.split('.') section=tmp[0] name=sjoin(tmp[1:],'') else: section='unknown' name=k if not config.has_section(section): config.add_section(section) #print 'adding sec ',section config.set(section,name,self.config[k]) self.cp=config
def use(filename,varname,interface='auto',**kargs): nc,close=__open(filename,interface) if varname not in nc.varnames: return v=nc.vars[varname] shape=v.shape() if not shape: try: return v[:][0] # may be needed for dtype='|S1' except: return v[:] d=v.dims dimStr=[':' for i in d.keys()] for k in kargs.keys(): dval=kargs[k] if k.isdigit(): k=d.keys()[int(k)] # allow use dim indice elif k.startswith('SEARCH'): # allow *dimname or dimname* kk=k[len('SEARCH'):] for dn in nc.vars[varname].dimnames: if dn.find(kk)>=0: k=dn break elif k.endswith('SEARCH'): kk=k[:-len('SEARCH')] for dn in nc.vars[varname].dimnames: if dn.find(kk)>=0: k=dn break if k in d.keys(): i=d.index(k) if isinstance(dval,basestring): dimStr[i]=dval elif isinstance(dval,int): if dval<0: dval=shape[i]+dval if dval>shape[i]-1: print ':: max allowed '+k+' = '+str(shape[i]-1) return else: dimStr[i]=str(dval) elif calc.isiterable(dval): exec(k+'_val=dval') dimStr[i]=k+'_val' else: dimStr[i]=str(dval) cmd='res=v['+sjoin(dimStr,',')+']' exec(cmd) if interface in ('pycdf','scientific'): # about missing value: miss=False if '_FillValue' in v.attnames: miss = v.atts['_FillValue']['value'] elif 'missing_value' in v.attnames: miss = v.atts['missing_value']['value'] maskMissing=kargs.get('maskMissing',True) if not miss is False and maskMissing and v.nctype()!='STRING':,res) ## ensure strings have no mask: #if v.nctype()=='STRING' and # res=np.array(res) # about scale and offset: if v.nctype()!='STRING': scale=1 offset=0 if 'scale_factor' in v.attnames: scale=v.atts['scale_factor']['value'] if 'add_offset' in v.attnames: offset=v.atts['add_offset']['value'] if (scale,offset)!=(1,0): res = res*scale + offset if close: nc.close() if 1 in res.shape and res.ndim>1: res=np.squeeze(res) # mask nan maskNaN=kargs.get('maskNaN',True) if maskNaN and not res.dtype.type==np.string_ and not and np.any(np.isnan(res)):,res) return res
def load(self): if not self.logfile: self.rout=False return False f=open(self.logfile) L=f.readlines() # tend and dt only written at the end of model run, so give some # invalid values: self.tend = -1 self.tend_str = 'not ended' self.dt = -1 for i in range(len(L)-1): k=L[i].strip() val=L[i+1].strip() if k.find('[job/process id]')==0: = val elif k.find('[queue/local]')==0: self.job_type = val # elif k.find('[date]')==0: = val # elif k.find('[FA]')==0: self.FA = val elif k.find('[tstart]')==0: self.tstart,self.tstart_str = int(val.split()[0]),sjoin(val.split()[1:]) elif k.find('[tend]')==0: self.tend,self.tend_str = int(val.split()[0]),sjoin(val.split()[1:]) elif k.find('[dt (min)]')==0: self.dt=float(val) self.rout=opt.nameof('out','rout',,FA=self.FA,cf=self.conf) return True
def event_design(event_spec, t, order=2, hrfs=[glover]): """ Create a design matrix for a GLM analysis based on an event specification, evaluating it a sequence of time values. Each column in the design matrix will be convolved with each HRF in hrfs. Parameters ---------- event_spec : np.recarray A recarray having at least a field named 'time' signifying the event time, and all other fields will be treated as factors in an ANOVA-type model. t : np.ndarray An array of np.float values at which to evaluate the design. Common examples would be the acquisition times of an fMRI image. order : int The highest order interaction to be considered in constructing the contrast matrices. hrfs : seq A sequence of (symbolic) HRF that will be convolved with each event. If empty, glover is used. Outputs ------- X : np.ndarray The design matrix with X.shape[0] == t.shape[0]. The number of columns will depend on the other fields of event_spec. contrasts : dict Dictionary of contrasts that is expected to be of interest from the event specification. For each interaction / effect up to a given order will be returned. Also, a contrast is generated for each interaction / effect for each HRF specified in hrfs. """ fields = list(event_spec.dtype.names) if 'time' not in fields: raise ValueError('expecting a field called "time"') fields.pop(fields.index('time')) e_factors = [formula.Factor(n, np.unique(event_spec[n])) for n in fields] e_formula = np.product(e_factors) e_contrasts = {} if len(e_factors) > 1: for i in range(1, order+1): for comb in combinations(zip(fields, e_factors), i): names = [c[0] for c in comb] fs = [c[1].main_effect for c in comb] e_contrasts[sjoin(names, ':')] = np.product(fs).design(event_spec) e_contrasts['constant'] = # Design and contrasts in event space # TODO: make it so I don't have to call design twice here # to get both the contrasts and the e_X matrix as a recarray e_X = e_dtype = e_formula.dtype # Now construct the design in time space t_terms = [] t_contrasts = {} for l, h in enumerate(hrfs): t_terms += [events(event_spec['time'], \ amplitudes=e_X[n], f=h) for i, n in enumerate(e_dtype.names)] for n, c in e_contrasts.items(): t_contrasts["%s_%d" % (n, l)] = formula.Formula([ \ events(event_spec['time'], amplitudes=c[nn], f=h) for i, nn in enumerate(c.dtype.names)]) t_formula = formula.Formula(t_terms) tval = formula.make_recarray(t, ['t']) X_t, c_t =, contrasts=t_contrasts) return X_t, c_t
def _get_os(): _os = _doItLineNo('uname -a', 0).split() _os = sjoin( _os[2:5], ':') + ":" + _os[11] return _os
def _get_cudadev(): dev = _doItLineNo('cat /proc/driver/nvidia/gpus/0/information ', 0) return sjoin( dev.split()[1:], ' ')
def use(filename, varname, interface="auto", **kargs): nc, close = __open(filename, interface) if varname not in nc.varnames: return v = nc.vars[varname] shape = v.shape() if not shape: try: return v[:][0] # may be needed for dtype='|S1' except: return v[:] d = v.dims dimStr = [":" for i in d.keys()] for k in kargs.keys(): dval = kargs[k] if k.isdigit(): k = d.keys()[int(k)] # allow use dim indice elif k.startswith("SEARCH"): # allow *dimname or dimname* kk = k[len("SEARCH") :] for dn in nc.vars[varname].dimnames: if dn.find(kk) >= 0: k = dn break elif k.endswith("SEARCH"): kk = k[: -len("SEARCH")] for dn in nc.vars[varname].dimnames: if dn.find(kk) >= 0: k = dn break if k in d.keys(): i = d.index(k) if isinstance(dval, basestring): dimStr[i] = dval elif isinstance(dval, int): if dval < 0: dval = shape[i] + dval if dval > shape[i] - 1: print ":: max allowed " + k + " = " + str(shape[i] - 1) return else: dimStr[i] = str(dval) elif calc.isiterable(dval): exec (k + "_val=dval") dimStr[i] = k + "_val" else: dimStr[i] = str(dval) cmd = "res=v[" + sjoin(dimStr, ",") + "]" exec (cmd) if interface in ("pycdf", "scientific"): # about missing value: miss = False if "_FillValue" in v.attnames: miss = v.atts["_FillValue"]["value"] elif "missing_value" in v.attnames: miss = v.atts["missing_value"]["value"] maskMissing = kargs.get("maskMissing", True) if not miss is False and maskMissing and v.nctype() != "STRING": res = == miss, res) ## ensure strings have no mask: # if v.nctype()=='STRING' and # res=np.array(res) # about scale and offset: if v.nctype() != "STRING": scale = 1 offset = 0 if "scale_factor" in v.attnames: scale = v.atts["scale_factor"]["value"] if "add_offset" in v.attnames: offset = v.atts["add_offset"]["value"] if (scale, offset) != (1, 0): res = res * scale + offset if close: nc.close() if 1 in res.shape and res.ndim > 1: res = np.squeeze(res) # mask nan maskNaN = kargs.get("maskNaN", True) if maskNaN and not res.dtype.type == np.string_ and not and np.any(np.isnan(res)): res =, res) return res