Esempio n. 1
def create_problem(goal, obstacles=(), distance=.25, digits=3):
  Creates a Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) motion planning problem.

  :return: a :class:`.FTSProblem`

    R_Q = 'R_Q'
    CONF, REGION = VarType(), VarType(domain=[goal] if is_region(goal) else [])
    Q, R = Par(CONF), Par(REGION)

    IsEdge = ConType([CONF, CONF],
                     test=lambda q1, q2: is_collision_free(
                         (q1, q2), obstacles))  # CFree
    Contained = ConType([CONF, REGION])

    rename_variables(locals())  # Trick to make debugging easier

    state_vars = [Var(R_Q, CONF)]
    control_vars = []


    clauses = [
        Clause([IsEdge(X[R_Q], nX[R_Q])], name='move'),


    samplers = [
                gen=lambda: ([(sample(), )] for _ in inf_sequence()),
        Sampler([Contained(Q, R)],
                gen=lambda r: ([(sample_box(r), )] for _ in inf_sequence()),


    initial_state = [Eq(X[R_Q], (0, 0))]
    goal_constraints = []
    if is_region(goal):
        goal_constraints.append(Contained(X[R_Q], goal))
        goal_constraints.append(Eq(X[R_Q], goal))

    return FTSProblem(state_vars, control_vars, clauses, samplers,
                      initial_state, goal_constraints)
def get_problem(env, problem, robot, manipulator, base_manip, bodies,
    all_bodies = bodies.values()
    assert len({body.GetKinematicsGeometryHash()
                for body in all_bodies
                }) == 1  # NOTE - assuming all objects has the same geometry

    body1 = all_bodies[-1]  # Generic object 1
    body2 = all_bodies[-2] if len(bodies) >= 2 else body1  # Generic object 2
    # TODO - bug that when n=1, it automatically passes holding collisions because only one body used
    grasps = problem.known_grasps[:MAX_GRASPS] if problem.known_grasps else []
    poses = problem.known_poses if problem.known_poses else []

    # Limits the number of poses
    #needed_poses = list(set(problem.initial_poses.values() + problem.goal_poses.values()))
    #poses = needed_poses + list(set(poses) - set(needed_poses))[:9]

    cfree_traj = cfree_traj_fn(env, manipulator, body1, body2, all_bodies)

    sample_grasp_traj = sample_grasp_traj_fn(env, manipulator, body1,
    sample_free_motion = sample_free_motion_fn(manipulator, base_manip,
    sample_holding_motion = sample_holding_motion_fn(manipulator, base_manip,
                                                     body1, all_bodies)

    # OBJ, BOOL = VarType(domain=list(bodies)), VarType(domain=[True, False])
    # POSE, CONF, TRAJ = VarType(domain=poses+grasps), VarType(), VarType()
    # Stable = ConType([POSE], satisfying=[(p,) for p in poses])
    # Grasp = ConType([POSE], satisfying=[(g,) for g in grasps])
    # Motion = ConType([CONF, CONF, TRAJ])
    # MotionH = ConType([CONF, CONF, POSE, TRAJ])
    # GraspMotion = ConType([POSE, POSE, CONF, TRAJ])
    # CFree = ConType([TRAJ, POSE], test=cfree_traj)
    # O, P, G = Par(OBJ), Par(POSE), Par(POSE)
    # Q, Q2, T = Par(CONF), Par(CONF), Par(TRAJ)
    # state_vars = [Var('R_Q', CONF), Var('O_P', POSE, args=[OBJ]), Var('O_H', BOOL, args=[OBJ])]
    # control_vars = [Var('R_T', TRAJ)]
    # transition = [
    #   Clause([Stable(X['O_P', O]), Grasp(nX['O_P', O]),
    #           Eq(X['O_H', O], False), Eq(nX['O_H', O], True),
    #           GraspMotion(X['O_P', O], nX['O_P', O], X['R_Q'], U['R_T'])] +
    #          [Eq(X['O_H', obj], False) for obj in bodies] +
    #          [CFree(U['R_T'], X['O_P', obj]) for obj in bodies], name='pick'),
    #   Clause([Grasp(X['O_P', O]), Stable(nX['O_P', O]),
    #           Eq(X['O_H', O], True), Eq(nX['O_H', O], False),
    #           GraspMotion(nX['O_P', O], X['O_P', O], X['R_Q'], U['R_T'])] +
    #          [CFree(U['R_T'], X['O_P', obj]) for obj in bodies], name='place'),
    #   Clause([Motion(X['R_Q'], nX['R_Q'], U['R_T'])] +
    #          [Eq(X['O_H', obj], False) for obj in bodies] +
    #          [CFree(U['R_T'], X['O_P', obj]) for obj in bodies], name='move'),
    #   Clause([MotionH(X['R_Q'], nX['R_Q'], X['O_P', O], U['R_T']), Eq(X['O_H', O], True)] +
    #          [CFree(U['R_T'], X['O_P', obj]) for obj in bodies], name='move_holding')]
    # samplers = [
    #   Sampler([GraspMotion(P, G, Q, T)], gen=sample_grasp_traj, inputs=[P, G], domain=[Stable(P), Grasp(G)]),
    #   Sampler([Motion(Q, Q2, T)], gen=sample_free_motion, inputs=[Q, Q2]),
    #   Sampler([MotionH(Q, Q2, G, T)], gen=sample_holding_motion, inputs=[Q, Q2, G], domain=[Grasp(G)])]
    # initial_state = [Eq(X['R_Q'], initial_conf)] + [
    #   Eq(X['O_P', obj], pose) for obj, pose in problem.initial_poses.iteritems()
    # ] + [Eq(X['O_H', obj], False) for obj in problem.initial_poses]
    # goal_constraints = [Eq(X['R_Q'], initial_conf)] + [
    #   Eq(X['O_P', obj], pose) for obj, pose in problem.goal_poses.iteritems()]
    # return FTSProblem(state_vars, control_vars, transition, samplers, initial_state, goal_constraints)

    OBJ, BOOL = VarType(domain=list(bodies)), VarType(domain=[True, False])
    POSE, CONF, TRAJ = VarType(domain=poses + grasps), VarType(), VarType()

    Stable = ConType([POSE], satisfying=[(p, ) for p in poses])
    Grasp = ConType([POSE], satisfying=[(g, ) for g in grasps])
    Motion = ConType([CONF, CONF, TRAJ])
    MotionH = ConType([CONF, CONF, POSE, TRAJ])
    CFree = ConType([TRAJ, POSE], test=cfree_traj)

    state_vars = [
        Var('R_Q', CONF),
        Var('O_P', POSE, args=[OBJ]),
        Var('O_H', BOOL, args=[OBJ])
    control_vars = [Var('R_T', TRAJ)]

    O, G, Q, Q2, T = Par(OBJ), Par(POSE), Par(CONF), Par(CONF), Par(TRAJ)
    transition = [
            Stable(X['O_P', O]),
            Grasp(nX['O_P', O]),
            Eq(X['O_H', O], False),
            Eq(nX['O_H', O], True)
        ] + [Eq(X['O_H', obj], False) for obj in bodies] +
               [CFree(U['R_T'], X['O_P', obj]) for obj in bodies],
            Grasp(X['O_P', O]),
            Stable(nX['O_P', O]),
            Eq(X['O_H', O], True),
            Eq(nX['O_H', O], False)
        ] + [CFree(U['R_T'], X['O_P', obj]) for obj in bodies],
        Clause([Motion(X['R_Q'], nX['R_Q'], U['R_T'])] +
               [Eq(X['O_H', obj], False) for obj in bodies] +
               [CFree(U['R_T'], X['O_P', obj]) for obj in bodies],
            MotionH(X['R_Q'], nX['R_Q'], X['O_P', O], U['R_T']),
            Eq(X['O_H', O], True)
        ] + [CFree(U['R_T'], X['O_P', obj]) for obj in bodies],

    samplers = [
        Sampler([Motion(Q, Q2, T)], gen=sample_free_motion, inputs=[Q, Q2]),
        Sampler([MotionH(Q, Q2, G, T)],
                inputs=[Q, Q2, G],


    initial_state = [Eq(X['R_Q'], initial_conf)] + [
        Eq(X['O_P', obj], pose)
        for obj, pose in problem.initial_poses.iteritems()
    ] + [Eq(X['O_H', obj], False) for obj in problem.initial_poses]

    goal_constraints = [Eq(X['R_Q'], initial_conf)] + [
        Eq(X['O_P', obj], pose)
        for obj, pose in problem.goal_poses.iteritems()

    return FTSProblem(state_vars, control_vars, transition, samplers,
                      initial_state, goal_constraints)
Esempio n. 3
def get_problem(env, problem, robot, manipulator, base_manip, bodies,
    all_bodies = bodies.values()
    assert len({body.GetKinematicsGeometryHash()
                for body in all_bodies
                }) == 1  # Assuming all objects has the same geometry
    body1 = all_bodies[-1]  # Generic object 1
    body2 = all_bodies[-2] if len(bodies) >= 2 else body1  # Generic object 2
    grasps = problem.known_grasps[:MAX_GRASPS] if problem.known_grasps else []
    poses = problem.known_poses if problem.known_poses else []

    cfree_pose = cfree_pose_fn(env, body1, body2)
    cfree_traj = cfree_traj_fn(env, manipulator, body1, body2, all_bodies)

    # Variables
    R_Q, O_P, O_H, R_T, = 'R_Q', 'O_P', 'O_H', 'R_T'

    # Types
    OBJ = VarType(domain=list(bodies))
    CONF, TRAJ = VarType(), VarType()
    BOOL = VarType(domain=[True, False])
    POSE = VarType(domain=poses + grasps)

    # Trajectory constraints
    FreeMotion = ConType([CONF, CONF, TRAJ])
    HoldingMotion = ConType([CONF, CONF, POSE, TRAJ])
    GraspMotion = ConType([POSE, POSE, CONF, TRAJ])

    Stable = ConType([POSE], satisfying=[(p, ) for p in poses])
    Grasp = ConType([POSE], satisfying=[(g, ) for g in grasps])

    # Static constraints
    CFreePose = ConType([POSE, POSE], test=cfree_pose)
    CFreeTraj = ConType([TRAJ, POSE], test=cfree_traj)

    O = Par(OBJ)
    P, G = Par(POSE), Par(POSE)
    O2, P2 = Par(OBJ), Par(POSE)
    Q, Q2 = Par(CONF), Par(CONF)
    T = Par(TRAJ)


    state_vars = [
        Var(R_Q, CONF),
        Var(O_P, POSE, args=[OBJ]),
        Var(O_H, BOOL, args=[OBJ]),
    control_vars = [Var(R_T, TRAJ)]


    transition = [
            Stable(X[O_P, O]),
            Grasp(nX[O_P, O]),
            Eq(X[O_H, O], False),
            Eq(nX[O_H, O], True),
            GraspMotion(X[O_P, O], nX[O_P, O], X[R_Q], U[R_T])
        ] + [Eq(X[O_H, obj], False) for obj in bodies] +
               [CFreeTraj(U[R_T], X[O_P, obj]) for obj in bodies],
            Grasp(X[O_P, O]),
            Stable(nX[O_P, O]),
            Eq(X[O_H, O], True),
            Eq(nX[O_H, O], False),
            GraspMotion(nX[O_P, O], X[O_P, O], X[R_Q], U[R_T])
        ] + [CFreePose(nX[O_P, O], X[O_P, obj]) for obj in bodies] +
               [CFreeTraj(U[R_T], X[O_P, obj]) for obj in bodies],
        Clause([FreeMotion(X[R_Q], nX[R_Q], U[R_T])] +
               [Eq(X[O_H, obj], False) for obj in bodies] +
               [CFreeTraj(U[R_T], X[O_P, obj]) for obj in bodies],
            HoldingMotion(X[R_Q], nX[R_Q], X[O_P, O], U[R_T]),
            Eq(X[O_H, O], True)
        ] + [CFreeTraj(U[R_T], X[O_P, obj]) for obj in bodies],


    sample_grasp_traj = sample_grasp_traj_fn(env, manipulator, body1,
    sample_free_motion = sample_free_motion_fn(manipulator, base_manip,
    sample_holding_motion = sample_holding_motion_fn(manipulator, base_manip,
                                                     body1, all_bodies)

    samplers = [
        # Pick/place trajectory
        Sampler([GraspMotion(P, G, Q, T)],
                inputs=[P, G],
                domain=[Stable(P), Grasp(G)]),

        # Move trajectory
        Sampler([FreeMotion(Q, Q2, T)],
                inputs=[Q, Q2],
        Sampler([HoldingMotion(Q, Q2, G, T)],
                inputs=[Q, Q2, G],


    initial_state = [
        Eq(X[R_Q], initial_conf),
    ] + [
        Eq(X[O_P, obj], pose)
        for obj, pose in problem.initial_poses.iteritems()
    ] + [Eq(X[O_H, obj], False) for obj in problem.initial_poses]

    goal_constraints = [Eq(X[R_Q], initial_conf)] + [
        Eq(X[O_P, obj], pose) for obj, pose in problem.goal_poses.iteritems()

    return FTSProblem(state_vars, control_vars, transition, samplers,
                      initial_state, goal_constraints)
def create_problem():
  Creates the 1D task and motion planning FTSProblem problem.

  :return: a :class:`.FTSProblem`

    blocks = ['block%i' % i for i in range(2)]
    num_poses = pow(10, 10)

    initial_config = 0  # the initial robot configuration is 0
    initial_poses = {block: i
                     for i, block in enumerate(blocks)
                     }  # the initial pose for block i is i

    goal_poses = {block: i + 1
                  for i, block in enumerate(blocks)
                  }  # the goal pose for block i is i+1
    #goal_poses = {blocks[0]: 1}


    # TODO - rethink the naming...
    R_Q, B_P, B_H = 'R_Q', 'B_P', 'B_H'
    R_T = 'R_T'

    # NOTE - these should really just be param type
    CONF = VarType()
    BOOL = VarType(domain=[True, False])
    POSE = VarType()
    BLOCK = VarType(domain=blocks)  # TODO - VarType vs ParamType?
    TRAJ = VarType()

    B, Q, P = Par(BLOCK), Par(CONF), Par(POSE)
    T, Q2 = Par(TRAJ), Par(CONF)

    LegalKin = ConType([POSE, CONF])
    CollisionFree = ConType([POSE, POSE],
                            test=lambda p1, p2: None in (p1, p2) or p1 != p2)
    Motion = ConType([CONF, TRAJ, CONF])

    rename_variables(locals())  # Trick to make debugging easier

    # NOTE - can make a holding variable for each object or just one holding variable

    # TODO - maybe declare the variables upfront
    state_vars = [
        Var(R_Q, CONF),
        Var(B_P, POSE, args=[BLOCK]),
        Var(B_H, BOOL, args=[BLOCK])
    control_vars = [Var(R_T, TRAJ)]


    # NOTE - didn't I have some kind of bug where things had to be effects for this to work?
    # NOTE - this is because I have to write things in the form where we only mention things that change....
    # THus, I need the identify constraint or something

    transition = [
            LegalKin(X[B_P, B], X[R_Q]),
            Eq(nX[B_P, B], None),
            Eq(X[B_H, B], False),
            Eq(nX[B_H, B], True)
        ] + [Eq(X[B_H, block], False) for block in blocks],

        #Clause([LegalKin(X[B_P, B], X[R_Q]), Eq(nX[B_P, B], None), Eq(nX[B_H, B], True)] +
        #  [Eq(X[B_H, block], False) for block in blocks], name='pick'), # NOTE - this makes bool free params internally
            LegalKin(nX[B_P, B], X[R_Q]),
            Eq(X[B_P, B], None),
            Eq(X[B_H, B], True),
            Eq(nX[B_H, B], False)
        ] + [CollisionFree(X[B_P, block], nX[B_P, B]) for block in blocks],

        #Clause([LegalKin(nX[B_P, B], X[R_Q]), Eq(X[B_P, B], None), Eq(nX[B_H, B], False)], # +
        ##Clause([LegalKin(nX[B_P, B], X[R_Q]), Eq(X[B_H, B], True), Eq(nX[B_H, B], False)], # +
        #  [CollisionFree(X[B_P, block], nX[B_P, B]) for block in blocks], name='place'),

        #Clause([Unconstrained(nX[R_Q])], name='move'), # NOTE - only write what changes
        Clause([Motion(X[R_Q], U[R_T], nX[R_Q])], name='move'),


    # TODO - expand so we don't need to return lists of lists
    samplers = [
                gen=lambda: ([(p, )] for p in xrange(num_poses)),
        Sampler([LegalKin(P, Q)],
                gen=lambda p: [[(p, )]] if p is not None else [],
        Sampler([Motion(Q, T, Q2)],
                gen=lambda q1, q2: [[((q1, q2), )]],
                inputs=[Q, Q2]),  # TODO - avoid this much nesting


    initial_state = [Eq(X[R_Q], initial_config)] + \
                    [Eq(X[B_H, block], False) for block in blocks] + \
                    [Eq(X[B_P, block], pose) for block, pose in initial_poses.iteritems()]
    goal_constraints = [
        Eq(X[B_P, block], pose) for block, pose in goal_poses.iteritems()
    #goal_constraints = [Eq(X[R_Q], 1)]

    return FTSProblem(state_vars, control_vars, transition, samplers,
                      initial_state, goal_constraints)
Esempio n. 5
def create_problem():
    Creates the 1D task and motion planning FTSProblem problem.

    :return: a :class:`.FTSProblem`

    blocks = ['block%i' % i for i in range(2)]
    num_poses = pow(10, 10)

    initial_config = 0  # the initial robot configuration is 0
    initial_poses = {block: i for i, block in enumerate(
        blocks)}  # the initial pose for block i is i

    # the goal pose for block i is i+1
    goal_poses = {block: i + 1 for i, block in enumerate(blocks)}


    R_Q, B_P, B_H = 'R_Q', 'B_P', 'B_H'
    R_T = 'R_T'

    CONF = VarType()
    BOOL = VarType(domain=[True, False])
    POSE = VarType()
    BLOCK = VarType(domain=blocks)
    TRAJ = VarType()

    B, Q, P = Par(BLOCK), Par(CONF), Par(POSE)
    T, Q2 = Par(TRAJ), Par(CONF)

    LegalKin = ConType([POSE, CONF])
    CollisionFree = ConType([POSE, POSE], test=lambda p1,
                            p2: None in (p1, p2) or p1 != p2)
    Motion = ConType([CONF, TRAJ, CONF])

    rename_variables(locals())  # Trick to make debugging easier

    state_vars = [Var(R_Q, CONF), Var(B_P, POSE, args=[BLOCK]),
                  Var(B_H, BOOL, args=[BLOCK])]
    control_vars = [Var(R_T, TRAJ)]


    transition = [
        Clause([LegalKin(X[B_P, B], X[R_Q]), Eq(nX[B_P, B], None), Eq(X[B_H, B], False), Eq(nX[B_H, B], True)] +
               [Eq(X[B_H, block], False) for block in blocks], name='pick'),

        Clause([LegalKin(nX[B_P, B], X[R_Q]), Eq(X[B_P, B], None), Eq(X[B_H, B], True), Eq(nX[B_H, B], False)] +
               [CollisionFree(X[B_P, block], nX[B_P, B]) for block in blocks], name='place'),

        Clause([Motion(X[R_Q], U[R_T], nX[R_Q])], name='move'),


    samplers = [
        Sampler([P], gen=lambda: ([(p,)]
                                  for p in xrange(num_poses)), inputs=[]),
        Sampler([LegalKin(P, Q)], gen=lambda p: [[(p,)]]
                if p is not None else [], inputs=[P]),
        Sampler([Motion(Q, T, Q2)], gen=lambda q1,
                q2: [[((q1, q2),)]], inputs=[Q, Q2]),


    initial_state = [Eq(X[R_Q], initial_config)] + \
                    [Eq(X[B_H, block], False) for block in blocks] + \
                    [Eq(X[B_P, block], pose)
                        for block, pose in initial_poses.iteritems()]
    goal_constraints = [Eq(X[B_P, block], pose)
                        for block, pose in goal_poses.iteritems()]

    return FTSProblem(state_vars, control_vars, transition, samplers,
                      initial_state, goal_constraints)
Esempio n. 6
def get_problem(env, problem, robot, manipulator, base_manip, bodies,
    all_bodies = bodies.values()
    assert len({body.GetKinematicsGeometryHash()
                for body in all_bodies
                }) == 1  # NOTE - assuming all objects has the same geometry

    body1 = all_bodies[-1]  # Generic object 1
    body2 = all_bodies[-2] if len(bodies) >= 2 else body1  # Generic object 2
    # TODO - bug that when n=1, it automatically passes holding collisions because only one body used
    grasps = problem.known_grasps[:MAX_GRASPS] if problem.known_grasps else []
    poses = problem.known_poses if problem.known_poses else []

    # Limits the number of poses
    #needed_poses = list(set(problem.initial_poses.values() + problem.goal_poses.values()))
    #poses = needed_poses + list(set(poses) - set(needed_poses))[:9]

    cfree_pose = cfree_pose_fn(env, body1, body2)
    cfree_traj = cfree_traj_fn(env, robot, manipulator, body1, body2,

    # Variables
    R_Q, O_P, O_H, R_T, = 'R_Q', 'O_P', 'O_H', 'R_T'
    #R_H = 'R_H'

    # Types
    OBJ = VarType(domain=list(bodies))
    CONF, TRAJ = VarType(), VarType()
    #POSE, GRASP = VarType(domain=poses), VarType(domain=grasps)
    BOOL = VarType(domain=[True, False])
    #HELD = VarType(domain=[None]+list(bodies))
    POSE = VarType(domain=poses + grasps)  # TODO - need to combine these

    # Trajectory constraints
    FreeMotion = ConType([CONF, CONF, TRAJ])
    #HoldingMotion = ConType([CONF, CONF, GRASP, TRAJ])
    #GraspMotion = ConType([POSE, GRASP, CONF, TRAJ])
    HoldingMotion = ConType([CONF, CONF, POSE, TRAJ])
    GraspMotion = ConType([POSE, POSE, CONF, TRAJ])

    # TODO - can also just make these separate variables
    Stable = ConType([POSE], satisfying=[(p, ) for p in poses])
    Grasp = ConType([POSE], satisfying=[(g, ) for g in grasps])

    # Static constraints
    CFreePose = ConType([POSE, POSE], test=cfree_pose)
    CFreeTraj = ConType([TRAJ, POSE], test=cfree_traj)

    O = Par(OBJ)
    #P, G = Par(POSE), Par(GRASP)
    P, G = Par(POSE), Par(POSE)
    O2, P2 = Par(OBJ), Par(POSE)
    Q, Q2 = Par(CONF), Par(CONF)
    T = Par(TRAJ)


    state_vars = [
        Var(R_Q, CONF),
        Var(O_P, POSE, args=[OBJ]),
        Var(O_H, BOOL, args=[OBJ]),
        #Var(R_H, HELD),
    control_vars = [Var(R_T, TRAJ)]


    # TODO - could use fact that poses and grasp satisfy constraints to replace holding

    transition = [
                Stable(X[O_P, O]),
                       O]),  # NOTE - not necessary but results in slowdown...
                Eq(X[O_H, O], False),
                Eq(nX[O_H, O], True),
                GraspMotion(X[O_P, O], nX[O_P, O], X[R_Q], U[R_T])
            ] + [Eq(X[O_H, obj], False) for obj in bodies] +
            [CFreeTraj(U[R_T], X[O_P, obj]) for obj in bodies],
            name='pick'),  # No need to test placement collisions
            Grasp(X[O_P, O]),
            Stable(nX[O_P, O]),
            Eq(X[O_H, O], True),
            Eq(nX[O_H, O], False),
            GraspMotion(nX[O_P, O], X[O_P, O], X[R_Q], U[R_T])
        ] + [CFreePose(nX[O_P, O], X[O_P, obj]) for obj in bodies] +
               [CFreeTraj(U[R_T], X[O_P, obj]) for obj in bodies],

        # TODO - warning if you mix T and R_T
        #Clause([Eq(X[R_H], None), FreeMotion(X[R_Q], nX[R_Q], U[R_T])] +
        #       [CFreeTraj(U[R_T], X[O_P, obj]) for obj in bodies], name='move'),
            [FreeMotion(X[R_Q], nX[R_Q], U[R_T])] +
            #[Unconstrained(nX[R_Q])] +
            [Eq(X[O_H, obj], False) for obj in bodies] +
            [CFreeTraj(U[R_T], X[O_P, obj]) for obj in bodies],

        #Clause([Eq(X[R_H], O), HoldingMotion(X[R_Q], nX[R_Q], X[O_P, O], U[R_T])] +
        #       [CFreeTraj(U[R_T], X[O_P, obj]) for obj in bodies], name='move_holding')
            HoldingMotion(X[R_Q], nX[R_Q], X[O_P, O], U[R_T]),
            Eq(X[O_H, O], True)
        ] + [CFreeTraj(U[R_T], X[O_P, obj]) for obj in bodies],


    sample_grasp_traj = sample_grasp_traj_fn(env, robot, manipulator, body1,
    sample_free_motion = sample_free_motion_fn(manipulator, base_manip,
    sample_holding_motion = sample_holding_motion_fn(robot, manipulator,
                                                     base_manip, body1,

    samplers = [
        # Pick/place trajectory
        Sampler([GraspMotion(P, G, Q, T)],
                inputs=[P, G],
                domain=[Stable(P), Grasp(G)]),

        # Move trajectory
        Sampler([FreeMotion(Q, Q2, T)],
                inputs=[Q, Q2],
        Sampler([HoldingMotion(Q, Q2, G, T)],
                inputs=[Q, Q2, G],


    initial_state = [
        Eq(X[R_Q], initial_conf),
        #Eq(X[R_H], None),
    ] + [
        Eq(X[O_P, obj], pose)
        for obj, pose in problem.initial_poses.iteritems()
    ] + [Eq(X[O_H, obj], False) for obj in problem.initial_poses]

    goal_constraints = [Eq(X[R_Q], initial_conf)] + [
        Eq(X[O_P, obj], pose) for obj, pose in problem.goal_poses.iteritems()
    #goal_constraints = [Eq(X[O_H, list(problem.goal_poses)[0]], True)]
    #goal_constraints = [Eq(X[R_Q], initial_conf), Eq(X[O_H, list(problem.goal_poses)[0]], True)]

    return FTSProblem(state_vars, control_vars, transition, samplers,
                      initial_state, goal_constraints)