Esempio n. 1
def getUnitGeom(lines):

  print 'Running getUnitGeom'

  unitGeom = {}   # This is the dictionary which will contain Geometry and Mixture info for the lattice

# Delete comments
  for line_num in range(len(lines)-2,-1,-1):    # Stepping back through input, need -2 cuz extra empty spot at end of list assigned
    if lines[line_num][0] == "'":
      del lines[line_num]         # delete the comments

# Find where the geometry block starts and ends
  start_geom = findLineNum(lines,'read geo')
  end_geom = findLineNum(lines,'end geo')

# Start interrogating each unit
  read_geom_unit = re.compile(r'(\d+)')
  for line_num in range(start_geom + 1, end_geom):
    if 'unit' not in lines[line_num]:
      unit =[line_num]).groups()
      unit = int(unit[0])
      end_of_unit = findLineNum(lines,'bound',start_index=line_num + 1)

      """ Now a unit which is in the lattice has been found and the lines 
          describing the unit are known section reads keywords(ie. cylinder,
          media) and makes a dictionary regionDict that stores info for each region.
          When all data for all regions is assembled, regionDict is added to dictionary 
          unitGeom for the appropriate unit.  
          - To process the unit geometry, the lines are split such that each
            word/number is an element in the list geomData"""
      unitGeom[unit] = parseGeometryKeywords(lines[line_num + 1: end_of_unit + 1], unit)
#  print unitGeom[100]
  return unitGeom
Esempio n. 2
def getUnitsWithFuel(lines,fuelMixtures=0):

  print 'Running getUnitsWithFuel'

  if fuelMixtures == 0:
    fuelMixtures = getFuelMixtures(lines)

  unitsWithFuel = []   # List of units that contain fuel material

  for line_num in range(len(lines)-2,-1,-1):    # Stepping back through input, need -2 cuz extra empty spot at end of list assigned
    if lines[line_num][0] == "'":
      del lines[line_num] 

  read_geom = findLineNum(lines,'read geom')
  end_geom = findLineNum(lines,'end geom',start_index=read_geom)

  read_unit = re.compile(r'unit\D+(\d+)')
  read_media = re.compile(r'media\D+(\d+)')

  for line in lines[read_geom + 1 : end_geom]:
    if line.find('unit') != -1:
      unit_num = int([0])
    elif line.find('media') != -1:
      mixtureID = int([0])
#      print mixtureID
      if mixtureID in fuelMixtures:
#        print 'mixtureID = ', mixtureID
        if unit_num not in unitsWithFuel:
#          print 'unit = ', unit_num
#  print unitsWithFuel
  return unitsWithFuel
Esempio n. 3
def getMixtureAssignments(lines):
# If the 'assign' keyword is used in the Depletion Block, this routine
# determines which mixture ID's are assigned so that they can be added
# to the composition block for the MCDancoff Input.

# If no assignments are present, set mixAssignmentsGivenParentMix = -1

  print 'Running getMixtureAssignments in getDepletionData'

#  mixAssignmentsGivenParentMix = {}   # This is the dictionary which will hold {mixtureID : [Assigned MixtureIDs]}
#  parentMixGivenAssignedMix = {}  # This dictionary holds {Assigned mixture ID : Parent mixture ID}

  mixAssignmentsGivenParentMix = -1
  parentMixGivenAssignedMix = -1

# Make sure comments are removed
  for line_num in range(len(lines)-2,-1,-1):    # Stepping back through input, need -2 cuz extra empty spot at end of list assigned
    if lines[line_num][0] == "'":
      del lines[line_num]         # delete the comments

# Check if depletion block exists
  start_depl = findLineNum(lines,'read dep')
  if start_depl == -1:
    print 'No Depletion Block Found: There are no mixtureID assignments'

    end_depl = findLineNum(lines,'end dep', start_index=start_depl)

  # Make into one long string
    all_lines = ' '
    for line_num in range(start_depl,end_depl+1):
      all_lines = all_lines + lines[line_num] + ' '

  # If assignments are present in the depletion block, then fill the dictionaries
    if 'assign' in all_lines:
      mixAssignmentsGivenParentMix = {}
      parentMixGivenAssignedMix = {}
    # Separate each word/number into a list
      depl_block = string2list(all_lines)
    # Now look for the keyword 'assign' to determine which mixtures aren't in the composition block
      for i in range(len(depl_block)):
        if depl_block[i] == 'assign':
          tmp_list = []
          for j in range(i+2, len(depl_block)):
            if depl_block[j] == 'end':
              mixAssignmentsGivenParentMix[int(depl_block[i+1])] = tmp_list
              for assignedMix in tmp_list:
                parentMixGivenAssignedMix[assignedMix] = int(depl_block[i+1])
# Return the dictionaries
  data = [parentMixGivenAssignedMix, mixAssignmentsGivenParentMix]
  return data
Esempio n. 4
def getCompDataByMixtureID(lines):
    compDataByMixtureID = {}
    """ dictionary compDataByMixtureID will contain 
  {mixID : {materialIndex : [list of strings for the composition data]}}
  where mixID and materialIndex are integers. An example is below:

  uo2 500 den=10.19 0.97 948.45 92235 2.93 92234 0.0261 92236 0.0135 92238 97.0304 end
  gd2o3 500 den=10.19 0.03 948.45 end

  This would be stored as follows:
  {500 :{0 :['uo2', '500', 'den=10.19', '0.97', ... , 'end']}, {1 :['gd2o3', '500', 'den=10.19', '0.03', '948.45', 'end']}}

    print 'Running getCompDataByMixtureID in getCompositionData'

    linesNoComm = lines[:]
    for line_num in range(
            len(linesNoComm) - 2, -1, -1
    ):  # Stepping back through input, need -2 cuz extra empty spot at end of list assigned
        if linesNoComm[line_num][0] == "'":
            del linesNoComm[line_num]  # delete the comments

    start_compNoComm = findLineNum(linesNoComm, 'read comp')
    end_compNoComm = findLineNum(linesNoComm,
                                 'end comp',

    # Need to add materials to the composition block that were "assigned" in the depletion block of the Newt input

    compString = ''
    for line_num in range(start_compNoComm + 1, end_compNoComm):
        if 'end' not in linesNoComm[line_num]:
            compString = compString + linesNoComm[line_num] + ' '
            compString = compString + linesNoComm[line_num]
            compData_list = string2list(compString)
            compString = ''
            # A mixture ID may be made of several materials, account for that here
            # If the mixture ID already exists then add a new material (index for materials counts up from 0)
            mixID = int(compData_list[1])
            if int(compData_list[1]) not in compDataByMixtureID.keys():
                compDataByMixtureID[mixID] = {0: compData_list}
                materialIndex = len(
                )  # If 0 is already taken, then len will return 1, which is used for the materialIndex
                compDataByMixtureID[mixID][materialIndex] = compData_list
    return compDataByMixtureID
Esempio n. 5
def getCompDataByMixtureID(lines):
  compDataByMixtureID = {}
  """ dictionary compDataByMixtureID will contain 
  {mixID : {materialIndex : [list of strings for the composition data]}}
  where mixID and materialIndex are integers. An example is below:

  uo2 500 den=10.19 0.97 948.45 92235 2.93 92234 0.0261 92236 0.0135 92238 97.0304 end
  gd2o3 500 den=10.19 0.03 948.45 end

  This would be stored as follows:
  {500 :{0 :['uo2', '500', 'den=10.19', '0.97', ... , 'end']}, {1 :['gd2o3', '500', 'den=10.19', '0.03', '948.45', 'end']}}

  print 'Running getCompDataByMixtureID in getCompositionData'

  linesNoComm = lines[:]
  for line_num in range(len(linesNoComm)-2,-1,-1):    # Stepping back through input, need -2 cuz extra empty spot at end of list assigned
    if linesNoComm[line_num][0] == "'":
      del linesNoComm[line_num]         # delete the comments

  start_compNoComm = findLineNum(linesNoComm,'read comp')
  end_compNoComm = findLineNum(linesNoComm,'end comp',start_index=start_compNoComm)

# Need to add materials to the composition block that were "assigned" in the depletion block of the Newt input

  compString = ''
  for line_num in range(start_compNoComm+1, end_compNoComm):
    if 'end' not in linesNoComm[line_num]:
      compString = compString + linesNoComm[line_num] + ' '
      compString = compString + linesNoComm[line_num]
      compData_list = string2list(compString)
      compString = ''
# A mixture ID may be made of several materials, account for that here
# If the mixture ID already exists then add a new material (index for materials counts up from 0)
      mixID = int(compData_list[1])
      if int(compData_list[1]) not in compDataByMixtureID.keys():
        compDataByMixtureID[mixID] = {0:compData_list}
        materialIndex = len(compDataByMixtureID[mixID].keys())  # If 0 is already taken, then len will return 1, which is used for the materialIndex
        compDataByMixtureID[mixID][materialIndex] = compData_list
  return compDataByMixtureID
Esempio n. 6
def getUnitGeom(lines):

    print 'Running getUnitGeom'

    unitGeom = {
    }  # This is the dictionary which will contain Geometry and Mixture info for the lattice

    # Delete comments
    for line_num in range(
            len(lines) - 2, -1, -1
    ):  # Stepping back through input, need -2 cuz extra empty spot at end of list assigned
        if lines[line_num][0] == "'":
            del lines[line_num]  # delete the comments

# Find where the geometry block starts and ends
    start_geom = findLineNum(lines, 'read geo')
    end_geom = findLineNum(lines, 'end geo')

    # Start interrogating each unit
    read_geom_unit = re.compile(r'(\d+)')
    for line_num in range(start_geom + 1, end_geom):
        if 'unit' not in lines[line_num]:
            unit =[line_num]).groups()
            unit = int(unit[0])
            end_of_unit = findLineNum(lines, 'bound', start_index=line_num + 1)
            """ Now a unit which is in the lattice has been found and the lines 
          describing the unit are known section reads keywords(ie. cylinder,
          media) and makes a dictionary regionDict that stores info for each region.
          When all data for all regions is assembled, regionDict is added to dictionary 
          unitGeom for the appropriate unit.  
          - To process the unit geometry, the lines are split such that each
            word/number is an element in the list geomData"""
            unitGeom[unit] = parseGeometryKeywords(
                lines[line_num + 1:end_of_unit + 1], unit)

#  print unitGeom[100]
    return unitGeom
Esempio n. 7
def getUnitsWithFuel(lines, fuelMixtures=0):

    print 'Running getUnitsWithFuel'

    if fuelMixtures == 0:
        fuelMixtures = getFuelMixtures(lines)

    unitsWithFuel = []  # List of units that contain fuel material

    for line_num in range(
            len(lines) - 2, -1, -1
    ):  # Stepping back through input, need -2 cuz extra empty spot at end of list assigned
        if lines[line_num][0] == "'":
            del lines[line_num]

    read_geom = findLineNum(lines, 'read geom')
    end_geom = findLineNum(lines, 'end geom', start_index=read_geom)

    read_unit = re.compile(r'unit\D+(\d+)')
    read_media = re.compile(r'media\D+(\d+)')

    for line in lines[read_geom + 1:end_geom]:
        if line.find('unit') != -1:
            unit_num = int([0])
        elif line.find('media') != -1:
            mixtureID = int([0])
            #      print mixtureID
            if mixtureID in fuelMixtures:
                #        print 'mixtureID = ', mixtureID
                if unit_num not in unitsWithFuel:
                    #          print 'unit = ', unit_num

#  print unitsWithFuel
    return unitsWithFuel
Esempio n. 8
def getArrayData(lines, unitsWithFuel=0):

    print 'Running getArrayData'

    for line_num in range(
            len(lines) - 2, -1, -1
    ):  # Stepping back through input, need -2 cuz extra empty spot at end of list assigned
        if lines[line_num][0] == "'":
            del lines[line_num]  # delete the comments

    if unitsWithFuel == 0:
        unitsWithFuel = getUnitsWithFuel(lines)

    arrayData = {}
    unitGivenLocation = {}
    locationsGivenUnit = {}

    # Find where the array block starts and ends
    start_array = findLineNum(lines, 'read arr')
    end_array = findLineNum(lines, 'end arr', start_index=start_array)

    # Merge the Array block into 1 line, remove excess spaces
    array_block = ' '.join(lines[start_array:end_array + 1])
    array_block = re.sub('\s+', ' ', array_block)

    # Expand any FIDO style input that may be present
    # Need an exception for the error this will cause. If FIDO input found, expand it.
    read_fido = re.compile(
    )  # ie for 4p5.43e-5 the returned list will contain ['4p5.43e-5', '4', 'p', '5.43e-5']
    for i in range(100):
            fido =
        except AttributeError:  # No FIDO found, exit loop
            num_r_or_p = int(fido[1])
            tmp_list = array_block.split(fido[0])
            new_string = ''
            if fido[2] == 'r':
                for num in range(int(fido[1])):
                    new_string = new_string + fido[3] + ' '
            array_block = tmp_list[0] + new_string + tmp_list[1]
    """ For each array, read the array #, nux, nuy, and type.
    Then from keywords 'fill' to 'end' read in the units for the array """
    read_ara = re.compile(r'ara\D+(\d+)\b')
    read_nux = re.compile(r'nux\D+(\d+)\b')
    read_nuy = re.compile(r'nuy\D+(\d+)\b')
    read_typ = re.compile(r'typ[ =]*(\w*)\b')
    read_fill = re.compile(r'fill\s+\d+')
    """ 1) Determine how many arrays there are.
      2) Use keyword 'ara' to navigate the array definitions.
         a) Split the array_block at 'ara' so that each array definition is isolated
         b) Read 'nux', 'nuy' and 'typ' into dictionary arrayData for each array
      3) Store the unit numbers that belong to each array in a dictionary
         a) Begin reading unit numbers after keyword 'fill'
         b) Dictionaries unitGivenLocation and locationsGivenUnit will be
            populated and then added to the dictionary arrayData. """
    array_numbers = []
    ara_indices = []
    fill_indices = []
    arrays = []
    for array in read_ara.finditer(array_block):

# Split each array definition into a spearate string
    arrays = array_block.split('ara')
    del (arrays[0])

    for num in range(len(array_numbers)):
        ara = array_numbers[num]
        nux = int([num]).groups()[0])
        nuy = int([num]).groups()[0])
        test4type = -1
        test4type = arrays[num].find('typ')
        if test4type != -1:
            typ =[num]).groups()[0]
            typ = 'cuboidal'  # This is the default in Scale
        arrayData[ara] = {'nux': nux, 'nuy': nuy, 'typ': typ}
    """ Now that the size and shape of each array is known, read in all the
      units for each array. These units will be stored in three different ways:
        1) In a list called unitsList
        2) In a dictionary called unitGivenLocation
        3) In a dictionary called locationsGivenUnit
      These three data structures will be convenient for other modules to rely on.
      Begin reading unit numbers after the fill_index for each array.
      The number of units will be nux*nuy """
    read_units = re.compile(r'(\d+)[ ,]*')
    for num in range(len(array_numbers)):
        units_list = []
        unitGivenLocation = {}
        locationsGivenUnit = {}
        fill_index = arrays[num].find('fill')
        units_list = read_units.findall(arrays[num][fill_index:])
        size = arrayData[array_numbers[num]]['nux'] * arrayData[
        if size != len(units_list):
            print 'Error - nux*nuy is not equal to the number of units entered in array ', ara
        for position in range(size):
            units_list[position] = int(units_list[position])
            unitGivenLocation[position] = units_list[position]
        tmp_list = []
        for position in range(size):
            tmp_list = []
            if units_list[position] in locationsGivenUnit:
                for num2 in range(position + 1, size):
                    if units_list[position] == units_list[num2]:
                locationsGivenUnit[units_list[position]] = tmp_list
        arrayData[array_numbers[num]]['units_list'] = units_list
        arrayData[array_numbers[num]]['unitGivenLocation'] = unitGivenLocation
            array_numbers[num]]['locationsGivenUnit'] = locationsGivenUnit
    """ Now use unitsWithFuel so that it can be determined if an array has fuel
      in it. Add {'fuel_present' : zzz} to each array in arrayData. zzz is 'yes' or 'no'. """
    for num in array_numbers:
        arrayData[num]['fuel_present'] = 'no'
        for unit in arrayData[num]['units_list']:
            if unit in unitsWithFuel:
                arrayData[num]['fuel_present'] = 'yes'
    """ Now determine in what units the arrays are used in. Add this information
      to the dictionary arrayData. """
    # Find where the array block starts and ends
    start_geom = findLineNum(lines, 'read geom')
    end_geom = findLineNum(lines, 'end geom', start_index=start_geom)

    array_search = re.compile(r'array\s+(\d+)')
    unit_search = re.compile(r'unit\s+(\d+)')
    for line in lines[start_geom:end_geom]:
        if line.find('unit') != -1:
            unit = int([0])
        if line.find('array') != -1:
            array_num = int([0])
            arrayData[array_num]['locatedInUnit'] = unit

    print arrayData[200]['locatedInUnit']
    return arrayData
Esempio n. 9
def getLatticeUnits(lines):

# Find where the array block starts and ends
  start_array = findLineNum(lines,'read arr')
  end_array = findLineNum(lines,'end arr',start_index=start_array)

# Find nux and nuy to determine size of lattice
# There may be arrays for control blades, etc so loop
# through until nux = nuy (square array)
  read_nux = re.compile(r'^nux\D*(\d*)\b')
  read_nuy = re.compile(r'^nuy\D*(\d*)\b')
  nux = 0     # Initializing nux and nuy s.t. nux != nuy
  nuy = 1
  while nux != nuy:
    for line_num in range(start_array,end_array):
      loc = lines[line_num].find('nux')
      if loc != -1:
        nux =[line_num][loc:]).groups()
        new_start = line_num        # will start searching for nuy here
        loc = -1
#    print nux
    for line_num in range(start_array,end_array):
      loc = lines[line_num].find('nuy')
      if loc != -1:
        nuy =[new_start][loc:]).groups()
        new_start = line_num        # will start searching here next loop

# Now the size of the lattice is known
# Read the units in. They are between keywords 'fill' and 'end'
  nux = int(nux[0])
  nuy = int(nuy[0])
  size = nux*nuy
  loc = -1
  unitByLocation = {}
  locationsByUnit = {}
  for line_num in range(new_start,end_array):
    loc = lines[line_num].find('fill')
    if loc != -1:
      new_start = line_num    # Will start looking at this line
      start_loc = loc + 4     # Will start looking after 'fill'
      loc = -1
  for line_num in range(new_start,end_array):
    loc = lines[line_num].find('end')
    if loc != -1:
      new_end = line_num      # Will stop looking at this line
      end_loc = loc - 1       # Will stop looking before 'end'
  all_lines = ' '
  for line_num in range(new_start,new_end + 1):
    if line_num == new_start:
      all_lines = lines[line_num][start_loc:]
    elif line_num == new_end + 1:
      all_lines = all_lines + ' ' + lines[line_num][:end_loc]
      all_lines = all_lines + ' ' + lines[line_num]
# Whole array is now one string. Parse for the unit numbers now. 
  read_units = re.compile(r'\d+')
  units_list = read_units.findall(all_lines)
  for pos in range(size):
    units_list[pos] = int(units_list[pos])
    unitByLocation[pos] = units_list[pos]
#!!  print units_list
#!!  print unitByLocation
# Make a dictionary that lists all locations where a given unit is located
  tmp_list = []
#  print 'len of units_list is ', len(units_list)
  for pos in range(size):
    tmp_list = []
    if units_list[pos] in locationsByUnit:
      for num in range(pos + 1,size):
        if units_list[pos] == units_list[num]:
      locationsByUnit[units_list[pos]] = tmp_list
#!!  print locationsByUnit

  latticeList = [units_list,unitByLocation,locationsByUnit]
  return latticeList
Esempio n. 10
def getUnitGeom(filename):

    latticeInfo = {
    }  # This is the dictionary which will contain Geometry and Mixture info for the lattice

    # 1) should be able to read from an object, which units are in the array???
    # if so then next is:

    # 2) Know which mixtures numbers are fuels, get from some object
    # 3) Read Media to determine what the geometry is, and which is outermost fuel

    # if dealing with a legacy input which must be parsed, try this

    # Delete comments
    f = open(filename, 'r')
    lines ='\n')  # Read all lines
    for line_num in range(
            len(lines) - 2, -1, -1
    ):  # Stepping back through input, need -2 cuz extra empty spot at end of list assigned
        if lines[line_num][0] == "'":
            del lines[line_num]  # delete the comments

# Find where the array block starts and ends
    start_array = findLineNum(lines, 'read arr')
    end_array = findLineNum(lines, 'end arr')
    print start_array
    print end_array

    # Find nux and nuy to determine size of lattice
    # There may be arrays for control blades, etc so loop
    # through until nux = nuy (square array)
    read_nux = re.compile(r'^nux\D*(\d*)\b')
    read_nuy = re.compile(r'^nuy\D*(\d*)\b')
    nux = 0  # Initializing nux and nuy s.t. nux != nuy
    nuy = 1
    while nux != nuy:
        for line_num in range(start_array, end_array):
            loc = lines[line_num].find('nux')
            if loc != -1:
                nux =[line_num][loc:]).groups()
                new_start = line_num  # will start searching for nuy here
                loc = -1
#    print nux
        for line_num in range(start_array, end_array):
            loc = lines[line_num].find('nuy')
            if loc != -1:
                nuy =[new_start][loc:]).groups()
                new_start = line_num  # will start searching here next loop

# Now the size of the lattice is known
# Read the units in. They are between keywords 'fill' and 'end'
    nux = int(nux[0])
    nuy = int(nuy[0])
    size = nux * nuy
    loc = -1
    unitByLocation = {}
    locationsByUnit = {}
    for line_num in range(new_start, end_array):
        loc = lines[line_num].find('fill')
        if loc != -1:
            new_start = line_num  # Will start looking at this line
            start_loc = loc + 4  # Will start looking after 'fill'
            loc = -1
    for line_num in range(new_start, end_array):
        loc = lines[line_num].find('end')
        if loc != -1:
            new_end = line_num  # Will stop looking at this line
            end_loc = loc - 1  # Will stop looking before 'end'
    all_lines = ' '
    for line_num in range(new_start, new_end + 1):
        if line_num == new_start:
            all_lines = lines[line_num][start_loc:]
        elif line_num == new_end + 1:
            all_lines = all_lines + ' ' + lines[line_num][:end_loc]
            all_lines = all_lines + ' ' + lines[line_num]
# Whole array is now one string. Parse for the unit numbers now.
    read_units = re.compile(r'\d+')
    units_list = read_units.findall(all_lines)
    for pos in range(size):
        units_list[pos] = int(units_list[pos])
        unitByLocation[pos] = units_list[pos]
#!!  print units_list
#!!  print unitByLocation
# Make a dictionary that lists all locations where a given unit is located
    tmp_list = []
    #  print 'len of units_list is ', len(units_list)
    for pos in range(size):
        tmp_list = []
        if units_list[pos] in locationsByUnit:
            for num in range(pos + 1, size):
                if units_list[pos] == units_list[num]:
            locationsByUnit[units_list[pos]] = tmp_list
#!!  print locationsByUnit

# Maybe make a new file now #

# Find where the geometry block starts and ends
    start_geom = findLineNum(lines, 'read g')
    end_geom = findLineNum(lines, 'end g')

    # Start interrogating each unit that is part of the lattice (in units_list)
    read_geom_unit = re.compile(r'(\d+)')
    for line_num in range(start_geom + 1, end_geom):
        if 'unit' not in lines[line_num]:
            unit =[line_num]).groups()
            unit = int(unit[0])
            if unit not in units_list:
                #        print unit
                for new_line in range(line_num + 1, end_geom):
                    j = -1
                    j = lines[new_line].find('bound')
                    if j != -1:
                        end_of_unit = new_line
                        #            print end_of_unit
# Now a unit which is in the lattice has been found and the lines describing the unit are known
# This section reads keywords(ie. cylinder, media) and makes a dictionary regionDict that
# Stores info for each region.
# When all data for all regions is assembled, regionDict is added to dictionary unitGeom
# for the appropriate unit
                regionDict = {}
                read_shorthand = re.compile(
                )  # ie for 4p5.43e-5 the returned list will contain ['4', 'p', '5.43e-5']
                media_counter = 1  # Initialize to 1 each time a new unit is parsed
                for new_line in range(line_num + 1, end_of_unit + 1):
                    geomData_tuple = re.split(',\s*|\s*', lines[new_line])
                    geomData = list(
                        geomData_tuple)  # convert the tuple into a list
                    for i in range(
                            len(geomData) - 1, -1, -1
                    ):  # This loop removes any empty strings from geomData
                        if geomData[i] == '':
                            del geomData[i]
# Check for shorthand notation, if no shorthand is used then none will be returned.
# Need an exception for the error this will cause. If shorthand found, expand it.
                    for i in range(len(geomData) - 1, -1, -1):
                            short =[i]).groups()
                        except AttributeError:  # No shorthand, read it into dictionary
                            num_r_or_p = int(short[0])
                            geomData[i] = short[2]
                            x = 0
                            for z in range(i + 1, i + num_r_or_p):
                                if short[1] == 'p' and x % 2 == 0:
                                    geomData.insert(z, '-' + short[2])
                                    x = x + 1
                                    geomData.insert(z, short[2])
                                    x = x + 1
# Now that the geometry data has been parsed and shorthand has been expanded, read the values in a dictionary
                    if geomData[0] == 'cylinder':
                        regionDict[int(geomData[1])] = {
                            'shape': geomData[0],
                            'radius': float(geomData[2])
                    elif geomData[0] == 'cuboid':
                        regionDict[int(geomData[1])] = {
                            'shape': geomData[0],
                            'dimension': {
                                'x+': float(geomData[2]),
                                'x-': float(geomData[3]),
                                'y+': float(geomData[4]),
                                'y-': float(geomData[5])
# For 'media', we want to assign a mixtureID to a regionID. Select the regionID by whichever one is not negative.
                    elif geomData[0] == 'media':
                        for z in range(3, len(geomData)):
                            j = geomData[z].find('-')
                            if j == -1:
                                regionID = geomData[z]
                        regionDict[int(regionID)]['mixtureID'] = int(
                        )]['mediaOrder'] = media_counter  # This is needed for MCDancoff Inputs
                        media_counter += 1
                        if float(geomData[2]) != 1.0:
                            print 'Non-unity Density Multiplier in Unit ', unit, 'in region ', regionID
                            print 'Value given is ', geomData[2]
                            print 'WARNING - This is not accounted for yet when creating in Centrm Inputs '
                    elif geomData[0] == 'boundary':
                        latticeInfo[unit] = regionDict
#            print unitGeom
                        print 'WARNING - Presently Unsupported Keyword In Unit ', unit

#        print regionDict
    print latticeInfo[11]

    fuelMixtures = getFuelMixtures(lines)
    print fuelMixtures
    mixtureAssignments = parseDepletionBlock(lines)
Esempio n. 11
def getArrayData(lines,unitsWithFuel=0):

  print 'Running getArrayData'

  for line_num in range(len(lines)-2,-1,-1):    # Stepping back through input, need -2 cuz extra empty spot at end of list assigned
    if lines[line_num][0] == "'":
      del lines[line_num]         # delete the comments

  if unitsWithFuel == 0:
    unitsWithFuel = getUnitsWithFuel(lines)

  arrayData = {}
  unitGivenLocation = {}
  locationsGivenUnit = {}

# Find where the array block starts and ends
  start_array = findLineNum(lines,'read arr')
  end_array = findLineNum(lines,'end arr',start_index=start_array)

# Merge the Array block into 1 line, remove excess spaces
  array_block = ' '.join(lines[start_array:end_array + 1])
  array_block = re.sub('\s+',' ', array_block)

# Expand any FIDO style input that may be present
# Need an exception for the error this will cause. If FIDO input found, expand it.
  read_fido = re.compile(r'((\d+)([rp])([a-zA-Z0-9.\-+]*))')   # ie for 4p5.43e-5 the returned list will contain ['4p5.43e-5', '4', 'p', '5.43e-5']
  for i in range(100):
      fido =
    except AttributeError:          # No FIDO found, exit loop
      num_r_or_p = int(fido[1])
      tmp_list = array_block.split(fido[0])
      new_string = ''
      if fido[2] == 'r':
        for num in range(int(fido[1])):
          new_string = new_string + fido[3] + ' '
      array_block = tmp_list[0] + new_string + tmp_list[1]

  """ For each array, read the array #, nux, nuy, and type.
    Then from keywords 'fill' to 'end' read in the units for the array """
  read_ara = re.compile(r'ara\D+(\d+)\b')
  read_nux = re.compile(r'nux\D+(\d+)\b')
  read_nuy = re.compile(r'nuy\D+(\d+)\b')
  read_typ = re.compile(r'typ[ =]*(\w*)\b')
  read_fill = re.compile(r'fill\s+\d+')

  """ 1) Determine how many arrays there are.
      2) Use keyword 'ara' to navigate the array definitions.
         a) Split the array_block at 'ara' so that each array definition is isolated
         b) Read 'nux', 'nuy' and 'typ' into dictionary arrayData for each array
      3) Store the unit numbers that belong to each array in a dictionary
         a) Begin reading unit numbers after keyword 'fill'
         b) Dictionaries unitGivenLocation and locationsGivenUnit will be
            populated and then added to the dictionary arrayData. """
  array_numbers = []
  ara_indices = []
  fill_indices = []
  arrays = []
  for array in read_ara.finditer(array_block):
# Split each array definition into a spearate string
  arrays = array_block.split('ara')
  for num in range(len(array_numbers)):
    ara = array_numbers[num]
    nux = int([num]).groups()[0])
    nuy = int([num]).groups()[0])
    test4type = -1
    test4type = arrays[num].find('typ')
    if test4type != -1:
      typ =[num]).groups()[0]
      typ = 'cuboidal'  # This is the default in Scale
    arrayData[ara] = {'nux':nux, 'nuy':nuy, 'typ':typ}

  """ Now that the size and shape of each array is known, read in all the
      units for each array. These units will be stored in three different ways:
        1) In a list called unitsList
        2) In a dictionary called unitGivenLocation
        3) In a dictionary called locationsGivenUnit
      These three data structures will be convenient for other modules to rely on.
      Begin reading unit numbers after the fill_index for each array.
      The number of units will be nux*nuy """
  read_units = re.compile(r'(\d+)[ ,]*')
  for num in range(len(array_numbers)):
    units_list = []
    unitGivenLocation = {}
    locationsGivenUnit = {}
    fill_index = arrays[num].find('fill')
    units_list = read_units.findall(arrays[num][fill_index:])
    size = arrayData[array_numbers[num]]['nux']*arrayData[array_numbers[num]]['nuy']
    if size != len(units_list):
      print 'Error - nux*nuy is not equal to the number of units entered in array ', ara
    for position in range(size):
      units_list[position] = int(units_list[position])
      unitGivenLocation[position] = units_list[position]
    tmp_list = []
    for position in range(size):
      tmp_list = []
      if units_list[position] in locationsGivenUnit:
        for num2 in range(position + 1,size):
          if units_list[position] == units_list[num2]:
        locationsGivenUnit[units_list[position]] = tmp_list
    arrayData[array_numbers[num]]['units_list'] = units_list
    arrayData[array_numbers[num]]['unitGivenLocation'] = unitGivenLocation
    arrayData[array_numbers[num]]['locationsGivenUnit'] = locationsGivenUnit

  """ Now use unitsWithFuel so that it can be determined if an array has fuel
      in it. Add {'fuel_present' : zzz} to each array in arrayData. zzz is 'yes' or 'no'. """
  for num in array_numbers:
    arrayData[num]['fuel_present'] = 'no'
    for unit in arrayData[num]['units_list']:
      if unit in unitsWithFuel:
        arrayData[num]['fuel_present'] = 'yes'

  """ Now determine in what units the arrays are used in. Add this information
      to the dictionary arrayData. """
  # Find where the array block starts and ends
  start_geom = findLineNum(lines,'read geom')
  end_geom = findLineNum(lines,'end geom',start_index=start_geom)

  array_search = re.compile(r'array\s+(\d+)')
  unit_search = re.compile(r'unit\s+(\d+)')
  for line in lines[start_geom : end_geom]:
    if line.find('unit') != -1:
      unit = int([0])
    if line.find('array') != -1:
      array_num = int([0])
      arrayData[array_num]['locatedInUnit'] = unit

  print arrayData[200]['locatedInUnit']
  return arrayData